Purchasing department. Tasks and functions of supply Positions of the supply department at the enterprise

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What are the functions and responsibilities of the procurement department?
  • What is the structure of the purchasing department?
  • How to optimize the work of the supply department?

If a company is engaged in trade, then it must have employees responsible for purchasing. In large holdings, this function is performed by a large number of people, but in small companies that deal mainly with retail, it is assigned to one specialist. Regardless of the size of the company, the responsibilities of the procurement department should be clearly defined. Otherwise, the unit's effectiveness will suffer.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Procurement Department

The primary responsibility of the purchasing department is to maintain an adequate supply of materials in the organization. Department employees:

  • Determine what resources are needed and when.
  • Responsible for storing and issuing materials from the warehouse.
  • Control consumption. Resources must be used for their intended purpose and spent only in the interests of the company.
  • Helps to save materials.

Purchasing department specialists study the resource needs of the enterprise, look for suppliers with whom they will cooperate, analyze prices for the necessary products and intermediary services, choose the most profitable transportation option, and also optimize inventories, taking into account the reduction of transportation, procurement and warehouse costs.

Responsibilities of the unit:

  • Formation of a range of materials necessary for the company to produce products.
  • Planning deliveries for a month, quarter, year.
  • Participation in fairs, exhibitions and other events in order to study the market for suppliers of the necessary materials.
  • Selecting a partner taking into account the optimal product delivery option.
  • Concluding contracts for the supply of material resources and monitoring their implementation.
  • Acceptance of received materials in accordance with current documents - Delivery Regulations and Instructions P-6 and P-7.
  • Proper placement of brought resources in the company’s warehouse, taking into account internal logistics.
  • Monitoring the consumption of certain materials in production, as well as developing consumption standards.
  • An initiative to replace expensive resources with cheaper ones, but without compromising the quality of the products produced by the enterprise.
  • Organization of activities for the preparation and implementation of company standards in terms of material support.

The head of the procurement department is responsible for the proper implementation of the listed duties and reports to the commercial director.

Supply department structure

The structure of the supply department is formed based on the following factors:

  1. The scale of the company.
  2. Type of production.
  3. The industry to which the enterprise belongs.
  4. The volumes and range of material resources needed by an organization to produce its products.
  5. Number of suppliers and their geographical location.
  6. Volumes and range of products produced.

These factors determine which departments the supply service will consist of, as well as the number of employees and their functions. When forming a division, you can rely on the experience of similar companies so that specialists perform their duties as efficiently as possible.

When organizing a supply department, the main condition is the principle of completeness and complexity: the structure must include all divisions that supply materials.

Basically, the structure of this service depends on the size of the enterprise. In small, medium and large organizations, the responsibilities of the procurement department differ. Large companies cannot do without employees responsible for logistics and purchasing. They work closely with other departments included in the supply service. Medium-sized enterprises require purchasing, logistics and logistics departments.

In small firms, supply is managed by the director or his deputy. This is especially true for non-production organizations. In small companies, a purchasing department is usually not allocated, but it can be formed as the enterprise grows. The new division is responsible for inventories, their delivery and warehousing.

The following are the main types of organizational structures of the supply service:

1. The functional structure includes the following departments:

  • purchasing department;
  • transport;
  • planning and dispatch department;
  • cargo customs clearance group;
  • storage facilities.

Elements of the functional structure are present in other types of organizational structures of the supply service.

There is no logistics department. This is typical for medium-sized enterprises. The responsibilities of the planning and dispatch department include procurement planning and implementation of the supply plan. The MTS service in small companies usually includes transport, purchasing and warehouse departments.

2. Product structure.

The product structure is typical for large wholesale and manufacturing trading enterprises. Divisions in the supply service are formed if a company purchases a large number of different materials. They are responsible for providing the company with certain resources. Each product division works with a specific material.

The customs clearance group and the planning and dispatch service are distinguished here. The first prepares the customs documents necessary for the passage of materials purchased abroad through customs. The second group draws up a supply plan, monitors and regulates its proper execution.

3. Market structure.

If a company purchases resources in different markets or in different countries, then the responsibilities of the procurement department include working with suppliers of these markets/countries. To perform their duties efficiently, employees of regional divisions need to know the specifics of these points and legal norms.

4. Matrix structure.

If an enterprise is simultaneously engaged in several projects or produces different types of products, then it is necessary to form a matrix structure of the supply service. For the production of each product and the implementation of each project, its own purchasing department is allocated. If management decides to form a logistics service, then transport, dispatch units, as well as warehouses and customs clearance departments are included in the new department. In large companies, workshops have their own supply departments, whose responsibilities include planning.

