Technology. Agricultural labor (agrotechnology): Sample program of basic general education

Agricultural labor differs from all others in that it is directly dependent on the laws of nature, biological processes, climate change, and this must be taken into account. The seasonal nature of work, irregular working hours, summarized accounting of working hours, special requirements for labor protection - all these are features of the regulation of labor relations in the agricultural sector.

The sources of legal regulation of labor relations in agriculture, in addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other general labor acts, are also special regulatory documents. Of the international treaties, we should mention the ILO Convention No. 10 on the minimum age for the admission of children to work in agriculture (Geneva, October 25, 1921) and the ILO Convention No. 11 on the right to organize and unite workers in agriculture (Geneva, October 25, 1921 .). The norms of labor law are contained in the Federal Laws "On Agricultural Cooperation" and "On the Peasant (Farmer's) Economy". Of the by-laws for seasonal work in agriculture, it is important Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2002 No. 498 “On approval of the list of seasonal industries whose work in organizations during the full season, when calculating the insurance period, is taken into account in such a way that its duration is corresponding calendar year was a full year. Finally, in 2003 the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation adopted a number of rules on labor protection in agriculture.

A citizen can exercise his right to work by entering into one of the types of labor relations, which are differentiated on the basis of their occurrence:

1) conclusion of an employment contract (employees);

2) joining the SEC;

3) registration as an individual entrepreneur;

4) participation in a peasant (farm) economy.

The subject of an agrarian labor contract is the personal regular performance of a labor function, i.e., “live” labor in a certain specialty, for example, a tractor driver, and not a “materialized” end result of labor (for example, a built cowshed), as is the case for civil legal contract. Under an employment contract, an employee included in the payroll of the enterprise must obey the rules of the internal labor schedule, observe the regime and measure of labor.

On behalf of the employer, an employment contract is concluded by its head or another person within the established competence. This may be the head of a unitary enterprise, the director of an LLC, the chairman or board of the SEC, the head of the KFK.

In accordance with Art. 40 of the Federal Law "On Agricultural Cooperation" for the implementation of its activities, the SEC has the right to hire employees. Consumer cooperatives have the right to hire workers from among their members. Labor relations of employees in a cooperative are regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The time of work in the cooperative of employees and members of the SEC is counted in the total and continuous work experience on the basis of entries in the work books that the SEC is obliged to keep for each member of the cooperative for whom work in this cooperative is the main one. It is not allowed to establish conditions that worsen the position of employees and members of the SEC in comparison with the norms established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation (minimum wages, vacation time, etc.).

The cooperative contributes to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund and the mandatory medical insurance funds insurance contributions from its income in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Members of the SEC and their heirs have a preferential right to receive work in the cooperative in accordance with their specialty and qualifications. If it is impossible to provide a member of the SEC with work in this cooperative, he may be temporarily granted the right to employment outside this cooperative without losing membership in it.

The SEC independently determines the forms and systems of remuneration for members of the cooperative. Wages can be paid in cash or in kind. The amount of remuneration of members of the SEC is determined depending on his personal labor participation and the income of the cooperative. In addition to remuneration, a member of the SEC receives cooperative payments in the manner and within the time frame stipulated by the charter of the cooperative.

The chairman of the SEC, members of the board and members of the supervisory board of the SEC may be subject to disciplinary sanctions only by decision of the general meeting of members of the cooperative.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Peasant (Farm) Farming", members of the KFH can be relatives, but not more than from three families, as well as citizens in the amount of up to five people who are not related to the head of the KFH. The rights and obligations of members of the KFH are determined by an agreement signed by all members of the KFH. The head of the farm is recognized as a member of the peasant farm on the basis of an agreement, which also fixes his powers in accordance with Art. 17 of the Law "On the peasant (farm) economy". Head of the farm:

Organizes the activities of the KFH;

Without a power of attorney, acts on behalf of the KFH, including representing its interests and making transactions;

Issues powers of attorney;

Carries out employment in KFH and their dismissal;

Organizes accounting and reporting of KFH;

Exercises other powers determined by the agreement between the members of the KFH.

The head of the KFH must act in the interests of the farm he represents in good faith and reasonably and is not entitled to take actions that infringe on the rights and legitimate interests of the KFH and its members.

