An honest seller is required, or: how saleswomen rob their owners. Tips from an old huckster

There is nothing farther from the truth and more harmful to trade than the self-confident assertion that I organized the business in such a way that it is impossible for me to steal! Or: they are so afraid of me (they love, respect, are grateful, and further down the list) that they will never dare to steal!

It's like in military affairs: there is an endless competition between the methods of both sides. And each constantly improves and invents newer and more effective ways to counter the enemy. Remember and proceed from the fact that theft cannot be eradicated once and for all. It can only be MINIMIZED and only FOR TIME.

And remember: most people come to work to work. But if they see that their boss is a simpleton and theft does not threaten them, then it is only a matter of time before the worker starts stealing. The rule knows no exceptions. Unless you've hired Mother Teresa as the salesperson. Well, first of all, Mother Teresa is already dead. And secondly, Mother Teresa did not go to the sellers at the time. She didn't like this job. There is little holiness in it. (As her biographers say). And in general, they lied about Mother Teresa. In fact, she was a tyrant and a sadyuga. She did not give painkillers to the sick and forced the sick to pray and fast. She said that his torment was God's punishment for his sins.

There are only eight ways of trading fraud:

1- Banal theft of money from the cash register.

2- Banal theft of goods.

3- Overpricing.

4- Left product.

5- Write-off of a good product with its subsequent sale.

6- Regrading of goods: cheap is given out for expensive and expensive for cheap.

7- Failure to break the check.

8- Measurement, body kit, calculation of the buyer.

The rest of the ways are varieties of these eight.

Some of these methods are directed against the buyer, some - against the owner. Some are against both.

Each of these methods has its own specific methods.

But there are two universal ones: to timely identify the propensity to fraud of employees. And a personal example of the honesty of the owner and the belief in the benefits of honesty of the staff.

There are several ways to minimize theft.

1- Check for a tendency to steal.

2- Personal example of the owner's honesty and belief in the benefits of honesty.

3- Audits, control and checks.

4- Stimulation of honesty and loyalty of employees.

5- Economic methods that make some methods of cheating unprofitable.

Let's start with the first universal method.

Theft test I learned from Azeris when I worked with them. That's really who are the big docks in this!

I already wrote that I give ALL new employees money for medical examinations. 1000 rubles. Even those who have their own money. Firstly, the unemployed may not have money. And secondly, this is a test: If he drinks or steals this thousand, it means that a person cannot be held liable. You'll be glad you got off with a thousand.

The second way is to give the employee 51,000 and say, “Here's 50,000 for you. Go buy some stuff." If he "honestly" returns you change from 50 thousand, then immediately kick him out. Or rather, not immediately, but a little later. So that he does not guess what he slept on. And did not teach others.

A variant of this method: bring 110 kilograms of goods and say: “I have no time to weigh. Here exactly a centner. You will outweigh and pack yourself. ” If she honestly hands over the proceeds from a centner, feel free to kick her out.

Another option: you bring her 90 kg of goods and say: “I have no time to weigh. Here exactly a centner. You will outweigh and pack yourself. ” If the employee then raises a scandal that the goods were not delivered to her, then everything is in order. If she keeps silent, then she doesn’t give a fuck how much goods you didn’t deliver. She found a way to compensate. Or immediately expel, or you can look for a way in which she compensates. This is usually either overpricing, or underweight buyers, or left goods.

There is another way. Drop the banknote in the box with the goods. If he finds and tells the owner, then everything is in order. If the bill disappears from the box, and the seller does not say anything, then she will steal everything that is badly lying. This method must be repeated several times. Because the banknote can be taken not by the one you check.

When importing goods, you can impose the goods "crooked". That is, to shift something, but not to report something on the invoice. There are three options for the seller:

1- Didn't notice either one or the other.

This means that she does not look after the delivery of the goods at all. It is necessary to explain to her what she risks by trusting forwarders. And warn that they will deduct for the shortfall at the point from it. This behavior is typical for novice sellers. They trust people. It is treated with a few small deductions from her salary. Women are usually greedy. The deduction and 50 rubles often leads to a violent reaction. But if no reaction follows, this should alert. So your salary is not important to her. For two possible reasons:

Found a way to live not on your salary.

Such is the nature of her character.

If she has found a way to live not on a salary, then either she steals from you, or from buyers, or, if she is a young girl, she has found a sponsor. Both of these are bad. With the first case, everything is clear. And if there is a second way, then this is also bad. So she doesn't need your job anymore. Think about whether you need such an employee who is not interested in work and does not hold on to it?

