Preparing for the GIA. Preparation for the GIA Online preparation for the GIA

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on the size of a car wheel, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5, . All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The notes for the slides describe the algorithms for working with each slide. The presentation consists of 34 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and 9th grade students of primary schools.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on greenhouses, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5, . All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The notes for the slides describe the algorithms for working with each slide. The presentation consists of 30 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and 9th grade students of primary schools.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on measurements and paper sheet formats, answers and a detailed analysis of solutions to tasks No. 1 - No. 5, . All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 30 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of 9th grade of primary school

Target audience: for 9th grade

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on the construction of a bathhouse with a steam room, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5, . All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 45 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of 9th grade of primary school

Target audience: for 9th grade

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of the tasks for the travel plan, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5, . All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 60 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and students of 9th grade of primary school

Target audience: for 9th grade

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on the construction of a bathhouse with a steam room, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5, . All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 38 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and 9th grade students of primary schools.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on agricultural terraces, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5. All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 27 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and 9th grade students of primary schools.

Target audience: for 9th grade

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the examination simulator in mathematics for the Main State Exam. The purpose of the presentation is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the 9th grade exam in mathematics. The presentation presents a detailed analysis of the texts of problems on apartment plans, answers and a detailed analysis of the solution to tasks No. 1 - No. 5. Plans for a two-room apartment and a three-room apartment are presented. All actions in the presentation are based on control buttons and hyperlinks. The presentation consists of 56 working slides. The presentation is intended for teachers, methodologists, and 9th grade students of primary schools.

Schoolchildren make a third of mistakes in exams because they cannot rationally plan the process of preparing and writing a paper.

There is much less noise around the GIA than about the Unified State Exam. But for ninth-graders, the mandatory exam is no less important than for graduates. If good scores on the Unified State Exam allow you to enter a prestigious university, then high scores on the State Examination Academy open access to lyceum classes, gymnasiums and special schools, where many motivated high school students want to transfer for the final two years of study.

What is GIA? Essentially, the same tests as on the Unified State Exam, only the tasks are compiled in accordance with the age of the children and the school curriculum. You must pass four (if desired, five) exams. Compulsory subjects are Russian language and mathematics, everyone chooses the rest for themselves.


We interviewed ninth-graders and found out that it is mathematics that causes them the greatest fear,” said Alexander Pereverzev, an expert in the field of the effectiveness of educational practices at the network of educational centers “Unium”. - Particularly poor knowledge of geometry.

While the Unified State Exam was being tested, the mathematics assignments contained problems only in algebra and basic analysis. Because of this, many teachers began to sacrifice geometry lessons in order to teach what they thought was more popular material. But the One returned to normal mode, geometry was restored, but schoolchildren had a gap in their knowledge.

At the same time, the rules of this year’s GIA mathematics exam are such that in order to pass successfully, you must score at least a few points for each of the three blocks: algebra, geometry and real mathematics. If in any of the blocks there is not a single correctly solved task, then no matter how well you shine in the rest, you will receive a deuce.

We conducted online testing of 150 thousand Russian ninth-graders and found out that they have huge problems with solving practical problems,” said Ivan Yashchenko, head of the methodological commission for the development of mathematics tasks for the Unified State Exam and State Examination. - In fact, a third of ninth-graders are now simply not ready for high school: they do not have basic math skills. Only 20 percent of the participants were able to solve the simplest problem of moving a boat along a river.


Anyway, the exams are only two months away. It is clear that you cannot make up for all the gaps. How to build the right preparation strategy?

It is still difficult for high school students to plan their activities themselves, so parents can help them create a training program, advises Marina Chibisova, associate professor at the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University. - It would be nice to do this together with the teachers. And attitude is also very important for children. They need to create situations of success, explain that they are smart and will definitely cope with everything. Do not escalate the situation under any circumstances.

The choice of preparation strategy depends on the child’s perseverance, his willingness to work for a long time, his ability to switch... However, there is one method that suits almost everyone.

Each GIA task tests knowledge of one topic. Teachers assure: if a child does not know a section at all, the chance that he will master it in an emergency is extremely small. But if there is general or residual knowledge, but full mastery of it is still far away, then in two months you can raise the student to a level sufficient for the exam.

