Osho on the difficulties of self-love - how to learn to love yourself. Osho on the difficulties of self-love - how to learn to love yourself On the fulfillment of desires

Your life can be full of bliss. But there is only one way: you just have to be yourself, whatever you are. Accept yourself. Accept yourself as a gift brought to you by existence; be grateful and start looking for something that will help you grow, help you not become someone else's copy ...

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Why am I afraid to accept myself the way I am?

All people are in the same position. Everyone is afraid to accept themselves as they are. This is the conditioning that the centuries-old past of mankind instills in every child, every human being.

This strategy is simple but very dangerous. The strategy is to judge the person and give him ideals, thus encouraging him to constantly try to become someone else. The Christian is trying to become a Jesus, the Buddhist is trying to become a Buddha, and this mechanism seems to be so powerful that even the people who use it may not realize it themselves.

What Jesus said on the cross, his last words to humanity, are infinitely important, especially in this context. He prayed to God, "Father, forgive these people, for they don't know what they're doing." This applies to every father and every mother, to every teacher, to every priest and to every moralist - to all those people who govern society, culture, civilization; who are trying to cast each individuality into a certain form of being. Maybe these people also do not know what they are doing. Maybe they think they are trying for your good. I don't question their good intentions - but surely you must understand that these people are ignorant; that they are unconscious.

Having been born, a small child falls into the hands of an unconscious society. And the unconscious society begins to mold the child into a mold corresponding to its ideals, forgetting the most important thing: the child has its own, unique potential; the child was not born to grow into Jesus, Krishna or Buddha, he was born to grow into himself. If he cannot grow into himself, he will be completely unhappy all his life. Life will become a living hell for him, a living curse, and he himself will not know what happened to him. Right from the start, he was misdirected, pushed in the wrong direction.

The people who pushed him in the wrong direction are the very people he considers loving. He considers them his benefactors, when in fact they are his greatest enemies. Parents, teachers, priests, leaders of society are the greatest enemies of every individuality that has been born up to now on this Earth. Without knowing what they are doing, they take you away from yourself.

And in order to take you away from yourself, you need to implant in you an absolute conditioning in only one thing: as you are, you are worth nothing, you deserve nothing, you are good for nothing. Of course, you can earn respect and acquire dignity - if you follow someone else's rules and regulations. If you manage to become a hypocrite and remain one, you will achieve a prestigious position in society.

But if you persevere and remain sincere, honest and real; if you persist in being yourself, everyone will judge you. And in order to withstand universal condemnation, the greatest courage is needed. You need to have an inner core and be an iron man, so that, left alone against everyone, stand your ground: “I will be myself and no one else, is it good or bad, acceptable or not acceptable, prestigious or not prestigious. One thing is certain: I can only be myself, no one else.” This requires an absolutely revolutionary approach to life. This is the first and main rebellion, necessary for everyone who wants to free himself from the vicious circle of suffering.

You ask: "Why am I afraid to accept myself as I am?" Because no one has ever accepted you the way you are. That's where this fear came from, and now you are afraid in advance that if you accept yourself, you will be rejected by everyone. Every society, every culture that has existed until now, put an indispensable condition: either you accept yourself - and everyone rejects you; or you reject yourself - and get universal respect, honor, respectability in society.

The choice is really difficult. Obviously, the majority will choose respectability – but with respectability comes all sorts of anxieties, inner anguish, feelings of meaninglessness; and life seems like a desert, where nothing grows, where grass never grows green, where flowers never bloom; where you can go and go endlessly, but never meet an oasis.

Reminds me of Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy describes a dream that he had many times, and which psychoanalysts of various schools have been trying to interpret for almost a hundred years. The dream was very strange - strange for everyone except me. In my opinion, it is not psychoanalysis that is needed to interpret it, but simple common sense. The dream recurred over the years, a strange nightmare, and each time Tolstoy woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, although there was no danger in this dream.

