Grounding snip 3.05 06 8513. Laying wires and cables in steel pipes

These rules apply to the performance of work during the construction of new, as well as during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises for the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, including: electrical substations, distribution points and overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 750 kV, cable lines voltage up to 220 kV, relay protection, power electrical equipment, indoor and outdoor electric lighting, grounding devices


1.1. When organizing and performing work on the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP III-4-80, state standards, technical specifications should be observed. Rules for the installation of electrical installations approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

1.2. Work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices should be carried out in accordance with the working drawings of the main sets of drawings of electrical grades; according to the working documentation of electric drives; according to the working documentation of non-standardized equipment, made by the design organization; according to the working documentation of manufacturers of process equipment that supply power and control cabinets with it.

1.3. The installation of electrical devices should be carried out on the basis of the use of nodal and complete-block construction methods, with the installation of equipment supplied in enlarged assemblies that do not require straightening, cutting, drilling or other fitting operations and adjustment during installation. When accepting working documentation for the production of work, it is necessary to check that it takes into account the requirements of the industrialization of the installation of electrical devices, as well as the mechanization of work on laying cables, rigging and installing technological equipment.

1.4. Electrical work should be carried out, as a rule, in two stages. In the first stage, inside buildings and structures, work is carried out on the installation of supporting structures for the installation of electrical equipment and bus ducts, for laying cables and wires, installation of trolleys for electric overhead cranes, installation of steel and plastic pipes for electrical wiring, laying hidden wiring wires to plastering and finishing works, as well as work on the installation of external cable networks and grounding networks. The work of the first stage should be carried out in buildings and structures according to a combined schedule simultaneously with the main construction work, while measures should be taken to protect the installed structures and laid pipes from breakage and pollution.

In the second stage, work is carried out on the installation of electrical equipment, the laying of cables and wires, busbars and the connection of cables and wires to the terminals of electrical equipment. In the electrical rooms of the facilities, the work of the second stage should be carried out after the completion of the complex of general construction and finishing works and after the completion of the installation of plumbing devices, and in other rooms and areas - after the installation of technological equipment, electric motors and other electrical receivers, installation of technological, sanitary and technical pipelines and ventilation ducts.

At small facilities remote from the locations of electrical installation organizations, work should be carried out by mobile integrated teams with a combination of two stages of their implementation into one.

1.5. Electrical equipment, products and materials should be supplied according to the schedule agreed with the electrical installation organization, which should provide for the priority supply of materials and products included in the specifications for the blocks to be manufactured at the assembly and assembly enterprises of the electrical installation organization.

1.6. The end of the installation of electrical devices is the completion of individual tests of the installed electrical equipment and the signing by the working commission of an act on the acceptance of electrical equipment after an individual test. The beginning of individual testing of electrical equipment is the moment of introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation, declared by the customer on the basis of a notice from the commissioning and electrical installation organizations.

1.7. At each construction site, during the installation of electrical devices, special logs for the production of electrical work should be kept in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, and upon completion of work, the electrical installation organization is obliged to transfer to the general contractor the documentation presented to the working commission in accordance with SNiP III-3-81. The list of acts and protocols of inspections and tests is determined by the VSN, approved in accordance with the procedure established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.



SNiP 3.05.06-85



DEVELOPED VNIIproektelektromontazhem Minmontazhspetsstroya USSR ( VC. Dobrynin, I.N. Dolgov- theme leaders, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.A. Antonov, A.L. Blinchikov, V.V. Belotserkovets, V.A. Demyantsev, cand. tech. Sciences N.I. Korotkov, E.G. Panteleev, cand. tech. Sciences Yu.A. Roslov, S.N. Starostin, A.K. Shulzhitsky), Orgenergostroy of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR ( G.N. Elenbogen, N.V. Balanov, N.A. Voinilovich, A.L. Gonchar, N.M. lerner), Selenergoproekt of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR ( G.F. Sumin, Yu.V.Nepomniachtchi), UGPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt Minmontazhspetsstroy of the Ukrainian SSR ( E.G. Poddubny, A.A. Koba).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovaniye Gosstroy USSR B.A. Sokolov).

With the entry into force of SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices", SNiP III-33-76*, SN 85-74, SN 102-76* become invalid.

AGREED with the Glavgosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (letter dated January 31, 1985 No. 17-58), GUPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (letter dated September 16, 1985 No. 7/6/3262), chief sanitary doctor of the USSR Ministry of Health (letter dated January 14, 1985) No. 122-4/336-4).

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes in building codes and rules and state standards published in the Bulletin of Construction Equipment magazine, the Collection of Changes to Building Codes and Rules of the Gosstroy of the USSR and the information index "State Standards of the USSR" Gosstandart.

These rules apply to the performance of work during the construction of new, as well as during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises for the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, including: electrical substations, distribution points and overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 750 kV, cable lines with a voltage of up to 220 kV, relay protection, power electrical equipment, indoor and outdoor electric lighting, grounding devices.

The rules do not apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices of the subway, mines and mines, contact networks of electrified transport, signaling systems of railway transport, as well as high security rooms of nuclear power plants, which must be carried out in accordance with departmental building codes approved in in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

The rules must be observed by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.


1.1. When organizing and performing work on the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP III-4-80, state standards, technical specifications, Rules for the installation of electrical installations approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, and departmental regulatory documents approved in the order established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

1.2. Work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices should be carried out in accordance with the working drawings of the main sets of drawings of electrical grades; according to the working documentation of electric drives; according to the working documentation of non-standardized equipment, made by the design organization; according to the working documentation of manufacturers of process equipment that supply power and control cabinets with it.

1.3. The installation of electrical devices should be carried out on the basis of the use of nodal and complete-block construction methods, with the installation of equipment supplied in enlarged assemblies that do not require straightening, cutting, drilling or other fitting operations and adjustment during installation. When accepting working documentation for the production of work, it is necessary to check that it takes into account the requirements of the industrialization of the installation of electrical devices, as well as the mechanization of work on laying cables, rigging and installing technological equipment.

1.4. Electrical work should be carried out, as a rule, in two stages.

In the first stage, inside buildings and structures, work is carried out on the installation of supporting structures for the installation of electrical equipment and bus ducts, for laying cables and wires, installation of trolleys for electric overhead cranes, installation of steel and plastic pipes for electrical wiring, laying hidden wiring wires to plastering and finishing works, as well as work on the installation of external cable networks and grounding networks. The work of the first stage should be carried out in buildings and structures according to a combined schedule simultaneously with the main construction work, while measures should be taken to protect the installed structures and laid pipes from breakage and pollution.

In the second stage, work is carried out on the installation of electrical equipment, the laying of cables and wires, busbars and the connection of cables and wires to the terminals of electrical equipment. In the electrical rooms of the facilities, the work of the second stage should be carried out after the completion of the complex of general construction and finishing works and after the completion of the installation of plumbing devices, and in other rooms and areas - after the installation of technological equipment, electric motors and other electrical receivers, installation of technological, sanitary and technical pipelines and ventilation ducts.

At small facilities remote from the locations of electrical installation organizations, work should be carried out by mobile integrated teams with a combination of two stages of their implementation into one.

1.5. Electrical equipment, products and materials should be supplied according to the schedule agreed with the electrical installation organization, which should provide for the priority supply of materials and products included in the specifications for the blocks to be manufactured at the assembly and assembly enterprises of the electrical installation organization.

1.6. The end of the installation of electrical devices is the completion of individual tests of the installed electrical equipment and the signing by the working commission of an act on the acceptance of electrical equipment after an individual test. The beginning of individual testing of electrical equipment is the moment of introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation, declared by the customer on the basis of a notice from the commissioning and electrical installation organizations.

1.7. At each construction site, during the installation of electrical devices, special logs for the production of electrical work should be kept in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, and upon completion of work, the electrical installation organization is obliged to transfer to the general contractor the documentation presented to the working commission in accordance with SNiP III-3-81. The list of acts and protocols of inspections and tests is determined by the VSN, approved in accordance with the procedure established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.


2.1. The installation of electrical devices must be preceded by preparation in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 and these rules.

2.2. Prior to the commencement of work at the facility, the following activities must be completed:

a) working documentation has been received in the amount and within the time specified by the Rules on Contracts for Capital Construction, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR State Planning Committee;

b) coordinated schedules for the supply of equipment, products and materials, taking into account the technological sequence of work, a list of electrical equipment installed with the involvement of the installation supervision personnel of the supplying enterprises, the conditions for transporting heavy and large-sized electrical equipment to the installation site;

c) the necessary premises have been taken to accommodate teams of workers, engineering and technical workers, a production base, as well as for storing materials and tools with the provision of measures for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85;

d) a project for the production of works was developed, the engineering and technical workers and foremen were familiarized with the working documentation and estimates, organizational and technical solutions for the project for the production of works;

e) the acceptance of the construction part of the facility for the installation of electrical devices in accordance with the requirements of these rules was carried out and the measures for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection provided for by the norms and rules in the course of work were carried out;

f) the general contractor has performed general construction and auxiliary work, provided for by the Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors.

2.3. Equipment, products, materials and technical documentation must be handed over for installation in accordance with the Rules on contracts for capital construction and the Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors.

2.4. Upon acceptance of the equipment for installation, it is inspected, the completeness is checked (without disassembly), the presence and validity of the manufacturer's warranties are checked.

2.5. The condition of the cables on the drums must be checked in the presence of the customer by external inspection. The results of the inspection are documented.

2.6 When accepting prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of overhead lines (VL), the following should be checked:

the dimensions of the elements, the position of the steel embedded parts, as well as the quality of the surfaces and the appearance of the elements. The specified parameters must comply with GOST 13015.0-83, GOST 22687.0-85, GOST 24762-81, GOST 26071-84, GOST 23613-79, as well as PUE;

the presence on the surface of reinforced concrete structures intended for installation in an aggressive environment, waterproofing, made at the manufacturer.

2.7. Insulators and linear fittings must meet the requirements of the relevant state standards and specifications. Upon acceptance, check:

availability of a manufacturer's passport for each batch of insulators and linear fittings, certifying their quality;

the absence of cracks, deformations, shells, chips, damage to the glaze on the surface of the insulators, as well as the swaying and rotation of the steel reinforcement relative to the cement seal or porcelain;

the absence of cracks, deformations, shells and damage to galvanizing and threads in linear reinforcement.

Minor damage to galvanizing can be painted over.

2.8. Elimination of defects and damages discovered during the transfer of electrical equipment is carried out in accordance with the Rules on Contracts for Capital Construction.

2.9. Electrical equipment for which the normative storage period specified in state standards or technical conditions has expired is accepted for installation only after a pre-installation audit, defect correction and testing. The results of the work performed must be entered in the forms, passports and other accompanying documentation, or an act must be drawn up on the performance of the specified work.

2.10. Electrical equipment, products and materials accepted for installation should be stored in accordance with the requirements of state standards or technical specifications.

2.11. For large and complex facilities with a large volume of cable lines in tunnels, channels and cable half-floors, as well as electrical equipment in electrical rooms, measures for advanced installation (against the installation of cable networks) of internal fire water supply systems, automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire signaling, provided for by the working drawings.

2.12. In electrical rooms (panel rooms, control rooms, substations and switchgears, machine rooms, battery rooms, cable tunnels and channels, cable half-floors, etc.), finishing floors with drainage channels, the necessary slope and waterproofing, and finishing works (plastering and painting ), embedded parts are installed and mounting openings are left, the load-lifting and load-moving mechanisms and devices provided for by the project are mounted, pipe blocks, holes and openings for the passage of pipes and cables, grooves, niches and nests are prepared in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings and the project for the production of works, power supply for temporary electric lighting in all rooms has been completed.

2.13. In buildings and structures, heating and ventilation systems must be put into operation, bridges, platforms and structures of suspended ceilings, provided by the project for the installation and maintenance of electric lighting installations located at a height, as well as fastening structures for multi-lamp fixtures (chandeliers) weighing more than 100 kg; asbestos-cement pipes and branch pipes, as well as pipe blocks for the passage of cables, were laid outside and inside buildings and structures provided for by the working construction drawings.

2.14. Foundations for electrical machines should be handed over for installation with fully completed construction and finishing works, installed air coolers and ventilation ducts, with benchmarks and axial bars (brands) in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-83 and these rules.

2.15. On the supporting (rough) surfaces of the foundations, depressions of not more than 10 mm and slopes of up to 1:100 are allowed. Deviations in construction dimensions should be no more than: according to axial dimensions in the plan - plus 30 mm, according to the height marks of the foundation surface (excluding the height of the gravy) - minus 30 mm, according to the dimensions of the ledges in the plan - minus 20 mm, according to the dimensions of the wells - plus 20 mm, along the ledge marks in the recesses and wells - minus 20 mm, along the axes of the anchor bolts in the plan - ± 5 mm, along the axes of the embedded anchor devices in the plan - ± 10 mm, along the marks of the upper ends of the anchor bolts - ± 20 mm.

2.16. The handover and acceptance of foundations for the installation of electrical equipment, the installation of which is carried out with the involvement of installation supervision personnel, is carried out jointly with representatives of the organization that carries out installation supervision.

2.17. Upon completion of finishing works in battery rooms, acid- or alkali-resistant coatings of walls, ceilings and floors should be made. heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems were installed and tested.

2.18. Prior to the start of electrical work on open switchgears with a voltage of 35 kV and above, the construction organization must complete the construction of access roads, approaches and entrances, install busbar and linear portals, build foundations for electrical equipment, cable ducts with ceilings, fences around the outdoor switchgear, emergency discharge tanks oils, underground communications and the planning of the territory is completed. In the structures of portals and foundations for equipment, the embedded parts and fasteners provided for by the project, necessary for fastening the strings of insulators and equipment, must be installed. Embedded parts for fastening cable structures and air ducts must be installed in cable ducts and tunnels. The construction of a water supply system and other fire-fighting devices provided for by the project must also be completed.

2.19. The construction part of the outdoor switchgear and substations with a voltage of 330-750 kV should be accepted for installation for their full development, provided for by the project for the billing period.

2.20. Prior to the start of electrical work on the construction of overhead power lines with voltages up to 1000 V and above, preparatory work must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, including:

inventory facilities were prepared at the locations of foremen's sites and temporary bases for storing materials and equipment; temporary access roads, bridges and installation sites were built;

clearings are arranged;

the demolition of buildings provided for by the project and the reconstruction of intersecting engineering structures located on the overhead line or near it and interfering with the work were carried out.

2.21. Routes for laying a cable in the ground must be prepared for the beginning of its laying in volume: water is pumped out of the trench and stones, clods of earth, construction debris are removed; at the bottom of the trench there is a pillow made of loosened earth; soil punctures were made at the intersections of the route with roads and other engineering structures, pipes were laid.

After laying the cables in the trench and submitting by the electrical installation organization an act for hidden work on laying the cables, the trench should be filled up.

2.22. Block sewer routes for laying cables must be prepared taking into account the following requirements:

the design depth of the blocks is maintained from the planning mark;

the correct laying and waterproofing of the joints of reinforced concrete blocks and pipes are ensured;

the cleanliness and alignment of the channels are ensured;

there are double covers (lower with a lock) for hatches of wells, metal ladders or brackets for descending into the well.

2.23. When constructing overpasses for laying cables on their supporting structures (columns) and on span structures, the embedded elements provided for by the project for the installation of cable rollers, bypass devices and other devices must be made.

2.24. The general contractor must submit construction readiness for acceptance for installation in residential buildings - section by section, in public buildings - floor by floor (or by premises).

Reinforced concrete, gypsum concrete, expanded clay concrete floor panels, internal wall panels and partitions, reinforced concrete columns and prefabricated crossbars must have channels (pipes) for laying wires, niches, sockets with embedded parts for installing sockets, switches, bells and bell buttons in accordance with working drawings. The flow sections of channels and monolithic non-metallic pipes should not differ by more than 15% from those indicated in the working drawings.

The displacement of nests and niches at the junctions of adjacent building structures should not be more than 40 mm.

2.25. In buildings and structures handed over for installation of electrical equipment, the general contractor must make holes, furrows, niches and nests in foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings and coatings provided for by architectural and construction drawings, necessary for the installation of electrical equipment and installation products, laying pipes for electrical wiring and electrical networks.

The indicated holes, grooves, niches and nests not left in the building structures during their erection are made by the general contractor in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings.

Holes with a diameter of less than 30 mm that cannot be taken into account when developing drawings and which cannot be provided in building structures according to the conditions of their manufacturing technology (holes in walls, partitions, ceilings only for installing dowels, studs and pins of various support structures) must carried out by the electrical installation organization at the place of work.

After performing electrical work, the general contractor is obliged to seal holes, grooves, niches and nests.

2.26. When accepting foundations for transformers, the presence and correct installation of anchors for fastening traction devices when rolling transformers and foundations for jacks for turning rollers should be checked.



3.1. When loading, unloading, moving, lifting and installing electrical equipment, measures must be taken to protect it from damage, while heavy electrical equipment must be securely rafters for the parts provided for this purpose or in the places indicated by the manufacturer.

3.2. Electrical equipment during installation is not subject to disassembly and revision, except when it is provided for by state and industry standards or technical conditions agreed in the prescribed manner.

Dismantling of equipment that arrived sealed from the manufacturer is prohibited.

3.3. Electrical equipment and cable products deformed or with damage to protective coatings are not subject to installation until the damage and defects are eliminated in the prescribed manner.

3.4. In the production of electrical work, standard sets of special tools for the types of electrical work, as well as mechanisms and devices designed for this purpose, should be used.

3.5. As supporting structures and fasteners for the installation of trolleys, bus ducts, trays, boxes, hinged shields and control stations, protective and starting equipment and lamps, factory-made products with increased assembly readiness (with a protective coating, adapted for fastening without welding and do not require large labor costs for mechanical processing).

The support structures should be fastened by welding to the embedded parts provided in the building elements, or by fasteners (dowels, pins, studs, etc.). The method of fastening must be indicated in the working drawings.

3.6. The color designation of the current-carrying busbars of switchgears, trolleys, grounding buses, overhead lines should be carried out in accordance with the instructions given in the project.

3.7. When performing work, an electrical installation organization must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-76 and the Fire Safety Rules for the production of construction and installation works. When introducing an operational mode at the facility, ensuring fire safety is the responsibility of the customer.


3.8. Collapsible connections of tires and cores of wires and cables to the contact outlets of electrical equipment, installation products and busbars must meet the requirements of GOST 10434-82.

3.9. At the points of connection of conductors of wires and cables, a supply of wire or cable should be provided to ensure the possibility of reconnection.

3.10. Connections and branches must be accessible for inspection and repair. The insulation of connections and branches must be equivalent to the insulation of the cores of the connected wires and cables.

At the junctions and branches, wires and cables should not experience mechanical stress.