1. What is agricultural law?

2. What is meant by state regulation of the development of agro-industrial production?

3. Name the organizational and legal forms of agricultural commercial organizations.

4. What contracts are applied in the agro-industrial complex?

5. In what forms can a citizen realize the right to work in agriculture?

EXAMPLE PROGRAM OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION in the direction “TECHNOLOGY. AGRICULTURAL LABOR” (agrotechnologies). EXPLANATORY NOTE Status of the document Exemplary program in the direction “Technology. Agricultural labor” was compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education. An exemplary program allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​​​the goals, content, general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a given academic subject, specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence for studying topics and sections of the subject, taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject relationships, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The material that is in the mandatory minimum of the content of the basic educational programs of the standard is italicized, that is, is subject to study, but is not included in the requirements for the level of graduate training, is introduced into the main content of the exemplary program in italics. An exemplary program is a guideline for compiling author's curricula and textbooks (can be used in the thematic planning of the course by the teacher). At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, distributing hours by sections and topics, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, an exemplary program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space without constraining the creative initiative of teachers, provides ample opportunities for implementing various approaches to building a curriculum, taking into account the individual abilities and needs of students, the material base of educational institutions, local socio-economic conditions and national traditions. Document structure The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; the main content with an approximate (in the modality “not less”) distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence for studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of graduates. General characteristics of the subject The exemplary program has been drawn up taking into account the experience of labor and technological activities obtained by students while studying in elementary school. The main purpose of the educational area "Technology" in the system of general education is the formation of labor and technological culture of the student, the system of technological knowledge and skills, the education of labor, civil and patriotic qualities of his personality, their professional self-determination in the conditions of the labor market, the formation of a humanistically oriented worldview. The educational area "Technology" is a necessary component of the general education of schoolchildren, providing them with the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge of the fundamentals of science. In the basic school "Technology" is studied from the 5th to the 8th grade of this level of education. The absence of "Technology" in the federal component of the new Basic Curriculum in the 9th grade does not allow for the continuity of the transition of students from basic to profile, vocational training, work and continuous self-education. To ensure the continuity of technological training in the system of general and vocational education, it is advisable to additionally allocate one hour a week in the 8th grade and 2 hours a week in the 9th grade from the regional component and the component of the educational institution. At the same time, national and regional features of the content can be represented in the program by appropriate technologies, types and objects of labor. Teaching schoolchildren technology is based on the development of specific processes of transformation and use of materials, energy, information, objects of the natural and social environment. In order to take into account the interests and inclinations of students, the possibilities of educational institutions, local socio-economic conditions, the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs is studied within one of three areas: “Technology. Technical labor”, “Technology. Maintenance work”, “Technology. Agricultural labor (agrotechnologies). Regardless of the technologies studied, the content of the program in the direction “Technology. Agricultural Labor” provides for the study of material along the following educational lines: culture and aesthetics of labor; receipt, processing, storage and use of information; basics of drawing, graphics, design; elements of domestic and applied economics, entrepreneurship; acquaintance with the world of professions, the choice of life, professional plans by students; the impact of technological processes on the environment and human health; creative, design activities; history, prospects and social consequences of the development of technology and technology. Basic for the program in the direction “Technology. Agricultural labor” are the sections “Plant growing” and “Livestock”. Based on the need to take into account the needs of the student's personality, his family and society, the achievements of pedagogical science, specific educational material for inclusion in the program should be selected taking into account the following provisions: the prevalence of the studied technologies in the field of agricultural production in personal subsidiary farms and the reflection in them of modern scientific and technical achievements; the possibility of mastering the content based on the inclusion of students in various types of technological activities that have a practical orientation; selection of objects of creative and transformative activity based on the study of social, group or individual needs; the possibility of implementing a general labor, polytechnical and practical orientation of training, a visual representation of the methods and means of implementing technological processes; the possibility of cognitive, intellectual, creative, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and physical development of students. Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information, practical work and recommended objects of work (in a generalized form). At the same time, it is assumed that the study of the program material related to practical work should be preceded by the necessary minimum of theoretical information. Theoretical training consists, first of all, in the formation of the leading concepts of agricultural technologies - variety, breed, yield, productivity, etc. The main form of education is the educational and practical activities of students. The priority methods are agricultural experiments, practical and laboratory-practical work, project method. Practical work in the program is related to the implementation of various methods of tillage, sowing, planting, caring for plants and animals, and technological calculations. The properties of soil and fertilizers are studied at laboratory and practical works. The teacher, in accordance with the possibilities available at the school, selects the objects and topics of practical work for students so that they represent the studied agricultural technologies as fully as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the feasibility of the objects of labor for students of the corresponding age. Practical activity in teaching technology includes not only the development and implementation of specific labor techniques, it also implies the inclusion of students in search, research, and analytical activities related to the work performed. For each topic, the possible and most expedient types of practical activities from the point of view of implementing the minimum content are listed. The program provides for the implementation of creative or design work by schoolchildren. The specificity of agricultural projects is such that their implementation requires a significant amount of time. The duration of the project is determined by the biological characteristics of the grown plants and animals. Therefore, project activities are organized not as the final stage, but during the period of the academic year when it is necessary to start the implementation of the project in accordance with the agricultural practices of specific crops. It is assumed that a significant part of the design work will be carried out outside school hours, including during summer practice. Experimental work, traditional for a rural school, can also be organized according to the project method. It is desirable that the projects have a social orientation, require schoolchildren to actively search for activities outside the school, in the rural society. When