How to win the favor of your boss. Behavior at work

and sent to your dream company, the next logical step is going to an interview. How to overcome anxiety, present yourself correctly and win over the recruiter? the site consulted with a psychologist and collected the most interesting recommendations.

Cloth. Before the recruiter even talks to you, he will notice the suit. According to a survey by the CareerBuilder portal, in which 2,099 recruiters, HR managers and HR specialists took part, the most successful colors of clothing for an interview are predictable blue and black, but it is better not to wear orange things. Gray, brown, black, blue and other “conservative” colors are the best options for a first meeting, while bright colors that indicate a creative nature (like orange) may seem provocative.

As is easy to imagine, . Of course, individual perception can play some role, but in general, each color has its own “reputation”.

Black Recruiters traditionally associate it with leadership, according to research from CareerBuilder. Sometimes it can be associated with inaccessibility, but if accents are placed correctly, the color will create a feeling of sophistication. Black color makes its “carrier” taken seriously. For example, fashion houses Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent use black for communication purposes (including in logos), and they are leaders in their field. Blue- one of the best options for an interview, because it radiates trust and instills confidence. According to experts, a candidate who shows up in a blue suit has a good chance of getting the job and also coming across as a “team player.”

Photo: Fotoimedia

Grey the color demonstrates independence, individuality, self-sufficiency and the ability to think independently. In addition, it suggests logic. White and beige is a classic, but under certain circumstances you may be perceived as boring and lacking confidence. But wearing moody and stained whites also speaks of organization, so a great option is to wear white where many people wear bright colors. Brown color speaks of reliability. The color of earth is associated with warmth, strength and stability. Brands like UPS and M&M's use it in their branding. Red color is passion, power and strength, masculinity and energy. If you need to convince someone of something or make a strong impression, then the best choice is red. But during an interview it is better to be careful with this color. Green, yellow, orange and purple show creative nature. These bright colors are associated with fun and the ability and desire to attract attention, but they are not the best options for an interview, at least not as a "base suit."

Preparation: how to overcome anxiety

When the basic preparation is completed (the history of the company has been studied, its official website has been carefully studied and the necessary questions for the recruiter have been selected), all that remains is to cope with understandable anxiety. Certain gestures and confused speech can give him away, and such little things can cancel out even the highest professionalism at the first meeting. There are three effective psychological techniques for this case.

Don't try to calm down. In fact, the worst thing you can do in an exciting situation is to obsessively try to calm down. Research by Harvard University professor Alison Brooks shows that the most effective way to cope with anxiety is to convince yourself that your excitement is caused by joy. Participants in the experiment, who were facing an exciting event, such as a singing competition, public speaking, or taking an exam, were divided into three groups. Those in the first group tried to overcome anxiety by telling themselves, “I am calm.” Participants in the second group had to say to themselves something like, “I am very happy.” And those in the third group did not conduct any internal dialogue at all before the stressful event. As a result, the experiment participants in the second group showed the best results and felt more confident than the rest. Where does this effect come from? Anxiety - in terms of body reactions - is similar to joyful excitement, but they are distinguished by color (in the first state it is negative, in the second it is, accordingly, positive). Calmness is at the complete opposite end of the emotional spectrum. It is logical that it will not be possible to suddenly move from one state to another. But energy can be redirected in a positive direction - so that the state of excitement does not interfere, but helps.

"People worry (worry themselves). Sometimes this comes from lack of self-confidence, the presence of past unsuccessful experience, simply the habit of worrying with or without reason. An interview may or may not be such a reason for worry. Here, each person is for himself makes a decision. The myth is that an interview is necessarily a reason for excitement. But can this be a reason to show interest in the interview process? Agree, interest is a different state than excitement,” notes the candidate of psychological sciences, lawyer and businessman. coach Vitaly Pichugin.

Read the “right” books before the interview. The right light reading can be a huge confidence booster. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that many readers tend to copy the behavior patterns of the main characters in books they have recently read. For example, in one group they read a book about a man who did not have the right to vote, but fought in every possible way to get it. As a result, most of the participants in this group were more willing to vote. It makes sense to try: instead of worrying about an uncertain future, it is better to read a good book by some successful person who may also have struggled with the problem of self-doubt.

