How to choose a delivery method on eBay. Which Ebay Shipping Is Best? eBay: Shipping Methods

Friends, we continue to study the features of working on the global trading platform eBay. And today we invite you to get acquainted with perhaps the most important and intriguing moment of shopping on eBay - delivery to Russia and everything connected with it. If you don’t yet know what this online trading giant is, we invite you to get acquainted with the store description

And first we would like to tell you some great news: eBay has launched an interesting global shipping program - GSP (Global Shipping Program). This event occurred on September 23, 2013.

The main idea of ​​GSP is to significantly increase sales volumes internationally. At the same time, the ebay delivery service strives to ensure that sellers who, for certain reasons, refuse to send their goods to Russia and CGB countries (i.e. outside the USA) still deliver. The essence of the program comes down to the organization of a global center, where all goods will initially be received, and then sorted and sent directly to their destination.

To use this program, the seller only needs to join the number of its participants. As a result, the seller does not violate the agreed delivery conditions, but at the same time carries out international sales. Schematically it looks like this:

It turns out that the seller, after confirming payment for an international order, sends it to a single processing center for the GSP program. Here he reports all the coordinates about the buyer and the delivery address. As soon as the parcel is received and registered at the center, the seller’s role actually ends there, since the employees of the GSP single center handle the registration of customs documentation and sending the parcel directly to the addressee.

It is important to note that the running program has some limitations:
The goods purchased by the buyer must be geographically located in the seller’s warehouse in the United States;
Payment for goods must be made exclusively through PayPal;
The weight of the package and product must not exceed 66 pounds;
Naturally, the purchased product must be included by the seller in the GSP program;
The cost of the goods, excluding the cost of processing and delivery, should not exceed $2,500;
Goods must not fall into the category of prohibited goods for shipment.

eBay: Shipping Methods
Walking through the auction pages and looking at interesting lots, you probably noticed that delivery from ebay can be paid or free. That is why it is impossible to clearly answer a very common question among novice shoppers: how much does shipping cost from ebay. The cost of delivery can be calculated in different figures from zero to infinity, naturally within reasonable limits.

As a rule, paid delivery is based on the weight, dimensions of the purchased product and the location of the buyer and seller. In some cases, it is cheaper and more reliable to buy goods with paid delivery. In particular, we are talking about rare and expensive things. However, many experienced shopaholics claim the opposite, and prefer free delivery to paid delivery. In this case, all payments that you have to pay will be included in the final purchase price.

It is worth noting that recently new rules were introduced at the auction, according to which the site commission must be charged on the entire cost of the goods, including the cost of delivery. As a result, today it is more profitable for sellers to sell their goods with free shipping. Before the introduction of these rules, it was possible to find lots on eBay with a very low price, but after making a purchase it turned out that the delivery price was several times higher than the cost of the lot itself. Thus, sellers attracted attention to their product by setting a suspiciously low price for it.

Today, ebay provides quite diverse types of delivery. For example, it is possible to receive the purchased goods via one of the international courier services FedEx, DHL and others. Upon arrival of the parcel in Russia, its servicing is handled by the EMS department of the Russian Post service. As a rule, you can see the terms and other delivery conditions directly in the lot card:

As you can see, here are products that cannot be delivered to Russia (note option “a”). However, you can try to contact the seller using the private messaging system and discuss possible delivery options specifically to Russia. Very often sellers will meet you halfway.

You may also have noticed that some lots are sent to Russia via international delivery – “Worldwide” (option “b”). But in this case, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the possible exceptions, which you can see by clicking on the “See Exclusions” button.

More specific information about delivery methods, types and times can be viewed on the “Shipping and payments” page:

On this tab you can also find out about the conditions for refunding money “Refund” and returning or exchanging goods “Returns”.

You can also use the services of intermediary companies that will pick up your parcel from the country where the seller is delivering and then forward it to you. Of course, this service is not free. The intermediary's commission can be approximately 5 - 10% of the amount of your order. The amount of the commission depends on various factors, so it is better to agree on the final amount you will have to pay to the intermediary in advance. Usually, the services of intermediaries are resorted to in cases where a fairly expensive and rare product is purchased.

eBay: delivery types
Today, eBay shipping can be done in a variety of ways. We will consider the most interesting ones in terms of cost and delivery time.

