Small unmanned aerial vehicle "Tachyon. Unmanned aerial vehicles - the future kings of the skies Disadvantages of unmanned aerial vehicles

The ICAO Secretariat communicated its intention to use the work of these committees and groups to shape the ICAO position in defining rules, procedures and requirements for the safe integration of UAVs into the common airspace infrastructure.

It is believed that the requirements for the process of operating UAVs in general airspace should be based on the following basic principles:

    there should be no restrictions on the access of UAVs to the common airspace;

    The flight safety of users of the common airspace and the safety of the population must be ensured at a level that meets the aircraft flight safety requirements;

    there should be no requirement to retrofit the aircraft with additional systems for the purpose of compatibility with UAVs;

    UAVs must have a system that allows them to reliably track and avoid potential conflict situations with aircraft;

    UAV flights should be carried out according to the same rules as for aircraft.

To implement these principles, it is expected to solve a number of problems:

    Determine procedures for the safe operation of UAVs.

    Establish requirements governing the use of UAV airspace.

    Develop a methodology for resolving PCS between UAVs and aircraft in common airspace.

A number of countries have begun to solve the problems listed above; France, Italy, Germany and Sweden are developing their national programs to ensure UAV flight safety.

So far, only the United States and Canada have introduced into ATC practice the performance of international flights of civil UAVs over the open sea in the area of ​​state responsibility or outside the airspace reserved for UAVs. These include: meteorological research, aerial photography, filming, geophysical observations.

According to the above principles, it follows that from the point of view of air traffic management (ATM), UAVs should be controlled in the same way as any other aircraft. In principle, the air traffic controller should not be interested in what kind of vessel he is observing. Therefore, the UAV navigation and control system must comply with international requirements applicable to manned aircraft.

1.2 Classification of unmanned aerial vehicles.

One of the most important is the issue of UAV classification. The main classification features are:



    target (reconnaissance, observation, transport).

          Frequency of application:



          UAV launch method:

    airfield launch;

    non-aerodrome launch (launch from a ramp, platform, launch vehicle).

          Return method:

    with landing at the home airfield using landing gear;

    free descent by parachute in a given area;

    falling on a catcher;

    return by parachute.

          Application area:

    short-range – up to 25 km;

    short range – up to 100 km;

    medium range – up to 500 km;

    long range - more than 500 km.

          UAV take-off weight:

    up to 5 kg (micro class);

    up to 25 kg (small class);

    25-150 kg (light class);

    150-750 kg (middle class);

    750 – 15000 kg (heavy class).

          UAV type:

    aircraft diagram;

    helicopter scheme;

    rocket casting;

    with lifting fan.

Below is Table 1, which displays the international classification of UAVs.

Table 1.1 UAV classification.


International designation

Take-off weight, kg

Radius, km

Practical ceiling

Short Range Class 1

Short Range Class 2

Short Range/SR

Medium Range/MR

Medium Range Long Endurance/MRE

Low Altitude Long Range/LADP

Low altitude long endurance/LALE

Medium altitude long flight duration/MALE

High altitude long endurance/HALE

Also generally recognized in aviation is the classification system for dividing UAVs into classes. There are classes of UAVs:

    Class 1. Aircraft-type UAV with a take-off weight of up to 10 kg with an electric motor. They can be used as a means of operational surveillance as part of stationary security posts or mobile groups.

    Class 2. Aircraft-type UAV with a take-off weight of up to 100 kg with an internal combustion engine. They can be used as a means of operational surveillance.

    Class 3. Aircraft-type UAVs with a take-off weight of up to 1000 kg can be used both for chemical treatment of large areas and for the rapid transportation of goods.

    Class 4. Helicopter-type UAV. They are of interest for monitoring objects.

For both aircraft and UAVs, such a characteristic as payload is especially important. To perform remote sensing tasks and determine the coordinates of the studied areas, the UAV payload must include the following equipment:

    Devices for obtaining species information;

    Satellite navigation system (GLONASS/GPS);

    Radio link devices for visual and telemetric information;

    Command and navigation radio link devices with antenna-feeder device;

    Command information exchange device;

    Information exchange device;

    On-board digital computer;

    Type information storage device.

The main disadvantage of the existing UAV classification system is that it does not take into account the characteristics of ground infrastructure: control center, life support system, transportation and pre-flight preparation, launch and landing sites, as well as the presence of a network of ground stations and their ground communication lines.

Obviously, not all UAVs, due to limitations on payload, range and flight altitude, have the ability to use the above standard equipment to perform their functional tasks, UAV control and navigation tasks. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the classes of UAVs and select UAVs that could currently operate at high latitudes.

Based on the above, the following classification of UAVs is proposed:

    UAVs of class 1 payload do not meet the requirements for installing UAV navigation and control equipment. In practice, these are radio-controlled UAVs. In this regard, they can only be operated in designated airspace.

    Class 2 UAVs with a payload of 100-120 kg meet the requirements for installing UAV navigation and control equipment. The flight range and altitude ensures the fulfillment of the main tasks assigned to UAVs in the civilian sector of the economy.

    Class 3 UAVs with a payload of 150-200 kg meet the requirements for installing UAV navigation and control equipment, as well as additional equipment. The flight range ensures the fulfillment of basic tasks, but a developed structure of ground stations for observation, control and communication is required, which is absent at high latitudes.

Thus, the work examines the issues of ensuring flight safety in the general airspace of class 2 UAVs: take-off weight 500-600 kg, payload 100-120 kg, cruising speed 130-150 km/h, with a flight range equal to direct radio visibility. The prospects for creating infrastructure at high latitudes for the use of class 3 UAVs are also considered.

Modern technologies in the field of detection and development of fires are developing very rapidly today. The latest developments can surprise not only with their appearance; for example, robotic technology is now used in the field of extinguishing and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters.

In our article we will tell you about another fundamentally new technology that is being actively introduced and used in the modern world.

Methodological plan summary by the DOWNLOAD button

Unmanned aircraft can be widely used to solve special problems when the use of manned aircraft is impossible or economically unprofitable:

  • inspection of hard-to-reach areas of the border,
  • observation of various areas of land and water surface,
  • determining the consequences of natural disasters and disasters,
  • identifying outbreaks, performing search and other work.

The use of UAVs makes it possible to monitor the situation remotely, without human intervention and without exposing him to danger, over fairly large areas in hard-to-reach areas at a relative low cost.


According to the principle of flight, all UAVs can be divided into 5 groups (the first 4 groups are aerodynamic type vehicles):

  • with a rigid wing (aircraft-type UAV);
  • with flexible wing;
  • with a rotating wing (helicopter-type UAV);
  • with a flapping wing;
  • aerostatic.

In addition to the UAVs of the five groups listed, there are also various hybrid subclasses of devices, which, based on their flight principle, are difficult to unambiguously attribute to any of the listed groups. There are especially many such UAVs that combine the qualities of aircraft and helicopter types.

With rigid wing (airplane type)

This type of vehicle is also known as a rigid-wing UAV. The lift of these devices is created aerodynamically due to the pressure of air flowing onto the fixed wing. Devices of this type, as a rule, are characterized by a long flight duration, high maximum flight altitude and high speed.

There are a wide variety of subtypes of aircraft-type UAVs, differing in the shape of the wing and fuselage. Almost all aircraft layouts and types of fuselages that are found in manned aircraft are also applicable in unmanned aircraft.

With flexible wing

These are cheap and economical aerodynamic aircraft, in which not a rigid, but a flexible (soft) structure made of fabric, an elastic polymer material or an elastic composite material with the property of reversible deformation is used as a load-bearing wing. This class of UAVs includes unmanned motorized paragliders, hang gliders and UAVs with elastically deformable wings.

An unmanned motorized paraglider is a device based on a controlled wing parachute, equipped with a motorized cart with a propeller for autonomous take-off and independent flight. The wing usually has the shape of a rectangle or ellipse. The wing can be soft, have a rigid or inflatable frame. The disadvantage of unmanned motorized paragliders is the difficulty of controlling them, since the navigation sensors are not tightly connected to the wing. Their use is also limited by the obvious dependence on weather conditions.

Rotating wing (helicopter type)

This type of vehicle is also known as a rotating wing UAV. They are often also called vertical take-off and landing UAVs. The latter is not entirely correct, since in the general case, UAVs with a stationary UAV can also have vertical takeoff and landing.

The lift force of this type of aircraft is also created aerodynamically, but not due to the wings, but due to the rotating blades of the main rotor (rotors). Wings are either absent altogether or play a supporting role. The obvious advantages of helicopter-type UAVs are the ability to hover at a point and high maneuverability, which is why they are often used as aerial robots.