choosing a topic for projects, one should pay attention to its practical significance for UOU or household plots, landscaping and landscaping. Considering that in rural schools the amount of study time for mastering the areas of “Technical labor” and Service labor is decreasing, it is desirable that the topics of creative work and projects of students in rural schools be of a combined nature, and when they are completed, students master not only agricultural technologies, but also technologies for processing various materials, provided for by a mandatory minimum content. To implement the mandatory minimum content for the sections "Crop growing" and "Livestock" it is necessary to have an educational and material base for organizing the practical activities of schoolchildren. School educational and experimental plots (UOU), biology and agriculture classrooms are the main base for the study of crop production. To study animal husbandry, school mini-farms, livestock farms of agricultural enterprises, vocational education institutions and personal subsidiary plots (PSP) or farms of students' parents can be used as an educational material base. If the school does not have a material base for studying animal husbandry, this section is given in an introductory plan, mainly in the form of excursions. UEIs and classrooms should have a set of hand tools and equipment recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for performing basic types of agricultural work. Great attention should be paid to ensuring the safety of students in the performance of technological operations. Particular attention should be paid to compliance with electrical safety rules. It is unacceptable for schoolchildren to work with production equipment that is not included in the list of equipment permitted for use in educational institutions. It is not allowed to use home-made electromechanical tools and technological machines in the classroom. It is also not allowed to use home-made electrified devices and devices designed for a voltage of more than 42 V in practical classes. The integrative nature of the content of technology training involves the construction of an educational process based on the use of interdisciplinary connections. For teaching agricultural technology, links with biology and chemistry are most important. Features of the implementation of the exemplary program of the direction “Technology. Agricultural Labor” in a rural school Since rural schools traditionally study both industrial and agricultural production technologies, for students of such schools, taking into account the seasonality of work in agriculture, combined programs are created that include sections on agricultural technologies, as well as basic and invariant sections on technologies of technical labor or service labor. At the same time, a comprehensive curriculum in a particular school is drawn up taking into account the seasonality of agricultural work in a given region. In connection with the redistribution of time between the indicated sections in the combined programs, the volume and complexity of practical work in the content sections on technical work are reduced, while maintaining all the components of the minimum content of training in technology. Comprehensively for combined programs, it is planned to master the section “Modern production and vocational education” and project activities of students. It is desirable that the themes of creative work and projects of students in rural schools be of a combined nature, combining the technologies of technical and agricultural labor. The necessary information about professions in industrial and agricultural production, the service sector, and ways of obtaining vocational education should be given to rural schoolchildren in a combined career guidance section common to both areas. In view of the objective difficulties in providing rural schools with parts or constructors for technologies related to electronic technology, the corresponding work can be replaced by electrical work with an electric drive and electromechanical automation of agricultural production equipment. Objectives The study of technology in the primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals: mastering technological knowledge, the basics of a culture of creative labor, ideas about technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of labor activity to create personally or socially significant products; mastering general labor and special skills necessary for searching and using technological information, designing and creating labor products, housekeeping, independent and conscious determination of one’s life and professional plans; safe working practices; development of cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communication and organizational skills; education of diligence, thrift, accuracy, purposefulness, enterprise, responsibility for the results of their activities; respectful attitude towards people of various professions and the results of their work; gaining experience in applying polytechnical and technological knowledge and skills in independent practical activities. The place of the subject in the basic curriculum The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 245 hours at the stage of general education for the compulsory study of each area of ​​the educational field "Technology". Including: in grades V, VI and VII for 70 hours, at the rate of 2 academic hours per week, in grade VIII - 35 hours. Agricultural Labor” is aimed at teaching schoolchildren from grades V to IX, taking into account the use of the time of the national-regional component (35 hours in the eighth grade) and the component of the educational institution (70 hours in the ninth grade) and is designed for 350 hours. The given exemplary program is one of the possible options for the implementation of the mandatory minimum content in the sections "Crop growing" and "Livestock" and is designed for 127 hours without taking into account the hours of the national-regional component and the component of the educational institution. Hours, taking into account the hours allocated from the national-regional component and the component of the educational institution (48), are presented in the approximate thematic plan by the number in brackets. In the exemplary program, a reserve of free study time is allocated in the amount of 28 academic hours or 12.5% ​​in the federal component and 12 hours or 12.5% ​​in the national-regional component and the component of the educational institution to take into account local conditions for the implementation of the program. For the implementation of the program in the direction of "Technology. Agricultural Labor”, combined programs are created, including sections on agricultural technologies, as well as basic and invariant sections on technologies of technical labor or service labor. At the same time, a comprehensive curriculum in a particular school is drawn up taking into account the seasonality of agricultural work in this region. General educational abilities, skills and ways of activity The exemplary program provides for the formation of general educational skills and abilities, universal ways of activity and key competencies in students. At the same time, the priority types of general educational activities for all areas of the educational field "Technology" at the stage of basic general education are: Determination of adequate methods for solving a learning problem based on given algorithms. Combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not involve the standard use of one of them. Creative solution of educational and practical problems: the ability to motivately refuse a model, look for original solutions; independent performance of various creative works; participation in project activities. Bringing examples, selecting arguments, formulating conclusions. Reflection in oral or written form of the results of their activities. Selection and use of information representation means and sign systems (text, table, diagram, drawing, sketch, technological map, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task, scope and situation of communication. The use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases. Possession of the skills of joint activities: coordination and coordination of activities with its other participants; objective assessment of one's contribution to solving the common tasks of the team. Evaluation of their activities in terms of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values. ∗ In VIII grade, 1 hour per week of the subject "Technology" was transferred to organize the study by students of the content of local history education in the regional (national-regional) component. 