So, delivery to Russia carried out by ebay can be carried out by the following services:
First Class Mail International delivery service– this service delivers within 30 – 40 days. Due to its low cost, this type of delivery is the most common. The only thing that should be taken into account when working with this service is the weight of the parcel, which cannot exceed 2 kg. Moreover, provided that the goods sent to you are lost, the service employees will not be responsible for this, and there is no need to talk about compensation at all. Therefore, this type of delivery is good when purchasing small and inexpensive goods.
Airmail delivery service (Priority Mail International)– this service provides inexpensive and faster delivery, which ranges from 14 to 30 days. When working with this service, you will receive a notification to the mailing address specified when registering on eBay that the item you ordered has arrived and that you need to pick it up from the nearest post office. In this case, the weight of the parcel can be no more than 20 kg, which, you see, is quite a lot and convenient when making a large purchase from one seller. Also, packages sent through the Airmail service are covered by insurance, which is convenient in case of loss or damage to the package and the product itself. The only thing is that when you insure your parcel, you will be charged for this service; the amount of payment depends on the cost of the goods.
Delivery service EMS (Express Mail Service)– this delivery service from eBay is beneficial only if you want to receive the purchased item as quickly as possible. The fact is that EMS charges too much for its services, so it is rarely used. As for the timing, in this case you will receive your parcel within 7 – 14 days. The weight of the shipment, in turn, can reach 29 kg. The main feature of the EMS courier delivery service is the fact that the parcel is delivered “to your door” and handed over to you personally!
UPS delivery service- This is perhaps the most expensive type of delivery that is carried out on eBay. The high cost of the service is explained by its high-speed execution. After all, the delivery time in this case is only 3 – 5 days. All shipments are subject to mandatory insurance. The advantage of this delivery service is the ability to track the movement of your parcel:

As you can see, there is a field on the page in which you should enter the number that was assigned to your parcel when it was issued. After which you will need to click on the “Track” button and the result will be displayed in front of you.

eBay delivery service - resolution of disputes and conflicts
Purchasing any goods, both in regular and online stores, can be accompanied by controversial situations, eBay is no exception. But before you start sorting out your relationship with the delivery service or the seller, it would be best to study the mechanism for resolving disputes on eBay.

The most common reason why buyers are forced to waste time and nerves is untimely ebay delivery to Russia or the product received does not correspond to the description specified by the seller in the listing. These situations fall under eBay's buyer protection program:

It is worth noting that this program does not apply to all products. For example, the purchase of services, vehicles, real estate, goods, the purchase of which was registered on or on the site does not fall under the terms of the buyer protection program!

If you do not receive the ordered item on time, you can open a dispute on eBay only after 3 days, provided that the seller has clearly indicated the expected delivery date. If the date was not specified, you can open a dispute only 7 days after payment has been made.

How to open a dispute on eBay?
So, a situation has arisen in which it is simply necessary to open a dispute on a separate transaction. The first thing you need to do is visit your eBay page "My eBay" and select the item you have a claim on. To do this, click the “More Action” tab and follow the “Resolve a problem” link:

After this, you will need to provide the specific reason for the dispute, after which the system will automatically offer you to resolve the conflict in one of the following ways:
- open a dispute (follow the link I haven’t received an item);
- get help on a question you are interested in (follow the link I need help with an existing case).

Since we are directly considering opening a dispute, we follow the first link. A new page will open in front of you, on which you will see the question: “Have you made an attempt to clarify the dispute with the seller or not?” You select the appropriate category and click on the “Continue” button:

We would like to note the following: if you report that you made no attempts to contact the seller on a conflict issue before opening a dispute, you will not be able to open a dispute. The fact is that the system will definitely offer you to contact the seller to resolve the dispute between themselves:

But if you note that you have already tried to resolve a controversial issue with the seller, but as a result did not come to a compromise, then the system will allow you to open a dispute. To do this, you will need to follow the “Open a case” link:

Next, you will see a field for entering a message to the seller, in which you need to indicate the reasons for the dispute. Since you did not contact the seller before opening a dispute, we recommend that you note the reason for the dispute and inform that you are willing to wait a little for the package sent to you, approximately 7 - 29 days:

Why is it worth specifying this particular waiting period? It's simple! The fact is that after you open a dispute, your opponent has exactly 7 days during which he has the opportunity to respond to you. Before this period expires, you will not be able to click on the “Escalation” link (the button will be inactive). But if it becomes active, you can transfer your dispute to the “Claims” category:

As for the deadline of 29 days, according to the terms of the eBay auction: the consideration of disputes and conflicts within the site takes place within 30 days. And if after this time the dispute remains a dispute and does not move into the “Claim” category, then its consideration by the site administration will be terminated and the dispute will be automatically closed.

If a compromise is not reached between the buyer and seller, the dispute is turned into a claim, after which you can only wait for the administration’s decision. As a rule, if there are compelling reasons and arguments, the auction administration comes to the defense when solving the problem that has arisen.

If necessary, you can contact directly the administration of the “Customer Support” site. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate section “Contact eBay” and contact the administration:

Once in this section, you have the opportunity to chat with the administration live (follow the “Live chat” link) or call the site operator.
Some users find it more convenient, easier and cheaper to contact the eBay administration via Skype. Moreover, there is a toll-free contact number on eBay: +18664993229. In order to make a call, you need to dial the specified number on Skype, only first you will have to follow the link:

As a result, you will be taken to the page:

Now you just need to click the “Call us” button, after which you will be provided with a personal access code. As soon as you try to make a Skype call, the system will automatically ask you to enter the code provided to you. As soon as you enter it, you will be taken to the operator.

