Register of certified engineering and technical workers. Certification of engineers involved in the design and construction process

Who are ITRs? Deciphering this term for a contemporary may cause certain difficulties.

According to the interpretation of the “Concise Economic Dictionary”, the abbreviation ITR hides a category of workers called engineering and technical workers. Today we intend to take a closer look at this concept.

Engineering workers - who are they?

The main sign of belonging to the mentioned persons is the authority to manage production and organize the work process. An engineering and technical worker (ETR) belongs to this category based on the position he occupies. In this case, a specific representative may have a specialized secondary or higher education. For example, a technical engineer may not have a compulsory higher education.

directory of works and professions, as well as the Unified Classifier of Professions, there are three categories of employees. The first is represented by managers, the second by specialists, and the third includes all the rest, called other types of employees or technical performers.

In another regulatory document called the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions (the date of approval of which is 1967), these same employees are divided by the nature of their activities into categories, and within each of them into groups.

What categories does the concept of engineering and technology include?

IT workers are anyone who can be classified as managers, specialists or technical performers. The category of managers includes those who manage both the entire organization and its individual services and divisions, as well as the latter’s deputies.

UNDS specialists are classified into one of several different groups. The first group is those who are employed in jobs related to agriculture or forestry, animal husbandry, and fish farming. The second is workers in the economic or engineering fields. Specialists of the third group work in the field of international relations. The fourth group is workers in the fields of art, culture, science, education, and healthcare. The fifth is a legal profile. Thus, we see that the circle of specialists is quite wide.

Technical performers are workers whose task is accounting, control, preparation of the necessary documentation and its execution, as well as economic maintenance. Thus, the concept of engineering and technical development has become morally obsolete, the decoding of which is no longer so relevant. It has been replaced these days by the concept of administrative and technical personnel (or ATP).

List of engineering positions

The development of scientific and technological progress leads to a strengthening of the functions of those who are usually called engineering and technical workers. Their number relative to the total number of all categories of workers is growing, especially in such industries as industry and construction.

Who exactly can we, without the risk of making a mistake, rank in the mentioned category? If we focus on the old Standard List of Positions, based on Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we are talking about managers (except for those appointed to positions by higher authorities), chief (senior) specialists various names, heads of offices, production facilities, farms, services, branches, sections, bureaus, inspections, departments and divisions, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops, storage facilities, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, cameras and ticket offices.

Who else is in this category?

And who else belongs to the IT workers? The list of them is quite long. It should include the heads of agencies, airports and airfields, power plants, elevators, waterworks, boiler houses, ventilation, treatment facilities, depots, trains, substations, shifts, water pipelines, transportation, loading and unloading operations, piers and moorings, transport, workshops (buildings ), factories, startup works, etc.

In addition, engineering workers are those who occupy the positions of heads of archives, offices, sections, managers of departments and sections, and group leaders. In addition, these are foremen, foremen, foremen, etc., commanders and captains.

As for engineering specialists, this abbreviation is applicable to a huge list of positions - agronomists, architects, administrators, arbitrators, biologists, accountants, auditors, doctors, surveyors and geologists, duty officers and dispatchers, engineers, cartographers and inspectors, standard setters, operators, programmers and translators, editors, surveyors, sociologists, pharmacologists, commodity experts, artists, energy specialists and legal advisers. This list is very extensive, and there is no point in presenting it in full in this short article.

The principle of remuneration for engineering workers

Such employees receive wages for performing their duties in the form of an official salary. That is, a certain fixed amount established by the administration of the enterprise and depending on the degree of complexity, as well as the volume of duties performed, the role and importance of this particular position in the work process and immediate working conditions.

The amount of the official salary is negotiated when hiring a specialist or manager and does not depend on the production results of the enterprise or a specific department.

The evaluation of the work of engineers is carried out based on completeness, quality and volume, as well as timely performance of the duties assigned to them.

