Mobile (mobile) slaughterhouse colax for slaughter and primary processing of cattle (cattle), small cattle (sheep) and pigs. Comparison of the pros and cons of raising cattle and MRs Mrs animals

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Slaughterhouse Colax For slaughter And primary processing of cattle (cattle), small cattle (MRS) and pigs in full factory readiness is installed on a 12-meter mobile low-frame wheeled platform. The cattle slaughterhouse is equipped with all the necessary equipment and communications for the complete technological cycle of primary meat processing and disposal of slaughter waste, including a 35 m³ refrigerating chamber. At the request of the Customer, it is possible to install utility rooms or a deboning site. The slaughterhouse is installed on any flat area with a hard surface. For the export of finished products, a refrigerated truck is used.

Slaughterhouse of cattle, MRS, pigs and all slaughterhouse equipment complies with the sanitary and hygienic requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, fire and electrical safety standards, labor safety rules.

Upon arrival at the prepared site shop slaughter of cattle (MRS, pigs) is brought into working condition within 30 minutes. The outer contour rises to the mark of 5.4 m, which is necessary for the technological slaughter of cattle. For the stability of the cattle slaughterhouse in working order, the platform is equipped with retractable supports. The supply of livestock for slaughter is provided by a folding platform ramp.

The slaughterhouse is connected both to the existing communications of water, electricity and sewerage, as well as to mobile containers and power generators. Compressed technical air is supplied from the provided compressor or from the car. Depending on the climatic conditions or the wishes of the Customer, the slaughterhouse can be operated by pneumatic or hydraulic installations.

Recycling slaughter is carried out by a mobile cremator, which is included in the shop package.


Slaughter and primary processing 15 heads of cattle or 15 heads of pigs per shift with the receipt, processing and storage of the following products:

    fresh meat in half carcasses, quarters;

    cleaned by-products.

External view of the mobile slaughterhouse KOLAKS for primary processing of livestock

Layout and composition of the main equipment

The workshop set includes:

slaughter knife 8 pcs. Stainless steel hook 30 pcs.
Musat slaughterhouse 4 things. Water pump 1 PC.
Holster for knives 4 things. Gas burner with cylinder 1 PC.
Plastic box 10 pieces. Arrow arrow for the path 1 PC.
Polyurethane aprons 5 pieces. Box trolley 1 PC.
Dezkovrik 2 pcs. Trolley-chan 200 l 4 things.
Suspension way 8 m Piston compressor 1 PC.
Puta 3 pcs. Split system medium temperature 1 PC.
Balancer for equipment 3 pcs. Cremator 1 PC.
Trolley single 6 pcs. Module 3 pcs.

Workshop Specifications

Parameter Unit rev. Meaning
1. Dimensions (overall) mm x mm x mm 12000 x 2500 x 6000
2. Weight without platform kg 6000
3. Power supply
installed capacity kW 20
supply voltage IN
electrical network 5 wire L1, L2, L3, N, PE
4. Water supply
supply water quality In accordance with SanPiN
water consumption m 3 / day 13
supply water pressure atm 2 to 4
5. Climatic conditions of operation
ambient temperature °C from - 45 to + 50
kg/m2 400

Benefits when buying KOLAKS equipment

Lyudmila Ivanovna Redkozubova, veterinarian-consultant of the cattle department of the company "Vetprom"

Clostridia are spore anaerobic microorganisms. In the external environment, they are in a dense spore membrane, and when they get into favorable conditions, they lose it. In this process, the process is accompanied by the release of the strongest toxins, which are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and reach vulnerable organs - most often the liver, intestines, kidneys, as well as damaged muscles and cells of the nervous system.

The scheme of development of clostridium

The causative agent of clostridiosis is very dangerous for calves until they have formed a scar (3 - 4 months), for cows in the period after calving (ruptures during calving) and during grazing on conditionally infected pastures. When it enters the intestine, clostridia multiply, after which they are again covered with a spore membrane and excreted from the body with feces. It should be noted that when Clostridium enters the intestine, a disease does not always occur. Very often they pass through the digestive system in transit and exit the body in an unchanged spore state. The severity of the infection that occurs depends on the amount of toxins that Clostridia release when their spores enter a favorable environment, the digestive tract or wound and lose their shell. The increased content of these pathogens on farms reduces the body's defenses and the most common opportunistic microflora begins to activate, causing secondary bacterial diseases in animals (pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, etc.). The more Clostridial spores on the object, the higher the probability of their entry into the body.

