Applique birdhouse made of geometric shapes. Abstract of GCD for application in the senior group “Birdhouse”

Lesson summary for the application “Birdhouse for a starling”

Gulzhan Azhimetovna
Lesson “Birdhouse for a starling”

Subject : « Birdhouse for starling » (2nd junior group) .

Program content : Continue to expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Activate children's vocabulary( starling , birdhouse ) . To promote the ability to lay out and compose images of objects consisting of 3 parts of different shapes and sizes on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the skills of orientation in the space of a landscape sheet and knowledge of colors. Develop interest in the application, memory of perception. Foster accuracy, activity and independence.

Material : Sheet in 1/2 album sheet with a silhouette of a tree, ready-made shapes (6 x 6 yellow, isosceles triangle with a base of 9 cm, height 4 cm - red, brush, oilcloth, napkin, plate, brush stand,starling , ball, ready-made sample and blank sample.

Vocabulary work : birdhouse .

Moveclasses : Children enter the group accompanied by calm music.

Guys, let's hold hands and make a circle. Look how the sun smiles at us through the window, let's also smile at each other so that throughoutclasses we were in a good mood.

Listen, Nastya will tell you a poem"Where is whose house" :

The sparrow lives under the roof,

There's a mouse's house in a warm hole,

The frog has a house in the pond,

And at the warbler's in the garden,

Hey chicken, where's your home?

He is under his mother's wing.

Kids are playing"Where is whose house" with a ball.

Well done, Nastya1 Kolya, where is the mouse’s house? Julia - at the sparrow? The bear? The squirrel? The fox? The wolf? Ustarling ?

Yes, guys, the house isstarling in a birdhouse . Let's all say it together -birdhouse . Now Arina repeat it, Kirill...

Yes, guys, both animals and birds have their own home.

Guys, can you hear someone singing?(music) . Let's sit on the chairs and listen to who is singing.(bird) .

Look, a bird has flown to us. Who knows what kind of bird this is?( starling ) .

- Starling , you’re not happy, what happened to you?( Starling says something in the teacher’s ear) .

- The starling said in my ear , what allbirdhouses are busy and he and his friends have nowhere to live. Let's helpstarlings and make them like thisbirdhouses . And youstarling sit down , relax and look.

Guys, what figures does it consist of?birdhouse ? (triangle, square, circle) .

What color are they?

In order to stick it beautifullybirdhouse , you need to place it in the center of the sheet. First I will glue a square on the house, a circle on the window, and then I will glue the house. And then I glue the roof - a triangle.Birdhouse I pasted it in the center of the leaf onto the tree trunk.

Herestarling which one will you have?birdhouse .

Phys. just a minute : Now let's get up and play(2 times)


Young spring messengers

They peck at worms

And they sing, they sing, they sing.

Go to the tables. Take your shapes and place them in the center of the sheet. A square is a house, a circle is a window, and what is a triangle?(roof) .

First we glue the window onto the house, then the house onto the tree trunk, and then the roof.

Let's start gluing, take the brushes correctly, don't put too much glue on the brush, spread the figure completely. Glue it on oilcloth and smooth it with a napkin.(I give instructions along the way) .

If you have finished your work, put it on this table and listen to the music.

What did we do today?class ?

Whosebirdhouse did you like it better? Why?

And youstarling, whose house did you like?

A lot of birds have arrived and each one needs its own house. The children, together with the teacher, look at the sample and name what geometric shapes the birdhouse is made of.

Natalia Kuzmina
GCD in the middle group application “Birdhouse”

Program tasks:

1. Strengthen the ability to transform ready-made shapes by cutting them into two or four parts.

2. Continue to develop the ability to hold and use scissors correctly.

3. Cultivate interest in appliqués and the desire to do the job accurately.

4. Improve dialogic speech, the ability to participate in a conversation, and answer questions clearly for listeners.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation with children about the life of birds.

2. Looking at paintings about spring and birds.

3. Bird watching on the site.


Each child has an oilcloth; plate with parts for birdhouse; scissors; brush; glue; paper; napkin;

Pictures of birds;

Tree (dummy) with birdhouse

Progress of the lesson


(Audio recording of birds singing is turned on)

Guys, this morning I woke up from cheerful singing and the chiming of bird voices outside the window. The birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. Birds appeared on the street that were not there in winter.

Where did the birds come from?

Why did the birds fly to us?

What birds do you know?

(there are pictures of birds on the easel)

Right, among them there are starlings– this bird can make different sounds, also starlings destroy harmful insects in gardens and vegetable gardens. For this people build them birdhouses.

Guys, we also have a miracle tree! You and I will build houses for the birds - birdhouses and hang it on our tree.