Important: When opening a dispute, you need to behave confidently and specifically justify your claims. Only in this case will the dispute opened by you be won in your favor, and you will not incur financial costs. Otherwise, all costs of returning and replacing low-quality or non-descript goods will fall on your shoulders!

We sincerely hope that you do not have to deal with any disputes and that your shipping from ebay goes as smoothly as possible.

Happy eBay shopping!

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So, you enthusiastically made your first purchases, participated in the auction, were worried about who would be the winner, and then paid for your first purchases with trepidation... But time passes, The goods have been paid for and perhaps even shipped, but they still don’t arrive. At the post office they have already begun to recognize you by sight when you come and check to see if a package has arrived in your name. And more and more often questions begin to arise in my head about how long to wait for an order from eBay without fear of being left with nothing.

What if the seller didn’t send it? Yes, and you have difficulties with the English language, at best only with a translator. And in general, who will reimburse me for everything? In short, there are a lot of questions, and your loved ones may have already begun to cast sidelong glances at you with silent reproach, saying, “We told you - don’t get involved!” Hmmm, it’s an unenviable situation, to be sure...

You started frantically searching the Internet to find out how long it takes to order from eBay. And so it began: some people talk about 45 days, some mention 30, and some even threaten 180 days of waiting. But everyone agrees on one thing: if you miss the deadline for the dispute (another scary word), then you will lose everything!

My head is spinning, thoughts arise that it would be better to buy it near the house, albeit much more expensive, but without unnecessary worries! Sound familiar?

Let's calm down together. eBay, acting as an intermediary between you and the seller, has undertaken the obligation that if you, a respectable buyer, have paid for everything, filled out everything (indicated the correct address in Latin letters in your personal account), but have not received your goods, then all funds spent, including shipping costs. The Buyer Protection Program explains and guarantees all this in clear language. Naturally, if you seek help in a timely manner.

Let's look at a specific example. Let's say you bought and paid for an item that is listed in your list of purchased items in your personal account.

Let's take a look at the image:

Screenshot from

The image clearly shows that the estimated delivery time ranges from April 27 to May 25, 2016. The question arises: what was the seller actually thinking when he set such divergent deadlines? And here is the first important note: these deadlines are set by an automatic calculation system based on your address and the type of delivery offered.

In our case, it is free (and here is the second note: nothing is free, you pay for everything). But to make the lot more attractive, the seller does not indicate this. Of course, the delivery method will be chosen at his discretion, and at such a cost of the lot, it is obvious that it is the cheapest. And this means extended deadlines. So all you have to do is wait.

And yet, how long should we wait? Buyer Guidelines: The eBay Money Back Guarantee applies to all items listed for sale that are covered by this program. .

You can find information about this on the product description page. Naturally, it is advisable to do this before purchasing. The information you are looking for looks like this:

Screenshot from

Do not rush to frantically search for the Guarantee on the page of the purchased product. Most likely, your purchase is also covered by this protection - it applies to most eBay products. There are exceptions, but we are not talking about that now.

We will continue to protect the buyer. The rules establish the following:

If the latest estimated delivery date has passed and the item has not been received, open a request in the Conflict Resolution Center. This must be done within 30 days of the latest estimated delivery date. Indicate the reason for opening the request: “I have not received my product yet,” and then select the desired product from the shopping list.

We return to the deadlines indicated for our product, with the understanding of what is written above. It turns out that our deadline for delivery is May 25, 2016:

Screenshot from

Therefore, within 30 (or preferably 29) days after May 25, 2016, we have the legal and guaranteed right to contact the seller with a request/demand for the return of all funds spent. Why 29 days? Because due to the time difference, we risk not making it in time and will lose the legal right to open a request (dispute) under protection.

To eliminate risks, we calmly wait for almost a month and, if no changes occur (the goods have not arrived), we begin the specified dispute/request procedure. As you can see, with the proposed option there is quite a long time for calm waiting, without hassle and doubt.

It would seem that this would be worth putting an end to, but what to do when the specified waiting interval is missing? Indeed, there are cases when the seller does not put a sign indicating that the goods have been shipped (this is not a violation), or the specified interval is missing.

Screenshot from

In this case, look for the “Additional actions” inscription next to the product and select the “Contact the seller” option in the drop-down menu.

Screenshot from

On the page that opens, select the one we need from the options offered. In this case, this is the “I did not receive the item” option. Please note: in the proposed options there are two answer options, as indicated by the number (2):

Screenshot from

As you can see, despite the options hidden at first glance, the estimated date of arrival of the goods exists, and we now know it. It's time to remember that eBay's rules state:

If the latest estimated delivery date has passed and the item has not been received, open a request in the Conflict Resolution Center. This must be done within 30 days of the latest estimated delivery date.

Therefore, we still have enough time to calmly wait for the arrival of the shipment without fear of missing the guaranteed deadlines for starting the procedure for requesting a refund (opening a dispute).

It should be added: if the seller and buyer live in the same country, the maximum delivery time is reduced to 30 days, and depending on the type of delivery (for example, expedited) and even shorter.