2 hours of the subject “Technology” in grade IX were transferred to the component of the educational institution for the organization of pre-profile training for students. Learning outcomes Learning outcomes are presented in the Requirements for the level of training and contain three components: know / understand - a list of knowledge necessary for each student to assimilate, be able to - possession of specific practical skills, as well as a component that includes knowledge and skills focused on solving various life problems. The learning outcomes are formulated in the requirements in a generalized form and are invariant with respect to the direction of technological training of students. The expected learning outcomes for this exemplary program in the most generalized form can be formulated as the mastery of labor and technological knowledge and skills in the transformation and use of natural objects, materials, energy, information necessary to create labor products in accordance with their intended consumer properties. stvami; the ability to navigate the world of professions, assess their professional interests and inclinations for the studied types of work, make life and professional plans; skills of independent planning and housekeeping; formation of a culture of work, respect for work and the results of work. EXAMPLE THEMATIC PLAN Grades 5-9, 127 (175) hours Sections and topics Number of hours per class 5 6 7 8 9 PLANT GROWING 16 16 16 8 (16) (16) Growing vegetables and flower-decorative crops 11 5 - - tour Cultivation of fruit and berry crops - 6 3 2 (4) Cultivation of plants in seedlings - - 3 2 (4) and in protected ground Cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs - - 3 2 (4) Use of agricultural machinery in the crop - - - 2 - Soil protection and improvement - - - - (4) Organization of crop production - - - - (4) at the school site and in private household plots ) (14) Raising young poultry 10 Raising rabbits 10 Raising weaned piglets 10 Dairy cattle breeding 10(5) Organization of a domestic livestock mini-farm (6) CREATIVE, PROJECT ACTIVITIES 5 5 5 5(2) (9) Reserve time 4 4 4 4 (4) TOTAL 35 35 35 22(13) (35) The ursive indicates the missing study time required to master the relevant technologies; the missing teaching time for learning technology can be allocated from the hours of the educational institution component or the national-regional component of the Basic Curriculum. For rural schools, creative, project activities are carried out in a complex way with a combination of agricultural technologies and technical labor technologies. Main content (127 (175) hours) Grade 5 Growing vegetable and flower-ornamental crops Autumn work (5 hours) Basic theoretical information. The main directions of plant growing are field growing, vegetable growing, fruit growing, ornamental gardening and floriculture. Areas of crop production in the region, in private household plots of one's village, at the school site. The concept of yield and productivity. Rules for safe and rational labor in crop production. Leading vegetable and flower-decorative crops of the region, their biological and economic features. Technologies for growing bulbous plants. Professions related to the cultivation of vegetables and flowers. Practical work. Harvesting and recording the harvest of vegetable crops, preparing the crop for storage, collecting seeds, choosing the method of tillage and the necessary hand tools, autumn tillage in the school area with hand tools, preparing the site for winter (selection of shelter methods, procurement of necessary materials and shelter of heat-loving plants), winter sowing of seeds, planting bulbs. Variants of objects of work. Beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, calendula, asters, daffodils, tulips, garlic. Cultivation of vegetable and flower-ornamental crops Spring work (6 hours) Basic theoretical information Propagation of plants by seeds. Features of the technology of growing annual, biennial and perennial plants. The concept of variety. Rules for the use of organic fertilizers, taking into account the requirements of safe work, health protection and the environment. Rules for conducting phenological observations. Practical work. Selection of crops for spring sowing and planting on a training and experimental plot or in a private farm, planning their placement on the plot, determining the quality of seeds, preparing seeds for sowing, choosing a method of soil preparation, fertilizing (compost). Choice of tools, marking and making ridges in accordance with the plan, sowing and planting crops with the laying of experiments. Selection of mulching material, mulching of crops, watering, loosening the soil, thinning seedlings, weeding, preparation of environmentally friendly fertilizers from weeds, plant nutrition, monitoring of plant development. Variants of objects of work. Radishes, peas, beans, beans, beets, carrots, parsley, calendula, nasturtium, kosmeya. Creative, design activities (5 hours) Types of technological activities and basic theoretical information. The value of agricultural experiments and the rules for their implementation. Selection and approval of project topics: consulting information on design stages, search for missing information, drawing up a project implementation plan. Practical work. Identification and formulation of problems associated with obtaining agricultural products on a training and experimental plot or in a personal subsidiary plot, selection and justification of the project topic, preparation of the necessary sowing or planting material, development of an observation diary form, sowing and planting, care for plants, conducting observations and development of plants, harvesting and accounting for the crop, protection of the project. Project theme options. The earliest radish (carrots, beets), “First Lettuce Festival” (study of lettuce varieties, selection of the earliest species and varieties). Grade 6 Cultivation of vegetable and flower-ornamental crops (2 hours) Autumn work Basic theoretical information. The technology of preparing storage facilities for laying the crop and maintaining the microclimate in them, the causes of losses of agricultural products during storage and ways to eliminate them. Rules of safe work when working in vegetable stores. Features of agricultural technology of biennial vegetable crops, zoned varieties, their characteristics. The concept of soil as the main means of agricultural production. Soil types, the concept of fertility. Ways to improve soil fertility and protect soils from erosion. Professions related to the cultivation of plants and soil protection. Practical work. Harvesting and accounting of vegetable crops, laying the crop for storage, assessing the yield of main crops and varieties in comparison with reference data, analyzing errors, selecting and storing seed plants of biennial vegetable crops, tubers and bulbs of perennial plants. Autumn tillage with fertilization, description of the types of soils in a school or household plot. Variants of objects of work. Radishes, peas, beans, beans, beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes. Cultivation of fruit and berry crops (4 hours) Basic theoretical information. Grouping and characteristics of fruit and berry plants, zoned varieties and their characteristics. Vegetative reproduction and its role in agriculture. Technologies for growing berry bushes and strawberries. Practical work. Care of berry bushes, assessment of the condition of bushes, culling, preparation for winter, selection of specimens for early spring harvesting of blackcurrant cuttings, preparation of a site for a strawberry plantation, autumn planting of strawberry rosettes. Variants of objects of work. Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries. Cultivation of vegetable and flower-ornamental crops (3 hours) Spring work Basic theoretical information. Biological and economic features, zoned varieties of the main vegetable and flower-decorative crops of the region. The concept of crop rotation. Technology of growing biennial vegetable crops for seeds. Methods of propagation of perennial flowering plants. Herbal preparations for the control of diseases and pests. Rules of safe work when working with plant protection products. Practical work. Planning of spring work on the training and experimental plot, drawing up a list of vegetable and flower-ornamental crops for cultivation, developing a plan for their placement, drawing up crop rotation schemes, preparing seed and seedlings of biennial plants, soil preparation, fertilizing, sowing and planting vegetables, planting dahlia root tubers, phlox cuttings, plant propagation by dividing the bush, bulbs, watering, loosening the soil, thinning seedlings, weeding, plant nutrition, protection from diseases and pests. Variants of objects of work. Green crops, cabbage, beets, carrots, parsley, dahlias, phloxes, gladioli, peonies. Cultivation of fruit and berry crops (2 hours) Basic theoretical information Technology of propagation of berry bushes by cuttings, layering. Pests and diseases of berry bushes and strawberries. The main types of mineral fertilizers, the rules for