Photo: Fotoimedia

Don't be overly self-critical. Read your resume - carefully and thoughtfully. Be aware of the thoughts that arise in your mind during the process. Is there negativity? Remember that this is a fairly natural reaction, and also think about how you could improve this or that section, what you could additionally say about those points that are in doubt. It's all too easy to get carried away by negative thoughts, and this will invariably affect your self-esteem. Remind yourself that everyone has weaknesses and strengths, and that this is completely normal. When you see flaws, tell yourself every time that it’s normal to have flaws, don’t dwell on it. Stop assessing yourself too subjectively.

According to Vitaly Pichugin, you can fight anxiety in two directions: firstly, you can work with your body, and secondly, with beliefs. He advises starting with the body, specific manifestations of anxiety: trembling in the arms, legs, heaviness in the chest, “wobbly” legs, difficulty breathing. Such manifestations, the expert notes, are relatively easy to remove:

Inhale and exhale deeply three times;
- strongly tense all the muscles of the body for ten to fifteen seconds, then relax;
- if possible, wash with cold water (if it is not possible to wash, place your hands under cold water for one minute).

"With beliefs, beliefs are more difficult. But honest answers to simple questions will help. What is the most important thing for you in life? Maybe health, relationships with loved ones, caring for children, self-development. Compared to what is really important to you, Is it worth worrying about the interview? This is just an episode in a big life. Have you had difficulties in your life that you were able to overcome? If so, why worry about the interview? in your business, profession? In any case, you have some experience. An interview is still a new experience, you should be happy about it, not worried,” says Vitaly Pichugin.

First impression: the main thing is to be natural

Many experts talk about body language - facial expressions and gestures that can somehow endear you. We asked a psychologist about them.

“Let’s talk about the myth that there are some special gestures and facial expressions, or magic words that will endear your interlocutor to you. There are none. The truth is that you need to behave naturally, as is customary with polite people who know what they want. Just as you talk in a business style with other people, you should do the same at an interview. You don’t need to radiate stupid positivity, but you don’t need to be darker than a cloud. You came to offer your knowledge, skills, and what special facial expressions are needed to tell. about your proposal? Be simpler, more specific, clearer, and recruiters will come to you,” comments Vitaly Pichugin.

Another myth, the expert notes, is that the mood of the interlocutor always depends on your behavior. This is wrong. Maybe the person who will talk to you has great personal difficulties, but you have nothing to do with it. The truth is that you can influence your interlocutor with your behavior. At a minimum, you shouldn’t spoil your impression of yourself.

"What can immediately set a negative mood? Untidy appearance, dirty shoes, inconsistency of clothes with business style. It is wrong to come to get a job at a bank in a tracksuit. Meta-message “Everything is bad for me.” This is a general message to the interlocutor about trouble, it can consist of hesitant gestures, trembling voice, inappropriate answers. Lack of understanding of the purpose of coming to the interview: it is useful to clearly formulate what result is needed from the interview. Answers to the wrong questions that the interlocutor asks you. Inappropriate jokes, humor aimed at the interlocutor,” the psychologist lists.

Is it worth trying to please?

According to Vitaly Pichugin, the idea that you definitely need to please an employer is another myth: “Being liked is important on a date with a girl. And in the business sphere there are other categories, for example: professionalism, skills, benefits, profit. I will choose a professional surgeon who knows how to perform the necessary operations, although he will be unpleasant to me as a person. Of course, I can choose a surgeon who is sweet and sincere, but without any experience, I am against this person, pleasant in all respects, gaining experience on my body. "businesses choose professionals. The truth is that it is desirable for a professional to also be a person who makes a favorable impression."

What brings us together? According to the psychologist, this is:

Conversation in the same professional language, that is, the use of terms exactly those that are accepted in a given profession;
- compliance with expectations: if you are expected to know standard (mandatory) rules, laws, principles that are necessary for successful work, and you demonstrate their presence, then you get the impression that you are your own person;
- adjusting your behavior is good, but you don’t need to go to extremes, “become a monkey”, stupidly repeating the poses and movements of your interlocutor;
- correct orientation in the situation: you need to monitor changes during the conversation in time in order to react to them correctly. For example, it is important to monitor speech rate, intonation, and volume. You should not speak clearly louder or quieter than your interlocutor, or speed up or slow down the pace of speech for no reason;
- finding something in common, for example, in past professional experience, maybe studying at a university, common teachers.