3.11. The termination of the cable core with impregnated paper insulation should be carried out with sealed current-carrying fittings (lugs) that prevent leakage of the cable impregnating composition.

3.12. Connections and branches of busbars should be made, as a rule, non-separable (by welding).

In places where collapsible joints are required, busbar connections should be made with bolts or compression plates. The number of collapsible joints should be minimal.

3.13. Connections of wires of overhead lines with voltage up to 20 kV should be performed:

a) in the hinges of anchor-angle type supports: with clamps - anchor and branch wedges; connecting oval, mounted by crimping; loop ram, with the help of thermite cartridges, and wires of different grades and sections - with hardware pressed clamps;

b) in spans: connecting oval clamps mounted by twisting.

Single-wire wires are allowed to be connected by twisting. Butt welding of single-wire wires is not allowed.

3.14. The connection of wires of overhead lines with a voltage above 20 kV must be performed:

a) in the loops of anchor-angle type supports:

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 240 mm 2 and above - using thermite cartridges and crimping using explosion energy;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 500 mm 2 and above - using pressed connectors;

wires of different brands - with bolt clamps;

wires made of aluminum alloy - with loop-type clamps or oval connectors, mounted by crimping;

b) in spans:

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of up to 185 mm 2 and steel ropes with a cross section of up to 50 mm 2 - oval connectors mounted by twisting;

steel ropes with a cross section of 70-95 mm 2 - oval connectors mounted by crimping or crimping with additional thermite welding of the ends;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 240-400 mm 2 - connecting clamps mounted by continuous crimping and crimping using explosion energy;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 500 mm 2 or more - with connecting clamps mounted by continuous crimping.

3.15. The connection of copper and steel-copper ropes with a cross section of 35-120 mm 2, as well as aluminum wires with a cross section of 120-185 mm 2, when installing contact networks, should be carried out with oval connectors, steel ropes - with clamps with a connecting strip between them. Steel-copper ropes with a cross section of 50-95 mm 2 are allowed to be joined with wedge clamps with a connecting bar between them.

SNiP 3.05.06-85


Electrical devices

Introduction date 1986-01-07

DEVELOPED BY VNIIproektelektromontazhem of the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy (V.K. Dobrynin, I.N. Dolgov - leaders

themes, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. Antonov, A.L. Blinchikov, V.V. Belotserkovets, V.A. Yu.A. Roslov, S.N. Starostin, A.K. Shulzhitsky), Orgenergostroy of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (G.N. Elenbogen, N.V. Belanov, N.A. Voinilovich, A.L. Gonchar, N.M. Lerner), Selenergoproekt of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (G.F. Sumin, Yu.V. Nepomnyashchiy), UGPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt of the Minmontazhspetsstroy of the Ukrainian SSR (E.G. Poddubny, A.A. Koba).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy.

APPROVED by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of December 11, 1985 No. 215

INSTEAD OF SNiP III-33-76*, SN 85-74, SN 102-76*.

These rules apply to the performance of work during the construction of new, as well as during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises for the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, including: electrical substations, distribution points and overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 750 kV, cable lines with a voltage of up to 220 kV, relay protection, power electrical equipment, indoor and outdoor electric lighting, grounding devices.

The rules do not apply to. production and acceptance of work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices of the subway, mines and mines, contact networks of electrified transport, signaling systems of railway transport, as well as high-security premises of nuclear power plants, which must be carried out in accordance with departmental building codes approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

The rules must be observed by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.


1.1. When organizing and performing work on the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP III-4-80, state standards, technical specifications should be observed. Rules for the installation of electrical installations approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

1.2. Work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices should be carried out in accordance with the working drawings of the main sets of drawings of electrical grades; according to the working documentation of electric drives; according to the working documentation of non-standardized equipment, made by the design organization; according to the working documentation of enterprises - manufacturers of technological equipment, supplying power and control cabinets with it.

1.3. The installation of electrical devices should be carried out on the basis of the use of nodal and complete-block construction methods, with the installation of equipment supplied in enlarged assemblies that do not require straightening, cutting, drilling or other fitting operations and adjustment during installation. When accepting working documentation for the production of work, it is necessary to check that it takes into account the requirements of the industrialization of the installation of electrical devices, as well as the mechanization of work on laying cables, rigging and installing technological equipment.

1.4. Electrical work should be carried out, as a rule, in two stages.

In the first stage, inside buildings and structures, work is carried out on the installation of supporting structures for the installation of electrical equipment and bus ducts, for laying cables and wires, installation of trolleys for electric overhead cranes, installation of steel and plastic pipes for electrical wiring, laying hidden wiring wires to plastering and finishing works, as well as work on the installation of external cable networks and grounding networks. The work of the first stage should be carried out in buildings and structures according to a combined schedule simultaneously with the main construction work, while measures should be taken to protect the installed structures and laid pipes from breakage and pollution.

In the second stage, work is carried out on the installation of electrical equipment, the laying of cables and wires, busbars and the connection of cables and wires to the terminals of electrical equipment. In the electrical rooms of the facilities, the work of the second stage should be carried out after the completion of the complex of general construction and finishing works and after the completion of the installation of plumbing devices, and in other rooms and areas - after the installation of technological equipment, electric motors and other electrical receivers, installation of technological, sanitary and technical pipelines and ventilation ducts.

At small facilities remote from the locations of electrical installation organizations, work should be carried out by mobile integrated teams with a combination of two stages of their implementation into one.

1.5. Electrical equipment, products and materials should be supplied according to the schedule agreed with the electrical installation organization, which should provide for the priority supply of materials and products included in the specifications for the blocks to be manufactured at the assembly and assembly enterprises of electrical installation organizations.

1.6. The end of the installation of electrical devices is the completion of individual tests of the installed electrical equipment and the signing by the working commission of an act on the acceptance of electrical equipment after an individual test. The beginning of individual testing of electrical equipment is the moment of introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation, declared by the customer on the basis of a notice from the commissioning and electrical installation organizations.

1.7. At each construction site, during the installation of electrical devices, special logs for the production of electrical work should be kept in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, and upon completion of work, the electrical installation organization is obliged to transfer to the general contractor the documentation presented to the working commission in accordance with SNiP III-3-81. The list of acts and protocols of inspections and tests is determined by the VSN, approved in accordance with the procedure established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.



2.1. The installation of electrical devices must be preceded by preparation in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 and these rules.

2.2. Prior to the commencement of work at the facility, the following activities must be completed:

a) working documentation has been received in the amount and within the time limits specified by the Rules on Contracts for Capital Work

construction, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Regulations on the relationship of organizations, general contractors with subcontractors, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR State Planning Committee;

b) coordinated schedules for the supply of equipment, products and materials, taking into account the technological sequence of work, a list of electrical equipment installed with the involvement of the installation supervision personnel of the supplying enterprises, the conditions for transporting heavy and large-sized electrical equipment to the installation site;

c) the necessary premises have been taken to accommodate teams of workers, engineering and technical workers, a production base, as well as for storing materials and tools with the provision of measures for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85;

d) a project for the production of works was developed, the engineering and technical workers and foremen were familiarized with the working documentation and estimates, organizational and technical solutions for the project for the production of works;

e) the acceptance of the construction part of the facility for the installation of electrical devices in accordance with the requirements of these rules was carried out and the measures for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection provided for by the norms and rules in the course of work were carried out;

f) the general contractor has performed general construction and auxiliary work, provided for by the Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors.

2.3. Equipment, products, materials and technical documentation must be handed over for installation in accordance with the Rules on contracts for capital construction and the Regulations on the relationship of organizations - general contractors with subcontractors.

2.4. Upon acceptance of the equipment for installation, it is inspected, the completeness is checked (without disassembly), the presence and validity of the manufacturer's warranties are checked.

2.5. The condition of the cables on the drums must be checked in the presence of the customer by external inspection. The results of the inspection are documented.

2.6. When accepting prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of overhead lines (VL), the following should be checked:

the dimensions of the elements, the position of the steel embedded parts, as well as the quality of the surfaces and the appearance of the elements. The specified parameters must comply with GOST 13015.0-83, GOST 22687.0-85, GOST 24762-81, GOST 26071-84, GOST 23613-79, as well as PUE;

the presence on the surface of reinforced concrete structures intended for installation in an aggressive environment, waterproofing, made at the manufacturer.

2.7. Insulators and linear fittings must meet the requirements of the relevant state standards and specifications. Upon acceptance, check:

availability of a manufacturer's passport for each batch of insulators and linear fittings, certifying their quality;

the absence of cracks, deformations, shells, chips, damage to the glaze on the surface of the insulators, as well as the swaying and rotation of the steel reinforcement relative to the cement seal or porcelain;

the absence of cracks, deformations, shells and damage to galvanizing and threads in linear reinforcement.

Minor damage to galvanizing can be painted over.

2.8. Elimination of defects and damages discovered during the transfer of electrical equipment is carried out in accordance with the Rules on Contracts for Capital Construction.

2.9. Electrical equipment for which the normative storage period specified in state standards or technical conditions has expired is accepted for installation only after a pre-installation audit, defect correction and testing. The results of the work performed must be entered in the forms, passports and other accompanying documentation, or an act must be drawn up on the performance of the specified work.

2.10. Electrical equipment, products and materials accepted for installation should be stored in accordance with the requirements of state standards or technical specifications.

2.11. For large and complex facilities with a large volume of cable lines in tunnels, channels and cable half-floors, as well as electrical equipment in electrical rooms, measures for advanced installation (against the installation of cable networks) of internal fire water supply systems, automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire signaling, provided for by the working drawings.

2.12. In electrical rooms (panel rooms, control rooms, substations and switchgears, machine rooms, battery rooms, cable tunnels and channels, cable half-floors, etc.), finishing floors with drainage channels, the necessary slope and waterproofing, and finishing works (plastering and painting ), embedded parts are installed and mounting openings are left, the load-lifting and load-moving mechanisms and devices provided for by the project are mounted, pipe blocks, holes and openings for the passage of pipes and cables, grooves, niches and nests are prepared in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings and the project for the production of works, power supply for temporary electric lighting in all rooms has been completed.

2.13. In buildings and structures, heating and ventilation systems must be put into operation, bridges, platforms and structures of suspended ceilings, provided by the project for the installation and maintenance of electric lighting installations located at a height, as well as fastening structures for multi-lamp fixtures (chandeliers) weighing more than 100 kg; asbestos-cement pipes and branch pipes and pipe blocks for the passage of cables were laid outside and inside the buildings and structures provided for by the working construction drawings.

2.14. Foundations for electrical machines should be handed over for installation with fully completed construction and finishing works, installed air coolers and ventilation ducts, with benchmarks and axial bars (measurements) in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-83 and these rules.

2.15. On the supporting (rough) surfaces of the foundations, depressions of not more than 10 mm and slopes of up to 1:100 are allowed. Deviations in construction dimensions should be no more than: according to axial dimensions in the plan - plus 30 mm, according to the height marks of the foundation surface (excluding the height of the gravy) - minus 30 mm, according to the dimensions of the ledges in the plan - minus 20 mm, according to the dimensions of the wells - plus 20 mm, along the ledge marks in the recesses and wells - minus 20 mm, along the axes of the anchor bolts in the plan - ± 5 mm, along the axes of the embedded anchor devices in the plan - ± 10 mm, along the marks of the upper ends of the anchor bolts - ± 20 mm.

2.16. The handover and acceptance of foundations for the installation of electrical equipment, the installation of which is carried out with the involvement of installation supervision personnel, is carried out jointly with representatives of the organization that carries out installation supervision.

2.17. Upon completion of finishing work in battery rooms, acid- or alkali-resistant coatings of walls, ceilings and floors should be made, heating, ventilation, plumbing and sewerage systems should be installed and tested.

2.18. Prior to the start of electrical work on open switchgears with a voltage of 35 kV and above, the construction organization must complete the construction of access roads, approaches and entrances, install busbar and linear portals, build foundations for electrical equipment, cable ducts with ceilings, fences around the outdoor switchgear, emergency discharge tanks oils, underground communications and the planning of the territory is completed. In the structures of portals and foundations for equipment, the embedded parts and fasteners provided for by the project, necessary for fastening the strings of insulators and equipment, must be installed. Embedded parts for fastening cable structures and air ducts must be installed in cable ducts and tunnels. The construction of a water supply system and other fire-fighting devices provided for by the project must also be completed.

2.19. The construction part of the outdoor switchgear and substations with a voltage of 330-750 kV should be accepted for installation for their full development, provided for by the project for the billing period.

2.20. Prior to the start of electrical work on the construction of overhead power lines with voltages up to 1000 V and above, preparatory work must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, including:

inventory facilities were prepared at the locations of foremen's sites and temporary bases for storing materials and equipment; temporary access roads, bridges and installation sites were built;

clearings are arranged;

the demolition of buildings provided for by the project and the reconstruction of intersecting engineering structures located on the overhead line or near it and interfering with the work were carried out.

2.21. Routes for laying a cable in the ground must be prepared for the beginning of its laying in volume: water is pumped out of the trench and stones, clods of earth, construction debris are removed; at the bottom of the trench there is a pillow made of loosened earth; soil punctures were made at the intersections of the route with roads and other engineering structures, pipes were laid.

After laying the cables in the trench and submitting by the electrical installation organization an act for hidden work on laying the cables, the trench should be filled up.

2.22. Block sewer routes for laying cables must be prepared taking into account the following requirements:

the design depth of the blocks is maintained from the planning mark;

the correct laying and waterproofing of the joints of reinforced concrete blocks and pipes are ensured;

the cleanliness and alignment of the channels are ensured;

there are double covers (lower with a lock) for hatches of wells, metal ladders or brackets for descending into the well.

2.23. When constructing overpasses for laying cables on their supporting structures (columns) and on span structures, the embedded elements provided for by the project for the installation of cable rollers, bypass devices and other devices must be made.

2.24. The general contractor must submit construction readiness for acceptance for installation in residential buildings - section by section, in public buildings - floor by floor (or by premises).

Reinforced concrete, gypsum concrete, expanded clay concrete floor panels, internal wall panels and partitions, reinforced concrete columns and prefabricated crossbars must have channels (pipes) for laying wires, niches, sockets with embedded parts for installing sockets, switches, bells and bell buttons in accordance with working drawings. The flow sections of channels and monolithic non-metallic pipes should not differ by more than 15% from those indicated in the working drawings.

The displacement of nests and niches at the junctions of adjacent building structures should not be more than 40 mm.

2.25. In buildings and structures handed over for installation of electrical equipment, the general contractor must make holes, furrows, niches and nests in foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings and coatings provided for by architectural and construction drawings, necessary for the installation of electrical equipment and installation products, laying pipes for electrical wiring and electrical networks.

The indicated holes, grooves, niches and nests not left in the building structures during their erection are made by the general contractor in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings.

Holes with a diameter of less than 30 mm that cannot be taken into account when developing drawings and which cannot be provided in building structures according to the conditions of their manufacturing technology (holes in walls, partitions, ceilings only for installing dowels, studs and pins of various support structures) must carried out by the electrical installation organization at the place of work.

After performing electrical work, the general contractor is obliged to seal holes, grooves, niches and nests.

2.26. When accepting foundations for transformers, the presence and correct installation of anchors for fastening traction devices when rolling transformers and foundations for jacks for turning rollers should be checked.



3.1. When loading, unloading, moving, lifting and installing electrical equipment, measures must be taken to protect it from damage, while heavy electrical equipment must be securely rafters for the parts provided for this purpose or in the places indicated by the manufacturer.

3.2. Electrical equipment during installation is not subject to disassembly and revision, except when it is provided for by state and industry standards or technical conditions agreed in the prescribed manner.

Dismantling of equipment that arrived sealed from the manufacturer is prohibited.

3.3. Electrical equipment and cable products deformed or with damage to protective coatings are not subject to installation until the damage and defects are eliminated in the prescribed manner.

3.4. In the production of electrical work, standard sets of special tools for the types of electrical work, as well as mechanisms and devices designed for this purpose, should be used.

3.5. As supporting structures and fasteners for the installation of trolleys, bus ducts, trays, boxes, hinged shields and control stations, protective and starting equipment and lamps, factory-made products with increased assembly readiness (with a protective coating, adapted for fastening without welding and not requiring large labor costs for mechanical processing).

The support structures should be fastened by welding to the embedded parts provided in the building elements, or by fasteners (dowels, pins, studs, etc.). The method of fastening must be indicated in the working drawings.

3.6. The color designation of the current-carrying busbars of switchgears, trolleys, grounding buses, overhead lines should be carried out in accordance with the instructions given in the project.

3.7. When performing work, an electrical installation organization must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-76 and the Fire Safety Rules for the production of construction and installation works. When introducing an operational mode at the facility, ensuring fire safety is the responsibility of the customer.


3.8. Collapsible connections of tires and cores of wires and cables to the contact outlets of electrical equipment, installation products and busbars must meet the requirements of GOST 10434-82.

3.9. At the points of connection of conductors of wires and cables, a supply of wire or cable should be provided to ensure the possibility of reconnection.

3.10. Connections and branches must be accessible for inspection and repair. The insulation of connections and branches must be equivalent to the insulation of the cores of the connected wires and cables.

At the junctions and branches, wires and cables should not experience mechanical stress.

3.11. The termination of the cable core with impregnated paper insulation should be carried out with sealed current-carrying fittings (lugs), which do not allow leakage of the cable impregnating composition.

3.12. Connections and branches of busbars should be made, as a rule, non-separable (by welding).

In places where collapsible joints are required, busbar connections should be made with bolts or compression plates. The number of collapsible joints should be minimal.

3.13. Connections of wires of overhead lines with voltage up to 20 kV should be performed:

a) in the hinges of anchor-angle type supports: with clamps - anchor and branch wedges; connecting oval, mounted by crimping; loop ram, with the help of thermite cartridges, and wires of different grades and sections - with hardware pressed clamps;

b) in spans: connecting oval clamps mounted by twisting.

Single-wire wires are allowed to be connected by twisting. Butt welding of single-wire wires is not allowed.

3.14. The connection of wires of overhead lines with a voltage above 20 kV must be performed:

a) in the loops of anchor-angle type supports:

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 240 sq. mm and above - using thermite cartridges and crimping using explosion energy;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 500 sq. mm and above - using pressed connectors;

wires of different brands - with bolt clamps;

wires made of aluminum alloy - with loop-type clamps or oval connectors, mounted by crimping;

b) in spans:

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of up to 185 sq. mm and steel ropes with a cross section of up to 50 sq. mm - oval connectors mounted by twisting;

steel ropes with a cross section of 70-95 sq. mm with oval connectors mounted by crimping or crimping with additional thermite welding of the ends;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 240-400 sq. mm with connecting clamps mounted by the method of continuous crimping and crimping using explosion energy;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 500 sq. mm or more - with connecting clamps mounted by continuous crimping.

