Future trends. Unusual ideas for the business of the future

Business does not stand still, today this process has become especially noticeable, constant transformations in any business are inevitable, there is nothing unusual in this, those who can adapt to new realities will remain in business, those who cannot leave. In this article, we invite you to consider the business of the future ideas that were born thanks to the emergence of new directions in business.

5 business ideas for the future

Today we will look at modern business areas, or rather the fastest growing areas. Each of these areas is interesting in its own way. They are also good because you don’t need to have start-up capital to start. And if you are interested in the ideas of the present, here it is.

It's no secret that in recent years the Internet has expanded significantly and more and more advertisers are going online in order to make additional sales via the Internet. Based on where modern business is heading, the business ideas of the future in 2019 will be intertwined with the Internet in one way or another. Advertising on social media has become even more popular at the end of 2019, because social networks are visited by millions of potential customers every day.

How to make money from this as a social media specialist, the answer is very simple. If you have experience in promoting a community or selling a product through social networks, you will be a very sought-after specialist. You can do it in two ways, either work for yourself (sell your product or affiliate for a percentage) or work for a company that promotes groups and websites.

But you can also combine these two options if you wish, for example you can work for a company without leaving home (remotely) and after completing the required amount of work for the day, you can conduct your own projects or work on other client projects.

If you have knowledge in some area, no matter if it is professional knowledge (medicine, law, psychology, or perhaps you are a good mechanic), such knowledge can be used to train your clients. Such “business of the future ideas” were relevant in the past, but since the field of online learning is gaining momentum, we can safely assume that in the future this business will become even more relevant and perhaps become a replacement for standard learning.

Already today, many conduct training seminars via Skype (on learning various languages, copywriting and many other specialties or subjects). Such lessons can be conducted in various forms, with hourly payment, payment for the full course, etc.

Your own YouTube channel

This option for video monetization came to us from the West. And every day it is gaining more and more popularity in Runet. Already thousands of people all over Russia have their own channels on YouTube and share their videos with subscribers and earn very good money from advertising. But creating a high-quality channel with a large number of subscribers is not so easy. You have to have really interesting material for the masses.

The earnings themselves come from displaying contextual advertising in each video clip (it is placed automatically). Such a business can safely be called the business of the future; at least in the near future, there are no prerequisites for this business to become less profitable.

The idea is to create beautiful phone cases with a customer's photo. Such an original case will definitely attract attention; such a case can even be given as a gift for a holiday or birthday.

It is not necessary to produce such a case yourself, although it will be much more profitable, you won’t need much equipment for production, but if you don’t have the financial ability to purchase equipment, you can become an intermediary, take an order for such a case from the client and then order the portrait you need from the company.

Not many companies offer such services, so this is an interesting solution that can bring you good profits, you just need to find a company that makes such things to order.

Fresh food

Today it has become very fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle and there are reasons for this, the first is, of course, the desire to prolong your life and the second is to have good well-being. These things are justified, because those who gave up junk food for at least a period of 1-3 months felt the difference. Such business of the future in Russiabegan to actively develop over the past few years. Large corporations have already actively entered this business and offer various healthy food options, some offer non-GMO food, etc.

There is also a place for small businesses in this area. If you think about it, domestic agriculture offers quite a few healthy food products. You can organize your business based on this, for example, open an eco-friendly store or organize delivery of such products to people’s homes; they place an order through the website or by phone, and you bring them the ordered goods. Potential clients can be athletes and all those people who lead a healthy lifestyle. You do not have to produce these products; you can act as an intermediary. You buy products from farmers and deliver them to addresses, taking a small percentage for yourself.

In order for someone to buy such products from you, you, of course, need to have some kind of reputation in the market. The most ideal option would be to make a branded store, run advertising, etc. But if there is no money, this is not an option, you can create your own website and groups on social media. networks and YouTube in them you will tell in detail in videos and other material where you get the product from, why it is worth buying, etc.

It is also worth enlisting the support of athletes, this would give your brand even more weight. These do not have to be world-famous athletes, small athletes who can be found in any gym (trainer) are enough, they will simply tell their wards where they can buy healthy food.

2 small tips:

    You must be honest with clients (don’t invent unnecessary things like your product is super-eco-friendly, etc., just real facts);

    You shouldn’t make a large markup on the product; the amount should cover your expenses, plus there should be a small plus for the work done.