If money is not the main thing for her according to the properties of her character, then this is even worse. In my experience, people who make their creed the slogan: "Money is not the main thing for me!" are capricious, treachery and prone to scandals. And very difficult to manage. It's better not to hire them. Money in life is really not the main thing, but we all work for the sake of money. If we had a lot of money (a lot in our individual understanding), then we would all find something more pleasant for ourselves than hanging around all day at work. Think about it: why does a person go to work, if not for money? What does he want from you? And what will he do if he doesn't get his?

2- The seller can note both the shortfall and the excess of the goods. This is what experienced and honest sellers do. Or smart.

3- She can mark the missing item and hide the excess item. To make the "nipple" system: blow there, and from there - XYZ ! Thus, it creates an unrecorded product in itself. For its subsequent implementation in your pocket. You can immediately kick out, or you can educate a thief a little, and then kick out. When you get a replacement.

This method of verification must also be repeated several times. To identify the system and avoid errors.

It is necessary to accustom sellers to take goods very carefully. Novice forwarders often tend to skip deliveries in order to create an excess inventory in case of a possible shortage. (We have heard all sorts of tales about swindlers in trade). Firstly, the constant shortfalls, which in this case are formed by the seller, can provoke the seller to deceive buyers and owners in order to compensate for their losses. And then she gets involved in a scam. And secondly, forwarders and storekeepers may be tempted to sell their excess through your own sellers. And to do this, start artificially creating an excess. All this will certainly lead to the creation of an organized and cohesive group of robbers. To cope with which you can only replace the entire team. Which is very difficult and expensive. It's better not to bring it up.

Therefore, it is necessary to inflate mistrust in every possible way between sellers and forwarders. And to fine those and others for the crooked delivery and poor acceptance. Fine often, but in small amounts. (10-100 rubles). In order not to punish, but to anger each other.

And remember: that your employee can also use their own methods of checking the honesty of the owner. And here we move on to the second universal method: show the employee a personal example of the owner's honesty. And convince your staff of the benefits of honesty. If the owner himself is dishonest, then no matter how much he convinces his staff of the benefits of honesty, who will believe him? And what's more, the smallest fact of the owner's dishonesty will be interpreted by the worker as if the owner is ... then God himself ordered him to.

The staff will certainly check your honesty. Usually he does it in two ways: he cheats himself on the salary, or on the delivery of the proceeds, or on the delivery from the purchase (gives you extra money). A little. Your task is to find his mistake and by all means return his money to him. Even a few cents. Sometimes this error happens by accident. Moreover, it is necessary to find a mistake and return the money. The employee will then definitely believe in your honesty. I did not even notice, but he discovered and returned!

Or the second option: the forwarder is happy to inform you that the distributor has miscalculated one box in your favor. Or took less money for the goods. Immediately in front of the forwarder, call the distributor and tell him about his mistake. And resolve the return issue. You can be sure that if you do not do this, it will certainly become known to all your staff. No matter what kind of trusting relationship you have with the forwarder. Moreover, do the same if it turns out that the forwarder cheated the seller. For the same reasons. Do not allow double morality: we are all our own here. Therefore, be honest with each other. But with strangers, it's a completely different matter! Remember that at the slightest oversight or an accidentally broken rude word, you yourself will become a stranger to your employees in no time.

If the audit reveals a shortfall in excess of the allowable one, then I release the concerned staff from work and present all the documents to them in my office so that they can recalculate and: either personally verify the shortfall, or find my mistake. By the way, often found. And any ambiguity in the entries or deletions in the invoice, I interpret in favor of the seller. Which reduces his failure. By the way: the recalculation of the revision is a time-consuming task. At the same time, look at the employee’s reaction to the proposal to recalculate. If he does it reluctantly, then he knows about the shortfall. So it's stealing.

Now about what is shortfall in excess of the allowable. I forgive the shortfall in the amount of 0.5% of the turnover. (If the shortfall is less than this amount, I forgive, and if it’s more, I collect the WHOLE amount of the shortfall, including 0.5%) by experience, when I myself was standing at the counter and there was no one to steal, I had approximately such a shortfall. How is it formed? Somewhere they crushed a bag of cereals and forgot to write it down in the park, somewhere they did not deliver it and did not notice. Somewhere buyers stole. Sometimes you even see the buyer steal. There is a crowd at the counter. One of the buyers takes the item to look at it and sheds a little bit with it. The seller has a choice: either pretend not to notice anything, or chase the thief and leave the counter unattended. And there is a crowd of buyers around ... Who else will take advantage of the absence of the seller?

Some of my colleagues proudly say: “All my revisions go through zero!” So, this does not happen. A revision that converged on zeros is a sign of juggling its results. Therefore, if you subtract from sellers any shortfall, then this owner himself provokes his staff to cheat simply in order to protect himself from unfair deductions from salaries, in which the staff is not to blame. And on the secondary scam with the manipulation of the audit results. But this is only the beginning. Then they will cheat in order not only to secure their earnings, but also in order to cash in at the expense of the owner and buyers.