The responsibility to follow these deadlines rests entirely with you. If you missed the deadlines, you will have to take advantage of the PayPal Buyer Protection Program, which regulates the delivery guarantee within 180 days:

Screenshot from

Have a great day and happy eBay shopping!

And now comes the most awaited moment - receiving goods from Ebay.

First of all, after the Seller has received money for the lot and delivery, ask him to send the postal identifier of the parcel and its exact weight. Ideally, you need him to scan the parcel receipt and send it to you electronically. In principle, this is an unspoken rule of the eBay auction, but it is worth reminding about it in order to avoid any incidents upon receipt. You will need an identifier - tracking number - to track the path of the parcel. And its exact weight is to make sure upon receipt that the parcel arrived to you in its original form.

There are two ways to receive your parcel. The first is to use government delivery services, the second is commercial express services.

Government services

State delivery services are the most acceptable option, because although they take longer, they are cheaper, and the attitude towards them at customs is much better.

EMS (Express Mail Service) is a service that provides parcel delivery services, operating in more than 200 countries around the world. Knowing the tracking number of your parcel, you can track its path by going to the website of the sender's country. You can also see the shipping cost here. It happens that the Seller deliberately inflates delivery, in which case we send him a link to the page where the real price is indicated.

EMS automatically insures shipments for $100. If you think that you need more expensive insurance, inform the Seller about this, he will include the required amount in the invoice.

In Russia, this system operates under the auspices of Russian Post - EMS Russian Post. There are more than 40 thousand such post offices in the country.

Also, the system is considered a courier system, that is, the parcel will be delivered directly to your home. Very comfortably.


USPS (United States Postal Service) - American postal service.

Express Mail

This non-government delivery services Accordingly, the cost of using their services is higher than that of government postal services. The main advantage is the speed of sending, which in Russia often comes to naught. Since the parcel actually arrives in the country in a matter of days, such delivery is not possible to all cities in Russia, and the limit on the cost of the parcel is often limited to $100-200.

Services: FedEx, DHL, Cargo, UPS, TNT.


The main activity of the customs service is to review all postal items incoming and outgoing from the country, and check their contents for compliance with the law. Each country has an impressive list of what can be imported or exported and what cannot. Also, the duties of the customs service include checking postal items for the need to impose duties - taxes. Parcels worth up to 500 euros and weighing up to 31 kilograms per calendar month are not subject to customs duties. If its value is higher, you will receive a notification in your mailbox informing you that you need to go to your regional customs warehouse and pay a duty. The duty is paid only in the country of the addressee. That is, let’s say you receive goods from the USA, but pay tax in Russia. The duty price is usually not indicated in the invoice. Usually, the cost of the parcel is indicated by the sender, that is, the Seller of the goods, by filling out the column "Assessed value". Newcomers often ask: “What if I ask the sender to lower the cost of the goods, and thus be able to avoid paying duty.” However, that is why the customs service exists, so that if it does not agree with the specified price, it can determine the cost of the parcel independently. The customs officer has the right to do this even if the Seller forgot to enter the amount in the required field, or wrote that the parcel being sent is a Gift. As a rule, this entails an increase in customs duties and a significant delay in clearance.

All of the above applies only to those goods that are received by individuals for personal, non-commercial use. Customs determines these goods based on several factors:

Properties of goods and their practice of use in everyday life;

The number of similar goods in one parcel. If there are several things you ordered, and they are of the same name, style, color or size, that is, they clearly exceed the needs of the recipient and his family members, then they can be considered as goods for commercial use;

Frequency of shipment of homogeneous goods. If your address regularly receives parcels from the same sender, for example, with cell phones, this is already a reason to suspect you of unofficial commercial activity.

If customs has recognized your parcels as business activity, be prepared for customs clearance fees to be calculated in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the rates of customs duties for customs clearance of goods.”

So, based on this information, be as honest and prudent as possible and try to use government postal services whenever possible, since customs are not as strict with them as with commercial ones.

We receive the parcel

So, the long-awaited moment - the parcel has successfully cleared customs, and your mailbox has received a notification that you can come and pick up the parcel.

Important point! When you arrive at the post office, do not immediately sign the proposed receipt, because by putting your signature there, you actually agree that you received the goods in proper form and you have no complaints. First of all, carefully inspect the box for possible defects. Shake it, in general, make a visual assessment of the parcel. If you find that the parcel packaging has been opened, make sure that there is an “opening certificate”.

Open the parcel itself in the presence of a postal employee. If the goods are damaged, and the naked eye can see that this happened during transportation, then do not sign the receipt at all and return the goods to the postal worker. When you arrive home, immediately write to the Seller about this incident and describe the situation in detail. Usually, in such cases, the parcel is returned to the sender, and he himself receives insurance for it and sends you the money spent. This will take approximately one to four months.

If the parcel was delivered directly to your home, carry out the inspection and opening procedure in exactly the same way, and do not sign the receipt prematurely, no matter how indignant the courier may be.

What to do if the product turns out to be defective?