In order for everything to be official, you need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, today you can do it yourself by simply following.

This is how we see the business ideas of the future, or rather some of them. You can succeed in any of these areas even without investment, which will be nice to hear for beginning businessmen. Whatever field you choose, we wish you success in your endeavors.

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I'm not very interested in business myself... at least in the traditional sense.

What I'm more interested in is a business that 1) seemingly won't work 2) is based on creating real relationships.

Here are a few unconventional business ideas that embody my approach. None of these ideas are original in the full sense (like most all ideas), but I tried to collect them in this post before talking about them in more detail in my articles:

IDEA: give everything

From time to time I meet business people who ask about how certain schemes work in my business that are usually left behind the scenes. They use a corporate credit card to buy me coffee, because I love drinking coffee. Most of them just don't understand how I can write for free and still pay the bills.

The traditional business model of information exchange is this: you give only 10% as a “trick,” and sell the remaining 90% to people like a pig in a poke. I do the opposite - I give about 90% (or more) of the information for free. 10% is for fans and those in need of specific help, for which a more in-depth format is needed. The products are available, in other words, all my works and books are free. And no advertising to boot.

Another good example of giving everything is Leo Babauta's decision to give up the copyright on his work, everything on ZenHabits is freely available. It was a very clever move to build his network and establish a broad profile, even after he had already become quite successful. I don't know all the financial details of Leo's life, but when I looked at his subscriber base, I figured he had a pretty damn good life, while encouraging people to "steal" his work.

For the first ten years of my entrepreneurial life, I didn't have a business card. But I'm meeting more and more people so I gave in and ordered a few, but that decision took 10 years. I don't go to Toastmasterst, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce or other networking events.

The problem with this traditional network of contacts is that it includes a certain wide circle of people who, in the estimation, can do something for you. I hate this approach. I don't know everything about him, but I know enough, and I just can't stand it.


The type of network of contacts that I want to establish is unusual and important. I spend at least two hours a day communicating with people. Primarily through Twitter and 75-100 emails per day. Everyone who writes to me receives a real answer (sometimes it takes a while, but I take letters seriously).

By the way, if you feel like you don't have enough time on Twitter, read this interesting article by Harvey Brooks about why you should have enough time. I generally agree with most of the points Harvey makes, and this article is no exception.

Instead of asking, “How can you help me?” this network of contacts is directed not at the person himself, but outside. Then he asks: “What can I do for you? What can I do to tell other people about you? What are your goals? And I really like it.

IDEA: No competition

I was once asked during a radio interview if Tim Ferriss was my competition. Uh...no. In my opinion, there is no competition in this business. Tim has helped a huge number of people start thinking differently about life and work, and this is to a large extent my goal, although in a slightly different way.

If you're in a business where you have to compete with another store down the street, one of you will have to lower your prices to attract customers. Good luck! Instead of external competition, the competition you face every day is internal intention. The kind of competition that makes you get up every day and go help people change the world.

IDEA: Avoid (almost) all meetings

Seth Godin is often asked how he gets the time to get everything done, especially to respond to all his emails. His answer was that he doesn't watch TV or go to meetings, which gives him an extra 4-5 hours a day compared to most people.

I completely agree with him. I also don't watch TV or go to meetings. Instead, I travel the world - yes, it takes a lot of time - and I also like to go to a coffee shop almost every single day. I also don’t talk on the phone very often, but more on that later.

IDEA: Forget about pushing the product and any form of sales at all

The very idea of ​​hard selling seems unnatural to me. I regularly simply walk away from stores that use guilt tactics or make me feel like I don't have enough of their products. (“Are you sure you don't want an extended warranty? Because, between you and me, these things break a lot.”)

Sales that play on fear, guilt, greed are based on negative relationships. I prefer to build my business, and relationships in general, on positive aspects. If someone asks me they're thinking about buying this, can you sell it to me? My answer is sorry, but no. I can tell you about it, answer a lot of questions, but I won’t do “sales.”

