The procedure for setting up user rights for working in the cashier workplace mode of the “1C:Pharmacy for Kazakhstan” configuration. Workplace for 1C:Enterprise support Managing object forms

A user enters for whom the role of a cash register cash register operator (RMK) is defined, and he is shown the following menu:

  • Sales registration - transition to the sales registration subsystem, where all operations for the sale and return of goods are carried out.
  • Report without cancellation - creating an X-report (displaying a list of sales receipts) for the current moment without closing the shift.
  • Closing a shift - automatically generates a report on retail sales at the end of a cash register shift and generates a Z-report. Moreover, information about all punched receipts is saved and can be used to analyze sales and returns of goods during a cash register shift.
  • Summary report - generation of a summary report for the store, for all previously generated “Retail Sales Report” documents.
  • Setting up cash register - by selecting this menu item, you can configure the cash register, hot keys, access rights and other functions for the cashier’s work.
  • Close—exits the cashier’s workplace menu to the store manager’s work mode.
  • Shutdown - shutdown the cashier and exit the program.

Menu items at the cashier's workplace can be configured:

Service - Users - Setting up additional user rights.

The program provides different payment options from buyers for goods: cash payment, payment by payment cards or payment via a bank loan. The last two options are optional and are defined in the accounting settings on the Acquiring tab.

1. Setting up a cashier's workplace

In this section, you can create and save RMK settings that will be used in the future by a specific user or group of users. This information is stored in a separate directory. To add a new setting, click Ins or select the corresponding icon on the toolbar.

Let's look at the tabs for setting up the RMK: General settings, Interface and Quick products.

General settings

  • The Merge items with the same product checkbox should be selected if it is necessary for the information in the receipt about the same type of product to be printed in one line.
  • The set flag Assign a price to items with a zero price means that the price can be edited by the cashier if they have been previously set.
  • The When returning, print a package of documents flag will allow the cashier to print a package of documents when processing returns: a statement from the buyer (or cashier) about the reason for the return, a return certificate, a cash receipt order.
  • The presence of the Check balances of goods when closing a check flag indicates control of balances of goods when posting the KKM Receipt document.
  • The selected flag Selecting an information card only by code indicates that the employee is identified by the code of his information card, and the general list of information cards of all employees is not shown to the cashier.
  • The Round discount percentage up checkbox allows you to round up or down.
  • It is possible to automatically save the current receipt to an external file. To do this, you need to specify a time interval for autosaving. This will ensure quick restoration of the cashier’s work in case of unforeseen circumstances (for example, in the event of a power failure).


In the workplace settings, the cashier has the opportunity to choose one of two modes:

  • Using both a keyboard and a mouse, it is most often used in stores selling non-food products. To do this, select the Display text selection checkbox on the right side of the screen. The user sees a standard product selection dialog box.
  • Using a programmable keyboard (without using a mouse), used in food stores. In this mode, the Show keyboard on the right side of the screen flag is selected. The cashier sees buttons from the touch screen or keyboard on the right side of the screen. The interface is adapted for streaming scanning of goods. In this mode, it is necessary to configure service functions for the selection of goods (closing the selection when selecting a product, defining the default search field - code, article or barcode of the product).

Fast goods

If there are products that are sold quite often, you can make a quick selection button (product button) and a key combination (accelerator), pressing which will allow you to quickly select the desired product.

2. Sales registration

There are two options for RMK settings:

  • non-food retail (using keyboard and mouse)
  • food retail (use of a programmable keyboard, streaming mode of working with customers)

Let's consider the first option (non-food retail).

At the top of the screen, information about the current sale is provided: discount amount, total amount including discount, amount payable including discount.

The main window informs about the products being sold, namely, their product range, quantity of goods, price, discount type and discount percentage, discounted amount.

The ability to quickly enter from the keyboard using hot keys has been implemented.

There are hint buttons at the bottom of the screen.