Table 1

Twelve toxins that cause a high level of pathogenicity of clostridia

Toxin Toxic action
Toxins (main)
alpha toxin
Breaks down membrane lecithin; increases
vascular permeability, destroys red blood cells; necrotizing activity
beta toxin necrotizing activity; induction of arterial hypertension as a result of
formation of catecholamines
Epsilon toxin Increases vascular permeability of the gastrointestinal tract
Iota toxin
Necrotizing activity and increased vascular permeability
Enterotoxin Violates the permeability of the mucous membrane of the small intestine

Toxins (minor)
delta toxin Hemolysis
Theta toxin
Hemolysis, cytolysis
kappa toxin
Collagenase, gelatinase, necrotizing activity
lambda toxin
Hyaluronidase: increases tissue permeability
Deoxyribonuclease; hemolytic, necrotizing activity
Damages gangliosides of cell receptors, promotes thrombosis in capillaries

Clostridium cannot be completely eradicated, since the pathogen in spore form is everywhere in the natural environment (water or animal body), waiting for ideal conditions for development, and at any time (stress, vaccination, spoiled feed) it can manifest its pathogenicity, causing the development of the disease.

Treatment of clostridiosis with antibiotics and other drugs is not effective. At the breeding site of clostridia, increased tissue decay occurs, which creates favorable conditions for anaerobic microflora. The process is constantly intensifying, toxins and tissue decay products enter the bloodstream. In this case, general intoxication of the organisms occurs and blood supply is disturbed. In this case, the antibacterial substances used cannot get into the lesions, and the toxins, on the contrary, penetrate into the surrounding tissues almost unhindered, resulting in the development of irreversible processes. For animals with clostridiosis, the prognosis is almost always "unfavorable".

As a rule, clostridiosis occurs superacutely, acutely or subacutely, which does not contribute to a positive therapeutic effect when taking medications and mobilizing one's own strength. According to the nature of the toxin release, clostridia are divided into the main (four) groups of diseases: neurotropic, muscle necrosis, infectious enterotoxemia, liver disease.

table 2

Clostridia species common in veterinary medicine and medicine

Pathogen Disease signs
C. perfringens, type A Anaerobic enterotoxemia of calves and lambs, malignant edema,
gangrene and food poisoning in humans

C. perfringens, type B Anaerobic dysentery of lambs
C. perfringens, type C Hemorrhagic enterotoxemia of calves, sheep and piglets (necrotizing enteritis)
C. perfringens, type D Classic toxic enterotoxemia (soft kidney disease)
sheep and adult cattle

C. perfringens, type E Enterotoxemia of calves, piglets, fur-bearing animals, wild animals and birds.
Necrotic enteritis

C. chauvoei emkar cattle
Malignant edema (in association) in large and small cattle, pigs, horses

C. septicum Sheep bradzot, animal malignant edema (association)
C. novyi, type A
C. novyi, type B The main causative agent in malignant edema
C. novyi, type C Buffalo osteomyelitis
C.novyi, type D (C. haemolyticum) Bacillary hemoglobinuria in cattle
C. histolithicum Malignant edema (in association)
C. sordellii malignant edema
C. tetani Tetanus
C. botulinum Botulism

Clostridia cause significant damage to farms and require the adoption of appropriate measures - mandatory vaccination of animals, disinfection of premises, feed control, the principle of "everything is free - everything is busy", especially in the calf barn. Vaccination of the herd is insurance against illness. Any immunization does not guarantee protection against all losses, but softens the blow from unforeseen problems. Clostridial vaccine protection depends on the number of agents in the vaccine.

MILLENNIUM - vaccine against emcar, gas gangrene, enterotoxemia, bacterial hemoglobinuria and tetanus. It consists of: Clostridiumchauvoei, Clostridiumsepticum, Clostridiumsordellii, Clostridiumnovyi type A, ClostridiumPerfringensA, B, C, D, Clostridiumsordelli, Clostridiumtetani, Clostridiumhaemolyticum.

Cattle: the vaccine is administered to calves from 40 days of age at a dose of 5 ml, after 30 days they are re-immunized at the same dose, and then once a year.