3.15. The connection of copper and steel-copper ropes with a cross section of 35-120 sq. mm, as well as aluminum wires with a cross section of 120-185 sq. mm, when installing contact networks, should be carried out with oval connectors, steel ropes - with clamps with a connecting strip between them. Steel-copper ropes with a cross section of 50-95 sq. mm are allowed to be joined with wedge clamps with a connecting bar between them.


General requirements

3.16. The rules of this subsection apply to the installation of electrical wiring for power, lighting and secondary circuits with voltage up to 1000 V AC and DC, laid inside and outside buildings and structures with insulated installation wires of all sections and unarmored cables with rubber or plastic insulation with a cross section of up to 16 sq. mm.

3.17. Installation of control cables should be carried out taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.56-3.106.

3.18. The passages of unarmored cables, protected and unprotected wires through fireproof walls (partitions) and interfloor ceilings must be made in pipe segments, or in boxes, or openings, and through combustible ones - in steel pipe segments.

Openings in walls and ceilings must be framed to prevent their destruction during operation. In places where wires and cables pass through walls, ceilings or exit to the outside, gaps between wires, cables and a pipe (duct, opening) should be sealed with an easily removable mass of fireproof material.

The seal must be made on each side of the pipe (duct, etc.).

In case of open laying of non-metallic pipes, the places of their passage through fire barriers must be sealed with fireproof materials immediately after laying cables or wires into pipes.

Sealing gaps between pipes (ducts, openings) and the building structure (see clause 2.25), as well as between wires and cables laid in pipes (ducts, openings), with an easily removable mass of non-combustible material, must ensure fire resistance corresponding to the fire resistance of the building structure .

Laying wires and cables on trays and in boxes

3.19. The design and degree of protection of trays and boxes, as well as the method of laying wires and cables on trays and boxes (in bulk, bundles, multilayer, etc.) must be specified in the project.

3.20. The installation method of the boxes should not allow the accumulation of moisture in them. The boxes used for open electrical wiring should, as a rule, have removable or opening covers.

3.21. For hidden gaskets, blind boxes should be used.

3.22. Wires and cables laid in boxes and on trays must be marked at the beginning and end of trays and boxes, as well as at the points of their connection to electrical equipment, and cables, in addition, also at turns and on branches.

3.23. Fastening of unprotected wires and cables with a metal sheath with metal brackets or bandages must be made with gaskets made of elastic insulating materials.

Laying wires on insulating supports

3.24. When laying on insulating supports, the connection or branching of the wires should be carried out directly at the insulator, wedge, roller or on them.

3.25. The distances between the attachment points along the route and between the axes of parallel laid unprotected insulated wires on insulating supports must be specified in the project.

3.26. Hooks and brackets with insulators must be fixed only in the main material of the walls, and rollers and clips for wires with a cross section of up to 4 sq. mm inclusive. can be fixed on plaster or on the cladding of wooden buildings. Hook insulators must be securely fastened.

3.27. When fastening rollers with capercaillie, metal and elastic washers should be placed under the capercaillie heads, and when attaching rollers to metal, elastic washers should be placed under their bases.

Laying wires and cables on a steel rope

3.28. Wires and cables (in polyvinylchloride, nayrite, lead or aluminum sheaths with rubber or polyvinylchloride insulation) must be fixed to the supporting steel rope or to the wire with bandages or clips installed at distances of not more than 0.5 m from each other.

3.29. Cables and wires laid on ropes, at the points of their transition from the rope to building structures, must be unloaded from mechanical stress.

Vertical wire suspensions on a steel rope should be located, as a rule, at the installation sites of junction boxes, plug connectors, lamps, etc. The rope sag in the spans between the fasteners should be within 1/40 - 1/60 of the span length. Splicing of ropes in the span between the end fixtures is not allowed.

3.30. Stretch marks must be installed on the steel rope to prevent swinging of the lighting wiring. The number of stretch marks must be determined in the working drawings.

3.31. For branches from special cable wires, special boxes should be used that ensure the creation of a cable loop, as well as the supply of cores necessary to connect the outgoing line using branch clamps without cutting the line.

Laying installation wires on building grounds

and inside the main building structures

3.32. Open and hidden laying of installation wires is not allowed at temperatures below minus 15 ° C.

3.33. When laying hidden wires under a layer of plaster or in thin-walled (up to 80 mm) partitions, the wires must be laid parallel to the architectural and construction lines. The distance of horizontally laid wires from floor slabs should not exceed 150 mm. In building structures with a thickness of more than 80 mm, wires must be laid along the shortest routes.

3.34. All connections and branches of the installation wires must be made by welding, crimping in sleeves or using clamps in junction boxes.

Metal junction boxes at the points where wires are inserted into them must have bushings made of insulating materials. It is allowed to use segments of a PVC tube instead of bushings. In dry rooms, it is allowed to place wire branches in nests and niches of walls and ceilings, as well as in ceiling voids. The walls of the nests and niches must be smooth, the branches of the wires located in the nests and niches must be covered with covers made of fireproof material.

3.35. The fastening of flat wires with hidden laying should ensure their tight fit to the building bases. In this case, the distances between the attachment points should be:

a) when laying on horizontal and vertical sections of plastered bundles of wires - no more than 0.5 m; single wires -0.9 m;

b) when covering the wires with dry plaster - up to 1.2 m.

3.36. The plinth wiring device must provide separate laying of power and low-voltage wires.

3.37. Fixing the plinth should ensure its tight fit to the building bases, while the pull-off force should be at least 190 N, and the gap between the plinth, wall and floor should not exceed 2 mm. Skirting boards should be made of non-combustible and slow-burning materials with electrical insulating properties.

3.38. In accordance with GOST 12504-80, GOST 12767-80 and GOST 9574-80, the panels must be provided with internal channels or embedded plastic pipes and embedded elements for hidden replaceable electrical wiring, sockets and openings for installing junction boxes, switches and socket outlets.

Holes intended for electrical installation products and broaching niches in the wall panels of adjacent apartments should not be through. If, according to the conditions of the manufacturing technology, it is not possible to make the holes non-through, then soundproofing gaskets made of vinylor or other fireproof soundproofing material should be laid in them.

3.39. Installation of pipes and boxes in reinforcing cages should be carried out on conductors according to working drawings that determine the attachment points for installation, branch and ceiling boxes. To ensure the location of the boxes after molding flush with the surface of the panels, they should be fixed to the reinforcing cage in such a way that when the boxes are installed in blocks, the height of the block corresponds to the thickness of the panel, and when the boxes are installed separately, to prevent their displacement inside the panels, the front surface of the boxes should protrude beyond the plane of the reinforcing cage by 30-35 mm.

3.40. Channels should have a smooth surface throughout without sagging and sharp corners.

The thickness of the protective layer above the channel (pipe) must be at least 10 mm.

The length of the channels between the lingering niches or boxes should be no more than 8 m.

Laying wires and cables in steel pipes

3.41. Steel pipes may be used for electrical wiring only in cases specially justified in the project in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

3.42. Steel pipes used for electrical wiring must have an inner surface that prevents damage to the insulation of the wires when they are pulled into the pipe and an anti-corrosion coating on the outer surface. For pipes embedded in building structures, an external anti-corrosion coating is not required. Pipes laid in rooms with a chemically active environment, inside and out, must have an anti-corrosion coating that is resistant to the conditions of this environment. Insulating sleeves should be installed at the points where the wires exit the steel pipes.

3.43. Steel pipes for electrical wiring laid in the foundations for technological equipment, before concreting the foundations, must be fixed to the supporting structures or to the reinforcement. In places where pipes exit the foundation into the ground, the measures provided for in the working drawings should be taken to prevent pipes from shearing during soil or foundation settlements.

3.44. Compensating devices must be made in the places where pipes cross expansion and settlement joints in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings.

3.45. The distances between the attachment points of openly laid steel pipes should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 1. Fastening of steel pipes of electrical wiring directly to process pipelines, as well as their welding directly to various structures, is not allowed.

Table 1

Conditional passage of pipes, mm

Conditional passage of pipes, mm

The largest allowable distances between attachment points, m

3.46. When bending pipes, normalized bending angles of 90, 120 and 135° and normalized bending radii of 400, 800 and 1000 mm should generally be used. A bending radius of 400 mm should be used for pipes laid in ceilings and for vertical outlets; 800 and 1000 mm - when laying pipes in monolithic foundations and when laying cables with single-wire cores in them. When preparing packages and blocks of pipes, the specified normalized angles and bending radii should also be observed.

3.47. When laying wires in vertically laid pipes (risers), their fixing should be provided, and the fixing points should be separated from each other at a distance not exceeding, m:

for wires up to 50 sq. mm incl. ................... thirty

the same, from 70 to 150 sq. mm incl. .................. twenty

" " 185 " 240 sq. mm " ....................... 15

Fastening of wires should be carried out using clips or clamps in pull-in or branch boxes or at the ends of pipes.

3.48. Pipes with hidden laying in the floor must be buried at least 20 mm and protected with a layer of cement mortar. It is allowed to install branch and pull boxes in the floor, for example, for modular wiring.

3.49. The distances between the pull boxes (boxes) should not exceed, m: on straight sections 75, with one bend of the pipe - 50, with two - 40, with three -20.

Wires and cables in pipes must lie freely, without tension. The pipe diameter should be taken in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings.

Laying wires and cables in non-metallic pipes

3.50. The laying of non-metallic (plastic) pipes for tightening wires and cables in them must be carried out in accordance with the working drawings at an air temperature not lower than minus 20 and not higher than plus 60 ° C.

In foundations, plastic pipes (usually polyethylene) should only be laid on horizontally compacted soil or a layer of concrete.

In foundations up to 2 m deep, PVC pipes are allowed. At the same time, measures must be taken against mechanical damage during concreting and backfilling of the soil.

3.51. The fastening of openly laid non-metallic pipes must allow their free movement (movable fastening) during linear expansion or contraction from changes in ambient temperature. The distances between the installation points of the movable fasteners must correspond to those indicated in Table. 2.

table 2

Pipe outer diameter, mm

Pipe outer diameter, mm

Distances between fixing points for horizontal and vertical laying, mm

3.52. The thickness of the concrete solution above the pipes (single and blocks) when they are monolithic in floor preparations must be at least 20 mm. At the intersections of pipe routes, a protective layer of concrete solution between the pipes is not required. In this case, the laying depth of the upper row must comply with the above requirements. If, when crossing pipes, it is impossible to ensure the required depth of the pipes, they should be protected from mechanical damage by installing metal sleeves, casings or other means in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings.

3.53. Protection against mechanical damage at the intersection of electrical wiring laid in the floor in plastic pipes with intra-shop transport routes with a concrete layer of 100 mm or more is not required. The exit of plastic pipes from foundations, grouts, floors and other building structures must be made by segments or elbows of PVC pipes, and if mechanical damage is possible, by segments of thin-walled steel pipes.

3.54. When polyvinyl chloride pipes exit onto the walls in places of possible mechanical damage, they should be protected with steel structures to a height of up to 1.5 m or exit the wall with pieces of thin-walled steel pipes.

3.55. The connection of plastic pipes must be made:

polyethylene - tight fit with the help of sleeves, hot casing in the socket, sleeves made of heat-shrinkable materials, welding;

polyvinyl chloride - tight fit into the socket or with the help of couplings. Bonding is allowed.


General requirements

3.56. These rules should be observed when installing power cable lines with voltage up to 220 kV.

Installation of cable lines of the subway, mines, mines should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the VSN, approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

3.57. The smallest permissible bending radii of cables and the permissible level difference between the highest and lowest points of the location of cables with impregnated paper insulation on the route must comply with the requirements of GOST 24183-80 *, GOST 16441-78, GOST 24334-80, GOST 1508-78 * E and approved technical conditions.

3.58. When laying cables, measures should be taken to protect them from mechanical damage. The tensile forces of cables up to 35 kV must be within the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in Table. 3. Winches and other traction devices must be equipped with adjustable limiting devices to cut off tension when forces appear above the allowable. Pulling devices that compress the cable (drive rollers), as well as turning devices, must exclude the possibility of cable deformation.

For cables with a voltage of 110-220 kV, the permissible tensile forces are given in clause 3.100.

3.59. Cables should be laid with a margin of 1-2% in length. In trenches and on solid surfaces inside buildings and structures, the margin is achieved by laying the cable in a "snake", and along cable structures (brackets), this margin is used to form a sag.

Laying the cable stock in the form of rings (turns) is not allowed.

Table 3

Pulling force for


Tension forces for the cores, kN,

cable up to 35, kV

cable, mm2

sheath, kN, cable voltage, kV

aluminum stranded

aluminum single-wire

1,7 1,8 2,3 2,9 3,4 3,9 5,9 6,4 7,4

2,8 2,9 3,4 3,9 4,4 4,9 6,4 7,4 9,3

3,7 3,9 4,4 4,9 5,7 6,4 7,4 8,3 9,8


* Made of soft aluminum with a relative elongation of not more than 30%.


1. Pulling a cable with a plastic or lead sheath is allowed only by the cores.

2. The tensile forces of the cable when pulling it through the block sewer are given in table. four.

3. Cables armored with round wire should be pulled by the wires. Permissible stress 70-100 N / sq. mm.

4. Control cables and armored and unarmored power cables with a cross section of up to 3 x 16 sq. mm, in contrast to the cables of large cross sections given in this table, can be laid mechanized by pulling behind the armor or behind the sheath using a wire stocking, while pulling forces should not exceed 1 kN.

3.60. Cables laid horizontally along structures, walls, ceilings, trusses, etc., should be rigidly fixed at the end points, directly at the end sleeves, at the turns of the route, on both sides of the bends and at the connecting and locking sleeves.

3.61. Cables laid vertically along structures and walls must be fixed to each cable structure.

3.62. The distances between the supporting structures are taken in accordance with the working drawings. When laying power and control cables with an aluminum sheath on supporting structures with a distance of 6000 mm, a residual deflection in the middle of the span must be ensured: 250-300 mm when laying on overpasses and galleries, at least 100-150 mm in other cable structures.

Structures on which unarmored cables are laid must be of a design that excludes the possibility of mechanical damage to the cable sheaths.

In places of rigid fastening of unarmored cables with a lead or aluminum sheath, gaskets made of elastic material (for example, rubber sheet, polyvinyl chloride sheet) must be laid on the structures; unarmored cables with a plastic sheath or plastic hose, as well as armored cables, can be fastened to structures with brackets (clamps) without gaskets.

3.63. Armored and unarmoured cables indoors and outdoors in places where mechanical damage is possible (movement of vehicles, cargo and mechanisms, accessibility for unqualified personnel) must be protected to a safe height, but not less than 2 m from the ground or floor level and at a depth of 0 .3 m in the ground.

3.64. The ends of all cables whose sealing is broken during the laying process must be temporarily sealed before the installation of connecting and terminating couplings.

3.65. Cable passages through walls, partitions and ceilings in industrial premises and cable structures must be carried out through segments of non-metallic pipes (non-pressure asbestos, plastic, etc.), textured holes in reinforced concrete structures or open openings. Gaps in pipe sections, holes and openings after laying cables must be sealed with fireproof material, for example, cement with sand by volume 1:10, clay with sand - 1:3, clay with cement and sand - 1.5:1:11, perlite expanded with building plaster - 1:2, etc., throughout the entire thickness of the wall or partition.

Gaps in passages through walls may not be sealed if these walls are not fire barriers.

3.66. The trench before laying the cable should be inspected to identify places on the route containing substances that have a destructive effect on the metal cover and cable sheath (salt marshes, lime, water, bulk soil containing slag or construction waste, areas located closer than 2 m from cesspools and garbage pits, etc.). If it is impossible to bypass these places, the cable should be laid in clean neutral soil in non-pressure asbestos-cement pipes coated on the outside and inside with a bitumen composition, etc. When filling the cable with neutral soil, the trench should be further expanded on both sides by 0.5-0, 6 m and deepened by 0.3-0.4 m.

3.67. Cable entries into buildings, cable structures and other premises must be made in asbestos-cement non-pressure pipes in textured holes in reinforced concrete structures. The ends of the pipes should protrude from the wall of the building into the trench, and if there is a blind area, beyond the line of the latter by at least 0.6 m and have a slope towards the trench.

3.68. When laying several cables in a trench, the ends of the cables intended for the subsequent installation of connecting and locking sleeves should be located with a shift of the connection points by at least 2 m. as well as laying the compensator arc (at each end not less than 350 mm long for cables with voltage up to 10 kV and not less than 400 mm for cables with voltage 20 and 35 kV).

3.69. In cramped conditions with large cable flows, it is allowed to place expansion joints in a vertical plane below the cable laying level. The sleeve remains at the level of the cable routing.

3.70. The cable laid in the trench should be sprinkled with the first layer of earth, mechanical protection or signal tape should be laid, after which representatives of the electrical installation and construction organizations, together with the representative of the customer, should inspect the route with drawing up an act for hidden work.

3.71. The trench must be finally backfilled and compacted after the installation of the couplings and testing the line with increased voltage.

3.72. Backfilling the trench with clods of frozen earth, soil containing stones, pieces of metal, etc., is not allowed.

3.73. Trenchless laying from a self-propelled or traction-driven knife cable layer is allowed for 1-2 armored cables with a voltage of up to 10 kV with a lead or aluminum sheath on cable routes remote from engineering structures. In urban power networks and at industrial enterprises, trenchless laying is allowed only on long sections in the absence of underground utilities, intersections with engineering structures, natural obstacles and hard surfaces on the route.

3.74. When laying a cable line route in an undeveloped area, identification marks must be installed along the entire route on concrete columns or on special signposts that are placed at the turns of the route, at the locations of the couplings, on both sides of intersections with roads and underground structures, at entrances to buildings and every 100 m on straight sections.

On arable land, identification marks should be installed at least every 500 m.

Laying in a block sewer

3.75. The total length of the block channel under the conditions of maximum permissible tensile forces for unarmored cables with a lead sheath and copper conductors should not exceed the following values:

Cable cross-section, sq. mm.... up to 3x50 3x70 3x95 and above

Maximum length, m..... 145 115 108

For unarmored cables with aluminum conductors with a cross section of 95 sq. mm and above in a lead or plastic sheath, the channel length should not exceed 150 m.

3.76. The maximum permissible tensile forces for unarmored cables with a lead sheath and with copper or aluminum conductors when attaching a traction rope to the conductors, as well as the required forces for pulling 100 m of cable through a block sewer are given in Table. four.

Table 4

Unarmoured cable cores with


Cable section, sq. mm

Permissible pulling force, kN

Required tensile force per 100 m of cable, kN, voltage, kV




To reduce tensile forces when pulling the cable, it should be coated with a lubricant that does not contain substances that are harmful to the cable sheath (grease, grease).

