Chubais, Anatoly Borisovich - biography. Chubais Anatoly Borisovich is proud of his nationality and origin Chubais year of birth

Anatoly Chubais is a famous Russian political and statesman. First of all, he is known as an economist. Currently he is the General Director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, and since 2011 he has headed the board of the open joint-stock company Rusnano. Since 1991, with minor interruptions, he has held key positions in Russian politics and major state-owned companies. He is considered one of the key ideologists of the economic reforms that were carried out by Boris Yeltsin’s team shortly after he came to power. His name is also associated with global reforms in the domestic energy sector, implemented in the 2000s. There is a lot of controversy about the nationality and real name of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais. In this article we will talk in detail about his family and the main stages of his biography.

Family politics

Anatoly Chubais was born in 1955 in the city of Borisov, located on the territory of modern Belarus. His father was a soldier, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a colonel. After retiring from the military, he taught the philosophy of Marxism and Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute. The mother of the hero of our article was called Raisa Khamovna. Segal is her real name. Anatoly Chubais theoretically could have taken it, but preferred his father's surname.

The mother of the hero of our article was Jewish by nationality and an economist by training; she devoted her entire life to raising children. So the nationality of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is Jewish. Many are interested in the details of his biography, especially when he began to occupy key positions in the country. Therefore, let us immediately clarify: Chubais is the real name of Anatoly Borisovich.

He became the second child in the family. Anatoly Borisovich has an older brother, Igor, who is a Doctor of Philosophy.

Choosing a path

Since childhood, Chubais regularly moved from place to place, since his father was a military man, his duty stations were constantly changing. The Soviet army officer also introduced strict rules within the family, not giving his sons any extra reason to relax.

As a child, Anatoly Chubais often witnessed heated debates between his father and older brother, dedicated to philosophy and modern politics. Apparently, this played a certain role in choosing his future profession; he showed interest in the processes taking place in society from an early age. However, deciding on his future, he made a choice in favor of economic education. Most likely, because even at school he was especially good at the exact sciences.

Now you know the nationality of Anatoly Chubais, the features of his origin. He maintained close relationships with his family throughout his life. For Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, his real surname has always been of great importance; he never planned to give it up.


Chubais began receiving secondary education in Odessa; his father was serving there when the future politician had to go to school. Then he transferred to Lvov, and went to fifth grade in Leningrad. In the Northern capital, he was sent to a school with military-political education, which he hated and even wanted to dismantle into bricks, which he admitted when he became an adult.

In 1972, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais entered the mechanical engineering department of the Engineering and Economic Institute in Leningrad. He graduated from the university in 1977 with honors, and six years later he defended his dissertation, receiving the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. His professional career began at his native institute, where he worked first as an engineer, then as an assistant and associate professor.

In the CPSU

During the same period, Chubais became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He gains a large number of like-minded people who form an informal democratic circle around the hero of our article. Leningraders become its members, for whom Anatoly Borisovich himself begins to organize seminars on economics.

The ultimate goal of all these meetings is to promote democratic ideas among the broadest masses of the intelligentsia. It was at one of these seminars that the hero of our article meets his future colleague in leading the country, Yegor Gaidar.

Political career

The political career of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais actively began in the late 80s, when he founded a club under the name “Perestroika”, which was relevant for that time. Many well-known economists of that time became its members, who soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union would occupy key positions in the state; they would also be called “young reformers.”

Active and educated youth, who constantly suggest how to improve life in the country, attracted the attention of the top officials of Leningrad. After Anatoly Sobchak, the chairman of the Leningrad City Council, won the election, Chubais was appointed his deputy, as the leader of the modern democratic movement. His ideas and political attitude appeal to the leadership of the entire region.

In 1991, Chubais was offered the post of chief adviser on economic development at the Leningrad mayor's office. Soon after this, he creates a working group that begins discussing a strategy for the economic development of the entire country. By the end of the same year, he became the head of the State Committee for State Property Management, and in 1992 received the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister in Yeltsin’s team.

Privatization campaign

In his new position, Chubais gathers around himself a team of economists, with whom he develops a privatization program. As a result of this massive campaign, 130,000 state-owned enterprises are being transferred into private hands. How privatization was carried out, how honestly and rationally, is still being discussed by experts. Moreover, the majority gives Chubais’ team an unsatisfactory assessment, but at that time this did not prevent the politician from continuing to move up the career ladder.

In 1993, Chubais won elections to the State Duma from the Russia's Choice party, became first deputy prime minister, and headed the Federal Commission for Securities and the Stock Market.

Second term

In 1996, the politician took an active part in organizing the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin, who was running for a second presidential term. For this purpose, the Civil Society Foundation was created. With its help, the rating of the head of state can be significantly increased, leading to a final victory in the second round.

Yeltsin appreciated the help of the hero of our article, appointing him to lead his administration, and a few months later he awarded the rank of first-class advisor.

Administration of the President

It is generally accepted that Chubais’s main achievement as head of the presidential administration is that he, together with his supporters, achieved the removal of Alexander Lebed from the post of Secretary of the Security Council. This happened just two months after the appointment of the general who finished third in the presidential election. It is believed that the post was a thank you to Yeltsin, as Lebed urged his supporters to vote for Boris Nikolayevich.

In 1997, Chubais returned to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister, simultaneously becoming Minister of Finance. But he fails to hold on to these posts for long. In the spring of 1998, he resigns along with the entire cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Work in state corporations

In the same year, Chubais became the head of the board of RAO UES of Russia. In this post, he begins to carry out large-scale reforms, which provide for a complete restructuring of all structures of the holding entrusted to him. He decides to transfer most of the shares to private investors. These decisions found many opponents, who even began to call Chubais the worst manager in Russia.

In 2008, the energy company was liquidated, and Chubais was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation state corporation. In 2011, under his leadership, the company was reorganized into a joint-stock company, and soon it became the leading innovative enterprise in the country.

