The largest foreign consumer in the region is Sibur. How Sibur Holding became one of the largest and most important enterprises in Russia

The largest petrochemical holding in Russia. Full name - Public Joint Stock Company "SIBUR Holding". The headquarters is located in Moscow (the company is registered in Tobolsk)


OJSC Siberian-Ural Petroleum and Gas Chemical Company was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 1995. Initially, the company included the association Sibneftegazopererabotka (GPP of Western Siberia), NIPIgazpererabotka (Krasnodar) and the Perm Gas Processing Plant.



The controlling stake in the company (50.2%) belongs to the chairman of the company's board of directors. 15.3% of the shares belong to the oil trader, 21.3% of the shares belong to the deputy chairman of the board of the company, 13.2% of the company’s shares belong to the current and former managers of the holding (, and), as well as to the deputy chairman of the board of directors Alexander Dyukov. On December 17, 2015, a deal was closed to acquire a 10% stake in Sibur by the Chinese company Sinopec.

But on March 1, 2016, Trust carried out a reorganization, separating four new companies - Gamma LLC, Omega LLC, Sigma LLC and Prime LLC. With these companies, Trust shared part of its stake in Olefininvest, leaving itself a little more than half - 33.81% (this corresponds to 24.68% of Sibur shares): Gamma received 8.22%, Sigma and “Prime” - 6.85% each, “Omega” - 3.42% (all changes are disclosed in the SPARK-Interfax database).
All five companies that became co-owners of Sibur are fully controlled.

"Affiliated companies"


1. Konov Dmitry Vladimirovich
Chairman of the Board of PJSC SIBUR Holding

2. Karisalov Mikhail Yurievich
Deputy Chairman of the Board of PJSC SIBUR Holding, Chief Operating Director of LLC SIBUR

"Board of Directors"


Sibur was offered to join a new gas chemical project in Siberia

The Irkutsk Oil Company invited Leonid Mikhelson's Sibur to participate in the construction of a gas chemical plant in Eastern Siberia. The company estimates the total budget of the project at 456 billion rubles.

More details on RBC:

Sibur explained its relationship with a company associated with the US minister

Sibur, commenting on reports of possible connections with US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, said that it was surprised by the “politically biased interpretation” in the published dossier on “paradise offshores”

In the “paradise offshores” they found a connection between the American minister and Sibur

US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross owns a stake in Navigator Holdings Ltd, whose vessels were chartered by the Russian petrochemical holding Sibur.

SIBUR's revenue for the first half of the year increased to 212 billion rubles.

In the first half of 2017, SIBUR's revenue increased by 8.1% and reached RUB 212 billion. This is stated in a report published by the company's press service.

Cyprus SIXB Limited received at direct disposal a 10% stake in PJSC Sibur Holding

February 7. The basis for receiving shares is called “acquisition of a stake in the issuer,” the Russian company said in a statement. The date of occurrence of the grounds by which SIXB Limited acquired the right to dispose of 10% of the shares of Sibur is January 25, 2017.

On this day, Sibur announced that its shareholders and the Chinese investment Fund Silk Road Fund (SRF), after receiving all regulatory approvals, closed the deal for the fund to acquire a 10% stake in Sibur.

SIBUR and the NBA opened a court in Tyumen, reconstructed as part of a partnership to develop basketball in Russia

Tyumen, January 30, 2017. With the support of SIBUR, a sports ground for basketball competitions was reconstructed in Tyumen. The renovated hall is equipped with modern equipment in accordance with NBA global standards. The modernization of the gym in Tyumen is aimed at attracting more city residents, including SIBUR employees and their children, to basketball, one of the most popular sports in the world.

The Government Commission approved the purchase of a 10% stake in Sibur Holding by a subsidiary of the Silk Road Fund - FAS

The Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation has approved a transaction for the acquisition by a subsidiary of the Silk Road Fund of 10% of the shares of Sibur Holding (the largest producer of liquefied hydrocarbon gases in the Russian Federation), the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) reported.

“The Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation has preliminarily agreed on a transaction for the acquisition by a subsidiary of the Silk Road Fund (PRC), which is under the control of the People’s Republic of China, of 10% of the shares of the Russian PJSC Sibur Holding,” - the department said in a statement.

The wife of the new head of the FSO turned out to be a member of the board of Sibur

The wife of the director of the Federal Security Service, Dmitry Kochnev, is Marina Vladimirovna Medvedeva, she is on the board of Sibur, Russia’s largest petrochemical company, Fontanka wrote on Thursday, May 26. This information was confirmed to RBC by an FSB interlocutor. A former colleague of Medvedeva at one of her places of work knows about the relationship between Kochnev and Medvedeva.

The FSO press service did not respond to RBC’s request sent on May 27. Sibur's director of corporate communications, Rashid Nureyev, told RBC that the company does not comment on issues related to the personal lives of top managers. Medvedeva herself did not respond to RBC’s request to answer questions transmitted through the company’s press service.

