I want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening. Unusual things

It was a Sunday evening. I'm on the bus home, going to work tomorrow. Half of the bus is young people, a couple is sitting there talking where they are going to hang out now, here someone calls someone on the phone and asks which club to go to. And I stand and think - tomorrow is Monday, and they are going somewhere at night, how will they get up tomorrow? And when I already came home, it dawned on me that today is July 27 and the students have a vacation, and I have to work ((((

I'm going to work in the morning. The husband is still in bed.
Me: I'm going to practice tonight.
M: (throws back the covers) Come to me. I will train you.
Me: Oh okay. How many years, and all the same. When will there be trips to competitions or at least to training camps?
M: They will, they will. Even gold will be, if you try.
Me: Where's the new modern equipment? It's from the 70's!
M: (offended)

I return home on a Friday evening by tram and think: "something is wrong, I forgot something." I've been suffering all weekend. On Monday morning I'm going to work, I'm going to the garage - whoops! I forgot my car :(

You know, I go to work with pleasure, but I don’t want to return home ...
- Maybe you and your wife family psychologist go?
- Yes, you are not the first to advise! We’ve already gone ... No, he doesn’t repair elevators, but we are on
14th floor, by the way, we live!

xxx: There was a time when I was happy to go to work in the morning. now I just go.
yyy: lucky. for me, including work in my student years, this happened only on paydays. and when they began to transfer the salary to the card, they took away my last joy

On Monday morning, a husband with a hangover asks his wife:
- Give me something for the head - splitting!
- Take it there, in your purse!
The husband swallowed a handful of pills, washed down with water and went to work.
In the evening he returns home, his wife says to him:
- Mudozvon, you ate all my birth control pills this morning! How did you not get sick of them?!
Husband thoughtfully:
- That's what I think, the boss called me on the carpet, f*ot-f*ot, f*ot-f*ot, and at least henna to me ...

Our office is guarded by a private security company, I didn’t turn off my laptop in the evening (when it falls asleep it doesn’t block), I come to work in the morning and on the document that was already signed with a seal there was a small speck of coffee, I myself pulled coffee before leaving, even upset myself a little scolded for such disgusting, but oh well, let me think I read the news a little, I launch IE and on top of Yandexbar the request: "How to remove a coffee stain from paper"
Damn how cute....

Thank you for all your roles and images.

Yevgeny Leonov was a comedian on the screen and a tragedian at heart. Shy by nature, modest and sad actor all his life lacked human warmth and understanding.

And there was so much love and kindness in this man that all his numerous roles in the theater and cinema did not help him throw them out. And then he sat down to "Letters to his son." This book is a storehouse of worldly wisdom and revelation of a man with big soul and bright heart.

On the birthday of the great Russian comedian Bright Side remembers wise sayings Evgenia Leonova. The uncle was kind. Everlasting memory.

  • Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening. ( movie "33")
  • For some, God is in heaven, and for others, in their own hearts. And this God in the heart does not allow you to fall below a certain human level ... He will not allow you to kick a dog, offend an old man, treat your parents badly. ( "I did not become Leonov, I was born Leonov." News)

  • Through my whole life, as well as through the life of every person, so many faces and people have passed. I met someone closer, and with someone I just rode in a car from the shooting. But after all, every person, if you look into his eyes, is a whole world. Be receptive to these worlds. This is where art begins. ( "Letters to my son")
  • My work day is irregular. There is no order. From this character is nervous, difficult for others. Ok, I'm quiet. I am silent when I need to speak. When it's not necessary, I'm talking nonsense. ( Movie "Long, Long Business")

  • For some reason, I personally think that politics in itself is a clean thing. But as for the people who make it, we need to talk about it. ( )
  • In fact, I think there are no people who are completely incapable of goodness. It happens that a person becomes hardened and it seems to him that there is no place for kindness in his soul, but this is a mistake, this is temporary: without doing good deeds, a person feels uncomfortable in this world. ( "Letters to my son")

  • Fear is not weakness. Now, if fear makes you retreat, if you save your strength and as a result decrease yourself, this is weakness. ( "Letters to my son")
  • And to know life, one must live. Do not protect yourself from conflicts of your own and others, do not be afraid of danger, risk, do not look for easier ways, do not run away from responsibility, do not think that your hut is on the edge and that the winds of time will not touch you. (" Letters to son)

  • Is there a person in your life in front of whom you are not afraid to be small, stupid, unarmed, in all the nakedness of your revelation? This person is your protection. ( "Letters to my son")
  • “Silence is some special state of the world and the human soul. It seems to me that we feel like a part of nature, only a drop of the ocean in silence. Outside of silence, beauty cannot be understood.” ( "Letters to my son")

  • They say now is a different time. Another God. Another morality. Another Truth. But the fact of the matter is that there is no other God. And there is no other morality. And another Truth. You can't drown everything. Especially in art. ( from last interview, 1993)
  • Sometimes just one kind word is enough to make you feel inspired. And it is very important that this word be said during a person's lifetime. ( "Letters to my son")

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thanks for that
for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Thank you for all your roles and images.