Personal life

The politician’s personal life turned out to be eventful. He got married for the first time while a student. His chosen one was Lyudmila, who bore him two children - Olga and Alexei. They followed in their father's footsteps, becoming professional economists.

In the early 90s, the hero of our article divorces Lyudmila and marries a second time. During his rapid career growth in modern Russia, he is accompanied by economist Maria Vishnevskaya, but this marriage also broke up.

TV presenter and screenwriter Avdotya Smirnova becomes the politician’s third wife. This marriage, which he entered into after 50 years, was received ambiguously by society; the new wife was fourteen years younger than her husband.

For Avdotya, this marriage became the second. From 1989 to 1996 she was married to St. Petersburg art critic Arkady Ippolitov, with whom she gave birth to a son, Danila, in 1990. He studied at the Zenit football school and became the world champion in beach soccer as part of the Russian national team. At the moment, he has finished his sports career, works as a producer, having received a diploma from the University of Film and Television.

Chubais and Smirnova have been married since 2012.


According to the latest income declarations, Chubais earns more than 200 million rubles a year, his wife is several times less.

At the same time, they own two apartments in Moscow, one in St. Petersburg, and an apartment in Portugal with an area of ​​133 square meters. The family's fleet consists of two BMW cars and a Yamaha snowmobile.

Where is Anatoly Chubais now? Public Joint Stock Company "Rusnano" is the organization in which the hero of our article works. Currently Anatoly Chubais holds the post of Chairman of the Board.


In 2005, an attempt was made on the politician's life. As his car was traveling to the Moscow region, a bomb was detonated, and the cars of the motorcade in which the hero of our article was traveling were fired upon. Chubais was not injured. Three people became suspects in the case: retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, paratroopers Robert Yashin and Alexander Naydenov.

Kvachkov began to engage in politics in prison, declaring that the assassination attempt on Chubais was one of the forms of the national liberation war. At the same time, he repeatedly stated that his involvement in the assassination attempt had not been proven.

The criminal case was considered by a jury, which acquitted all three suspects. However, the Supreme Court later overturned this decision, remanding the case for a new trial. A new suspect has also emerged - lawyer and writer Ivan Mironov. In August 2010, the jury again acquitted the suspects, and almost half of the jurors rendered a verdict according to which the attempt on Chubais’s life in 2005 was just an imitation.

Political Views

Chubais is considered a politician who believes that the only way for Russia to develop is capitalism.

At the beginning of 2000, he was a member of the Union of Right Forces party. He was even chosen as co-chairman, and in 2004 he resigned from this post. He returned to the leadership of the party after the defeat of the Union of Right Forces in the State Duma elections in 2007. Then the Union of Right Forces took eighth place out of 11 voting participants, failing to gain even one percent of the votes.

He advocates that subsidiaries be created at every higher education institution in the country. Since May 2010, he has headed the board of trustees of the Yegor Gaidar Foundation.

However, he remains one of the most unpopular and often criticized politicians in the country. In the early 2000s, most Russians assessed his activities negatively. A clear indication of how people treat him is the fact that Kvachkov, who was accused of trying to kill Chubais, ran for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency in 2005. In one of the districts of Moscow, he took second place, receiving 29% of the votes.

In 2008, Chubais’s activities were criticized by modern oppositionist Garry Kasparov. In his opinion, the liberal reformers of the early 90s failed to develop the achievements of perestroika, but only buried them. The question is constantly raised about the responsibility of the hero of our article for the reforms carried out, about the possibility of his criminal prosecution. For example, one of the journalists approached President Vladimir Putin with this topic in 2013 during the Direct Line.

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich was born on June 16, 1955 in the city of Borisov, Minsk region, Belarusian SSR.
Russian statesman and politician, General Director of the state corporation Rusnano (since 2008), formerly Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia (1998-2008), Minister of Finance (1997), First Deputy Chairman of the Government (1997-1998), head Administration of the President of Russia (1996-1997), head of the election headquarters of Boris Yeltsin (1996).

Anatoly Chubais is one of the ideologists and leaders of market reforms in Russia in the early 1990s, the author of privatization.
He is a member of the Supreme Council of the Right Cause party (established in November 2008), previously a member of the federal political council and one of the founders of the Union of Right Forces party.
Anatoly Chubais - Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Family, childhood and youth

Father - Chubais Boris Matveevich (1918-2000), taught the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute.
Mother - Sagal Raisa Efimovna (1918-2004).
Brother - Chubais Igor Borisovich (born 1947) - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University.

Anatoly Chubais began to show a talent for exact sciences quite early and loved to work with technology. It was customary in the family to have discussions on political and philosophical topics, but mostly they took place between Anatoly’s father and older brother. Maybe that’s why, after graduating from school, I decided to enroll not in the Faculty of Philosophy, but in the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Tolyatti (LIEI) in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Chubais graduated from the Institute with honors (1977).


After finishing his studies, Anatoly Chubais worked at LIEI as an engineer, an assistant, and then became an assistant professor (1982). In 1983 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.” And his first scientific work was a study on “Technologies for magnetic abrasive polishing of parts made of non-magnetic steels.”

In 1980, Anatoly Chubais joined the ranks of the CPSU, and a couple of years later became the leader of an informal circle of democratically minded economists in Leningrad (1982-1987), which included Yuri Yarmagaev, Grigory Glazkov, and together they wrote a scientific work
"Improving the management of scientific and technological progress in production." Later Sergei Vasiliev joined them.

Anatoly Chubais was one of the founders of the Perestroika club (1987), its establishment was authorized by the regional party committee.
When Anatoly Sobchak became mayor of the city, Chubais took the place of his deputy and chief economic adviser (1990).
According to Chubais himself, he followed the traditional ideological path for a communist who seeks to understand what is really happening to the country, through Eurocommunism to market socialism.

In 1988, Chubais trained in Hungary, and earlier - in 1985 - he and Sergei Vasiliev traveled via Sputnik to Poland.