With a flapping wing

UAVs with flapping wings are based on the bionic principle - copying the movements created in flight by flying living objects - birds and insects. Although there are no mass-produced devices in this class of UAVs and they do not yet have practical applications, intensive research is being carried out in this area all over the world. In recent years, a large number of different interesting concepts of small UAVs with flapping wings have appeared.

The main advantages that birds and flying insects have over existing types of aircraft are their energy efficiency and maneuverability. Devices based on imitation of the movements of birds are called ornithopters, and devices that copy the movements of flying insects are called entomopters.


Aerostatic-type UAVs are a special class of UAVs in which the lifting force is created primarily by the Archimedean force acting on a cylinder filled with a light gas (usually helium). This class is represented mainly by unmanned airships.

An airship is a lighter-than-air aircraft, which is a combination of a balloon with a propulsion device (usually a propeller (propeller, impeller) with an electric motor or internal combustion engine) and an attitude control system. By design, airships are divided into three main types: soft, semi-rigid and rigid. In soft and semi-rigid airships, the shell for the carrier gas is soft, which acquires the required shape only after the carrier gas is pumped into it under a certain pressure.

In soft-type airships, the invariability of the external shape is achieved by the excess pressure of the carrier gas, constantly maintained by balloons - soft containers located inside the shell into which air is pumped. Ballonets, in addition, serve to regulate the lift force and control the pitch angle (differentiated pumping/injection of air into the ballonets leads to a change in the center of gravity of the device).

Semi-rigid airships are distinguished by the presence of a rigid (in most cases along the entire length of the shell) truss in the lower part of the shell. In rigid airships, the invariability of the external shape is ensured by a rigid frame covered with fabric, and the gas is located inside the rigid frame in cylinders made of gas-tight material. Unmanned rigid airships are practically not used yet.


Some classes of foreign classification are not available in the Russian Federation, light UAVs in Russia have a significantly longer range, etc. According to the Russian classification, which is currently focused primarily only on the military purpose of the devices.

UAVs can be systematized as follows:

  1. Short-range micro- and mini-UAVs – take-off weight up to 5 kg, range up to 25-40 km;
  2. Light short-range UAVs - take-off weight 5-50 kg, range 10-70 km;
  3. Light medium-range UAVs - take-off weight 50-100 kg, range 70-150 (250) km;
  4. Medium UAVs – take-off weight 100-300 kg, range 150-1000 km;
  5. Medium-heavy UAVs - take-off weight 300-500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  6. Heavy medium-range UAVs - take-off weight more than 500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  7. Heavy UAVs with long flight duration - take-off weight of more than 1500 kg, range of about 1500 km;
  8. Unmanned combat aircraft - take-off weight of more than 500 kg, range of about 1,500 km.

UAVs used

Granad VA-1000

ZALA 421-16E

For technical equipment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with unmanned aerial vehicles, Russian enterprises have developed several options; let’s consider some of them:

This is a long-range unmanned aircraft (Fig. 1.) with an automatic control system (autopilot), a navigation system with inertial correction (GPS/GLONASS), a built-in digital telemetry system, navigation lights, a built-in three-axis magnetometer, a module for holding and active target tracking (“ AC module"), a digital built-in camera, a digital broadband video transmitter of C-OFDM modulation, a radio modem with a satellite navigation system (SNS) receiver "Diagonal AIR" with the ability to work without a SNS signal (radio range finder), a self-diagnosis system, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor, a sensor current, a propulsion system temperature sensor, a parachute release, an air shock absorber to protect the target load during landing and a search transmitter.

This complex is designed for aerial surveillance at any time of the day at a distance of up to 50 km with real-time video transmission. The unmanned aircraft successfully solves the problems of ensuring the security and control of strategically important objects, allows you to determine the coordinates of the target and quickly make decisions to adjust the actions of ground services. Thanks to the built-in “AS Module”, the UAV automatically monitors static and moving objects. In the absence of a SNS signal, the UAV will autonomously continue to perform the task.

Rice. 1. UAV ZALA 421-16E

ZALA 421-08M

Designed according to the “flying wing” design, this is a tactical-range unmanned aircraft with an autopilot and has a similar set of functions and modules as the ZALA 421-16E. This complex is designed for operational reconnaissance of terrain at a distance of up to 15 km with real-time video transmission. The ZALA 421-08M UAV is distinguished by its ultra-reliability, ease of operation, low acoustic and visual signature and best-in-class target loads.

This aircraft does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to the fact that the take-off is carried out using an elastic catapult, and carries out aerial reconnaissance under various weather conditions at any time of the day.

Transportation of the complex with the ZALA 421-08M UAV to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. The lightness of the device allows (with appropriate preparation) to be launched “by hand”, without using a catapult, which makes it indispensable when solving problems. The built-in “Module AC” allows an unmanned aircraft to automatically monitor static and moving objects, both on land and on water.

Rice. 2. UAV ZALA 421-08M

ZALA 421-22

This is an unmanned helicopter with eight main rotors, medium range, with a built-in autopilot system (Fig. 3). The design of the device is foldable and made of composite materials, which makes it easy to deliver the complex to the place of operation by any vehicle.

This device does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to its vertically automatic launch and landing, which makes it indispensable when conducting aerial reconnaissance in hard-to-reach areas.

It is successfully used to perform operations at any time of the day: to search and detect objects, to ensure the security of perimeters within a radius of up to 5 km. Thanks to the built-in “AC Module”, the device automatically monitors static and moving objects.

Rice. 3. UAV ZALA 421-22

Represents the next generation of DJI quadcopters. It is capable of 4K video recording and HD video output right out of the box. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency in a minimal size. In the absence of a GPS signal, Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Phantom 3 Professional Features

Camera and Gimbal: The Phantom 3 Professional shoots 4K video at up to 30fps and takes 12 megapixel photos that look sharper and cleaner than ever. The camera's improved sensor gives you greater clarity, lower noise, and better pictures than any previous flying camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, based on the DJI Lightbridge system.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4480 mAh DJI Intelligent Flight Battery has new cells and uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to hover accurately at one point in the absence of GPS.

Performance characteristics of Phantom 3 Professional

BAS Phantom-3
Weight (with battery and screws) 1280
Maximum climb speed 5 m/s
Maximum rate of descent 3 m/s
Maximum speed 16 m/s (at ATTI mode in calm weather)
Maximum flight altitude 6000 m
Maximum flight time Approximately 23 minutes
Operating temperature range From – 10° to 40° C
Coverage Tilt angle: from – 90° to + 30°
Visual positioning
Speed ​​range < 8 м/с (на высоте 2 метра над землей)
Altitude range 30-300 cm.
Operating range 30-300 cm.
Working conditions Brightly lit (>15 lux) surfaces with contours
Optics EXMOR 1/2.3”

Effective pixels: 12.4 million (total pixels: 12.76 million)


Viewing angle 94° 20 mm

(35mm format equivalent) f/2.8

ISO adjustment 100-3200 (video) 100-1600 (photo)
Electronic shutter speed 8 p. – 1/8000 s.
Maximum image size 4000×3000
Photo modes


Continuous shooting: 3/5/7 frames

Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB)

frame bracketing 3/5 at 0.7EV bracket

Slow motion

Supported SD Card Formats

Maximum capacity 64 GB. Required speed class: 10 or UHS-1

Movie modes

FHD: 1920×1080p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

HD: 1280×720p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

Maximum video saving speed 60 Mb/s
Supported File Formats

Video: MP4/MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.246)

Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Remote control
Operating frequency 2.400 GHz – 2.483 GHz
Transmission range 2000 m (outdoors without obstacles)
Video output port USB
Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Battery 6000 mAh, lithium polymer 2S
Mobile device holder For tablets and smartphones
Transmitter Power (EIRP) FCS: 20 dBM; CE: 16 dBm
Operating voltage 1.2 A at 7.4 V
Voltage 17.4 V
Rated power 57 W
Intelligent Flight Battery (PH3 – 4480 mAh – 15.2 V)
Capacity 4480 mAh
Voltage 15.2 V
Battery Type Lithium polymer 4S
Full charge 68 Wh
Net weight 365 g
Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Maximum charging power 100 W

Inspire 1 features

Camera and Gimbal: Captures up to 4K video and 12-megapixel photos. There is space to install neutral density (ND) filters for better exposure control. The new suspension mechanism allows you to quickly remove the camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, this is an advanced version of the DJI Lightbridge system. It is also possible to control it from two remote controls.

Chassis: Retractable landing gear allows the camera to take unobstructed panoramas.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4500 mAh uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to accurately hover at one point in the absence of GPS.