The wife of the new head of the FSO turned out to be a member of the board of the country's largest petrochemical holding Sibur.

According to RBC, last year Dmitry Kochnev’s wife earned the most among the FSO, FSB, SVR employees and members of their families.

Journalists began looking for information about the new head of the FSO on the same day it was announced that Kochnev would replace Yevgeny Murov, who had headed the department since the beginning of Putin’s first presidential term. On the same day, Fontanka wrote: Sibur board member Marina Medvedeva is the wife of the former head of the presidential guard, and now the head of a federal department. Information about the relationship between Kochnev and Medvedev was confirmed to the RBC publication by interlocutors at the FSB and the woman’s former colleagues at one of her previous places of work.

Timchenko sold 17% of SIBUR to the son of businessman Shamalov

Businessman Gennady Timchenko sold a 17% stake in the petrochemical holding SIBUR to the deputy chairman of the company's board, Kirill Shamalov, the son of the co-owner of Rossiya Bank and longtime acquaintance of President Vladimir Putin, Nikolai Shamalov. The deal was announced in a company statement. Shamalov's share in SIBUR is now 21.3%, Timchenko continues to own 15.3% of the shares.

SIBUR's net profit according to IFRS in the first quarter of 2014. increased by 3.6 times - to 56.8 billion rubles. 06/10/2014 10:55

SIBUR's net profit according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the first quarter of 2014. increased by 3.6 times compared to the same period in 2013. and amounted to 56.8 billion rubles. This was said in a statement.

SIBUR and Gazprom Neft bought 50% of the Poliom plant

RBC 05/23/2014, Moscow 18:15:49 SIBUR and Gazprom Neft, two years after the start of negotiations, bought 50% of the Omsk enterprise Poliom from the Titan group.

Sibur will produce rubber in a joint venture with the Chinese

The Sibur company, co-owned by billionaire Gennady Timchenko (through companies controlled by him, he owns 32.3% of the company's shares), agreed with the Chinese corporation Sinopec to create a joint venture for the production of rubber. The company announced this on May 20. The agreement was signed in Shanghai during the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China.

SIBUR shareholders allocated additional dividends for 2013. RUB 6.38 billion based on RUB 2.93/share

The annual general meeting of shareholders of SIBUR Holding approved the decision of the board of directors to allocate additional funds for the payment of dividends for 2013. 25% of net profit according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS). This was said in a statement. A total of 6 billion 383 million rubles will be allocated for the payment of dividends. based on RUB 2.93. per share.

Foreign banks offered Sibur to pay extra for Ukrainian risks

Because of this, the holding did not agree on a syndicated loan in the amount of up to $1 billion

SIBUR: There are no problems with export supplies due to events in Ukraine

RBC 03/18/2014, Moscow 17:32:51 SIBUR does not see any logistical problems with export supplies in connection with the events in Ukraine. The head of SIBUR Dmitry Konov announced this today at a press conference, ITAR-TASS reports.

SIBUR will publish IFRS financial statements for 2013 on March 18.

Fitch confirmed SIBUR's rating at BB+ after the announcement of the acquisition of a stake in a joint venture with Rosneft

02/25/2014, Moscow 10:51:09 The international rating agency Fitch Ratings confirmed the long-term issuer default rating of SIBUR Holding OJSC at BB+ with a “stable” forecast, the agency said in a statement. Senior unsecured rating of 5-year bonds of SIBUR Securities Limited in the amount of $1 billion guaranteed by SIBUR and due in 2018. also confirmed at BB+ level. The short-term issuer default rating has been affirmed at B.

SIBUR will buy 49% in the Yugragazpererabotka JV from Rosneft

02/21/2014, Moscow 10:23:31 SIBUR will buy a 49% stake in the Yugragazpererabotka JV from Rosneft, bringing its own ownership to 100%. This is stated in a message from Rosneft.

Lapin from Sibur became director of business development for MMK

Maxim Lapin, who served as director of planning and analysis at Sibur LLC, was appointed director of business development and performance management at OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), MMK said in a statement.

Sibur sold 100% of the shares of Plastic to investors for 575 million rubles

Petrochemical holding Sibur has closed a deal to sell 100% of the shares of Plastic OJSC (Uzlovaya, Tula region) to a group of private investors for 575 million rubles, Interfax reports with reference to the company’s message. Now the company plans to raise investment...

Sibur reduces dividends by 14% amid falling net profit

Shareholders of OJSC Sibur Holding approved the amount of dividends based on the results of the first half of 2013 in the amount of 2.93 rubles. per share, the company reports. Based on the results of work in the first half of 2012, the company paid dividends in the amount of 3.4 rubles.

SIBUR's net debt according to IFRS in the first half of 2013. grew by 9.4% to RUB 90.149 billion.

SIBUR's net debt according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the first half of 2013. grew by 9.4% to RUB 90.149 billion. as of June 30, 2013 against 82.424 billion rubles. at the end of 2012 This is stated in the company's materials. Compared to the figure as of March 31, 2013. (RUB 77.928 billion), SIBUR’s net debt increased by 15.7% by the end of the first half of the year.