Also, if someone complains about a product I sell (very rare, but some people manage to bypass the usual online download scheme and ask for a refund), I give the money back IMMEDIATELY. Life is too short to worry about those people. And this brings us to the next question:

IDEA: Give people what they want

If you do not consider this an unconventional business idea, then this characterizes you very positively. So, you've partially distanced yourself from the ubiquity of online marketing, stores that obsessively sell you things you don't want.

It seems to me that if you need to chase a client, you are in the wrong business. You need to give people what they themselves want. Sell ​​what people buy themselves. If your product meets their needs and grows the pie (instead of dividing it), you're on the right track. Be open and attentive to, this is a very active and interesting audience, Generation Z has great prospects.

How do you know if your product is a good idea? Here's an easy test. Check out this list:

1. Extremely necessary. People need to NEED (or think they need) your services and products.

2. High value. You deliver a relevant and valuable product because you take pride in what you sell.

3. High profitability. You should make good money from this.

If your idea meets all three points, continue developing it.

IDEA: Don't outsource, just stop working for a while

If you're feeling overwhelmed and are considering outsourcing help, you have another option - just stop and rest. Works great.

One good question to ask yourself is: “If I stop doing X, will the world end?” If yes, then of course it’s worth pushing yourself. If not, nothing will happen if you suspend the activity. True, you can’t build a business with a seven-figure income this way, but is that your goal? And again - if this is your goal, you will have to look for help and resort to outsourcing. If not, give yourself a break.

IDEA: Give up money regularly

The first part is simple - return money to difficult people. Do not force the product, the client will see for himself if he needs it. Give money and don't waste time on those with whom things become difficult.

The second part, however, is more difficult to agree with. The second part involves refusing money not because of capricious clients, but only because you don’t like something. A few years ago, for example, I felt guilty for thousands of dollars in lost sales simply because I didn't want to call people on the phone. I have matured over the years and no longer feel guilty.

IDEA: Don't listen to anyone (listen to everyone)

I try to follow this rule not only in business, but in life in general. If a person doesn't like your work, don't worry. Just listen to what everyone else is saying about them, feedback should come from the whole world. Run your name through Google Alerts, see what people are saying about you, and get a complete picture of how you are rated.


IDEA: Always increase the pie

I don't lose anything in my business if someone else benefits. When I gain, no one else loses. And this is all the result of the ideas I gave above, the fact that I don’t compete, I just try to give people what they want, I don’t play these sales games and so on.

If your business (or job, or whatever you do every day) is based on taking things from people, then I don't envy you. If you ask my opinion, you are in the wrong business. You might as well go work for a collection agency or repossess credit cars.

Fortunately, businesses that give rather than take are becoming more common. I am far from alone in my beliefs. I truly believe that many entrepreneurs who take this business idea as their starting point are becoming increasingly successful while traditional businesses are struggling.

Speaking of social media and networking, I recently saw someone selling a guide to using Twitter for $800. I also thought it was funny. From a marketing standpoint, I can see how it works - some clueless CEOs will buy it and even feel like they made a good deal. Perceived value is everything in marketing, so for some people these sales will work.

But assuming you don't have $800 to spend on this guide, you can easily learn how an unconventional business works for free. The hardest part is letting go of some old habits and patterns, and no eight-hundred-buck guide can help you do that.


By the way, the same people who like to say “Welcome to the real world” will say the same about my ideas in the business world. “That’s not how it works... the idea lacks realism...” and so on.

If you are in business, you can easily ignore such statements. The better question is, who judges your success? What is success for you personally?

I am well aware that by some measures I am not a successful business. I'm missing out on expansion opportunities, giving away money and doing almost everything myself. In the hands of a more experienced businessman, I have no doubt that my business would have achieved higher profitability, perhaps even with less work. But it simply wouldn’t be my business anymore.

Feel free to discuss your unconventional business ideas. I don't expect everyone to agree with my ideas, but I think there's something to be learned from commentators as well.

The past year was the year of robots - smart cars, autonomous systems, autopilots and androids. They attracted investment, participated in bold experiments, and shone on screen. Their successes will not go away in the next 12 months, but as long as possible.

The 2017 trends included technologies that were invented many years ago, found venture capital or brought in revenue, attracted the interest of monster corporations, but only next year will be everywhere and enter every home. These technologies sometimes complement each other, and sometimes compete with each other, but each of them is a separate direction of technological progress. "The Secret" chronicles five battles in 2017.