3.77. For unarmoured cables with a plastic sheath, the maximum allowable tensile forces should be taken from Table. 4 with correction factors for conductors:

copper ........................................ 0.7

made of solid aluminum .......................... 0.5

"soft" .......................... 0.25

Laying in cable structures

and industrial premises

3.78. When laying in cable structures, collectors and industrial premises, cables should not have external protective covers made of combustible materials. Metal sheaths and cable armor having a non-combustible anti-corrosion (for example, galvanized) coating made at the manufacturer's factory cannot be painted after installation.

3.79. Cables in cable structures and collectors of residential areas should be laid, as a rule, in whole construction lengths, avoiding, if possible, the use of couplings in them.

Cables laid horizontally along structures on open overpasses (cable and technological), except for fastening in places in accordance with clause 3.60, must be fixed to prevent displacement under the action of wind loads on straight horizontal sections of the route in accordance with the instructions given in the project.

3.80. Cables in an aluminum sheath without an outer cover when laying them along plastered and concrete walls, trusses and columns must be separated from the surface of building structures by at least 25 mm. On the painted surfaces of these structures, it is allowed to lay such cables without a gap.

Laying on a steel rope

3.81. The diameter and brand of the rope, as well as the distance between the anchor and intermediate fastenings of the rope, are determined in the working drawings. The sag of the rope after suspension of the cables should be within 1/40 - 1/60 of the span length. Distances between cable hangers should be no more than 800 - 1000 mm.

3.82. Anchor end structures must be fixed to the columns or walls of the building. Fastening them to beams and trusses is not allowed.

3.83. Steel rope and other metal parts for laying cables on a rope outdoors, regardless of the presence of a galvanized coating, must be coated with a lubricant (for example, grease). Indoors, galvanized steel wire rope should only be lubricated if it is likely to be corroded by an aggressive environment.

Laying in permafrost soils

3.84. The depth of cable laying in permafrost soils is determined in the working drawings.

3.85. Local soil used for backfilling trenches should be crushed and compacted. The presence of ice and snow in the trench is not allowed. The soil for the embankment should be taken from places at least 5 m away from the axis of the cable route. The soil in the trench after settlement should be covered with a moss-peat layer.

As additional measures against the occurrence of frost cracks, the following should be applied:

backfilling the trench with the cable with sandy or gravel-pebble soil;

arrangement of drainage ditches or slots up to 0.6 m deep, located on both sides of the route at a distance of 2-3 m from its axis;

sowing the cable route with grasses and planting with bushes.

Laying at low temperatures

3.86. Laying cables in the cold season without preheating is allowed only in cases where the air temperature has not decreased, at least temporarily, below:

0 °С - for power armored and unarmoured cables with paper insulation (viscous, non-drip and depleted) in a lead or aluminum sheath;

minus 5 °С - for low and high pressure oil-filled cables;

minus 7 °С - for control and power cables with voltage up to 35 kV with plastic or rubber insulation and sheath with fibrous materials in a protective cover, as well as with steel tape or wire armor;

minus 15 °С - for control and power cables with voltage up to 10 kV with PVC or rubber insulation and a sheath without fibrous materials in a protective cover, as well as with armor made of profiled galvanized steel tape;

minus 20°C - for unarmored control and power cables with polyethylene insulation and sheath without fibrous materials in a protective cover, as well as with rubber insulation in a lead sheath.

3.87. Short-term temperature drops within 2-3 hours (night frosts) should not be taken into account if the temperature was positive in the previous period of time.

3.88. At an air temperature below that specified in clause 3.86, the cables must be preheated and laid within the following periods:

more than 1 h................ from 0 to minus 10 °С

"40 min............. from minus 10 to minus 20 °С

" 30 min............ from minus 20 °С and below

3.89. Unarmored cables with an aluminum sheath in a PVC hose, even if preheated, are not allowed to be laid at an ambient temperature below minus 20 °C.

3.90. At an ambient temperature below minus 40 °C, the laying of cables of all brands is not allowed.

3.91. The heated cable during laying should not be bent along a radius less than the permissible one. It is necessary to lay it in a trench with a snake with a margin in length in accordance with clause 3.59. Immediately after laying, the cable must be covered with the first layer of loosened soil. Finally fill the trench with soil and compact the backfill after the cable has cooled.

Installation of cable sleeves with voltage up to 35 kV

3.92. Installation of couplings for power cables with voltage up to 35 kV and control cables must be carried out in accordance with departmental technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.93. Types of couplings and terminations for power cables up to 35 kV with paper and plastic insulation and control cables, as well as methods for connecting and terminating cable cores must be specified in the project.

3.94. The clear distance between the coupling body and the nearest cable laid in the ground must be at least 250 mm. On steeply inclined routes (over 20° to the horizontal), as a rule, couplings should not be installed. If it is necessary to install couplings in such sections, they must be located on horizontal platforms. To ensure the possibility of re-assembly of the couplings in case of damage, a reserve of cable in the form of a compensator must be left on both sides of the coupling (see clause 3.68).

3.95. Cables in cable structures should be laid, as a rule, without making couplings on them. If it is necessary to use couplings on cables with a voltage of 6-35 kV, each of them must be laid on a separate support structure and enclosed in a fireproof protective casing for fire localization (manufactured in accordance with the approved regulatory and technical documentation). In addition, the coupling must be separated from the upper and lower cables by fireproof protective partitions with a fire resistance rating of at least 0.25 hours.

3.96. Couplings of cables laid in blocks must be located in wells.

3.97. On a route consisting of a through tunnel leading to a semi-through tunnel or a non-going channel, couplings must be located in the through tunnel.

Features of installation of cable lines with a voltage of 110-220 kV

3.98. Working drawings of cable lines with oil-filled cables for a voltage of 110-220 kV and cables with plastic (vulcanized polyethylene) insulation with a voltage of 110 kV and PPR for their installation must be agreed with the cable manufacturer.

3.99. The temperature of the cable and the ambient air during laying should not be lower than: minus 5 °С - for an oil-filled cable and minus 10 °С - for a cable with plastic insulation. At lower temperatures, the laying can only be allowed in accordance with the PPR.

3.100. Cables with round wire armor during mechanized laying should be pulled by the wires using a special grip that ensures even distribution of the load between the wires of the armor. In this case, in order to avoid deformation of the lead sheath, the total tensile force should not exceed 25 kN. Unarmored cables can only be pulled by the cores using a gripper mounted on the upper end of the cable on the drum. In this case, the maximum allowable tensile force is determined from the calculation: 50 MPa (N / sq. mm) - for copper conductors, 40 MPa (N / sq. mm) - for solid aluminum conductors and 20 MPa (N / sq. mm) - for soft aluminum conductors.

3.101. The traction winch must be equipped with a recording device and an automatic shutdown device when the maximum allowable pull is exceeded. The recording device must be equipped with a recorder. A reliable telephone or VHF connection must be established during the laying between the locations of the cable drum, winch, turns of the route, crossings and intersections with other communications.

3.102. Cables laid on cable structures with a span of 0.8-1 m between them must be fixed on all supports with aluminum brackets with two layers of rubber 2 mm thick, unless otherwise specified in the working documentation.

Cable line marking

3.103. Each cable line must be marked and have its own number or name.

3.104. Labels must be installed on openly laid cables and on cable boxes.

On cables laid in cable structures, tags should be installed at least every 50-70 m, as well as in places where the direction of the route changes, on both sides of the passages through interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions, in places of input (output) of the cable in trenches and cable structures.

On hidden cables in pipes or blocks, tags should be installed at the end points at the end sleeves, in the wells and chambers of the block sewer, as well as at each coupling.

On hidden cables laid in trenches, tags are installed at the end points and at each coupling.

3.105. Labels should be used: in dry rooms - made of plastic, steel or aluminum; in damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground - made of plastic.

Designations on tags for underground cables and cables laid in rooms with a chemically active environment should be made by stamping, punching or burning. For cables laid in other conditions, the designations may be applied with indelible paint.

3.106. The tags must be attached to the cables with a nylon thread or galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 1-2 mm, or with a plastic tape with a button. The place where the tag is attached to the cable with wire and the wire itself in damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground must be covered with bitumen to protect it from moisture.


Current conductors up to 1 kV (busbars)

3.107. Sections with compensators and flexible sections of the main busbar trunking must be fixed on two supporting structures installed symmetrically on both sides of the flexible part of the busbar trunking section. Fastening of the busbar trunking to supporting structures in horizontal sections should be carried out with clamps that provide the possibility of shifting the busbar trunking with temperature changes. The busbar duct laid in vertical sections must be rigidly fixed to the structures with bolts.

For ease of removal of covers (casing parts), as well as to ensure cooling, the busbar should be installed with a gap of 50 mm from the walls or other building structures of the building.

Pipes or metal sleeves with wires must be introduced into the branch sections through the holes made in the busbar casings. Pipes should be terminated with bushings.

3.108. The permanent connection of the bus bars of the sections of the main bus duct must be made by welding, the connections of the distribution and lighting bus ducts must be collapsible (bolted).

The connection of sections of the trolley busbar must be carried out using special fittings. The current-collecting carriage must move freely along the guides along the slot of the box of the mounted trolley busbar.

Conductors open voltage 6-35 kV

3.109. These rules must be observed when installing rigid and flexible conductors with a voltage of 6-35 kV.

3.110. As a rule, all work on the installation of current conductors should be carried out with preliminary preparation of units and sections of blocks at procurement and assembly sites, workshops or factories.

3.111. All connections and branches of tires and wires are made in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 3.8; 3.13; 3.14.

3.112. In places of bolted and swivel joints, measures must be provided to prevent self-unscrewing (cotter pins, lock nuts - lock, disc or spring washers). All fasteners must have an anti-corrosion coating (galvanizing, passivation).

3.113. Installation of supports for open conductors is carried out in accordance with paragraphs. 3.129-3.146.

3.114. When adjusting the suspension of a flexible conductor, uniform tension of all its links must be ensured.

3.115. Connections of wires of flexible conductors should be made in the middle of the span after the wires are rolled out before they are drawn.


felling clearings

3.116. The clearing along the VL route must be cleared of cut down trees and shrubs. Commercial timber and firewood should be stacked outside the clearing.

Distances from wires to green spaces and from the axis of the route to stacks of combustible materials must be specified in the project. Cutting down shrubs on loose soils, steep slopes and places flooded during high water is not allowed.

3.117. Burning of branches and other logging residues should be carried out within the period of time allowed for this.

3.118. Wood left in piles on the overhead line route for a fire hazardous period, as well as the "shafts" of logging residues remaining for this period, should be bordered with a mineralized strip 1 m wide, from which grass vegetation, forest litter and other combustible materials should be completely removed to the mineral layer soil.

Construction of pits and foundations for supports

3.119. The construction of foundation pits should be carried out in accordance with the rules for the production of work set forth in SNiP III-8-76 and SNiP 3.02.01-83.

3.120. Pit pits for the supports should be developed, as a rule, by drilling machines. The development of pits must be carried out up to the design mark.

3.121. The development of pits in rocky, frozen, permafrost soils is allowed to be carried out by explosions for "ejection" or "loosening" in accordance with the Unified Safety Rules for Explosive Operations approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor.

At the same time, the pits should be worked out to the design mark by 100-200 mm, followed by refinement with jackhammers.

3.122. Pit pits should be drained by pumping out water before laying foundations.

3.123. In winter, the development of pits, as well as the installation of foundations in them, should be carried out as soon as possible, excluding freezing of the bottom of the pits.

3.124. The construction of foundations on permafrost soils is carried out with the preservation of the natural frozen state of the soil in accordance with SNiP II-18-76 and SNiP 3.02.01-83.

3.125. Prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and piles must meet the requirements of SNiP 2.02.01-83, SNiP II-17-77, SNiP II-21-75, SNiP II-28-73 and the standard design project.

When installing prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and driving piles, one should be guided by the rules for the production of work set forth in SNiP 3.02.01-83 and SNiP III-16-80.

When constructing monolithic reinforced concrete foundations, SNiP III-15-76 should be followed.

3.126. Welded or bolted joints of posts with foundation slabs must be protected from corrosion. Before welding, the parts of the joints must be cleaned of rust. Reinforced concrete foundations with a concrete protective layer thickness of less than 30 mm, as well as foundations installed in aggressive soils, must be protected by waterproofing.

Pickets with an aggressive environment must be specified in the project.

3.127. Backfilling of the pits with soil should be carried out immediately after the installation and alignment of the foundations. The soil must be carefully compacted by layer-by-layer compaction.

The templates used for the construction of foundations should be removed after backfilling at least half the depth of the pits.

The height of the backfill of the pits should be taken into account the possible settlement of the soil. When constructing a foundation embankment, the slope should have a steepness of no more than 1: 1.5 (the ratio of the height of the slope to the base), depending on the type of soil.

The soil for backfilling of excavations should be protected from freezing.

3.128. Tolerances for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations are given in Table. 5.

Table 5


Support tolerances


with braces

Levels of the bottom of the pits

Distances between the axes of the foundations in the plan

Foundation top marks*

The angle of inclination of the longitudinal axis of the foundation pillar

Angle of inclination of the axis of the V-shaped anchor bolt

Foundation Center Offset in Plan


* The difference in elevations must be compensated when mounting the support using steel spacers.

Assembly and installation of supports

3.129. The size of the site for the assembly and installation of the support must be taken in accordance with the technological map or the support assembly scheme specified in the PPR.

3.130. In the manufacture, installation and acceptance of steel structures of overhead lines, the requirements of SNiP III-18-75 should be followed.

3.131. Cable braces for supports must have an anti-corrosion coating. They must be manufactured and marked before the poles are taken to the track and delivered to the pickets complete with poles.

3.132. Installation of supports on foundations that are not finished with construction and not completely covered with soil is prohibited.

3.133. Before installing the supports by the method of rotation with the help of a hinge, it is necessary to provide for the protection of the foundations from shear forces. In the direction opposite to the rise, a braking device should be used.

3.134. The nuts securing the supports must be fully tightened and secured against self-unscrewing by plugging the bolt thread to a depth of at least 3 mm. On the bolts of the foundations of the corner, transitional, end and special supports, two nuts should be installed, and on the intermediate supports - one nut per bolt.

When fixing the support on the foundation, it is allowed to install no more than four steel spacers with a total thickness of up to 40 mm between the fifth support and the upper plane of the foundation. The geometric dimensions of the gaskets in the plan must be not less than the dimensions of the heel of the support. Gaskets must be connected to each other and the fifth support by welding.

3.135. When installing reinforced concrete structures, one should be guided by the rules for the production of work set forth in SNiP III-16-80.

3.136. Before installing reinforced concrete structures received at the picket, it is necessary to check once again for the presence of cracks, shells and potholes and other defects on the surface of the supports in accordance with paragraph 2.7.

In case of partial damage to the factory waterproofing, the coating must be restored on the route by painting the damaged areas with molten bitumen (grade 4) in two layers.

3.137. Reliability of fixing in the ground of supports installed in drilled or open pits is ensured by compliance with the depth of embedment of supports provided for by the project, crossbars, anchor plates and careful layer-by-layer compaction of the soil backfilling the sinuses of the pit.

3.138. Wooden supports and their parts must meet the requirements of SNiP II-25-80 and the standard design project.

In the manufacture and installation of wooden supports for overhead lines, one should be guided by the rules for the production of work set forth in SNiP III-19-76.

3.139. For the manufacture of parts of wooden supports, softwood timber according to GOST 9463-72 *, factory-impregnated with antiseptics, should be used.

The quality of impregnation of support parts must comply with the standards established by GOST 20022.0-82, GOST 20022.2-80, GOST 20022.5-75*, GOST 20022.7-82, GOST 20022.11-79*.

3.140. When assembling wooden supports, all parts must be fitted to each other. The gap in the places of cuts and joints should not exceed 4 mm. Wood at the joints should be free of knots and cracks. Notches, notches and spalls must be made to a depth of no more than 20% of the log diameter. The correctness of cuts and notches should be checked with templates. Through cracks in the joints of the working surfaces are not allowed. Filling with wedges of slots or other leaks between the working surfaces is not allowed.

Deviation from the design dimensions of all parts of the assembled wooden support is allowed within the following limits: in diameter - minus 1 plus 2 cm, in length - 1 cm per 1 m. Minus tolerance in the manufacture of traverses from sawn timber is prohibited.

3.141. Holes in the wooden elements of the supports must be drilled. The hook hole drilled in the support must have a diameter equal to the inside diameter of the cut part of the hook shank and a depth equal to 0.75 of the length of the cut part. The hook must be screwed into the body of the support with the entire cut part plus 10-15 mm.

The diameter of the hole for the pin should be equal to the outer diameter of the pin shank.

3.142. Bandages for pairing attachments with a wooden support stand should be made of soft galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm. It is allowed to use non-galvanized wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm for bandages, provided that it is covered with asphalt varnish. The number of turns of the bandage should be taken in accordance with the design of the supports. If one coil breaks, the entire bandage should be replaced with a new one. The ends of the bandage wires should be hammered into the tree to a depth of 20-25 mm. It is allowed to use special clamps (on bolts) instead of wire bandages. Each bandage (clamp) must match no more than two parts of the support.

3.143. Wooden piles must be straight, straight-layer, free of rot, cracks and other defects and damage. The upper end of the wooden pile must be cut perpendicular to its axis in order to prevent the pile from deviating from the given direction during its immersion.

3.144. Tolerances for the installation of wooden and reinforced concrete single-column supports are given in Table. 6.

3.145. Tolerances for the installation of reinforced concrete portal supports are given in Table. 7.

3.146. Tolerances in the dimensions of the steel structures of the supports are given in Table. eight.

"SNiP 3.05.06-85. Electrical devices (instead of SNiP III-33-76, SN 85-74, SN 102-76) SNiP 3.05.06-85 BUILDING NORMS AND RULES ... "

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Electrical devices (instead of SNiP III-33-76, SN 85-74, SN 102-76)

SNiP 3.05.

06-85. Electrical devices (instead of SNiP III-33-76, SN 85-74, SN 102-76)

SNiP 3.05.


Electrical devices

Introduction date 1986-01-07

DEVELOPED IN THE NII project of electrical installation by the Ministry of Installation and Special Construction of the USSR (V.K. Dobrynin, I.N. Dolgov - topic leaders,

cand. tech. Sciences V.A. Antonov, A.L. Pancakes, V.V. Belotserkovets, V.A. Demyantsev, Ph.D. tech. Sciences N.I. Korotkov, E.A.

Panteleev, Ph.D. tech. Sciences Yu.A. Roslov, S.N. Starostin, A.K. Shulzhitsky), Orgenergostroy of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (G.N.

Elenbogen, N.V. Belanov, N.A. Voinilovich, A.L. Gonchar, N.M. Lerner), Selenergoproekt of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (G.F. Sumin, Yu.V. Nepomnyashchiy), UGPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt of the Minmontazhspetsstroy of the Ukrainian SSR (E.G. Poddubny, A.A. Koba).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy.

