Relationship problems between producers and consumers. Problems of information interaction between producers and consumers How the relationship between producers and consumers is carried out

3. How do production and consumption fit together?

Previously, the connection between production and consumption was noted as adjacent stages, links in a single reproduction process. It was said that the needs, demands of the consumer stimulate production and, on the other hand, production, creating new values, benefits, influences consumption.

But it is well known that production volumes, the number of types of manufactured products are limited by production resources. After all, labor, material, natural resources, the production capacity of equipment are far from unlimited, and time is strictly counted on the clock. And the needs of people, the desire to consume more, better, more diverse, are growing and growing. How can production and consumption be reconciled? First of all, you need to learn the immutable truth: "You can not consume more than produced, received." There is a strict law of conservation of matter. And no one is allowed to break it. It is only in the parable about the deeds of Jesus Christ that he fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fish, and there were still five baskets left. But to create such a miracle is available only to God. As for people, they can consume exactly as much as they have produced and pastured. Of course, there are still imports, deliveries from abroad, but they cannot feed, clothe, shoe the people of an entire country, especially such a huge one as Russia. So the main regulator and limiter of the volume and structure of consumption is production. To consume more, you need to produce more, there is simply no other way. If production falls, decreases, then consumption also inexorably decreases. No spells, protests, requests, strikes will help here, we need to increase production. The use of stocks and imports can help the trouble only temporarily, it can ease the decline in consumption, the decisive word still remains with production. Many people, due to insufficient economic literacy, tend to believe that consumption depends only on income and prices. The more income, wages and lower prices, the higher the consumption of goods. This is purely an apparent effect, an illusion. Of course, if one person has a lot of money, and he has the opportunity to buy goods at a low price, then such a person is able to consume more. But then someone else will certainly get less. The total volume of consumption, however, cannot in any way be greater than the quantity of goods produced. Let us consider a simple illustrative example confirming what has been said. thought. In Russia: approximately 150 million inhabitants. The total annual meat production for the year is, say, 9 million tons. This means that for each person 60 kg of meat is produced per year or 5 kg per month, this is the volume of average per capita consumption - regardless of what the income of the population and the price of meat are. What happens if a person with high incomes or at low prices buys not 5, but 10 kg of meat per month? Only that someone else will not get it at all, meat. Is it possible to increase meat consumption by raising wages, increasing pensions, or lowering the price of meat? No, you can't, it will still be at the same level as long as we produce only 9 million tons of it per year. Let's produce 18 million tons per year, and then we can consume twice as much. Producer and consumer are closely related to each other, even in cases where there is a trade intermediary between them and they are connected. The consumer depends on the producer due to the fact that the producer creates commodities. In turn, the producer depends on the consumer, as the consumer acquires, buys consumer goods. The interaction between producers and consumers is different in different economic systems. It also depends on the degree of availability of goods on the market, the degree of monopolization of production. In an economy of a planned-centralized type, where formally producers are obliged to produce the quantity of goods provided for by the plan and provide them to the consumer, in reality a different picture is observed. Since production efficiency is low, plans are not fulfilled and the manufacturer is not interested in meeting the needs of the consumer, there is a chronic shortage of goods. In such conditions, the consumer becomes completely dependent on the manufacturer and the so-called dictate of the manufacturer arises. In fact, it prescribes to the consumer what and how much to consume, releasing products of a certain type and quality in a certain one. volume. Orders from above are only partially, to a weak extent, able to force the producer to act in favor of the consumer. A different picture is observed in an economy with dominant market relations in these conditions, a free saturated market, market prices equalize supply and demand for goods and services, so that producers and consumers become equally dependent on each other. This is facilitated by competition between manufacturers. If the manufacturer does not meet the needs of the consumer, the consumer will turn to another manufacturer. The impact of consumers on producers in a competitive and free market is so great that sometimes they even talk about "dictatorship of the consumer." There are special legislative acts aimed at protecting the rights of consumers. In addition, societies are being created that defend the rights of consumers and take measures against unscrupulous manufacturers - up to the boycott of their goods. However, manufacturers also do not remain in the loser. They create monopoly associations, conquer the sales market, influence consumers with not always fair advertising. However, since there is practically no shortage of goods in a market economy, the ability of producers to infringe on consumers is rather limited. Relations between producers and consumers should not be built on opposition to each other at all. A normal relationship is a relationship of cooperation in which the producer seeks to satisfy the needs of the consumer, and the consumer pays him for this with "Clear coin".