We test all our students, on the first day we find out who knows what well, what they don’t know at all, and what they have at least some idea about,” says Dmitry Grits, organizer of the GIA-Incubator intensive training camp. - And we draw up an individual curriculum so that everyone deals with topics about which the student has at least some idea. Having solved several dozen different tasks from the section he needs, a person will certainly be able to score the required points on the exam.


The number of points scored depends not only on the student’s level of readiness and knowledge, but also on the correct tactics for performing the work itself.

I conducted the following test: I gave the guys to write a version of the GIA, and the next day I gave them a new task. But he suggested starting with examples that seem simple to them, and then moving on to difficult ones,” Pereverzev shared. - The results increased by 25 - 30 percent.

The secret turned out to be simple. Solving all the tasks in a row, the student at some point stumbles upon a problem that is difficult for him, spends a lot of effort and time searching for the right solution, gets nervous, doubts his abilities, and then makes basic mistakes in other examples.

If you first complete the simplest tasks (this takes 30 - 40 minutes, and the entire exam lasts 3 hours 55 minutes), then the student becomes confident that he has already achieved at least a C grade. And then calmly, thoughtfully, without panic or haste, he takes on the difficult part of the work. There is no time pressure, but there is calmness and confidence that now he can only win in this lottery. In this mood, even the difficult part of the ticket becomes easier.

*GIA - State final certification for ninth graders.


May 31 (Friday) - history of Russia, social studies, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), literature, computer science and information and communication technologies;

June 7 (Friday) - Russian history, social studies, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), literature, computer science and information and communication technologies;

June 11 (Tuesday) - reserve day: mathematics, Russian history, geography, biology, physics, foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish);

June 14 (Friday) - reserve day: Russian language, social studies, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies, literature.


Ivan Yashchenko, a compiler of tasks for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, advises:

How to pass math without mistakes

What can you do in the remaining time? Learn to read task conditions correctly. A lot of mistakes arise because guys don’t find what is asked of them. For example, in the assignment a system of equations has been written and graphs of two functions have already been constructed. We need to find the roots from the drawing. That is, to put it simply, just write down the coordinates of the points of intersection of the curve and the straight line. Look at the picture and see the finished answer. But for some reason the guys begin to decide something, calculate something... Why?

In problems from the real mathematics block, answers are often written that obviously cannot be correct. The classic example is “two diggers and two thirds.” Well, a car cannot have a speed of 1478 km/h or a person is 4.5 centimeters tall. You don't even need math here, just common sense. I would advise solving all problems twice, just to test yourself once again.

Our schoolchildren know fundamental mathematics more or less well, but are at a loss when faced with the simplest applied problems. Difficulties also arise during algebraic calculations or when a physical formula is encountered in the problem.

The educational portal “I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam” is my personal charity project. It is developed by me, as well as by my friends and colleagues, who care about the education of children more than about themselves. Not funded by anyone.

The distance learning system for preparing for state exams “SOLVE THE Unified State Exam” (http://reshuege.rf, was created by the creative association “Center for Intellectual Initiatives”. Head - Gushchin D. D., teacher of mathematics, physics and computer science, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2007, member of the Federal Commission for the development of testing and measuring materials in mathematics for the unified state exam in mathematics (2009-2010) , expert of the Federal Subject Commission of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (2011-2012), Deputy Chairman of the regional subject commission of the State Examination in Mathematics (2012-2014), leading expert of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (2014-2015), federal expert (2015-2017).


  • To organize thematic repetition, a classifier of examination tasks has been developed, which allows you to sequentially repeat certain small topics and immediately test your knowledge on them.
  • To organize ongoing knowledge monitoring, it is possible to include an arbitrary number of tasks of each exam type in training versions of work.
  • To carry out final tests, testing is provided in the format of the current year's Unified State Exam using one of the options preset in the system or using an individual randomly generated option.
  • To control the level of preparation, the system keeps statistics of topics studied and tasks solved.
  • To familiarize yourself with the rules for checking examination papers, you can find out the criteria for checking tasks with a detailed answer and check tasks with an open answer in accordance with them.
  • For a preliminary assessment of the level of preparation, after passing the test, a forecast of the test examination score is reported on a 100-point scale.