Anatoly Chubais's business career was rapid. He was Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management (1991), Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation for Economic and Financial Policy (1991-92), First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia for Economic and Financial Policy (1994-1996), Member Council on Foreign Policy under the President of the Russian Federation (1995-1997), manager from Russia in international financial organizations (1995-1996), head of the Administration of the President of Russia (1996), first deputy chairman of the Russian government and at the same time minister of finance of Russia (1997), member Security Council of the Russian Federation (1997-98).

Anatoly Chubais was appointed manager of the Russian Federation at the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (1997), special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international financial organizations (1998).

Chubais graduated from the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the field of “Problems of Modern Energy” (2002) and defended his thesis on “Prospects for the Development of Hydropower in Russia.”

Anatoly Chubais and privatization

Under the leadership of Chubais, a privatization program was developed and its technical preparation was carried out. Russian President Boris Yeltsin supported the program, saying that “a privatization voucher is a ticket to a free economy for each of us.” The program was adopted by the Supreme Council on June 11, 1992, and check auctions began in the fall. In January 1994, voucher privatization experienced a crisis - an indicator called “collection of vouchers” failed, and therefore a decree was signed to extend voucher privatization until July 1, 1994.

The monetary stage of privatization began in late 1994 - early 1995. But the sale of shares in oil companies was prohibited by parliament. As a result, the state budget, the emission financing of which was then stopped, was bursting at the seams, and the plan for privatization revenues was completely failed by mid-1995. In March 1995, Vladimir Potanin proposed implementing a loan-for-shares auction scheme, and it was accepted. Thus, the privatization task was completed and financial stabilization was achieved.
The auction for Svyazinvest (1997), which Anatoly Chubais called “the most honest in history,” was indicative.

Anatoly Chubais at RAO "UES of Russia"

He was elected to the Board of Directors of RAO UES of Russia at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders (1998), and was soon appointed
Chairman of the Board (1998).
Since 2000, he has consistently defended the reform, which provided for the withdrawal of power plants, power lines, and electricity sales organizations from the holding structure and the subsequent sale of most of their shares to private investors. Chubais said that this was the only opportunity to receive funds for the modernization of the Russian electricity sector.

He was elected president of the CIS Electric Power Council (2000), and then was re-elected to this post several times (2001-2004).
Chubais took part in the meeting of the Bilderberg Club in Turnbury (Scotland, 1998), was a co-chairman of the Round Table of Industrialists of Russia and the EU from the Russian side at a meeting of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on Cooperation with the European Union (2000), and was elected to the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs ( employers) (2000).

In May 2005, an accident occurred at the Chagino substation and several million people in Moscow and a number of nearby regions were left without electricity. Chubais stated that he was ready to bear responsibility for the accident. In June, a special commission of RAO that investigated the incident concluded that the cause was worn-out equipment.

In July 2007, managers of RAO UES (16 board members and about 350 more managers) received the right to buy out RAO shares under the option.
On July 1, 2008, RAO UES of Russia, as planned, ceased to exist as a legal entity and Anatoly Chubais completed his work.
On September 22, 2008, by presidential decree, he was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation.
He also serves on the international advisory board of J.P. Bank. Morgan Chase & Co (2008).

On October 3, 2009, the Rostechnadzor commission investigating the causes of the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station named Anatoly Chubais among six senior executives of the Russian energy industry involved “in creating conditions conducive to the occurrence of the accident.”

Political activities of Anatoly Chubais

Chubais participated in the creation of the election bloc "Russia's Choice" (1993), was elected to the State Duma from the electoral association "Russia's Choice" (1993), created the "Civil Society Foundation", on the basis of which the analytical group of the election headquarters of B. N. Yeltsin began work (1996), founded the Center for the Protection of Private Property (1996),

In June 2003, on the eve of the elections to the Duma of the current convocation, Anatoly Chubais took a risky step: he included himself in the top three leaders of the Union of Right Forces, but the party was defeated.
On January 24, 2004, he resigned from his post as co-chairman of the Union of Right Forces party and was elected to the party's federal political council.
In November 2008, he joined the Supreme Council of the Right Cause political party.

Attempt on Chubais

On March 17, 2005, an attempt was made on Anatoly Chubais. An explosive device went off along the route of the motorcade of the head of RAO UES. After this, the cars were fired upon. Chubais was not injured.

A criminal case was initiated, the case was sent to court (2006) and in the dock were former General Staff employee Vladimir Kvachkov, former servicemen of the 45th Airborne Regiment Alexander Naydenov and Robert Yashin and the son of the former Russian Press Minister Ivan Mironov.
The jury acquitted the suspects of this crime, but the Supreme Court overturned this decision (2008). The Moscow Regional Court, based on the jury’s verdict, also acquitted Naydenov, Yashin and Kvachkov (2008).

But the Supreme Court of Russia overturned the acquittal and returned the case to the Moscow City Court, and after that the attempted murder case was returned to the Prosecutor General's Office (2008).


Anatoly Chubais was awarded the prize of the private American “Institute for the Study of East and West” “For outstanding new skill” (1994).
Based on the results of 1997, the English economic magazine Euromoney recognized him as the best finance minister in the world.

Received Letters of Acknowledgment from the President of Russia (1995, 1997, 1998).
In 1996, he was awarded the qualification rank of Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

On September 25, 2003, he became an honorary doctor of the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics.

Personal life

The first wife is Lyudmila Ivanovna Chubais, who now owns the Mechta Molokhovets restaurant in St. Petersburg. This marriage produced a son, Alexey (born in 1980), and a daughter, Olga (born in 1983). Alexey graduated from the Faculty of Management of the Higher School of Economics, worked at Moscow's Chase Manhattan, and is now an employee of one of the depositories in Moscow. Olga graduated from the Financial and Economic Institute.

The second wife, Maria Davydovna Vishnevskaya, worked for a long time on a voluntary basis in a Moscow hospice. We got married in 1990.