The parcel turned out to be visually intact, and opening it revealed nothing. You brought it home, but upon closer examination it turned out that it was defective. This question especially concerns those who purchase electronics. First, evaluate whose fault this could have happened. If during transportation, then you can’t prove anything, since the receipt is signed. If it is clearly the Seller’s fault, then we immediately sit down to write him a letter. Never give ultimatums or make threats. Just politely and in detail describe the situation that the parcel has been received, but the product does not work and is in unsatisfactory condition, and that you would not like to spoil its high positive rating with a negative review, but this state of affairs does not suit you at all. As a rule, a Seller who values ​​his rating will try to the best of his ability to quickly and calmly resolve all problems. They usually offer to send the package back in exchange for a similar, properly working product, or refund the money.

Images: "© F. Young", "© Filser", "© Carson"

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Frauds of the Russian Post and Customs Service: how to receive an order from Ebay

Proper packaging is the key to successful delivery of the parcel on our territory. It allows you to immediately see the fact that the parcel has been opened and request that it be checked BEFORE signing the receipt of receipt.

If you purchase from an online store, you need to ask Google in advance to see what packages from this store look like. What box do they come in and what tape are they wrapped in?

Branded store-bought or unique adhesive tape is a very useful thing

When purchasing on Ebay (for expensive items), you should ask the seller to send the exact weight of the parcel and how to pack it properly. It is especially worth negotiating for non-standard adhesive tape (with seller labels or at least with hearts). You can even pay an extra five dollars for the extra hassle. If you still decide to buy a cell phone on Ebay, for example, then ask the seller to indicate its IMEI number on the parcel - then you will be able to file a police report regarding the theft and tracking of the phone.

It is advisable to obtain device identification data from the seller

Therefore, it is better to always buy directly from an Ebay seller and avoid intermediaries. Especially for expensive things, because... intermediaries work until the first force majeure event, and then it turns out that they do not bear any responsibility and they do not need a problem client, because there are still thousands who do not make claims. This especially applies to domestic intermediaries - their slogan is “unobtrusive Soviet service.” As a result, it will not be possible to use PayPal protection, since the seller fulfilled his obligations by delivering the parcel to the intermediary’s door, and it is also impossible to get to the intermediary himself, because they do not live in Russia and are not legally registered anywhere. Our mail will simply laugh at you.

Filling out a customs declaration

Usually, when buying on Ebay, this issue remains on the conscience of the seller. However, it is still worth remembering the following points:

For Russia, the tax-free amount is up to 1000 euros and weight up to 31 kg. Tax is paid at 30% on amounts exceeding 1000 euros. Delivery costs are not included. For Ukraine, it is much lower and it can be useful to ask the seller to lower the cost within reason. In general, you should not underestimate the cost - then the seller will be able, in case of loss of the package or theft of the attachment, to calmly obtain insurance in his home country in America, and it will be much calmer and easier for you to return the money back, even without disputes and involving a buyer protection system.

Example of a cargo declaration

When buying several things or trying to buy for yourself and friends to save on shipping, it is worth remembering that there is such a thing as a “commercial batch”. Its “commerciality” is determined by the customs officer personally - by eye. The cost of the investment in this case does not play a role, and the determining factor in the customs officer’s decision is the quantity of the same type of product. At the same time, if the parcel is ordered for an individual and the customs officer decides that the shipment is “commercial”, then it will be almost impossible to clear it through customs and certainly not profitable - it is easier to refuse and send it back to the seller. And the refund itself.

How can you avoid getting caught in a “commercial shipment” and how many goods can be sent? Here everything is at the discretion of the customs officer - if he doesn’t like something, then you will have to prove to him that the goods in the parcel are intended for you personally and, in extreme cases, your family.

From experience, 2 - 3 identical things pass normally. If shoes are sent, then 4 pairs without boxes also go through normally. It is desirable for clothes to have one size and different nomenclature. Although there are cases when people take a risk and send 100 bumpers for iPhone and they go through normally, but this, as they say, is illegal and the chance that they will go back is very high.

The same “peephole” of the customs officer, with the help of which he determines the type of parcel (commercial or private)

Dispatch of goods

Sending parcels to Russia is possible in three different ways:

Regular mail with or without tracking number - arrives at your post office.

This is the most preferable option, because it takes the same time, or even faster, than Express Mail, and there is much less theft there. Plus, it's one and a half times cheaper. In addition, you can safely inspect the parcel at a post office near your home.

By express mail: in Russia its functions are performed by PR's subsidiary - EMS Russian Post.

In terms of time, it can arrive either faster than regular mail by several days, or it can freeze for a month or two without explanation. The track shows that the parcel is flying over the ocean, but in fact it is lying in a warehouse in Moscow, waiting for it to be processed. Arrival is not specifically scanned so as not to accept claims regarding delivery times - they are counted from the moment the arrival is scanned. Has big problems with couriers who deliver packages while you are at work. They usually don't call the phone. Most often they don’t go at all, but mark the person as not being at home. In this way, part-time students free up their time and receive additional “money” for beer through the sale of gasoline.