APPROVED by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated December 11, 1985 No. 215 IN REPLACEMENT OF SNiP III-33-76*, SN 85-74, SN 102-76*.

These rules apply to the performance of work during the construction of new, as well as during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises for the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, including: electrical substations, distribution points and overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 750 kV, cable lines with a voltage of up to 220 kV, relay protection , power electrical equipment, internal and external electric lighting, grounding devices.

The rules do not apply to. production and acceptance of work on the installation and commissioning of electrical devices of the subway, mines and mines, contact networks of electrified transport, signaling systems of railway transport, as well as high-security premises of nuclear power plants, which must be carried out in accordance with departmental building codes approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01- 82.

The rules must be observed by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.


1.1. When organizing and performing work on the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP III-4-80, state standards, technical conditions should be observed. Rules for the installation of electrical installations approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, and departmental regulatory documents approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

1.2. Work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices should be carried out in accordance with the working drawings of the main sets of drawings of electrical grades; working documentation of electric drives; according to the working documentation of non-standardized equipment, made by the design organization; working documentation of enterprises - manufacturers of process equipment that supply power and control cabinets with it.

1.3. The installation of electrical devices should be carried out on the basis of the use of nodal and complete-block construction methods, with the installation of equipment supplied in enlarged assemblies that do not require straightening, cutting, drilling or other fitting operations and adjustment during installation. When accepting the working documentation for the production of work, it is necessary to check that it takes into account the requirements of the industrialization of the installation of electrical devices, as well as the mechanization of cable laying, rigging and installation of process equipment.

1.4. Electrical work should be carried out, as a rule, in two stages.

In the first stage of internal buildings and structures, work is carried out on the installation of supporting structures for the installation of electrical equipment and bus ducts, for laying cables and wires, installation of trolleys for electric overhead cranes, installation of steel and plastic pipes for electrical wiring, laying wires of concealed wiring pre-plastering and finishing works, as well as work on installation of external cable networks and grounding networks. The work of the first stage should be carried out in buildings and structures according to a combined schedule simultaneously with the production of basic construction work, while measures should be taken to protect the installed structures and laid pipes from breakage and contamination.

In the second stage, work is carried out on the installation of electrical equipment, laying cables and wires, busbars and connecting cables and wires to the terminals of electrical equipment. In the electrical premises of the objects, the work of the second stage should be carried out after the completion of the complex of general construction and finishing works and upon completion of the installation of plumbing devices, and in other rooms and areas - after the installation of technological equipment, electric motors and other electrical receivers, installation of technological, sanitary and technical pipelines and ventilation ducts.

At small facilities remote from the locations of electrical installation organizations, work should be carried out by mobile integrated teams with a combination of two stages of their implementation into one.

1.5. Electrical equipment, products and materials should be supplied according to the schedule agreed with the electrical installation organization, which should provide for the priority supply of materials and products included in the specifications for blocks to be manufactured at the assembly and assembly enterprises of electrical installation organizations.

1.6. The end of the installation of electrical devices is the completion of individual tests of the installed electrical equipment and the signing by the working commission of an act of acceptance of electrical equipment after an individual test. The beginning of individual testing of electrical equipment is the moment of introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation, declared by the customer on the basis of a notice from the commissioning and electrical installation organizations.

1.7. At each construction site, during the installation of electrical devices, special logs for the production of electrical work should be kept in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, and upon completion of work, the electrical installation organization is obliged to transfer to the general contractor the documentation presented to the working commission in accordance with SNiP III-3-81. The list of acts and protocols of inspections and tests is determined by the VSN, approved in accordance with the procedure established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.


2.1. The installation of electrical devices must be preceded by preparation in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85 and these rules.

2.2. Prior to the commencement of work at the facility, the following activities must be performed:

a) working documentation has been received in the amount and within the time limits determined by the Rules on Capital Construction Contracts, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Regulations on the Relationship between Organizations, General Contractors and Subcontractors, approved by the USSR State Construction Committee and the USSR State Planning Committee;

b) coordinated schedules for the delivery of equipment, products and materials, taking into account the technological sequence of work, a list of electrical equipment installed with the involvement of installation supervision personnel of enterprises

Suppliers, conditions of transportation to the place of installation of heavy and large-sized electrical equipment;

c) the necessary premises have been taken to accommodate teams of workers, engineering and technical workers, a production base, as well as for storing materials and tools with the provision of measures for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85;

d) a project for the production of works has been developed, the engineering and technical workers and foremen have been familiarized with the working documentation and estimates, organizational and technical solutions for the project for the production of works;

e) acceptance, according to the act, of the construction part of the facility for the installation of electrical devices in accordance with the requirements of these rules and the measures provided for by the norms and rules for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection during the performance of work;

f) the general contractor has performed general construction and auxiliary work, as provided for by the Regulations on the Relationship between Organizations - General Contractors and Subcontractors.

2.3. Equipment, products, materials and technical documentation must be handed over for installation in accordance with the Rules on Contracts for Capital Construction and the Regulations on Relations between General Contractor Organizations and Subcontractors.

2.4. When the equipment is accepted for installation, it is inspected, completeness is checked (without disassembly), the presence and validity of the manufacturer's warranties are checked.

2.5. The condition of the cables on the drums must be checked in the presence of the customer by external inspection. The results of the inspection are documented.

2.6. When accepting prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of overhead lines (VL), the following should be checked:

the dimensions of the elements, the position of the steel embedded parts, as well as the quality of the surfaces and the appearance of the elements.

The specified parameters must comply with GOST 13015.0-83, GOST 22687.0-85, GOST 24762-81, GOST 26071-84, GOST 23613-79, as well as PUE;

the presence on the surface of reinforced concrete structures intended for installation in an aggressive environment, waterproofing, made at the manufacturer.

2.7. Insulators or linear fittings must meet the requirements of the relevant state standards and specifications. Upon acceptance, check:

the presence of a manufacturer's passport for each batch of insulators and linear fittings, certifying their quality;

the absence of cracks, deformations, shells, chips, damage to the glaze on the surface of the insulators, as well as the swaying and rotation of the steel reinforcement relative to the cement embedment or porcelain;

the absence of cracks, deformations, shells and damage to galvanizing and threads in linear fittings.

Minor damage to galvanizing can be painted over.

2.8. Elimination of defects and damages found during the transfer of electrical equipment is carried out in accordance with the Rules on Contracts for Capital Construction.

2.9. Electrical equipment, for which the normative storage period specified in state standards or technical conditions has expired, is accepted for installation only after a pre-installation audit, defect correction and testing. The results of the work performed must be entered in the forms, passports and other accompanying documentation, or an act must be drawn up on the performance of these works.

2.10. Electrical equipment, products and materials accepted for installation should be stored in accordance with the requirements of state standards or technical specifications.

2.11. For large and complex facilities with a large volume of cable lines in tunnels, channels and cable half-floors, as well as electrical equipment in electrical rooms, in the construction organization project, measures should be determined for advanced installation (against the installation of cable networks) of internal fire water pipeline systems, automatic fire extinguishing and automatic fire alarm systems provided for by working drawings .

2.12. In electrical rooms (panel rooms, control rooms, substations and switchgear, machine rooms, battery rooms, cable tunnels and channels, cable half-floors, etc.), finishing floors with drainage channels, the necessary slope and waterproofing and finishing works (plastering and painting), mortgages must be installed parts and installation openings left, the load-lifting and load-moving mechanisms and devices provided for by the project were installed, pipe blocks, holes and openings for the passage of pipes and cables, furrows, niches and nests were prepared in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings and the project for the production of works, power was supplied for temporary electric lighting in all rooms .

2.13. In buildings and structures, heating and ventilation systems must be put into operation, bridges, platforms and structures of suspended ceilings provided by the project for the installation and maintenance of electric lighting installations located at a height, as well as fastening structures for multi-lamp luminaires (chandeliers) weighing more than 100 kg, must be installed and tested; asbestos-cement pipes and branch pipes and pipe blocks for the passage of cables were laid outside and inside the buildings and structures provided for by the working construction drawings.

2.14. Foundations for electric machines should be handed over for installation with fully completed construction and finishing works, installed air coolers and ventilation ducts, with benchmarks and axial bars (measurements) in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-83 and these rules.

2.15. On the supporting (rough) surfaces of the foundations, depressions of no more than 10 mm and slopes of up to 1:100 are allowed. Deviations in construction dimensions should be no more than: according to axial dimensions in the plan - plus 30 mm, according to the height marks of the foundation surface (excluding the height of the gravy) - minus 30 mm, according to the size of the ledges in the plan - minus 20 mm, according to the dimensions of the wells - plus 20 mm , along the ledge marks in the recesses and wells - minus 20 mm, along the axes of the anchor bolts in the plan - ± 5 mm, along the axes of the embedded anchor devices in the plan - ± 10 mm, along the marks of the upper ends of the anchor bolts - ± 20 mm.

2.16. Delivery and acceptance of foundations for the installation of electrical equipment, the installation of which is carried out with the involvement of installation supervision personnel, is carried out together with representatives of the organization that carries out installation supervision.

2.17. Upon completion of finishing work in battery rooms, acid- or alkali-resistant coatings of walls, ceilings and floors should be made, heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems should be installed and tested.

2.18. Prior to the commencement of electrical installation work on open switchgears with a voltage of 35 kV and above, the construction organization must complete the construction of access roads, approaches and entrances, install busbar and linear portals, construct foundations for electrical equipment, cable channels with ceilings, fences around the outdoor switchgear, tanks for emergency oil discharge, underground communications and area planning completed. In the structures of portals and foundations for equipment, the embedded parts and fasteners provided for by the project, necessary for fastening the strings of insulators and equipment, must be installed. In cable ducts and tunnels, embedded parts for fastening cable structures and air ducts should be installed. The construction of a water supply system and other fire-fighting devices provided for by the project must also be completed.

2.19. The construction part of the switchgear and substations with a voltage of 330-750 kV should be accepted for installation for their full development, provided for by the project for the billing period.

2.20. Prior to the start of electrical work on the construction of overhead power lines with voltage up to 1000 V and above, preparatory work must be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, including:

inventory facilities were prepared at the locations of pro-slave sites and temporary bases for storing materials and equipment; temporary access roads, bridges and installation sites were built;

clearings are arranged;

the demolition of buildings provided for by the project and the reconstruction of intersecting engineering structures located on the overhead line or near it and interfering with the work were carried out.

2.21. Routes for laying a cable in the ground must be prepared for the beginning of its laying in volume: water is pumped out of the trench and stones, clods of earth, construction debris are removed; at the bottom of the trench there is a pillow made of loosened earth;

soil was drilled at the intersections of the route with roads and other engineering structures, pipes were laid.

After laying the cables into the trench and submitting an act for hidden work on laying cables by the electrical installation organization, the trench should be filled up.

2.22. Block sewerage routes for laying cables must be prepared taking into account the following requirements:

the design depth of the blocks is maintained from the planning mark;

the correct laying and waterproofing of the joints of reinforced concrete blocks and pipes are ensured;

the cleanliness and alignment of the channels is ensured;

there are double covers (lower with a lock) for hatches of wells, metal ladders or brackets for lowering the well.

2.23. When constructing overpasses for laying cables on their supporting structures (columns) and on span structures, the embedded elements provided for by the project for the installation of cable rollers, bypass devices and other devices must be made.

2.24. The general contractor must submit construction readiness for acceptance for installation in residential buildings - section by section, in public buildings - floor by floor (or by premises).

Reinforced concrete, gypsum concrete, expanded clay concrete floor panels, internal wall panels and partitions, prefabricated reinforced concrete columns and crossbars must have channels (pipes) for laying wires, niches, sockets with embedded parts for installing sockets, switches, bells and call buttons in accordance with working drawings. The flow sections of channels and monolithic non-metallic pipes should not differ by more than 15% from those indicated in the working drawings.

The displacement of nests and niches at the junctions of adjacent building structures should not be more than 40 mm.

2.25. In buildings and structures handed over for the installation of electrical equipment, the general contractor must make holes, furrows, niches and nests in foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings and coatings provided for by architectural and construction drawings, necessary for the installation of electrical equipment and installation products, laying pipes for electrical wiring and electrical networks.

The indicated holes, grooves, niches and nests not left in the building structures during their erection are made by the general contractor in accordance with the architectural and construction drawings.

Holes with a diameter of less than 30 mm that cannot be taken into account when developing drawings and which cannot be provided in building structures according to the conditions of their manufacturing technology (holes in walls, partitions, ceilings only for installing dowels, studs and pins of various supporting structures) must be performed by an electrical installation organization at the place of production works.

After performing electrical work, the general contractor is obliged to seal holes, grooves, niches and nests.

2.26. When accepting foundations for transformers, the presence and correct installation of anchors for fastening traction devices when rolling transformers and foundations for jacks for turning rollers should be checked.



3.1. When loading, unloading, moving, lifting and installing electrical equipment, measures must be taken to protect it from damage, while heavy electrical equipment must be securely rafters for the parts provided for this purpose or in the places specified by the manufacturer.

3.2. During installation, disassembly and revision of electrical equipment is not subject, except when this is provided for by state and industry standards or technical specifications agreed in the prescribed manner.

Dismantling of equipment that arrived sealed from the manufacturer is prohibited.

3.3. Electrical equipment and cable products deformed or with damage to protective coatings are not subject to installation until the damage and defects are eliminated in the prescribed manner.

3.4. In the production of electrical work, standard sets of special tools for the types of electrical work, as well as mechanisms and devices designed for this purpose, should be used.

3.5. As supporting structures and fasteners for the installation of trolleys, bus ducts, trays, boxes, hinged shields and control stations, protective and starting equipment and lamps, factory-made products with increased assembly readiness (with a protective coating, adapted for fastening without welding and not requiring large labor costs) should be used. for machining).

The support structures should be fastened by welding to the embedded parts provided in the building elements, or by fasteners (dowels, pins, studs, etc.). The method of fastening must be indicated in the working drawings.

3.6. The color coding of the current-carrying busbars of switchgears, trolleys, grounding busbars, overhead lines should be carried out in accordance with the instructions given in the project.

3.7. During the production of works, the electrical installation organization must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-76 and the Fire Safety Rules for the production of construction and installation works. When an operating mode is introduced at the facility, ensuring fire safety is the responsibility of the customer.


3.8. Collapsible connections of tires and cores of wires and cables to the contact outlets of electrical equipment, installation products and busbars must meet the requirements of GOST 10434-82.

3.9. At the points of connection of conductors of wires and cables, a supply of wire or cable should be provided to ensure the possibility of reconnection.

3.10. Connections and branches must be accessible for inspection and repair. The insulation of connections and branches must be equivalent to the insulation of the cores of the connected wires and cables.

At the junctions and branches, wires and cables should not experience mechanical stress.

3.11. The termination of the cable core with impregnated paper insulation should be carried out with sealed current-carrying fittings (lugs) that prevent leakage of the cable impregnating composition.

3.12. Bus connections and branches should be made, as a rule, non-separable (by welding).

In places where collapsible joints are required, busbar connections should be made with bolts or compression plates. The number of collapsible joints should be minimal.

3.13. Connections of wires of overhead lines with voltage up to 20 kV should be carried out:

a) in hinges of the anchor-angle type: clamps - anchor and branch wedge; connecting oval, mounted by compression; loop ram, with the help of thermite cartridges, and wires of different grades and sections - with hardware-compressed clamps;

b) in spans: connecting oval clips mounted by twisting.

Single-wire wires are allowed to be connected by twisting. Butt welding of single-wire wires is not allowed.

3.14. Connection of wires of overhead lines with voltage above 20 kV must be performed:

a) in loops of opanker-angular type:

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 240 mm2 and above - using thermite cartridges and pressing with the help of explosion energy;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 500 mm2 and above - using pressed connectors;

wires of different brands - bolt clamps;

wires made of aluminum alloy - with loop-type clamps or oval connectors mounted by crimping;

b) in spans:

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of up to 185 mm2 and steel ropes with a cross section of up to 50 mm2 - oval connectors mounted by twisting;

steel ropes with a section of 70-95 mm2 with oval connectors mounted by crimping or crimping with additional thermite welding of the ends;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 240-400 mm2 with connecting clamps mounted by the method of continuous crimping and crimping using explosion energy;

steel-aluminum wires with a cross section of 500 mm2 or more - with connecting clamps mounted by continuous crimping.

3.15. The connection of copper and steel-copper ropes with a cross section of 35-120 mm2, as well as aluminum wires with a cross section of 120-185 m2, when installing contact networks, should be carried out with oval connectors, steel ropes - with clamps with a connecting strip between them. Steel-copper ropes with a cross section of 50-95 mm2 are allowed to be joined with wedge clamps with a connecting bar between them.


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3.16. The rules of this subsection apply to the installation of electrical wiring for power, lighting and secondary circuits with voltage up to 1000 V AC and DC, laid inside and outside buildings and structures with insulated installation wires of all sections and unarmored cables with rubber or plastic insulation with a cross section of up to 16 mm2.

3.17. Installation of control cables should be carried out taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.56-3.106.

3.18. The passages of unarmored cables, protected and unprotected wires through fireproof walls (partitions) and interfloor ceilings must be made in pipe segments, or in boxes, or openings, and through combustible ones - in steel pipe segments.

Openings in walls and ceilings must be framed to prevent their destruction during operation. In places where wires and cables pass through walls, ceilings or their exit to the outside, gaps between wires, cables and a pipe (duct, opening) should be sealed with an easily removable mass of fireproof material.

cables and a pipe (box, opening) with an easily removable mass of non-combustible material.

Sealing should be done on each side of the pipe (duct, etc.).

In case of open laying of non-metallic pipes, the places of their passage through fire barriers must be sealed with fireproof materials immediately after laying the cables or wires into the pipes.

The sealing of gaps between pipes (ducts, openings) and the building structure (see clause 2.25), as well as between wires and cables laid in pipes (ducts, openings), with an easily removable mass of non-combustible material, must ensure fire resistance corresponding to the fire resistance of the building structure.

Laying wires and cables on trays and in boxes

3.19. The design and degree of protection of trays and boxes, as well as the method of laying wires and cables in strips and boxes (in bulk, bundles, multilayer, etc.) must be specified in the project.

3.20. The method of installation of the boxes should not allow the accumulation of moisture in them. The boxes used for open electrical wiring should, as a rule, have removable or opening covers.

3.21. For hidden gaskets, blind boxes should be used.

3.22. Wires and cables laid in ducts and on trays must be marked at the beginning of both ends and ducts, as well as at the points of their connection to electrical equipment, and cables, in addition, also at turns and on branches.

3.23. Fastening of unprotected wires and cables with a metal sheath with metal brackets or bandages must be made with gaskets made of elastic insulating materials.