Also in the structure of this division there are employees involved in the supply of material resources to sites and workshops. Such services have their own warehouses, which can be replenished with materials from the warehouses of the supply department. In large companies, they have a division of external cooperation, which provides the organization with semi-finished products and components. Such departments are formed on the basis of a functional or product characteristic.

Optimizing the work of the supply department

  • Change planning.

About 65% of tasks are not completed due to errors in operational planning. Plan for the short term and save money by purchasing as many resources as you need right now. In times of crisis, purchase in such a way that there are no stocks.

Planning without inventory will relieve employees of the need to manage it. To do this, you need to arrange procurement on time. Applications should be used by the fifteenth day of the current month, and on the sixteenth day a report is prepared on materials that will be received in the next period. If the necessary resources are delivered more than one month, a separate list is compiled for them with a deadline for fulfilling orders. The responsibilities of the supply department include ensuring the delivery of materials within the time specified in the list.

Department employees must use well-known analysis and forecasting tools, including ABC analysis and ABCXYZ analysis. The essence of the first is that the situation can be controlled by 80% if control is ensured over 20% of the dominant entities. ABCXYZ analysis is relevant only for non-manufacturing companies.

All products are divided into nine groups, for each of which suitable options are determined. It is better to personally control expensive and in-demand materials, and resources that simply take up space in the warehouse are no longer worth ordering.

  • Build relationships with suppliers.

Monitor. The responsibilities of the procurement department include monitoring offers on the market. To buy materials at competitive prices, you need to periodically monitor suppliers' promotions. It is not profitable for a company to work with the same partners due to familiarity or personal interests of the purchasing manager. Of course, there are long-term contracts that cannot be violated. But if the supplier sharply raised the price or delivered the order late, then the agreement with him can be terminated. Demand a price reduction.

During a crisis, the client may refuse the deal and ask the supplier for a discount on materials. If at the moment you have nothing to pay your partner, try to agree with him, for example, on the distribution of payments. Offer your suppliers a debt repayment schedule and cooperation details that are convenient for you.

Pay attention to partnership opportunities. Look for profitable deliveries and build relationships with long-term benefits. Most suppliers are ready to defer to clients on many issues, including adapting materials to suit your needs.

Key questions

How to justify a procurement budget?

How to choose a supplier?

How to conduct an inventory of balances in the warehouse and production areas?

How to counteract kickbacks?

How to establish interaction between departments within a company?

What reporting forms should be used to analyze the work of the supply department?

Companies annually lose hundreds of thousands of rubles due to abuse and dishonest performance of their duties by employees. Management and financial accounting standards do not allow such cases to be identified in a timely manner. In order to reliably protect and make the most efficient use of their own assets, enterprises are implementing a system of internal control (audit), which, of course, has its own characteristics depending on the field of activity and strategic goals.

Procurement planning. Unscrupulous supply managers purchase raw materials and materials from the “correct” enterprises in quantities exceeding the volumes required to fulfill the production program. Therefore, when planning purchases, it is important to take into account not only the planned quantitative indicators (number of tons of cement, meters of cable, etc.), but also the amounts intended for the purchase of these volumes of raw materials and supplies, that is, a procurement budget must be drawn up.


To prevent abuse by purchasing managers, the enterprise must approve an economically justified purchasing budget that corresponds to the production program.

Selecting a supplier. We start with the formation of the lot, that is, we determine what exactly will be purchased and in what batches. The rules for lot formation should prevent the possibility of dividing relatively large lots into several small ones. Even if, when purchasing heterogeneous products, the prices of some suppliers turn out to be lower than the prices of the main supplier, you should stick to the lots formed for a specific type of product - a slight gain in the price of the product can result in significant delivery costs.

The commission must approve the list of suppliers among whom the selection will be made (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Composition of the supplier selection committee

The commission approves the final list of the most promising suppliers. Based on the approved list, the purchasing department manager sends out identical requests to eliminate the possibility of receiving a price list for retail sales from one supplier and a price list for wholesale sales from another.

Commercial proposals from suppliers must be brought to a single form, a so-called list of alternatives must be drawn up. To do this, the price of the product is recalculated taking into account delivery, and all conditions for deferred payment are standardized (for example, it is established that payment is made upon delivery on the same day).


The decision to select suppliers must be made collectively and approved by senior management.