Moreover, when rigging the results of the audit, management will act as benefactors for subordinates against the greedy owner. (Without management, it is unrealistic to manipulate the audit results). And thus the management will bind the sellers with mutual responsibility. And management will not steal a little! The most dangerous thieves are the leadership.

You should always be honest with the staff and check the staff for honesty. I had employees who honestly worked for 8 years, and then they started to cheat. These are the most dangerous scammers. They know your trading and you personally well. Therefore, they are the most difficult to catch on theft.
Old and close employees will eventually know about these methods of checking your honesty. And it's not that bad. Let them know. All the same, they do not know if you really made a mistake or if you are checking them. This ignorance will also stimulate their honesty.

I will outline the rest of the ways to MINIMIZE intra-corporate theft in. And the posts are way too long.

Perhaps the most frustrating moment that a person opening his first retail store will have to face is theft. According to statistics, and contrary to the opinion of many store managers, the bulk of stolen goods are stolen by store personnel.

As practice has shown, despite a good level of wages and high motivation of employees, if something can be taken and nothing will happen for it, with a high degree of probability, a person will appropriate it for himself.

Shop owners usually insure themselves against shortages by introducing full liability for all their employees, but it is not always possible to fully protect themselves from losses or lost profits with this.

Methods of theft of material assets used by employees:

1.) Theft of goods directly from the trading floor or utility rooms, committed solely. The most popular way in which a store can incur significant monthly losses. There are a lot of tricks that dishonest employees resort to:

  • removal of goods under clothing, in pockets or bags at the end of the working day.
  • removal of goods through the acceptance area to the street during the working day in order to pick up the goods after work.
  • consumption of goods during the day in grocery stores.

Methods of combating such theft are:

  • high-quality work of security, which will check for the removal of goods from store employees at the end of the working day.
  • restriction of access to utility rooms and the goods acceptance area.
  • monitoring the work of staff during the day with the help of security and surveillance cameras.

2.) Theft of goods with the involvement of third parties. As a rule, cashiers, employees of the acceptance department and merchandisers have the ability to carry out this type of theft.

  • the buyer, by prior agreement with the cashier, brings part or all of the goods through the cashier unpaid, and the cashier imitates breaking through the goods at the cashier, issuing a check and receiving funds.
  • employees of the acceptance department, having access to the street, transfer the goods to third parties. Often in this way theft of significant amounts is carried out. This department needs to be closely monitored.
  • merchandisers, who usually enjoy great confidence in the guards and management, often steal goods through third parties. For example, in grocery stores, under the guise of a delay given to the supplier for exchange, quite normal goods can be transferred for personal gain.

In addition to the methods of combating such theft from the first paragraph, it is imperative to introduce control over the receipt and transfer of goods to third parties. Not a single product should leave the store (unless, of course, it is punched at the checkout) without documenting this fact.

It is necessary to introduce systematic checks of the work of cashiers (for example, watching videos from the checkout areas) and mandatory control by the security service of the checkout area into a mandatory practice.

3.) Theft of funds at the box office. A very popular method of theft, because cash is much easier to carry than goods, and often poor or absent control of the work of cashiers allows you to get a significant increase in wages.

  • often, cashiers have the opportunity not to break through the goods, and put money in their pocket when the buyer is in a hurry and does not wait for the completion of the purchase.
  • access to the cancellation of a check opens up unlimited opportunities for a dishonest cashier to enrich himself at your expense. Only a limited, trusted circle of persons should have rights to STORNO. Upon each reversal of the sale, it is necessary to draw up an act and attach to it an explanatory note from the person who made the “reversal”.
  • There are frequent situations when the theft from the cash registers, usually for small amounts, occurs during the day, but such cases are usually very easy to calculate during the first revision of the cash register.
  • Discount manipulation. With a good intellectual level, the ability to count, and excellent knowledge of cash registers, cashiers can get a good percentage of sales for themselves with complete impunity.

It is pointless to describe all the methods of such frauds, because they are very individual and depend on a particular cash register and accounting system at the store. When planning to introduce a discount system, or organizing discounts, you need to carefully consider all the ways how you can make a profit for yourself, taking advantage of the system's shortcomings, and block them. Rest assured, people working for you can often show miracles of resourcefulness and mathematical analysis to obtain material benefits at your expense.

4.) Kickbacks, fraud, receiving material benefits at your expense from store management. As a rule, such actions will not inflict direct losses on you, but lost profits can often result in decent amounts.