EMS Russian Post: service for real gourmets

Changing the delivery address, for example to a work one, is a rather complicated procedure with filling out forms and “scanning” passports, after which they may forget about it or ignore all your faxes and again take you to your home address.

Therefore, buyers prefer to receive (especially valuable things) at the central district office, where wild, disgruntled hordes from all over, for example, Moscow, crowd into an area of ​​five square meters.

It is also famous for the high percentage of missing expensive investments - mainly electronics. The topic “EMS stole an iPhone” has already become a “meme” on some forums and appears twice a day from newbies who will first buy this undoubtedly valuable gadget with “express” delivery, and then go look for a specialized forum and write about their grief.

Typical letter to EMS service

By courier mail - fast, reliable, but there are many pitfalls.

UPS is the most normal of the existing ones. But after the Russian Post monopoly lobbied for the relevant laws on customs clearance priority and simplified schemes, it can send goods to private owners in Russia only from a limited list of foreign online stores (the list is updated and available on the Internet), which themselves collect packages of documents for it and split up orders for a bunch of parcels with amounts up to 5,000 rubles, including delivery. They arrive very quickly, couriers call and can bring them to work. They demand (!) to inspect everything before signing on the electronic tablet “in order to avoid.” However, with Ebay, such delivery is unfortunately impossible; if such a package comes from a private seller, the recipient will be called and asked for a bunch of documents and additional money for customs clearance of the cargo. Even if these are socks for 500 rubles.

Fedex - after changes in legislation, stopped dealing with individuals.

DHL Express is a Russian company representing the DHL International GmbH holding in Russia. In thematic forums there are often complaints about the service of this company. In particular, DHL Express provides such a service as assistance in customs clearance of parcels, the cost of this service, according to our data, is about 4,000 rubles. per unit of goods.

Also, do not confuse “DHL Express” and “DHL International” in the description of the type of delivery from the seller. The second is regular regular German mail and comes to us at the regular post office near our house.

DHL Express: controversial reputation among Russian Ebay fans

So, having previously agreed on the type of delivery with the seller, we paid for the purchase and the wait for the parcel begins. The main rule at this stage is: “Online shopping is not for the impatient.” Therefore, there is no need to constantly harass the seller after payment, demand confirmation of shipment from him, etc. Remember that it is not a fact that they will be sent on the same day; it may take time to collect the order. Also, an important thing that buyers forget is that the Earth is round and rotates quite slowly around its axis, so day and night for the buyer and seller may not coincide. At the same time, there is no need to worry if the seller does not respond, people are working and it is not their responsibility to entertain the buyer with conversations. Again, our mail is very leisurely, so the times stated for worldwide delivery do not correlate with Russia at all.

The best method after a purchase is to enter the 40th day in your diary, after which you need to start worrying or forget about it. If it arrives before this time, it will be a pleasant surprise.

However, if you are very interested in why there is still no parcel and whether this misfortune has only affected you or whether this is the case for everyone, you can look at the current statistics on the passage of parcels in different directions. For example, .

At the same time, while waiting for the first orders, it is necessary to prepare for the difficult process of correctly receiving the package at the post office with training (literally) of its employees.

ZOOM.CNews wishes you prudence and good luck when choosing delivery

How to receive a parcel?

If, without heeding the advice of the wise and not being afraid of the agonizing cries of the victims, you ordered something valuable through express delivery by EMS Russian Post, then, having seen on the track that the parcel has passed customs, you need to call either directly for sorting, or on the hotline and refuse the courier. Say what you will receive at the department, there is an opportunity to properly inspect the parcel, weigh it and draw up paperwork in case of damage or theft of the attachment (yes, the meaning of courier delivery is lost, but this is Russia).

At the trial, EMS states that the courier can do the same thing, including weighing and drawing up reports in Form 51. Anyone who wants to, try it. No one has yet been able to force him to do this. For starters, we would have to catch him again.

Almost nothing has changed since then...

The following advice is valid both for receiving a simple parcel at your post office and an express parcel at the central regional EMS office. Failure to comply is punishable by loss of money.

Basic rule:

the same (well, almost) people as you work at the post office. Therefore, if understanding does not arise, there is no need to throw yourself at the bars, shout and swear. But you shouldn’t wear chocolates or fawn over them either. These people have chosen their specialty and you, as a client paying a lot of money for postal services, have every right to calmly demand that they fulfill their official duties.

