How to choose a name for a company that brings good luck? How to name a firm (company) so that it is successful Name of the firm with the word bargaining.

The name for the company should be creative, unique and enticing. However, this is not the only criterion by which a company name is selected. There are several naming criteria developed by professional marketers:

  1. Customer orientation. Before you come up with a name for a company, you need to understand what name will attract customers and whether it will be adequately perceived.
  2. Conciseness. The name should be easy to remember, concise, and recognizable. It is better to give preference to a name of one or several words.
  3. The title should not contain words that may cause negative associations. For example, you shouldn’t call the new taxi service “escort.”
  4. Market orientation. If there is an opportunity to enter the international level, then it is better to give preference to international words that will be understandable to both domestic and foreign clients.
  5. Focus on the activities of the enterprise. The name is the “face” of the company, which should reflect the scope of its activities. Even the most beautiful company names should reflect their profile.
  6. Distance from competitors. The name of the company should not be associated with competitors, so it is better to carefully review the names of competitors' companies and give your business a unique and striking name.

How to name a company: examples

What to name the company, what options are there? There are several ways to name a company to make it successful, which are used by the world's most famous brands. These methods are based on wordplay and are created in such a way as to attract the attention of the audience.

Name backwards

Often names are formed from hackneyed expressions and words in which the order of syllables has been changed. For example, in 2006, the American startup Xobni (Inbox) was launched, specializing in searching Microsoft email archives. The app is popular and in 2013 it was acquired by Yahoo!

Associations with food

The most famous example of such naming is. In terms of sales, the success of Apple products is unmatched in its field. Therefore, in the question of how to name the company, you can follow this example.

Intentional mistakes

The so-called misspelling is a distortion of the usual name. Such names are more attractive to the audience than words with the correct spelling. Example names: Google (googol), Tumblr (tumbler), Fotopedia (photopedia), Gyft (gift), etc.

In 2012, Gyft was created as a startup specializing in digital gift cards. Customers could use a mobile wallet instead of carrying plastic gift cards. In the first year, about 200,000 cards were saved in the app, totaling $10 million.

Proper names

Proper names are easily recognized and attract attention. Taking advantage of this fact, you can name the company. Example: Ollie, a company that delivers organic food for dogs. Revenue for the year of operation amounted to about $5 million.

Hybrid names

Hybrid words can be composed both according to consonance and meaning. Mark Zuckerberg came up with the idea of ​​calling a business a hybrid word when he created Facebook. Facebook is a social network that continues to operate successfully to this day.


The abbreviation “Al” (artificial intelligence) is actively used in names in America. As experts note, over the past few years, about 23 enterprises with the abbreviation “Al” in their names have been opened.

Association names

You can come up with a company name in such a way that potential clients have associations with certain products or services. An example of such naming is the name “House in the Village”, from the company “Wimm-Bill-Dann”, which produces dairy products.

"Talking" names

A “talking” name allows the company. For example, the Yobidayobi sushi delivery service is provocative enough to attract a youth audience. The Vkusnomama company, which deals with food products for children, created its name taking into account that the product would be purchased by young mothers.

Replacing the first letter

Replacing capital letters in names is a naming method that is widely used in both Western and domestic businesses. For example, the company “Qlean” operates on the Russian market (with the first letter “C” replaced). This company provides cleaning services.

Russian-language naming

Experts note that English predominates in naming. However, many companies focused on Russian-speaking audiences successfully create their own Russian brands.

An example would be companies whose products are actively purchased in Russia and the CIS countries - “Babushkometr” (service for assessing the performance of websites), “Special feast” (canned marinades), “Russian catch” (slave, as well as seafood), etc.

How to name a feng shui company: examples

What is the best name for the company? Quite a lot of entrepreneurs, thinking about what to name, are increasingly choosing names according to the rules of Feng Shui. In Chinese, “fen” means wind, and “shui” is translated as “water”. Translated from Chinese, Feng Shui means “harmony”.

If you want to choose a name for a company according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is better to give preference to simple and understandable names. When deciding how to name a company so that the name attracts good luck and money, frequently used words are perfect, since it is believed that frequent mention of the name gives the company strength and attracts positive energy.

The ideal name, correctly composed according to Feng Shui, consists of 3-5 letters. It is believed that words ending with vowels are better remembered and easier to pronounce. An example is the name of the Japanese company “Sony”, which comes from “sonus” (Latin for “sound”).

According to the rules of Feng Shui When deciding the correct name for a company, you need to listen to your own feelings. Good ideas come when a person is alone with himself. The name should be pleasant to the ear and evoke good associations.

If you don’t know what to name your company so that it generates income, you can turn to your family and friends. Close people will be able to advise and talk about their emotional response to this or that name.

A proper name is not the best solution for naming, since it contradicts the principles of Feng Shui. This may become a problem due to which you will have to sell your business.