Anatoly Chubais prefers active recreation. Depending on the season - mountain or water skiing, hiking. They especially love the forests and lakes of Karelia and Kamchatka. In his youth, he kayaked on the rivers of the Kola Peninsula and swam on Ladoga more than once.
Enjoys playing table tennis.

He loves to drive and often travels around Northern Europe by renting a car.
Interested in technical innovations, well versed in models of computers, laptops, and communications equipment. Active Internet user.

His favorite film directors are Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexey German, Kira Muratova, Leonid Gaidai.
He loves original songs - Yuri Vizbor, Sergei and Tatyana Nikitin, Vladimir Vysotsky, The Beatles, The Time Machine, jazz, and classical music.
In clothes he prefers a democratic, sporty style: jeans, sweaters, sneakers.

I was tormented by the question of how a communist (but Jewish) mother gave birth to three Judas - two “boys” and one “girl”...

I just remembered one of my classmates - Valka Losev.

But first about Judas Chubais:

Senior Judas:

doctor of philosophical science


Participant of the Great Patriotic War, colonel, after retirement, teacher of Marxism-Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute.

After the end of the war, Boris Chubais and his wife lived for some time in defeated Germany. Then the division where Igor’s father served was stationed in Lyadishchi (Borisov).

His younger brother, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, was born there.

In the early 1960s, the family moved from Borisov to Odessa

He joined the CPSU upon entering graduate school at the Institute of Sociology of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow, after being warned about the impossibility of training non-party people.

In 1978, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Sociology and defended his PhD thesis on the Polish sociology of television.

From 1980 to 1997 - Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy at GITIS.

In 1987-1990, he was one of the most prominent figures in the Moscow informal associations “Perestroika” and “Perestroika-88”. In 1988-1990 he was a member of the Moscow Popular Front.

In 1989, he was expelled from the CPSU for “activities aimed at splitting the party.”

In 1990, Igor Borisovich became the “founding father” of the Democratic Platform in the CPSU, and then (after a short stay in the Republican Party) was a member of the Bureau of the Political Council of the People's Party of Russia.

In the spring-summer of 1991, he joined the Moscow organization of the NPR to the coalition of five parties “Democratic Moscow” and participated in the creation of the Coalition of Democratic Forces in Moscow, directed against the leadership of “Democratic Russia”.

Editor-in-Chief of the magazine (almanac) “New Milestones”.

In 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the problem of the new Russian idea and identity.

In 2006-2007, he was the presenter of radio programs “Moscow Speaks”.

Active member of the Return Foundation, created in December 2006.

In March 2010, he signed the appeal of the Russian opposition “Putin must leave.”

Since 2010, he has hosted several radio programs on the Russian News Service radio station.


Director of the Interuniversity Center for Russian Studies as part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN University

Dean of the Faculty of Russian Studies, Institute of Social Sciences


Father - Boris Matveevich Chubais (February 15, 1918 - October 9, 2000) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, retired colonel.

In the late 1960s - early 1970s he taught at the Lviv Higher Military-Political School.

After retirement teacher of Marxism-Leninism at the Leningrad Mining Institute.

Brother - Igor Borisovich Chubais (b. April 26, 1947) - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the RUDN University. I have been boxing since childhood.

First wife - Lyudmila.

Son Alexey and daughter Olga.

Second wife (since 1990) - Maria Vishnevskaya

Third wife (since 2012) - director Avdotya Smirnova.

Education and academic degrees

Went to secondary school No. 38 in Odessa in 1962.

Later he lived and studied in Lviv, at secondary school No. 6.

In 1967, the family moved to Leningrad.

Anatoly is going to fifth grade at school No. 188 on Okhta.

In my own words, studied at a school with a military-patriotic education.

In a 2012 interview, he admitted that he “hated my school.”

My friends and I tried to dismantle the school building into pieces and set it on fire, but managed to “tear off only one step on the porch and a seagull welded on a military-patriotic monument.”

In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Tolyatti (LIEI) with a degree in economics and organization of mechanical engineering production.

In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis in economics on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”

In 2002, he graduated from the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the field of “Problems of Modern Energy”.

Final work on the topic: “Prospects for the development of hydropower in Russia.”

Scientific and political (treacherous) activities in the USSR and Russia

In 1977-1982 - engineer, assistant, associate professor at the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Tolyatti.

In 1980 he joined the CPSU (according to other sources - in 1977).

In 1987 he participated in the founding of the Leningrad club “Perestroika”.

In the mid-1980s, he was the leader of an informal circle of democratically minded economists in Leningrad, created by a group of graduates of economic universities in the city.

In 1990, deputy, then first deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, chief economic adviser to the mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak.

Anatoly Chubais is a well-known political figure, general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Having managed to gain during his stay at the heights of power, he was able to acquire a rather controversial reputation. Many people want to know the real name and nationality of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais. This and other aspects of his biography can be found in this article.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Chubais was born on June 16, 1955, in the city of Borisov, which was then located in the Belarusian USSR. His parents were far from politics - his father was a candidate of philosophical sciences, and was previously a colonel. The second son followed the beaten path and became a philosopher. Anatoly Borisovich Chubais’s mother, Raisa, real name Segal, worked as an economist and was Jewish by nationality. His mother’s passion for economics and the heated debates between his father and brother about politics had a great influence on Anatoly Chubais’s worldview and his professional orientation.

In Odessa, he went to primary school, and then, due to the nature of his father’s work, he studied in Lvov. In 1967, Anatoly and his family moved to Leningrad. There he studied in a class with a military-patriotic direction.

After graduating from school, Chubais is faced with the question of where to go to study. He decided on his profession in elementary school, so he didn’t have much thought. Anatoly enters the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute at the Faculty of Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering Production. His studies at the university were quite easy, because he did what he liked. In 1983, Anatoly successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic of improving planning and management methods in industrial technical and scientific organizations.