Thus, the category of engineering and technical workers are paid for their work on a time-based basis. Depending on the position held, one’s own qualifications, the level of complexity and volume of duties performed, as well as working conditions in a particular industry, a system of official salaries is provided for all types of engineers. These salary schemes were developed on the basis of a number of regulatory documents, in particular the Qualification Handbook.

Is it just a “bare” salary?

In addition to fixed salary amounts, there is a system of additional payments, allowances and various bonus payments.

Such employees are rewarded in connection with an increase in production output and a reduction in its cost, compliance with contractual obligations, an increase in labor productivity, and savings in raw materials and fuel.

The administration of the enterprise independently determines certain indicators and bonus conditions. If the quality of manufactured products deteriorates or other negative factors are identified, premiums may not be paid.

Certain types of additional payments related to combining positions or professions, increasing the volume of work or expanding the service area are established in addition to the salaries of engineers at the discretion of management. They can be paid from saved wages.

Can the salaries of engineers change?

Decisions to change official salaries, either upward or downward, are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of employees at a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or 5 years.

If the results of such certification are unsatisfactory, it is possible to either cancel certain types of additional payments and allowances, or completely dismiss the employee from his position.

On labor standards for engineers

The task of competently organizing the work of employees and engineers in order to improve the structure of the management apparatus, optimize the use of working time and reduce costs involves rationing. Any type of managerial work can be properly organized only if there is specific information about the amount of time and the number of workers required to carry it out.

Compared to standardizing the labor of a worker, the same procedure in relation to engineers and employees is a more complex task. Indeed, in this case we are dealing with a process with a predominance of mental labor, which is not possible to directly measure. For example, a production technician does not stand directly behind the machine - he manages the process. So how can one evaluate his work?

The main task in rationing the activities of such employees is to establish the labor intensity of each type of work that they perform and calculate the required number of workers. Both actions are intertwined. The first of them is necessary for the successful division of labor responsibilities and the optimal distribution of workers in accordance with qualification characteristics.

Secondly, establishing the numerical composition of this category of workers serves to establish optimal proportions between individual positions, build a management apparatus in a rational way, and plan the required staff and wage fund.

According to the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 26, 2015 No. 734, engineering and technical workers involved in the design and construction process (hereinafter referred to as engineers) are subject to certification.


Applicants applying for a license for design activities and construction and installation work, and licensees carrying out these types of activities, must have certified engineering and technical workers.


  • All information on issued certificates is recorded in a unified state register;
  • A qualification certificate is issued for engineers;
  • The engineer must have relevant work experience and education (at least 3-5 years, depending on the position, in accordance with permitting requirements) - to obtain a certificate;
  • The certificate is unlimited;
  • Combining the work of engineers with other organizations carrying out these types of activities is not allowed.
  • When an employee moves to another company, a corresponding note is made in the unified state register.

Where and how can I get a qualification certificate?

Testing of knowledge with the subsequent issuance of certificates is carried out by certification centers operating on the basis of certificates of accreditation, issued by the KDS and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Procedure and deadlines for obtaining a qualification certificate:

1. The applicant (an individual working in a design or construction company) submits to the certification center an application for the issuance of a qualification certificate (according to the established form) along with the attachment of notarized copies of documents confirming his education, qualifications and work experience.

Review of the application and package of documents takes up to 15 working days.

2. After reviewing the documents and application, an order is issued - the applicant is admitted to testing or not; and also approves the certification schedule within 1 business day.

3. Within 3 working days the applicant is notified in writing (or by email) of the date, place and time of the certification (with confirmation of receipt in written or electronic form).

4. Testing is completed within 5 working days days from the date of receipt of the notification. Conducted in the state or Russian languages ​​- the test consists of 100 questions, for which 120 minutes are given.

5. Based on the results of testing, a decision is made on the applicant - “Certified” or “Not certified.” After that - within 2 working days- the applicant is issued a qualification certificate, confirmed by order of the certification center.