What not to call a company

When choosing a good name, it makes no difference whether you want to call the company an LLC or open a business as an individual entrepreneur. When choosing a good name, you need to remember that there are certain legal nuances:

  • If it happens that the selected title is owned by another company, this could be considered a copyright infringement.
  • Names that are similar to those of competing businesses may result in legal action.
  • Private entrepreneurs are prohibited from using the word “Russia” in the names of their companies, as well as various references to government bodies and official names of foreign organizations and countries, without special permission.
  • The name should not be offensive or obscene, or violate moral or legal norms.
  • The LLC name cannot mislead potential clients about the scope of activity of such an enterprise.

Testing on the target audience

When searching for the best name for a company, a selection of possible options is usually done. Unsuitable names are eliminated during the selection process, leaving only the ten most suitable ones. When choosing from a dozen titles, you can test it on the target audience. Friends and family should not participate in the survey, since the opinions of strangers are important in this case.

Anthony Shore, head of agency Operative Words, says respondents should think the brand is real. Respondents are shown an image of the name (on a website, on an advertising brochure) and describe their associations, which helps to understand whether the name corresponds to the idea of ​​the enterprise. After the preview, a few days later, respondents are shown the title again and a survey is taken. This will help you understand whether the brand is easy to remember or not.

Naming agencies and sites

Experts can always help you with the question of how to come up with a name for a business project. There are also sites where you can place an application on how to name a construction company, or a company of a different profile.

The authors compete with each other, sending the customer various options, among which he must choose the best. The naming payment, announced in advance by the customer, is received by the winning project. In this case, you don’t need to come up with anything yourself.

There are also sites that are simple name generators, exchanges and similar resources.

Here is a short list of such sites:

  1. Naminum is a generator of company names and its products.
  2. Namecheck is a resource for checking the uniqueness of the selected company name.
  3. Dock Name is a crowdsourcing project where you can get name options for your own business.
  4. Panabee is a name generator.
  5. Textdreamer is a domestic service for creating company names, ideas and domain names.

We talked about the best ways to come up with a good name for . Which one to use is up to you.

No company can exist without a name: a nameless company will not be registered, it will not be able to open a bank account, draw up contracts, or conclude agreements.

You should think about how to choose a company name in advance. Registering a new business will take a lot of time and effort - when you need to submit documents for registration, your brain will be busy solving numerous other problems.

In such a situation, you can get confused and write down the first phrase that comes to mind. Then the understanding will come that the company has a completely dissonant name, which can only scare away customers, but it will be too late to change anything...

Important points to remember before choosing a business name

Is it so important to choose a good name for your company? Tax authorities will register any name that does not contradict the law. But they do not guarantee that a business with such a name will be successful.

What should the name of the company be so that clients want to go there?

  • the name must reflect the scope of the company’s activities;
  • it is desirable that Internet search engines, when asked for this name, produce a minimum number of answers of the same name;
  • so that the phrase evokes a positive attitude and does not contain ambiguities;
  • should be easy to read, pronounce and remember.

There are many more nuances - it all depends on the specific circumstances.

Video about what name to come up with for the company

Why choosing a company name should be approached with full responsibility

Let's say that in the recent past a person used the services of a very good company. After a while, he wanted to contact them again or recommend the service to his friends. What was the name of this company, what queries can you use to find it?

I only remember something unpronounceable, similar to Gorstroybytuslugi. Searching for something unknown is very tedious, and the client goes to their competitors.

Someone decided to throw a big banquet and chooses a suitable establishment. There is a sign in front of him: Cafe "Tantal". I immediately remember the hero of Greek myths, suffering from hunger and thirst. It’s better not to embarrass yourself in front of your guests and look for another restaurant.

To prevent the company from getting into such situations, you need to be very careful and serious about choosing a name for the company.

The need for marketing research

Perhaps someone will be lucky and a catchy, interesting, memorable slogan will immediately come to mind, but such luck happens extremely rarely. It’s better not to wait for favors from your mind, but to take control of the matter.

You need to start with marketing research: who will make up the bulk of the company's clients?

Do you want to avoid problems with accounting?

To display the application form, you must enable Javascript in your browser and refresh the page.

If teenagers are interested in a company whose name contains youth slang, then pensioners may be put off by such a name.

Analyze the planned assortment and prices. A trading house with a sign “Cheap workwear” will interest both workers and managers, and “Cheap coats made from elite furs” will cause confusion.

The scope of the company's activities must be reflected in its name

If you come up with a company name that has nothing to do with its activities, or even worse, that evokes associations with services that the company does not provide, then you can receive numerous requests from non-target clients who may justifiably form a negative impression of you after receiving a refusal.

Of course, there are companies that have taken on a name that has nothing to do with their business and are now thriving, but there are also many counter-examples.

The most difficult thing is to get through the initial stage, to be able to declare yourself; it is at this time that the name can work both for the company and against it. Nowadays no one turns to Apple for apples, but we don’t know what it was like at the beginning of their careers.