“These are not all the myths and realities of interviews. But if you understand the main idea that any statements about magical interview techniques should be taken critically, seeing in them both myths and useful information, then you will not make mistakes by reading recommendations and guides for successful passing the interview,” summarizes Vitaly Pichugin.

Here are some tips that will help you win the favor of your boss and authority among your colleagues, thereby laying a solid foundation for your career:

Earn respect before you ask for anything.

You might want to ask your boss for some of the perks that are important to you immediately after you get hired, but it's best to hold off. Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach, says, “After starting a new job, you need to give something before you ask for anything.”

Hallie recommends sticking to company policy and getting on your boss's good side before asking for certain privileges. For example, if you officially work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., make sure you are at work during that time period. Once you've demonstrated your reliability and value, you can negotiate with your boss for a more flexible start and finish schedule.

Take the initiative

One of the best ways to gain your boss's appreciation is to take initiative. Many people take on new jobs thinking that they only have to do the work their boss gives them. But work is not school. You must offer your assistance and take other initiatives in the interests of the workforce and the organization.

Crawford recommends taking on tasks that everyone avoids. This will help you win the favor of your boss and authority in the workforce. “You have to step up if you want to stay ahead,” Crawford says.

Express your opinion tactfully

You were hired because your boss or others at the company found you and your skills promising. Your opinion is valuable for the development of the organization. However, express your opinion tactfully and show respect for other people. Crawford reminds us, "It's good to have fresh ideas, but you have to express them in the right way."

Instead of asking your boss why they do something a certain way, ask if they've tried doing something a different way. Suggest a different way of working rather than questioning the current way of doing things, which can come across as insulting. "Don't pretend to be a know-it-all," Crawford notes.

Don't mix business and personal relationships

Friends at work can become your best friends outside of the office. But as Crawford reminds us, don't mix work and personal relationships, especially in the early stages.

If you are invited to lunch or a get-together after work, do not overdo it with alcohol and do not overload your co-workers with information. Don't say too much. Over time, you will learn a lot about your co-workers and they will learn a lot about you, but it will happen more naturally.

Try to figure things out on your own

When you start a new job, it's important to ask as many questions as possible. And your boss understands this. But don't pester your boss with questions incessantly. You need to know when you should go to your boss and when you shouldn't. Keep in mind that your boss has a lot to do without you, and he cannot always lead you by the hand.

Crawford advises new employees to learn to work independently by interacting more with their co-workers. Your boss will appreciate that you understand things yourself and build relationships with your team.

The right relationship with your manager is the key to quick career advancement. It is important to please your boss immediately after starting a job: it is difficult to change the first impression in the future. Relationships with management affect the relationships of all team members. You cannot openly flatter your manager or adapt to him; such behavior will harm the employee’s reputation among his colleagues.

Promotion at work depends on the location of the boss

How to deal with your boss

A manager is a mentor. He directs lower-level employees and determines the general atmosphere in the team. It is necessary to listen to your superiors, listen to their criticism and thank them for their help. A friendly but reserved attitude is always welcome in a company or organization. You should not try to make friends with the manager: such relationships can harm the employee and create discomfort in the team.

Relationships with superiors are built gradually as the responsibility assigned to the employee grows. The key to proper cooperation is a trusting relationship, when the employee talks frankly with the manager about the problems and complications that have arisen.

It is more difficult for a man to please a woman than a woman: wrong relationships can arise between employees of different genders. Flirting or advances, violation of business etiquette and familiar behavior are unacceptable. A male boss is a professional who can only be contacted regarding business matters.

Correct chain of command

Subordination is the basis of the relationship between a manager and a subordinate. If work group members are aware of their responsibilities, it is easier for them to build a model of behavior and effective interaction. Business etiquette determines the atmosphere in the team:

  • equal employees should not infringe on each other;
  • management sets the tone in communication with employees;
  • the atmosphere in the team depends on the behavior of management;
  • superiors deserve respect and respect.

If an employee does not agree with the beliefs or instructions of his superiors, he should not enter into disputes with higher management. Such behavior is insubordination, punishable by a severe reprimand. You must not raise your voice or address your manager in a disrespectful manner.

Challenging your superiors' decisions is not only disrespectful, but also unacceptable.