But if you understand the meaninglessness of this dream ... the dream was terrible in its meaninglessness, from the meaninglessness it turned into a nightmare. This dream symbolically depicts the life of everyone, almost every person. No school of psychoanalysis has been able to solve this dream, because it has neither parallels nor precedents.

Each time the dream was repeated exactly: an endless desert - as far as the eye can see, a desert without end ... and a pair of shoes, in which Tolstoy recognizes his own, - they go and go through the desert. He himself is not there ... only the sound of footsteps on the sand is heard, the sound of shoes stepping on the sand; and the sound goes on and on without end, because the desert is endless. The shoes never come anywhere. Behind him he sees footprints stretching for miles; in front of him he sees shoes that go on and on.

To the ordinary eye, such a dream is unlikely to seem like a nightmare. But if you look a little deeper ... Every day ... every night the same dream - about complete futility, about the road to nowhere. There seems to be no destination... and no one to walk on the sand - the shoes are empty.

Tolstoy told this dream to all the famous Russian psychoanalysts of his time. And no one could figure out its meaning, because in no books there was a description of a dream that would be even a little like this. He is completely unique. But, in my opinion, psychoanalysis has nothing to do with it at all. This is a simple dream and it symbolizes the life of every human being. You are walking in the desert because you are not walking towards the goal that is intrinsic to your being. And you will never get anywhere. The further you go into the desert, the further you go away from yourself. And the more you search for meaning... you will find a total emptiness and nothing but it. That's the point. There is no person; shoes walk empty.

You are not in what you are doing.

You are not in what you are.

You are not in what you pretend to be. Sheer emptiness, pure hypocrisy. But such a situation is created very simply: tell all people that, as they are, they are unworthy, unworthy even to exist. They are ugly as they are, an unfortunate mistake of nature. Such as they are, they should be ashamed of themselves, because there is nothing worthy of respect and honor in them.

Naturally, each child begins to do what is considered worthy. He becomes more and more false, more and more unreal, more and more removed from his true reality, from his very being – and then fear arises.

Advice that everyone must read from the most famous mystic of the past century, Osho.

Osho is a Hindu guru, mystic and inspiration. All over the world he is better known as Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh. More than 600 books in 30 languages ​​have been published under this name.

Here are the best tips from Osho, selected from his books:

* Life is priceless. Every moment carries such value, every moment is a gift. Knowing this feeling, feeling this, you become blissful. From bliss, gratitude to being is born.

* Do not be offended by people for not living up to your expectations, because it was you who expected more from them than they could. Just love and resentment will not be able to "use" you, they do not live in true love.

* You must know that freedom is the highest value, and if Love does not give you Freedom, then it is not Love.

Love, but don't expect anything - give.

Love, but remember: your love should not become a prison cell for your beloved.

Love, but be very careful; you are in a sacred place. You enter the most important, most pure and holy temple.

Having fallen in love with a person, love him as if he were a Divine and nothing less.

* People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

* Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad. And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has great authority: even if the whole world says something different, nothing will change for him. He has his own experience to draw on, and that's enough.

* We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which you should find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes, maybe you will do wrong, but this will give the appropriate experience, from which you will immediately benefit.

* The goal is reached only when the seeker disappears. Only when the experiencer disappears does the experience exist. Seek and you will not find it, because through the search the seeker is strengthened. Don't seek and you will find it. The very process of searching, the very effort becomes an obstacle. Because the more you seek, the stronger becomes the "EGO" - the seeker. Don't look.

The most important message of the entire song of Mahamudra is that don't seek, remain as you are and don't go anywhere.

Man never reaches God because he does not know where he is.

Where are you going to go? How will you seek the Divine?

There is no map, no path, and no one can tell where it is.

No, no one can reach God. The opposite always happens - God comes to you. When you are ready, he knocks at your door. He finds you when you are ready. And willingness is nothing but receptivity

* There are times when God comes and knocks at your door.

This is Love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through sunset or dawn...

* God can knock in a million different ways.