  • assignment of bonuses. If you have never worked in retail, then you have no idea how many promotions are held by suppliers for retail stores. For example, buy 5 boxes of goods, get 1 free. These same bonuses are usually assigned by store managers for the place of posting this product and getting additional profit. If you don't spend a lot of time on your store, then calculating these moments is very, very difficult.
  • motivation of managers by representatives of suppliers. There can be both a reward in goods and money. The allocation of additional space for some product, the rejection of a competitor product, the installation of additional equipment, promotional materials, increased, excessive purchase of goods can be paid. Such moments are also very difficult to calculate if you do not manage the store yourself and communicate with suppliers.
  • kickbacks that your buyers receive (fixed remuneration, or a percentage of sales), switching to work with suppliers that are often unprofitable for the store.
  • business in your business. With poor financial control and control over the purchasing department, the manager may very well “kalim” in your store, thereby leading to a loss of profits. For example, if you allow the purchase of goods on non-wire invoices, then it is likely that someone who is "in the know" will resell the goods at inflated prices to themselves.

In the fight to reduce theft among your employees, the most important thing is to take a critical look at your store's business processes from a thief's point of view from time to time. In this way, you can find loopholes and close them, because if you do not, be sure that someone, if not already using this opportunity, will definitely use it in the future.

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Materials from the forums:
"My name is Olga. I am a self-employed, grocery store owner. I have read various articles about “terrible employers” more than once, but no one has ever written about how we have to survive among our employees. How we are robbed, and we cannot protect ourselves in any way. You say you need to contact the authorities? But this is practically a losing option: you will spend a lot of time, and as a result, you will not return anything back. And employees are well aware of this.
I opened the store a year and a half ago and, believe me, I have seen so much! They say there is unemployment in the country. Not true!!! Nobody wants to work, everyone wants to do nothing and get paid for it. Better at once and much. The first months in my store were continuous shortages, and all the sellers swore that they did not steal. I did not know what to do, at least close the business at the right time. And do you know what I found out? I agreed with my friend, who also has a grocery store, and went to her job as a salesperson. That was the school! No university will teach you this. In a short time, I learned all the intricacies of working in trade, and most importantly, where and how sellers rob employers. Over a cup of tea, they tell where they worked before and how much they heated their owners. And they say it with pride and hatred at the same time. I somehow hinted, they say, rather the salary, and my shift worker laughed and said: “What are you waiting for this salary? You have to install it yourself. Even at the trade college, teachers taught us that the seller is bad, who does not steal his lunch ... ”So they not only steal for lunch! One visitor from Kurmanaevka had an average salary of 8,500 rubles in a convenience store. So she rented an apartment for eight thousand on the street. Chkalova, and even new clothes, boasted every shift ... Why did she live on five hundred rubles for the whole month?
A few days before leaving, I expressed doubt: I want to quit, what if they don’t pay my salary? One very nimble saleswoman Elena made fun of me: “What, you don’t know how to quit? I took the money from the cash register and didn’t come out anymore.” I told her: “So they can put them in jail for this.” And she answered: “Come on, they won’t get poorer.” I was shocked.
I talked to many entrepreneurs in the city, and everyone has the same problem. You will pay attention in the stores: almost everywhere there are ads “Wanting a seller”. They, feeling impunity, run from place to place. But if the city had an information base, well, like in banks, for example, about dishonest borrowers, where the employer would “leak” information about dishonest sellers, this would not have happened.
But the story is not over. Having learned all the intricacies of the work of sellers from the inside, I continued to recruit employees for my store. Installed eight video cameras, practically blocked the thieves' oxygen. And what happened? Many, when they came to get a job and saw the cameras, immediately turned around and did not come again. I remember the girl Julia came. She worked for a month and did not come out after the salary. She honestly admitted to her partner that she was returning to work in the old store. There, though the salary is two thousand less, but there are no video cameras.
Exactly a year and four months I was fighting for survival: who wins. The shortcomings were constant, despite the fact that I went through such a school. I clutched my head because of the constant turnover of staff. And then it dawned on me: we need to take girls, women who have no experience in trading at all, and teach them to work on their own. I did so. And believe it or not, for the third month in a row the store has been working without a shortage. I have a wonderful team. We need to talk about this, we need to help all entrepreneurs unite and stand up for their business from negligent sellers. Both law enforcement agencies and our government, which speaks of supporting small businesses, should hear us!”