  • Lower panel (ALT+/). When you click this button, the control buttons in the bottom panel of the dialog box are shown/hidden.
  • Right panel (/). A panel is shown on the right with the function of manually selecting products into a document. Moreover, the search can be carried out by article number, code or barcode of the product.
  • Return (*). Refunds will be made on the same day before the checkout closes.
  • Sales receipt (-). Reflection of the sales receipt on the screen with the possibility of its subsequent printing, which is allowed even before the receipt itself is punched.
  • Payment (+). Entering payment information and punching a check through the cash register.
  • Fast goods (F2). This button allows you to display a list of quick products that were previously specified when setting up the RMK.
  • Depositing money (F3). This button reflects the function of depositing money into the cash register. This is convenient to use when depositing change at the beginning of a shift.
  • Withdrawal of money (F4). The function allows you to reflect the withdrawal of money from the cash register, for example, in the case of collection.
  • Est. % per check (F5). The cashier uses this button if it is necessary to set a discount, percentage or total.
  • Cancel % on check (F6). This button is used to cancel the established discount before the check is punched.
  • Barcode (F7). When you press the button, a request for the barcode of the product appears.
  • Inform. map (F8). Clicking this button opens a separate dialog box in which you can select a discount card for sale.
  • Canceled. check (F9). Button for removing product items from the sales window (clearing the window).
  • Manager mode (F11). Allows you to change the RMK to the manager operating mode for those users for whom the possibility of such a switch is configured.
  • Get weight (Alt + F2). Provided that electronic scales are connected online, the button will allow you to get the weight of the product automatically.
  • Seller (Alt + F3). When registering personal sales of sellers, this button allows you to select a seller from the list of employees.
  • Replace permissions (Alt + F4). When the cashier's work requires administrator intervention (cancelling a check, processing a return of goods), use this button. After clicking the button, you must enter the code of the employee’s registration card in the additional window.
  • Est. % on product (Alt + F5). If you need to apply for a percentage or total discount on a specific product, use this button.
  • Cancel % on product (Alt + F6). This button is used to cancel the established discount on a specific product.
  • Postpone check (Alt + F7). The button allows you to postpone receipt generation.
  • Cont. check (Alt + F8). Continue generating the deferred check.
  • Customer return (F10). Allows you to issue a refund after the cash register shift is closed.
  • Exit (F12). Exit to the main cashier menu.

To sell, you must first scan the product, or add it manually using the selection button, after which the corresponding item will appear. If there is a discount, set it and click the Payment button.

Let's consider the second option - food retail (using a programmable keyboard)

In this mode, data is entered only from the keyboard, without using the mouse. The right side of the screen contains information about buttons for quick input from a programmable keyboard or computer keyboard. Each button that is responsible for certain actions corresponds to hot keys on the keyboard.

  • Numbers and comma - enter numbers. Numbers when pressing buttons from a programmable keyboard or numeric keypad are displayed in the upper right corner under the Keys, Return, Commodity buttons. check, payment.
  • Quantity (K) — set the quantity for a specific product (for the active row of the tabular part of the receipt).
  • Price (P) - set the price for a specific product (based on the active line of the tabular part of the receipt).
  • Reversal (D)—delete the active row in the tabular part of the check.
  • Selection (F) - opens the selection function with filtering of the displayed data specified in the RMK settings.
  • C (Bakcsp.) - clear entered numbers from the keyboard.

Hotkey functions are configured on the salesperson's programmable keyboard.

To turn off the display of buttons, you can use the Right panel button (/).

If the Close selection when selecting a product checkbox is not selected in the RMK settings, then when you press the Selection (F) button (or accelerator), the selection opens in the lower part of the screen, the size of half the tabular part of the receipt.

If the Close selection when selecting a product checkbox is selected in the RMK settings, then the selection visibility replaces the tabular part of the receipt. After selecting a position in the selection, the tabular part of the receipt is activated, and the selection is closed. In the selection, you can display the balances and prices of goods from the store of the current cash register.

The control keys are the same as those described earlier when working in non-food retail mode (Return, Sales receipt, Payment, Canceled receipt, etc.).

Delivery cost 300 rub. Delivery was made the next day.

After receiving confirmation of delivery, our specialist arrived at the customer’s office and completed the following procedures in 1 hour and 30 minutes:

  • Since Windows was already installed on the computer, all that was required was to activate it, configure network settings, install and configure an antivirus
  • Transferred the "1C: Trade Management" database to a new computer.
  • A web server was installed on the new server to enable remote access to the 1C: Trade Management database. As a result, this feature was enabled.
  • Reconfiguring user computers to work with the new server.
  • Setting up regular backups of the "1C: Trade Management" database both to a disk inside the server and to an external storage medium.

Our specialists perform comprehensive subscriber support for "1C: Trade Management" using this workstation. The work is performed primarily remotely, with the customer's employees using this computer as needed.