You have to do only one thing - to penetrate deep into yourself in order to hear this quiet inner voice. As soon as you hear it, as soon as you understand exactly how to listen to it, your whole life will be transformed. Then whatever you do, you will do it right.

*There comes a time in your Life when you move away from the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people you laugh with. You forget the bad and focus on the good.
Love the people who treat you right and pray for the rest. Life is so short, live it only Happily.
To fall is a part of Life, to rise to one's feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift, and being Happy is your CHOICE.

We never know exactly what the other person is thinking and feeling: we interpret their behavior and resent our own thoughts about it.

*Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be present in.

*The desire to be extraordinary is a very common desire. Relaxing and being ordinary is truly extraordinary.

Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted. But there are many people who would like to live a predictable life, because then there would be no fear. Everything would be determined, there would be no doubt about anything.

  • But will there then be room for growth?
  • If there is no risk, how can you grow?
  • If there is no danger, how can you strengthen your consciousness?
  • If there is no possibility that you will deviate, how can you walk on the right path?
  • If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be a possibility of reaching God?

* Everyone feels that others are responsible for his misfortune. The husband thinks that the wife is responsible for his misfortune, the wife thinks that the husband is responsible for her misfortune, the children think that the parents are responsible for their misfortune, the parents think that the children are responsible for their misfortune. Everything is so confusing. And every time someone else is responsible for your misfortune, you do not realize that by rejecting responsibility, you also lose freedom. Responsibility and freedom are two sides of the same coin.

Love is not a feeling. Love is a state.

* Life here is not finished. You GET WHAT YOU HAVE CREATED, you get out of life what you put in. First you must fill it with a value. You must give it colour, music and poetry; you have to be creative, only then will you be alive.

* If you are rich, don't think about it; if you are poor, don't take it. and your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering.

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

* Courage is the movement into the unknown, regardless of all fears. Courage is not fearlessness.

Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - Fearlessness; courage has become absolute. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on. The daredevil goes into the unknown in spite of all fears.

* You are changing every moment. You are a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow is different. I have never seen the same face twice. It is changing. It is constantly changing.

But one must have keen eyes to see it.Otherwise the dust falls and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Listen more consciously. Wake yourself up. When you feel bored, kick yourself hard. Yourself, not another.

Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

* The world is like an echo in the mountains: if we throw anger at it, anger returns; if we give love, love returns. But this is a natural phenomenon, you do not need to think about it.

You can trust him - everything will happen by itself. This is the law of karma: what you sow, you reap - everything that you give will return to you.

No need to think about it, everything happens automatically.

Hate and you will be hated. Love and you will be loved.

* Love should not be demanding, otherwise it will lose its wings, it will not be able to fly. She will take root and be chained to the ground; it will turn into lust and bring much misfortune and suffering.

* Love should not impose conditions. The lover should not expect anything from love but love itself - without any reward, without any result. If love has any motivation other than love itself, it cannot become heaven. Again it will be limited: the urge will become its definition, its boundary.

* Incited by nothing but itself, Love is boundless - a real delight, abundance, the aroma of the Heart. And if there is no desire for a result, this does not necessarily mean that there will be no result; it will be, and a thousandfold - because everything that we give to the world comes back to us again.

* Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Don't get attached to thoughtsimmerse yourself in the feeling...

*The main problem of love is that one of the partners is often not mature enough.

If you are a mature person psychologically, spiritually, you will not fall in love with a child. A mature person has enough integrity to be alone. When a mature person gives his love - he just gives, he feels gratitude for the fact that you accepted it, not vice versa. He does not expect you to be grateful for this, he does not need your gratitude. He thanks you for accepting his love.

When two mature people love each other, one of the greatest paradoxes of life occurs, one of the most beautiful phenomena: they are together, but at the same time immensely alone. They are together to such an extent that they are almost one, but their unity does not destroy individuality - in fact, it increases it, they become more individual.

Two mature people in love help each other become freer. There is no politics, no diplomacy, no attempts to subjugate the other.

How can you try to subdue the person you love? Just think about it - submission is a kind of hatred, anger, hostility. How can you even think about subjugating the person you love?