their introduction. Rules of safe work when working with fertilizers and plant protection products. Environmental protection from the possible consequences of the use of fertilizers and plant protection products. Professions related to the cultivation of plants and their protection. Practical work. Tying and shortening raspberry stems, fertilizing and cultivating the soil around shrubs, bending down and digging bush stems to obtain layering, visual assessment of bush infestation and the need for disease and pest control measures, selection of plant protection methods, collection of wild plants with insecticidal properties, preparation of solutions of low-toxic pesticides, their treatment of shrubs. Options for objects of labor Strawberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries. Creative, design activities (5 hours) Types of technological activities and basic theoretical information. The technology of growing selected crops, making herbariums, preparing material for floristry, preserving fruits and vegetables. Practical work. Identification of the need for school classrooms, primary school teachers, biology to replenish the bank of visual materials, collective analysis and assessment of the possibility of their cultivation in the educational and experimental area, selection and justification of the project topic, search for missing information, drawing up a project implementation plan, preparation of the necessary sowing or planting material, development of an observation diary form, sowing and planting, plant care, observation of plant development, harvesting of plant material, production of herbariums, preservation of natural specimens, protection of the project. Project theme options. Creation of collection departments of the educational and experimental site (bulb crops, medicinal plants, field crops), production of visual aids for elementary school and biology classrooms, technology. Grade 7 Growing fruit and berry crops (3 hours) Autumn work Basic theoretical information. The main types and varieties of berry and fruit plants in their region, their classification. Technology of growing berry bushes. The structure of a fruit tree. Rules for safe work when caring for fruit trees. Professions related to the cultivation of fruit plants. Practical work. Selection of planting material and planting of berry bushes, caring for fruit trees and preparing for winter: clearing the boles, digging tree trunks with fertilization, water-charging irrigation, choosing a method for protecting boles from damage by rodents. Variants of objects of work. Raspberry, currant, gooseberry, apple tree, pear, plum. The use of agricultural machinery in crop production (2 hours) Basic theoretical information. The device, principle of operation, purpose and rules for the operation of minitractors, walk-behind tractors. Safety precautions when working with small-sized agricultural machinery. Machines, mechanisms and attachments for tillage. Ecological aspect of the use of agricultural machinery. Soil protection. Professions related to the mechanization of technological processes in crop production. Practical work. Tillage with the help of small-sized agricultural machinery, familiarization with the main types of tillage equipment and the structure of working bodies, determining the quality of mechanized tillage. Variants of objects of work. Minitractor, motoblocks, attachments. Growing plants in seedlings and in protected ground (3 hours) Spring work Basic theoretical information. The technology of the seedling method of growing plants, its significance in the region. Equipment for growing seedlings: seedling boxes, nutrient cubes, peat pots, cassettes, lamps and screens for additional illumination, greenhouses, film shelters. Practical work. Selection of crops for growing seedlings, preparation and sowing of seeds, care of seedlings, picking, planting seedlings in open ground, film shelter, greenhouse; top dressing. Variants of objects of work. Beets, tomatoes, sweet peppers, celery, asters, tagetes. Creative, design activities (5 hours) Types of technological activities and basic theoretical information. Implementation of the basic methods of plant care, selection of the necessary hand tools and tools. Technologies for the manufacture of metal and wood products. Search for missing information. Practical work. Studying the effectiveness of the use of existing hand tools at the training and experimental site, identifying the need to improve hand tools for tillage, developing new types of hand tools, collective analysis and assessment of the possibility of their manufacture in school workshops at technical labor lessons. Selection and justification of the project topic, drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project, preparation of the necessary materials and equipment, development of a technological map of products. Production of products, their testing, protection of the project. Variants of objects of work. Rippers, hoes, watering devices. Grade 8 ∗ Cultivation of fruit and berry crops Autumn work (2 hours) Basic theoretical information. Technology for growing the main types of fruit plants in your region, zoned varieties. Methods of propagation of fruit plants. Collection rules and requirements for storage conditions of fruits and berries. Rules for safe work when laying a garden and fertilizing. Professions related to the cultivation of fruit and berry crops. Practical work Reading soil maps. Selection of a plot for laying an orchard, marking it out, preparing and filling holes, planting seedlings of fruit trees. Harvesting and storage of fruit and berries. Primary processing of fruit and berry products. Variants of objects of work. Apple trees, pears, plums, sea buckthorn, chokeberry. ∗ Hours shown below do not include hours allocated from the national-regional component and the educational institution component, which are represented in the approximate thematic plan by the number in brackets. Growing plants in protected ground. Spring work (2 hours) Basic theoretical information. Technology of growing plants in protected ground, types of covering materials, microclimate requirements and ways to maintain it. Protection of plants from diseases and pests, its ecological and economic aspects. Rules for safe work in protected ground structures. Professions related to growing plants in protected ground. Practical activities. Selection of types of protected ground for the training and experimental plot and personal subsidiary farming, arrangement of protected ground facilities (greenhouses, greenhouses, tunnel shelters), selection of crops for growing in protected ground, preparation of soil mixtures, sowing and planting, plant care; selection of fertilizers, preparation of solutions, plant nutrition; selection of low-toxic pesticides for protecting plants from diseases and pests, performing the necessary calculations and preparing working solutions of a given concentration, treating plants, calculating the cost of agricultural products grown in protected soil and the planned income. Options for objects of labor Green crops, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions. Growing ornamental trees and shrubs (2 hours) Basic theoretical information. Biological features and technology for growing ornamental plants and shrubs in their region. The concept of landscape design. Protection of rare wild plants in the region. Rules of safe work in ornamental gardening. Professions related to the cultivation of ornamental plants. Practical activities. Familiarization with the development of ornamental horticulture in the region, with a list of traditional and new ornamental crops, drawing up a plan for the placement of ornamental crops on a training and experimental site, selection and preparation of planting material, planting trees and shrubs. Variants of objects of labor Ornamental shrubs and trees. Creative, design activities (2 hours) Types of technological activities and basic theoretical information. Organization and planning of technological activities in crop production - the choice of types and varieties of agricultural and flower-ornamental crops for growing on a school plot and in a personal subsidiary plot. Technologies for growing the main types of agricultural plants in your region. Rules for calculating the main economic indicators in crop production. Practical work. Collection of information on the yield of the main agricultural crops in the household plots of their village. Evaluation of the efficiency of production of the main types of crop production in household plots. Problem analysis. Selection and substantiation of the theme of the project to improve the culture of crop production in household plots (distribution of new varieties). Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the project. Variants of objects of labor (themes of projects) Portrait of a household plot in our village, problems of potato growing in our village.