List of documents required for submission (to confirm qualification requirements):

  • Application in the prescribed form (filled out by hand or electronically, but with the signature of the applicant);
  • A copy of an identification document (ID or passport);
  • A notarized copy of a diploma of higher professional education (if you have an academic degree and academic title - copies of the relevant documents);
  • A notarized copy of the work book or other documents confirming work experience;
  • Notarized copies of foreign certificates, attestations and other documents confirming qualifications in the relevant specializations, if available.


Notarization is not required if the applicant submits the original document for verification to an employee of the certification center;

If an incomplete set of documents is submitted for certification, the certification center will not accept the applicant’s submitted documents.

The procedure for making changes to the register of the authorized body (KDS and housing and communal services MNE RK) on the website

Certified engineers included in the register of the authorized body and posted on the website and the Committee for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan can submit an application for a change of place of work to our certification center. The following documents are attached to the application:

1. Order of dismissal from previous place of employment (original for verification).

2. Order of appointment to a position at a new place of work (original for verification).

3. A copy of the qualification certificate.

The cost of this service is 2,000 tenge.

Requirements for engineering and technical workers (According to Appendix 2 of the Rules and Permit Requirements)

You can familiarize yourself with these requirements by downloading this file.

Download the application form You can apply for the issuance of a qualification certificate.

Cost of services:

Name of service Deadline Cost per qualification certificate

Certification of engineers

up to 15 working days 25,000 tenge.
Certification of engineers with training (consulting) up to 15 working days 30,000 tenge.
Training testing (on request) 4,000 tenge.
Making changes to the register of certified engineers (when changing jobs) from 5 working days 2,000 tenge/certificate (for clients of KTSSO LLP)
Making changes to the register of certified engineers (when changing jobs) from 5 working days 5,000 tenge/certificate (for clients of other centers). Consulting - 1,000 tenge.

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How many bloody tears have already been shed over regionalization... But regionalization is not the only rotten apple that legislators have treated the construction industry to in 372-FZ. There is also a “unified register of specialists”...

This innovation applies to everyone. Builders transferring to regional SROs. Builders who are not moving anywhere. Designers and surveyors who were not affected by regionalization at all.

Requirements for specialists in organizing construction, design and surveys are becoming more stringent and more centralized. The sufficiency of their experience and qualifications will be determined not by the SRO itself, but by NOSTROYE and NOPRIS.

Those architects and engineers who are deemed worthy will be included in the Unified Registers. And every company that is going to be a member of an SRO must have at least two such specialists on its staff.

New requirements for SRO members

We will say a lot more about specialists - but before we go into this jungle, we need to note one more new requirement.

From now on, an individual entrepreneur or head of a legal entity organizing specialized work must personally have higher specialized education and work experience in the specialty at least five years to become a member of the SRO and obtain permission to work - this is indicated in the new edition of Part 6 of Art. 55.5 GrK.

This news, presumably, will especially please the builders of the old school, who at one time limited themselves to technical school, and then went through the industry from bottom to top, figuring everything out from their own experience. And university teachers themselves could learn a lot from these people.

Well done legislators, what can I say. They didn’t take into account that in many respects it is precisely these builders that the industry rests on.

Now as for the specialists from the Unified Register. The minimum limit for the number of such specialists at the main place of work per SRO member is two specialists.

In principle, the SRO can independently set higher standards for types of work with increased responsibility. However, we remember that self-regulatory organizations previously had the right, for example, to set higher contributions to the committee fund - and did not use it. Of course, this would immediately reduce the attractiveness of a particular organization for those joining.

All about specialists from National Registers

Now we will look in detail at the requirements for specialists in the organization of construction, design and surveys, which they must meet in order to be included in the NOSTROYA and NOPRIZA registers, and the further responsibilities of these specialists.


In order for an engineer or architect to be included in the relevant register, he must have the following:

  1. diploma of higher professional education in the field of construction;
  2. work experience in engineering positions - from three years;
  3. total work experience in the field of construction - from ten years;
  4. advanced training in the field of construction - no earlier than five years ago;
  5. work permit (for foreign citizens).

Read and be surprised. If two of your lead engineers/architects already meet these requirements, you're a lucky person. If not, now this will have to be resolved somehow.