And the responsibilities are as follows:

  • The postal employee is required to weigh the package and show you that the weight on the scale matches the weight indicated on the address label (it is in pounds, so be prepared to recalculate on the spot).
  • The postal employee must allow you to inspect the package to ensure the packaging is intact BEFORE signing anything.
  • In case of discrepancy in weight (from 20 grams) or violation of the integrity of the package (tears, lack of address sticker and customs declaration, left transparent or opaque adhesive tape, branded adhesive tape of the Russian Post), the postal employee is obliged to call the shift supervisor and open the parcel with you. In case of substitution or damage to the investment, draw up two reports in duplicate - a report on the external inspection and a report on the investment. Act forms are available at every post office - form 51.
  • At the same time, the presence of the Certificate that came with the parcel is already an official reason for the mandatory opening of the parcel before signing any papers. Sometimes it happens that a Weight Discrepancy Report comes with the parcel; from my experience, the minimum weight for which the Certificate came with the parcel is 55g.
  • After drawing up the Acts, you write on them that you refuse the parcel for the reason described in it, and the postal employee is obliged to send the parcel to the return address at the expense of the post office for an insurance investigation on the sender’s side.

The forms of influence on a postal employee are as follows::

Call the shift supervisor and ask the supervisor to explain to his subordinate the rules for issuing parcels.

If it doesn’t help and the shift manager is not as intelligent as the employee, call the Russian Post quality hotline toll-free - 8-800-2005-888 (8-800-2005-055 for EMS PR). By phone, you must inform that in the department index “A”, located at address “B”, they refuse to show/weigh/draw up reports or require you to sign a receipt (waiver of claim) before inspecting the parcel, blackmailing you to send it back. Then you can ask the head of the department to comment on your case over the speakerphone.

Usually point one applies. The main thing is to make it clear, as it is written in one sensible book, “Basics of Service Dog Breeding,” who is walking who here. But do it calmly and with restraint, because you still have to deal with them for a very long time.

A course towards modernization? Not in this life.

Next, if everything is fine, you can sign the receipt on which you were invited to receive the parcel (read what you are signing, it says that you received the parcel with the correct weight and intact packaging and have no complaints). If this receipt is signed, but there is something wrong with the parcel, then you are your own enemy and will not be able to make any claims against anyone (in fact, there is a clause in the international postal convention, but there are subtleties there and in our court it little hope). The track will indicate that the parcel has been received.

If force majeure occurs and the goods are broken or stolen, then, by drawing up reports:

Write on the Certificate that you refuse the parcel. Don't sign the ticket! You sign only the Acts mentioning that you are refusing to receive them due to the substitution/damage of the attachment. The parcel goes back to the sender with the attached documents and the sender will receive insurance.

Then you wait until the track shows that the parcel has been exported from Russia and is going back to the sender. When the dispute deadline approaches (the 40th day), open a dispute in PayPal, indicating the reason “non-receipt of the parcel” (non-receipt! you didn’t receive it - leave the stories that there was a brick and it went back on its own for your friends. Otherwise, you may not be accepted understand and ask to send papers from the police about your complaint about fraud (the local office will have a good laugh) and also give the track number by sending this brick (which itself went back). Since in the track number that the seller will provide to PayPal, there will be no return receipt, PayPal will refund all money.

Possible pitfalls and most common deceptions by Russian Post employees:

  • The requirement to sign a receipt before the parcel is weighed and allowed to be inspected is the most common. Training is required.
  • Allegation of the absence of Form 51 forms and the inability to fill them out. You can do nothing for now, but come the next day with yours. Forms are available on the Internet.
  • Refusal to open the parcel, with the drawing up of a report in Form 51 and in the presence of the shift supervisor, in the event of a difference in weight or damage to the packaging. It is illegal to use enforcement measures.
  • The requirement to sign and give the receipt after drawing up and signing the Act. Illegal. If the receipt is signed, it is impossible to win a dispute about non-receipt or prove that the investment was stolen/broken and you did not take it out at home.
  • Statement that the opened parcel was opened at customs. When opened at customs, the parcel is sealed with special customs tape and comes with a customs inspection certificate signed by a customs officer and two postal employees present, which is the reason for opening the parcel. Any tape that does not match the original, either store-bought tape, or waste tape is a reason for opening. As well as an insurance mail flap taped to the edge (to disguise the cut) with declarations or lack thereof.

If, nevertheless, you took the parcel and along with it the right to demand a refund from the post office (you shouldn’t have done this - just not in this country), then you may hear the following statements:

  • Statement that Russian Post is not responsible for international shipments and “messages” to foreign colleagues. Lie. Responsibility is enshrined in both our and international laws from the moment the shipment enters the territory of Russia.
  • Statement that the recipient cannot claim insurance payment - only the sender. According to this statement, all claims are answered. Lie. After receiving the parcel in hand, the recipient becomes its owner and can demand compensation in the country where the parcel was received from the delivering organization.

And in conclusion about the postal topic: now they put “buckwheat” (buckwheat, a product rich in iron and nutrients) in parcels by weight and seal them in such a way that it is very difficult to determine whether it has been opened. To ensure there is enough time for this, Russian Post and customs are constantly increasing delivery times.

This is where having a good relationship with your local office staff can help. Even if the package looks and weighs perfect, it is better to open it at the post office in the presence of post office employees (after signing the receipt). If something is wrong, then by law employees are required to draw up an Autopsy Report - as witnesses, with whom they can already sue the Russian Post on the grounds of knocking out insurance. If the relationship is good, you can ask them to return the receipt and draw up the appropriate Acts to refuse the parcel - thus simplifying the procedure for receiving a refund a hundred times, bringing this process to a country with working laws.