Properly organized agricultural labor has a beneficial effect on the health of adolescents, since most work is usually carried out outdoors during the warm season. However, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that if the regime of work and rest is not properly organized, agricultural work, instead of a healing effect, can have an adverse effect on the body of adolescents. When organizing the regime of work and rest in agriculture, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of certain types of work to the age, individual characteristics of development and the state of health of adolescents. Only under such conditions will agricultural labor contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of adolescents.

Favorable influence agricultural work on the physical development of young people, according to most researchers, is proven. This is confirmed by the results of a survey of adolescents who worked on the Rossiya collective farm (Stavropol Territory) as field growers, vegetable growers and gardeners during the school year and during summer agricultural practice (E. M. Belostotskaya, L. M. Sharova, V. A. Teleshev) . Similar data were obtained by employees of the Institute of Physical Education and School Hygiene of the APS of the RSFSR G. P. Salnikova, L. G. Matrosova. Under the influence of agricultural work, the health and physical development of adolescent students began to improve markedly.

With the correct organization of the regime such agricultural work, as weeding vegetables, corn, hilling potatoes, etc., the healing effect was expressed in a significant weight gain, an increase in the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood, higher rates compared to the initial data of spirometry and dynamometry (D. I. Kaganovich, A. D. Khramtsova ).

are of interest and materials characterizing changes in the state of health of adolescents performing agricultural work under various working conditions. Thus, studies conducted by E. M. Vainrub, I. I. Yakovenko, made it possible to establish that of the several studied modes of work, the most appropriate for adolescent vegetable growers is the mode of work in the field from 8 to 12 hours and from 16 to 18 hours with a regulated break. from 12 to 16 hours. During this break, the students had lunch and rested in the conditions of the field camp in the open air. At the same time, an increase in the percentage of blood hemoglobin in all adolescents by an average of 4, normalization of the leukocyte blood count, blood pressure, favorable changes in the functional test of the cardiovascular system, and increased efficiency were noted.

Combination of agricultural labor adolescents, corresponding to their age-related physiological capabilities, with a long stay in the open air in the summer, as well as the correct organization of the work and rest regimen, have a positive effect on the health of adolescents. Failure to comply with these hygienic conditions leads to a significant reduction in the health-improving effect of agricultural work.

One of the common types of agricultural labor adolescents in industrial training is work on livestock farms. Animal husbandry includes various branches: meat and dairy farming of cattle, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming, etc.

Unlike seasonality of the main types of labor in agriculture, work on livestock farms is carried out in all seasons of the year and is associated with the need for daily work, regardless of weather conditions. Labor operations are performed at a certain time in accordance with the regime of feeding and caring for animals. Adolescents have to do quite hard work during the period of industrial training in animal husbandry.

Condition Research Materials health adolescents during their work on a livestock farm in the process of production practice indicate the presence of adverse changes (D. G. Nusbaum, E. M. Vainrub, N. A. Ermakova, etc.). According to the authors, the vital capacity of the lungs in more than half of the cases decreased by an average of 350 mm3, which, according to the authors, is explained by the prolonged forced position of the body in a half-bent state during work.

Simultaneous (Decrease in the percentage hemoglobin blood in most adolescents is a confirmation of their violation of the functional completeness of external respiration, which, of course, is associated with the peculiarities of working conditions on a livestock farm.

Most teenagers after working on livestock farm an increase in heart rate by an average of 9 beats per minute and a simultaneous decrease in blood pressure (by an average of 16 mm Hg) are detected. Such shifts in hemodynamic parameters are, according to these authors, a sign of a decrease in vascular tone due to general fatigue of the body.

In this way, animal husbandry should be considered as the least favorable type of agricultural labor, as a result of which adolescents can work on livestock farms only with a specially established mode of work: a relatively short duration, servicing a certain number of animals, favorable hygienic working conditions. So, for example, due to the fact that after milking 7-8 cows, fatigue increases significantly in milkmaids, milking no more than 6-7 cows by hand should be considered the optimal amount of work. With mechanized milking, 12-14 cows can be served, while adolescents should not be allowed to milk cows three times a day on livestock farms (EM Vainrub and others).


Document Status

Work program in the direction “Technology. Agricultural Labor” was compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of the maingeneral education.

The work program allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​​​the goals, content, general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a given academic subject, specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence for studying topics and sections of the educational subject, taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject communications, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students.

The work program offers its own approach in terms of structuring the educational material, determining the sequence of studying the material, distributing hours by sections and topics, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students, contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, provides ample opportunities for implementation of various approaches to the construction of a training course, taking into accountindividual abilities and needs of students, the material base of the educational institution, local socio-economic conditionsand national traditions.

Document structure

The work program includes three sections: an explanatory note; the main content with the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence for studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of graduates.

General characteristics of the subject

The work program is drawn up taking into account the experience of labor and technological activities received by students while studying in elementary school.

The main purpose of the educational field "Technology" in the system of general education is the formation of the labor and technological culture of the student, the system of technological knowledge and skills, the education of labor, civil and patriotic qualities of his personality, their professional self-determination in the conditions of the labor market, the formation of a humanistically oriented worldview. The educational area "Technology" is a necessary component of the general education of schoolchildren, providing them with the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge of the fundamentals of science. In the basic school "Technology" is studied from the 5th to the 8th grade of this level of education.

Regardless of the technologies studied, the content of the program in the direction “Technology. Agricultural Labor” provides for the study of material along the following through educational lines:

  1. culture and aesthetics of work;
  2. receipt, processing, storage and use of information;
  3. basics of drawing, graphics, design;
  4. elements of domestic and applied economics, entrepreneurship;
  5. acquaintance with the world of professions, the choice of life, professional plans by students;
  6. the impact of technological processes on the environment and human health;
  7. creative, design activities;
  8. history, prospects and social consequences of the development of technology and technology.