After signing the contract (entering the job), the employee becomes acquainted with the internal charter of the company, with its official and conditional rules of conduct. The employee agrees to the company's rules of business etiquette and the penalties for violating them.

Business conversation

It is important to build business communication with both a female boss and a male boss. Regardless of gender differences, the manager is perceived as a faceless professional, a person who has experience in solving professional problems. It is more difficult to please a female boss, because female nature notices every nuance.

Business communication is based on mutual respect: even if colleagues do not like the manager, it is impossible to express criticism to the manager. Justified complaints are expressed to superiors in a courteous, calm manner. You cannot shout or emotionally defend your interests - such behavior puts an end to the employee’s reputation.

How to please your new boss

It is not difficult to please the new boss if you respect the chain of command and fulfill your duties. You should not adhere to certain tactics or write a plan to win the love of management. An employee is valued by experience and knowledge, and not by the ability to make many friends. You shouldn't neglect friendly communication either. The following will help your management like you in your new place:

  • grammatically correct speech;
  • restraint;
  • loyalty and patience;
  • sociability;
  • equilibrium.

When you move to a new place, you need to take care of your own image. You should adhere to the dress code and not stray from the rules of the established team. There is no need to try to gain the trust of all new employees: such behavior is indicative of management and does not benefit the new employee.

Foul language or rudeness will ruin the new employee's reputation. The management will not have to interfere in the affairs of the team if this employee gradually integrates into the life of the work group. Communication in a team and conversations with superiors are distinguished not only by the employee’s restraint, but also by his mood. Don't bombard new management with jokes or turn the work process into fun. The lack of seriousness of a new employee is a bad trait that catches the eye of the boss.

Balance and loyalty are important when communicating with a manager

An employee's image is his business card. His personal development in the company directly depends on the relationships he was able to build. The fewer conflicts and quarrels he creates, the easier it is for him to achieve a promotion. The management of a modern company values ​​such personal qualities in employees as:

  • determination;
  • equilibrium;
  • communication skills;
  • the ability to admit mistakes.

The first time in a new place will show how susceptible and stress-resistant a person is. To please your manager, you need to demonstrate composure and the ability to solve even the most complex problems without unnecessary emotions.

An employee’s reputation is influenced by his skills: how compliant and loyal he is. The strong-willed character of an employee is valued only in cases where such qualities benefit the common cause.

The employee’s reputation must correspond to the stated resume - then even the most demanding bosses will be able to please.

Taking risks is part of growing up. If a person does not know how to take risks, he does not develop. Managers will appreciate the employee’s initiative and aspirations, if they do not harm the team. Cooperation and ability to ask for help are also assessed by the supervisor.

Psychologists advise not to focus on one goal - to make a good impression on your superiors. Such a goal lacks the correct attitude. The motivation for development lies in the desire to improve your skills and gain new experience.

Advice from a psychologist on how to win the respect of management:

  1. Immediately after receiving a new position, try to communicate with your boss only on the merits. You should not run to his office for any reason.
  2. There is no need to present yourself in the best light against the background of guilty employees.
  3. You should not report on employees or talk about problems in the team.
  4. You cannot approach higher management over the head of your boss.
  5. You should not argue with management in front of all your subordinates.

You can't be afraid of your own mistakes. An employee who cannot admit a mistake does not deserve respect. He learns, improves and gains the necessary experience. To interact correctly with your superiors, you should worry about your qualifications.

Focusing on one task creates discomfort around the employee. Because of his attempts to make a good impression, he is constantly stressed and lashes out at his co-workers. It is important to create a positive atmosphere around yourself: encouragement from your superiors can be achieved through hard work and responsibility.

To increase your own importance and value in a team, you need approval and respect from colleagues and management. A few simple rules of conduct with your superiors will help you achieve this.

Rule 1. Always control your emotions.
Try to control your emotions in the workplace. If you receive criticism from management or colleagues, do not rush to respond in kind. Take time, calm down, analyze everything and then decide whether you should respond to criticism at all or maybe your answer will take a different form. Management will appreciate your diplomacy and restraint.

Rule 2. Don't show that you are smarter than everyone else.
If you don't like management's decisions on work projects, don't rush to criticize them. Propose your ideas and solutions correctly, give reasons why your boss’s proposal is not suitable for solving this project.

