Falling leaves began to fall day and night. V

Text 5-a

The purpose of the teacher's activity

To deepen students' knowledge about the semantic and grammatical integrity of the text, its structure; to familiarize with ways of communication of sentences in the text.

Lesson type

A lesson in the development of speech, the "discovery" of new knowledge.

Planned results

Subject ( volume of development and level of competencies): to know the concepttext, ways of linking sentences in the text; be able to identify the features of the text.

Metasubject application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of the analysis of linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level (at the lessons foreign language, literature, etc.)

Personal : respect for the native language, the desire for speech self-improvement.

Equipment: textbook

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2.Updating basic knowledge

Checking d.z. exercise 11, pp. 8-9

Girls-task No. 2 orally, No. 3A in writing,

Girls #3 letter, #5 verbal


Today in the lesson we will review what we learned in primary school We will learn new concepts and learn how to apply them in our work.

To formulate the topic of the lesson, we turn to the material for observation.

Work in pairs

one). Read the sentences. Can they be called text? Why?

2). What unites them? (Topic)

Why can't they be called text?

(The sequence of sentences is broken)

3). Rearrange the sentences to make text. Read the received text.

"Leaf fall"

The leaf fall has begun. Leaves fell day and night. They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. The forests were drizzling with a rain of falling leaves. This rain has been going on for weeks.

(K. Paustovsky)

four). So what are we going to learn in class today?

Text, connection of sentences in the text.

The teacher's message of the purpose and objectives of the lesson:

Deepen knowledge about the semantic and grammatical integrity of the text, its structure; learn how to connect sentences in a text. Learn to apply knowledge about the ways of connecting sentences in the text.

Learning theory p.10


One - get up, stretch.

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three - three hand claps.

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.


Exercise 14

Preparing for VLOOKUP

Work with cards



D.z. prepare 5 proverbs about autumn (3-4 b.) + phonetic analysis of the word lake (for 5 points)


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with a rain of falling leaves.



They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves


They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. Leaves fell day and night. The leaf fall has begun. This rain has been going on for weeks. The forests were drizzling with the rain of falling leaves

Autumn has come suddenly. This is how a feeling of happiness comes from the most inconspicuous things - from a distant steamboat whistle on the Oka River or from a random smile.

Autumn came by surprise and took possession of the earth - gardens and rivers, forests and air, fields and birds. Everything immediately became autumnal. Tits were bustling about in the garden. Their scream was like breaking glass. They hung upside down on the branches and peered through the window from under the maple leaves.

Every morning in the garden, as on an island, migratory birds gathered. Whistling, screeching and croaking, there was a commotion in the branches. Only during the day it was quiet in the garden. The restless birds flew south.

The leaf fall has begun. Leaves fell day and night. They then flew obliquely in the wind, then lay down vertically in the damp grass. The forests were drizzling with a rain of falling leaves. This rain has been going on for weeks. Only by the end of September the copses were exposed. Through the thicket of trees, the blue distance became visible compressed fields.

(According to K. Paustovsky)(139 words)


  1. Find and graphically designate homogeneous members of the sentence.
  2. Complete parsing selected offer.
  3. Perform morphological analysis of the highlighted words.
  4. Continue the story about autumn. Make up 2-3 sentences, keeping the style of the author.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Lexical work on variants.

Task: place stresses in the following words:

I option. Painted, provision, leisure, dispensary, cleaner, import, medicines, cement, sorrel.

II option. Understood, agreement, linguistic phenomenon, accepted, hyphen, cakes, quarter, aristocracy, indulge, gas pipeline.

Explain the lexical meaning of words:

I option - dispensary;

II option - linguistic phenomenon.

III. Conversation with the class. Repetition of what has been learned.

1. What is called a simple sentence?

2. Where is the grammatical meaning of the sentence?

3. What is called the subject? How can the subject be expressed?

4. What is called a predicate? What types of predicates do you know?

IV. Offer analysis. Group work.

1st group. Exercise. Write down sentences, put punctuation marks, emphasize grammatical basics.

1. The sun rose.

2. The day will be hot.

3. It got dark.

4. The river was deep.

5. Sonschool graduate.

6. Late evening.

7. Silence.

8. Night has come.

9. The day was frosty.

2nd group. Exercise. Write down the sentences, underline the subjects, indicate the way the subject is expressed.

noun.1. Redela shadow.

incl. in meaning noun.2. mourners gathered on the platform.

num. in meaning noun 3. Eight is divided into two.

number 4. Three went outside.

interhouse.5. far away "Hurrah". (A. S. Pushkin)

pronoun.6. I I remember a wonderful moment. (A. S. Pushkin)

n.f.ch.7. Live- To serve the motherland. (Proverb)

phrase.8. flocks of sparrows bathed in a puddle.

9. Many of us have seen this movie.

10. We are with parents visited the museum.

11. Milky Way stood out brightly in the night sky.

12. They went to harvest from small to large.

3rd group. Task. Write down sentences, underline the predicates, indicate the way the predicate is expressed.

1. Trees are fast turned yellow.

2. Boy started to worry stronger.

3. Literature teacher strict.

4. Movie very interesting.

5. "Eugene Onegin" - novel in verse by A. S. Pushkin.

6. Morning it was early.

7. Lake like a mirror.

8. Two plus three there will be five.

9. Sea in the evening it was black.

V. Text analysis. Repetition.

Exercise. Write down the text, insert the missing letters. Title the text, determine the style and type of speech, place punctuation marks. The leaf fall has begun. Leaves fell day and night. They then l..tali downwind, then plumb (?), but l.. lived on damp grass. Often in the autumn I closely ..lol ..did for the falling leaves in order to catch that (not) noticeable fraction of the s..kunda when the leaf o..divides from the branches .. and starts ..begins to fall to the ground. I looked .. trilled at the maple and saw .. how .. carefully about .. divided from the branches .. the red leaf shuddered for one moment .. the vein stopped .. new in the air .. and began to fall obliquely .. l fall towards mine feet sh..flattering and swaying..hasya ... Each sheet was sh..deverom the thinnest ..splashed with an ingot of gold and bronze ..ny cinnabar* and in black, each sheet was a perfect (n, nn) ​​creation of nature, a product of its sacrament (n, nn) ​​th suit (s, ss) tva. (K. G. Paustovsky)

(The text is devoted to the description of leaf fall. The writer awakens in the reader's imagination a sense of admiration for the creations of nature. The style of this text is artistic, therefore the speech is figurative. It uses specific vocabulary ( leaf fall, days, nights, leaf, looked, separated etc.), words with a figurative meaning (an ingot of gold and bronze), figurative and expressive means of language (leaf shuddered - personification).

Type of speech - description, since the goal of the author is to describe beauty autumn leaf. The organizing role belongs to the verbs ( started, fall, separated, looked etc.), verb forms (falling, rustling, swaying). In a small text fall (falling) repeated four times. This gives the text dynamism, a vivid perception of the picture of leaf fall.)

Lexical parsing the words cinnabar (cinnabar),- and. p., f. R. - a red mineral, a raw material for the production of mercury, as well as paint from this mineral (“Dictionary of the Russian language” by S.I. Ozhegov).

In the text, the word is used in a figurative sense: splashed with cinnabar- metaphor. According to the stylistic coloring, the word belongs to the book vocabulary, in the artistic text it serves to create an image, to convey the author's attitude to the described subject. Borrowed from Greek.

VI. Summary of the lesson.


1. Repeat the material about exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences, two-part and one-part sentences.

3. Compose and write down single-component sentences, characterize them.