Capital expenditures of SIBUR according to IFRS in the first half of 2013. increased by 11.8% - to 36.044 billion rubles.

Capital expenditures of SIBUR according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the first half of 2013. increased by 11.8% compared to the same period last year - to 36.044 billion rubles. This is stated in the company's report. In the second quarter of 2013 they decreased by 28.5% by the second quarter of last year - to 14.537 billion rubles.

SIBUR's net profit according to IFRS in the first half of 2013. decreased by 13.9% - to 25.545 billion rubles.

SIBUR's net profit according to IFRS in the first half of 2013. decreased by 13.9% - to 25.545 billion rubles. This is stated in the company's report. Revenue decreased by 5% - to 130 billion rubles, operating profit decreased by 13.5% - to 32.733 billion rubles.

The share of the structure of L. Mikhelson and G. Timchenko decreased in SIBUR from 94.5% to 82.5%.

SIBUR received a notification from the owner of 100% of the shares of OJSC SIBUR Holding about a change in the structure of beneficial ownership in the SIBUR group. The share of indirect participation of Edain Development Inc., whose beneficial owners are Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko, in the authorized capital of the company decreased from 94.5 to 82.5% in favor of companies beneficially owned by the current and former management of SIBUR LLC and OJSC "SIBUR Holding"

Vladimir Putin will hear business

Initially, it was planned that the president would go to visit Yuri Konov in the Gribanovsky district of the Voronezh region, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC daily. But due to the distance of the journey (about 200 km from the regional center), it was decided that he would come to Voronezh himself. By his decree, Putin returned the title of Hero of Labor on March 29, and on May 1, the first five laureates were awarded it, including Yuri Konov, a machine operator with 38 years of experience.

SIBUR's net profit according to RAS in 2012 decreased by 44.4% - to 55.268 billion rubles.

Net profit of OJSC SIBUR Holding according to Russian accounting standards (RAS) in 2012. decreased by 44.4% - to 55.268 billion rubles. against 94.591 billion rubles. a year earlier. This is stated in the company's report.

Having replaced the management of SIBUR, he no longer wants his subsidiary to go bankrupt

» Not long ago, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, called the bankruptcy of SIBUR the only possible way to gain control over it. But after yesterday's meeting of SIBUR shareholders, Gazprom's position changed. Having established control over the subsidiary, the management of the gas company is ready to make peace with SIBUR’s creditors.

SIBUR places 5-year Eurobonds for $1 billion.

01/24/2013, Moscow 12:03:57 SIBUR is placing five-year Eurobonds worth $1 billion with a spread of 300 basis points to average market swaps, a source in the financial market told RBC.

Investors believed in Sibur

Sibur Holding has closed the book of applications for participation in the placement of its debut Eurobonds. The issue volume is an impressive $1 billion, and the rate of return does not exceed 3.9%.

Moody's upgrades Sibur's rating to Ba1

Sibur will buy 25% of the Zaikinsky GPP from TNK-BP

In 2013, the petrochemical holding Sibur will buy from TNK-BP a 25% stake in the Zaykinsky gas processing enterprise (GPP) in the Orenburg region, according to a joint press release of the companies.

SIBUR Holding in mid-2013 will begin developing the final investment decision for the Zapsibneftekhim-2 project.

06/21/2012, St. Petersburg 09:30:58 SIBUR Holding OJSC plans to to begin developing a final investment decision on the project for the construction of the Zapsibneftekhim-2 petrochemical complex in the Tyumen region. The president of the company, Dmitry Konov, told reporters about this. “In mid-2013 we will develop the feed (design work) of the project, and after that we will begin to develop the final investment solution,” he said. D. Konov refused to name the expected amount of investment in the project, and also said that today, as part of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, SIBUR plans to sign a contract with Linde AD for the design of pyrolysis production within the framework of Zapsibneftekhim-2. All other agreements within the project have already been signed.

Sibur refused to build a “pipe to the Baltic”

Sibur Holding abandoned plans to build a product pipeline from Western Siberia to the Baltic at a cost of $5 billion. The pipeline was conceived to transport the feedstock of petrochemicals - a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (NGL) for 5.5 million tons per year.

SIBUR sold 100% of OJSC SIBUR-Russian Tires

MOSCOW, January 10 - RIA Novosti. On December 29, 2011, SIBUR Holding closed the deal to sell 100% of SIBUR-Russian Tires OJSC to a group of investors, including the management of SIBUR-Russian Tires and its CEO Vadim Gurinov, SIBUR said in a statement.

Sibur sells non-core assets in parts

To increase returns, the petrochemical holding Sibur will sell its non-core assets for the production of mineral fertilizers and the production of tires in parts. This was stated by the general director of the company Dmitry Konov.

Gazprom, Novatek and Sibur are struggling with the problem of non-removal of goods from factories in the Urals Federal District

Gazprom, Novatek and Sibur are faced with the problem of non-transportation of goods by rail from their factories in the Ural Federal District, Kommersant writes.