The originality of the name will help you be in the TOP of Internet search engines

Any businessman wants as many people as possible to know about his activities. If you give a company a name under which many companies already operate in other cities, there is a risk of ending up on the last pages of the search engine. It is very unlikely that any user will search for your service for that long. It is important to choose a combination that is almost absent on the World Wide Web, then search engines will immediately lead the user to the desired address.

It’s better to spend a few extra minutes, enter a query for the name you like in Google or Yandex and see how many pages the system returns. Sometimes changing a single letter in the name can reduce the number of “competitors”.

The name should evoke positive emotions

Few people will want to contact a company whose name is associated with something unpleasant. For some, the Three Little Pigs Cafe will be associated with a children's fairy tale, for others with a delicious ham, but many will imagine a dirty pigsty or ugly behavior. It is better to avoid ambiguities that cause negative emotions or laughter: Adam and Eve clothing store.

There is also a danger in including your last name in the name of the company. Not all of them are euphonious enough, and the client may have unpleasant memories associated with the namesake of the business owner. If you want to be sure to insert your name into the name of the company, you can play with it.

Let’s say Vladimir Doronin opens a travel agency, which can be called “Lord of the Roads”. This phrase will help to avoid problems even if the owner wants to sell his business to another person.

Memorability and ease of pronunciation

The name should be sonorous and easy to remember. There is no desire to contact a company whose name is difficult to pronounce and impossible to write down from memory.

Few mothers will want to take their child to the children's cafe “Cupcake with Chocolate” - the poor child simply will not be able to pronounce these words. It’s much more pleasant to visit the “Veselye marmaladki” confectionery; kids will remember this name and ask their parents to go there again.

It is advisable to test the invented name on friends and relatives. Find out what associations this phrase evokes in them, listen especially carefully to the opinions of those who are part of your client group. Children are excellent experts; they can come up with completely unexpected ideas.

Legal requirements for company names

You can try and come up with a great name for a company, but it will not be registered if it contradicts the law. There are several important points that must be taken into account:

  • No matter how much you like a foreign word, it will have to be written in Russian letters in the official name. In this transcription it may appear ugly or ambiguous. It is allowed to use a foreign alphabet in an abbreviated name; this is convenient for those companies that interact with international partners.
  • The full name must include the type of ownership, for example: Limited Liability Company "Fakel". For correspondence with partners and internal documents, the abbreviated name is allowed: Fakel LLC.
  • You cannot include in the company name words that imply participation in the activities of government bodies: parliamentary, ministry. It is also not allowed to use official names of foreign countries. It will not be possible to call the company “Products from France,” even if the founders really intend to trade exclusively in goods from this country.
  • It is not allowed to include the names of international organizations in the name of the company: the Doctors Without Borders clinic, the IOC salon. It is pointless to convince officials that what is meant is not the International Olympic Committee, but fashionable couture clothing; the company will not be registered.
  • Tax authorities will not miss a name that includes the name of famous brands: it is useless to try to register the company “Ryazan Coca-Cola”.
  • The name cannot contain obscene words, immoral or inhumane concepts, or phrases offensive to certain groups of the population. The nightclub “Crucified Jesus” may attract the attention of a certain group of young people, but such a name will not work, since it offends the religious feelings of Christians. It’s better not to call a store for the blind “Rassvet” or a funeral agency “Dream”.
  • If a fantasy goes on strike, it is tempting to name the company simply by type of activity: Apartment Repair LLC, but this is not allowed by law.

Some words can be included in the title only with the permission of the relevant commissions. These include derivatives from the name of our state - Russia, or the name of its capital - Moscow. The same applies to the word "federal" and the forms derived from it.

Sometimes it is convenient to give a company two names: one full name for official documents, and a sonorous abbreviation for advertising. Few people will pay attention to the limited liability company “Sleeping Blankets and Pillowcases,” but LLC “SON” will be remembered immediately.

It is difficult to come up with a completely unique name, but the law does not prohibit taking the name of a company from another region for your business. In this case, you need to make sure that the namesake company does not have an officially registered trademark with the verbal element of this name, otherwise the court may force you to change the name of the twin company.

How to come up with a company name for different fields of activity

Depending on what the company will do, you need to approach the choice of name differently. It is advisable to determine what the main quality will attract a client to this business and use it in the name.

It is not necessary to directly name the definition; you can use objects, mythological heroes or natural objects associated with it: cheetah - speed, rock - reliability.

For construction

Customers are interested in the speed and quality of services; they will be attracted by the names: “House for centuries”, “Skilled masons”. Before coming up with a name for a construction company, it is advisable to consider what type of activity it will be engaged in.