Games: AR vs VR

There are two main strategies for embellishing reality. The first of them is made famous by the Terminator, whose electronic eye applied useful signatures to objects in the living world. The second formed the basis of the plot of dozens of films: the surrounding reality is not taken into account at all, and a person is presented with a completely fictitious reality - either in the form of direct sensations (“The Matrix”) or in the form of synthetic memories (“Total Recall”). These two philosophies, although not completely opposite to each other, represent their consumers in completely different ways: some want to forget and escape for a while from a cruel world, others want to get information and start acting (“I need your jacket and your motorcycle”).

In the past year, there have been major breakthroughs in both directions. Augmented reality presented the world with its first popular application - the game Pokémon Go. Although the technology itself has been around for many years - as a finished product, not an idea - it has never before topped the charts or generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Thanks to Pokemon, it became clear that, firstly, AR can already qualify for large investments, and secondly, gaming applications in this industry easily bypass any others. This means everyone will want to repeat the success of Pokémon Go.

Virtual reality entered the market for the first time. From March to November, Facebook, HTC, Samsung and Google released their virtual reality glasses, and together they sold millions of them. Deloitte estimates that the new industry earned $1 billion for the first time in 2016, and will earn many times more next year. The only problem is that a killer application has not yet appeared that would force users to master virtual reality en masse. But there is no doubt that it will appear: the most promising and mysterious company on the market, Magic Leap, has already collected almost $1.5 billion in investments (half in the past year), its main competitor Oculus Rift was bought by Facebook for $2 billion - that’s already a lot of money.

Who will win: virtual reality or augmented reality is still unknown, but it is quite possible that an approach combining them will be invented. Microsoft in October presented its plans to enter this market, but will take a third route: virtual reality glasses will be translucent and will allow you to combine a full overview of the living world with an overview of the virtual one. This technology is called MR (mixed reality).

E-Commerce: Drones vs. Smart Stores

Delivery of goods using drones is such an obvious and attractive idea that no one can pass by. Both Google and Amazon have promised to begin full testing of drone delivery in 2017. Already this year, experimental batches of such different substances as blood for transfusions and tests (Zipline in Rwanda and Matternet in Lesotho) and pizza (Domino’s in the USA) were delivered. Progress in this area is simply inevitable, given the level of competition in the development of, on the one hand, autopilot systems, and on the other, the devices themselves. What's remarkable about both of these areas is that many of the notable players are located outside the United States - in Europe and East Asia.

So far, the economics of air delivery cannot compete with trucks - one UPS truck covers 120 addresses per day and delivers thousands of packages. Therefore, it is not surprising that many startups conduct testing in countries with poor infrastructure. Matternet, for example, made its first deliveries to Haiti. Construction of a kilometer of two-lane road costs $1 million - for this money you can buy a lot of drones in a third world country.

But in the first world, there is another radical way to save shoppers time: eliminating lines from stores. In this area, only one attempt has been made so far, but it is extremely convincing. Amazon is also experimenting with this technology, opening a robotic store in Seattle that independently determines who has bought what. The customer only has to take the product from the shelf, and smart sensors, using recognition programs, understand who took what and write off the price of the product from the buyer’s card at the exit. Since the vast majority of purchases, even in developed countries, are still made in regular stores, this technology has more prospects for now, especially since, unlike drones, it does not require the creation of separate legislation, certification and regulation.

Communication: Chatbots vs. Smart Devices

In the first six months after Facebook allowed developers to write chatbots in its messenger, 30,000 programs appeared on the platform. One of them was created by Mark Zuckerberg himself, who spent the whole year creating a smart assistant in his own home and prefers to chat with it. It is generally accepted that bots compete with traditional instant messengers, but in reality these are different communication channels: people use some to communicate with their peers, others to communicate with devices. And that’s why the number and quality of bots will grow exponentially: gadgets are getting smarter.

The first truly popular system was created several years ago by Apple, but now Siri has long been lagging behind. Google Personal Assistant and Alexa (Amazon) work better. In addition to them, literally all large companies and several hundred small ones have their own developments. Any device and any algorithm serves people, they are forced to take an interest in their desires, which means they must acquire their own chatbot. Rapid advances in speech recognition and automatic translation are making them easier to create. There are already people on earth who communicate with hardware more than with people. For now only introverts, but someday most of the first world will live like this.