Mikhelson and Timchenko divided Sibur

The new owners of Sibur Holding were announced today by Dellawood Holdings Limited. She became the owner of 100% of the largest player in the Russian petrochemical market. At the same time, in Dellawood itself the largest owner is the founder and head of Novatek Leonid Mikhelson, he has 57.5%. Oil trader Gennady Timchenko has 37.5%. Another 5% belongs to the managers of Sibur (Dmitry Konov, Mikhail Karisalov and Mikhail Mikhailov), as well as to the deputy chairman of the board of directors, Alexander Dyukov.

Gennady Timchenko joined SIBUR

The main owner of NOVATEK, Leonid Mikhelson, decided to share another major project with his company partner Gennady Timchenko. Together, businessmen bought 95% of SIBUR. The remaining 5% was received by Dmitry Konov, Alexander Dyukov and two more vice-presidents of the company. At the same time, Leonid Mikhelson did not rule out the inclusion of “strategic partners of NOVATEK”, for example the French Total, among the shareholders of SIBUR.

L. Mikhelson and G. Timchenko bought 95% of SIBUR Holding

A company controlled by NOVATEK shareholders Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko, Dellawood Holdings Limited, acquired a 95% stake in SIBUR Holding CJSC. This is stated in the message of Dellawood Holdings Limited.

SIBUR changed owners

Cyprus Dellawood Holdings Ltd. announced the acquisition from Gazprombank of a 49.98% stake in ZAO SIBUR Holding, the largest player in the Russian petrochemical market. Together with the stake of Dellawood's 100% subsidiary Miracle CJSC, this amounts to 100% of SIBUR's authorized capital. The Russian FAS previously allowed the consolidation of 100% of Dellawood.

Battle for Sibur

It is difficult to say what prevented him from expanding into the oil sector. Either new prospects beckoned, or old worries weighed down. The fact is that on December 20, 1998, the Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case into the theft of about $20 million from the state oil company Rosneft (which acted as a guarantor for the supply of oil from Kazakhstan). In 1995, the offshore company Rosetto Hendels GmBH, controlled by Yakov Igorevich, did not pay for the oil delivered to it. The case was then put on hold, but during an additional check of the GUEP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs it turned out that the co-owner of the Liechtenstein company, along with Goldovsky, is... First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Alexander Pushkin! It was Pushkin, as they say in Gazprom, who insisted on allocating “for Goldovsky” that same loan of 120 million dollars for the purchase of Sibur, which, by the way, has not yet been returned to Gazprombank.

SIBUR plans to process 19 billion cubic meters in 2012. m PNG

In 2012, SIBUR Holding enterprises plan to process 19 billion cubic meters of associated petroleum gas (APG). This was announced by the senior executive vice president of the company, Vladimir Razumov, writes


Agreement with 3M on cooperation in the field of environmental and digital developments

In particular, one of the goals of the Center will be to develop the use of recycled materials and realize the potential of polymers in the circular economy. To do this, on the pilot lines of the Center, samples of developed grades of polypropylene and polyethylene will be processed into pipes, medical products, films, food packaging, canisters and other products, which will allow a deeper study of the properties of the polymer material and its impact on the quality of the final product for further improvement of materials and increase production efficiency.

According to the document, SIBUR and 3M will cooperate in the development of new grades of polyethylene and polypropylene, including those planned for production at ZapSibNeftekhim. In particular, the parties agreed to develop new solutions to optimize the productivity of processing polymer grades and improve the environmental properties of SIBUR products to increase their recyclability.

The agreement also involves the organization of joint educational events for SIBUR clients on polymer processing technologies based on PolyLab demonstration equipment. The parties plan to cooperate in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, as well as exchange experience in introducing modern digital technologies into production and research activities, including Big Data.

Ex-CIO of Gazprom Natalya Borisenko went to work at Sibur

In the fall of 2019, Natalya Borisenko got a job at Sibur, taking the position of advisor to the managing director in the company. Read more.


APG processing capacity - 24 billion cubic meters per year

As of the end of 2016, APG processing capacity was 24 billion cubic meters per year. The holding has 26 production sites and a staff of 25 thousand people.

Investment of more than 600 million rubles in R&D

SIBUR invested more than 600 million rubles in R&D. As part of the 2017 investment project, the company does not plan to reduce investments in this area. The investment program focuses on two areas of R&D - the development of new products and technologies, as well as increasing operational efficiency through changes in technological processes.

The head of SIBUR, Dmitry Konov, noted that the company is expanding its product line both by attracting ready-made solutions from the market and by developing its own technologies. Optimizing the “development plan” of the petrochemical and gas processing market in Russia is one of the strategically important issues for the industrial and economic growth of the country.

The development of domestic equipment and technological solutions through scientific research plays a vital role within the framework of the program approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade until 2030. Progress in this direction largely depends on the involvement of experts from government agencies, vertically integrated companies, as well as service, scientific and analytical organizations.