Changing supplier. Nothing can be provided with a 100% guarantee, deliveries are no exception. For such cases, all procedures and procedures for managers must be prescribed in advance. “Emergency” deliveries provide ample opportunity for irregularities on the part of purchasing managers. In this regard, decisions to replace a supplier who has not fulfilled the terms of the contract must be made at the level of commercial or general director.

The fight against kickbacks. The supply sector is a “gold mine” for unscrupulous managers. In mutual settlements between legal entities, the cost of the purchased or sold product is affected not only by the current market conditions, but also by the amount of the “kickback”. Yes, the final decision on choosing a supplier is usually made by the company’s top management (owner, CEO or financial director), but managers are responsible for the preparatory, analytical and organizational parts. “Thanks to” the efforts of the latter, only those who show a willingness to offer “interest” can be included in the list of recommended suppliers, and the person making the final decision will be slowly but surely led to the choice of the “right” supplier.

If the amount of the “kickback” does not affect the purchase price of goods or services, then there will be no negative consequences for the company. It is much worse if the “kickback” affects the purchase price of goods, especially if the transaction amount is large or we are talking about choosing a strategic supplier.

In every self-respecting company, senior management pays attention to the expenditure side of the budget and often personally controls such transactions. But such control is carried out, as a rule, according to a number of indicators. This information is prepared by purchasing managers and can be presented in any light. It is impossible to personally control the details of all transactions, just as it is impossible to be an expert in all areas.

Measures to counter kickbacks (motivating employees, introducing multi-stage procedures for additional control) do not exclude collusion within the team. Therefore, we can propose a scheme that relies on the services of third-party organizations and involves two stages (Fig. 2).

We counteract kickbacks

What are we doing?

What are we checking?

Monitoring the market

If you suspect suppliers of receiving kickbacks, it is worth instructing an employee from another service (security, internal audit or financial department) to conduct a quick audit of the procurement conditions. For example, compare your procurement prices with public ones or request a proposal for the main purchased goods or services on behalf of a fictitious company (or another company in the holding, if the supplier does not know about the relationship of the companies). In the process of such research, you can find out not only the real prices of the supplier, but also get an idea of ​​the methods of lobbying for their interests by employees of the supply department. The same work can be entrusted to an independent company that will monitor the market according to an agreed list of products or services with specified quality characteristics (including the suppliers themselves). Monitoring results are periodically sent in the form of a generalized price list to the company that ordered the monitoring

We control contracts

Prices in contracts concluded with the supplier, purchase orders issued or requests for payment are compared with data obtained from the results of monitoring (audit). When managers try to conclude an agreement or place an order in which the cost of a specific product item exceeds a specified deviation from the average market or minimum price, the document is blocked and sent for approval to senior management (financial director, owner, etc.). Using an information system in this case will allow discrepancies in prices to be identified automatically

Rice. 2. Anti-kickback scheme

For your information

This approach allows us to identify the excess of purchase prices over the market average or minimum both at the time of placing an order and at the stage of concluding a contract.

The main task of the supply department— ensure and maintain an optimal level of inventories, which will help minimize the costs associated with their procurement and storage. Unliquid and underutilized inventory in a warehouse is a sign of an uncontrolled and ineffective supply process. The reason for the large amount of illiquid assets may be:

    cancellation of projects for which these supplies, materials, spare parts, equipment were purchased;

    transition to another product range;

    obsolescence of illiquid assets;

    inconsistency in the work of the supply department and other services, untimely notification of the procurement service about the cancellation or reduction of the production program by type of product, etc.

Inventory will help identify illiquid stock or excess inventory. Typically, in a manufacturing enterprise, in addition to the central warehouse, there are workshop and district warehouses; in addition, materials and other supplies can be stored by foremen and foremen. The supply department can only monitor the central warehouse, and everything else, as a rule, is uncontrolled. A general inventory will help identify the real size of stocks and optimize subsequent purchases. For greater efficiency, such an inventory must be carried out periodically with the involvement of employees of an independent internal audit service or third-party organizations.

Establishing interaction between departments within the company. The supply department must monitor the market and inform the production departments (or the sales department, if it is a trading company) about new products with improved properties and greater consumer value that suppliers offer. Colleagues from other departments may not know about such products and therefore may not order them. This is especially important for a manufacturing company focused on technological development: suppliers will receive information about new technologies and products from suppliers, technologists will receive information about their value, and technologists will take into account price factors reported by suppliers in their requests and when drawing up budgets for future periods. .