No receipts BEFORE checking the weight, declaration and packaging of the parcel

And in conclusion, let's repeat it again. Carefully read the product description and customer reviews of the seller. And remember - “If a deal is too good to be true, then it is too good to be true.”. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to do a Google search or search for specialized buying forums. As a last resort, ask regulars of thematic forums, if the question is not one of those that is repeated 3 times a day and searched for by hundreds, then they will definitely answer you.

We continue our series of articles in which we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the eBay auction. Today we’ll talk about the delivery of goods from eBay, as well as the customs duties that are possible with such delivery.

What is the best delivery method? How much does delivery cost? When and how to pay for it? What may be subject to customs duties? To which countries are goods not sent? We will give answers to these and other questions within the framework of this article.

I won the lot foreBay. How can I get it?

eBay is a global auction that brings together sellers and buyers from different parts of our planet. Therefore, it will not be difficult to deliver the lot you win to the address specified during registration. Many sellers ship worldwide using a network of national postal services.

Sometimes it happens that you may encounter certain restrictions - the seller refuses to deliver to your country, which he previously indicated in the description of his lot. Then you can use the services of intermediary companies, or try to negotiate with the seller so that he lifts his restriction on an exceptional basis.

Article on the topic:

How quickly will I receive the goods fromeBay? What are the delivery times for goods fromeBay?

It all depends on the country where the seller and buyer are located, as well as on the delivery method you choose. If you chose “free shipping”, then you should not expect the goods earlier than 30 days later. Usually this type of delivery can be delayed up to 60 days. Free is a very long time. Of course, you can pay for transportation, but sometimes the amount is by no means small.

By sea from the USA you will receive the goods no earlier than in 25-30 days, by airmail 10-20 days. Delivery from European countries is usually faster. After completing the transaction, the Seller will offer you a list of delivery methods from which you can choose the most acceptable one.

What is a “verified physical address” and why does the seller agree to ship only to it?

Only US residents can confirm their place of residence. This is another way to make sure that you are a living person and have provided real data. If the seller stipulates delivery conditions only to a “confirmed physical address,” then you will have to use the services of intermediary companies. They will accept the goods at their warehouse in the USA, and from there they will send them to your residential address.

Many sellers indicate delivery only to a “confirmed physical address” in order to be on the safe side and protect themselves from scammers.

Like parcels purchased oneBay, go through customs?

There is no definite answer to this question, and it all depends on many factors - the indicated price of the product, its size, weight, type, etc. There are various customs nuances that it is advisable to familiarize yourself with in advance.

Within the framework of this article, we will not be able to consider in detail the conditions for passing customs inspection of goods when delivered to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. Therefore, in the near future read an article on our website in which we will cover these points.

Article on the topic:

Please clarify how the package girth is calculated?

When sending any parcel, there are usually maximum dimensions, namely weight, length, width and girth. Girth is calculated using the following formula: (Height + Width)×2 + Length.

Does eBay provide shipping insurance for items?

No, eBay does not insure shipping. Its competence only includes completing a transaction within the auction (buy/sell). Delivery is already the jurisdiction of companies that ship goods from point “A” to point “B”.

You can notify the seller if you want to insure the package, but this will cost additional money. Very often, expensive delivery methods already include insurance in the price. As a rule, this is no more than $100.

I was sent an item from the USA via USPS, the seller sent me a tracking number, but when I enter it on the operator’s website, I get the response “The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on (date) to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if / when available." What does it mean?

The website has a simple and convenient printing function called. “Shipping Label” - special stickers on a parcel or package, where all the information regarding delivery is indicated. Address, recipient, barcode and everything else. The received message indicates that the Seller has entered all the details, printed this sticker and the parcel has been assigned a unique identifier. After this, he must take the parcel to the post office where it will be weighed, the cost of shipping will be paid, and the shipment will be made directly. As a rule, after printing the stickers, parcels are sent within a few days. The parcel can be sent in a way that is not tracked via the Internet, then this message can be issued by the system constantly. But even if the shipment was made in a way that includes tracking, the current status may appear in the system only after 5-10 days.

What is the “mail forwarding” service and when is it beneficial?

Many companies and sellers on eBay do not ship to Russia and CIS countries. What is this connected with? Hard to say. They probably don’t want to deal with us, because they think that “our” buyer is not reliable, or the delivery services in our countries leave much to be desired. Whatever it is, the fact remains a fact. You may experience that delivery will not be possible. Some intermediary companies offer a “virtual address” or “mail forwarding” service. You are provided with an address in the USA or European countries and a cell number. This address is assigned only to you, and must be indicated as the main one upon delivery. Having received the goods in your personal locker, the intermediary company will send it to your actual residential address. It is very convenient if you often order from those who do not deliver to Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

For more details about the delivery of goods from eBay, as well as about various customs duties and fees, see the video attached under this article.