Agreement on the sale of 10% shares to the Silk Road Fund

In 2016, an agreement was signed to sell a 10% stake to the Chinese Silk Road Fund.


In 2015, the company acquired its first foreign shareholder - in December, a deal was closed for the Chinese corporation Sinopec to enter SIBUR's capital as a strategic investor with a 10% stake.

Revenue in the first half of 2015 amounted to $3.2 billion, EBITDA - $1.1 billion. The number of large consumers was 1,400. Products are supplied to 75 countries.


Development of existing assets. Completion of the construction of new production facilities and global capacity infrastructure: Tobolsk-Polymera, RusVinyl, the Purpe-Tobolsk product pipeline and other projects. The beginning of the implementation of the largest project in the history of Soviet and Russian petrochemicals - ZapSibNeftekhim. In 2014, the structure, the founder and owner of which is SIBUR Deputy Chairman of the Board Kirill Shamalov, acquired 17% of SIBUR shares, the beneficial owner of which was previously Gennady Timchenko. SIBUR share capital structure as of September 5, 2014: Leonid Mikhelson - 50.2% Kirill Shamalov - 21.3% Gennady Timchenko - 15.3%, current and former SIBUR management (excluding Kirill Shamalov's share) - 13.2 %.


SIBUR's main shareholders reduced their stake in the company to 82.5%, while the share of current and former management increased to 17.5%.


Sale of Sibur - Russian Tires and assets in the mineral fertilizer business

At the end of December 2011, Sibur completely parted with control over Sibur - Russian Tires, selling 75% of the shares to the company's management, and the remaining shares to the partners of the company's general director, Gurinov. Also, assets in the mineral fertilizer business were sold to Uralchem ​​(Perm Minudobreniya) and the Siberian Business Union (Kemerovo Azot and Angarsk Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant). Investments from the sale of non-core assets, along with profits from core activities, were allocated to polymer projects.

Sibur Limited - 100% shareholder of Sibur

In November 2011, Sibur Limited became a 100% shareholder of Sibur, the ultimate beneficiaries of which are the shareholders of Novatek OJSC: Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko. The beneficiaries of the remaining 5.5% of the authorized capital of Sibur Limited were Sibur managers Dmitry Konov, Mikhail Karisalov, Mikhail Mikhailov, as well as deputy chairman of the board of directors Alexander Dyukov.

In September 2011, after receiving permission from the FAS, Leonid Mikhelson's structures purchased additional shares, and his share exceeded 50%.

Sale of non-core assets

SIBUR sold assets previously identified as non-core - the tire business and the mineral fertilizer business. The company's shareholders are Leonid Mikhelson (controlling shareholder), Gennady Timchenko, as well as current and former SIBUR executives Alexander Dyukov, Dmitry Konov, Mikhail Karisalov, Mikhail Mikhailov.

Purchase of 100% shares of Akrylat

On July 28, 2011, 100% of the shares of Akrylat, the only Russian manufacturer of acrylic acid and its esters, were purchased.


Sale by Gazprombank of 50% of SIBUR to the structures of Leonid Mikhelson

On December 23, 2010, it was announced that Gazprombank would sell 50% of the company to the structures of Leonid Mikhelson, co-owner and chairman of the board of the gas company Novatek.

Purchase and consolidation of Novatek's polymer business

In the fall of 2010, Sibur acquired and consolidated with Biaxplen the polymer business of Novatek - the production of polymer film in the Samara region.

In 2013, the main shareholders of Sibur reduced their stake in the company to 82.5%, and the share of current and former management increased to 17.5%.

Start of phased sale of SIBUR to Leonid Mikhelson

In 2010, the phased sale of SIBUR to entrepreneur Leonid Mikhelson began.

2009: Purchase of a 50% share in Biaksplen

On December 2, 2009, Sibur acquired 50% in Biaxplen, the largest Russian manufacturer of BOPP film and the largest consumer of polypropylene.

2007: Sale by Gazprom of shares of SIBUR to Gazfond

Expansion and modernization of existing production facilities, optimization and increase in efficiency. SIBUR shares owned by Gazprom were sold to Gazfond as part of an exchange for energy assets owned by this structure.

Within the Group, three business areas remained, united in three directorates: hydrocarbon raw materials, synthetic rubbers, as well as plastics and organic synthesis. The tire business and enterprises related to the production of mineral fertilizers were transferred to specially created holdings with greater operational independence. The implementation of an investment program until 2015 has begun, designed to ensure growth for the company.

2006: Appointment of Dmitry Konov as president of SIBUR

Alexander Dyukov was appointed head of Gazprom Neft. The new head of SIBUR, Dmitry Konov, continued the program for developing SIBUR as a leader in the gas processing and petrochemical industry in Russia.

2005: Establishment of AKS Holding with subsequent renaming to SIBUR Holding

As part of the completion of vertical integration, AKS Holding was founded by a number of legal entities in July 2005, to which the assets of AK SIBUR (shares in 26 petrochemical enterprises) were transferred.