Management of the organization's economy and ensuring economic growth involves the coordination of sectoral and territorial forms of reproduction, the organization of vertical and horizontal economic and economic relationships, which are the objective conditions for organizing a system of regulation of a socially oriented market economy, taking into account the formation of its optimal intersectoral proportions, in particular between production and consumption .

The economy of the enterprise exists in the conditions of a developed system of social division of labor, and the relationship between production and consumption is the starting point for applying the regulatory impact of the economy, since production does not make sense if it does not end with consumption.

An imbalance in any part of the economy can lead to a chain reaction of disturbances in the entire national economy, causing adverse macroeconomic consequences. Maintaining economic and socio-economic balance in these conditions is a problem of state and regional economic policy. In a market economy, its solution is especially important in connection with the need to implement an effective regulatory policy in this area, which involves the development of methodological aspects of the formation of a balance between production and consumption at a particular enterprise.


1. Zubko N.M. Economic theory. Minsk, 2003.

2. Borisov E.F. Economic theory. M., 2001.

3. Pigou A. Economic theory of welfare. Moscow: Progress, 2000.

4. Raikhlin V.P. Fundamentals of economic theory: Macroeconomic theory of product markets. Moscow: Nauka, 2005.

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Among the consumer characteristics of the service, attention should be paid to interaction. It is about the interaction between the consumer and the direct producer. E. Deming, V. A. Lapidus, Yu. P. Adler, mention the quality of interaction as an important aspect of the quality management system.
A service is an interaction.
And, indeed, the lack of interaction or insufficient, unproductive interaction in the management system creates a feeling of dissatisfaction in the subject, and if it concerns a student, then the teacher, as a rule, lowers the grade. If it concerns the execution of some customs documents, then this is interaction with the employee who deals with this.
What makes a service a service is the interaction between the consumer and the producer.
The interaction is characterized by the physical presence of the consumer, the simultaneous production and consumption of services. The more interaction, the more tangible the service is presented to the consumer.
Since there is direct contact between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is important to identify visible, invisible and partially visible to the consumer elements, as well as to establish the optimal ratio between them.
The service delivery system includes, as we noted above, visible, invisible and partially visible parts.
In the visible part of the system, the consumer is in direct interaction with the company. The work of providing services is carried out under the critical scrutiny of the client.
The invisible part of the service delivery system is that part that is hidden from the eyes of the consumer and in which the consumer is taken out of the process (Fig. 2).
One of the most difficult tasks of service delivery management is to determine the optimal balance between the invisible and visible parts of the educational service delivery system. The following factors influence the determination of balance:
a) the degree of uncertainty in the behavior of consumers in the process of production and consumption of services, that is, companies may not fully understand the behavior of the consumer in the process of providing services;
b) the desire of the consumer to participate in the production process;
c) a variety of consumer requirements, consumers may want an individual approach or, conversely, want some kind of standardization, although, as I understand it, customs services are strictly regulated, even militarized to some extent, therefore, apparently, there is very little individuality here;
d) the interdependence of parts of the service delivery system, that is, the invisible and visible parts of the service delivery system.
The complexity of the process of providing services lies in the high degree of uncertainty that is introduced, first of all, by the consumer himself, which may arise before, during the provision of the service (Fig. 2).