Their personalities don't mix - they're enhanced. "Maturity"

  • If you want to be with someone, first become solitary.
    First, start enjoying yourself.
    First become so genuinely HAPPY,
    that it wouldn't matter if no one came to you;
    If no one knocks on your door, then everything is still all right -
    you don't miss anything.
    You don't wait for someone to come and knock on your door. You are at home.
    If someone comes to you - good, great.
    If no one comes, that's fine and fine too.
    You can go into relationships with others.
    Now you can do it as a MASTER, not as a slave,
    like an EMPEROR, not like a beggar.

*Whatever you come to, it is ALWAYS JUST THE BEGINNING.

That's why life is so beautiful, so young, so fresh.

When you start to think that something is over, you start to die. Perfection is dead, and perfectionists are suicidal.

To demand perfection is indirectly to commit suicide. Nothing is ever perfect. Perfection is impossible because life is eternal. Nothing ever comes to a conclusion.

There are no conclusions in life - there are only higher and higher peaks.

But when you reach one peak, the next one challenges you - beckons to itself, calls.

Thus, always remember: whatever you come to is only the beginning; remembering this, a person always remains a child, always remains chaste.

That is the whole art of life - to remain chaste, to remain fresh and young, uncorrupted by life, uncorrupted by the past, uncorrupted by the dust collected on the roads of wanderings.

Remember - every moment opens new doors.

* Why are you looking for attention? Because you are not sure of yourself, you do not know who you are. But how do you know who you are with attention? You cannot know who you are by looking in a mirror, and you cannot know who you are by looking into the eyes of others - whether they appreciate you or criticize you - these eyes are nothing more than mirrors: friendly, hostile, but they are all just mirrors.

You must know yourself directly, directly.

You must go inside.

The ego lives by attention. This is a false occurrence. Understand it and get out of it. And as soon as you get out of it, a new quality of clarity will break through inside you, silence that surpasses all understanding, silence - natural spontaneous silence and bliss will begin to manifest in you, an inner dance.

And there is no other dance, and there is no other ecstasy.

If your heart is full of gratitude and peace, then you are connected with God!

* We don't lose anything, we gain everything. We simply let go of our boundaries and become limitless. In this infinity lies the aroma ...

As you take a step out of the cave of the ego towards the open sky, you will feel your wings begin to grow.

You have always had wings, but in order to open them, you did not have enough space. Only a small fee is required - the false ego has to be dropped.

* Man is by no means as small as it may seem from the outside. The whole sky is contained in man, all the oceans are contained in him. Yes, it looks like a dewdrop, but appearances are deceiving.

However, science proceeds from the apparent smallness of man, science takes him for a dewdrop. He who dives deep into his consciousness finds with surprise that there, in the depths, the human being expands.

When you reach your center, you become as big as the universe. This is the knowledge of the Divine.

* My message is LOVE.

In its own way it is very simple, there is nothing complicated about it: no rituals, no dogmas, no hypothetical philosophy. This is a simple and direct approach to life.

The small word "LOVE" is able to contain all my message.

It does not matter to whom such LOVE is addressed.

You just have to love all twenty-four hours a day - just like you breathe. Breathing needs no object LOVE doesn't need an object either.

Sometimes you breathe next to a friend, sometimes you breathe while sitting under a tree, sometimes you breathe while swimming in a pool.In the same way, you must LOVE.

LOVE must be the innermost center of your breath,it should be as natural as breathing.



So, here are some tips that will open the doors to a new happy life.

1) Don't take life's little things too seriously. Quite often people turn a fly into an elephant. It suppresses the inner essence of a person. Give each other smiles and love. Laughter heals better than any prayer.

2) All actions sooner or later lead to a result. So you have to become an observer. This will help you see the depth of your true purpose. The soul becomes more mature and distinguishes good deeds from bad ones.