Rice. 5. UAV Inspire 1

All characteristics of the UAVs listed above are presented in Table 1 (except for Phantom 3 Professional and Inspire 1 as indicated in the text)

Training for unmanned aerial vehicle operators

TTX Inspire 1

UAV ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16EM ZALA 421-08M ZALA 421-08F ZALA 421-16 ZALA 421-04M
UAV wingspan, mm 2815 1810 810 425 1680 1615
Flight duration, h(min) >4 2,5 (80) (80) 4-8 1,5
UAV length, mm 1020 900 425 635
Speed, km/h 65-110 65-110 65-130 65-120 130-200 65-100
Maximum flight altitude, m 3600 3600 3600 3000 3000
Target load mass, kg(g) Up to 1.5 Up to 1 (300) (300) Up to 1


The following can be distinguished:

  • carry out flights under various weather conditions, complex interference (gust of wind, upward or downward air flow, UAV getting into an air pocket, in medium and heavy fog, heavy rain);
  • conduct aerial monitoring in hard-to-reach and remote areas;
  • are a safe source of reliable information, a reliable examination of the object or suspected territory from which the threat comes;
  • allow you to prevent emergencies with regular monitoring;
  • detect (forest fires, ) in the early stages;
  • eliminate the risk to human life and health.

The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • unmanned remote monitoring of forests to detect forest fires;
  • monitoring and transmission of data on radioactive and chemical contamination of terrain and airspace in a given area;
  • engineering reconnaissance of flood areas and other natural disasters;
  • detection and monitoring of ice jams and river floods;
  • monitoring the condition of transport highways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and other objects;
  • environmental monitoring of water areas and coastlines;
  • determination of the exact coordinates of emergency areas and affected facilities.

Monitoring is carried out day and night, in favorable and limited weather conditions. Along with this, the unmanned aerial vehicle provides a search for technical equipment that has suffered an accident (catastrophe) and missing groups of people. The search is carried out according to a pre-entered flight mission or according to a flight route quickly changed by the operator. It is equipped with guidance systems, on-board radar systems, sensors and video cameras.

During flight, as a rule, control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is automatically carried out through an on-board navigation and control complex, which includes:

  • satellite navigation receiver, providing navigation information reception from GLONASS and GPS systems;
  • a system of inertial sensors that provides determination of the orientation and movement parameters of an unmanned aerial vehicle;
  • a sensor system that provides altitude and airspeed measurements;
  • various types of antennas.

The on-board communication system operates in the permitted radio frequency range and provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Problems to be solved

Can be classified into four main groups:

  • emergency detection;
  • participation in emergency response;
  • search and rescue of victims;
  • disaster damage assessment.

In such tasks, the senior operator must optimally select the route, speed and altitude of the UAV flight in order to cover the observation area in the minimum time or number of flights, taking into account the viewing sectors of television and thermal imaging cameras.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude double or multiple flights of the same places in order to save material and human resources.

Additional material by clicking the DOWNLOAD button

Modern technologies in the field of detection and development of fires are developing very rapidly today. The latest developments can surprise not only with their appearance; for example, robotic technology is now used in the field of extinguishing and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters.

In our article we will tell you about another fundamentally new technology that is being actively introduced and used in the modern world.

Methodological plan summary by the DOWNLOAD button

Unmanned aircraft can be widely used to solve special problems when the use of manned aircraft is impossible or economically unprofitable:

  • inspection of hard-to-reach areas of the border,
  • observation of various areas of land and water surface,
  • determining the consequences of natural disasters and disasters,
  • identifying outbreaks, performing search and other work.

The use of UAVs makes it possible to monitor the situation remotely, without human intervention and without exposing him to danger, over fairly large areas in hard-to-reach areas at a relative low cost.


According to the principle of flight, all UAVs can be divided into 5 groups (the first 4 groups are aerodynamic type vehicles):

  • with a rigid wing (aircraft-type UAV);
  • with flexible wing;
  • with a rotating wing (helicopter-type UAV);
  • with a flapping wing;
  • aerostatic.

In addition to the UAVs of the five groups listed, there are also various hybrid subclasses of devices, which, based on their flight principle, are difficult to unambiguously attribute to any of the listed groups. There are especially many such UAVs that combine the qualities of aircraft and helicopter types.

With rigid wing (airplane type)

This type of vehicle is also known as a rigid-wing UAV. The lift of these devices is created aerodynamically due to the pressure of air flowing onto the fixed wing. Devices of this type, as a rule, are characterized by a long flight duration, high maximum flight altitude and high speed.

There are a wide variety of subtypes of aircraft-type UAVs, differing in the shape of the wing and fuselage. Almost all aircraft layouts and types of fuselages that are found in manned aircraft are also applicable in unmanned aircraft.

With flexible wing

These are cheap and economical aerodynamic aircraft, in which not a rigid, but a flexible (soft) structure made of fabric, an elastic polymer material or an elastic composite material with the property of reversible deformation is used as a load-bearing wing. This class of UAVs includes unmanned motorized paragliders, hang gliders and UAVs with elastically deformable wings.

An unmanned motorized paraglider is a device based on a controlled wing parachute, equipped with a motorized cart with a propeller for autonomous take-off and independent flight. The wing usually has the shape of a rectangle or ellipse. The wing can be soft, have a rigid or inflatable frame. The disadvantage of unmanned motorized paragliders is the difficulty of controlling them, since the navigation sensors are not tightly connected to the wing. Their use is also limited by the obvious dependence on weather conditions.

Rotating wing (helicopter type)

This type of vehicle is also known as a rotating wing UAV. They are often also called vertical take-off and landing UAVs. The latter is not entirely correct, since in the general case, UAVs with a stationary UAV can also have vertical takeoff and landing.

The lift force of this type of aircraft is also created aerodynamically, but not due to the wings, but due to the rotating blades of the main rotor (rotors). Wings are either absent altogether or play a supporting role. The obvious advantages of helicopter-type UAVs are the ability to hover at a point and high maneuverability, which is why they are often used as aerial robots.

With a flapping wing

UAVs with flapping wings are based on the bionic principle - copying the movements created in flight by flying living objects - birds and insects. Although there are no mass-produced devices in this class of UAVs and they do not yet have practical applications, intensive research is being carried out in this area all over the world. In recent years, a large number of different interesting concepts of small UAVs with flapping wings have appeared.

The main advantages that birds and flying insects have over existing types of aircraft are their energy efficiency and maneuverability. Devices based on imitation of the movements of birds are called ornithopters, and devices that copy the movements of flying insects are called entomopters.


Aerostatic-type UAVs are a special class of UAVs in which the lifting force is created primarily by the Archimedean force acting on a cylinder filled with a light gas (usually helium). This class is represented mainly by unmanned airships.

An airship is a lighter-than-air aircraft, which is a combination of a balloon with a propulsion device (usually a propeller (propeller, impeller) with an electric motor or internal combustion engine) and an attitude control system. By design, airships are divided into three main types: soft, semi-rigid and rigid. In soft and semi-rigid airships, the shell for the carrier gas is soft, which acquires the required shape only after the carrier gas is pumped into it under a certain pressure.

In soft-type airships, the invariability of the external shape is achieved by the excess pressure of the carrier gas, constantly maintained by balloons - soft containers located inside the shell into which air is pumped. Ballonets, in addition, serve to regulate the lift force and control the pitch angle (differentiated pumping/injection of air into the ballonets leads to a change in the center of gravity of the device).

Semi-rigid airships are distinguished by the presence of a rigid (in most cases along the entire length of the shell) truss in the lower part of the shell. In rigid airships, the invariability of the external shape is ensured by a rigid frame covered with fabric, and the gas is located inside the rigid frame in cylinders made of gas-tight material. Unmanned rigid airships are practically not used yet.


Some classes of foreign classification are not available in the Russian Federation, light UAVs in Russia have a significantly longer range, etc. According to the Russian classification, which is currently focused primarily only on the military purpose of the devices.

UAVs can be systematized as follows:

  1. Short-range micro- and mini-UAVs – take-off weight up to 5 kg, range up to 25-40 km;
  2. Light short-range UAVs - take-off weight 5-50 kg, range 10-70 km;
  3. Light medium-range UAVs - take-off weight 50-100 kg, range 70-150 (250) km;
  4. Medium UAVs – take-off weight 100-300 kg, range 150-1000 km;
  5. Medium-heavy UAVs - take-off weight 300-500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  6. Heavy medium-range UAVs - take-off weight more than 500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  7. Heavy UAVs with long flight duration - take-off weight of more than 1500 kg, range of about 1500 km;
  8. Unmanned combat aircraft - take-off weight of more than 500 kg, range of about 1,500 km.