Sheep and goats: Lambs and goats are immunized at 30 days at a dose of 2 ml, after 30 days they are vaccinated again, and then once a year.

Pigs: piglets are vaccinated at 30 days at a dose of 2 ml, again after 30 days, and then 1 time per year.

Examples of immunization schedules with the Millennium vaccine:

Other immunization schedules may be taken under the responsibility of the veterinarian.

The vaccine is packaged in vials of 50, 100 and 250 ml.

Since ancient times, people have been raising cows, as well as small cattle. For each type of animal, it is necessary to create certain conditions for keeping. With proper livestock management, the farmer manages to increase the available livestock several times in a short period of time.

Features of animal husbandry

To breed large and small, you need to have a fairly large land plot. Livestock farms lease large plots of land for this purpose. In domestic breeding, livestock is placed on the available territory. At the same time, cows need to be provided with a sufficiently large stall, walker. Goats and sheep need less territory.

The issue of lack of space determines which cattle and small ruminants will be bred.

livestock breeding

Livestock includes large and small. The first includes different breeds of cows. Small is represented by goats, sheep. Before breeding any kind of animal, you need to evaluate your capabilities.

A very profitable business. Only two animals are able to bring in good revenue and fully recoup the cost of their maintenance. Before adopting animals, you must:

  1. Find out what breeds exist, which are found in a particular region.
  2. Decide on the place where the animal will be kept. If it is planned to graze a cow in the summer, then she needs to provide a place to sleep: a shed, a barn. For winter maintenance, you will need a warm room and a walker.

Having decided on the place of detention, they decide on the choice of breed. This is not easy, because there are many different representatives of cattle.

Breeds of cows

For those who have never dealt with cows, it is recommended to select a breed that will be unpretentious to the climate. At the same time, do not forget that the cow should give a lot of milk.

  1. Hereford cattle. It is famous all over the world, as it is unpretentious to the climate. The color of the animals is red, they have white spots all over the body. This breed is fast growing and has a great reproduction. After 1.5 years, the young reach sexual maturity.
  2. The Limousin breed also has a red color, but it is more hardy, unpretentious in care. Limousin cows are distinguished from others by their high fertility: they can bring up to three calves per calving.
  3. Animals are well acclimatized and quickly gain weight. In the warm season, they have a smooth coat, and in winter it becomes curly and thick.
  4. The most common breed is the Simmental. The profitability of its content is almost one hundred percent.

There are other breeds of cows that are great for keeping in different climatic zones.

MRS: goats

One of the very first animals tamed by man is the goat. These animals ideally adapt to any climatic conditions, are unpretentious in maintenance.

Goats give different products: fluff, meat, milk, skins.

Among the goats of the downy direction, there are:

  • Pridonsky breed. From one animal you can get up to one and a half kilograms of fluff about ten centimeters long.
  • Orenburg goat. This is the largest downy animal. thin, long, but it is not elastic enough. Because of this feature, the down from the Orenburg breeds is mixed with the products of other goats, most often the Don goats.

There are goats that are kept for milk. The most common breed is the Russian goat. She is light in weight, gives an average of about four liters of milk per day. Saanen goats have a higher milk yield. With a good content, they are able to produce up to eight liters of milk per day. This small cattle has a large constitution and a fairly large weight.

MRS: sheep

Sheep are very precocious animals. Their puberty occurs as early as six months of age. For one lamb, a sheep brings from one to three lambs, in rare cases there can be four. Moreover, lambing occurs twice a year. Because of this feature of sheep, they pay for themselves very quickly.

Sheep are not just small ruminants that multiply rapidly. These animals are growing well. By the age of four months, the young weigh about half the weight of an adult. For example, if an adult sheep, according to breed standards, should weigh eighty kilograms, then young animals at 4 months will weigh about forty kilograms.

All small cattle are divided into wool and meat. The first type has subspecies: coarse-haired, fine-haired, semi-fine-haired, etc.

Private traders and farmers most often breed the Romanov breed. It is distinguished by its universal purpose and high fertility. Professionals recommend starting the breeding of small cattle with this breed, as it is unpretentious, adapts perfectly to any climatic zone.


Breeding any animal is hard work. Animals need to be fed, hair removed, milked, manure removed, grazing. They need a place to keep them, they prepare food. All this is hard work, which not everyone can do.