A. B. Chubais in his youth and now


From 1977 to 1982, Anatoly worked alternately in such professions as engineer, assistant and associate professor at his university. In the first months of 1977, he joined the CPSU party. Further, he founded a circle of economists among democrats based on their political worldview. Chubais spoke there and conducted seminars. The goal he set for himself with these speeches was to popularize democratic principles.

One day, while conducting another seminar, Anatoly meets Yegor Gaidar - in the future known as the head of the Russian Government.

At the end of the 1980s, Chubais became the founder of a club of economists called “Perestroika”. The activities of this club attracted the attention of the leaders of the political elite of St. Petersburg, and above all, Anatoly Sobchak. After he was appointed to the post of chairman of the Leningrad Soviet, he chooses Chubais as his deputy.

A. Chubais and A. Sobchak

In the fateful 1991, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais was elected chief adviser on economic issues to the mayor's office of Leningrad. There, an economist assembles a special group for a strategy for the development of the Russian economy. In the fall, Chubais becomes head of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management. A real breakthrough in his career was his election as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation during the reign of Boris Yeltsin.

In this position, Anatoly implemented his long-standing economic program, which made him famous. We are talking about privatization, when more than a hundred thousand enterprises were transferred to the private sector. The privatization campaign is still assessed ambiguously by politicians and economists, and the population has an extremely negative attitude towards it. However, if you take a closer look, despite all the failure of privatization, Russia had no other choice then.

In 1993, Chubais successfully ran for the State Duma from Russia's Choice, a center-right party. In November, he takes up a high position - becoming the first prime minister. The Federal Securities and Exchange Commission appoints him as its head.

Since then, the name of Anatoly Borisovich Chubais began to sound everywhere, many began to be interested in his nationality and biography, since he achieved real success. However, society is increasingly beginning to view him with a negative attitude.

During the presidential elections, Chubais becomes the head of Yeltsin's election campaign. He creates the “Civil Society Foundation” with the aim of increasing Boris Yeltsin’s rating among the population. The Foundation successfully completed its tasks, therefore, after winning the elections, the President gave Chubais the post of head of the Presidential Administration.

In the photo A.B. Chubais in the 90s.

In 1997, Anatoly became Prime Minister of Russia for the second time and also held the post of Minister of Finance. In 1998, Chubais left his position. However, he does not remain idle - Anatoly Borisovich manages the Russian joint-stock company “Unified Energy System of Russia”. In this company, Chubais is also involved in transferring shares into private hands. However, his colleagues did not approve of this, noting some of the failure of his reforms.

The company was liquidated 11 years later, Anatoly Borisovich becomes the director of a state-owned corporation called the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. Chubais began to re-register the corporation into an open joint-stock company. Under his leadership, it quickly reached the top and became the main innovative company in Russia.

In the photo: A. B. Chubais

Personal life

Many people ask Anatoly Borisovich Chubais what his nationality is, since his last name is not Russian. Answering the question, the economist says that he is a real Jew.

The personal life of a politician is intense. Chubais married while still studying at the university, to a beautiful girl named Lyudmila. From this marriage he had two children - Alexey and Olga. They decided, like their father, to become economists, which they did.

However, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais divorced Lyudmila. In the 1990s, Maria became the second wife, whose last name is Vishnevskaya, a real Pole by nationality. However, after 21 years of marriage, they broke up.

A. Chubais and M. Vishnevskaya

Now Anatoly Chubais lives with Avdotya Smirnova, a TV presenter and director, whom he married in 2012. Many condemn their relationship, since his wife is 14 years younger than him. However, they withstand the pressure of society and live in happiness.

Anatoly Borisovich is involved in charity work. He owns the Vera hospice support fund.

In his economic preferences, Anatoly supports capitalism and believes that economics teachers at universities should have their own business. In 2010, he became the head of the board of trustees of the Yegor Gaidar Foundation.

Yegor Gaidar Foundation

Attitude to Chubais's policies

Anatoly Borisovich is one of the most negative politicians in the eyes of Russians. More than 70% of people assess his policies as causing great harm to the Russian Federation. The negative attitude towards him and the unpopularity of his reforms became the reason for the attempt on his life.

In 2005, a bomb was detonated in the path of a car in which Chubais was driving. Miraculously, the explosion did not kill the economist. The assassination attempt was organized by Vladimir Kvachkov, who later ran for the State Duma. However, his guilt was not proven.
Anatoly Chubais

Anatoly himself takes criticism well, because, according to him, this way you can truly find out the results of your activities. Chubais, knowing the essence of the claims against him from society, admits his mistakes that he made in the 1990s.

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich- Soviet and Russian political and economic figure, economist. General Director of the state corporation "Russian Nanotechnology Corporation" (since 2008). Since 2011, Chairman of the Board of JSC Rusnano. Since November 1991, with short breaks, he has held various key positions in the Russian state and state companies. One of the ideologists and leaders of economic reforms in Russia in the 1990s and the reform of the Russian electric power system in the 2000s.


Chubais Anatoly Borisovich, born June 16, 1955, native of Borisov, Minsk Region, Belarusian SSR.

Relatives. Brother: Igor Borisovich Chubais, born April 26, 1947, sociologist, public figure. Author of a number of journalistic works. Currently he is in opposition to the current leadership of the country and its course. The brothers do not maintain relations with each other.

Wife (former): Chubais (maiden name Grigorieva) Lyudmila Ivanovna, born March 30, 1955, is engaged in the restaurant business in St. Petersburg. Chubais maintains friendly relations with her and continues to support her.

Wife (former): Vishnevskaya Maria Davydovna, born 09/02/1953, trained as an economist, like Chubais, graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute. Recently she has been involved in charitable activities. She suffers from diseases of the nervous system, which, in many ways, was the reason for her divorce from Chubais.

Wife: Avdotya Andreevna Smirnova, born June 29, 1969, film critic, TV presenter, author of a number of art criticism essays. One of the first art managers in Russia. Known as the presenter, together with Tatyana Tolstaya, of the program “School of Scandal” on the NTV channel. She was previously known for her extremely shocking lifestyle.