UAVs used

Granad VA-1000

ZALA 421-16E

For technical equipment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with unmanned aerial vehicles, Russian enterprises have developed several options; let’s consider some of them:

This is a long-range unmanned aircraft (Fig. 1.) with an automatic control system (autopilot), a navigation system with inertial correction (GPS/GLONASS), a built-in digital telemetry system, navigation lights, a built-in three-axis magnetometer, a module for holding and active target tracking (“ AC module"), a digital built-in camera, a digital broadband video transmitter of C-OFDM modulation, a radio modem with a satellite navigation system (SNS) receiver "Diagonal AIR" with the ability to work without a SNS signal (radio range finder), a self-diagnosis system, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor, a sensor current, a propulsion system temperature sensor, a parachute release, an air shock absorber to protect the target load during landing and a search transmitter.

This complex is designed for aerial surveillance at any time of the day at a distance of up to 50 km with real-time video transmission. The unmanned aircraft successfully solves the problems of ensuring the security and control of strategically important objects, allows you to determine the coordinates of the target and quickly make decisions to adjust the actions of ground services. Thanks to the built-in “AS Module”, the UAV automatically monitors static and moving objects. In the absence of a SNS signal, the UAV will autonomously continue to perform the task.

Rice. 1. UAV ZALA 421-16E

ZALA 421-08M

Designed according to the “flying wing” design, this is a tactical-range unmanned aircraft with an autopilot and has a similar set of functions and modules as the ZALA 421-16E. This complex is designed for operational reconnaissance of terrain at a distance of up to 15 km with real-time video transmission. The ZALA 421-08M UAV is distinguished by its ultra-reliability, ease of operation, low acoustic and visual signature and best-in-class target loads.

This aircraft does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to the fact that the take-off is carried out using an elastic catapult, and carries out aerial reconnaissance under various weather conditions at any time of the day.

Transportation of the complex with the ZALA 421-08M UAV to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. The lightness of the device allows (with appropriate preparation) to be launched “by hand”, without using a catapult, which makes it indispensable when solving problems. The built-in “Module AC” allows an unmanned aircraft to automatically monitor static and moving objects, both on land and on water.

Rice. 2. UAV ZALA 421-08M

ZALA 421-22

This is an unmanned helicopter with eight main rotors, medium range, with a built-in autopilot system (Fig. 3). The design of the device is foldable and made of composite materials, which makes it easy to deliver the complex to the place of operation by any vehicle.

This device does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to its vertically automatic launch and landing, which makes it indispensable when conducting aerial reconnaissance in hard-to-reach areas.

It is successfully used to perform operations at any time of the day: to search and detect objects, to ensure the security of perimeters within a radius of up to 5 km. Thanks to the built-in “AC Module”, the device automatically monitors static and moving objects.

Rice. 3. UAV ZALA 421-22

Represents the next generation of DJI quadcopters. It is capable of 4K video recording and HD video output right out of the box. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency in a minimal size. In the absence of a GPS signal, Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Phantom 3 Professional Features

Camera and Gimbal: The Phantom 3 Professional shoots 4K video at up to 30fps and takes 12 megapixel photos that look sharper and cleaner than ever. The camera's improved sensor gives you greater clarity, lower noise, and better pictures than any previous flying camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, based on the DJI Lightbridge system.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4480 mAh DJI Intelligent Flight Battery has new cells and uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to hover accurately at one point in the absence of GPS.

Performance characteristics of Phantom 3 Professional

BAS Phantom-3
Weight (with battery and screws) 1280
Maximum climb speed 5 m/s
Maximum rate of descent 3 m/s
Maximum speed 16 m/s (at ATTI mode in calm weather)
Maximum flight altitude 6000 m
Maximum flight time Approximately 23 minutes
Operating temperature range From – 10° to 40° C
Coverage Tilt angle: from – 90° to + 30°
Visual positioning
Speed ​​range < 8 м/с (на высоте 2 метра над землей)
Altitude range 30-300 cm.
Operating range 30-300 cm.
Working conditions Brightly lit (>15 lux) surfaces with contours
Optics EXMOR 1/2.3”

Effective pixels: 12.4 million (total pixels: 12.76 million)


Viewing angle 94° 20 mm

(35mm format equivalent) f/2.8

ISO adjustment 100-3200 (video) 100-1600 (photo)
Electronic shutter speed 8 p. – 1/8000 s.
Maximum image size 4000×3000
Photo modes


Continuous shooting: 3/5/7 frames

Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB)

frame bracketing 3/5 at 0.7EV bracket

Slow motion

Supported SD Card Formats

Maximum capacity 64 GB. Required speed class: 10 or UHS-1

Movie modes

FHD: 1920×1080p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

HD: 1280×720p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

Maximum video saving speed 60 Mb/s
Supported File Formats

Video: MP4/MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.246)

Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Remote control
Operating frequency 2.400 GHz – 2.483 GHz
Transmission range 2000 m (outdoors without obstacles)
Video output port USB
Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Battery 6000 mAh, lithium polymer 2S
Mobile device holder For tablets and smartphones
Transmitter Power (EIRP) FCS: 20 dBM; CE: 16 dBm
Operating voltage 1.2 A at 7.4 V
Voltage 17.4 V
Rated power 57 W
Intelligent Flight Battery (PH3 – 4480 mAh – 15.2 V)
Capacity 4480 mAh
Voltage 15.2 V
Battery Type Lithium polymer 4S
Full charge 68 Wh
Net weight 365 g
Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Maximum charging power 100 W

Inspire 1 features

Camera and Gimbal: Captures up to 4K video and 12-megapixel photos. There is space to install neutral density (ND) filters for better exposure control. The new suspension mechanism allows you to quickly remove the camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, this is an advanced version of the DJI Lightbridge system. It is also possible to control it from two remote controls.

Chassis: Retractable landing gear allows the camera to take unobstructed panoramas.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4500 mAh uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to accurately hover at one point in the absence of GPS.

Rice. 5. UAV Inspire 1

All characteristics of the UAVs listed above are presented in Table 1 (except for Phantom 3 Professional and Inspire 1 as indicated in the text)

Training for unmanned aerial vehicle operators

TTX Inspire 1

UAV ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16EM ZALA 421-08M ZALA 421-08F ZALA 421-16 ZALA 421-04M
UAV wingspan, mm 2815 1810 810 425 1680 1615
Flight duration, h(min) >4 2,5 (80) (80) 4-8 1,5
UAV length, mm 1020 900 425 635
Speed, km/h 65-110 65-110 65-130 65-120 130-200 65-100
Maximum flight altitude, m 3600 3600 3600 3000 3000
Target load mass, kg(g) Up to 1.5 Up to 1 (300) (300) Up to 1


The following can be distinguished:

  • carry out flights under various weather conditions, complex interference (gust of wind, upward or downward air flow, UAV getting into an air pocket, in medium and heavy fog, heavy rain);
  • conduct aerial monitoring in hard-to-reach and remote areas;
  • are a safe source of reliable information, a reliable examination of the object or suspected territory from which the threat comes;
  • allow you to prevent emergencies with regular monitoring;
  • detect (forest fires, ) in the early stages;
  • eliminate the risk to human life and health.

The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • unmanned remote monitoring of forests to detect forest fires;
  • monitoring and transmission of data on radioactive and chemical contamination of terrain and airspace in a given area;
  • engineering reconnaissance of flood areas and other natural disasters;
  • detection and monitoring of ice jams and river floods;
  • monitoring the condition of transport highways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and other objects;
  • environmental monitoring of water areas and coastlines;
  • determination of the exact coordinates of emergency areas and affected facilities.

Monitoring is carried out day and night, in favorable and limited weather conditions. Along with this, the unmanned aerial vehicle provides a search for technical equipment that has suffered an accident (catastrophe) and missing groups of people. The search is carried out according to a pre-entered flight mission or according to a flight route quickly changed by the operator. It is equipped with guidance systems, on-board radar systems, sensors and video cameras.

During flight, as a rule, control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is automatically carried out through an on-board navigation and control complex, which includes:

  • satellite navigation receiver, providing navigation information reception from GLONASS and GPS systems;
  • a system of inertial sensors that provides determination of the orientation and movement parameters of an unmanned aerial vehicle;
  • a sensor system that provides altitude and airspeed measurements;
  • various types of antennas.

The on-board communication system operates in the permitted radio frequency range and provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Problems to be solved

Can be classified into four main groups:

  • emergency detection;
  • participation in emergency response;
  • search and rescue of victims;
  • disaster damage assessment.