We will show you options for setting up a cashier's workplace retail store when automating with 1C: Retail 8.

Program "1C: Retail 8", is certainly one of the leaders in the retail automation market. You can automate both a small pavilion and a large store with numerous checkout lines.

The 1C: Retail 8 program initially contains extensive functionality that can be effectively used by a large store, while a small retail department represented by an individual entrepreneur in a shopping center can limit itself to only the most necessary functionality.

Setting up an online cash register connection to 1C

Cashier's workplace. Sales registration.

Workplace of the cashier of the 1C: Retail program is a window in which the seller creates a list of goods sold to the buyer.

Registration of retail sales can be done either manually by selecting products from a list, or using a barcode scanner, which is of course the most preferable.

After generating a list of goods and summing up the total amount, the seller chooses a payment method - cash or non-cash. The choice of payment method for retail sales is carried out using the buttons at the top of the sales registration window.

After selecting a payment method and confirming payment, a receipt will be printed on the cash register if it is connected to a computer.

Setting up the sales registration window "1C: Retail 8".

This figure shows the setup of the retail sales registration window, in which the checkboxes that are used in most cases are selected.

Combine items with the same product.

If there are identical goods in the cash register receipt, they will be combined into one line with the total quantity. In trading, there are situations when the same item must be reflected several times in one sales document, with different prices. That is why this parameter was introduced in the “1C: Retail” setting.

Show product code

If in your store products are identified by article number and it is important, then most likely it will be convenient for the seller at the checkout to see the product article number in order to resolve any ambiguous situations. Otherwise, this option can be disabled.

Open bottom panel on startup

The bottom panel in the sales registration mode is a series of buttons that allow you to perform additional actions in retail trade process.

You can use the bottom panel commands in two ways - by pressing the button directly, or by using the specified keyboard “hot keys”. In addition, if your store has a touch monitor installed, then you can use the command by directly clicking on the monitor screen.

Automatic opening of the bottom panel can be disabled, for example, if you are using a compact small monitor. If necessary, you can call the bottom panel using the “F10” hotkey.

Assign a price to items with a zero price

When a retail store is just opening, an assortment is being formed, and goods are being imported, it is quite normal that the sales prices for some items have not yet been entered into the database. In this case, the 1C: Retail program provides a setting, when installed, the program will request manual entry of the selling price of the product if it is not specified.

Control the balance of goods when closing a receipt

A common situation is when the goods have already been delivered to the store and put on the shelf, but the invoice has not yet been reflected in the 1C: Retail program. For example, the documents are with an accountant or merchandiser, but they already need to be sold. In this case, you can turn off this setting and the salesperson at the checkout will be able to make sales without any restrictions.

However, for our part, we note that this practice of retail trade automation is a source of problems with commodity accounting. For example, we sold a product, but when entering the invoice, the user (accountant or merchandiser) made a mistake and received a similar product. As a result, there will be a negative balance for one position, and a surplus will be formed for the other. In addition, the cost of goods sold will not be formed, and you will not be able to evaluate the financial performance of the store based on reports from the 1C: Retail program - there will not be enough initial data to generate reliable reporting.

Therefore, our advice is to retail automation Reflect all transactions with goods in a timely manner and enable control over balances.

Open line editing when searching for a product.

The optimal solution for automating a retail store is to use a barcode scanner. But if it is not possible to use barcoding, then you can complete the sale manually by selecting products from the list. This setting is precisely used to open a search window if you need to change an item already selected in the receipt.

Close the search window when selecting a product

The second setting for the case of manual selection of products in retail sales is an indication that the search and selection window should be closed after the product is selected. Those. It is assumed that in the 1C: Retail program the operator at the checkout opened a search window, selected the required product and the window immediately closed. To select another product, you must reopen the selection window. If such a working scheme is not convenient, then the setting can be changed.

When reading the previous article Managed command interface of the 1C Accounting program 8th ed. 3.0 - the first acquaintance, you probably noticed that we never talked about special interfaces for this or that user. They didn’t say it because they simply aren’t in the 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program.

Most likely, this will surprise users of the 1C Accounting 8 edition 2.0 program. After all, it has such interfaces.

  • Accounting.
  • Personal income tax of an entrepreneur.
  • Administrative.
  • Full.