Yevgeny Leonov was a comedian on the screen and a tragedian at heart. Shy by nature, modest and sad actor all his life lacked human warmth and understanding.

And there was so much love and kindness in this man that all his numerous roles in the theater and cinema did not help him throw them out. And then he sat down to "Letters to his son." This book is a storehouse of worldly wisdom and revelation of a man with a big soul and a bright heart.

website recalls the wise sayings of Yevgeny Leonov. The uncle was kind.

  • Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening. ( movie "33")
  • For some, God is in heaven, and for others, in their own hearts. And this God in the heart does not allow you to fall below a certain human level... He will not allow you to kick a dog, offend an old man, treat your parents badly. ( "I did not become Leonov, I was born Leonov." News)
  • Through my whole life, as well as through the life of every person, so many faces and people have passed. I met someone closer, and with someone I just rode in a car from the shooting. But after all, every person, if you look into his eyes, is a whole world. Be receptive to these worlds. This is where art begins. ( "Letters to my son")
  • My work day is irregular. There is no order. From this character is nervous, difficult for others. Ok, I'm quiet. I am silent when I need to speak. When it's not necessary, I'm talking nonsense. ( Movie "Long, Long Business")
  • For some reason, I personally think that politics in itself is a clean thing. But as for the people who make it, we need to talk about it. ( )
  • In fact, I think there are no people who are completely incapable of goodness. It happens that a person becomes hardened and it seems to him that there is no place for kindness in his soul, but this is a mistake, this is temporary: without doing good deeds, a person feels uncomfortable in this world. ( "Letters to my son")
  • Fear is not weakness. Now, if fear makes you retreat, if you save your strength and as a result decrease yourself, this is weakness. ( "Letters to my son")
  • And to know life, one must live. Do not protect yourself from conflicts of your own and others, do not be afraid of danger, risk, do not look for easier ways, do not run away from responsibility, do not think that your hut is on the edge and that the winds of time will not touch you. (" Letters to son)
  • Is there a person in your life in front of whom you are not afraid to be small, stupid, unarmed, in all the nakedness of your revelation? This person is your protection. ( "Letters to my son")
  • “Silence is some special state of the world and the human soul. It seems to me that we feel like a part of nature, only a drop of the ocean in silence. Outside of silence, beauty cannot be understood.” ( "Letters to my son")
  • They say now is a different time. Another God. Another morality. Another Truth. But the fact of the matter is that there is no other God. And there is no other morality. And another Truth. You can't drown everything. Especially in art. ( from last interview, 1993)
  • Sometimes just one kind word is enough to make you feel inspired. And it is very important that this word be said during a person's lifetime. ( "Letters to my son")

A simple but very effective method that will help you see the picture of your life from the outside and decide to change!

“Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening.” As the saying goes, I couldn't call myself happy. I did not like my job, but I was afraid to change my life, following the principle of "tits in the hands."

Life according to the instructions

Our ability to live by someone else's rules is truly amazing. We forget about our interests and obey the laws of the society in which we are. We study where we are assigned, we work where we are assigned. Gradually we become a kind of "robots", looped around the cycle of the same days. We wean ourselves from rejoicing, being surprised, taking risks and choosing. We devote more time to work than to family and we consider this normal. We work without interest in our work and slowly destroy ourselves.

We understand this, but we cannot fix the situation. Or we don't want to. We want, but we can't. Because they are accustomed and even resigned. The fire went out, shoulders stooped, the attitude to the proposed circumstances changed. A habit is a strong and stable thing, it keeps cooler than any thought about inner harmony and development of potential. Time passes and goes. Days fly by, they are imperceptible. We remain in the same place, dissatisfied with ourselves in particular and with life in general. We complain, we look for profit, we get used to living like everyone else.

But one day, seeing off another lived year, we suddenly clearly realize that our life is only in our hands. And suddenly we decide to change everything.

Victory over fears

I never had a strong-willed character and adventurism is not my forte. When I realized that tears are stifled emotions, and the salary does not cause positive splashes, I decided to leave this job. As a sane and responsible person, I could not exchange stable income and a social package for a ghostly dream. I couldn't do it on my own, I was afraid. Therefore, I was waiting for a profitable offer, a chance, a good reason, because of which I can, with a clear conscience, leave a highly paid, but unloved one and do what I like. Years passed, nothing changed. It became more and more sad. I'm tired of hoping and waiting, willingly giving my life to some chance. Gathering my will into a fist, I made this fateful decision myself. Having devoted more than ten years to the life of the energy industry and putting an end to this, I became free and ... happy!

But as soon as I did what others secretly dream of, illogical things began to happen. People who had been around me for many years began to rapidly move away. They stopped inviting me to visit because I did not support the generally accepted topics of bosses, bonuses and "who is with whom." They even stopped calling, because I didn’t want to talk about the eternal lack of money and children’s sores. A void has formed. People did not know what to talk to me about and what to ask. To the questions “how are you?”, invariably answered: “excellent!”. And for them it became a problem. They quietly asked her husband: "What's wrong with her?" It seemed to them that this was a transitional period, a crisis, a blues. I used to be sociable and comfortable, but now everything has changed. In fact, I have long been uncomfortable to maintain monotonous conversations. It just cleared up now, because there was no point in pretending.