Another important transition is taking place in parallel. More and more devices are appearing that do not have to ask a person anything and work the better the less they are interested in his opinion. They are forced to find a common language with creatures made of metal, silicon and carbon fiber. First of all, these are cars on autopilot - their whole high point is not to jerk the person in the cabin at all and at the same time understand what other road users are going to do.

The matter is not limited to the experiments of Google, Uber and Tesla. A truly smart home shouldn’t have to wonder every time what temperature and what volume level to set on Friday night - it should guess about it. Drones delivering pizza to a party have no idea about the existence of people, but cannot afford to ignore the signals of their delivery colleagues. The kettle must tell the toaster in advance when it will boil so that it can toast the bread in time. Even Wi-Fi routers made by Google (and several of its competitors) learn to talk to each other and to user devices to optimize network load.

This will be the most invisible change in the world around us, but extremely important: devices will communicate with each other more than with us.

Machine learning: Soft versus hard

Photo: © Billion Photos / Shutterstock

Machine learning is the most talked about technology term of 2016. Algorithms that search for a way to complete a task themselves have achieved impressive success. For example, for the first time they beat a person at Go, the last game with complete information that was beyond their control. Or drew gigazillions of pictures in the Prisma app. But there were other achievements that were much more important for business, and next year they will begin to flow. For example, Google researchers asked two machine learning systems to exchange an encrypted message that a third system could not decipher, and they succeeded. The economic potential of this type of experimentation is enormous. The same program that beat the Go champion was used to optimize energy consumption in Google data centers. She reduced the bill by 15%. This example alone gives an idea of ​​both the potential size of the market and why the whole world is engaged in machine learning.

The progress of software has completely changed the processor market. It has long been known that special chips, such as graphics, are better at handling machine learning tasks. Last New Year's Eve, traditional industry mastodon Intel completed a $16 billion deal to buy Altera, a maker of custom FGPA processors used by self-learning programs. In 2016, Microsoft opened its own division for developing FGPA, Google assembled its first processor in May, and Cupertino has been producing its own chips for some time. The speed of progress and the scale of the industry are such that every large software company is forced to develop its own processors.

Near-government hackers are one of the main phenomena of the past year. Many thousands of Gmail users have become accustomed to seeing a red warning bar stretch across their Chrome browser screen: “Government-backed hackers appear to be trying to break into your email.” The people who hacked the servers of the US Democratic National Committee worked during office hours in the Moscow time zone and rested on official holidays. Russia, naturally, denies its participation in the hack, but the world is structured in such a way that admitting guilt does not play any role. Intelligence agencies not only in the United States, but throughout the world will take advantage of the opportunity, hire security experts, and at the same time, new hackers of their own.

Officially, the era of cyber warfare has been going on for several years now - at least since the Stuxnet virus hit Iranian nuclear centrifuges. But it was a very elegant operation, and the target of the attack was a strategic nuclear fuel enrichment plant, protected by all imaginable methods. Every country has many critical infrastructure facilities that are not protected at all, such as power plants, political party servers and electronic signage at train stations. After the leaders of major powers began to directly accuse each other of sabotage, there is no need to wait long for the next attack. Prophecies of this kind come true on their own.

So that the trends of the coming year do not look too rosy, we can assume that in 2017, attacks by state-sponsored hackers will become commonplace and will begin to have a direct impact on foreign policy - until now, diplomats from first world countries have tried not to complain about them even when national politicians expressed themselves in the most unambiguous way. I would like to believe that no real war will start because of cyber attacks.

Cover photo: Oculus

Collective ownership

The desire to cut mortgage payments, rent and other expenses will force us to rent or buy an apartment collectively. According to Maria Litinetskaya, general director of the MIEL-Novostroiki company, duplexes are becoming more and more popular on the countryside real estate market - in fact, one house for two families.

Some current mortgage programs allow a loan to be issued to more than one borrower. In this case, co-borrowers (maximum three) must be relatives. Litinetskaya says that some banks - for example, Sberbank and Vozrozhdenie - consider persons who are members of a civilian bank as co-borrowers. And only Nordea Bank provides the possibility of providing a loan to several co-borrowers, regardless of family ties.