Basic for the program in the direction “Technology. Agricultural labor” are the sections “Plant growing” and “Livestock”. Based on the need to take into account the needs of the individual student, his family and society, the achievements of pedagogical science, specific educational material for inclusion in the program should be selected taking into account the following provisions:

The prevalence of the studied technologies in the field of agricultural production in personal subsidiary farms and the reflection in them of modern scientific and technological achievements;

The possibility of mastering the content based on the inclusion of students in various types of technological activities with a practical focus;

Selection of objects of creative and transformative activity based on the study of social, group or individual needs;

Possibility of implementation of general labor, polytechnical and practical orientation of training, visual representation of methods and means of implementation of technological processes;

The possibility of cognitive, intellectual, creative, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and physical development of students.

Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information, practical work and recommended objects of work (in a generalized form). At the same time, it is assumed that the study of the program material related to practical work should be preceded by the necessary minimum of theoretical information. Theoretical training consists, first of all, in the formation of the leading concepts of agricultural technologies - variety, breed, yield, productivity, etc.

The main form of education is the educational and practical activities of students.Priority methods are agricultural experiments, practical and laboratory-practical work, project method. Practical work in the program is associated with the implementation of various methods of tillage, sowing, planting, caring for plants and animals, and technological calculations. The properties of soil and fertilizers are studied at laboratory and practical works. The teacher, in accordance with the possibilities available at the school, selects the objects and topics of practical work for students so that they represent the studied agricultural technologies as fully as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the feasibility of the objects of labor for students of the appropriate age. Practical activity in teaching technology includes not only the development and implementation of specific labor techniques, it also implies the inclusion of students in search, research, analytical activities related to the work performed. For each topic, the possible and most appropriate types of practical activities from the point of view of implementing the minimum content are listed.

To implement the mandatory minimum content for the sections "Crop growing" and "Livestock" at the school, there is an educational and material base for organizing the practical activities of schoolchildren - a school educational and experimental site (UOU), a biology room, which are the main base for studying crop production. There is no educational and material base for studying animal husbandry, therefore, the livestock farm of the agricultural enterprise "EcoAgroNiva" and the farms of the students' parents are used as study tours and a theoretical course on a textbook for grades 5-7, edited by D.I. Tritak.

The UOU and the biology classroom are equipped with a set of hand tools and equipment recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for performing basic types of agricultural work. Much attention is paid to ensuring the safety of students in the performance of technological operations. The integrative nature of the content of teaching technology involves the construction of the educational process based on the use of interdisciplinary connections. For teaching agricultural technology, links with biology and chemistry are most important.


The study of technology in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. development technological knowledge, the foundations of a culture of creative labor, ideas about technological culture based on the inclusion of students in various types of labor activities to create personally or socially significant products;
  2. mastery general labor and special skills necessary for searching and using technological information, designing and creating labor products, housekeeping, independent and conscious determination of one's life and professional plans; safe working practices;
  3. development cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communicative and organizational skills;
  4. upbringing industriousness, thrift, accuracy, purposefulness, enterprise, responsibility for the results of their activities; respect for people of various professions and the results of their work;
  5. receiving experience in applying polytechnical and technological knowledge and skills in independent practice.

The place of the subject in the basic curriculum

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates at the stagegeneral education 18 hours per year, in each class, including: autumn period - 10 hours spring period - 18 hours and summer industrial practice at UOU according to age possibilities: 5 - 7 classes for 2 hours 10 days, 8 class for 3 hours 10 days, 10th grade for 4 hours 10 days.

The work program is one of the possible options for the implementation of the mandatory minimum content in the sections "Crop growing" and "Livestock" and is designed for 72 hours, excluding hours of industrial summer practice.

To implement the program fordirection “Technology. Agricultural Labor” was createdcombined program, including sections on agricultural technologies. At the same time, a comprehensive curriculum in a particular school is drawn up taking into account the seasonality of agricultural work in the school.

2.Requirements for the level of training.

General educational skills, skills and methods of activity

The work program provides for the formation of students' general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies. At the same time, the priority types of general educational activities for the direction of the educational field “Technology. Agricultural labor” at the stage of the maingeneral education are:

Determination of adequate methods for solving a learning problem based on given algorithms. Combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not involve the standard use of one of them.

Creative solution of educational and practical problems: the ability to motivately refuse a model, look for original solutions; get acquainted and study advanced and modern experiences in growing agricultural products, independently performing various creative works; participation in project activities.

Bringing examples, selecting arguments, formulating conclusions. Reflection in oral or written form of the results of their activities.

Selection and use of information representation means and sign systems (text, table, diagram, drawing, sketch, technological map, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task, scope and situation of communication.

The use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases.

Possession of the skills of joint activities: coordination and coordination of activities with its other participants; objective assessment of one's contribution to solving the common tasks of the team.

Evaluation of their activities in terms of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes are presented in the level requirements and contain three components:

know/understand - a list of knowledge necessary for the assimilation of each student,

be able to - possession of specific practical skills, as well as a component that includes knowledge and skills focused on solving various life agricultural problems.

The learning outcomes are formulated in the requirements in a generalized form and are invariant with respect to the direction of technological training of students.

The expected learning outcomes for this work program in the most generalized form can be formulated asmastering labor and technological knowledge and skills for the transformation and use of natural objects, materials, information necessary to createproducts of labor in accordance with their intended consumer properties; the ability to navigate the world of professions and scientific discoveries, assess their professional interests and inclinations for the studied types of work, make life and professional plans; skills of independent planning and housekeeping; formation of a culture of work, respect for work and the results of work.

3. approximate Thematic plan

5-9 grades, 72 hours

Sections and topics


The use of agricultural machinery in crop production

Organization of crop production at the school site and in household plots



4. Main content

(72 hours x 18 hours in each class)

Grade 5 (18 hours)

Growing vegetable and flower-ornamental crops
Autumn work (8 hours)

Conditions necessary for the cultivation of cultivated plants. Features of autumn tillage. Winter crops and plantings. Harvesting and recording the harvest of vegetable crops.