Service delivery system

Fig.2. Expanding the Roles of Employees and Consumers

Measuring customer satisfaction
We have already said that the standard requires an organization to measure customer satisfaction. It is an emotional category, and depends not only on the actual technical and operational characteristics of the product, but also on the preliminary expectations of the consumer.
Satisfaction (pleasure) or dissatisfaction (displeasure) is an emotional category, a reaction to events, caused by the quality of the event, its nature and is not the result of choice, it is a natural response to the situation.
Satisfaction (satisfaction) is a feeling of pleasure or a feeling of disappointment that arises in a consumer who compares his expectations and the real qualities of the purchased product (service).
Customer satisfaction functionally depends not only on the actual technical and operational characteristics of the product, but also on the preliminary expectations of the consumer.


Consumer expectations are formed on the basis of their own experience and the experience of other consumers, as well as information from suppliers (including competitors), and prospect assessment.
We will show on the diagram the places where “gaps” most often form between the real and ideal properties of the product (service), leading to a decrease in consumer satisfaction:
the gap can be between the expectation of the consumer and the perception (understanding) of the management of the customer's expectations - P1;
between the management's perception of expectations and the planned indicators of the quality of services - P2;
between planned and actual achieved indicators - Р3;
between the actual indicators of the services produced and information about them - P4;
between actual indicators and those perceived by the consumer - P5.
QMS researchers argue that these gaps can be eliminated in the following ways:
production of products (services) with new properties;
improvement of existing properties;
by creating favorable conditions for the consumer;
by providing related services.

There are two approaches to ensuring that needs are met. The first is focused on meeting the needs of consumers identified by researchers. The second approach, creative, proceeds from the fact that in modern conditions of competition this is no longer enough. Successful organizations prefer to complement the product with features that not only reflect the minimum necessary needs, but also those that consumers do not even think about, but which, nevertheless, are perceived by them with pleasure.

Unfortunately, at the moment we have not come across any reliable methodology for the economic assessment of satisfaction as a sensory category. Basically, to determine this important component of the organization, questionnaires with closed questions are used.

General characteristics of Russian consumers:
Ignorance of your rights.
Inability and (or) unwillingness to use the Consumer Rights Protection Law.
Unformed requirements.
Unrealistic expectations.

E. Deming speaks absolutely negatively about evaluation and ranking, calling for its exclusion from practice and noting that “the indicators of any person are the result of the addition of many forces - the person himself, his colleagues, work, materials that he processes, his equipment, his management , external conditions". Similar conclusions are given by him about the certification of personnel. “Judging people by their contributions rewards those who excel within the current system. But it doesn't encourage us to improve this system." In addition, assessment is meaningless from the point of view of predicting the future results of the assessee, except in cases where the effect of individual differences of a person exceeds the differences due to the system in which people work.
A follower and close friend of E. Deming, G. Neave, expressing the teacher’s thoughts, adds: “ranking young people from a young age at school, and then at a college or university, kills the joy of learning and reduces the intrinsic motivation for learning with which they are born. Children are divided into levels.
Certain requirements for the quality of customs activities are contained in the standards of the World Trade Organization and the conventions of the World Customs Organization.
The customs system has certain features that largely affect the quality management processes of the functions performed. This is, first of all:
Fiscal in nature - that is, customs payments are tax payments and form the revenue side of the state.
Law enforcement focus. That is, customs services and their quality affect the economic security of the country and the security of the health of the population, which will subsequently consume products imported into the territory.
When developing customs technologies and management procedures, algorithmization of the processes of developing and making decisions and procedures for their implementation, including those based on the use of network models and taking into account risk factors, should be widely used.

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The economy of the enterprise exists in the conditions of a developed system of social division of labor, and the relationship between production and consumption is the starting point for applying the regulatory impact of the economy, since production does not make sense if it does not end with consumption. An imbalance in any link in the economy can lead to a chain reaction of disturbances in the entire national economy. In a market economy, the solution of balance is especially important in connection with the need to implement an effective regulatory policy in this area, which involves the development of methodological aspects of the formation of a balance between production and consumption at a particular enterprise.