Son: Alexey Anatolyevich Chubais, born April 14, 1980, economist by education. Previously, he led a very wild lifestyle. Subsequently, he began organizing test drives. He regularly participated in the Expedition Trophy auto racing.

Daughter: Olga Anatolyevna Chubais, born on August 3, 1983, an economist by education. Currently, he permanently resides in St. Petersburg and works in a representative office of one of the foreign companies.

State. Anti-corruption declaration 2013 Income RUB 207,312,094.18 Spouse: RUB 5,212,066.41 Real estate Apartment, 175.8 sq. m Other real estate, 15.3 sq. m Other real estate, 15.3 sq. m Spouse: Apartment, 85.7 sq. m, shared ownership 0.5 Spouse: Apartment, 95.3 sq. m Spouse: Apartment, 124.2 sq. m Vehicles Passenger car, BMW X5 Other, Snowmobile YAMAHA SXV70VT.

Awards. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (June 16, 2010) - for great contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of nanotechnology and many years of conscientious work. Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (December 12, 2008) - for active participation in the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation and great contribution to the development of the democratic foundations of the Russian Federation. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (August 14, 1995) - for active participation in the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (March 11, 1997) - for active participation in the preparation of the 1997 Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (June 5, 1998) - for conscientious work and consistent implementation of the course of economic reforms. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2006) - for services in preparing and holding the meeting of heads of state and government of the G8 member countries in St. Petersburg. Medal "For Services to the Chechen Republic". Medal “For Special Contribution to the Development of Kuzbass”, 1st degree. Title “The person who made the greatest contribution to the development of the Russian stock market” from NAUFOR (1999). Honorary diploma of the International Union of Economists “International Recognition” “for his great contribution to the development of Russia based on the application of advanced international experience in the introduction of modern methods of organizing management, economics, finance and production processes” (2001).

Hobbies. Chubais is interested in water tourism, alpine skiing, expeditions and extreme travel. Loves the music of the Beatles, Time Machines, original songs, in particular B. Okudzhava and V. Vysotsky. He was friends with B. Okudzhava, who dedicated his last poem to him, and M. Rostropovich.


  • In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Tolyatti (LIEI) with a degree in economics and organization of mechanical engineering production.
  • In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis in economics on the topic: “Research and development of planning methods for improving management in industrial scientific and technical organizations.”
  • In 2002, he graduated from the Faculty of Advanced Training of Teachers and Specialists of the Moscow Energy Institute in the field of “Problems of Modern Energy”. Final work on the topic: “Prospects for the development of hydropower in Russia.”

Labor activity

  • After graduating from university, he studied in graduate school, then taught there. At the same time, he was one of the founders and activist of the Leningrad club “Perestroika” and the leader of an informal circle of young economists.
  • In 1989 he was elected to the Leningrad City Council, and in 1990 he became deputy chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee and chief economic adviser to Mayor A. A. Sobchak.
  • In 1991, Chubais A.B. was appointed chairman of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management with the rank of minister. He held this post until 1994. Under his leadership, a privatization program was developed and implemented. At the same time, he was repeatedly appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1993, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the Russia's Choice party.
  • In 1994 he became the first Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in charge of economic and financial policy issues.
  • In 1996, he was dismissed from his post by President B. N. Yeltsin after the defeat of the pro-government electoral association “Our Home is Russia” in the elections to the State Duma.
  • In 1996, he headed Yeltsin’s election headquarters, then was appointed head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1997, he again became First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. For some time he also served as Minister of Finance. Ex officio, he was a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
  • In 1998, he headed RAO UES of Russia.
  • In 2008, he was appointed general director of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation state corporation.
  • In 2011, after the corporatization of this structure, he became the general director of Rusnano OJSC.


Glazkov Grigory Yurievich, born October 24, 1953, independent member of the supervisory board of VTB OJSC. He lived in the West for a long time. A close friend of Chubais, with whom the latter continues to maintain close contacts.

Glazyev Sergey Yurievich, born 01/01/1961, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on regional economic integration. In the 1990s he was part of the so-called group. young reformers and held positions in the Government of the Russian Federation. At that time he was part of Chubais’s inner circle, but they soon disagreed on the issue of privatization in Russia. Currently they are irreconcilable opponents.

Illarionov Andrey Nikolaevich, born September 16, 1961, former adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, is now in the opposition. I have known Chubais since the mid-1980s. In the 1990s, he was considered “Chubais’ right hand.” After Illarionov refused the post of Putin’s adviser and went into opposition, their contacts with Chubais were curtailed.

Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich, born October 12, 1960, chief researcher at the Institute of Economic Policy named after. E. T. Gaidar, former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. We have known Chubais since the mid-1980s, when we were members of liberal economic circles together. They worked together in the Leningrad City Council under Sobchak. After Chubais moved to Moscow, they maintained contacts. It was Kudrin who recommended Vladimir Putin to Chubais to work in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Luzhkov Yuri Mikhailovich, born September 21, 1936, former mayor of Moscow. Chubais's hardware opponent. He opposed loans-for-shares auctions of Moscow enterprises. According to some reports, it was Luzhkov, speaking as a united front with oligarchs Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky, who achieved the dismissal of Chubais from the post of Deputy Prime Minister in 1995.

Yarmagaev Yuri Vladimirovich, born on August 16, 1953, mathematician, previously held various positions in the administration of St. Petersburg. A close friend of Chubais, considered one of his most trusted persons.

Yumasheva Tatyana Borisovna, born January 17, 1960, former adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, daughter of Boris Yeltsin. It was on her initiative that Chubais first became the head of Yeltsin’s election headquarters, and then the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. According to some reports, at one time they were in a love affair.