Practical work.

  1. Cleaning of plant residues from the plots at the UOU, laying them in a compost heap.
  2. Autumn tillage.
  3. Sowing dill and parsley before winter.
  4. Planting bulb crops (tulips)

Growing vegetable and flower-ornamental crops
Spring work (10 hours)

Basic theoretical information

Techniques for growing cultivated plants. Field experience. Spring tillage. Preparation of seeds and planting material for sowing. Spring sowing and planting. Features of caring for plants.

Practical work.

  1. Sowing seeds of carrots.
  2. Sowing beetroot seeds.
  3. Sowing seeds of cucumbers.
  4. Planting onion sets
  5. Sowing flower-decorative crops.

6th grade (18 hours)

Fundamentals of animal husbandry and agricultural technology.

Autumn work (8 hours)

Basic theoretical information.
Farm animals. Importance of animal husbandry. Conditions for keeping farm animals. Features of keeping rabbits and caring for them. Animal farm. Purpose and classification of agricultural machines. General information and agricultural machines and implements. Storage of agricultural equipment.

Practical work.

  1. Excursion to MTF
  2. Excursion to private household plots (conditions for raising rabbits)
  3. Excursion to the EcoAgroNiva machine yard

Growing vegetables

Spring work (10 hours)

Basic theoretical information.

Techniques for caring for plants of carrots, parsley, table beets. Caring for bulbous plants. The concept of variety. Zoned varieties. Zoned varieties of onions and beans. Seedlings and types of protected ground. Agricultural technology for growing vegetables. Compliance with crop rotations. Bookmark experiments with carrots and onions.

Practical work.

  1. sowing beans
  2. Nigella sowing
  3. Planting the mother onion.

Grade 7 (18 hours)

Growing vegetables

Autumn work (8 hours)

Basic theoretical information.

Autumn work in vegetable growing. Selection of seed plants of biennial vegetable crops and laying them for storage. Importance of vegetable growing. Brief description of the main vegetable crops. Soil characteristics.

Practical work.

  1. Harvesting and recording the harvest of table beets and carrots.
  2. Collection of seeds of vegetable crops: table beets, carrots, onions.
  3. Autumn tillage for vegetable crops.

Agricultural technology of vegetable and field crops

Spring work (10 hours)

Basic theoretical information.

Planting seed plants of vegetable crops in the ground. Protection of cultivated plants from weeds. Protection of cultivated plants from pests. Seeding and planting field crops. Soil loosening, weed control. Thinning and hilling plants. Watering and feeding. Biological protection of plants.

Practical work.

  1. Planting seed plants of table beets, carrots.
  2. Sowing of spring cereals.

Grade 8 (18 hours)

Growing fruit and berry crops

Autumn work (8 hours)

Basic theoretical information.

Importance of fruit growing. Brief description of the most important fruit and berry crops. Technology for growing the main types of fruit plants in your region, zoned varieties. Methods of propagation of fruit plants. Fruit plant care. Preparing for winter. Collection rules and requirements for storage conditions of fruits and berries. Rules for safe work when laying a garden and fertilizing. Professions related to the cultivation of fruit and berry crops.

Practical work

  1. Raspberry planting.
  2. Digging the soil in near-stem circles.

Growing fruit and berry crops

Spring work (10 hours)

Basic theoretical information.

Pruning fruit trees. Planting cuttings of fruit and berry crops. Strawberry care. Protecting the garden from pests. Harvesting of early berry crops. Feeding in the garden. Zoned varieties of fruit crops.

Practical activities.

  1. Pruning raspberry bushes.
  2. Garter of raspberry bushes.
  3. Planting blackcurrant cuttings.
  1. Resource support for the program.

For the teacher:

  1. Team of authors: Potapova S.P., Chuvikova A.A., Chernykh T.G., Koval A.A. Methodology for setting up experiments with fruit, berry and flower-ornamental plants. Publishing house "Enlightenment" 1992
  2. Bubnov V.Z. Agricultural machines and technology of mechanized work., M "Pro-sveshchenie" 1999
  3. Drozdov L.N., Vashchenko S.F., Shcherbakov M.I. Workshop on vegetable growing., M "Enlightenment", 1998.
  4. Zakharova G.I. Teaching tasks and methodological developments of research institutes and experimental stations for experimental work in student and production teams, in educational and experimental areas. Voronezh, 1985
  5. Kivotov S.A. Practical exercises at the school educational and experimental site., UCHPEDGIZ., 1995.
  6. Padalko N.V. Practical exercises at the school educational and experimental site. UCHPEDGIZ., 1998
  7. Ustimenko G.V., Kononkov P.F., Razdymalin I.F. Fundamentals of agricultural technology of field and vegetable crops., M "Enlightenment" 1994.

For students:

  1. DOYARENKO A.G. Entertaining AGRONOMY., M. Publishing house of agricultural literature, magazines and posters., 1963.
  2. Zakharchenko G.G. Educational assignments for agricultural work. Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS., 2003
  3. Traitak D.I. Labor training (agricultural work) M "Enlightenment" 1991

Electronic resources:

3. Information about the school equipment.

4. Site of the Ural State Scientific and Educational Center of the Russian Academy of Education (UGNOC RAO).

5. Site of the Center for Environmental Education and Information.

6. Unified collection of digital educational resources.

Liskinsky municipal district.

Municipal state educational institution

"Divnogorsk secondary school"

Agreed Agreed Agreed

Head of MO

Protocol No. ______ School Director Deputy. Director for WRM:

L.V. Chalay _________V.V. Simutina __________ E.Yu. Korobkina

"__" ______2012 "__" ______2012 "__" ______2012


in the subject "Technology"

for grades 5 - 8

Teacher: Chalaya L.V.

from. Selyavnoe