Rule 3. Don’t complain or cry into your boss’s pocket.
One of the many things that irritates any manager is your constant complaints about any matter. An employee who is always dissatisfied with something evokes in the boss the image of a helpless and incapable employee.

Rule 4. Offer your solution to problems.
Try to express your opinion in solving a problem before asking your manager to solve it. Do not shift your responsibilities onto the shoulders of your superiors. Look for innovative solutions to problems, this will set you apart from the crowd of employees.

Rule 5. Expand the boundaries of your competence.
Strive to do more for your organization than your responsibilities. Make every effort to complete a task that you have not done before. If completed successfully, management will appreciate you. Search, study, implement what will benefit your company. For example, a timely advertising campaign organized in a company selling mattresses will allow you to offer your customers discounts on mattresses of up to 20% and thereby increase the overall percentage of sales in the company. Consider introducing new technologies, modern solutions, and explore new areas of activity.

Rule 6. Do not contact management with questions that you can answer yourself.
Teach yourself to make your own decisions. Before you go to your boss with any question, sit down and think about how you would answer it. Throw away your uncertainty and doubts, you must make your own decisions within your competence.

Rule 7. Always respond to the actions of your manager.
Don't stand on the sidelines, but live the life of the team. React to your boss's actions, whether they are positive or negative. Management is struggling with discipline - train yourself not to be late for work, talk less on the phone about personal matters, quit smoking.

Rule 8. Create your image.
Analyze your image. Choose a clothing style that is appropriate for your field of activity. Take care of your hair, manicure, and cleanliness of your shoes. Remember, a neat person is always more pleasant to deal with than a slob. As the famous writer A.P. Chekhov said, “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts.” Don't forget about order in the workplace. Your manager won’t like it if you spend half an hour searching through a pile of papers for a report or the latest project. Also remember to keep your computer tidy. In case of your absence, the boss should easily find the necessary files.

Rule 9. Follow the rules of etiquette.
Greet and address your boss only by his first name and patronymic. after all, according to the rules of etiquette, the address must always be accompanied by the name of the addressee. In case of illness, call your manager personally and report the reason for your absence. It should also be noted that bosses value an employee’s ability to work with a team and the ability to create a friendly atmosphere among colleagues.

Rule 10: Sacrifice your personal time.
If you are asked to complete work under a tight deadline, sacrifice your weekends. But you will complete the assignments on time and the boss will know that he can always rely on you. Take the initiative and offer to help resolve issues in your free time. Your manager will appreciate your hard work, reliability and initiative.

Working in a friendly team under the leadership of a sensitive and decent person is the dream of any woman. How to win over your boss, but at the same time not break the rules in the team, and not start making friends with him? In such situations, tact, delicacy and cunning are needed.

Whether your boss is good or bad, your attitude towards him should not change just because the boss has a bad character or is a bore. The manager is the most important person in the office, and you must take his opinion into account, even if you do not agree with this position. If you have an emergency and need urgent leave, you will go to the boss. Do you urgently need money for a relative's surgery? Your boss will help you. Only this person will help decide your fate, even if it concerns your personal life. How close your relationship will become is up to both of you to decide; the main thing is not to overstep the boundaries of what is permitted.

Do not break the rules adopted by the team long before you arrive at the office. If all employees speak to their bosses on a first-name basis, this concerns you too. The boss himself decides how you should contact him. Do not share personal and home problems with your manager. If you decide to start a conversation on personal topics, think about how well your boss treats you. Maybe the time for tearful confessions has not yet come? Other employees may sense that something is going on between you. Remember that there is a time for everything.

There may be plenty of reasons for you to have a great relationship with your boss. For example, your children go to the same kindergarten, your parents also once worked together, you have the same interests and hobbies. Colleagues should not know such details. You will provoke unwanted gossip. When you want to chat with your boss face to face, do it outside the office walls. For example, offer to go bowling with your family on the weekend, if, of course, this is your common hobby. Don't tell your female colleagues about the evening you spent together or the details of your boss's personal life.

A positive relationship with the boss is the key to a comfortable climate in the office, pleasure from the work done, possible career growth and increased wages. Your positions should be transparent to your boss. Try to make him see you as a reliable employee and a loyal friend, but nothing more. Without meaning to, you may cross the line that separates you as an employee and a manager. And then you will no longer be able to work calmly. Friendship or romance with your boss rarely has a happy ending.