Laying wires on insulating supports

3.24. When laying on insulating supports, the connection or branching of the wires should be made directly at or on the insulator, clip, roller.

3.25. The distances between the attachment points along the route and between the axes of parallel laid unprotected insulated wires on insulating supports must be specified in the project.

3.26. Hooks and brackets with insulators must be fixed only in the base material of the walls, and clip rollers for wires with a cross section of up to 4 mm2 inclusive. can be fixed on plaster or on the cladding of wooden buildings. Hook insulators must be securely fastened.

3.27. When fastening rollers with capercaillie, metal and elastic washers should be placed under the capercaillie heads, and when attaching rollers to metal, elastic washers should be placed under their bases.

Laying wires and cables on a steel rope

3.28. Wires and cables (in polyvinyl chloride, nayrite, lead or aluminum sheaths with rubber or polyvinyl chloride insulation) must be fixed to a non-stranded rope or wire with bandages or clips installed at distances of no more than 0.5 m from each other.

3.29. Cables and wires laid on ropes, at the points of their transition from the rope to the structures of buildings, must be unloaded from mechanical stress.

Vertical suspension wires on a steel rope should be located, as a rule, at the installation sites of junction boxes, plug connectors, lamps, etc. The rope sag in the spans between the fasteners should be within 1/40-1/60 of the span length. Splicing of ropes in the span between the end fittings is not allowed.

3.30. Stretch marks must be installed on the steel rope to prevent swinging of the lighting wiring. The number of stretch marks must be determined in the working drawings.

3.31. For branches from special cable wires, special boxes should be used to ensure the creation of a cable loop, as well as the supply of cores necessary to connect the outgoing line using branch clamps without cutting the line.

Laying of installation wires on building foundations and inside the main building structures

3.32. Open and hidden laying of installation wires is not allowed at temperatures below minus 15°C.

3.33. When laying hidden wires under a layer of plaster or in thin-walled (up to 80 mm) partitions, the wires must be laid parallel to the architectural and construction lines. The distance of horizontally laid wires from floor slabs should not exceed 150 mm. In building structures with a thickness of more than 80 mm, wires must be laid along the shortest routes.

3.34. All connections and branches of installation wires must be made by welding, crimping in sleeves or using clamps in junction boxes.

Metal junction boxes at the points where wires are inserted into them must have bushings made of insulating materials.

It is allowed to use segments of a PVC tube instead of bushings. In dry rooms, it is allowed to place wire branches in nests and niches of walls and ceilings, as well as in ceiling voids. The walls of nests and niches must be smooth, wire branches located in nests and niches must be covered with covers made of fireproof material.

3.35. The fastening of flat wires with hidden laying should ensure their tight fit to the building bases. In this case, the distances between the attachment points should be:

a) when laying horizontal and vertical sections of plastered wire bundles - no more than 0.5 m;

single wires -0.9 m;

b) when covering wires with dry plaster - up to 1.2 m.

3.36. The plinth wiring device must provide separate laying of power and low-voltage wires.

3.37. Fixing the plinth should ensure its tight fit to the building bases, while the pull-off force should be at least 190 N, and the gap between the plinth, the wall and the floor should not exceed 2 mm. Skirting boards should be made of non-combustible and slow-burning materials with electrical insulating properties.

3.38. In accordance with GOST 12504-80, GOST 12767-80 and GOST 9574-80, the panels must be provided with internal channels or embedded plastic pipes and embedded elements for hidden replaceable electrical wiring, sockets and openings for installing junction boxes, switches and socket outlets.

Holes intended for electrical installation products and broaching niches in the wall panels of adjacent apartments should not be through. If, according to the conditions of the manufacturing technology, it is not possible to make the holes non-through, then soundproofing gaskets made of vinylor or other non-combustible soundproofing material should be laid in them.

3.39. The installation of pipes and boxes in reinforcing cages should be carried out on conductors according to the working drawings that determine the attachment points for installation, branch and ceiling boxes. To ensure that the boxes after molding are flush with the surface of the panels, they should be fastened to the reinforcing cage in such a way that when the boxes are installed in blocks, the height of the block corresponds to the thickness of the panel, and when the boxes are installed separately, to prevent their displacement inside the panels, the front surface of the boxes should protrude beyond the plane of the reinforcement cage by 30-35 mm .

3.40. The channels should have a smooth surface throughout without sagging and sharp corners.

The thickness of the protective layer over the channel (pipe) must be at least 10 mm.

The length of the channels between the draw niches or boxes should be no more than 8 m.

Laying wires and cables in steel pipes

3.41. Steel pipes are allowed to be used for electrical wiring only in cases specially justified in the project in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

3.42. Steel pipes used for electrical wiring must have an inner surface that prevents damage to the insulation of the wires when they are pulled into the pipe and an anti-corrosion coating on the outer surface. For pipes embedded in building structures, an external anti-corrosion coating is not required.

Pipes laid in rooms with a chemically active environment, inside and outside, must have an anti-corrosion coating that is resistant to the conditions of this environment. Insulating bushings should be installed where wires exit from steel pipes.

3.43. Steel pipes for electrical wiring laid in foundations for process equipment, before concreting the foundations, must be fixed on supporting structures or on fittings. At the places where the pipes exit the foundation into the ground, the measures provided for in the working drawings should be carried out against shearing pipes during soil or foundation settlements.

3.44. Compensating devices must be made at the places where pipes cross expansion and settlement joints in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings.

3.45. The distances between the attachment points of openly laid steel pipes should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 1. Fastening steel pipes of electrical wiring directly to process pipelines, as well as welding them directly to various structures, is not allowed.

Table 1

Nominal pipe passage, Maximum allowable distances Nominal pipe passage, Maximum allowable distances mm between fixing points, m mm between fixing points, m 15-20 2.5 40-80 3.5-4 25-32 3.0 100 6.0

3.46. When bending pipes, as a rule, normalized bending angles of 90, 120 and 135° and normalized bending radii of 400, 800 and 1000 mm should be used. A bending radius of 400 mm should be used for pipes laid in ceilings and for vertical exits; 800 and 1000 mm - when laying pipes in monolithic foundations and when laying cables with single-wire conductors in them. When preparing packages and blocks of pipes, the specified normalized angles and bending radii should also be observed.

3.47. When laying wires in vertically laid pipes (risers), their fixing should be provided, and the fixing points should be separated from each other at a distance not exceeding, m:

for wires up to 50 mm2 incl.

also, from 70 to 150 mm2 incl. .................... 20 185 " 240 mm2 "" "

Fastening of wires should be carried out using clips or clamps in pull-in or branch boxes or at the ends of pipes.

3.48. Pipes with hidden laying in the floor must be buried at least 20 mm and protected with a layer of cement mortar. It is allowed to install branch and pull boxes in the floor, for example, for modular wiring.

3.49. The distances between draw boxes (boxes) should not exceed, m: on straight sections 75, with one bend of the pipe - 50, with two - 40, with three -20.

Wires and cables in the pipes must lie freely, without tension. The pipe diameter should be taken in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings.

Laying wires and cables in non-metallic pipes

3.50. The laying of non-metallic (plastic) pipes for tightening wires and cables in them must be carried out in accordance with the working drawings at an air temperature not lower than minus 20 and not higher than plus 60 ° C.

In foundations, plastic pipes (usually polyethylene) should only be laid on horizontally compacted soil or a layer of concrete.

In foundations up to 2 m deep, PVC pipes are allowed. At the same time, measures must be taken against mechanical damage during concreting and backfilling of the soil.

3.51. The fastening of openly laid non-metallic pipes must allow their free movement (movable fastening) during linear expansion or contraction due to changes in ambient temperature. The distances between the installation points of the movable fasteners must correspond to those indicated in Table. 2.

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3.52. The thickness of the concrete solution above the pipes (single and blocks) when they are monolithic in the preparation of floors must be at least 20 mm. At the intersections of pipe routes, a protective layer of concrete solution between the pipes is not required.

At the same time, the laying depth of the upper row must comply with the above requirements. If it is impossible to ensure the required laying depth of pipes when crossing pipes, they should be protected from mechanical damage by installing metal sleeves, casings or other means in accordance with the instructions in the working drawings.

3.53. Protection against mechanical damage at the intersection of semi-electrical wiring in plastic pipes with intra-shop transport routes with a concrete layer of 100 mm or more is not required. The exit of plastic pipes from foundations, grouts, floors and other building structures must be made by segments or bends of PVC pipes, and if mechanical damage is possible, by segments of thin-walled steel pipes.

3.54. When polyvinyl chloride pipes come out onto the walls in places of possible mechanical damage, they should be protected with steel structures to a height of up to 1.5 m or exit the wall with pieces of thin-walled steel pipes.

3.55. The connection of plastic pipes must be carried out:

polyethylene - tight fitting with the help of couplings, hot casing in the socket, couplings from heat-shrinkable materials, welding;

polyvinyl chloride - tight fit into the socket or with the help of couplings. Bonding is allowed.


General requirements

3.56. These rules should be observed when installing power cable lines with voltage up to 220 kV.

Installation of cable lines of the subway, mines, mines should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the VSN, approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

3.57. The smallest permissible bending radii of cables and the permissible level difference between the highest and lowest points of the location of cables with impregnated paper insulation on the route must comply with the requirements of GOST 24183-80 *, GOST 16441-78, GOST 24334-80, GOST 1508-78 * E and approved specifications.

3.58. When laying cables, measures should be taken to protect them from mechanical damage. Cable pulling forces up to 35 kV should be within the values ​​given in Table. 3. Winches and other traction means must be equipped with adjustable limiting devices to turn off the tension when forces exceeding the allowable ones appear. Pulling devices that compress the cable (drive rollers), as well as turning devices, must exclude the possibility of cable deformation.

For cables with a voltage of 110-220 kV, the permissible tensile forces are given in clause 3.100.

3.59. Cables should be laid with a margin of 1-2% in length. In trenches and on solid surfaces inside buildings and structures, the margin is achieved by laying the cable in a "snake", and along cable structures (brackets), this margin is used to form a sag.

It is not allowed to lay the cable stock in the form of rings (coils).

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1. Pulling a cable with a plastic or lead sheath is allowed only by the cores.

2. The tensile forces of the cable when pulling it through the block sewer are given in table. four.

3. Cables armored with round wire should be pulled by the wires. Permissible stress 70-100 N / sq. mm.

4. Control cables and armored and unarmored power cables with a cross section of up to 316 mm2, in contrast to the cables of large cross sections given in this table, can be laid mechanized by pulling behind the armor or behind the sheath using a wire stocking, the pulling forces in this case should not exceed 1 kN.

3.60. Cables laid horizontally along structures, walls, ceilings, trusses, etc., should be rigidly fixed at the end points, directly at the end sleeves, at the turns of the route, on both sides of the bends and at the connecting stop sleeves.

3.61. Cables laid vertically along structures and walls must be fixed to each cable structure.

3.62. The distances between the support structures are taken in accordance with the working drawings. When laying power and control cables with an aluminum sheath on supporting structures with a distance of 6000 mm, a residual deflection in the middle of the span must be ensured: 250-300 mm when laying on overpasses and galleries, at least 100-150 mm in other cable structures.

Structures on which unarmored cables are laid must be of a design that excludes the possibility of mechanical damage to the cable sheaths.

In places of rigid fastening of unarmored cables with a lead or aluminum sheath, gaskets made of elastic material (for example, rubber sheet, polyvinyl chloride sheet) must be laid on the structures;

unarmored cables with a plastic sheath or plastic hose, as well as armored cables, can be fastened to structures with brackets (clamps) without gaskets.

3.63. Armored and unarmored cables indoors and outdoors in places where mechanical damage is possible (movement of vehicles, cargo and mechanisms, accessibility for unqualified personnel) must be protected to a safe height, but not less than 2 m from the ground or floor level and at a depth of 0.3 mV earth.

3.64. The ends of all cables, in which the sealing is broken during the laying process, must be temporarily sealed before the installation of the connecting and terminating sleeves.

3.65. Cable passages through walls, partitions and floors in industrial premises and cable structures must be carried out through segments of non-metallic pipes (non-pressure asbestos, plastic, etc.), textured holes in reinforced concrete structures or open openings. Gaps in pipe sections, holes and openings after laying cables must be sealed with fireproof material, for example, cement with sand by volume 1:10, clay with sand - 1:3, clay with cement and sand - 1.5:1:11, expanded perlite with building gypsum, etc., throughout the entire thickness of the wall or partition.

Gaps in passages through walls may not be sealed if these walls are not fire barriers.

3.66. The trench before laying the cable should be inspected to identify places on the route containing substances that have a destructive effect on the metal cover and cable sheath (salt marshes, lime, water, bulk soil containing slag or construction waste, areas located closer than 2 m from cesspools and garbage pits, etc. . P.). If it is impossible to bypass these places, the cable should be laid in clean neutral soil in free-flow asbestos-cement pipes coated on the outside and inside with a bitumen composition, etc. When filling the cable with neutral soil, the trench should be further expanded on both sides by 0.5-0.6 and deepened at 0.3-0.4 m.

3.67. The cable entries of the building, cable structures and other premises must be made in non-cement non-pressure pipes in textured holes in reinforced concrete structures. The ends of the pipes should protrude from the wall of the building into the trench, and if there is a blind area, beyond the line of the latter by at least 0.6 m and have a slope towards the trench.

3.68. When laying several cables in a trench, the ends of the cables intended for the subsequent installation of connecting and locking sleeves should be located with a shift of the connection points by at least 2 m. At the same time, a cable reserve must be left with the length necessary for checking the insulation for moisture and mounting the sleeve, as well as laying the compensator arc (length at each end is not less than 350 mm for cables with voltage up to 10 kV and not less than 400 mm for cables with voltage of 20 and 35 kV).

3.69. In cramped conditions with large cable flows, it is allowed to place expansion joints in a vertical plane below the cable laying level. The coupling thus remains at the level of laying of cables.

3.70. The cable laid in the trench must be sprinkled with the first layer of earth, mechanical protection or signal tape is laid, after which the representatives of the electrical installation and construction organizations, together with the representative of the customer, must inspect the route with drawing up an act for hidden work.

3.71. The trench must be finally backfilled and tamped after the installation of the couplings and testing the line with increased voltage.

3.72. Backfilling of frozen earth with trenches, soil containing stones, pieces of metal, etc., is not allowed.

3.73. Trenchless laying with a self-propelled or traction-driven knife cable layer is allowed for 1-2 armored cables with a voltage of up to 10 kV with a lead or aluminum sheath on cable routes remote from engineering structures. In urban power networks and at industrial enterprises, trenchless laying is allowed only in long sections in the absence of underground utilities, intersections with engineering structures, natural obstacles and hard surfaces on the route.

3.74. When laying a cable line route in an undeveloped area, identification marks must be installed along the entire route on columns of concrete or on special signposts that are placed at the turns of the route, at the locations of the couplings, on both sides of intersections with roads and underground structures, at the entrances to buildings and through every 100 m on straight sections.

On arable land, identification marks should be installed at least 500 m apart.

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3.75. The total length of the block channel under the conditions of maximum permissible tensile forces for unarmored cables with a lead sheath and copper conductors should not exceed the following values:

Cable cross-section, mm2.... up to 350 370 395 and above Maximum length, m..... 145 115 108

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To reduce the tensile force when pulling the cable, it should be coated with a lubricant that does not contain substances harmful to the cable sheath (grease, grease).

3.77. For unarmored cables with a plastic sheath, the maximum allowable tensile forces should be taken from Table. 4 with correction factors for conductors:

hard aluminum ..................0.5 "soft" .................. 0.25

Laying in cable structures and industrial premises

3.78. When laying in cable structures, collectors and industrial premises, cables should not have external protective covers made of combustible materials. Metal sheaths and cable armor having a non-combustible anti-corrosion (for example, galvanized) coating made at the manufacturer's factory cannot be painted after installation.

3.79. Cables in cable structures and collectors of residential areas should be laid, as a rule, in full construction lengths, avoiding, if possible, the use of couplings in them.

Cables laid horizontally along structures on open overpasses (cable and technological), in addition to fastening in places in accordance with clause 3.60, must be fixed to avoid displacement under the action of wind loads on straight horizontal sections of the route in accordance with the instructions given in the project.

3.80. Cables in an aluminum sheath without an outer cover when laying them along plastered and concrete walls, trusses and columns must be at least 25 mm from the surface of building structures. On the painted surfaces of these structures, it is allowed to lay such cables without a gap.

Laying on steel rope

3.81. The diameter and markakanata, as well as the distance between the anchor and intermediate fastenings of the rope, are determined in the working drawings. The sag of the rope after hanging the cables should be within 1/40 - 1/60 of the span length.

Distances between cable hangers should be no more than 800 - 1000 mm.

3.82. Anchor end structures must be fixed to the columns or walls of the building. Fastening them to beams and trusses is not allowed.

3.83. Steel rope and other metal parts for laying cables on a rope outdoors, regardless of the presence of a galvanized coating, must be coated with a lubricant (for example, grease). Indoors, galvanized wire rope should only be lubricated if it is likely to corrode in an aggressive environment.

Laying in permafrost

3.84. The depth of cable laying in permafrost soils is determined in the working drawings.

3.85. The local soil used for backfilling the trenches must be crushed and compacted. Ice and snow are not allowed in the trench. The soil for the embankment should be taken from places at least 5 m away from the axis of the cable route.

The soil in the trench after settlement should be covered with a moss-peat layer.

As additional measures against the occurrence of frost cracks, the following should be applied:

backfilling the trench with a cable with sandy or gravel-pebble soil;

installation of drainage ditches or slots up to 0.6 m deep, located on both sides of the route at a distance of 2-3 m from its axis;

seeding the cable route with grasses and planting with shrubs.

Laying at low temperatures

3.86. Laying cables in the cold season without preheating is allowed only in cases where the air temperature has not decreased, at least temporarily, below:

0 °С - for power armored and non-armored cables with paper insulation (viscous, non-drip and depleted) in a lead or aluminum sheath;

minus 5 °С - for low and high pressure oil-filled cables;

minus 7 °С - for control and power cables with voltage up to 35 kV with plastic or rubber insulation and sheath with fibrous materials in a protective cover, as well as with armor made of steel tapes or wire;

minus 15 °С - for control and power cables with voltage up to 10 kV with PVC or rubber insulation and a sheath without fibrous materials in a protective cover, as well as with armor made of profiled galvanized steel tape;

minus 20°C - for unarmored control and power cables with polyethylene insulation and sheath without fibrous materials in a protective cover, as well as with rubber insulation in a lead sheath.

3.87. Short-term periods of 2-3 hours of temperature drop (night frosts) should not be taken into account if the temperature was positive in the previous period of time.

3.88. At an air temperature below that specified in clause 3.86, the cables must be preheated and laid within the following periods:

not more than 1 h................ from 0 to minus 10 °С "40 min............. from minus 10 to minus 20 °С " 30 min............ from minus 20 °С and below

3.89. Unarmored cables with an aluminum sheath in a PVC hose, even preheated ones, are not allowed to be laid at an ambient temperature below minus 20 °C.