* * *
Ludmila Kovaleva
At least once, every Orenburg resident was “lucky” to suffer from the deception of the seller. Whether it is a harmless shortfall of a few rubles or the sale of a defective item. But, as the letter of our reader shows, not only naive and inattentive buyers, but also experienced entrepreneurs come across in the network of unscrupulous trade workers. The owner of a shop in Stepnoy, when asked why he had only one salesman, somehow admitted that while there were two of them, it was simply impossible to keep track of the money. In the shortage, each blamed her partner, and not being sure, the entrepreneur did not dare to punish someone. Later it turned out that the merchants had loaned goods worth several tens of thousands of rubles! If they got away with everything, then people would give this money not to the store, but to the pockets of cunning women. Now there is only one seller behind the counter, and it will no longer be possible to shift the blame to another.
- In order to avoid deception on the part of employees, the entrepreneur needs to conclude a separate agreement with them on full liability, - says Ivan Yerpylev, legal adviser of YurSfera LLC. - Then, if necessary, it will be possible to conduct an inventory and draw up an act confirming the shortage. If the seller agrees with this fact, then until full repayment, 20 percent is deducted from his salary every month. If the employee denies everything, you should sue. In the presence of an agreement on full liability, regardless of whether the money was lost through negligence or intent, the seller must recover the disappeared proceeds from the dishonest seller.
By the way, unscrupulous employees can harm the employer not only financially. He can also suffer tangible losses as a result of leakage of commercial information, the transfer of employees to competitors. You can find out if the applicant’s work biography is clean by simply calling his previous jobs. Abroad, a system of recommendations is widespread, which protects the employer from unreliable people traveling from company to company. Our reader's proposal to create a database of dishonest sellers to protect business is also not new. Counting on his support, we turned to the chairman of the Committee for the Consumer Market, Services and Entrepreneurship Development of the city administration, Alexei Shirobokov.
- Almost all entrepreneurs involved in trade face the problem of dishonesty of personnel, - he confirmed. - Therefore, some of them, for example, those working in the markets, have such a base. True, unofficial. But if the seller deceived one entrepreneur, others will immediately find out about it. In order to create an official database of unscrupulous employees, it is necessary to resolve many issues: about the reliability of information, the legality of such a list in terms of personal data protection, and directly about the implementation of the project. However, we are ready to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and provide all possible assistance in this. I will forward this proposal to the organization for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs "Unity", the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the region, and together we will try to make the most of it.
Based on materials from Internet forums and the site:

According to statistics, this is about 50-70%, which is a very large amount: in terms of small trading enterprises with an average area of ​​1000-1200 sq. m - about 8 thousand dollars. Steal cashiers, sellers, security officers, storekeepers.

Theft of cashiers

In Russia, everyone is familiar with the term "floating cashiers". Their work is tense, associated with stress, and they, feeling slighted, try to compensate for this handicap by stealing. But even monetary motivation does not always make these people more loyal, so there is a lot of turnover among them. In addition, as a rule, career growth in these positions is not very large, at most - you can rise to the rank of senior cashier. This category of workers colludes either with their relatives or with other personnel. There is a known case when, as a result of just such a fraud, 10 thousand dollars floated through the cash register. Then the goods are sold in the markets at low prices. Similar phenomena are observed in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, and in Nizhny Novgorod.

How cashiers steal

  1. The buyer after paying for the goods does not always take the check. The cashier can perform the operation of its cancellation, take the money for himself.
  2. When buying a large quantity of goods, the cashier can enter the same product twice on the check. Then he breaks a check to cancel the double-broken positions and takes the money for himself.
  3. Being in collusion with the buyer, he simply does not include part of the positions in the check.
  4. In a large supermarket, a cashier can stick a barcode from a cheap product on the strap of his watch. When a cashier's accomplice buys an expensive item, the cashier scans "his" barcode.
  5. If the scanner does not read the barcode of the product, the cashier types the code in the cash register manually, but often the code of a more expensive product.

What to do?

Collusion with cashiers is the most common. It brings big losses to shop owners. The most effective means of struggle is the system of video control of cash transactions, which allows you to combine the video image of the goods with the real knocked out check. Thus, having confirmation of all fraudulent actions, it is possible to warn cashiers from a crime.

The effect is not only psychological. The system of video control of cash transactions analyzes all suspicious transactions performed by cashiers (cancellations, manual code entry, discounts, returns, etc.) and allows you to identify unscrupulous cashiers.

You can use the following trick: gather the cashiers and tell them that every hour "TEST PURCHASES" will be made at each checkout. This form is common in Europe by specialized companies. Unfamiliar to the cashiers, people pick up goods in the cart, agreed in advance with the management, and go through to pay. They watch the cashier pierce the previous customer's item, then pierce theirs. Thus, two results can be achieved: to reveal collusion with the previous buyer and errors in the work of the cashier.

You can simply announce "test purchases" to your cashiers. This is enough for them to be afraid, in collusion with their acquaintances, to transfer the goods without payment or to “break through” a less expensive product.