However, it is not enough just to have these specialists on staff. These people will also have to perform some key functions in the company.

For construction specialists from the NOSTROevsky register, these functions are as follows:

  1. organization of incoming control of project documentation;
  2. construction control during the company's work;
  3. acceptance of completed types and individual stages of work;
  4. signing the following documents:

    • acceptance certificate for a capital construction project;
    • confirmation that the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility complies with the requirements of technical regulations;
    • confirmation that the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility comply with the design documentation - including the requirements for energy efficiency and equipment with metering devices for energy resources used;
    • confirmation that the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility complies with the technical conditions for connecting to engineering support networks (if any).

As for the specialists organizing design and engineering surveys from the NOPRIZA register, their responsibilities will be as follows:

  1. preparation and approval of tasks for the performance of work by the company;
  2. determining criteria for selecting participants in the company’s work;
  3. presentation, approval and acceptance of the company’s work results;
  4. approval of the company's work results.

The twist is that these responsibilities make it extremely difficult for the company to formally use outside specialists to organize work. Because these specialists will have to sign quite serious things - and then be responsible for their truth. Including his presence in the register of specialists. However, we will return to this later.

Now let’s figure out how specialists get into the unified register initially.

How can a specialist get into the Unified Register?

As a matter of fact, the immediate procedure for inclusion has not yet been approved by the executive authorities of this area. However, it will be approved by the time it is time to be included in the register. Probably it will. With them you can no longer be sure of anything.

One way or another, this is not so important now - this is a procedural issue.

A much more fundamental issue in the topic of inclusion in the register is the grounds for refusal of inclusion. These reasons may be as follows:

  • the specialist simply does not meet the requirements;
  • the specialist tried to deceive the system and submitted doctored documents;
  • the specialist has an outstanding and unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime;
  • the specialist has already been excluded from this register for one of the unpleasant articles - and this happened no earlier than two (for some articles - three) years.

That last point is intriguing, isn't it? Let's understand the reasons for exclusion.

Why can a specialist be excluded from the register?

Exclusion from the register is a serious measure that jeopardizes the activities of not only the excluded specialist, but also the entire company in which he works - after all, at this moment the company most likely ceases to comply with the requirements of the SRO and may lose admission.

The following may be excluded from the register:

  • according to the specialist himself;
  • due to the death of a specialist;
  • if the specialist is a foreign citizen and his residence or work permit has expired;
  • if, due to the fault of this engineer or architect, money was paid from the SRO funds, and his guilt was established by the court (in this case, he can be on the register again no earlier than three years later);
  • if a specialist was twice brought to administrative responsibility for similar offenses while working on the same object (the waiting period is also three years);
  • if, due to the actions of a specialist, the individual entrepreneur or the legal entity for which he works is included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers, and the specialist’s guilt is established by the court (the waiting period is also three years).

What to do when the law on the register of specialists comes into force?

All current work permit certificates will expire on July 1, 2016. After this, builders, designers and surveyors will have to confirm their right to be a member of the SRO - now according to new requirements.

Fortunately, you still have enough time to improve your specialists to meet the requirements for them - for example, send them for advanced training if the last such improvement was completed more than five years ago.

Employees of your organization, such as welders, crane operators, slingers, installers, etc., are subject to mandatory certification, including workplace certification!

You need to understand that the certification of engineers is not only the certification of specialists, it is, first of all, the certification of the services provided by your organization. Every employee, especially those in a managerial position, must undergo this certification. The presence of these documents is simply mandatory to obtain SRO approval in the future.

CARRY OUT CERTIFICATION of engineering and technical

  • Consultation
  • Getting what you need
  • conclusion
    contracts and payment
  • Delivery
    to your office

For the first time, certification of engineers must be carried out within a month after taking office. Further – in accordance with regulatory requirements in the field of electrical safety, labor protection, fire safety and so on. The procedure for carrying out this certification was approved by Order of Rostechnadzor No. 37, dated January 29, 2007.