Modular (container) cattle slaughterhouse This building is completely ready for work with all engineering communications.

First of all, the slaughterhouse is intended for installation in a stationary position for enterprises or private households that are not able to equip their own premises for slaughtering poultry.

The modular slaughterhouse comes complete with all internal engineering systems: electricity, ventilation, water supply and sewerage. Only an external source of water and electricity is needed. As an additional option, we can supply a tank or septic tank to collect wastewater. All that is required at the installation site is the presence of a flat platform and columnar supports. The installation of a container slaughterhouse can be carried out by unskilled workers following our instructions.

Interior spaces workshops are fully equipped in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, building codes and regulations (power wiring, RCD circuit breakers, protective loop grounding, air supply line, cold / hot water and sewage disposal). The container from the inside is lined with gray sandwich panels 80 mm thick, which provide the necessary thermal insulation and are easy to clean during disinfection. The floor is made with a slope and provides a chute for water flow after washing. Doors and windows are made of aluminum and plastic with energy-saving double-glazed windows. Without fail, as for any ordinary slaughterhouse, there is a division into "dirty" (slaughter) and "clean" zones.

In equipping the module and manufacturing technological equipment, only materials approved by SanPin!

Sprut-12M module. Overall dimensions: D12192 X W2438 X V2896mm.

The slaughter line for cattle/MRS includes:

Stunning and slaughter of cattle and small cattle;
- hanging the carcass on a hanging track;
- exsanguination;
- skinning of cattle and small cattle;
- gutting (removing and sorting the insides);
- cutting into half carcasses;
- quartering;
- weighing net weight;

The equipment of the modular workover workshop includes:

P / n




Dimensions, mm

L12192 X W2438 X H2896mm


Weight, kg

7 700


Electrical connection (dry contact)

380/220 V

50 Hz

L, N, PE


Power consumption summer (winter), total. kWh

6 (15)

Technological characteristics of a typical KRS Line

P / n



Maximum carcass weight, kg


Maximum productivity, g/h

3 / 5

Water consumption per 1 carcass, l

80 l

Water consumption for line cleaning, m3


Any non-chlorine containing



With jet break

Septic or Cesspool


1 to 3 persons

The container is provided with:

Certificates of conformity for equipment.

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on materials used in the production of slaughterhouses and equipment.

Operational documentation

For a more complete and balanced equipment of your production, as well as obtaining the current cost, we recommend that you consult with our specialists. To do this, click on the button below and fill out the form or send us an application by e-mail: [email protected]- we'll do the rest! .

AnimalFace is a provider of complete electronic identification systems for cows, horses, sheep and other animals. Hundreds of organizations in Russia and the CIS countries already work with us. We offer a full range of hardware and software for cattle and small cattle, which has proven itself among various organizations, ranging from small farms to agricultural holdings.

We will help you choose equipment for chipping, we will offer you to buy chips for sheep, horses, cows and other farm animals. We will be happy to advise on all your questions.

You can always contact us:

Microchips for animals: Chips for horses, goats, sheep, cows

110 ₽ (2x12 mm)

130 ₽ (1.4x8 mm)

We offer to buy exclusive chips for cows, horses and other farm animals produced in Thailand at wholesale prices. The combination of low price and high quality gives undeniable advantages over other manufacturers.

In the product line, there are two chip sizes: standard 2x12mm and mini 1.4x8mm. In most cases a standard size can be used, but in some cases a mini microchip can also be used.

Products fully comply with international standards ISO 11784/11785 and is ICAR certified.

Microchips for animals (horses, sheep, cows and pigs) are placed in disposable syringes, which gives maximum sterility and ease of use. There is a restrictive latch, when implanted, the microchip makes a click, letting you know that the chipping process is completed, which is very convenient. The microchip comes with 6 barcode stickers. All packaging in Russian, chips have encoding for Russia - 643.

You don't have to worry about logistics, we we will deliver your order for free in Russia (to the terminal of the transport company or by Russian post) when ordering from 70 pieces.

We provide unique guarantee on a microchip for the duration of its sterilization, usually about five years!

Chip in a disposable needle

The most economical option for animal identification. You only buy a needle with a microchip. The chip size is standard 2x12 mm and is suitable for all kinds of animals. Due to the low cost, it is advantageous to take in large volumes for marking cattle, small cattle and other large livestock.