Transactions by phone

You can pay for inexpensive purchases (a can of beer or lunch at McDonald's) using a mobile phone or a special device called an e-tag. This is already the way to pay for parking in some countries, and in Finland you can use a paid toilet by sending an SMS to a short number.

In Russia, the prospect of the emergence of such technologies is still very distant. According to Eldar Murtazin, leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, we do not have the contactless readers needed to implement e-tag. They are not yet widely used even in Europe and America, but mobile shopping has entered the everyday life of the Japanese and Koreans.

Mobile House

How to kill time in a traffic jam? Car owners are converting them into mobile offices and relaxation areas.

Alexander Gribanov, general director of the AGR-design company, the exclusive representative of the German automotive design bureau Carlsson in Moscow, assures that mobile offices inside a car showroom in Russia “have been ordered for fifteen years now.” Moreover, the interior content of the car can be completely different - from relaxation areas to workplaces with computers, telephones, and faxes. “Those who initially tuned their cars simply change their equipment from year to year as it becomes outdated,” says Gribanov.

"Instant" insurance

Methods of selling insurance services are multiplying - financial supermarkets are no longer perceived as exotic.

But insurers also have new horizons in terms of expanding their product line - for example, “instant” insurance. Richard Watson's picture of the future suggests that people will be able to buy insurance online before going on a roller coaster ride or skydiving. The Ingosstrakh company, however, expressed skepticism that Russian insurers will be concerned about providing such services in the near future.

Vegetable garden in every apartment

In the struggle for healthy eating, we will have to sacrifice personal time - tired of GMOs, we will grow vegetables and bake bread right in our apartments. In addition, people will move from vegetarianism to “ethical” nutrition. For example, lettuce and rice are unethical because they require a lot of water to grow.

People buy organic products from us mainly because they want to lead a healthy lifestyle, notes Andrey Danilenko, owner of the Russian Farms group of companies. “Everyone wants to live long and well - this is a common place. But eco-production is not developed in Russia, and even when it appears, it will still not become dominant, says Danilenko. - Although in our country there is greater resistance to GMOs than in other countries of the world. And what’s interesting is that wealthy people often like to dig deeper into their garden. For example, I try to consume what I grow myself.”

As Marina Goldinberg, marketing director of the Organic corporation (Bio-Market chain of stores), notes, in Russia wealthy people have already begun to buy homemade bread makers and organize vegetable gardens in suburban areas.

Simple selection store

It is known that a very large selection of similar products does not increase, but decreases sales. Supermarkets with gigantic sales floors, striving to amaze customers with variety, have not yet taken this into account enough.

Another similar trend is that we will move from supermarkets with a variety of food to single-food stores and cafes. Have you ever wondered why pizzerias are so popular all over the world? Because customers don't have to choose from a bunch of products. “There have been examples of this for a long time - the Ocean store, specializing in seafood, bakeries and so on,” says Maxim Trapeznikov, representative of X5 Retail Group N.V., “but I wouldn’t call it a trend: maybe in the West people like to buy everything in different places, but I think this is not relevant for Russia. It’s more convenient to buy everything in one store.”

Sleep capsules

Accumulating fatigue becomes chronic. Even in his free time from work, a person cannot relax, and after going on vacation, he immediately falls ill. Who benefits from this? The owners of “sleep clinics” - in Australia, for example, there are already more than 70 of them. And also the owners of hotels around which there are no places to walk, but in which you can sleep with pleasure.

Google is already using “sleep capsules” for office workers, and the Japanese 9h hotel has turned ordinary rooms into them. There are sleep centers at state medical institutions in Moscow and some other cities of Russia. Marianna Trifonova, chief physician of the Emerald Medical Center, notes that “sleeping capsules” have been popular among the top management of metropolitan companies in recent years. “Many people come to us to relax and sleep during their lunch break,” she says. Today, some clinics use electrosleep therapy. “A special helmet is put on the patient’s head, similar to the one used when an encephalogram is taken, and the person experiences the stage of REM sleep, which is most useful,” says Trifonova.