In such tasks, the senior operator must optimally select the route, speed and altitude of the UAV flight in order to cover the observation area in the minimum time or number of flights, taking into account the viewing sectors of television and thermal imaging cameras.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude double or multiple flights of the same places in order to save material and human resources.

Additional material by clicking the DOWNLOAD button

In recent years, a large number of publications have appeared on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to solve topographic problems. This interest is largely due to their ease of operation, efficiency, relatively low cost, efficiency, etc. The listed qualities and the availability of effective software for automatic processing of aerial photography materials (including the selection of the necessary points) open up the possibility of widespread use of software and hardware for unmanned aircraft in the practice of engineering and geodetic surveys.

In this issue, with a review of technical means of unmanned aircraft, we open a series of publications about the capabilities of UAVs and the experience of using them in field and desk work.

D.P. INOZEMTSEV, project manager, PLAZ LLC, Saint Petersburg


Part 1. Review of technical means


Unmanned aerial vehicles appeared in connection with the need to effectively solve military problems - tactical reconnaissance, delivery of military weapons (bombs, torpedoes, etc.) to their destination, combat control, etc. And it is no coincidence that their first use is considered to be the delivery of bombs by Austrian troops to a besieged Venice using balloons in 1849. A powerful impetus for the development of UAVs was the emergence of radio telegraphs and aviation, which made it possible to significantly improve their autonomy and controllability.

Thus, in 1898, Nikola Tesla developed and demonstrated a miniature radio-controlled vessel, and already in 1910, the American military engineer Charles Kettering proposed, built and tested several models of unmanned aerial vehicles. In 1933, the first UAV was developed in Great Britain.

reusable, and the radio-controlled target created on its basis was used in the Royal Navy of Great Britain until 1943.

The research of German scientists was several decades ahead of their time; in the 1940s they gave the world a jet engine and the V-1 cruise missile as the first unmanned aerial vehicle used in real combat operations.

In the USSR, in the 1930–1940s, aircraft designer Nikitin developed a torpedo bomber-glider of the “flying wing” type, and by the early 40s, a project for an unmanned flying torpedo with a flight range of 100 kilometers and above was prepared, but these developments did not turn into real designs.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, interest in UAVs increased significantly, and since the 1960s, their widespread use has been noted to solve non-military problems.

In general, the history of UAVs can be divided into four time stages:

1.1849 – beginning of the twentieth century - attempts and experimental experiments to create UAVs, the formation of the theoretical foundations of aerodynamics, flight theory and aircraft calculations in the works of scientists.

2. Beginning of the twentieth century - 1945 - development of military UAVs (projectile aircraft with a short range and flight duration).

3.1945–1960 - a period of expansion of the classification of UAVs by purpose and their creation primarily for reconnaissance operations.

4.1960 - present day - expansion of the classification and improvement of UAVs, the beginning of mass use for solving non-military problems.


It is well known that aerial photography, as a type of remote sensing of the Earth (ERS), is the most productive method of collecting spatial information, the basis for creating topographic plans and maps, creating three-dimensional models of relief and terrain. Aerial photography is carried out both from manned aircraft - airplanes, airships, trikes and balloons, and from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Unmanned aerial vehicles, like manned ones, are of airplane and helicopter types (helicopters and multicopters are aircraft with four or more rotors with main rotors). Currently in Russia there is no generally accepted classification of aircraft-type UAVs. Missiles.

Ru, together with the UAV.RU portal, offers a modern classification of aircraft-type UAVs, developed based on the approaches of the UAV International organization, but taking into account the specifics and situation of the domestic market (classes) (Table 1):

Short-range micro- and mini-UAVs. The class of miniature ultra-light and lightweight devices and complexes based on them with a take-off weight of up to 5 kilograms began to appear in Russia relatively recently, but already quite

widely represented. Such UAVs are intended for individual operational use at short ranges at a distance of up to 25–40 kilometers. They are easy to operate and transport, they are foldable and positioned as “portable”; they are launched using a catapult or by hand. These include: Geoscan 101, Geoscan 201, 101ZALA 421-11, ZALA 421-08, ZALA 421-12, T23 “Aileron”, T25, “Aileron-3”, “Gamayun-3”, “Irkut-2M”, “ Istra-10",

“BROTHER”, “Curl”, “Inspector 101”, “Inspector 201”, “Inspector 301”, etc.

Lightweight short-range UAVs. This class includes slightly larger aircraft - with a take-off weight from 5 to 50 kilograms. Their range is within 10–120 kilometers.

Among them: Geoscan 300, “GRANT”, ZALA 421-04, Orlan-10, PteroSM, PteroE5, T10, “Eleron-10”, “Gamayun-10”, “Irkut-10”,

T92 “Lotos”, T90 (T90-11), T21, T24, “Tipchak” UAV-05, UAV-07, UAV-08.

Lightweight, medium-range UAVs. A number of domestic models can be classified as this class of UAVs. Their weight varies between 50–100 kilograms. These include: T92M "Chibis", ZALA 421-09,

“Dozor-2”, “Dozor-4”, “Pchela-1T”.

Medium UAVs. The take-off weight of medium-sized UAVs ranges from 100 to 300 kilograms. They are intended for use at ranges of 150–1000 kilometers. In this class: M850 “Astra”, “Binom”, La-225 “Komar”, T04, E22M “Berta”, “Berkut”, “Irkut-200”.

Medium-heavy UAVs. This class has a range similar to that of the previous class of UAVs, but has a slightly larger take-off weight - from 300 to 500 kilograms.

This class should include: “Hummingbird”, “Dunham”, “Dan-Baruk”, “Stork” (“Yulia”), “Dozor-3”.

Heavy medium-range UAVs. This class includes UAVs with a flight weight of 500 kilograms or more, designed for use at medium ranges of 70–300 kilometers. The heavy class includes the following: Tu-243 “Flight-D”, Tu-300, “Irkut-850”, “Nart” (A-03).

Heavy UAVs with long flight duration. The category of unmanned aerial vehicles is quite in demand abroad, which includes the American UAVs Predator, Reaper, GlobalHawk, Israeli Heron, Heron TP. There are practically no samples in Russia: Zond-3M, Zond-2, Zond-1, Sukhoi unmanned aerial systems (BasS), within the framework of which a robotic aviation complex (RAC) is being created.

Unmanned combat aircraft (UCA). Currently, work is actively underway around the world to create promising UAVs that have the ability to carry weapons on board and are designed to attack ground and surface stationary and mobile targets in the face of strong opposition from enemy air defense forces. They are characterized by a range of about 1,500 kilometers and a weight of 1,500 kilograms.

Today in Russia there are two projects presented in the BBS class: “Proryv-U”, “Scat”.

In practice, UAVs weighing up to 10–15 kilograms (micro-, mini-UAVs and light UAVs) are usually used for aerial photography. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the take-off weight of a UAV, the complexity of its development increases and, accordingly, the cost, but the reliability and safety of operation decreases. The fact is that when landing a UAV, energy E = mv2 / 2 is released, and the greater the mass of the vehicle m, the greater its landing speed v, that is, the energy released during landing grows very quickly with increasing mass. And this energy can damage both the UAV itself and property on the ground.

An unmanned helicopter and a multicopter do not have this drawback. Theoretically, such a device can be landed at an arbitrarily low speed of approach to the Earth. However, unmanned helicopters are too expensive, and copters are not yet capable of flying over long distances, and are used only for shooting local objects (individual buildings and structures).

Rice. 1. UAV Mavinci SIRIUS Fig. 2. UAV Geoscan 101


The superiority of UAVs over manned aircraft is, first of all, the cost of work, as well as a significant reduction in the number of routine operations. The very absence of a person on board the aircraft greatly simplifies the preparatory activities for aerial photography.

Firstly, you don’t need an airfield, even the most primitive one. Unmanned aerial vehicles are launched either by hand or using a special take-off device - a catapult.

Secondly, especially when using an electric propulsion circuit, there is no need for qualified technical assistance to maintain the aircraft, and measures to ensure safety at the work site are not so complex.

Thirdly, there is no or much longer inter-regulatory period of operation of a UAV compared to a manned aircraft.

This circumstance is of great importance when operating an aerial photography complex in remote areas of our country. As a rule, the field season for aerial photography is short; every fine day must be used for surveying.


two main UAV layout schemes: classical (according to the “fuselage + wings + tail” scheme), which includes, for example, the Orlan-10 UAV, Mavinci SIRIUS (Fig. 1), etc., and the “flying wing”, which includes include Geoscan101 (Fig. 2), Gatewing X100, Trimble UX5, etc.

The main parts of an unmanned aerial photography system are: body, engine, on-board control system (autopilot), ground control system (GCS) and aerial photography equipment.