For an effective supply process, it is necessary to establish interaction between departments of the company.

The procurement department's reporting forms allow you to control the procurement process. From them you can obtain information about price changes, the quality of supplied products and the fulfillment of procurement deadlines (Table 1).

Table 1. Analysis of the work of the procurement department by price


Price, rub./kg


Purchased, kg

Price change

Purchase amount, rub.

January 2015

February 2015

Manager Sukhorukov M.I.

Premium flour

First grade flour

Second grade flour

Manager Loginov V.M.

Premium flour

Total for the department:

The purchasing manager, whose prices rise faster than others despite significant purchase volumes, needs to be additionally monitored.

Purchasing departments base their work on an ironclad argument - the price of purchased raw materials. I bought it cheaper - well done. You bought it expensive - it’s bad, you don’t know how to work. What then happens in production, in the technical control service and sales is no longer a problem for the supply department. Therefore, when making deliveries, it is very important to check the quality of the supplied products, on which the consumer qualities of the products manufactured at the enterprise depend.

We recommend keeping statistics of problems with purchased raw materials during incoming inspection, during storage and during use in production. Keeping records is not difficult: the base is formed from accounting for each single problem in the supply of raw materials. For each problem, we draw up a report in which we write who, when and in what form supplied the problematic raw materials/components. Combine all these acts in the form of reports with the ability to sort in the 1C program or a simple Excel file - and the database is ready (Table 2).

Table 2. Analysis of the work of the supply department in terms of quality

Supplier name

date of delivery

Contract number

Quantity of goods supplied, kg

Type of nonconformity

Rostock LLC

No. 25 dated December 25, 2014

During the acceptance and incoming inspection process, it was discovered that the moisture content of the flour was 18% (the norm is 15%)

OJSC "Agribusiness"

No. 20 from 12/20/2014

During the acceptance and incoming inspection process, it was discovered that the ash content of premium flour in this batch is 0.6% (the norm is 0.55%)

LLC "Zernotorg"

No. 18 from 12/15/2015

During the acceptance and incoming inspection process, a musty odor was detected in the flour of this batch.

Based on such data, a decision is made on whether to continue to cooperate with problematic suppliers.

In order for the production program to be completed on time, all necessary components must be delivered on time. The following form allows you to analyze the factors that impede timely delivery (Table 3).

Table 3. Analysis of the work of the supply department in meeting delivery deadlines

FULL NAME. purchasing manager

Execution of the plan for product names (articles)

Failure to meet delivery deadlines

Number of times

Sukhorukov M. I.

lack of funding

accident at a railway crossing

Loginov V. M.

unfavorable weather conditions (snow drifts on the roads, ice)

lack of funding

strike of workers at the supplier's enterprise

Total by department

This form of reporting makes it possible to analyze the reasons for “failures” in delivery deadlines, to identify which of them depend on external factors (unscrupulous suppliers, natural factors, force majeure, etc.), and which ones depend on internal ones (for example, lack of timely financing) and take measures to prevent these situations in the future.


  • The internal audit system is effective only if the developed regulations and recommendations are followed by company employees.
  • Employees must look for the best offers, options for obtaining significant discounts, promptly check stock balances, and take into account expected significant fluctuations in prices for supplied goods.
  • The functions of company employees must be clearly defined.
  • Effective mechanisms for monitoring the performance of the supply department are needed.

O. S. Polyakova,

The general tasks of logistics are: regulation of information and material flows; forecasts of the quantity of manufactured products, their storage and transportation; identifying the relationship between production needs and capabilities. Operational functions are responsible for managing the movement of material assets in the sphere of distribution and supply of production. In supply, logistics is used to manage the movement of means of production and inventories, as well as the movement of finished products from warehouse to trade warehouse and from...

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red0; Lecture 12 Tasks and functions supplies

In general terms, the purpose of supply- guarantee the company a reliable supply of materials. Based on this The supply objectives are:

- Creating a reliable and uninterrupted material flow into the company;

- Close interaction with departments,using these materialsstudying their requests;

- Finding suitable suppliers,close interaction with them and the formation of profitable relationships;

- Purchase of necessary materials of acceptable quality,and the required quantity,and guarantee of their delivery at the right time and place;

- Ensuring acceptable prices and delivery conditions;

- Carrying out suitable inventory and investment policies;

- Fast movement of materials through supply chains,forwarding deliveries if necessary,monitoring current conditions,including price changes,occurrence of deficiency,emergence of new products, etc.