Warehouse staff theft

Another risk group is storekeepers. As a result of their dishonest actions, the goods leave without reaching the warehouses. Inventory at the enterprise goes well if once a month, or even every six months. And when working with perishable products - butter, sour cream, etc. - it is easy to write off all sins for damage. It happens that entire pallets of expensive wines "leave" this way.

How storekeepers steal

  • The goods are hidden in empty containers or waste taken out of the warehouse.
  • Hiding goods between the landing stage and the warehouse (in technical rooms, control rooms, etc.).
  • Export of small goods, when delivering large-sized goods.

What to do?

  • Restriction of access to the warehouse and technical premises of unauthorized persons.
  • Video monitoring of the warehouse, landing stage, the passage between them and garbage containers.
  • Restriction and control of vehicle access.
  • Control of delivered goods.
  • Administrative measures: staff training, legal discussions, clarification of responsibilities.
  • The correct division of the share of losses is the main measure.

Shop staff theft

This is the most common type of theft in retail establishments. Sales staff often steal using very simple tricks that are known to everyone, but their prevention is often neglected.

They put on several pairs of clothes (blouses, underwear, jackets, skirts, etc.) and thus take the goods out of the store. If the product is protected by a sensor, then, in collusion with the cashier, you can remove the sensor, simulating a sale.

The seller "does not convey" expensive goods from the warehouse for display on the trading floor.

What to do?

With an anti-theft system, the goods can be protected by sensors and hidden labels.

On the monitor of the video control system for cash transactions in real time, you can see that when the sensor is removed, there is no cash transaction (the check on the monitor will be empty), therefore, the goods are not sold.

Installing CCTV cameras in the aisle between the warehouse and the trading floor will allow you to follow the actions of the seller.

Administrative measures of influence: staff training, conversations on legal issues, clarification of responsibility.

Theft of managers

Theft occurs throughout the entire chain of movement of goods - from acceptance to sale through the cash register. The most favorable moments for fraud are when the product changes its status. According to the website "Safety in Trade", "the first of these transitional stages is the acceptance of goods." The supplier delivers the goods. The store accepts the products, signs the invoice, and it becomes the property of another legal entity. If the receiver enters into an agreement with the supplier and forges invoices, then part of the goods will easily and unnoticed by the management go "to the left". In addition to acceptance, there are several more equally dangerous stages when any parameters of the product change, and the staff will be able to work for their own pocket. This is the return of goods to the supplier, write-off for unsuitability, return of products by the buyer, its revaluation and sale.

Other methods of stealing store personnel

The easiest, safest and most common way to steal from a store is to simply eat at his expense. Almost the entire staff is engaged in sausage, cheese in convenient cuts, chocolate bars and pastries. The only thing left for the guards is to pick up candy wrappers and cans - this, by the way, is one of the ways to deal with "saboteurs among their own." Damage calculated on empty packaging is deducted from the worked shift in many stores. Employees are generally prohibited from shopping during working hours, and their belongings and bags are carefully inspected before entering and leaving. Audits are carried out every 2-3 months. There are always shortcomings. Usually, up to 0.5% of the supermarket's turnover is deducted from the costs of "treating" sellers, theft of buyers and errors in cash register equipment. If the shortfall is greater, it is covered by staff salaries.

Special opportunities for theft in large supermarkets

In the production of semi-finished meat products or salads, some of the products may be "lost".

Other ways to fight

  • Monitor local compliance with all established safety rules, paying special attention to the following points:
  • Entrance control
  • Control of emergency and service exits
  • Taking out the trash
  • Checking the belongings of employees for concealment of goods
  • Discounts on employee purchases
  • Cancellation of checks
  • Control over the location of keys
  • Explaining the real consequences of exposing theft.

Abroad, theft of personnel regulates liability before the law. There, a license is revoked for such an action, and a person loses not only a specific job, but also the right to engage in this type of activity in the future.

Can employee theft be eradicated?

Unfortunately, full control in the store cannot be set. There are commercial enterprises in which, in addition to collective responsibility, there is also a rigid organizational structure, in which everyone is responsible for the activities of a subordinate worker. And if someone reveals fraud, informs, he is paid a bonus from this amount, he is promoted, and the one who is caught is fired. There, career growth comes with the help of a denunciation, at least this is welcome.

Companies built according to the Hubbard system are known. They usually have an unfriendly atmosphere. Everyone knows what the other is reporting on him. There are losses, but they are not very high. However, turnover in such places is high. Each company tries to solve this problem on its own. But the statistics of administrative theft is less than theft of customers and staff. And this is due to the fact that top managers have fairly high salaries and motivation. Therefore, basically, theft occurs in small trading enterprises.