The UAV body is made of lightweight plastic (such as carbon fiber or Kevlar) to protect expensive camera equipment and controls and navigation, and its wings are made of plastic or extruded polystyrene foam (EPP). This material is lightweight, quite durable and does not break upon impact. A deformed EPP part can often be restored using improvised means.

A lightweight UAV with a parachute landing can withstand several hundred flights without repair, which usually includes replacing wings, fuselage elements, etc. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of parts of the body that are subject to wear, so that the user's costs for maintaining the UAV in working condition are minimal.

It should be noted that the most expensive elements of the aerial photography complex, the ground control system, avionics, and software, are not subject to wear at all.

The UAV's power plant can be gasoline or electric. Moreover, a gasoline engine will provide a much longer flight, since gasoline, per kilogram, stores 10–15 times more energy than can be stored in the best battery. However, such a power plant is complex, less reliable and requires considerable time to prepare the UAV for launch. In addition, a gasoline-powered unmanned aerial vehicle is extremely difficult to transport to a work site by plane. Finally, it requires highly qualified operators. Therefore, it makes sense to use a gasoline UAV only in cases where a very long flight duration is required - for continuous monitoring, for examining particularly remote objects.

An electric propulsion system, on the contrary, is very undemanding in terms of the qualifications of the operating personnel. Modern batteries can provide a continuous flight duration of over four hours. Servicing an electric motor is not difficult at all. Mostly this is only protection from moisture and dirt, as well as checking the voltage of the on-board network, which is carried out from the ground control system. The batteries are charged from the on-board network of the accompanying vehicle or from an autonomous electric generator. The brushless electric motor of a UAV has virtually no wear and tear.

The autopilot - with an inertial system (Fig. 3) - is the most important control element of the UAV.

The autopilot weighs only 20–30 grams. But this is a very complex product. In addition to a powerful processor, the autopilot contains many sensors - a three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer (and sometimes a magnetometer), GLO-NAS/GPS receiver, pressure sensor, airspeed sensor. With these devices, an unmanned aerial vehicle will be able to fly strictly on a given course.

Rice. 3. AutopilotMicropilot

The UAV has a radio modem necessary for downloading the flight mission, transmitting telemetric data about the flight and the current location at the work site to the ground control system.

Ground control system

(NSU) is a tablet computer or laptop equipped with a modem for communication with the UAV. An important part of the NCS is software for planning a flight mission and displaying the progress of its implementation.

As a rule, a flight mission is compiled automatically, according to a given contour of an area object or nodal points of a linear object. In addition, it is possible to design flight routes based on the required flight altitude and the required resolution of photographs on the ground. To automatically maintain a given flight altitude, it is possible to take into account a digital terrain model in common formats in the flight mission.

During the flight, the position of the UAV and the contours of the photographs taken are displayed on the cartographic background of the NSU monitor. During the flight, the operator has the opportunity to quickly redirect the UAV to another landing area and even quickly land the UAV using the “red” button of the ground control system. Upon command from the NCS, other auxiliary operations can be planned, for example, parachute release.

In addition to providing navigation and flight support, the autopilot must control the camera to take pictures at a given frame interval (as soon as the UAV has flown the required distance from the previous photographing center). If the pre-calculated frame interval is not maintained stably, you have to adjust the shutter response time so that even with a tailwind, the longitudinal overlap is sufficient.

The autopilot must register the coordinates of the photographing centers of the GLONASS/GPS geodetic satellite receiver so that the automatic image processing program can quickly build a model and tie it to the terrain. The required accuracy in determining the coordinates of photographing centers depends on the technical specifications for performing aerial photography work.

Aerial photography equipment is installed on a UAV depending on its class and purpose of use.

Micro- and mini-UAVs are equipped with compact digital cameras equipped with interchangeable lenses with a fixed focal length (without a zoom lens or zoom device) weighing 300–500 grams. SONY NEX-7 cameras are currently used as such cameras.

with a 24.3 MP matrix, CANON600D 18.5 MP matrix and the like. The shutter is controlled and the signal from the shutter is transmitted to the satellite receiver using standard or slightly modified electrical connectors of the camera.

Lightweight short-range UAVs are equipped with SLR cameras with a large photosensitive element, for example CanonEOS5D (sensor size 36×24 mm), NikonD800 (matrix 36.8 MP (sensor size 35.9×24 mm)), Pentax645D (CCD sensor 44x33 mm, 40 MP matrix) and the like, weighing 1.0–1.5 kilograms.

Rice. 4. Layout of aerial photographs (blue rectangles with number signatures)


According to the requirements of the document “Basic provisions for aerial photography performed to create and update topographic maps and plans” GKINP-09-32-80, the carrier of aerial photography equipment must extremely accurately follow the design position of aerial photography routes, maintain a given echelon (photographing height), and ensure compliance requirements maximum deviations in camera orientation angles - tilt, roll, pitch. In addition, navigation equipment must provide the exact time of operation of the photo shutter and determine the coordinates of photographing centers.

The equipment integrated into the autopilot was indicated above: a microbarometer, an airspeed sensor, an inertial system, and navigation satellite equipment. Based on the tests carried out (in particular, the Geoscan101 UAV), the following deviations of the actual shooting parameters from the specified ones were established:

UAV deviations from the route axis are in the range of 5–10 meters;

Photography height deviations are in the range of 5–10 meters;

Fluctuation in photographing heights of adjacent images - no more

The “herringbones” that appear during flight (reversals of images in the horizontal plane) are processed by an automated photogrammetric processing system without noticeable negative consequences.

Photographic equipment installed on a UAV allows you to obtain digital images of the area with a resolution of better than 3 centimeters per pixel. The use of short-, medium-, and long-focus photographic lenses is determined by the nature of the resulting finished materials: be it a relief model or an orthomosaic. All calculations are made in the same way as in “large” aerial photography.

The use of a dual-frequency GLO-NASS/GPS satellite geodetic system to determine the coordinates of image centers allows, in the process of post-processing, to obtain the coordinates of photographing centers with an accuracy of better than 5 centimeters, and the use of the PPP (PrecisePoint Positioning) method allows one to determine the coordinates of image centers without the use of base stations or at a significant distance from them.

The final processing of aerial photography materials can serve as an objective criterion for assessing the quality of the work performed. To illustrate, we can consider data on assessing the accuracy of photogrammetric processing of aerial photography materials from a UAV, performed in the PhotoScan software (manufactured by Agisoſt, St. Petersburg) according to control points (Table 2).

Point numbers

Errors along coordinate axes, m

Abs, pix


(ΔD)2= ΔХ2+ ΔY2+ ΔZ2


In the world, and recently in Russia, unmanned aerial vehicles are used in geodetic surveys during construction, for drawing up cadastral plans of industrial facilities, transport infrastructure, settlements, summer cottages, in surveying to determine the volume of mine workings and dumps, taking into account traffic bulk cargo in quarries, ports, mining and processing plants, to create maps, plans and 3D models of cities and enterprises.

3. Tseplyaeva T.P., Morozova O.V. Stages of development of unmanned aerial vehicles. M., “Open information and computer integrated technologies”, No. 42, 2009.

At the end of the next exhibition “Unmanned Multi-Purpose Systems” - UVS-TECH 2009, all interested readers are offered an overview of Russian aircraft-type unmanned aerial systems. It is perhaps the most complete list of UAV projects, both implemented previously and those on which work is currently ongoing. UAVs are systematized by mass and range.

In Russia, a dozen large and small companies are working in the field of creating complexes with UAVs. All developers, as a rule, are moving towards creating a wide range of multifunctional complexes capable of performing a variety of tasks. As a result, potential customers are offered many essentially identical UAV samples that solve similar problems.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no accepted classification of UAVs. It is not entirely possible to classify UAV samples and projects currently available on the domestic market using the categories of the UVS International Association of Unmanned Systems. In addition, problems arise with the interpretation by Russian developers of certain characteristics, for example, the range of the UAV. To systematize the UAV systems currently available in Russia, the following classification is proposed, based on take-off weight and/or range.

Short-range micro and mini UAVs

The class of miniature ultra-light and lightweight devices and complexes based on them with a take-off weight of up to 5 kg began to appear in Russia relatively recently, but is already quite widely represented. UAVs are intended for individual operational use at short ranges at a distance of up to 25...40 km. They are easy to operate and transport, are foldable and are positioned as “portable”; they are usually launched by hand.