Construction of residential buildings - “A moment before housewarming”, “Reliable walls”; apartment renovation – “Cozy Nest”, “Design and Beauty”; sale of building materials - “Products for a skilled craftsman”, “From foundation to roof”. You can call the store of finishing materials “Traffic Light of Paints”, then customers at every intersection will remember it.

For production

If a company is created to manufacture any goods, the name should reflect what exactly it produces. There are a lot of options: making bags – “Kangaroo”, bed linen – “Sleeping Beauty”, confectionery – “Gingerbread House”, “Sweet Dream”.

For trading

When choosing a name for a trading company, you need to take into account what goods the company is going to sell and who will make up the bulk of buyers. The jewelry salon “Cheap Rings” will cause ridicule and a desire to bypass it, but “The Shine of Luxury” will attract buyers.

A discount clothing store should be named “Thrifty Clothes for You,” and a fashion boutique should be named “World Brand Suits.” The phrase “Chic toilets for ladies” will sound ambiguous; an association may arise with sanitary cabins.

For legal

It is important for clients that the law firm employs competent professionals, that they fight for the client’s interests to the end, and that they can be trusted. The names “Guardian of Justice” and “Servants of Themis” will be memorable and will make you want to turn to specialists.

For tourist

There is huge competition in this area; you need to choose a name that will immediately attract attention and be remembered: “Guiding Star”, “Window to the World”. It is advisable to take into account what types of tourism the company will engage in. For active recreation, hiking, extreme routes, the name “World of Adventure”, “Four Elements” is suitable. Fans of comfortable holidays and convenient hotels will not really like such names, but they will be more attracted to “Sunny Beach”, “Exotic with comfort”.

How to name a transport company

Passengers need to get to their destination on time and safely, and the company's name can convince them that the company guarantees such a service. Taxi agency – “Gepard”, “Punctual Driver”; bus transportation - “Minute by minute”, “Quiet trip”. Names that suggest virtues that should be the norm should be avoided: “Sober Drivers,” “Trouble-Free Travel.”

Additional nuances when choosing a company name

Recently, it has become fashionable to turn to esoteric practices for all issues. If you wish, you can do complex calculations and choose the most appropriate option in astrology, numerology or Feng Shui - how to choose a name for a company so that it is successful. It is not necessary to completely follow these practices, but there are rules that are advisable to follow.

Choosing a company name is a creative endeavor. Nothing good will come of it if you view it as a tedious task. When there is no desire, it is useless to wait for a successful result; it is better to wait or entrust this work to specialists.

Wait for the moment when the mood is wonderful and the desire to do naming yourself reaches its highest point. Have confidence that everything will turn out great and get down to business with enthusiasm.

The name should be melodic, pleasant to pronounce and not very long so that its sound turns into a kind of mantra. Then every pronunciation of these words will create positive vibrations that will contribute to the success of the company.

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the first impression of the company is formed by its name. Whether to turn to naming specialists or choose a name yourself is up to the founders to decide.

Professionals will do everything in accordance with the laws and rules of their profession, but they will not be able to feel the emotions and state of mind of the company founder.

It’s better to use your imagination, take the time and find words on your own that will not only please your clients, but will also create a positive mood for all employees.

Video on how to come up with an LLC name:

A name is a promise... it is the first thing a consumer learns about a company or its product...

Henry Charmesson

The name for an organization can be compared to the name of a person. It becomes fateful, reveals personal traits and makes you stand out from the crowd. Any company also has its own character and characteristics.

A successful name reflects the value of the company and its products in the minds of customers. Few people know that the island in the Caribbean known as Paradise did not attract tourists while it was called Pig. "Gooseberry" from China became popular in the United States after becoming "kiwi."

Examples of successful brand names will help you evaluate the modern meaning of naming.

What is quality naming?

Naming is not just a play on words, but a significant element of marketing. Professional selection of names for organizations, products, brands is becoming increasingly relevant.

High-quality naming is the foundation of a competitive brand and effective promotion in the market. Its main goal is the positioning of the company, product, service.

Naming is used to solve a variety of problems, including:

  1. The need to emphasize special properties, to highlight the product among others.
  2. The desire to evoke positive associations and emotions: trust, admiration, interest.

Sour cream “House in the Village” or restaurant “Demyanova Ukha”... A successful name can inspire and become a good basis for promoting a brand.

5 stages of working on a name

  • Positioning, definition of market segment

It is impossible to create a brand without marketing research. Who is the target audience? Which group do potential consumers belong to? What is the market niche and strategy of the company. For example, the name of the travel agency “Exotic Wedding” indicates a narrow specialization.

  • Standards and requirements

What criteria must a company meet? Examples should reflect the company's strategy and fit into the market situation.

  • Development of ideas

Brainstorming, group discussion or employee survey. Ideas can be generated in any form, but at this stage it is important to refrain from criticism.

  • Analysis of ideas

Evaluating options and how they measure up to original standards. Semantic and phonetic analysis of names. Lexical and psycholinguistic testing.