Relationship between production and consumption of products

Production is the interaction of all factors. The result of production is the total social product. Production is the main link of reproduction (constant repetition of the production process).

Consumption - the final phase of the reproduction process, which consists in the use of the product of labor in the process of meeting the needs of man, production and the non-productive sphere of society.

There is a complex relationship between production and consumption. For all the importance of production, it only makes sense when it serves consumption. Consumption forms the goal and at the same time the driving motive of production. Consumption dictates the social order for production, predetermines the volume, structure and quality of the social product. The appearance of consumption is determined to a decisive extent by production itself.

Distribution and exchange are the link between production and consumption, form a kind of mechanism for their interaction.

All these stages do not exist by themselves, in isolation from each other, but form parts of a single whole. Production is the starting point from which all movement begins.

Consumption is the final stage of product movement. It is here that its use value is realized. As Marx wrote, a dress becomes really a dress only when it is worn. Consumption can be divided into two types: industrial consumption - burning coal in a steam engine - and personal consumption, during which food, clothing, housing, cultural and household items are used by a person to meet their needs.

Distribution relations and the very consumption of goods and services by people significantly affect production. They can either stimulate or hinder its development. Thus, for example, a significant role in the development of production in all developed countries is played by the principle of distribution according to the quantity and quality of labor applied to wage workers and employees. They are well paid for increasing productivity, for creative influence on the production process. This increases the material interest of workers.

Consumption is a fundamental stimulus for the development of production, it affects the growth of its scale, the development of industries, including agriculture, light industry, engineering, transport, communications, etc. In addition, one must keep in mind not only personal, but also production (oil, gas, electricity, etc.) consumption, which is necessary for the existence of the production process itself.

Manifestations of the economic life of society, namely the production of various kinds of items and services, their distribution, exchange and consumption (personal and industrial) are closely related and interact with each other. Their connections and interactions are sometimes complex and contradictory. At the same time, the objective contradictions between production and distribution, distribution and exchange, production and consumption are the driving force behind the development of the entire economic life of society.

Needs bring to life, support and stimulate the production of certain products and services. No need - no production. Moreover, the range of needs is constantly expanding. In addition, they are developing qualitatively. It is important that the needs themselves, not only public but also personal, develop under the influence of the production of various goods and services. Such, for example, are the needs of people for many foodstuffs, modern clothes, household appliances, refrigerators, televisions, etc. Influencing the formation of these needs, production creates the most important condition for its sustainable development.

As already mentioned, the needs, consumer requests stimulate production and, on the other hand, production, creating new values, benefits, has an impact on consumption.

But it is well known that production volumes, the number of types of manufactured products are limited by production resources. And the needs of people, the desire to consume more, better, more diverse, are growing and growing. How can production and consumption be reconciled? First of all it is necessary to assimilate the immutable truth: "You cannot consume more than what is produced, received." So the main regulator and limiter of the volume and structure of consumption is production. The use of stocks and imports can help the trouble only temporarily, it can ease the decline in consumption, the decisive word still remains with production. The consumer depends on the producer due to the fact that the producer creates commodities. In turn, the producer depends on the consumer, as the consumer acquires, buys consumer goods. The interaction between producers and consumers is different in different economic systems. It also depends on the degree of availability of goods on the market, the degree of monopolization of production. In an economy of a planned-centralized type, where formally producers are obliged to produce the quantity of goods provided for by the plan and provide them to the consumer, in reality a different picture is observed. Since production efficiency is low, plans are not fulfilled and the manufacturer is not interested in meeting the needs of the consumer, there is a chronic shortage of goods. In such conditions, the consumer becomes completely dependent on the manufacturer and the so-called dictate of the manufacturer arises. In fact, it prescribes to the consumer what and how much to consume, releasing products of a certain type and quality in a certain volume. A different picture is observed in an economy with dominant market relations in these conditions, a free saturated market, market prices equalize supply and demand for goods and services, so that producers and consumers become equally dependent on each other. This is facilitated by competition between manufacturers. If the manufacturer does not meet the needs of the consumer, the consumer will turn to another manufacturer. The impact of consumers on producers in a competitive and free market is so great that sometimes they even talk about "dictatorship of the consumer." Relations between producers and consumers should not be built on opposition to each other at all. A normal relationship is a relationship of cooperation in which the producer seeks to satisfy the needs of the consumer, and the consumer pays him for this with "Clear coin".