You can obtain all the necessary certificates by contacting NOPSS! Our employees will answer all your questions and help you obtain documents as soon as possible. Work with professionals and achieve the top in your profession! All initial consultations are free.

An important component of the staff of many organizations is engineering and technical personnel. Both employers and the representatives of engineering and technical workers themselves should know who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel, and what they are. It should also be understood that the criteria for determining engineering and technical personnel and the list of positions that are included in it may differ very significantly from enterprise to enterprise due to the peculiarities of the legal regulation of this category of employees.

Engineering and technical personnel - who are they?

Russian legislation practically does not provide for a direct classification of various categories of personnel. The only regulatory document regulating this aspect of work in general cases is the unified tariff and qualification directory of professions for blue-collar workers. However, engineering and technical personnel can be classified as both workers and employees, depending on specific circumstances.

The general definition of the concept of engineering and technical personnel can be expressed as follows - these are employees who perform various works to maintain the material and technical equipment of the enterprise itself and ensure the effective operation of the employer’s property by other categories of employees. In addition, engineering and technical personnel may also include employees of innovative management in the field of R&D, involved in the development and implementation of innovative equipment from an engineering and design point of view.

Accordingly, the key criteria for engineering and technical personnel are the following features of the work of such employees:

  • The direct task of engineering and technical workers is to maintain and repair the employer's property, as well as development or design activities within the enterprise.
  • The activities of engineering and technical personnel are auxiliary and do not bring direct income to the organization. Accordingly, the focus of the activities of engineering and technical workers is focused specifically on meeting the needs of the organization, and not its clients.
  • Engineering and technical personnel are not directly involved in the conduct of production activities or the provision of services.

Due to the lack of direct and precise legislative regulation, engineering and technical personnel in the personnel structure of an enterprise may also belong to the following categories of employees:

The employer has the right to classify individual employees into several categories of personnel at the same time. However, one should take into account possible conflicts that may arise in connection with such a method of organizing work, which should be provided for in advance in regulatory documents.

Who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel - list of positions

A specific list of engineering and technical personnel positions is not established by legislative acts and other national regulations. Therefore, the employer can independently establish his own list of positions for those employees who belong to engineering and technical personnel, without any restrictions, as well as otherwise regulate the activities of these employees and the use of such a division of personnel into categories. However, most often certain categories of workers are classified as engineers:

  • Utility workers. Workers who take care of communications at the enterprise, plumbers, electricians, most often belong to engineering and technical personnel.
  • IT workers. System administrators, as well as other categories of workers in the field of information technology, are considered engineering and technical personnel, at least if they do not provide services to third-party clients, but work directly to meet the needs of the organization itself.
  • Repair and maintenance personnel. All specialists involved in maintaining the property of the enterprise as a whole, as well as its repair, often fall into the category of engineering and technical personnel.
  • Employees of research and development and design departments and bureaus. These workers involved in the development of new equipment or other systems for the needs of the enterprise are also clearly included in the category of engineering and technical personnel.

When engineering and technical personnel are needed and features of regulation of their activities

Employees who belong to engineering and technical personnel are not always necessary for all enterprises without exception. In particular, for small business entities, the employer can completely do without this category of employees. The resolution of certain issues, including within large enterprises, can be achieved by involving workers in mechanisms or concluding agreements with other service organizations.

If engineering and technical personnel are on the staff of the organization, the employer should take into account the specifics of regulating the labor of such workers. In particular, with regard to repair personnel, progressive methods of the remuneration system involve the use of bonuses in the absence of breakdowns as a reward. However, payment systems for such employees are an extremely destructive method of organizing work.

If employees are primarily engaged in innovative activities, then, on the contrary, the most effective remuneration will be, including one tied to the total size of the salary fund, which will maximize the productivity of staff - after all, the more income innovation brings, the larger the salaries of employees will be.

Requirements for engineering and technical personnel imply, first of all, that they have the necessary qualifications and education. Most often, this category of employees must have either higher or professional technical education.