3.90. At an ambient temperature below minus 40 °C, laying cables of all brands is not allowed.

3.91. The heated cable during laying should not be bent along a radius less than the permissible one. It is necessary to lay it in a trench with a snake with a margin in length in accordance with clause 3.59. Immediately after installation, the cable must be covered with the first layer of loosened soil. Finally fill the trench with soil and compact the backfill after the cable has cooled.

Installation of cable sleeves with voltage up to 35 kV

3.92. Installation of muftsil cables with voltage up to 35 kV and control cables must be carried out in accordance with departmental technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.93. Types of termination couplings for power cables with voltage up to 35 kV with paper and plastic insulation and control cables, as well as methods for connecting and terminating cable cores, must be specified in the project.

3.94. The clear distance between the body of the coupling and the nearest cable laid in the ground must be at least 250 mm.

On steeply inclined routes (more than 20 ° to the horizontal), as a rule, it is not necessary to install couplings. If it is necessary to install couplings on such sections, they must be located on horizontal platforms.

To ensure the possibility of re-assembly of the couplings in case of damage, a reserve of cable in the form of a compensator must be left on both sides of the coupling (see clause 3.68).

3.95. Cables in cable structures should be laid, as a rule, without making couplings on them. If it is necessary to use couplings on cables with a voltage of 6-35 kV, each of them must be laid on a separate supporting structure and enclosed in a fireproof protective casing for fire localization (manufactured in accordance with the approved regulatory and technical documentation). In addition, the coupling must be separated from the upper and lower cables by fireproof protective partitions with a fire resistance rating of at least 0.25 h.

3.96. The connecting sleeves of cables laid in blocks must be located in wells.

3.97. On a route consisting of a through tunnel leading to a semi-through tunnel or a non-through tunnel, the couplings must be located in the through tunnel.

Features of installation of cable lines with a voltage of 110-220 kV

3.98. Working drawings of cable lines with oil-filled cables for a voltage of 110-220 kV and cables with plastic (vulcanized polyethylene) insulation with a voltage of 110 kV and PPR for their installation must be agreed with the cable manufacturer.

3.99. The temperature of the cable and the ambient air during laying should not be lower than: minus 5 ° C - for an oil-filled cable and minus 10 ° C - for a cable with plastic insulation. At lower temperatures, laying can only be allowed in accordance with PPR.

3.100. Cables with round-wire armor during mechanized laying should be pulled by the wires using a special grip that ensures even distribution of the load between the wires of the armor. In this case, in order to avoid deformation of the lead sheath, the total tensile force should not exceed 25 kN. Unarmored cables are allowed to be pulled only by the cores using a gripper mounted on the upper end of the cable on the drum.

The maximum allowable tensile force is determined from the calculation: 50 MPa (N/mm2) for copper conductors, 40 MPa (N/m m2) for hard aluminum conductors and 20 MPa (N/mm2) for soft aluminum conductors.

3.101. The traction winch must be equipped with a recording device and an automatic shutdown device when the maximum allowable pull is exceeded. The recording device must be equipped with a self-recording device. other communications.

3.102. Cables laid on cable structures with a span of 0.8-1 m between them must be fixed on all supports with aluminum brackets with two layers of rubber 2 mm thick, unless otherwise specified in the working documentation.

Cable line marking

3.103. Each cable line must be marked and have its own number or name.

3.104. Labels must be installed on exposed cables and cable boxes.

On cables laid in cable structures, tags should be installed at least every 50-70 m, as well as in places where the direction of the route changes, on both sides of passages through interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions, at the points of input (output) of the cable into trenches and cable structures.

On hidden cables in pipes or blocks, tags should be installed at the end points of the end sleeves, in the wells and chambers of the block sewer, as well as at each coupling.

On hidden cables in trenches, tags are installed at the end points and at each coupling.

3.105. Labels should be used: in dry rooms - made of plastic, steel or aluminum; in damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground - made of plastic.

Designations on tags for underground cables and cables laid in rooms with a chemically active environment should be made by stamping, punching or burning. For cables laid in other conditions, the designations may be applied with indelible paint.

3.106. The tags must be fastened to the cables with nylon thread or galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 1-2 mm, or with a plastic tape with a button. The place where the tag is attached to the cable with wire and the wire itself in damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground must be covered with bitumen to protect it from moisture.

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3.107. Sections with compensators and flexible sections of the main bus ducts must be fixed on two supporting structures installed symmetrically on both sides of the flexible part of the bus duct section. The busbar trunking should be fastened to supporting structures in horizontal sections using clamps that allow the busbar trunking to shift with temperature changes. The busbar trunking laid in vertical sections must be rigidly fixed to the structures with bolts.

For ease of removal of covers (casing parts), as well as to ensure cooling, the busbar should be installed with a gap of 50 mm from walls or other building structures of the building.

Pipes or metal sleeves with wires must be introduced into the branch sections through the holes made in the busbar casings. Pipes should be terminated with bushings.

3.108. The permanent connection of the busbar sections of the main busbar must be made by welding, the connections of the distribution and lighting busbars must be collapsible (bolted).

The connection of sections of the trolley bus duct must be carried out using special connecting parts.

The current-collecting carriage must move freely along the guides along the slot of the box of the mounted trolley busbar.

Current conductors open voltage 6-35 kV

3.109. These rules must be observed when installing rigid and flexible conductors with a voltage of 6-35 kV.

3.110. As a rule, all work on the installation of current conductors should be carried out with the preliminary preparation of units and sections of blocks at procurement and assembly sites, workshops or factories.

3.111. All connections and branches of tires and wires are carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 3.8;3.13; 3.14.

3.112. In places of bolted and hinged joints, measures must be taken to prevent self-unscrewing (cotter pins, lock nuts - locking, disc or spring washers). All fasteners must have an anti-corrosion coating (zinc plating, passivation).

3.113. Installation of supports for open conductors is carried out in accordance with paragraphs. 3.129-3.146.

3.114. When adjusting the suspension of a flexible conductor, a uniform tension of all its links must be ensured.

3.115. Connections of wires of flexible conductors should be made in the middle of the span after the wires have been rolled out before they are drawn.


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3.116. The clearing along the VL highway should be cleared of cut down trees and shrubs. Commercial timber and firewood should be stacked outside the clearing.

Distances from wires to green spaces and from the axis of the route to stacks of combustible materials must be specified in the project. Cutting down bushes on loose soils, steep slopes and places flooded during high water is not allowed.

3.117. Burning of branches and other logging residues should be carried out within the period of time allowed for this.

3.118. The wood left in piles on the overhead line route for the fire hazardous period, as well as the “shafts” of logging residues remaining for this period, should be bordered with a mineralized strip 1 m wide, from which grass vegetation, forest litter and other combustible materials of the premineral soil layer should be completely removed.

The device of foundation pits and foundations for supports

3.119. The construction of foundation pits should be carried out in accordance with the rules for the production of works set out in SNiP III-8-76 and SNiP 3.02.01-83.

3.120. Support pits should be developed, as a rule, by drilling machines. The development of pits must be carried out up to the design mark.

3.121. The development of pits in rocky, frozen, permafrost soils is allowed to be carried out by explosions for "ejection" or "loosening" in accordance with the Uniform Safety Rules for Explosive Operations approved by the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision.

At the same time, the pits should be finished to the design mark by 100-200 mm, followed by refinement with jackhammers.

3.122. Pit pits should be drained by pumping out water before laying foundations.

3.123. In winter, the development of pits, as well as the installation of foundations in them, should be carried out as soon as possible, excluding freezing of the bottom of the pits.

3.124. The construction of foundations on permafrost soils is carried out with the preservation of the natural frozen state of the soil in accordance with SNiP II-18-76 and SNiP 3.02.01-83.

3.125. Prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and piles must meet the requirements of SNiP 2.02.01-83, SNiP II-17-77, SNiP IISNiP II-28-73 and the standard design project.

When installing prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations and driving piles, one should be guided by the rules for the production of work set forth in SNiP 3.02.01-83 and SNiP III-16-80.

When constructing monolithic reinforced concrete foundations, one should be guided by SNiP III-15-76.

3.126. Welded or bolted joints of racks with foundation slabs must be protected from corrosion. Before welding, the details of the joints must be cleaned of rust. Reinforced concrete foundations with a concrete protective layer thickness of less than 30 mm, as well as foundations installed in aggressive soils, must be protected by waterproofing.

Pickets with aggressive environment must be specified in the project.

3.127. Backfilling of pits with soil should be carried out immediately after the installation and alignment of the foundations. The soil must be carefully compacted by layer-by-layer tamping.

The templates used for the construction of foundations should be removed after backfilling at least half the depth of the pits.

The height of the backfill of the pits should be taken into account, taking into account the possible settlement of the soil. When constructing embankment of foundations, the slope should have a steepness of no more than 1: 1.5 (the ratio of the slope height to the base), depending on the type of soil.

The soil for backfilling of excavations should be protected from freezing.

3.128. Tolerances for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations are given in Table. 5.

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3.129. The size of the site for the assembly and installation of the support must be taken in accordance with the technological map or the support assembly scheme specified in the PPR.

3.130. In the manufacture, installation and acceptance of steel structures of overhead lines, the requirements of SNiP III-18-75 should be followed.

3.131. Cable braces for supports must have an anti-corrosion coating. They must be made and marked before the removal of supports to the track and delivered to the pickets in a set of supports.

3.132. The installation of supports on foundations that are not finished with construction and not completely covered with soil is prohibited.

3.133. Before installing the supports by turning with the help of a hinge, it is necessary to provide for the protection of the foundations from shear forces. In the direction opposite to the lift, a braking device should be used.

3.134. The nuts securing the supports must be screwed up to failure and secured against self-unscrewing by turning the bolt thread to a depth of at least 3 mm. Two nuts should be installed on the bolts of foundation-angle, transitional, end and special supports, and one nut per bolt on intermediate supports.

When attaching the support to the foundation, it is allowed to install no more than four steel spacers with a total thickness of up to 40 mm between the fifth support and the upper plane of the foundation. Gaskets must be connected to each other and the fifth support by welding.

3.135. When installing reinforced concrete structures, one should be guided by the rules for the production of works set out in SNiP III-16-80.

3.136. Before the installation of reinforced concrete structures received at the picket, it is necessary to check once again for cracks, shells and potholes and other defects on the surface of the supports in accordance with paragraph 2.7.

In case of partial damage to the factory waterproofing, the coating must be restored along the route by painting the damaged areas with molten bitumen (grade 4) in two layers.

3.137. Reliability of fixing in the ground of supports installed in drilled or open pits is ensured by compliance with the depth of embedment of supports provided for by the project, crossbars, anchor plates and careful layer-by-layer compaction of the backfill soil of the sinuses of the pit.

3.138. Wooden supports and their parts must meet the requirements of SNiP II-25-80 and the standard design project.

In the manufacture and installation of wooden supports for overhead lines, one should be guided by the rules for the production of works set forth in SNiP III-19-76.

3.139. For the manufacture of parts of wooden supports, softwood timber according to GOST 9463-72 *, factory-impregnated with antiseptics, should be used.

The quality of the impregnation of the support parts must comply with the standards established by GOST 20022.0-82, GOST 20022.2-80, GOST 20022.5-75*, GOST 20022.7-82, GOST 20022.11-79*.

3.140. When assembling wooden supports, all parts must be fitted to each other. The gap in the places of cuts and joints should not exceed 4 mm. The wood at the joints must be free of knots and cracks. Notches, notches and spalls must be made to a depth of no more than 20% of the log diameter. The correctness of the cuts and notches must be checked with templates.

Through cracks in the joints of the working surfaces are not allowed. Filling with wedges of slots or other leaks between the working surfaces is not allowed.

Deviation from the design dimensions of all parts of the assembled wooden support is allowed within the following limits: subdiameter - minus 1 plus 2 cm, along the length - 1 cm per 1 m. Minus tolerance in the manufacture of traverses from sawn timber is prohibited.

3.141. Holes in the wooden elements of the supports must be drilled. The hook hole drilled in the support must have a diameter equal to the inside diameter of the cut portion of the hook shank and a depth equal to 0.75 of the length of the cut portion. The hook must be screwed into the body of the support with the entire cut part plus 10-15mm.

The hole diameter of the subpin should be equal to the outer diameter of the pin shank.

3.142. Bandages for pairing attachments with a wooden support stand should be made of mild steel galvanized wire with a diameter of 4 mm. It is allowed to use non-galvanized wire with a diameter of 5-6 mm for bandages, provided that it is covered with asphalt varnish. The number of turns of the bandage should be taken in accordance with the design of the supports. If one turn breaks, the entire bandage should be replaced with a new one. The ends of the bandage wires should be hammered into the tree to a depth of 20-25 mm. It is allowed to use special clamps instead of wire bandages.

Each bandage (collar) must match no more than two parts of the support.

3.143. Wooden piles must be straight, straight-layer, without rot, cracks and other defects and damage.

The upper end of the wooden pile must be cut perpendicular to its axis in order to prevent the pile from deviating from the given direction during its immersion.

3.144. Mounting tolerances for wooden and reinforced concrete single-column supports are given in Table. 6.

3.145. Tolerances for the installation of reinforced concrete portal supports are given in Table. 7.

3.146. Tolerances in the dimensions of the steel structures of the supports are given in Table. eight.

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Installation of insulators or linear fittings

3.147. On the route before installation, the insulators must be inspected and rejected.

The resistance of porcelain insulators of overhead lines with voltages above 1000 V must be checked before installation with a megger with a voltage of 2500 V; at the same time, the insulation resistance of each suspension insulator or each element of a multi-element pin insulator must be at least 300 MΩ.

Cleaning of insulators with a steel tool is not allowed.

Electrical tests of glass insulators are not performed.

3.148. On overhead lines with pin insulators, the installation of traverses, brackets and insulators should, as a rule, be carried out before lifting the support.

Hooks and pins must be firmly installed in the post or traverse of the support; their pin part must be strictly vertical. Hooks and pins should be coated with asphalt varnish to protect against rust.

Pin insulators must be firmly screwed strictly vertically onto hooks or pins using polyethylene caps.

It is allowed to fasten pin insulators on hooks or pins using a solution consisting of 40% Portland cement grade not lower than M400 or M500 and 60% thoroughly washed mountain sand. The use of mortar setting accelerators is not allowed.

When reinforcing, the top of the pin or hook should be covered with a thin layer of bitumen.

Installation of pin insulators with an inclination of up to 45 ° to the vertical is allowed when attaching descents to apparatuses and support loops.

On overhead lines with suspension insulators, the parts of the coupling fittings of the insulating suspensions must be cottered, and locks should be placed in the sockets of each element of the insulating suspension. All castles in insulators must be located on the same straight line. Locks in the insulators of the supporting insulating hangers - should be placed with the input ends towards the support post, and in the insulators of the tension and fittings of the insulating hangers with the input ends down. Vertical and slanted pins should be head up and nut or cotter pin down.

Installation of wires of game protection cables (ropes)

3.149. Aluminum, steel-aluminum wires and aluminum alloy wires when mounted in steel supporting and tension (bolt, wedge) clamps must be protected with aluminum gaskets, copper wires - with copper gaskets.

The fastening of wires in pin insulators should be carried out with wire ties, special clamps or clamps; in this case, the wire must be laid on the neck of the pin insulator. Wire knitting must be done with wire of the same metal as the wire. When knitting, it is not allowed to bend the wire with a knitting wire.

Branch wires from VL with voltage up to 1000 V must be anchored.

3.150. In each span of overhead lines with voltages above 1000 V, no more than one connection is allowed for each wire or rope.

The connection of wires (ropes) in the span must meet the requirements of paragraphs. 3.13-3.14.

3.151. Crimping of connecting, tension and repair clamps should be carried out and controlled in accordance with the requirements of departmental technological maps approved in the prescribed manner. Pressed clamps, as well as dies for crimping clamps, must correspond to the brands of wires and ropes to be mounted. It is not allowed to exceed the nominal diameter of the die by more than 0.2 mm; the diameter of the clamp after crimping should not exceed the diameter of the die by more than 0.3 mm. If, after crimping, a clamp diameter exceeding the permissible value is obtained, the clamp is subject to secondary crimping with new dies.

3.152. The geometric dimensions of the connecting and tension clamps of the wires of the overhead line must comply with the requirements of departmental technological maps approved in the prescribed manner. There should be no cracks, signs of corrosion and mechanical damage on their surface, the curvature of the molded clamp should not exceed 3% of its length, the steel core of the molded connector should be located symmetrically relative to the aluminum clamp body along its length. The displacement of the core relative to the symmetrical position should not exceed 15% of the length pressed part of the wire. Clips that do not meet the specified requirements must be rejected.

3.153. Thermite welding of wires, as well as the connection of wires using explosion energy, should be carried out and controlled in accordance with the requirements of departmental technological maps approved in the prescribed manner.

3.154. In case of mechanical damage to the stranded wire (breakage of individual wires), a bandage, repair or connecting clamp should be installed.

Repair of damaged wires should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of departmental technological maps approved in the prescribed manner.

3.155. The rolling of wires (ropes) on the ground should, as a rule, be carried out using moving carts. For supports, the design of which completely or partially does not allow the use of moving rolling carts, it is allowed to roll out wires (ropes) on the ground from fixed rolling devices with the obligatory lifting of wires (ropes) to the supports as they are rolled out and taking measures to prevent damage to them as a result of friction against the ground, rocky, rocky and other soils.

Rolling and tensioning wires and ropes directly on steel traverses and hooks is not allowed.

Rolling out wires and ropes at negative temperatures should be carried out taking into account measures to prevent freezing of the wire or rope into the ground.

The transfer of ikanat wires from rolling rollers to permanent clamps and the installation of spacers on wires with a split phase should be carried out immediately after the end of the sighting of wires and ropes in the anchor section. In this case, the possibility of damage to the upper layers of wires and ropes should be excluded.

3.156. The installation of ikat wires at crossings through engineering structures should be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Protection of Electric Networks with a Voltage Over 1000 V with the permission of the organization - the owner of the crossing structure, within the time limits agreed with this organization. Wires and ropes rolled across roads must be protected from damage by lifting them above the road, burying them in the ground or covering them with shields. If necessary, in places where damage to wires is possible, security should be set up.

3.157. When sighting wires and ropes, the sags must be installed according to the working drawings according to the installation tables or curves in accordance with the temperature of the wire or rope during installation. At the same time, the actual sag of the wire or rope should not differ from the design value by more than ± 5%, provided that the required dimensions to the ground and the objects being crossed are observed.