3) Every person in this world is an individual. Therefore, do not look for teachers. Become your own spiritual teacher. After all, if you turn to your neighbor and ask how to solve a particular problem, he will be happy to tell you how to do it. However, tomorrow you will come to your friend for help on the same issue, and he will give you a completely different answer. And what to do in this case? The answer is simple. Learn to listen to yourself. And even if you make a mistake, there is nothing to worry about. After all, all falls are earthly lessons for the soul. Therefore, you need to learn from your mistakes, and not from others.

4) Sometimes God may knock on your door. In fact, this God has a beautiful name on which this world rests. It's called love. Nothing flourishes without love. Love yourself and then you will be loved by others. Become an ocean of love.

5) Many people like to stand out in a crowd. They consider themselves extraordinary individuals. In fact, they are ordinary people. These people just want to live in accordance with the voice of their spirit, while those around them wear masks and are afraid to be themselves. Don't be afraid to live by your own convictions. Reveal your inner being.

6) At all times, people have sought to know life. But this is a great mystery that cannot be unraveled. However, people strive to know everything in order to get rid of eternal fears. Is a person afraid of death? No. In fact, he is afraid of the unknown. After all, people do not know what will happen to them when they die.

But why know everything in advance? Is it possible for a person to grow spiritually? If there are no problems in people's lives, then the soul will slow down its development on this planet. And can a person know joy if he does not go deep into sadness? Everything is interconnected. The soul passes through darkness in order to approach the light.

7) Love being alone. This is an important step in your development. Don't be afraid to be alone with yourself. Self-sufficient people are in harmony with themselves and the surrounding reality. Happiness does not depend on external factors. It is within you. Become a happy person, and bright people will be attracted to you. First, be a joy to others. But at the same time you are a self-sufficient person, you do not wait for anyone. You don't need communication. It is a mistake to believe that someone is able to make you happy.

Now you do not depend on circumstances. Someone knocked on your door - you feel great. No one came to visit you - you are still joyful and self-sufficient. And only then will you have new sincere relationships with other people. However, you will not be their slaves.

8) Do not get hung up on your financial situation. Human life is a temporary game. If you realize this, you will not suffer. After all, all negative emotions arise as a result of taking life too seriously. Become an observer and enjoy everything.

9) Osho says that a brave person moves towards the unknown with absolute calmness. He is not afraid of secrets.

Cowardly people follow their fears. They fixate on them and hinder their development. Courageous people work through their fears, then let them go and move on.

10) Man is constantly transforming. Do you want people around you to change? Then accept them. Love them with all their flaws. They will feel it, and love will transform their consciousness.

With this article, I want to start a new section on my blog -. In this section you will find sayings and advice from great people regarding life, yoga practice and spiritual development.

It will help someone understand themselves, in life, put their thoughts in order ...

Starting with Osho's wisdom - 10 best tips from Osho. Osho, an enlightened master from India, was the founder of the ashram system in many countries, and his teachings became part of popular culture in India and Nepal. And also found numerous followers around the world.

1. People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden on them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

2. Every action leads to an immediate result. Just be alert and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is right and wrong for him; what is good and what is bad.

And thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has great authority: even if the whole world says something different, nothing will change for him. He has his own experience to draw on, and that's enough.

3. We are all unique. Never ask anyone what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which you should find out what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes, maybe you will do wrong, but this will give the appropriate experience, from which you will immediately benefit.

4. There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through a flower, through sunset or dawn… God can knock in a million different ways.

5. The desire to be extraordinary is a very common desire.

Relaxing and being ordinary is truly extraordinary.

6. Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted. But there are many people who would like to live a predictable life, because then there would be no fear. Everything would be determined, there would be no doubt about anything.

But will there then be room for growth? If there is no risk, how can you grow? If there is no danger, how can you strengthen your consciousness? If there is no possibility that you will deviate, how can you walk on the right path? If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be a possibility of reaching God?

7. First become solitary. First, start enjoying yourself. First become so genuinely happy that it doesn't matter if no one comes to you; you are full, overflowing. If no one knocks at your door, then everything is all right anyway - you are not missing anything. You don't wait for someone to come and knock on your door.