To information

Once, during work at a vegetable warehouse, traditional for the Soviet scientific and pseudo-scientific intelligentsia, Anatoly Borisovich met like-minded people: a mathematician Yuri Yarmagaev and economist Grigory Glazkov, with whom he created an economic circle. Soon this circle grew, graduates of leading Moscow and Leningrad universities began to join it - Yegor Gaidar, Peter Aven, Sergey Glazyev. In 1985, a seminar was held in one of the apartments on the samizdat work of the young academician Vitaly Naishul, who promoted the idea of ​​people's voucher privatization. At the same time, Chubais and Gaidar, who participated in the discussion, sharply criticized this idea.

In August 1986, another seminar was held at the LIEI boarding house near Sestroretsk called “Snake Hill”, at which the Leningrad circle of Chubais teamed up with the Moscow group of Gaidar economists. As a result, all this resulted in a whole movement for democracy with the loud name “Perestroika” at that time.

Meanwhile, the same perestroika, in honor of which the newly-minted movement was named, coupled with acceleration and glasnost, was sweeping across the country by leaps and bounds. To implement her ideas, fresh forces were required, which were drawn from among economists from closed circles. Anatoly Borisovich also turned out to be in demand, in 1990 he first became a deputy of the Leningrad City Council, and then deputy of its “democratic” chairman Anatoly Sobchak, who soon became the mayor of the city.

Chubais was listed as an economic adviser to Sobchak and was involved in the creation of a free economic zone in Leningrad, the idea of ​​which he then actively promoted. Anatoly Alexandrovich himself spoke of Anatoly Borisovich as a young man “who doesn’t have much knowledge, but has a great desire to change everything.”

Shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Gaidar became Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR for economic policy. Thus, the burden of economic reforms fell on Yegor Timurovich’s shoulders, which he clearly could not bear alone. Therefore, he called his old friends from economic circles to help. He also lured Chubais to Moscow, promising him the position of responsible for privatization. So Anatoly Borisovich became the chairman of the Russian State Committee for State Property Management with the rank of minister.

Under the leadership of Chubais, the development of a privatization program began. Or rather, the program itself was developed by American advisers, and Anatoly Borisovich only submitted it to the then President of the Russian Federation for approval Boris Yeltsin. To implement the state privatization program, Chubais created the “Department of Technical Assistance and Expertise,” which consisted almost exclusively of American advisers, and was led by career CIA officer Jonathan Hay. Employees of this department completely bought up military-industrial complex enterprises, including design bureaus engaged in top secret developments. At the same time, Hay himself profited from shares of the Moscow Electrode Plant and the Graphite Research Institute, which operated in cooperation with it, which were the only developers in the country of graphite coating for stealth aircraft. By the way, Hay was subsequently convicted in the United States for using his Russian positions for personal enrichment and wasting American taxpayers' money.

This is the team that dealt with privatization in Russia. The main task of this process was to corporatize enterprises. At the same time, shares at the first stage were to be sold for vouchers. At that time, the country's entire property was valued at 1.4 trillion rubles, and vouchers were issued for this amount. Citizens had to purchase a voucher, pay 25 rubles for it and exchange it for shares of a particular enterprise, while benefits were provided to employees of privatized enterprises.

Even the Supreme Council, including the communists, voted for privatization, but with only one amendment - the vouchers had to be personal. However, Chubais, relying on the opinion of the same American experts, at the last moment decided to depersonalize the vouchers. Anatoly Borisovich saw his main goal not as a fair distribution of the people’s wealth, but as the final victory of “the new over the old.”

Due to the fact that the vouchers were not assigned to certain citizens, enterprise directors could only stop paying salaries to their employees and, putting them in a difficult situation, begin to buy vouchers for next to nothing. Thus, a new oligarchic elite was formed, loyal to the new government and ready by all means to prevent the return of the Soviet past. Chubais himself later said that without the newly minted oligarchs, victory in the 1996 elections would have been impossible.

At the same time, the young reformer promised the population that subsequently the cost of one voucher would be equal to the cost of two Volga cars. There is one high-profile story connected with this statement by Anatoly Borisovich. A resident of the village of Energetik, Vladimir Region, Vladimir Kuvshinov, sent a letter to Chubais asking where he could exchange a voucher for two Volgas. The main privatizer then advised to give the voucher to the State Property Committee in exchange for part of the shares of the Scientific Institute of Light Alloys. Kuvshinov did so, but never received any shares. Seven years later, in 2000, he sued Anatoly Borisovich and even won the case, but never received the money, since the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit had already expired by that time. The reformer himself openly said that he made all these promises only so that privatization would not fail due to the lack of interest of citizens.

When voucher privatization was completed, a new stage began literally immediately, which consisted of selling shares for money. At this stage, Chubais had serious friction with the regional authorities, who themselves wanted to gain control over former state property in their regions. And the mayor of Moscow turned out to be the most unyielding Yuri Luzhkov, whose side Yeltsin eventually sided with, so Chubais had to back down.

By 1997, the privatization process was generally completed; 130 thousand enterprises in Russia were transferred into private hands. At the same time, all large enterprises were concentrated in the hands of a narrow group of individuals, the so-called oligarchs. At the same time, the system of production chains that had been developed in the Soviet Union for decades was disrupted. As a consequence, the country's production levels fell and foreign investment declined.

Later, Nobel laureate in economics Jeffrey Sachs called Russian privatization “a malicious, premeditated, well-thought-out action” that was carried out with the aim of “a large-scale redistribution of wealth in the interests of a narrow circle of people.” But the people already realized in the mid-1990s that they had simply been deceived. Thus, already at the end of 1994, polls showed that 90% of Russians considered the privatization process dishonest and demanded a review of its results. The reform was also criticized by liberal economists for the fact that as a result, a class of small and medium-sized businesses was not formed. And in 2004 he even managed to kick Chubais Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a clear beneficiary of his reform.