Shop management theft

From 3 to 10% are thefts of the store administration. True, general directors and deputies do not steal the goods themselves, which then have to be sold - the goods, as it were, do not arrive at the warehouse. Complex financial transactions are carried out, and, of course, the amount of theft here is completely different.

A completely new kind of theft is "selling shelves", when suppliers pay a "kickback" to the director of a supermarket so that their goods show off in the most visible place - for example, near the cash registers. Or they simply pay to have their product in the store (especially when it comes to a retail network). According to our data, the "kickback" that a manager can receive from a supplier is up to 5 - 7% of the value of the goods.

Liability of store employees

If not eradicated, then at least reduce the theft of employees can be the application of material liability of sellers for damage caused to the property of the owner of the store. This responsibility can be both individual and collective (team). Material liability must be distinguished from civil liability. Material liability of employees under labor legislation is established only for real damage. According to Art. 238 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when determining the amount of damage, only direct actual damage is taken into account - a real decrease in the employer's cash property or deterioration in the condition of the said property, as well as the need for the employer to incur costs or excessive payments for the acquisition or restoration of property. Lost income is not recoverable from the employee. The employee is liable both for direct actual damage directly caused by him to the employer, and for damage incurred by the employer as a result of compensation for damage to other persons. The main condition for the onset of liability is the fault of the employee. In the absence of fault, the employee cannot be held liable. In Art. 239 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes cases in which liability is excluded:

  1. In the event of damage due to force majeure.
  2. In case of normal economic risk.
  3. In case of emergency or necessary defense.
  4. In case of non-fulfillment by the employer of the obligation to ensure proper conditions for the storage of property entrusted to the employee.

For the damage caused, the employee shall be liable within the limits of his average monthly earnings, unless otherwise provided by this Code or other federal laws. But there is one exception to this rule, which is that the employee can be fully liable. The imposition of full liability on the employee is provided for by Art. 242 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The full liability of the employee consists in his obligation to compensate for the damage caused in full. Liability in the full amount of the damage caused can be imposed on the employee only in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws.

The law provides for cases when an employee bears full financial responsibility (Article 243 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Liability in the full amount of the damage caused is assigned to the employee in the following cases:

  1. when, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws, the employee is held liable in full for damage caused to the employer in the performance of labor duties by the employee;
  2. shortage of valuables entrusted to him on the basis of a special written agreement or received by him under a one-time document;
  3. intentional damage;
  4. causing damage in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication;
  5. causing damage as a result of the employee's criminal actions established by a court verdict;
  6. causing damage as a result of an administrative offense, if such is established by the relevant state body;
  7. disclosure of information constituting a legally protected secret (official, commercial or other), in cases provided for by federal laws;
  8. causing damage not in the performance of work duties by the employee.

Liability in full for the damage caused to the employer can be established by an employment contract concluded with the head of the organization, deputy heads, chief accountant.

The law provides for various grounds for full liability. One of the grounds is written agreements on full individual or collective liability. The subject of agreements on full individual or collective liability is compensation to the employer for the damage caused in full for the shortage of property entrusted to employees.

In the case of concluding an agreement on full individual or collective liability, three basic conditions must be strictly observed:

  1. the work or position of the employee with whom the contract is concluded must be indicated in the relevant "List". These are the "List of positions and works replaced or performed by employees with whom the employer can enter into written agreements on full individual responsibility for the lack of entrusted property" and "The list of works in the performance of which full collective (team) liability for the lack of property entrusted to employees can be introduced ", approved by the "Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation" dated December 31, 2002 No. 85).
  2. Reaching the age of eighteen years.
  3. Direct service or use by an employee of monetary, commodity values ​​or other property (Article 244 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Employees under the age of eighteen bear full liability only for intentionally causing damage, for damage caused while under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as for damage caused as a result of a crime or administrative offense.

It is impossible to conclude an agreement on individual and collective liability with the same employee at the same time. This follows from Art. 245 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which full collective (team) liability can be introduced only if it is impossible to distinguish between the responsibility of each employee for causing damage and conclude an agreement with him on compensation for damage in full. A written agreement on collective (team) liability for damage is concluded between the employer and all members of the team (team). Under an agreement on collective (brigade) material liability, valuables are entrusted to a predetermined group of persons who are fully liable for their shortage. To be released from liability, a member of the team (team) must prove the absence of his guilt. In case of voluntary compensation for damage, the degree of guilt of each member of the team (team) is determined by agreement between all members of the team (team) and the employer. When recovering damages in court, the degree of guilt of each member of the team (team) is determined by the court.