Guys, look and tell me what parts it consists of birdhouse, what shape is each part?

Wall what shape of birdhouse? – rectangular;

What shape is the roof? – triangular;

What shape is the window? – round.

That's right, well done.

Let's take a little rest!

Physical education minute:

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands,

Let's wave our wings and sit down!

Guys, let's do it birdhouses for all birds.

Working at tables.

Look what's on our tables?

Children's answers.

Let's make a wall birdhouse. Cut the sheet in half, corner to corner, smooth out the fold. Cut along the fold. It turned out to be two even squares. This is a wall birdhouse.

For the roof, cut the square in half, like a handkerchief, corner to corner. Smooth out the fold. Let's cut it.

Now let's glue it birdhouse.

What did we do today?

That's right, we made it for the birds birdhouses! Look how beautiful and neat they turned out; the birds will enjoy living in it.

Today we made something for the birds birdhouses, for this they will be grateful to us, they will delight us with their singing, and treat the trees from pests.

Publications on the topic:

“Birdhouse” for decorating a corner of nature in a group. Master Class. A tall maple tree awaits guests - The house on the branch is fortified. Painted with paint.

While watching the weather phenomena from the window, the children noticed that a large number of birds were flying near our kindergarten. Therefore, it was decided.

Topic: “Birdhouse” Purpose: 1. To teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in an applique, to determine the geometric shape.

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Application for children 4-5 years old. Making collective crafts by tearing and crumpling pieces of colored paper, folding them.

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Natalia Chernikova


Develop the ability to lay out finished parts on a sheet of cardboard, create an image of a birdhouse on a birch tree,

Carefully use a brush, glue and napkin, stick the finished forms,

Cultivate care for birds.

Preliminary work: conversation about spring, looking at reproductions about spring, observing birds while walking, reading stories: L. Tolstoy “The Bird Made a Nest”, “Spring Has Come”, poems by A. Pleshcheev “Spring”

For the application you needed: half of colored cardboard, a birch trunk in the form of a white strip 2.5 cm wide, approximately the height of the base, 2 branches, a silhouette of a starling made of black colored paper, details for the birdhouse: a roof in the form of a triangle, the base of the birdhouse in the form of a rectangle, entrance entrance to the birdhouse in the form of a circle, brush, oilcloth, PVA glue.

Black marks were previously drawn on the birch trunk and branches with a black felt-tip pen.

Spring has come. The starlings have returned from their wintering grounds. And they have nowhere to live. What to do?

The children responded to the problem and decided to build birdhouses for the starlings.

First, we glued the birch trunk, placing it in the middle of a sheet of cardboard.

Then we glued the branches on the left and right one by one.

The base of the birdhouse was glued to one of the branches.

Then the roof was glued on. Mistakes often occur: children glue the parts separately from each other. Care must be taken to ensure that the roof is attached to the base and does not hang in the air.

We glued the entrance, placing the circle in the middle of the base of the birdhouse.

On another branch they glued the silhouette of a starling. The work is ready.

We built a birdhouse

For the cheerful starling,

We hung a birdhouse

Near the porch itself.

Publications on the topic:

The bird knows where to settle, If fear does not drive it away. Let him not be afraid to nest in our groves and gardens. Let's take care of the birds, guys, and provide them.

"House for the Starling." Integrated lesson for the first junior group"House for the Starling." Integrated lesson for the first junior group. Prepared and conducted by the teacher of the MBDOU “D. S. “Teremok” by Seleznev.

The past week in our group was held under the thematic title “Migratory Birds”. During the week, the guys got acquainted with nature.

Lyudmila Matanova

Subject: « Birdhouse»


1. Teach children to portray in applique items, consisting of several parts, determine the geometric shape.

Program tasks:

1. Continue learning to cut out pieces birdhouse and stick them in a certain sequence.

2. Develop color perception, imagination, thinking, and speech in children.

3. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation about migratory birds;

2. Looking at paintings about spring and birds.


Each child is given an oilcloth; plate with parts for birdhouse; scissors; brush; glue; paper; napkin;

Pictures of birds;

Tree (dummy) for done birdhouses

Progress of the lesson


(Audio recording of birds singing is turned on)

Guys, this morning I woke up from cheerful singing and the chiming of bird voices outside the window. The birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. Birds appeared on the street that were not there in winter.

Where did the birds come from?

From warm countries, from the south.


Why did the birds fly to us?

They returned to their homeland, spring came, the snow melted, it became warmer.

Masha prepared a poem for us about spring.

What birds do you know?

Children's answers.

All these birds are called migratory!

(there are pictures of birds on the easel)

That's right, among them there are starlings– this bird can make different sounds, also starlings destroy harmful insects in gardens and vegetable gardens. For this people build them birdhouses.