Parents and teachers once convinced me that one must be a good, decent and well-mannered person. I have built my adult life around these requirements. In fact, each person has one duty - to realize himself. I did not come into this world to meet someone's expectations and create comfort for others. Recognition of the fact that she lived someone else's life was another victory over her fears.

Looking back, I can say that the most difficult thing is to make a decision. Having won the first step, I want to go to the end. Further changes occur by themselves and carry a continuous positive. Now I understand how it is to enjoy every day. Notice the colors of autumn, breathe in the fresh air of winter, write articles. I am happy because by believing in my strength, I was able to change my life. If it worked for me, it will definitely work for you.

Are you dissatisfied with your job? Why don't you quit? The answer will be the program of future actions.

  1. Determine the advantages that your work gives you today.
  2. Determine the disadvantages of this work. For example, what does she deprive you of?
  3. Divide the sheet in half, make a detailed list in the "plus" column and in the "minus" column, draw a line and sum up which items turned out to be more.

Perhaps this method is somewhat primitive, but effective. You will see a picture of your life as if from the outside. And the more you don’t like it, it scares you, the sooner you decide to change.

Choosing the right profession is just as important as choosing a life partner.

We spend a third of the day at work. Think! What are you spending your life on? Why regret something that does not bring pleasure? Are you not sad that the snow will soon melt and spring will come? The cold is tired, and winter joy has long disappeared. The update process is inevitable.

If you feel that the work is not a joy, and you still come to the decision to change it, why hesitate? Burdened with doubts, thinking about the decision for a long time, you can delay the start of your new life.

Working for yourself, no time to work for others

Starting your own business, it is better to overestimate your capabilities than underestimate them. Add intelligence to stubbornness - you get perseverance. If the abilities are not enough, and the desire is huge, do not rush to give up the dream. You may not become a super pro, but you will get satisfaction from work. All qualities and abilities can be developed and eventually achieve more than the naturally gifted, but lazy. And when you succeed, the path taken will not be as difficult as it seemed at first.

Natalia Budyanskaya

Evgeny Leonov He was a comedian on the screen and a tragedy at heart. Shy by nature, modest and sad actor all his life lacked human warmth and understanding.

And there was so much love and kindness in this man that all his numerous roles in the theater and cinema did not help him throw them out. And then he sat down to "Letters to his son." This book is a storehouse of worldly wisdom and revelation of a man with a big soul and a bright heart.

We remember wise sayings Evgenia Leonova. He was kind.

  • Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening. ( movie "33")
  • For some, God is in heaven, and for others, in their own hearts. And this God in the heart does not allow you to fall below a certain human level ... He will not allow you to kick a dog, offend an old man, treat your parents badly. ( "I did not become Leonov, I was born Leonov." News)
  • Through my whole life, as well as through the life of every person, so many faces and people have passed. I met someone closer, and with someone I just rode in a car from the shooting. But after all, every person, if you look into his eyes, is a whole world. Be receptive to these worlds. This is where art begins. ( "Letters to my son")
  • My work day is irregular. There is no order. From this character is nervous, difficult for others. Ok, I'm quiet. I am silent when I need to speak. When it's not necessary, I'm talking nonsense. ( Movie "Long, Long Business")
  • For some reason, I personally think that politics in itself is a clean thing. But as for the people who make it, we need to talk about it. ( )
  • In fact, I think there are no people who are completely incapable of goodness. It happens that a person becomes hardened and it seems to him that there is no place for kindness in his soul, but this is a mistake, this is temporary: without doing good deeds, a person feels uncomfortable in this world. ( "Letters to my son")
  • Fear is not weakness. Now, if fear makes you retreat, if you save your strength and as a result decrease yourself, this is weakness. ( "Letters to my son")
  • And to know life, one must live. Do not protect yourself from conflicts of your own and others, do not be afraid of danger, risk, do not look for easier ways, do not run away from responsibility, do not think that your hut is on the edge and that the winds of time will not touch you. (" Letters to son)
  • Is there a person in your life in front of whom you are not afraid to be small, stupid, unarmed, in all the nakedness of your revelation? This person is your protection. ( "Letters to my son")
  • “Silence is some special state of the world and the human soul. It seems to me that we feel like a part of nature, only a drop of the ocean in silence. Outside of silence, beauty cannot be understood.” ( "Letters to my son")
  • They say now is a different time. Another God. Another morality. Another Truth. But the fact of the matter is that there is no other God. And there is no other morality. And another Truth. You can't drown everything. Especially in art. ( from last interview, 1993)
  • Sometimes just one kind word is enough to make you feel inspired. And it is very important that this word be said during a person's lifetime. ( "Letters to my son")