In December 2005, AKS Holding was renamed SIBUR Holding. The owners of SIBUR were Gazprombank (75%) and.

Under his leadership, work began on a major reorganization of the company and the formation of a long-term growth strategy, SIBUR's current solvency was restored, and the company's debt was systematized and settled.

2002: Settlement agreement with creditors on debt restructuring

SIBUR is unable to service its financial obligations, pay interest and repay debt. The main creditor initiated bankruptcy proceedings in March 2002. Gazprom has begun active work on debt restructuring. The process of negotiations with creditors regarding the terms of debt restructuring lasted more than six months and ended on September 10, 2002 with the signing of a settlement agreement.

According to some reports, the decisive factor in this was forceful pressure and the subsequent arrest of the then co-owner of Sibur, Yakov Goldovsky. After the transfer of Sibur shares to Gazprom, Goldovsky was released.


An attempt to dilute the share of OJSC Gazprom in the management company of SIBUR

At the end of 2001, the company's management, led by Yakov Goldovsky, attempted to dilute Gazprom's share in the company's authorized capital by conducting an additional issue of ordinary shares, and previously tried to remove Sibur's petrochemical assets from the legal control of the company.

Asset building

Intensive expansion of assets and construction of a financial and production flow management system. As a result, almost 60 Russian enterprises fell into the company’s perimeter. Almost all acquisitions of that period were made with borrowed funds received from Gazprom or commercial banks under the guarantee of Gazprom.

1998: Transformation

During 1998-2001, the company included a significant part of Russia's petrochemical assets and became the country's largest petrochemical holding.

The transformation of SIBUR's structure into a vertically integrated gas processing and petrochemical group has begun, covering the full production cycle - from advanced processing of raw materials to the release of final products. The basis for integration was the production cooperation of petrochemical enterprises of the former USSR.

In 1998, the company was privatized, Gazprom became the largest shareholder of the holding, but real control over production and economic activities passed to the Gas and Petrochemical Company of Yakov Goldovsky.

1995: Formation of the company

SIBUR was registered on March 7, 1995 as the Siberian-Ural Petroleum and Gas Chemical Company (JSC AK SIBUR). It included the enterprises of Sibneftegazpererabotka (today the gas processing plants of SiburTyumenGaz), the Perm Gas Processing Plant (today part of Sibur-Khimprom) and the design institute NIPIgazpererabotka. 38% of the company's shares were assigned to federal ownership for three years.

"Sibur Holding"- the largest petrochemical holding in Russia. Full name - Public Joint Stock Company "SIBUR Holding". The headquarters is located in Moscow (the company is registered in Tobolsk).

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Dmitry Konov, Chairman of the Board of SIBUR LLC: Global energy markets

    ✪ Labor safety quest - Sibur



OJSC "Siberian-Ural Petroleum and Gas Chemical Company" was created by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 1995. Initially, the company included the association Sibneftegazopererabotka (GPP of Western Siberia), NIPIgazpererabotka (Krasnodar) and the Perm Gas Processing Plant.

The process of negotiations with creditors regarding the terms of debt restructuring lasted more than six months and ended on September 10, 2002 with the signing of a settlement agreement. According to some reports, the decisive factor in this was forceful pressure and the subsequent arrest of the then co-owner of Sibur, Yakov Goldovsky (the arrest was carried out in the reception room of the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexei Miller). After the transfer of Sibur shares to Gazprom, Goldovsky was released, lived for some time in Austria, but then returned to the Russian petrochemical business (Dzerzhinsk enterprise Korund).

2005: transfer (of assets) from AK SIBUR to SIBUR Holding.

In July 2005, SIBUR established AKS Holding OJSC (the legal successor of which is today's SIBUR) to “cleanse” the holding company of debts in the amount of 60 billion rubles, most of which is due to the debt to the parent company. The shares of 26 petrochemical enterprises belonging to SIBUR were transferred to the balance sheet of this OJSC. In December 2005, AKS Holding was renamed SIBUR Holding.

In 2007, Gazprom sold shares in Sibur to Gazfond as part of an exchange for energy assets owned by this structure. Both Gazprombank and Gazfond also left the Gazprom group.

Tire business

In 2002, in order to organize centralized sales of products from Sibur tire enterprises, SIBUR - Russian Tires LLC was created. For three years, from 2002 to 2005, the company systematically developed its sales and production activities and in the spring of 2005 introduced its first “branded” products to the market - tires under the Cordiant and Tyrex trademarks. In February 2007, the company changed its organizational form and acquired its current name OJSC SIBUR - Russian Tires.

In 2008, Sibur planned to merge SIBUR - Russian Tires with Amtel-Vredestein, but the deal did not take place due to the crisis. At the end of December 2011, Sibur completely parted with control over OJSC SIBUR - Russian Tires, selling 75% of the shares to the company's management, and the remaining shares to the partners of the company's general director Gurinov.