From lectures: The main thing for the manufacturer is to sell. A good producer exceeds the needs of consumers. There is a conflict of interest: buy cheaper / sell more expensive.

The consumer is interested in: availability of choice, price, terms of payment, delivery, after-sales service, guarantees, technical advantages. The consumer is not interested in labor productivity, profit of the enterprise. Manufacturer - create innovations, increase consumer value.

The costs are included in the self, but the costs are not all, the costs are always greater. Diversification of activities (activity, assortment) are important. A good entrepreneur creates buyers, a great market. D.b. the adequacy of the product to the requirements of the market, sensitivity to price, market change.

There is the concept of "your seller" - behaves according to the selected segment. You have to constantly add value.

"Business depends on a prosperous customer" is a Western thought. There is a social responsibility of business. Influence what people buy

2. a van with an orchestra and a soap bubble.

3. fashion. Very important for business.

4. Greed. This is good, but not economical.

5. habits.

6. commitment to the brand.

The main thing is to add value (value added). Every time a customer comes to you, you need to give him a little more than he expects. It is important to keep a regular customer. Attracting a new one is 5 times more expensive than keeping an old one. An unsatisfied buyer spreads the message at 2 p. More than satisfying.

Profit is a means, not a result.

Rules for the relation of the buyer and the seller (Hanner):

  1. In business, you should not solve your problems, but the problems of customers. It is necessary to anticipate the needs of the buyer.
  2. Sell ​​to the consumer only what he needs. You need to know why he buys (system approach).
  3. focus d.b. to the end user. although m.b. distributor. Sell ​​not to a distributor, but through distributor.
  4. maximum value and minimum price.
  5. you need to anticipate what the consumer may need in the future.

Satisfied customers will come again, will pay more often and more. A satisfied customer is satisfied not only with the purchase, but also with the attitude and service.

Not from lectures: Orientation to marketing from the point of view of the manufacturer is through satisfying the needs of buyers, achieving its goal, namely making a profit. However, despite the apparent coincidence of interests of buyers and producers, there are serious problems concerning both the individual consumer and society as a whole.

What is the basis of controversy? An increase in the consumption of goods and services due to intensive measures to focus manufacturers on the needs of buyers leads to

Towards an increase in the consumption of natural resources

To increase the impact of all the side effects of scientific and technological development, such as industrial pollution.

These are the two main sources of controversy. The first leads to a confrontation between consumers and the long-term interests of society, i.e. a high, and sometimes excessive level of consumption today takes place at the expense of the well-being of future generations. Trying to meet the smallest needs has created a “use and discard” attitude towards products, which has led to a wasteful use of resources.

The second leads to a conflict of interests of producers and the interests of society. The main task solved within the framework of social and ethical marketing is to unite the interests of producers and consumers within the framework of the promising benefit to society as a whole.

The concept of socially ethical marketing is based on the assertion that the activities of the manufacturer should be based on knowledge of the needs of the market, and the task of the manufacturer is to achieve its goals by meeting the needs of the market in more efficient and productive ways than competitors, while simultaneously strengthening the well-being of society. generally.

These concepts take place in different countries at different times. In a single country, at different times, depending on the state of the market, one can observe the predominance of any one concept.