The Izhevsk company Unmanned Systems is actively working in the field of creating UAVs of this type. These include the ultra-light monitoring UAV ZALA 421-11, the first flight of which was carried out in 2007. The entire complex fits into a standard size case. In terms of the target load set, the device is identical to another model -. This portable small-sized complex includes two UAVs, a control station and a backpack container for transportation. Moreover, the total mass of the complex is only 8 kg. For monitoring, a replaceable unit (TV, IR cameras, camera) is used. In the summer of 2008, test flights of the ship modification were carried out on board an icebreaker to conduct reconnaissance and search for objects on the water. In accordance with the requirements of the Border Guard Service, the company recently developed a lightweight UAV ZALA 421-12 with increased flight duration. The device allows observation using a full-fledged gyro-stabilized camera on two axes with the ability to view the lower hemisphere and with an optical zoom of 26 times. The UAV is capable of monitoring day and night. Navigation is carried out using GPS/GLONASS signals.

The Kazan company "ENICS" represents in this class a whole family of devices and complexes, for which the . This is a UAV for remote observation of objects and monitoring of ground conditions. The device is made according to the “flying wing” design with folding consoles; an electric motor with a pushing propeller is located in the tail section. The UAV can be equipped with a wide range of surveillance equipment, including a stabilized TV system, camera, etc.). The entire complex can be transported in backpack containers or by road. The development of the basic version was completed in 2003, and its production began in 2004. In 2008, trial operation of the complex was carried out at the SP-35 polar station together with the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation AARI. The civilian version of Aileron is called T25. Payload – stabilized TV system (in modification T25D), IR camera (T25N) or camera. A development of the T23 is the family of UAVs of the Eleron-3 and Gamayun-3 types. Their creation was announced in 2008. The Eleron-3 UAV is planned to be created in at least seven modifications, differing mainly in the target load, which may include a TV, IR camera, camera, repeater, RTR station and jamming. When simulating air targets, Luneberg lenses and IR emitters can be installed. Navigation is carried out using GPS/GLONASS signals. The control station is unified with the Eleron-10 (T10) complex. Based on the Aileron-type apparatus, the Irkut OJSC created an aviation remote sensing complex "". In 2007, the UAV was accepted for supply to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

SKB Topaz offers its portable remote monitoring system. It includes the small-sized Lokon UAV. The payload includes TV, IR and camera cameras. The ground component of the complex includes a control center, receiving and processing information and containers for carrying UAVs. Production is carried out at the Istra Experimental Mechanical Plant (IEMZ).

Micro- and mini-UAVs also include a number of IEMZ’s own developments. In particular, the plant’s specialists developed a basic UAV “Istra-010” weighing 4 kg for aerial photographic reconnaissance. The company manufactured five sets of such UAVs for trial military operation and transferred them to the Russian Defense Ministry. The complex includes a ground station and two aircraft. In 2008, the company was creating a photo reconnaissance vehicle weighing 2.5...3 kg, which is a lightweight version of a previously built UAV weighing 4 kg.

The Novik-XXI Century Research, Production and Design Center has long been known for its developments in the field of unmanned systems. One of the systems developed by the company is the BRAT UAV complex. It includes a small-sized unmanned vehicle weighing 3 kg. The standard target load is two TV cameras or one digital camera.

To date, the line of unmanned systems of the Russian innovative company Aerocon includes three devices of the Inspector series. Two of them belong to the mini-UAV class, and the “youngest” one is close to the “micro” class. The complexes are designed to solve a variety of surveillance tasks, including in difficult and cramped conditions, in an urban environment.

One of the “fresh” developments in the field of mini-class systems is the T-3 UAV complex, created by the Rissa company. The T-3 UAV is designed for use in video surveillance tasks in the daytime and at night, for aerial photography, and for use as a radio signal repeater carrier. The complex is currently undergoing testing of pre-production samples and fine-tuning of ground equipment

Lightweight short-range UAVs

The class of light short-range UAVs includes slightly larger devices - in the mass range from 5 to 50 kg. Their range of action is within 10 – 70 km.

The Novik-XXI Century company offers the unmanned complex "GRANT" in this class. It consists of a basic automated workstation on the UAZ-3741 chassis, a transport and launcher on the UAZ-3303 chassis and two Grant UAVs. The unmanned vehicles have a mass of 20 kg.

UAV ZALA 421-04 offer “Unmanned Systems”. The device is made according to the “flying wing” design with a pushing propeller. The UAV is equipped with an automatic control system that allows you to set a route, control and adjust the flight in real time. The payload is a color video camera on a gyro-stabilized platform. Since 2006, the complex has been supplying the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

At the UVS-TECH 2008 exhibition, ENIKS CJSC for the first time announced the creation of two monitoring systems based on the T10 drone, adapted for specific tasks - Eleron-10 and Gamayun-10. In the Eleron-10 complex, it is possible to use UAVs in several variants of the target load, including with a TV, IR camera, camera, repeater, RTR station and jamming. In 2007-2008 The Eleron-10 complex has undergone a flight test cycle. There is a similar device in the Irkut company’s line of drones. The Irkut-10 complex consists of two UAVs, ground control and maintenance equipment, and is equipped with a communication line with two digital secure control and data transmission channels. Serial production is being prepared.

Another “brainchild” of ENIKS CJSC is the T92 Lotos UAV. It is designed to deliver a targeted load to a given area or perform monitoring. TV and/or IR cameras can be used as payloads. The UAV took part in research exercises of the Ground Forces at the Alabinsky training ground of the Moscow Military District and in the exercises of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1998. The complex is currently in operation. This UAV is aerodynamically similar to the small-sized UAV T90 (T90-11), designed for terrain surveillance, operational search, and detection of ground objects. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is used as part of the Smerch MLRS. The adjustment of MLRS fire carried out by the device at a range of up to 70 km reduces shooting errors and reduces the consumption of shells. Payload - TV camera. When folded, the UAV is placed in a special container and fired using a standard 300-mm rocket. According to available data, the complex is currently being tested in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry.

In addition, in this class, ENIKS is developing a remote viewing complex with a lightweight T21 UAV. Payload: TV camera. The design of the UAV allows it to be transported in a small container. There is a T24 UAV project designed for remote monitoring of terrain and transmission of photo and video images to a ground control point. Its layout is similar to the Eleron UAV. The payload is standard - TV/IR system.

Rybinsk Design Bureau "Luch" has created several UAVs for the Tipchak aerial reconnaissance complex. The most “advanced” of them is UAV-05. Its State tests were completed in 2007, and its serial production began in 2008. The UAV is capable of searching for objects and transmitting data in real time to a ground control station at any time of the day. The payload is a combined dual-spectrum TV/IR camera, which can be replaced with photographic equipment. In addition to the UAV-05, the company some time ago announced two more devices intended for use in a complex. One of them is BLA-07 - a small-sized tactical UAV. The target load is a combined dual-spectrum TV/IR camera or camera. Its design began in 2005. The next device is BLA-08. This is a low-speed UAV with a long flight duration. It is intended for use in intelligence systems in the interests of various types of armed forces and branches of the military.

Light medium-range UAVs

A number of domestic models can be classified as light, medium-range UAVs. Their weight ranges from 50 to 100 kg.

These, in particular, include the T92M Chibis multi-purpose UAV, created by ENIKS OJSC. The device is aerodynamically almost completely unified with the commercially produced aerial targets E95M and E2T. TV and IR cameras can be used as payloads. The propulsion system is a piston engine instead of the M135 PuVRD. The complex is at the stage of preparation for operation.

Recently, the Unmanned Systems company created a new UAV ZALA 421-09, which is designed for monitoring the earth's surface and has a long flight duration of 10.5 hours. It is equipped with a ski or wheeled chassis. Target load – TV, IR camera, camera on a gyro-stabilized platform.

The developments of the Transas company are very interesting - the Dozor-2 and Dozor-4 UAVs. Both devices have a similar layout. The Dozor-2 UAV is used to monitor economic and military facilities, deliver necessary cargo, border patrol, and digital cartography. Its payload is an automatic digital camera, high-resolution front- and side-view video cameras, and a near- and long-range IR system. The entire complex is located on the base of an all-terrain vehicle. The creation of the complex began in 2005. This year it was tested in the interests of the Border Guard Service; one of the Russian oil producing companies ordered several sets for monitoring pipelines. "Dozor-4" is a modification of the "Dozor-2" UAV. A batch of these UAVs in the amount of 12 devices has already been put into production to conduct military tests in the interests of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

The class under consideration also includes the rather old Stroy-P complex developed by the Moscow Scientific Research Institute Kulon with the Pchela-1T UAV. Currently, the complex has been modernized (“Stroy-PD”) in terms of round-the-clock use. In addition, in the future it is planned to introduce other UAVs into its composition.

Medium UAVs

The take-off weight of medium-sized UAVs ranges from 100 to 300 kg. They are intended for use at ranges of 150 – 1000 km.