Mineral fertilizers

At the end of 2011, SIBUR sold its assets in the mineral fertilizer business to Uralchem ​​(Minudobreniya, Perm) and the Siberian Business Union (Nitrogen, Kemerovo, and Angarsk Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, Perm). Angarsk).

Mergers and acquisitions

Reorganization of share capital

On December 23, 2010, it was announced that Gazprombank would sell 50% of the company to the structures of Leonid Mikhelson, co-owner and chairman of the board of the gas company Novatek.

In September 2011, after receiving permission from the FAS, Mikhelson’s structures purchased additional shares and his share exceeded 50%.

In November 2011, Sibur Limited became a 100% shareholder of Sibur, the ultimate beneficiaries of which are the shareholders of Novatek OJSC: Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko. The beneficiaries of the remaining 5.5% of the authorized capital of Sibur Limited were Sibur managers Dmitry Konov, Mikhail Karisalov, Mikhail Mikhailov, as well as deputy chairman of the board of directors Alexander Dyukov. In 2013, the main shareholders of Sibur reduced their stake in the company to 82.5%, and the share of current and former management increased to 17.5%.

In 2014, the structure, the founder and owner of which is SIBUR Deputy Chairman of the Board Kirill Shamalov, acquired 17% of SIBUR shares, the beneficial owner of which was previously Gennady Timchenko.

On December 17, 2015, a deal was closed to acquire a 10% stake in SIBUR by the Chinese company Sinopec, which valued the entire Russian company at $13.4 billion. In January 2017, a deal was closed to acquire the same share by the Silk Road Fund. In April 2017, Kirill Shamalov sold a 17% stake to Leonid Mikhelson. After this, the shares of the company's shareholders looked as follows:


The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company is Leonid Mikhelson.

General directors of the company:


The raw material basis of Sibur's business is the processing of associated petroleum gas in Western Siberia and the production of liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Hydrocarbon raw materials are processed into synthetic rubbers (plants in Togliatti, Voronezh and Krasnoyarsk) and polymers (Sibur-Neftekhim in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sibur-Khimprom in Perm, Tomskneftekhim, etc.).

Performance indicators

Processing more than half of Russia's associated petroleum gas, Sibur produces more than a quarter of all liquefied hydrocarbon gases in Russia, from 30 to 49% of various types of synthetic rubbers, a sixth of all Russian polyethylene, as well as a significant part of other petrochemical products. The total number of employees at the holding's enterprises is about 28 thousand people (2016).

Hydrocarbon raw materials

Basic enterprises providing raw materials:

  • JSC "SiburTyumenGas" (Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra);
"Gubkinsky Gas Processing Plant" - a branch of JSC "SiburTyumenGas" (Gubkinsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug); "Vyngapurovsky Gas Processing Plant" - a branch of JSC "SiburTyumenGas" (Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug); "Muravlenkovsky Gas Processing Plant" - a branch of JSC "SiburTyumenGas" (Muravlenko, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug); "Yuzhno-Balyk Gas Processing Plant" - a branch of JSC "SiburTyumenGas" (Pyt-Yakh, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra); LLC "Nizhnevartovsk GPK" (Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra); LLC "Belozerny GPK" (Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra); LLC "Nyagangazpererabotka" (Nyagan, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra).

The company's gas processing enterprises processed 21.5 billion m3 of APG in 2015, 3% more than in 2014, maximizing their design capacity and increasing the recovery rate of target hydrocarbons.

Enterprises in Tobolsk are united into the Tobolsk industrial site, which includes:

  • SIBUR Tobolsk (formerly Tobolsk-Neftekhim LLC)
  • "TTETS"

Polymer business

The company's polymer production activities are supervised by the Directorate of Basic Polymers and the Directorate of Plastics, Elastomers and Organic Synthesis.

Enterprises of the Directorate of Basic Polymers:

  • LLC "RusVinyl" (Kstovo)
  • LLC "BIAXPLEN" (Kursk, Zheleznodorozhny, Balakhna, Tomsk, Novokuybyshevsk)
  • LLC "Sibur-Kstovo" (Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region)
  • Tomskneftekhim LLC (Tomsk)

Enterprises of the Directorate of Plastics, Elastomers and Organic Synthesis:

  • OJSC "Sibur-Neftekhim" (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region)
  • CJSC "Sibur-Khimprom" (Perm)
  • OJSC "POLIEF" (Blagoveshchensk, Bashkortostan)
  • OJSC "Sibur-PETF" (Tver)
  • LLC "SIBUR GEOSINT" (Uzlovaya)
  • LLC "SIBUR Togliatti" (Tolyatti)
  • JSC "Voronezhsintezkauchuk" (Voronezh)
  • OJSC Krasnoyarsk Synthetic Rubber Plant (a joint venture with the Chinese Sinopec (Krasnoyarsk)

Joint projects

  • In 2007, on a parity basis with the SolVin company (a joint venture between Solvay and BASF), RusVinyl LLC was created, the main task of which is the construction of a PVC production plant in Kstovo.
  • In 2010, the largest private Indian company RELIANCE INDUSTRIES and Sibur agreed to create a joint venture to produce butyl rubber in India. In February 2013, the companies began construction of the plant.
  • In 2011, China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp.) and Sibur entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on the possible creation of two joint ventures for the production of nitrile butadiene rubber in Krasnoyarsk (Russia) and Shanghai (China).
  • NPP Neftekhimiya - plant for the production of polypropylene brand "Kaplen" (Moscow, Moscow Refinery).