The main goal of purchasing logistics is the profitable acquisition of goods (raw material or material) in order to meet demand with maximum efficiency.

Due to the predominance of supply over demand, successful procurement activities are associated with the availability of complete and accurate information about the market,where purchases are made, What, implies constant collection and analysis of information about it.This will allow us to assess the market capacity,analyze prices,quality and timing of possible deliveries,in this case, one should be guided by the needs of potential consumers.

Logistics tasks can be divided into three parts: private, general and global.The main global objective of logistics is maximum effect at minimum cost.A global task is also the creation of logistics systems and levers for their operation.

General logistics tasks are:regulation of information and material flows; forecasts of the number of products produced,its storage and transportation; identifying the relationship between production needs and capabilities.As well as determining the demand for final products,providing pre- and post-sales service.Based on the implementation of common tasks, a warehousing and delivery system is created,and also work is organized with the customer in order to interest the latter as much as possible.

Specific tasks include narrower areas:create minimal reserves; reduce the shelf life of finished products in the warehouse; reduce transportation time.

Logistics rules can be stated as follows:the required product of the required quality in the required volume is delivered within a certain time to the destination at minimal cost.Material flows – main line of logistics research.Logistics functions these are actions aimed at developing material flow. Material flow is determined by the presence of material resources in motion and manufactured products,with the logistics measures applied to them.

Process, in which the absorption and transformation of material is organized, financial, information and service flows,called a logistics operation.

A logistics function is a separate component of logistics operations.The required number of logistics functions and operations is determined depending on the type of logistics system.

Logistics or supply functions are of two types:coordination and operational.

Functions operational typeare responsible for managing the movement of material assets in the field of distribution and supply of production.In supply, logistics is used to manage the movement of means of production and inventories,as well as the movement of finished products from warehouse to commercial storage and from manufacturer to consumer.

And production-level logistics is responsible for managing the implementation of control functions over the movement of semi-finished products at all stages of production,warehousing and shipping to markets.

Manage distribution- means organizing and controlling the flow of finished products from producers to consumers.

Functions logistics in production coordinationboil down to identifying and developing material and financial needs for different areas of production; analysis of market activity for a given organization; exploration and development of potential sales markets and analysis of customer needs.

All of the above functions serve to balance supply and demand.And the role of logistics isto track and analyze demand,dictated by the marketand develop proposals based on the data obtained.Coordination logistics has another direction- operational planning.Based on demand data, a delivery schedule is planned and finished product inventories are adjusted.Based on this, it is planned to supply raw materials and components for production.

The main functions of logistics include:system formation, integration, regulation and performance.

System-formingLogistics is the organization of systemsaimed at quality resource management.

Integration function – ensuring the synchronization of the work of storage departments, sales, supplies, as well as the market for means of production,and provision of intermediary services for the consumer.

The essence regulation functionsin financial management,material and information flows to achieve economical production.

Effective the function allows you to reduce costs when delivering goods at a certain time,in the required quantity and with the required quality.The effectiveness of logistics actions determines the final result.

An important condition for determining the need for inventory is"golden ratio".

"Golden Ratio" assumes the existence of strictly defined proportions between the quantitative characteristics of the competing components of a system,ensuring its sustainable functioning,in this case, competitive equilibrium.

We take the following experimental fact as the basis for our reasoning(axiom). Temporarily stable forms of nature and society are characterized by the rule « golden ratio» for their competing parts.

This fact is known to mankind more 25 centuries. Today it is described by the mathematical Fibonacci method.

The division of a whole into parts in nature occurs in an equilibrium manner only with a constant step « golden ratio» F equal to 0.618…. This constant is found in architecture,biology of animals and plants, astronomy, physics, economics, music, psychology, the structure of the human body and his brain.It can be used in private business and geopolitics. For example, resource allocation (when there are more than the required minimum level) it is theoretically impossiblewhich has been confirmed by world experience.At the same time, the distribution of resources is too unequal and can lead in the future to social catastrophes.Experience showsthat we must strive to distribute resources, For example, income according to the rule « golden ratio» , to ensure sustainable development of society and effective public management.This rule of stable equilibrium was known to Aristotle. In 1963 In 2009, a society was created in the USA to use this rule.

A study of the literature showsthat taking into account the Fibonacci method(theories " golden ratio») built the economy and military technology of Great Britain and the United States.