  • Testing

Clients or potential consumers are involved in “field testing”, who finally decide what to name the company. Examples are included in the survey. Testing is most often carried out by research companies.

A mandatory element of naming is the legal verification of the developed name necessary for registration. In many cases, it is necessary to pay attention to the meaning of a name in foreign languages.

Thus, all the extensive work to create a new name is two steps. Firstly, you need to formulate a message for the consumer, and secondly, translate the message into commercial form.

10 ways to choose a name for your company

  1. Use the client's language and words. What does the intended buyer value in a product or service? How will he benefit? The proposed product should be close and understandable to the consumer, like “Your Realtor” or “Agusha”.
  2. Dictionaries will help you enrich your vocabulary. Original ideas can be found using association dictionaries, explanatory or foreign.
  3. The collected information will help you formulate slogans. It is not at all necessary to start with the name. Naming is a creative process.
  4. Analysis of the names of competing companies. When choosing a name, it is worth taking into account their successful options or mistakes - for example, such oddities as the Trudovoy Mozol company, the New Hair hairdresser, or the Padun bank.
  5. Do not rush to cross off the selected ideas from the list, but put them away for a few days. After one or two weeks, it will be easier to evaluate a worthy option with fresh eyes.
  6. Before you finally decide what to name your company, you should check the examples for uniqueness.
  7. Assessing consumer opinions can significantly speed up your search. However, it is not enough to simply turn to friends or relatives. Organize a customer survey to evaluate the selected options, invite them to come up with their own names.
  8. In some cases, it can be useful to look at the world around you. A brilliant idea can be born unexpectedly. The Adobe founder chose this name in honor of the river near his home. Please remember that generic and specific concepts cannot be registered as a trademark.
  9. Using psycholinguistic data when choosing what to name according to research gives results with the correct selection of the letter combination. It is recommended to use the letters “D”, “L” (they evoke joyful emotions). The letter "K" tells customers about speed. But it’s better not to use hissing or deaf ones, they set the mood for negativity. The letter “Z”, as it turns out, evokes fear.
  10. There are more than thirty name formation techniques. From names with classic Latin roots to rhyming names. For example, the creator of a global sports brand was known among his friends as Adi (it turned out to be a compound abbreviation “Adidas”).

What is the name of the construction company? Examples

The name for a construction company should target the target audience and reflect the scope of the company’s activities. “Bystrostroy” is a good choice as the name of a company specializing in the construction of houses in a short time.

The agency "Apartments de Luxe" will attract a category of clients with a certain income, and "New House" is a more democratic name.

What to name the company? Examples of names, such as “Stroygarant”, “Stroytekh”, are understandable to the population and inspire trust. “Stroygefest”, “Neostroy” or “StroyCity” are intriguing. An abbreviation will not work, as it may scare off a potential customer.

For organizations working with individuals, the simple option “Bogatyr”, “StroyNaVek” is appropriate. When collaborating with foreign partners, it is important to carefully consider how to name the construction company. Examples should reflect professionalism. Preferably a memorable name in English. For example, “Leader Builder” or “Prof building”.

Choosing a name for a law firm

Industry standards greatly influence the conservative legal business. The choice of options for a company name is quite limited. What to name a law firm?

Examples show that names with Latin terminology or euphonious surnames of partners, combinations with general concepts (“consulting”, “legal league”, “bureau”, “group”) have become traditional. New words are also used, but the client does not always associate them with legal activities.

Good options include Zetra or Asters. This is an example of how short and consonant names win over names that are understandable to the population, such as “Legal Aid.”

Names that convey monumentality, confidence and positivity are popular. “YurMagistry”, “Arman”, “Legal Center” or “Legal Company”.

Naming in the field of trade

A marketing name positions and promotes a product. What is the name of the trading company? Examples should be memorable and beautiful. Harmonious perception of a name by ear plays a big role. What is sold is what evokes pleasant associations.

For trading houses and chains, names with superlatives are often used (Mega, Extra, Maxi, Super). The method of misspelled words is interesting. “GastroGnome” instead of “Gastronom”, “StakeHolders” instead of “Steakholders”.

Plays on words are popular, for example, the fishing store “Cool Place”, the store “Terry Paradise”, where they sell robes and towels.

In any case, you should avoid faceless names like “World of Taste” or “Wonderful Product”.

How to choose a name for a furniture company?

The furniture market is one of the most saturated. In order to stand out among competitors, you need an original, but understandable, selling name.

What is the name of a furniture company? Examples such as “Servant`S”, “Divan Divanych” or “Mr.Mebel” will play the role of advertising and save money on promotion.

Many manufacturers strive to develop a specific market niche. For small and medium-sized companies, it is useful to focus on the direction of activity and specialization. “Furniture workshop/studio...”, “Sofa formula”, “Your kitchens”.