Sibur Holding is the largest petrochemical holding in Russia. Full name: Public Joint Stock Company SIBUR Holding. The headquarters is located in Moscow (the company is registered in Tobolsk).

OJSC Siberian-Ural Petroleum and Gas Chemical Company was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 1995. Initially, the company included the association Sibneftegazopererabotka (GPP of Western Siberia), NIPIgazpererabotka (Krasnodar) and the Perm Gas Processing Plant.

In 1998, the company was privatized, Gazprom became the largest shareholder of the holding, but real control over production and economic activities passed to the Gas and Petrochemical Company of Yakov Goldovsky. During 1998-2001, the company included a significant part of Russia's petrochemical assets and became the country's largest petrochemical holding.

At the end of 2001, the company's management, led by Yakov Goldovsky, attempted to dilute Gazprom's share in the company's authorized capital by conducting an additional issue of ordinary shares, and previously tried to remove Sibur's petrochemical assets from the legal control of the company. In response to this, OJSC Gazprom initiated bankruptcy proceedings for the company in March 2002.

The process of negotiations with creditors regarding the terms of debt restructuring lasted more than six months and ended on September 10, 2002 with the signing of a settlement agreement. According to some reports, the decisive factor in this was forceful pressure and the subsequent arrest of the then co-owner of Sibur, Yakov Goldovsky (the arrest was carried out in the reception room of the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexei Miller). After the transfer of shares in Sibur to Gazprom, Goldovsky was released, lived for some time in Austria, but then returned to the Russian petrochemical business (Dzerzhinsk enterprise Korund).

In 2002, in order to organize centralized sales of products from Sibur tire enterprises, SIBUR - Russian Tires LLC was created. For three years, from 2002 to 2005, the company systematically developed its sales and production activities and in the spring of 2005 introduced its first “branded” products to the market - tires under the Cordiant and Tyrex trademarks. In February 2007, the company changed its organizational form and acquired its current name OJSC SIBUR - Russian Tires.

In July 2005, SIBUR established AKS Holding OJSC (the legal successor of which is today's SIBUR) to “cleanse” the holding company of debts in the amount of 60 billion rubles, most of which is due to the debt to the parent company. The shares of 26 petrochemical enterprises belonging to SIBUR were transferred to the balance sheet of this OJSC. In December 2005, AKS Holding was renamed SIBUR Holding.

In 2007, Gazprom sold shares of Sibur to Gazfond as part of an exchange for energy assets owned by this structure. Both Gazprombank and Gazfond also left the Gazprom group.

In 2008, Sibur planned to merge SIBUR - Russian Tires with Amtel-Vredestein, but the deal did not take place due to the crisis. At the end of December 2011, Sibur completely parted with control over OJSC SIBUR - Russian Tires, selling 75% of the shares to the company's management, and the remaining shares to the partners of the company's general director Gurinov.

On December 3, 2010, it was announced that Gazprombank would sell 50% of the company to the structures of Leonid Mikhelson, co-owner and chairman of the board of the gas company Novatek.

In September 2011, after receiving permission from the FAS, Mikhelson’s structures purchased additional shares and his share exceeded 50%.

At the end of 2011, SIBUR sold its assets in the mineral fertilizer business to Uralchem ​​(Minudobreniya, Perm) and the Siberian Business Union (Azot, Kemerovo, and Angarsk Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant, Perm). Angarsk).

In November 2011, Sibur Limited became a 100% shareholder of Sibur, the ultimate beneficiaries of which are the shareholders of Novatek OJSC: Leonid Mikhelson and Gennady Timchenko. The beneficiaries of the remaining 5.5% of the authorized capital of Sibur Limited were Sibur managers Dmitry Konov, Mikhail Karisalov, Mikhail Mikhailov, as well as deputy chairman of the board of directors Alexander Dyukov. In 2013, the main shareholders of Sibur reduced their stake in the company to 82.5%, and the share of current and former management increased to 17.5%.

In 2014, the structure, the founder and owner of which is SIBUR Deputy Chairman of the Board Kirill Shamalov, acquired 17% of SIBUR shares, the beneficial owner of which was previously Gennady Timchenko.

On December 17, 2015, a deal was closed to acquire a 10% stake in Sibur by the Chinese company Sinopec, which valued the entire Russian company at $13.4 billion.

The company's revenue according to IFRS in 2015 amounted to 380 billion rubles, EBITDA - 136 billion rubles. The company's total investment in 2015 amounted to 84.4 billion rubles.