Catalogs of assignments are developed specifically for the portal “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” and are the intellectual property of the editors. Tasks from the FIPI open bank of tasks, demo versions of exams, tasks from past exams developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, diagnostic works prepared by the Moscow Institute of Open Education, tasks from literary sources are used in accordance with licenses from the copyright holders. Users of the portal also have the opportunity to add their own assignments to catalogs, publish theoretical materials, create training courses, and correspond with their readers.

All tasks used in the system are provided with answers and detailed solutions.

If you plan to use the site regularly, please register. This will allow the system to keep statistics of the tasks you have solved and give recommendations on how to prepare for the exam.

All portal services are free.

Made in St. Petersburg, Norilsk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Voronezh, Ozersk, Moscow, Penza, Novocherkassk, Paris.

Copying site materials, including, but not limited to: rubrics, assignments, answers, explanations and solutions, answers to reader questions, reference books, is strictly prohibited. Using the portal means agreeing to these terms. You can put a link to the project pages.

Our portal gives you this opportunity!

This academic year, as in the past, many subjects have undergone changes and clarifications. We took this into account when selecting materials!

In this section you will find tasks similar to the officially approved ones offered in exams. In addition, we have solutions for all tasks. Any portal user can try their hand at online testing: answer questions, find out the result and receive directions for further preparation, identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

We have organized an applicant calendar especially for applicants, containing the most complete and up-to-date information on all important events for those taking the Unified State Exam and entrance exams. Here you will find a detailed schedule Unified State Exam testing, admission campaigns of higher and special educational institutions, deadlines for submitting documents and dates of enrollment in various educational institutions.

If, after passing the exam, the score obtained is lower than expected, we recommend strengthening your preparation. You can always use resources preparation for the Unified State Exam, developed on our portal especially for you!

They write about the GIA less often than about the Unified State Exam. On the one hand, it is logical: the results of the One decide the fate of graduates, determine their future for the next few years. But the state final certification of ninth-graders can be the first step to a good university and a profitable profession. GIA scores can be the key to specialized classes for motivated students.

This year, all ninth-graders in the country will have to experience this exam. If you pass the State Examination well, it will be easier on the Unified State Exam. Both the children and their parents understand this. Therefore, we have prepared several recommendations on how to prepare well for the State Examination. We address them primarily to parents. Help your children share the preparation load and plan effectively.

What will be useful for classes?

GIA tests are based on the curriculum for the period from 5th to 9th grade. This means that you will have to repeat everything that has been studied over the years. Textbooks for these classes will be useful.

Collections of GIA test tasks from previous years will also come in handy. Firstly, they are convenient for testing your knowledge and reinforcing the material by solving tests. Secondly, it is best to start self-preparation with a trial self-test. Choose one of the options in the collection and complete it in the time allotted for the real exam. This way you can determine what your child’s actual level of knowledge of the subject is.

In addition, the tasks in the tests often touch on the knowledge that the student should have (or could have) acquired not in class, but through self-study. By doing creative homework, for example. Therefore, in order to better prepare for the State Examination, it is worth getting a student’s dictionary. Useful for upgrading your erudition and broadening your horizons. It's unlikely to be possible to learn something from scratch. But it is quite possible to repeat the material already learned.

When to start preparing?

We recommend that the most responsible and diligent schoolchildren begin preparing for tests a year in advance, from the very beginning of 9th grade. And some parents choose exactly this path. For example, they turn to online tutors on our website.

But while the exam is so far away and seems almost unreal, it can be very difficult for parents to get their beloved students to study for additional studies. Therefore, if right now the family council has decided: it’s time to start preparing right now, you are not too late. Six months to prepare is a very realistic period for successfully passing the tests.

During this time, you can adequately distribute the load so that the child does not become overtired. Review all the topics covered and try to eliminate obvious gaps in knowledge, if any.

“How to quickly prepare for the State Exam?” - incorrect formulation of the question. You can try to get your child to take tests a couple of weeks before the State Exam. You can try to memorize cheat sheets leaked to the Internet. But easily acquired, this “knowledge” can also quickly fly out of your head during the exam. The right question is: “How to make preparation for the State Examination effective?” Next we will share with you our vision of the situation.

Preparing for the State Exam correctly

If you start preparing for the state final certification in advance, you can work through all the topics without haste. To do this, it is best to distribute the load over the entire school week. You can even create a special calendar or study schedule. Sunday is a legal day off, a “fasting” day from school.