We rehire pensioners

Some Japanese companies, in keeping with the traditions of national corporate management, have begun to rehire their own retired employees. Thus, competition in the labor market increases, and young people have to become more active. Projects for rehiring pensioners are working in the German agricultural sector, says Galina Spasenova, partner at the recruiting firm Agency Contact. And the general trend is that the working age is increasing.

These factors will determine the popularity of so-called generational consultants, who will promote effective cooperation between generations within the company and prevent their conflicts.

Celebrity imitation

Special sites will help their visitors (or rather, female visitors) transform into their favorite star: recreate her image, try on her outfits, and then purchase them. Alena Popova, founder of Brainstorm AV and author of the StarLook.ru project, believes that everything that concerns celebrities and their image has already been implemented in online stores in the West. All that remains is to find examples and copy. On the portal created by Popova, the female audience reads about the style of stars, selects a similar look for themselves and finds out from the stylists and users of the project whether this same look suits her.

Transformation into your favorite star - with the opportunity to buy clothes like hers, go to the same places as her, and so on - should be provided by one resource, Popova believes.

Essay on the topic: “Business in the modern world”

student of 10 “B” class. MBOU secondary school No. 7

Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region

Nureyeva Yana

(Consultant teacher of history and social studies, MBOU Secondary School No. 7

Urianskaya A.Yu.)

The modern world is not possible without business - it is a mutual connection on which everyone depends. You don’t come to this understanding right away. I am in the tenth grade and in social studies lessons I began to especially pay attention to the examples that the teacher gives us on economic topics. Indeed, business is “initiative economic activity carried out at the expense of one’s own or borrowed funds at one’s own risk and responsibility, with the main goals of generating income and developing one’s own business” 1 . Since this is an initiative activity, then business can be called the “locomotive” of the economy and it will be our engine into the future. How did business become such a powerhouse? If we take a simplified look at his history, we can say that he changed like a child: 14-15 centuries - he grew up, 16-17 - gained strength, 18-19 - studied and became smarter, 20-21 - became a full member of civil society (civil society - Thisthe sphere of self-expression of free citizens and voluntarily formed non-profit-oriented interventions and arbitrary regulation by government authorities and business 2 ). Of course, the main component of economic relations is needs - thisWellwaitingorflawVhow- ornecessaryto maintain the vital activity of the organism, the human personality, a social group, society as a whole, in general, an internal stimulator of activity.Satisfaction of economic needs acts as an internal incentive for production, distribution, exchange and consumption within a certain system of socio-economic relations. But only those who manage to win fierce competition - the struggle for their place in global business and connect the needs, income and social component of society - get ahead.

In the modern world, everyone knows about the social component of business.Both large and small businesses are important. The production of anya small product is also a business. Steel smelting at the plant is the same, only large. Serious business strengthens the country's economy, not

1. http://www.grandars.ru/college/biznes/biznes.html

“kills” it with a foreign substitute. A businessman pays more taxes than an ordinary citizen and creates new jobs for people. Of course, this only happens if it is a socially responsible business. That is, they respect the rights of workers, and do not just use their labor.

Even poor people can organize a socially useful business, it is important

just have some start-up capital. Workshops where parts for cars and factory machines are made can become such a business. Or an atelier where they sew original clothes and shoes. These can also be Internet sites. Today, even a farm and fields sown, for example, with sunflowers, are already their own business. Over time, a small business can grow into a big one: from a private medical office - a progressive modern clinic, from a furniture showroom - a factory, and from a small exhibition of one’s own paintings - an art gallery. This means that social entrepreneurship is a mechanism that can and should become a social dimension of the modernization of any country. A social entrepreneur sets himself the task of making positive changes in the infrastructure of the social system that have a long-term effect. Social enterprises are built on the principles of self-sufficiency, financial sustainability and innovativeness of the approaches used. The use of new, unique tools, the ability to solve problems as long as necessary, and at the expense of one’s own income, form the key advantages of social entrepreneurship. The goal is not a local solution to a single issue, but the achievement of a qualitatively new level in overcoming socially significant problems. One of these problems is recycling household waste. I was interested in the idea of ​​"AIST". This is how I see the future of business.

As noted by the famous financier N.Kh. Bunge (1823-1895), “along with private needs, public ones appear, next to personal goals - public goals: concern for both material and spiritual existence, and for the development of the entire union.”