ENIKS JSC has created the M850 Astra multi-purpose UAV in this class. Its main purpose is to use it as a reusable air target for training air defense crews. However, it can also be used to perform work related to operational monitoring of the earth's surface. For this purpose, it is possible to install additional target equipment. The device is interesting because it has an air launch, which can be carried out from the external sling of an airplane or helicopter. The layout of the new T04 long-range drone is similar to the E22/E22M Bertha reusable aerial target. The development of a device designed for multispectral monitoring began in 2006.

For the first time at the UVS-TECH-2007 exhibition, the new Berkut UAV for operational monitoring of territories and objects was demonstrated. Developer: JSC Tupolev. The device has a long flight duration. Target load – TV and IR cameras, surveillance sensors, radio data transmission line and telemetry equipment. In 2007, a technical proposal for this UAV was developed.

Also included in the range of systems under consideration is the Irkut-200 remote sensing complex. The complex includes two UAVs, a ground control station and maintenance equipment. Payload – TV camera, thermal imaging camera, radar and digital camera. Currently, the complex is in the development and testing stage.

Recently NPO im. S.A. Lavochkin presented one of his UAV projects for remote sensing - La-225 "Komar". During a long flight at a great distance, it is capable of transmitting video information in real time to a ground point. Launch, landing and control are carried out from a mobile ground complex. The UAV is in the development and testing stage. The prototype was demonstrated for the first time at MAKS-2007.

Istra-Aero has developed at least two UAV variants weighing 120-130 kg. This is a multifunctional UAV and electronic warfare UAV (“Binom”). The last of them, according to the company’s statement, is undergoing flight tests as part of the electronic warfare complex. It is designed to interfere with missile defense radars or satellite navigation systems. The jamming stations are supplied by Aviaconversion. Navigation is carried out without the use of GPS/GLONASS satellite systems. The project is developing, its creation is designed for a long time.

Medium-heavy UAVs

Medium-heavy UAVs have a range similar to that of the previous class of UAVs, but have a slightly higher take-off weight - from 300 to 500 kg.

This class should include the “descendants” of the “Dan” aerial target, created by the Kazan Design Bureau “Sokol”. This is the Dunham environmental monitoring complex, designed to solve the problems of monitoring, monitoring and protecting objects of large area and extent over the earth and water surface. It consists of a UAV (one or more), a mobile ground control point, as well as ground support equipment. The control system is combined (software and radio command). The target equipment is an optical-electronic system with TV and thermal imaging channels. The project is currently in the systems testing stage. The same company offers the Dan-Baruk unmanned aerial vehicle complex, designed for aerial reconnaissance. It is interesting in that it has the ability to strike individual targets. The UAV has a long flight duration and altitude. The complex also includes one or more unmanned vehicles, a mobile ground control post, and ground support equipment. Payload – surveillance and sighting system, on-board weapons (two containers with self-aiming and cumulative fragmentation combat elements). The project implementation is in the R&D stage.

The aviation system for remote control and inspection with the reconnaissance UAV "Hummingbird" was developed by M.A.K. It is designed to conduct reconnaissance in the interests of various types of troops in tactical and operational-tactical depth. The complex includes UAV-O (survey) and UAV-R (repeater), a ground station for remote control, reception and processing of target information, a station for driving and landing the UAV on the runway. The UAV is supposed to be equipped with various reconnaissance equipment - a television camera or thermal imaging equipment placed on a stabilized platform. Information transfer is carried out in real time. It is stated that radio-absorbing coatings are used in the design of the UAV. The first flight was carried out in 2005.

A new development of the Kulon Research Institute is the aerial surveillance complex with the Aist UAV. The device, unlike other UAVs, has two piston engines with pulling propellers on the wing. The ground point of the complex can not only process information coming from the UAV, but also ensure information exchange with external consumers. Payload – wide-area dual-spectrum (TV/IR) line equipment, on-board synthetic aperture radar, on-board information recorder, radio link. For detailed observation, a gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system consisting of combined TV and IR cameras and a laser range finder can be used. The military version is designated "Julia". The UAV can be integrated into other complexes together with a UAV of a different type.

Recently, Transas and R.E.T. Kronstadt" announced their promising development - a complex with a heavy medium-altitude UAV with a long flight duration "Dozor-3". It is designed to collect information about extended and area objects located at a considerable distance from the airfield, in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night. The UAV payload may include various sets of equipment, including forward- and side-view video cameras, a thermal imager, a forward- and side-view synthetic aperture radar, and a high-resolution automatic digital camera. The transfer of high-quality information will occur in real time. The complex will be equipped with a combined control system with autonomous control and remote piloting modes.

Medium-range heavy UAVs

This class includes UAVs with a flight weight of 500 kg or more, intended for use at medium ranges of 70 – 300 km.

In the “heavy” class, OAO Irkut is developing the Irkut-850 aviation remote sensing complex. It is designed for both monitoring and delivery of goods. Its originality lies in its ability to perform both unmanned and manned flight, since it is created on the basis of the Stemme S10VT motor glider. The payload of the UAV is a TV camera, a thermal imaging camera, a radar and a digital camera. The transition from a manned to a remotely controlled version does not require special work. Distinctive features are multitasking, the use of various payloads, low operating and life cycle costs, and autonomy. Tests have been completed and serial production has been prepared.

Another representative of this class is the multifunctional aviation monitoring complex “Nart” (A-03). Developer - LLC Research and Production Center Antigrad-Avia. It is also distinguished by its ability to deliver cargo. Execution options - stationary or mobile. The set of surveillance equipment may vary. The complex is intended for use in the interests of Roshydromet, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources, law enforcement agencies, etc.

The Tu-243 UAV, which is part of the Reis-D photo and TV reconnaissance complex, can be classified in this class. It is a modernized version of the Tu-143 “Flight” UAV and differs from it in a completely updated composition of reconnaissance equipment, a new flight and navigation system, an increased fuel reserve and some other features. The complex is in service with the Russian Air Force. Currently, further modernization of the UAV is proposed in the variants of the Reis-D-R reconnaissance UAV and the Reis-D-U attack UAV. In the shock version, it can be equipped with a sighting system and fire control system. The armament can consist of two KMGU blocks inside the cargo compartment. In 2007, the intention was announced to “reanimate” the project of a multi-purpose operational-tactical unmanned system with the Tu-300 “Korshun” UAV, designed to solve a wide range of reconnaissance tasks, hitting ground targets and relaying signals. Payload – electronic reconnaissance equipment, side-view radar, cameras, IR cameras or aircraft weapons on the external sling and in the internal compartment. The improvements should concern improved performance and the use of new equipment. It is planned to expand the range of weapons used and include conventional and adjustable aerial bombs, depth charges and air-to-surface guided missiles.

Heavy UAVs with long flight duration

The category of long-duration unmanned vehicles, which is quite in demand abroad, which includes the American UAVs Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk, Israeli UAVs Heron, Heron TP, is completely empty in our country. JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau periodically reports on the continuation of work on a number of long-range complexes of the Zond series. They were planned to be used for monitoring in the radar and optical-electronic ranges, as well as for solving air traffic control problems and relaying communication channels. However, apparently, these projects are being carried out in a sluggish manner and the prospects for their implementation are quite vague.

Unmanned combat aircraft (UCA)

Currently, work is actively underway around the world to create promising UAVs that have the ability to carry weapons on board and are designed to strike ground and surface stationary and mobile targets in the face of strong opposition from enemy air defense forces. They are characterized by a range of about 1500 km and a weight of 1500 kg. To date, two projects have been presented in the BBS class in Russia.

Thus, JSC OKB im. A.S. Yakovleva" is working on a unified family of heavy UAVs "Proryv". It widely uses units and systems of the Yak-130 combat training aircraft. As part of the family being developed, it is planned to create the Proryv-U attack UAV. The device is planned to be made according to a low-profile “flying wing” design with internal placement of the combat load.

Another project in this category is the Skat airborne surveillance system of the Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation MiG. In 2007, a full-size mockup of this BBS was demonstrated. This promising heavy combat UAV is also designed according to a stealthy “flying wing” design without a tail unit with a top-mounted air intake. The weapon is placed in the internal compartments of the device.


Approximately half of the existing and designed UAV systems in Russia belong to the first categories, that is, the lightest. This is explained by the fact that the development of these devices requires the least financial investment.

The filling of the last two categories is quite conditional. As noted above, the niche of heavy UAVs with long flight duration is practically empty. Perhaps this circumstance prompted our military to pay attention to the developments of foreign companies. As for combat UAVs, their creation is a matter of an even more distant future.