To do this, together with your child, determine a list of topics to prepare for each subject to be taken. It can be divided into categories: highlight important and unimportant. And pay attention to them accordingly.

Remember that you can exercise a little bit, but every day. It is best to set aside 40-60 minutes daily for self-preparation. Make sure your child takes breaks every 40 minutes. Or even took short breaks every 20 minutes. Usually the concentration of attention lasts that long. And then it begins to dissipate - it’s time to change activities and take a break. The main thing is that the child does not spend his break at the computer. Or in front of the TV. Firstly, then the break can drag on for an hour: “I’ll just watch this for five minutes!” Secondly, the brain should take a break from the flow of new information, and the eyes should take a break from tension.

Let the child use as many types of memory as possible during classes: in particular, visual and motor. This means that just reading textbooks is not effective enough. To make knowledge fit better in your head, you can draw diagrams and write notes, put formulas, dates and terms on cards, etc. For example, if the task is to prepare for the State Examination in Biology, you can make schematic drawings. Well, at least sketch out the human circulatory system in order to remember it better.

Retelling what you have learned helps to consolidate the material. Information that a student was able to understand will be retained in memory longer than what he has memorized. This does not apply to dates or formulas. But if your child is going to prepare for the State Examination in Social Studies, it is really important for him to really understand the subject. Here you need not only knowledge from textbooks, but also your own opinion, the ability to highlight the main thing in a question, analyze and compare facts, and the ability to clearly express your thoughts. Retelling allows you to practice this. In addition, by developing speech, schoolchildren also develop thinking.

It will be good if, before the state examination, the child completes as many tests as possible in the subjects that he will take. This way he will know what to expect from each group of tasks. How much time does he spend on various types of tasks? You will practice how to properly distribute time and energy.

Be sure to tell your children a simple secret: they must first solve all the tasks that do not cause difficulties. Those. There is no point in getting hung up on difficult ones. You can return to tasks in which difficulties arise later. Having “earned” at least a C, children will become less worried and will be able to calmly concentrate in the time remaining on the exam.

How to manage your time?

Teach your children simple ways to manage their time effectively.

  1. Divide a large task into small ones. The topic in the textbook is divided into subtopics. Large, voluminous questions are divided into small tasks that can be dealt with one at a time. To do this, it will be useful to draw up a plan for each topic that needs to be repeated and worked on.
  2. Start from any item on the list. Let's say your child has a lesson plan for today that you helped him create. There is something about it that comes easier. For example, you can write down the necessary formulas on cards or notes. And something that is more difficult to deal with. Let this be a conditional problem that still needs to be figured out how to solve. Things will be more fun if you start the activity with what causes the least difficulties or you simply enjoy. Then it will be easier to begin complex tasks later, having already entered the learning rhythm.
  3. Use a stopwatch. Use it to track periods of study and rest. For example, time 40 minutes for a lesson. As soon as the signal sounds, let the child interrupt his studies and rest. Even if he had to stop mid-sentence in the notes he was writing. But when you return to your textbooks after a break, you won’t have to “swing” again and get drawn into the learning process. Continuing the old is easier than starting something new.

It seems like nothing revolutionary, but it really works and helps you use your time more profitably.

What do you need to know about the compulsory GIA subjects?

All schoolchildren without exception will have to prepare for the State Examination in Mathematics and Russian. Here are some of our tips.

At the GIA 2014, only those students who score at least the minimum points in each of the problem blocks will be able to receive positive grades in mathematics: “geometry”, “algebra” and “real mathematics”. And for many, the geometry is lame. So spend significant time on it when preparing your child for tests. And let him have a good practice in solving practical problems, which are a problem for many ninth-graders.

For Russian, be sure to spend extra time reviewing spelling and punctuation, as well as morphology.


There is no universal recipe for how to properly prepare for the GIA. But there are well-proven ways to improve your knowledge and refresh your memory of everything you've learned. Use the ones we offer. Or tell us your test preparation secrets in the comments. Surely they are of interest to many parents of ninth-graders.

Set your children up for success and help them cope with the anxiety of this important test in their lives. Having secured solid knowledge and parental support, your favorite schoolchildren will definitely be able to pass the State Examination with good scores.

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