It is important for the employer to sign an agreement on full liability when signing an employment contract. In this case, the contract should specify the conditions of work, as well as the fact that it is related to the maintenance of the property of the employer or third parties on the basis of full liability. But you can do otherwise: draw up an agreement on full liability in the form of an annex to the employment contract. In this case, if the employee refuses to sign an agreement on liability, this will mean that he refuses to conclude an employment contract. In the event that the employer does not warn the employee when hiring him that he is subject to full financial responsibility, the application of any disciplinary sanction against this employee due to his unwillingness to sign an agreement on full liability is unacceptable. If, when hiring, the employee was warned about the imposition of liability on him, then the employee is not entitled to refuse to sign an agreement on full liability. In the event that an employee refuses to sign such an agreement without good reason, his actions can be considered as a failure to fulfill labor duties with all the ensuing consequences.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to achieve the goal of reducing shoplifting, all means are good. The main thing is that these funds are legal. Otherwise, in your fight against illegal actions, you can break the law, which will entail responsibility.

Dishonest Suppliers

The main types of theft:

  1. 1. Incomplete deliveries.
  2. 2. Falsification of receipts and waybills on the shipment or delivery of goods.
  3. 3. Theft during unloading.
  4. 4. Return of goods.

Incomplete deliveries

The quantity of goods received may be incomplete as a result of an error made during loading, but more often this is due to the actions of a dishonest forwarding driver or person in charge of delivery.

Falsification of receipts and waybills of shipment or delivery of goods

After the delivery of the goods, fraudsters change the data on its delivery in the documents. The difference in accounting for goods is realized in other stores.

Theft while unloading

Dishonest drivers or forwarders can not only underdeliver the goods, but also steal the store already in stock.

Purchase returns

In some firms, the persons carrying out the delivery have the right to independently replace the goods in case of damage. The scammer can pick up this product from the store and bring a new one, ready for sale. If the store staff does not control the supply, the ordered product is replaced by another, cheaper one.

Retail staff theft is a major headache for many entrepreneurs these days. In many stores and retail chains, theft has become commonplace for sellers and other persons with direct access to goods and money. Entrepreneurs suffer losses on this, and unscrupulous employees illegally enrich themselves. Theft at work has ceased to be considered shameful. Sellers, administrators, cashiers, storekeepers, freight forwarders, etc. steal.

Each profession has its own work specifics. And each profession has its own specifics of theft.

However, all thefts and methods of dealing with them have common signs and methods of counteraction.

Here we will talk about how sellers steal, because. the seller is the most numerous profession in trade. Theft of the store staff on trifles is not discussed at the moment. We're talking about big theft.

So, the seller stole from you, what to do? We will not go into details of what exactly he stole, the methods of counteraction will be very similar regardless of the subject of the encroachment.

You must clearly understand that no matter what the seller stole, be it money or goods (with the exception of minor thefts), theft is a crime. And it doesn’t matter if your seller is officially registered or not. Many entrepreneurs believe that if the seller is not officially registered, then he does not bear any responsibility. This is not true.

If an employment contract and an agreement on full liability are concluded between you and your seller, then the Criminal Code qualifies its actions under Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Assignment and embezzlement of other people's property." Even if you didn’t register the seller at your place, then the same respected code qualifies his actions under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Theft". The punishment is the same in both articles.

Accordingly, the best way out of this situation is to achieve the return of the stolen. It's not easy, but it's usually pretty realistic. There are many ways to put pressure on a stealing seller to achieve this goal. The main ones are the notification of his relatives, the establishment of the truth with the help of a polygraph (lie detector), the threat of a statement to the police. There are a few more tricks little known to the general public.

If it is not possible to achieve the desired at the first stages, it is necessary to competently organize the criminal prosecution of the robber. It must be borne in mind that the police are unlikely to rush to your aid with all their might. The organization of high-quality criminal prosecution requires knowledge, experience and time. As a rule, after some struggle, one manages to get back what the seller stole or manages to bring him to justice. Moreover, the absence of labor documents and financial statements is not a basis for refusing to fight. It is possible to “drive a thief into a corner” without having the necessary documents.

How to fight?

If sellers steal from you, then most likely there is an organizational flaw. It is better to prevent trouble than to deal with it later. The most important preventive measure is the qualitative selection in employment. If you hire anyone, do not conduct at least a minimal background check of candidates (correct personal data, criminal record, alcohol or drug abuse, the presence of police drives, etc.), then naturally, after a while, your team will get people with, to put it mildly, not a very good reputation. They will most likely start stealing themselves and set an example for others.

The second point is the quality control of work, which is carried out through internal control measures; external events, by attracting mystery shoppers; means of technical control (overt and covert). And the third point is the implementation of the principle according to which any events related to theft will not be ignored in your organization, then the whole team will know that it is better not to contact this employer.