You are at home. If someone comes to you, fine, fine. If no one comes, that's fine and fine too. Then you can go into relationships with others. Now you can do it like a master and not like a slave, like an emperor and not like a beggar.

8. If you are rich, don't think about it; if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

9. Courage is the movement into the unknown, regardless of all fears. Courage is not fearlessness. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - Fearlessness; courage has become absolute. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great.

The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on. The daredevil goes into the unknown, despite all the fears.

10. You are changing every moment. You are a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow is different. I have never seen the same face twice. It is changing. It is constantly changing. But one must have keen eyes to see it. Otherwise the dust falls and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

Decides the relationship. Listen more consciously. Wake yourself up. When you feel tired, give yourself a good kick. Yourself, not another - kick. Open your eyes. Wake up. Listen again.

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Osho (Bhagavan Sri Radnish)- one of the enlightened oriental masters. More than 600 books have been published in his name, which are published to this day in 55 languages ​​of the world. All books are records of conversations that he had throughout his life with different people.

His teachings are simple yet difficult to comprehend and accept. Osho teaches simple things - how to live happily, how to find your purpose in life, talks on the eternal topics of love, mind, soul, society, war and peace.

We offer you 10 of Osho's best tips that he addresses to all mankind.

On the perception of life

People take everything very seriously and it becomes a burden for them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as sacred as prayer.

About mistakes and experience

Every action leads to a result. Be vigilant and watch. A mature person is one who has observed himself and found what is good for him and what is bad, what is right for him and what is not right. Thanks to the fact that he found it himself, he has great authority: even if the whole world tells him something different, nothing will change for him, since he has his own experience on which he can rely and that is enough .

About what is right for you and what is not

All people are unique. Never ask what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we learn what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes you may do wrong, but it will give you experience from which you will immediately gain experience.

About God

Sometimes God knocks at your door. This is love - God knocking at your door. Through a woman, through a man, through a child, through love, through sunset and dawn... God can knock in a million different ways.

About unusual

The desire to be different, the desire to be unusual, is a very common desire. Relaxing and being ordinary is what is truly extraordinary.

About growth

Life is a mystery. It cannot be predicted, predicted. But many people want to live a predictable life, because then they would not feel fear. Everything would be predetermined, there would be no doubt about anything. But will there then be an opportunity for growth? If there is no risk in your life, can you grow? If there is no danger, can you strengthen your consciousness? If there is no alternative to the devil, will there be a possibility of reaching God?

Finding Happiness in Yourself

Become alone, start enjoying yourself. Become truly happy, so that it doesn't matter if no one comes to you, if no one knocks at your door. You will still be fine - you are not missing anything. You don't wait for someone to knock on your door. You are at home. If someone comes to you - good. If no one comes, that's fine too. Then you can go into relationships with other people. Now you can do it like a master and not like a slave, like an emperor and not like a beggar.

About life and yourself

If you are rich, don't worry about it. If you are poor, don't take it seriously. If you are able to perceive life as a performance, then you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously. Bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it.

About courage and cowardice

Courage is the movement into the unknown, regardless of fears. Courage is not fearlessness. Fearlessness happens when you get bolder and bolder. This is the highest experience of courage - fearlessness. It is courage that has become absolute. But at the very beginning, the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.

About the fulfillment of desires

God fulfills all our dreams. All you get is the fulfillment of your own desires. You should not blame anyone - you yourself wanted it and asked for it. This is one of the most dangerous things in the world - whatever you wish, everything comes true. Think before you wish for something. What happens to a rich person? He wished for wealth and now weeps: "My whole life has been spent accumulating useless things and I am unhappy." But that was his wish.

A person who wants knowledge is indignant: his head has become a huge library. “Only words, all words and words, nothing significant. And I've spent my whole life doing this."

Let your desires be realized. So before wishing, think carefully. Remember that any dream will come true sooner or later - but won't we have to pay for it?

Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and