Loans-for-shares auctions played a crucial role at the stage of cash privatization. After all, the 1996 presidential elections were approaching, which meant that new injections into the dwindling treasury were necessary. In this regard, Anatoly Borisovich held loans-for-shares auctions, when the budget began to be replenished through bank loans, for which state-owned shares of various enterprises were used as collateral. As a result, when the loan was not repaid, the shares remained with the lender or were sold to them on a competitive basis. As a result, the budget was replenished by a billion dollars, with a significant part of this money going to Yeltsin’s election campaign.

And before the presidential election campaign, parliamentary elections were held, in which the pro-government party “Our Home is Russia” gained only 10%. Yeltsin blamed Anatoly Borisovich for the failure, dismissing him from the post of Deputy Prime Minister. It was then that the famous phrase uttered in the program “Dolls” appeared: “Chubais is to blame for everything.”

But, not having time to leave the cabinet of ministers, Anatoly Borisovich headed Yeltsin’s election headquarters instead Oleg Soskovets. Chubais immediately jumped into action, creating the Civil Society Foundation, on the basis of which the analytical group of the election headquarters began work. Once again, foreign PR people played a significant role. Chubais also launched an unprecedented election campaign with the money of the oligarchs with the slogan “Vote or lose.”

Thanks to the efforts of his headquarters, Yeltsin, together with Gennady Zyuganov advanced to the second round. Anatoly Borisovich managed to persuade the third-place candidate, a popular general Alexandra Lebed, call on your supporters to support the candidacy of the current President in exchange for a government post. And then, like a bolt from the blue, the news comes about the arrest of employees of Yeltsin’s election headquarters during the removal from the Government House of cash in the amount of 538 thousand dollars Sergei Lisovsky And Arkadia Evstafieva.

The initiators of the detention were Oleg Soskovets together with the head of the Federal Security Service Alexander Korzhakov and director of the FSB Mikhail Barsukov. They were unhappy that Chubais pulled the blanket over himself with the help of elections, since they themselves planned to bring Yeltsin to a third term by introducing a state of emergency in the country. As a result, the trio themselves were dismissed, Yeltsin won the elections, and Anatoly Borisovich became the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 1997, Chubais became involved in the so-called writer’s case, when five reformers, including Anatoly Borisovich himself, received $90 thousand for the not yet written book “The History of Russian Privatization.” In connection with this case, the newly-minted “writer” was removed from the post of Minister of Finance, which he held at that time, but retained the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. This plot arose as a result of the confrontation between Chubais and the oligarchs Vladimir Gusinsky And Boris Berezovsky, which arose due to the latter’s dissatisfaction with the results of the privatization campaign of Svyazinvest.

Shortly before the “Black August” of 1998, Anatoly Borisovich, feeling the approach of a financial catastrophe, and, most likely, having accurate information about it, left the Government of the Russian Federation and headed the UES of Russia. What is noteworthy is that his candidacy for this post was nominated by foreign investors, and only five Western investors were shareholders of RAO UES, the remaining twelve did not have any right to make decisions.

Immediately, the new head of RAO UES began to reform the electric power industry. And naturally, the template for Chubais was the Western power industry reform program PURPA, the same one that in 2000 led to the energy collapse of the state of California.

Chubais also actively fought against defaulters, of whom there were quite a lot by that time. At the same time, he did not hesitate to give instructions about turning off electricity at military facilities, and at enterprises of the military-industrial complex, and in children's institutions. And the restructuring of RAO UES itself was carried out primarily in the interests of the company’s management and the oligarchic structures affiliated with it.

Anatoly Borisovich did not forget about politics. Back in 1998, he joined the organizing committee of the Just Cause coalition. And already in 2000, the all-Russian political organization “Union of Right Forces” was created, where he was elected co-chairman of the coordination council. Chubais zealously positioned himself as an extreme market liberal, and even allowed himself to hatefully criticize Dostoevsky for his “false choice of the exclusive path of the Russian people.” He also stated that every university should have subsidiaries, since “a teacher who has failed to create a business cannot be a professional.”

Such statements did not add to the people's love for Anatoly Borisovich, which, admittedly, he could never boast of. In 2005, there was an attempt on the life of Chubais, who was driving an official car from his country house in the Odintsovo district towards Moscow. A bomb was detonated on his way. Representatives of the SPS immediately rushed to call this attempt political. Operatives detained three people - a retired GRU colonel Vladimir Kvachkov and former military personnel of the 45th separate reconnaissance regiment of the Airborne Forces Alexandra Naydenova And Robert Yashin. Subsequently, the court acquitted these three twice. Kvachkov, however, ultimately sat down, but formally for a completely different reason. Evil tongues say that the vindictive Anatoly Borisovich had a hand in his imprisonment.

Also in 2005, a major power grid failure occurred in Moscow, as a result of which the power supply to a number of areas was cut off for several hours. Leaders of several political parties demanded Chubais' resignation. In their opinion, the accident became possible due to the incompetence and unprofessionalism of the corporation’s managers, as well as due to the use of power grids for political purposes and manipulation of tariffs. Although everything worked out well for Anatoly Borisovich, for him this accident became a kind of calling card.

On July 1, 2008, RAO UES was split into several companies. Chubais was pleased with the results of the industry reform. And already in 2009, a major accident occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. The Rostekhnadzor Commission named the former head of RAO UES among those responsible for the accident. In particular, he was accused of approving the act of the Central Commission on the acceptance into operation of the Sayano-Shushensky hydropower complex, while in reality a proper assessment of the safety status of the complex was not made.

But again, Chubais did not suffer any punishment. By that time, he had found a new feeding trough for himself, becoming the general director of the state-owned Russian Nanotechnology Corporation. His results in this field are also far from brilliant. So in 2015, the Accounts Chamber revealed a lot of shortcomings in the work of the state corporation, and its head himself said that the company had poor control over its own expenses.

In turn, a well-known political activist and blogger Alexey Navalny accuses Chubais of receiving 30-50 billion rubles annually and demanding additional injections, while the company has done nothing over the years. But what upset Anatoly Borisovich most of all was not these accusations, but the fact that the famous oppositionist allowed himself to doubt Chubais’s belonging to the liberal camp.