The microchip in the disposable needle is manufactured in the same way as all microchips according to ISO 11784/11785 FDX-B and certified by ICAR for worldwide use.

The set comes with six stickers with a barcode number. For every 300 needles we give one injector for free with which you can implant a microchip. The term of sterilization for the goods is 5 years from the date of production.

The cost of the injector separately 600 rubles.

Microchips for animals: Chips for cattle, small cattle and other animals

AnimalFace offers to buy wholesale chips for farm animals. This is the latest Chinese-made equipment using biocompatible glass. It prevents migration and rejection of the chip after implantation. The minimum dimensions of 2x12mm are great for small and large cattle.

The microchips are manufactured in accordance with ISO 11784 FDX-B standards and are certified by ICAR and therefore approved for use worldwide. They are placed in disposable syringes so that they can be conveniently injected into the animal's body. In production, only high-quality materials are used to ensure painless insertion of the chip under the skin.

If you decide to buy chips for pigs and cows, then you get 6 stickers with a barcode and an individual number in the kit. Microchips have a one-year warranty and are delivered free of charge throughout the Russian Federation. You can buy chips for sheep and other agricultural animals minimum lot from 50 pieces.

Chip scanner for MRS and KRS (RT-mini)

In our company you can buy farm animal scanner, which is used to read microchip data. The equipment is characterized by ease of operation, high reliability and the ability to read information from a chip placed at a distance of up to 15 cm. The scanner operates with chips manufactured according to the ISO 11784/11785 (FDX-B) standard.

Scanner data is displayed on an OLED screen. Informs about the process of reading information by a sound signal. The RT-mini scanner automatically turns off for ease of use. You also need to buy a scanner for cows because of its compact size. It fits easily into your hand and pocket.

A feature of the device is the ability to scan animal chips that are placed near large metal objects. 3000 and more readings provides a powerful battery. It uses a standard micro-usb cable to charge it.

Only now you can buy a scanner for cattle and small cattle with a guarantee 24 months!

Microchip reader for cows, horses and other large animals (RT)

The reader has an antenna 13 cm in diameter, so the maximum distance for reading the microchip up to 20 cm.

The reader menu is in Russian, including other languages. The scanner operates in accordance with the ISO 11784/11785 standard. The appearance of a 15-digit code on the screen indicates the end of reading the microchip. Information can be transferred to a computer via USB or via Bluetooth.

3 AA batteries are used for power supply, they provide functioning for up to 12 hours. Comes with a strap for more comfortable use of the device.

You should buy a scanner for animals because of the possibility of using the equipment in difficult weather conditions, as it is protected from dust and moisture. The warranty period is 12 months.

Set of equipment for chipping farm animals

Tags for farm animals

The Chinese-made single stud tag has all sizes (S, M, L) and various shapes and is of high quality and durability. Its characteristics are practically not inferior to expensive New Zealand counterparts. BASF polyurethane is used in the production of tags. The product does not deform at high and low temperatures of the environment; laser engraving or inscriptions with a special marker can be applied to its surface.

To insert the tag, a sharp spike is used, made from the strongest plastic tip. A distance of 11.5 mm is maintained between the main surface of the product and the spike, which is sufficient for high-quality fastening and free play. Can be used with Zee Tag pliers. Ideal for cattle and small cattle. Tags are sold in red, green, southern and yellow colors.

Ear tag for cows and other animals

The Turkish-made electronic tag operates on the basis of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. It is used for cattle and small cattle (cows, goats, sheep and others) and complies with recognized ISO 11784/11785 standards. The tag operates at an operating frequency of 134.2 kHz. A security system is provided to protect against unauthorized access by third parties.

Electronic sample tag for farm animals allows data to be read at a distance of up to 75 cm. With its help, a specialist can easily observe the movement of animals, since the system is practically not affected by dust, dirt and moisture. Most farmers prefer the RFID system, because it makes it possible to record weighing, milking procedures. The electronic ear tag has a unique number (15 digits).

Tag pliers

Single tags are installed with special pliers, which were created by Zee Tag 20 years ago. The second name of the product is tags. Their peculiarity is that the insertion of the tag into the ear of cattle and small cattle is carried out with automatic displacement of the applicator. This prevents rupture of the skin, makes the process of introducing the product easier and safer. Any person without such experience can use ticks.