The production of luxury furniture, taking into account the interests of wealthy clients, will require a name that emphasizes the status: “GrantMebel”, “Furniture House”, “InteriorLux”.

There are also funny names: “Soft Place” (sells sofas and armchairs), the company “Sidown” or under the name “Mebelov”.

In fact, 90% of all brand names were invented on the spur of the moment by directors or managers of organizations. Only 10% of market names are classified as professional namers. It is noteworthy that these 10% own 90% of the market!

Choosing a name for a company is a responsible undertaking. A number of factors depend on this, ranging from consumer acceptance of the brand to attracting new customers. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue with all responsibility. You should not reject such trends as numerology or Feng Shui. These teachings also help to settle on names that can bring good luck to the company.

Basic principles for choosing a company name

How to choose a name for a company? Which criteria should be given preference? Experts recommend remembering a number of simple but effective rules.

  • Positive coloring. Consumers won't want to buy mascara and hair dye from a store called Last Joy. It is worth remembering that the client is looking for a positive attitude. It’s not for nothing that most commercials of major brands play on this. The name should put you in a good mood or be neutral in color, but not be negative. Even funeral agencies try to avoid such a slippery topic, without focusing on it,
  • Easy pronunciation. Combining several words into one can sometimes be a great option. But if the result is a half-meter inscription that can break your tongue, this is a bad sign. Consumers don't want to be forever confused about the order of letters and repeating awkward names. The same can be said about titles with “add-ons”. They liked to do this in the USSR, when many parks were named after some hero. However, a window production company named after Comrade Smirnov’s mother-in-law will raise eyebrows.
  • The title should be clear. However, there is an exception here, as many companies have chosen new, previously unknown expressions or combinations of words as their permanent name.
  • Originality is also important. How to choose a name for a company? Of course it's not easy. However, you cannot copy existing names and it becomes the twentieth establishment in the city with the poetic name “Sun”. Moreover, the “namesakes” may be employed in different fields. The owner of a restaurant may not like the fact that the name of his establishment is similar to the name of a sports club or grocery store.

What do Feng Shui and numerology say?

As you know, the name “Feng Shui” comes from the merger of the words “water” and “wind”. Taken together, this gives a sign of harmony. Accordingly, this teaching is to achieve the unity of everyone around us.

It is a mistake to assume that this direction only helps in arranging an apartment or office. The teaching provides an answer to the question “how to choose a name for a company that brings good luck.” The choice of name is an important criterion. This is what influences the future fate of the enterprise. It’s not for nothing that they say that whatever you name a yacht, that’s how it will float. If a business owner wants to make a profit and gain a good reputation, he will have to turn to teachings that some do not take seriously.

How to choose a name for a company that brings good luck, according to Feng Shui? You should focus on short but sonorous words. It is also considered good to alternate words of three and five letters; it is recommended that the name end with a vowel. According to this teaching, it will be a good sign if the name was invented not by the owner, but by a person close to him. It is believed that in this case it carries a special warm energy that will help the company stay afloat even in crisis situations.

How to choose a company name? Numerology believes that the numbers three and four are good. The first brings good luck in general. Four can mean wealth and attract it. It's worth noting that you shouldn't take this advice too literally. The name itself may not contain a particular number, but it can be written using three or four colors, words can consist of four syllables, and so on.

Company name and owners name

There are many cases when the company name consisted only of the first or last name of the brand owner. And truly, many of them brought good luck to their founders. We are talking, for example, about the companies Philips, Siemens, giants like Mars or Martini.

How to choose a name for a company if your name seems simple or not quite suitable? Change it. This is how the Max Factor company came into being. The creator simply shortened his passport data, which was not entirely easy to read.

If we talk about the domestic market, we can recall Tinkoff, Kaspersky, Korkunov. The creators made the right decision when they settled on their own surnames. The whole country knows them and the products or services they produce.

Using someone else's name

What name to choose for the company if your name does not suit? Stop at someone else's! This is one of the simple options. Names can be either simple or more intricate. The latter include the names Josephine or Cleopatra.

You can choose the name that you like the sound of. However, if you remember Feng Shui, it is better to choose from the names of loved ones. Even the name of a beloved dog can be a good option. Naturally, if you don’t call the hairdresser or pharmacy “Barbos”. This may seem strange.

Use of place names

Not everyone is aware that Nokia got its name in honor of the river, and the brand of popular cigarettes is named after a small town. The same thing can be done now. However, when choosing real place names, it is worth remembering the legal side of the issue. It is necessary to choose a non-patented company name in order not to lose a large sum of money and not to abandon an already promoted and familiar brand.

You can combine or shorten existing names. Periodically distort them, leaving only references to a specific area, preferably pleasant for the owner. The last factor is extremely important, since a location that evokes unpleasant associations will not help in creating a successful name.

Oxymorons in titles: a coup or a trick?