This is true. So what? What did these interfaces give us? Let's say that in the accounting department there are two more accountants in addition to the chief accountant. One deals only with banking and cash transactions, while the other keeps records of fixed assets. In this case, it was necessary to invite a programmer to develop specialized interfaces for each of these users. Only a specialist who knows the configuration well can create and correctly describe new roles and rights. Of course, such changes are only possible if the configuration is removed from support.

On the contrary, in the 1C Accounting program 8 ed. 3.0, the user can independently or with the help of a more trained colleague create the command interface necessary for his work. Let's look at some examples of how this is done.

1. The command interface is a managed 1C interface

Command interface in the 1C Accounting program 8 ed. 3.0 is a managed interface. This means that the user can independently manage it directly in 1C Enterprise mode. Yes, it is the user, and not just the programmer in the Configurator mode.

To do this, on the system command panel, in the main menu there is a “View” item, which provides access to commands for editing managed interface panels.

Only two commands require explanation.

  • Section panel. Enables or disables the display of the partition panel on the command interface.
  • Navigation and Action Bar. Enables or disables the display of the navigation bar and action bar on the command interface.

2. Create an interface for the calculator

Let's look at creating and setting up an interface using a simple example. Let’s say that our user needs only two sections to work: “Bank and cash desk” and “Employees and salary”. You can delete unnecessary sections in the form, which can be called by the command “INFORMATION PANEL\Main Menu\View\Setting the Section Panel”.

Using the “Delete” button, delete sections that our user does not need. Leave only “Bank and cash desk” and “Employees and salaries”. After saving the changes (OK button), we get the following interface.

Pay attention to the “Show” attribute in the “Setting the section panel” form. It allows you to display sections not only as images with text. For example, they can be reflected only with text, as in the figure.

This feature can be very useful for those users who work with small screens.

3. Set up an interface for the cashier

Let's set up an interface for a cashier who deals only with cash transactions. We will assume that the administrator has already created the “Cashier” user and granted him the appropriate rights.

First, we note one important feature that must be taken into account when creating your own interfaces.

Whenever you start a program again, it always automatically opens in the “Desktop” section.

You can completely disable the section panel display mode or leave only one section in it, for example, “Bank and cash desk”. Or you could complete the work, for example, in the "Purchases and Sales" section. Doesn't matter. Whenever you start the program again, the “Desktop” is always updated. It cannot be removed.

Thus, if we need only one accounting section, for example, “Bank and Cash Office,” then it will not be possible to display only it in the sections panel. The “Desktop” section will also be displayed along with it. In our case, this is showing links that the cashier does not need.

Let's proceed as follows. Activate "Desktop". Notice that there is a command link for “Cash Documents” in its navigation bar. Let's edit the navigation and action bars for the Desktop section.

To edit the navigation bar, run the command “INFORMATION PANEL\Main Menu\View\Customize Navigation Pane”.

By manipulating the “Add”, “Add All”, “Delete” and “Delete All” buttons, leave only the “Cash Documents” navigation command in the right window.

Now let's edit the action bar of the desktop section. To do this, run the command “INFORMATION PANEL\Main Menu\View\Customize Action Bar”.

When manipulating the Add, Add All, Remove, and Remove All buttons, leave only the commands outlined in red rectangles in the right window.

We assumed that our organization is not engaged in retail sales. Therefore, the cashier does not need the “Retail Sales Report” document. We also assumed that the cashier does not need standard accounting reports. Therefore, we also removed them from the action bar.

Using the command “INFORMATION PANEL\Main Menu\View\Section Bar”, disable the display of the section bar. Quit the program and reopen it as a cashier. This is what its interface will look like.

Nothing extra! Only the documents necessary for the cashier and two reports. If necessary, he can open a list of cash documents by clicking on the “Cash Documents” navigation command. It is located on the navigation bar.

4. Interface of the 1C Accounting 7.7 program

1C developers are well aware that no matter how good the new interface is, many of us live by the principle: the best is the enemy of the good. So, when switching from the 1C Accounting 7.7 program, you can often hear. I don’t understand anything about the new interface, I don’t have time to figure it out, I have urgent work.

Such users can install 8th edition in their 1C:Accounting program in a few clicks. 3.0 is the seven interface that he loved so much. It looks as shown in the picture.

Externally, of course, it differs from the original seven interface. But structurally everything is the same.