According to the rule « golden ratio» quantitative proportions between two competing subsystems must be in proportion 0.62:0.38 (or 1.62:1.00). This amazing property of living and inanimate nature can only speak of one significant pattern – if there is a stable equilibrium in nature between two competitors (and it cannot but exist if they interact) , then it is stable only in proportions « golden ratio» . And people have always wanted to associate the presence of a stable balance between competitors with such a capacious and attractive concept, like harmony. On the other side,if we find somewhere the presence of proportions 0,62:0,38, then here is a reason to look"traces" of harmony, and from here - stable relationships between the constituent parts of the whole.

In economics, harmony can be understood as economic equilibrium,which corresponds to maximum efficiency and sustainability of the economy, which means equilibrium of its sectors:fair distribution of income according to population composition,harmonious relationship between taxes and revenues,reasonable balance between branches of production,territorial location of production and population in the country.

This approach to the idea of ​​harmony and sustainability,based more on axiomatic"trust" (for now!), although subject to criticism, however, nevertheless, is gaining more and more recognition and understanding.

Rule 80 used for structuring inventories, i.e. to isolate from the entire range of stocks thoseoptimization of which should be carried out first: by 20% reserves account for approximately 80 % their value or sales dynamics, and for 80% of reserves % value or sales volumes.The difference between LAN analysis and a rule 80 is that for its implementation, the entire range of reserves is divided into three groups, and not two.

In most cases, the product range is so wide thatthat modeling and analysis of each position is impossible.To simplify the solution of the problem, carry out ABC analysis, on the basis of which all resources are divided into the following groups: A high value volume; B moderate value volume; C low cost volume.To classify reserves by importance(LAN analysis) determine the share of the cost of each item in the total cost of inventories,and then arrange them in descending order. Then to group A include approximately 20 % the first positions of the ordered list,the total cost of which is 75 % total cost of inventories. To group B include approximately 30% of positions, the share of the cost of which is up to 70%. To group C include the remaining positions, approximately 50%. The purpose of these procedures is toto separate essential items from non-essential ones.

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The procurement department (service) is a functionally separate division of the company and the input link in the logistics chain/system, therefore it needs to establish certain relationships with other structural divisions of the company for the rational organization of the logistics process. Main functions of the purchasing department:

1. Determining the need for material resources. To do this, the purchasing department receives information from the marketing department, production department, logistics service, and operational and analytical department. Calculation of funds for the purchase of material resources. For calculations, data from the accounting and financial departments on the availability of free working capital is required.

2. Search, data analysis, selection of suppliers. This important function of the purchasing department includes a thorough research of the supplier market for products of interest, searching for the most qualified suppliers, and providing the necessary services before and after the sale. As a result of the analysis, the most acceptable suppliers are selected. Determining the terms of delivery and payment: negotiations with suppliers to discuss delivery terms, forms of payment, the possibility of obtaining deferred payments, etc.

3. Conclusion of contracts and control of execution. This function of the purchasing department is performed in close cooperation with the legal department, since it is important to comply with all the interests of the company in the contract. Actions in case of violation of delivery conditions. Sanctions against a supplier who has violated the terms of delivery can be of a different nature: from a simple warning or a small fine up to termination of the contract with him.

4. Obtaining material resources. Processing incoming flows of material resources, identifying products, clarifying quantities, preparing reports and moving raw materials to the place of their use and storage.

5. Checking incoming products and confirming quality. Checking and confirming that incoming raw materials, materials and services meet requirements, i.e. comply with the contract and certification.

6. To function effectively, the procurement department must have decision-making authority when making purchases in the following areas:

Selecting a supplier. The purchasing department must have experience in determining who makes the right products and how to analyze the reliability of the supplier

Pricing method. Determination of the total purchase cost to formulate the price and terms of the contract. This is one of the main areas of expertise for the procurement department. There must be room for maneuver if it is necessary to achieve minimum prices and the total cost of purchasing material resources


Control over contacts with suppliers. The purchasing department must maintain relationships with potential suppliers. If company employees (production department) work directly with suppliers themselves without notifying the purchasing department, this will encourage back door sales, where the potential supplier will influence the specification of the finished product in such a way that it becomes the only source of supply. If the supplier's technical personnel need to meet directly with the buyer's engineers, the purchasing department will arrange such meetings.

The above list of tasks is one of the options for setting the powers of employees in the purchasing department of a manufacturing enterprise. In each company, the purchasing/supply department will have its own scope of authority, which will depend on the organizational structure of the company and the logistics system as a whole.