As you know, an oxymoron is a combination of something that seems difficult to combine. We are talking about the “Stylish Monster” or “Red Grass” options. These names are nice because they attract attention.

Clients often pay attention to originality. Therefore, it is worth turning to such a simple move to attract more interested consumers.

However, we should not forget that consumers are also greedy for established combinations. Thus, adding the phrases “royal” or “royal” to the name significantly increases the authority of the company. For example, women are more willing to visit the Royal Lotus hairdresser than the Modest Chamomile. The situation is also the same with the male half of the population. Construction company "Strong Concrete" sounds better than "Wooden Walls".

How to choose the right company name if consumers behave ficklely? Study options, combine different words, phrases and draw conclusions about what sounds better and more attractive. You can also conduct a survey among loved ones.

Focus on activity

The company name can also include the type of activity or hint at it. So, a toy store called “Cheburashka” will not cause surprise. However, faceless names such as “Rose” or “Sunny Bunny” can refer to different types of activities.

The name itself may indicate what exactly the company offers. Thus, you can include words that guide the client. You can choose the name of a construction company by choosing the words construction, house, stone, brick, drill, and so on. Beauty salons often use the words scissors, stilettos, or concepts related to ladies as the target audience. This is how the names “Naughty Heel”, “Neckline”, “Beautiful Curl” appear.

Abbreviations and mixture of words

An abbreviation would be a good option for a company name. This has brought good luck to many companies. It is worth mentioning BMW or MTS. An interesting fact is that sometimes the abbreviation may not be deciphered in any way. Thus, the TNT television channel claims that its name is just a combination of letters and does not carry a specific meaning.

A combination of words or their parts can be separated from an abbreviation. Thus, the name of the popular worldwide drink “Coca-Cola” is a combination of two main ingredients, coca leaves and cola nuts. The founders of the VkusVill company also used this trick. Here there was a synthesis of the Russian word “taste” and the English word translated as “village”. This name emphasizes the company's unity with nature.

Associative series

You can choose a name for the company by focusing on associations. So, it’s worth remembering what the company does and what products it plans to focus on. Then you need to take inspiration from the world around you. Thus, it will not surprise anyone if a club with a striptease is called “Playboy,” since half-naked girls are closely associated in the minds of consumers with this particular magazine.

The same can be said about the Wild Orchid lingerie store. Association with the film of the same name will help customers understand that this is where seduction lingerie is sold. Therefore, young couples and those who want to refresh their married life will come here.

Let's draw parallels

You can also take examples not only from literature, cinema and other companions of every modern person. It is worth turning to both the animal and plant worlds. Everyone knows how beautiful flowers are. That is why I often use their names for companies producing goods for women. By adding various epithets, you can achieve results.

If you remember Jaguar cars, you can understand how to choose a company name. The options are simple: if the car positions itself as the fastest, then giving it the name of such a nimble animal is quite logical. The same can be said about the Sapsan high-speed trains.

How to choose a company name? List of errors

When choosing a name for a company, you can make a number of mistakes. Often they become typical. The main ones include:

  • Failure to meet consumer expectations. If a store positions itself as a supplier of fresh seafood for every taste, then it really should have a choice. If only pollock and roach are available for sale, then this is a clear deception of the consumer. The same can be said about a hotel called “Royal”, if it looks more like a hostel.
  • Facelessness. A title that doesn't have a clear direction may fail. It’s hard to imagine that the Romashka company offers plastic windows. Rather, it is a flower salon or a cosmetics brand.
  • Copying someone else's brand. Adapting to a more successful competitor is a bad option. In addition to the fact that the company will no longer be taken seriously, this can also lead to litigation.
  • Lack of name registration. This step is necessary if the owner wants to remain the sole owner of the brand, avoiding copying.

Title check: how to save money

The name must be unique so that none of those who previously registered it can challenge the owner’s choice. Therefore, it is worth carefully examining whether the invented name has been registered. How to choose a name for a company from the registry? It is worth noting that there are companies that offer a service for searching for available names. But it costs money. Therefore, you can try to save money.

After you've brainstormed and come up with a few names, it's worth checking them out on the Internet. Moreover, you will have to study a lot of information, since it is not a fact that a company with a similar name is popular and will be found on the first pages of search engines. It is also worth using the search on city maps, here you can find information about whether there is an establishment with that name. If nothing is found, you can contact the tax service. Here you can find out if anyone has registered a company with that name.

Choosing a good company name is not an easy or idle question. Moreover, this is not a secondary issue. It is necessary to choose a name that will “work” for the business for many years, will embody all the values ​​of the business, and characterize the company from the best side.

Of course, it is best to entrust such work to specialists, professionals, but, as a rule, such services are expensive and not all beginning entrepreneurs can afford them.

The first and simple thing you can do at the start on your own and at no cost is to create your own small focus group consisting of relatives, friends and just acquaintances.