You can enable the seven interface only if the “Bookmarks” mode is set in the program for opening object forms. It is installed in the “Options” form, which is called by the command “System Command Panel\Main Menu\Tools\Options”.

Then, in the section panel, activate the “Administration” section and click the “Program Settings” link in the action bar.

In the “Program Settings” form that opens in the work area, go to the “Interface” tab and activate the radio button “Interface similar to 1C: Accounting 7.7”.

All. Save the result by clicking OK. Work with the seven interface you are familiar with. At the same time, do not forget to take the time to master the original interface in the demo database. When you get used to the native interface of the 1C: Accounting 8th ed. 3.0, then you can restore it very quickly.

To do this, on the section panel, click on the “Service” link. In the navigation panel, click the “Program Settings” link. Activate the “Interface” tab and specify “Standard interface 1C: Accounting 8”. And, of course, OK.

6. Managing object shapes

Program 1C Accounting 8 ed. 3.0 provides the user with more than just the ability to control the command interface. It can also control the shapes of individual objects. These are forms of journals (lists) of documents, forms of the documents themselves and reference books. To manage these forms, there is an “All Actions” button in the upper right corner of a form opened in the workspace. And there is a command “Change shape”.

Of course, the programmer has more options when creating object forms. Nevertheless, let's look at one simple example.

Initially, the form of the document “Invoice for payment to customers” looks as shown in the figure.

Now let’s assume that our organization is engaged only in providing services. Therefore, we do not need the “Warehouse” and “Delivery Address” details. In the tabular part, we also do not need the “Products” and “Returnable items” bookmarks. To get rid of them, click on the “All actions” button and select “Change form”.

If the branch we need is not opened, then click on the cross. It's in the circle to the left of the branch. Then remove the flags from those details and pages that we do not need.

In the same way, you can modify the command panel of the documents form. Let's make the following changes. First, expand the “Command Panel” branch.

  • "Swipe close" button. Now it only displays text. In the Form Settings form, on the Command Panel branch, select the Post and Close branch. In the window on the right, assign the “Display” attribute to the value “Picture and text”.
  • “Record” and “Subordination Structure” buttons. For these buttons, also assign the “Display” attribute to “Picture and text”.
  • Frame around hats. For beauty and clarity, the left and right headers can be outlined with a frame.

Ultimately, we will get the following form for the document “Invoice for payment to the buyer”.

For cautious users, I would like to note the following.

Attention. Don't be afraid to experiment with object shape settings. They do not change the accounting contents of the infobase.

Of course, it is better to train at a demonstration base. But, if you didn’t like something in the working database when setting up a form, then there is no need to consistently restore the original state of the form.

To do this, on the object form, execute the command “All actions \ Change form”. The already known “Form Settings” will open. In it, execute the command “All actions \ Set standard settings”.

7. Reporting errors

Program 1C Accounting 8 ed. 3.0 controls the completion of mandatory details. However, previous editions did this too. But unlike previous editions, diagnostic messages of 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 have become more informative. They show which details contain errors and which ones.

For example, novice users often make this mistake. They try to fill out document details not by selecting them from relevant directories, but by manually entering the required values. The figure shows that the user manually entered Zarya LLC in the “Counterparty” attribute. Such a counterparty is the 1C Accounting program ed. I didn’t find 2.0 in the “Counterparties” directory. Therefore, when writing the document, she reported an error as shown in the figure.

But, if the user has not been trained, if he does not know that most of the details are filled out by selection from the relevant directories, then such a message will cause him nothing but bewilderment.

And here is how the 1C Accounting ed. program reacts to the same error. 3.0.

Here the program does not simply say that the entered value is incorrect. It will tell you that the value was not found. It’s easy to guess where it’s not found if you click on the “Select from list” button.

In forms with a lot of required details, there is always a chance that some of them will be missed. In this case, the program will also display informative messages. At the same time, it will show where you forgot to fill in the details.

There are two ways to move from error to error. Either by using the navigation arrows in the diagnostic message or by clicking on the links in the message bar.

That's probably all. I hope that the managed command interface of the 1C Accounting program 8th ed. 3.0 will not be a stumbling block when mastering this program. It is indeed more convenient, but you need to spend a little of your precious time to master it.

This article describes approaches to automating the cashier’s workplace using the 1C: Retail program.

In the sales process, various trade equipment is used: electronic scales, barcode scanners, cash registers, etc.