Guys, we also have a miracle tree! Leaves appeared on it, just like on the street. You and I will build houses for the birds - birdhouses and hang it on our tree.

Guys, look and tell me what parts it consists of birdhouse, what shape is each part?

Wall what shape of birdhouse? – rectangular;

What shape is the roof? – triangular;

What shape is the window? – round.

That's right, well done.

Let's take a little rest!

Physical education minute:

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands,

Let's wave our wings and sit down!

Guys, let's do it birdhouses for all birds.

Working at tables.

What did we do today?

That's right, we made it for the birds birdhouses!

Today we made something for the birds birdhouses, for this they will be grateful to us, they will delight us with their singing, treat trees from pests (differentiated assessment of children’s work is given).

Publications on the topic:

Tear applique is the simplest type of applique that does not require the use of scissors. So I started using this technique.

“Birdbird Birdhouse” Didactic game for speech development. Goal: to develop the child’s speech. Tasks: - enrich vocabulary, - consolidate.

Program content. Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué. Determine the shape of the parts (rectangular,...

While watching the weather phenomena from the window, the children noticed that a large number of birds were flying near our kindergarten. Therefore, it was decided.

Good day to all. I want to show you how you can diversify your growing environment by decorating a birdhouse. He stood with us.

Lesson notes on the application “Birdhouse” GCD design designer Senior group. GCD theme: Birdhouse application. Goal: To develop the ability to compose a composition from individual ones.

Purpose: 1. Teach children to glue a birdhouse from geometric shapes. 2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of spring. Objectives: - Teach children.

Tatiana Budnikova
Abstract of GCD for application in the senior group “Birdhouse”

Purpose of the lesson: teach how to create a composition from individual parts. Tasks: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about seasonal spring changes in living and inanimate nature. Learn to create a plot composition; develop memory, imagination, enrich children’s vocabulary; strengthen the ability to cut out different shapes from colored paper; cultivate attention and accuracy when working with scissors. Equipment:pictures depicting a starling and a birdhouse; thick cardboard, square 3*3cm, entrance; two squares of colored paper 6*6cm, wall and roof; cut out starling from paper; green colored paper for leaves; brown colored paper for a branch; scissors, PVA glue, glue brushes, rags, oilcloth linings, hand wipes. Preliminary work: Learning the chant: Spring! Spring is red! Warm sunshine! Come quickly, warm the children. Come to us with joy! With great mercy! With tall flax! With deep roots! With rich bread (Observing starlings while walking.) Progress of the lesson. Organizational part: Q: Guys, guess the riddle: The snow is turning black in the clearing, The weather is getting warmer every day. Time to put the sled in the closet. What time of year is this? Q: Guys, by what signs can we notice the arrival of spring? Why do you think people often say “spring is red” (because spring is beautiful) Why is it beautiful (grass appears, leaves appear on trees, plants begin to bloom, birds fly in and sing their songs, the sun shines brighter and warms, the day becomes longer) With the arrival of spring, our feathered friends return. Who is this? Starlings are the first to arrive. Where do they come from? Why did starlings fly to warmer climes? How many of you guys know what the first concern of birds is in the spring? Prepare a nest for laying eggs and hatching chicks. Starlings do not build nests like some other birds. They prefer to settle in tree hollows or in special houses built for them by people. What are these houses (birdhouses) called? Look at the picture of the birdhouse. (show picture) What parts does a birdhouse consist of (a house with a roof and an entrance) The round entrance is called a letok, because birds fly into it. But this perch under the entrance is called a perch. From the word “sit”, because a bird sits on it. Starlings return to their former homes. They drag feathers, dry grass, and leaves into it, preparing the house for the appearance of eggs and chicks. Physical education moment: Here on the branches, starlings! Do not scream! Black starlings sit in a hollow, fluff their feathers, bask in the sun, turn their heads, want to fly. Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! They flew, arrived, and again they all sat down in the hollow. Practical part. Q: Guys, let's try to create a spring composition today - we'll depict a twig with a birdhouse and a starling. 1) Twig. Cut out a twig from brown colored paper and glue it onto cardboard. We cut out leaves from green colored paper and paste them onto a twig. 2) Birdhouse. For a birdhouse, you need to take one large square, fold it diagonally and cut it along the diagonal line into two triangles (one triangle will become the roof, the second will not be useful). Let's take a smaller square and cut off its corners to make a circle (this is the entrance). Let's take a large square - the wall of a birdhouse and stick it near the branch. 3) Starling. Take a pre-cut starling figurine and add the composition to the composition. Reflection: What did you like about today's lesson? At what stages of the lesson did you experience difficulties? What would you like to do differently? And now I suggest you arrange an exhibition of your works and clean up your workspaces.