You can give this focus group “to be torn apart” by those options for the company name that you have already come up with. Ask them to express their attitude towards a particular name, ask why they like or dislike the name.

Enter the results into a makeshift table, mark each name with a minus/plus. It is ideal if all opinions about a particular name of your amateur focus group are reasoned.

Surely, with such a squeak, you will identify several winning names for yourself. From the pool of such improvised winners, you choose the name that will work for your business.

Interesting company names are a way to stand out

There are entire lists of beautiful company names on the Internet that anyone can use.

Yes, to stand out from other competitive titles. It's not easy, but that's the main thing. Many may say: “You need to stand out with a service or product. Quality of service provision, etc.” There is no doubt - this is true.

But imagine yourself in the shoes of your consumer. That consumer who has not yet started studying your offer, but is only choosing a company from a dozen or even hundreds of offers.

Your task is to offer him a name that will immediately interest him, highlight your business, and perhaps even put him in first place in the search. Even before he decides to study the price or description of the products. Being the first at the very first step of the consumer is very important, this is the key to success.

This means that the names of successful companies play a big role in the success of the entire business.

Of course, there are many factors to consider when choosing a name. For example, a bright, catchy and even trendy name is not suitable for companies that offer financial or consulting services. Here you will have to sacrifice brightness and originality.

Simply because it is undignified. Who would come up with the idea to name a consulting business: “Orange Elephant” or “Jolly Hippopotamus”? We're exaggerating, of course, but you really need to be careful here.

Large companies with large advertising budgets can afford to choose a name less carefully, since any name can be easily promoted for money. Beginning entrepreneurs with limited advertising budgets should think a hundred times and only then “cut off”.

How to choose a company name? Small but useful instructions: use language tricks

  • Choose a name that lends itself to puns. A great example of such a play on words is “Little Potato”. Just great! With humor, warmth and homeliness. We are confident that many who read this name will, from the first minute, treat such a business with warmth and great hope for tasty and high-quality food. A great example of a smart marketing move. Five points!;
  • A strong name should be simple. Choose a name for your business that is easy to remember and write. A simple example: you are driving your own car to work and an interesting advertisement comes into your field of vision, say, on a roadside billboard. Which one will you quickly remember: International Communications Liberty or Incomly? Even better is “Incol”;
  • Choose a name that won't be asked again. We have bitter experience when, in pursuit of originality, we chose the company name: “Audit Profit Engineering.” Countless times we have been asked how to spell the name correctly. We used to repeat the name several times until people got the hang of it. We are sure (peculiarities of psychology) people don’t like this, which means that many people, even at the first acquaintance with the business, experienced a slight discomfort, and therefore negativity associated with the name of the company;
  • Avoid puns in the title. Punning your company name is a risky move. Even if such a name is easy to remember, you still shouldn’t risk the company’s authority and immediately set the consumer up for slight disrespect;
  • Never imitate the famous. You can easily get caught up in serious litigation and lose a lot: money for lawyers, court costs, changing the company name, fines, etc. The most important thing is a good name, which will be difficult to restore even for a lot of money.

Original company names and domain name

Interesting company names in examples.

Beautiful names for companies must be chosen because your future consumer associates the company name with the quality of your business.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, when choosing a name for their new business, miss the most important point - the domain name. Today, any business must have a presence on the Internet.

Especially those businesses that plan to enter not only local markets, but also regional markets, and possibly international ones. (“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general”).

In both the first and second cases, a business will need a website and its own domain name.

What will a domain name sound like in English? (We do not recommend using the domain zone – RF for many reasons).

How do you spell? How is it read? And most importantly, is such a domain name free at the moment?

Also, how will search engines react to your domain name? Believe me, we are not new to promoting an online business and understand how important it becomes when a business grows and the business website grows with it.

“The more people find you and your company on the Internet, the more buyers, consumers and people simply loyal to your business you will have.”

Company name in examples.

  • A short domain is not the best choice. If you are going to choose a domain with less than six letters, this is not the best choice. An abbreviation like: can be afforded by “monsters” of business, but not by beginners. We need to look further;
  • Play with a combination. For example, the domain name of your business may consist of a set of abbreviated words: “”. The fictitious domain name might belong to a fictitious company: "Industrial Windmills";
  • Use translation. Often business owners, when choosing a domain name, use translation from the national language and vice versa. Example: the word “Thank you” in Hawaiian sounds like “Ubunchu”, this sound was taken as the basis for the domain name written in English - Ubuntu;
  • Be careful with the SEO. Many companies, hoping to promote their business in search results, resort to a trick - using keywords in the name of the domain name. Firstly, Google no longer pays attention to this and does not give such a domain name preferences, and secondly, you may end up subject to sanctions in the future. Changing a domain name is neither easy nor expensive;
  • You are in Russia? So – RU! If your business is located in Russia, it will be better in all respects if your domain name is located in the “RU” zone. Believe me, you will not regret this decision in the future.