Cash registers (or cash registers) are used in certain operating modes:

1. Fiscal registrar mode.
In this mode, the cash register is connected directly to the user’s personal computer. To speed up the sales process, employees use modern equipment: electronic scales, barcode scanners, etc. For ease of use, the cashier’s interface is displayed on the desktop, and in the information base, when a check is entered on a cash register, a new document “Kkm Receipt” is automatically registered.

2. Offline mode.
In this mode, all available information about the product is stored in the memory device of the cash register. Sales registration is carried out using an individual product code, and the user reads the product using a barcode scanner or enters the code on the cash register keyboard. When summing up the results of the trading day or at the end of the work shift, sales data is uploaded into the accounting program.

3. Online mode.
In this mode, all product data is read by the cash register from the program. The cash register generates sales information, which is immediately transferred to the accounting program. There is no time to load any data into the cash register, since the information is taken automatically from the accounting program. As a result, only completely reliable information on completed sales is recorded and stored in the accounting program, which is available for processing and analysis.

Cashier's workplace.

The operation of a cash register in fiscal registrar mode involves the use of a special interface called “Cashier Workplace”.

This interface can work without a keyboard and mouse (using touch-screen monitors).

Using the “Cashier Workplace” interface opens up a lot of possibilities:

  • setting up a workplace for a cashier;
  • search for product name by text representation;
  • interaction with commercial equipment:
    • acquiring systems;
    • buyer display;
    • programmable salesperson keyboard;
    • Barcode Scanner;
    • fiscal registrar;
    • credit card reader;
  • selection of goods (display of residual price);
  • selection of interface modes:
    • food retail;
    • non-food retail;
  • search for goods by article, code, barcode;
  • automated completion of return documentation on the day of sale and later.
Interface "Non-food retail".

This interface option assumes that the cashier uses a mouse and keyboard to enter data when registering sales.

Cashier workplace and retail sales.

The cash information window is located at the top of the interface. It displays information about the current sale: the amount of the discount on the product, the total amount taking into account the discount provided, the amount to be paid minus the discount.
The main window contains information about the products currently being sold. Typically it displays: the percentage and type of discount, quantity of goods, item, price and total amount of payment with a discount.
You can manage the process of selling goods using the function keys of your PC keyboard.
Registration of sales is carried out by scanning the barcode of the product or adding information manually using the selection button. After registration, the item will appear in the main window, after which you need to set a discount (if any) and click on the “Payment” button.

Interface "Food retail".

When using this interface, data is entered without using a mouse, only from the keyboard.

On the right side of the proposed interface, some buttons may be displayed as a hint for convenient pressing from a cashier’s programmable keyboard, computer keyboard, mouse or touch-screen monitor. Accordingly, each button that performs certain functions is assigned specific keys on the keyboard.

Cashier workplace and retail sales.

Sequence of cashier actions:

  • reading the barcode of the product being sold from the label;
  • if the barcode is not readable, the cashier types the sequence of digits of the barcode and then selects the “Search by barcode” function either by pressing a key or in the monitor interface.
  • If the barcode is missing again, the cashier must press the “Selection” key, search by product category and, when the product is found in the database, press the Enter key.
  • if the quantity of a product is greater than one, you need to use the keyboard (or a programmable keyboard) to set the required quantity in the product line.
  • if it is allowed to change the price for an item, and such a change is required, then the cashier needs to use the numeric keypad (or programmable keyboard) to set the required price value. The item line will reflect the change in price.
  • If you need to set a discount on a particular item of the selected product, you need to enter the discount value (percentage) and press the special button for setting the discount amount.
  • If the buyer refuses the product, you must find the required product line in the product table and delete it by pressing the product line delete key.
When completing the formation of the tabular part of the KKM customer receipt, you must press the “Payment” button. After this, the payment window for the goods will be displayed on the screen.
Payment of the check by the buyer.

First of all, the payment window shows the amount received in cash from the buyer. The program will immediately calculate the amount of change.
When the buyer presents a payment card, it must be scanned with a magnetic card reader or by entering information on the card, select the desired option from the list of payment cards available for payment.

There is an application solution that provides for the situation of partial payment on credit (or full payment).

Closing the cash register shift.

The operation “Closing a cash register shift” is executed based on the entered cash register receipts, and based on the results of the sale and return of goods, the “Retail Sales Report” document is created.

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