Misalignment of wires of different phases and ropes relative to each other should be no more than 10% of the design value of the wire or rope sag. The misalignment of the wires in the split phase should be no more than 20% for 330-500 kV overhead lines and 10% for 750 kV overhead lines. The angle of turn of the wires in the phase should be no more than 10 °.

Sighting of wires of ikatov overhead lines with voltage above 1000 V up to 750 kV inclusive. should be carried out in spans located in each third of the anchor section with its length of more than 3 km. When the length of the anchor section is less than 3 km, sighting is allowed in two spans: the most distant and the closest from the traction mechanism.

The deviation of the supporting garlands along the overhead line from the vertical should not exceed, mm: 50 - for 35 kV overhead lines, 100 - for 110 kV overhead lines, 150 - for 150 - kV overhead lines and 200 - for 220-750 kV overhead lines.

Installation of tubular surge arresters

3.158. Arresters must be installed in such a way that the action indicators are clearly visible from the ground.

The installation of the arresters should ensure the stability of the external spark gap and exclude the possibility of overlapping it with a jet of water that can flow from the top electrode. The arrester must be securely fastened to the support and have good contact with earth.

3.159. Arresters before being installed on a support must be inspected and rejected. The outer surface of the arrester must not have cracks or delaminations.

3.160. After installing the tubular arresters on the support, it is necessary to adjust the size of the external spark gap in accordance with the working drawings, and also check their installation so that the exhaust gas zones do not intersect and do not cover structural elements and wires.


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3.161. The requirements of these rules should be observed when installing open and closed switchgear and substations with voltage up to 750 kV.

3.162. Prior to the installation of electrical equipment of switchgears and substations, the customer must supply:

transformer oil in the amount necessary for filling fully assembled oil-filled equipment, taking into account the additional amount of oil for technological needs;

clean sealed metal containers for temporary storage of oil;

equipment and devices for processing and filling oil;

special tools and accessories supplied with the equipment in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer, necessary for revision and adjustment (transferred for the installation period).

Busbar arrangement of closed and open switchgear

3.163. The inner bending radius of rectangular tires must be: in flat bends - at least twice the thickness of the tire, in edge bends - at least its width. The length of the splint bending with a corkscrew must be at least twice their width.

Instead of edgewise bending, joining of tires by welding is allowed.

The bending of the busbars at the connection points must begin at a distance of at least 10 mm from the edge of the contact surface.

The joints of the busbars in the bolted connection must be separated from the heads of the insulators and the places of branches at a distance of at least 50 mm.

To ensure the longitudinal movement of the busbars when the temperature changes, it is necessary to rigidly fasten the busbars to the insulators only in the middle of the total length of the busbars, and in the presence of busbar compensators, in the middle of the section between the compensators.

The openings of the bushing insulators after mounting the tires must be closed with special strips, and the tires in packages at the points of entry into and exit from the insulators must be fastened together.

Busbar supports and clamps with an alternating current of more than 600 A should not create a closed magnetic circuit around the busbars.

To do this, one of the linings or all the tie bolts located on one of the sides of the tire must be made of non-magnetic material (bronze, aluminum and its alloys, etc.) or a busbar design must be used that does not form a closed magnetic circuit.

3.164. Flexible tires throughout their entire length should not have twists, braids, broken wires. Sag booms should not differ from the design ones by more than ± 5%. All wires in the split phase of the busbar must have the same tension and must be braced with spacers.

3.165. Connections between adjacent devices must be made with one piece of the tire (without cutting).

3.166. Tubular tires must have devices to dampen vibration and compensate for temperature changes in their length.

In the areas of connection to the devices, the tires must be located horizontally.

3.167. Connections and branches of flexible wires must be made by welding or crimping.

Connection of branches in the span must be carried out without cutting the wires of the span. Bolted connection is allowed only on the terminals of devices and on branches to arresters, coupling capacitors and voltage transformers, as well as for temporary installations for which the use of permanent connections requires a large amount of work on rewiring tires. Connection of flexible wires and tires to the terminals of electrical equipment should be carried out taking into account the compensation of temperature changes in their length.


3.168. Insulators must be checked for porcelain integrity before installation (be free of cracks and chips). Linings for flanges of insulators should not protrude beyond the flanges.

3.169. The surface of the caps of the support insulators when they are installed in closed switchgears must be in the same plane. The deviation should not be more than 2mm.

3.170. The axes of all supporting and bushing insulators standing in a row should not deviate to the side by more than 5 mm.

3.171. When installing bushings of 1000 A or more in steel plates, the possibility of the formation of closed magnetic circuits must be excluded.

3.172. Installation of strings of suspension insulators of open switchgear must meet the following requirements:

connecting ears, brackets, intermediate links, etc. must be cottered;

the fittings of the garlands must correspond to the dimensions of the insulators and wires.

The insulation resistance of porcelain suspension insulators must be checked with a 2.5 kV megohmmeter before lifting the garlands onto the support.

Switches with voltages above 1000 V

3.173. Installation, assembly and adjustment of switches should be carried out in accordance with the installation instructions of manufacturers; when assembling, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the marking of the elements of the switches given in the indicated instructions.

3.174. When assembling and installing air circuit breakers, the following must be ensured: horizontal installation of support frames and air tanks, vertical support columns, equality in height of columns of tripod insulators (stretch marks), alignment of insulators installation. The deviation of the axes of the central support columns from the vertical should not exceed the norms specified in the instructions of the manufacturers.

3.175. The internal surfaces of air circuit breakers that come into contact with compressed air must be cleaned;

the bolts tightening the collapsible flange connections of the insulators must be evenly tightened with a wrench with an adjustable tightening torque.

3.176. After completing the installation of the air circuit breakers, the amount of compressed air leakage should be checked, which should not exceed the norms specified in the factory instructions. Before switching on, it is necessary to ventilate the internal cavities of the air circuit breaker.

3.177. Distribution cabinets and circuit breaker control cabinets must be checked, including the correct position of auxiliary contacts and electromagnet strikers. All valves must be easy to move, cones fit well on seats.

Disconnectors, separators and short circuits with voltages above 1000 V

3.178. Installation, assembly and adjustment of disconnectors, separators and short circuits should be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers.

3.179. When assembling and installing disconnectors, separators, short circuits, the following must be ensured: horizontal installation of support frames, verticality and equality in height of columns of support insulators, alignment of contact knives.

The deviation of the support frame from the horizontal and the axes of the assembled columns of insulators from the vertical, as well as the displacement of the axes of the contact knives in the horizontal and vertical planes and the gap between the ends of the contact knives should not exceed the standards specified in the manufacturer's instructions. Alignment of columns is allowed by means of metal linings.

3.180. The handwheel or handle of the lever drive must have (when turned on and off) the direction of movement indicated in Table. 9.

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The idle stroke of the drive handle must not exceed 5°.

3.181. The knives of the devices should correctly (in the center) fall into the fixed contacts, enter them without impacts and distortions and, when turned on, do not reach the stop by 3-5 mm.

3.182. With the positions of the grounding knife "Enabled" and "Disabled", the rods and levers must be in the "Dead Spot" position, ensuring that the knife is fixed in the extreme positions.

3.183. The disconnector drive auxiliary contacts must be installed so that the auxiliary contact control mechanism operates at the end of each operation 4-10 ° before the end of the stroke.

3.184. Interlocking of disconnectors with circuit breakers, as well as main knives of disconnectors with earthing knives, shall not allow operation of the disconnector drive with the circuit breaker on, as well as earthing knives with the main knives on, and main knives with the earthing knives on.


3.185. Prior to installation, all elements of the arresters should be inspected for the absence of cracks and chips in porcelain and for the absence of pits and cracks in cement joints. The leakage currents and resistances of the working elements of the arresters must be measured in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions.

3.186. When assembling arresters on a common frame, the alignment and verticality of the insulators must be ensured.

3.187. After the installation is completed, the annular gaps in the columns between the working elements and the insulators must be puttied and painted over.

Measuring transformers

3.188. When mounting transformers, the verticality of their installation must be ensured. Vertical adjustment is allowed using steel spacers.

3.189. Unused secondary windings of current transformers must be short-circuited at their terminals. One of the poles of the secondary windings of current transformers and voltage transformers must be grounded in all cases (except as specifically specified in the working drawings).

3.190. The high-voltage inputs of the mounted measuring voltage transformers must be short-circuited before they are energized. The transformer housing must be grounded.

Reactors and inductors

3.191. The phases of the reactors installed one below the other must be located according to the marking (H - lower phase, C

Middle, B - top), and the direction of the windings of the middle phase should be opposite to the direction of the windings of the extreme phases.

3.192. Steel structures located in the immediate vicinity of the reactors should not have closed loops.

Complete and prefabricated switchgears and complex transformer substations

3.193. When accepting for installation cabinets of complete switchgears and complete transformer substations, the completeness of the technical documentation of the manufacturer (passport, technical description and operating instructions, electrical diagrams of the main and auxiliary circuits, operational documentation for the component equipment, list of spare parts and accessories) must be checked.

3.194. During the installation of KRU iKTP, their verticality must be ensured. The difference in levels of the bearing surface for switchgear complete devices is allowed 1 mm per 1 m of surface, but not more than 5 mm for the entire length of the bearing surface.


3.195. All transformers must be capable of being put into operation without inspection of the active part, provided that the transformers are transported and stored in accordance with the requirements of GOST 11677-75*.

3.196. Transformers delivered by the customer to the territory of the substation must be oriented during transportation relative to the foundations in accordance with the working drawings. The speed of movement of the transformer within the substation on its own rollers should not exceed 8 m/min.

3.197. The issue of the installation of transformers without revision of the active part and lifting the bell should be decided by the representative of the installation supervision of the manufacturer, and in the absence of a contract for installation supervision - by the mounting organization based on the requirements of the document specified in clause 3.195 and the data of the following acts and protocols:

inspection of the transformer and dismantled units after transportation of the transformer from the manufacturer to the destination;

transformer unloading;

transportation of the transformer to the place of installation;

storage of the transformer before transfer to installation.

3.198. The issue of the admissibility of turning on the transformer without drying should be decided on the basis of a comprehensive consideration of the conditions and condition of the transformer during transportation, storage, installation and taking into account the results of inspection and testing in accordance with the requirements of the document specified in clause 3.195.

Static converters

3.199. Disassembly of semiconductor devices is not allowed. When installing them, you should:

avoid sharp shocks and shocks;

remove preservative grease and clean contact surfaces with solvent;

install devices with natural cooling so that the cooler fins are in a plane that provides free air passage from the bottom up, and devices with forced air cooling so that the direction of the cooling air flow is along the cooler fins;

install devices with combined cooling horizontally;

position the cooler fitting in a vertical plane so that the inlet fitting is at the bottom;

lubricate the contact surfaces of the coolers before screwing semiconductor devices into them with a thin layer of technical vaseline; the tightening torque during assembly must correspond to that specified by the manufacturer.

Compressors and air ducts

3.200. Compressors sealed by the manufacturer are not subject to disassembly and revision at the installation site.

Compressors that do not have a seal and arrive at the construction site assembled are subjected to partial disassembly and revision before installation to the extent necessary to remove preservative coatings, as well as to check the condition of bearings, valves, seals, oil lubrication and water cooling systems.

3.201. Mounted compressor units must be tested in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions together with automatic control, monitoring, signaling and protection systems.

3.202. The inner surface of the air ducts must be wiped with transformer oil. The permissible deviations of the linear dimensions of each air duct assembly from the design dimensions should not be more than ± 3 mm per meter, but not more than ± 10 mm for the entire length. Deviations of angular dimensions and non-flatness of the axes in the node should not exceed ± 2.5 mm per 1 m, but not more than ± 8 mm for the entire subsequent straight section.

3.203. Mounted air ducts must be blown at an air speed of 10-15 m/s pressure equal to the working one (but not more than 4.0 MPa) for at least 10 minutes and tested for strength and density. The pressure during pneumatic strength testing for air ducts with a working pressure of 0.5 MPa and above should be 1.25 Rrab, but not less than Rrab 0.3 MPa. When testing air ducts for density, the test pressure must be equal to the working pressure. In the process of pressure rise, the air duct is inspected when 30 and 60% of the test pressure is reached. During the inspection of the air duct, the pressure rise stops. The test pressure for strength must be maintained for 5 minutes, after which it decreases to the working pressure, at which the air duct is tested for density for 12 minutes.

High-frequency coupling capacitors

3.204. When assembling and mounting the coupling capacitors, the horizontal installation of the supports and the vertical installation of the capacitors must be ensured.

3.205. High-frequency barriers must be adjusted in the laboratory before installation.

3.206. When mounting high-frequency barriers, the verticality of their suspension and the reliability of contacts at the points of attachment of the tuning elements must be ensured.

Switchgear with voltage up to 1000 V, control panels, protection and automation

3.207. Shields and cabinets must be supplied by manufacturers fully assembled, audited, adjusted and tested in accordance with the requirements of the PUE, state standards or technical specifications of manufacturers.

3.208. Distribution boards, control stations, protection and automation boards, as well as control panels must be aligned with respect to the main axes of the premises in which they are installed. During installation, the panels must be level and plumb. Fastening to embedded parts must be carried out by welding or detachable connections. Installation of panels without fastening to the floor is allowed, if this is provided for in the working drawings. Panels must be bolted together.

Battery installations

3.209. Acceptance for installation of stationary acid (GOST 825-73) and alkaline (GOST 9240-79E and GOST 9241-79E) batteries of closed design and parts of batteries of open design should be carried out in the scope of the requirements given in state standards, specifications and other documents that determine the completeness of delivery, their specifications and quality.

3.210. Batteries must be installed in accordance with shop drawings on wood, steel or concrete racks or on fume hood shelves. The design, dimensions, coating and quality of wooden and steel racks must comply with the requirements of GOST 1226-82.

The interior of battery fume hoods must be painted with electrolyte-resistant paint.

3.211. The accumulators in the battery must be numbered in large numbers on the front wall of the vessel or on the longitudinal bar of the rack. The paint must be acid-resistant for acid and alkali-resistant for alkaline batteries. The first number in a battery is usually marked on the battery to which the positive rail is connected.

3.212. When mounting the busbar in the battery room, the following requirements must be met:

tires must be laid on insulators and fixed in them with busbar holders; connections and branches of copper tires must be made by welding or soldering, aluminum - only by welding; welds in contact joints should not have sagging, recesses, as well as cracks, warping and burns; flux and slag residues must be removed from the welding points;

the ends of the tires attached to acid batteries must be pre-tinned and then soldered into the cable lugs of the connecting strips;

to alkaline batteries, the tires must be attached using lugs, which must be welded or soldered to the tires and clamped with nuts on the battery terminals;

uninsulated busbars along the entire length must be painted in two layers of paint that is resistant to prolonged exposure to electrolyte.

3.213. The design of the plate for the output of tires from the battery room must be given in the project.

3.214. Vessels of acid accumulators must be leveled on cone insulators, the wide bases of which must be laid on leveling pads made of lead or vinyl plastic. The walls of the vessels facing the passage should be in the same plane.

When using concrete racks, storage vessels must be installed on insulators.

3.215. Plates in open acid batteries should be parallel to each other.

Distortion of the entire group of plates or the presence of crooked soldered plates is not allowed. In places where the plate shanks are soldered to the connecting strips, there should be no shells, laminations, protrusions and lead smudges.

Cover glasses resting on the protrusions (tides) of the plates should be laid on acid batteries of an open design. The dimensions of these glasses should be 5-7 mm smaller than the internal dimensions of the vessel. For batteries with tank dimensions over 400x200 mm, two or more cover slips can be used.

3.216. When preparing sulfuric acid electrolyte, it is necessary:

use sulfuric acid that meets the requirements of GOST 667-73;

to dilute the acid, use water that meets the requirements of GOST 6709-72.

The quality of water and acid must be certified by a factory certificate or a protocol for chemical analysis of acid and water, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant state standards. Chemical analysis is carried out by the customer.

3.217. Enclosed batteries must be installed on racks on insulators or insulating pads that are resistant to electrolyte attack. The distance between the batteries in a row must be at least 20 mm.

3.218. Alkaline batteries must be connected in a series circuit using steel nickel-plated interelement jumpers with a cross section specified in the project.

Rechargeable alkaline batteries must be connected in a series circuit using jumpers from a copper cable (wire) with a cross section specified in the project.

3.219. To prepare an alkaline electrolyte, a ready-made mixture of potassium oxide hydrate and lithium oxide hydrate or caustic soda and lithium oxide hydrate of factory production and distilled water should be used. The content of impurities in water is not standardized.

It is allowed to use separately potassium oxide hydrate according to GOST 9285-78 or caustic soda according to GOST 2263-79 and lithium oxide hydrate according to GOST 8595-75, dosed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for caring for batteries.

On top of the alkaline electrolyte, vaseline oil or kerosene must be poured into the batteries.

3.220. The density of the electrolyte of charged alkaline batteries must be 1.205 ± 0.005 g/cm3 at a temperature of 293 K (20 °C). The electrolyte level of acid batteries must be at least 10 mm above the top edge of the plates.

The density of the potassium-lithium electrolyte of alkaline batteries should be 1.20 ± 0.01 g/cm3 at a temperature of 288-308 K (15-35°C).


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3.221. Prior to the installation of electrical machines and multi-machine units for general purposes, there must be:

the availability and readiness for operation of lifting and transport vehicles in the area of ​​installation of electrical machines were checked (the readiness of lifting and transport vehicles must be confirmed by the act of their testing and acceptance into operation);

selected and tested rigging (winches, hoists, blocks, jacks);

a set of mechanisms, fixtures, as well as mounting wedges and linings, wedge jacks and screw devices (with a non-lining installation method) were selected.

3.222. Electrical machines must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.223. Electrical machines that arrived from the manufacturer in assembled form should not be dismantled at the installation site before installation. In the absence of assurance that the machine remains undamaged and uncontaminated during transport and storage after factory assembly, the need and extent of disassembly of the machine must be determined by an act drawn up by competent representatives of the customer and the electrical installation organization.

Work on disassembling the machine and its subsequent assembly must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.

3.224. When carrying out tests upon completion of the installation of electrical DC machines and AC motors that arrived disassembled or were disassembled, the gaps between the steel of the rotor and the stator, the gaps in the plain bearings and the vibration of the motor bearings, the run of the rotor in the axial direction must correspond to those specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturers.

3.225. Determining the possibility of switching on DC machines and AC motors with voltages above 1000 V without drying should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Switching devices

3.226. Switching devices should be installed in the places indicated in the working drawings and in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers.

3.227. Apparatuses or supporting structures on which they are to be installed should be fixed to the building foundations in the manner specified in the working drawings (dowels, bolts, screws, using pins, supporting structures - by welding to the embedded elements of building foundations, etc.). Building foundations must ensure the fastening of the apparatus without distortions and exclude the occurrence of unacceptable vibrations.

3.228. The introduction of wires, cables or pipes into the apparatus must not violate the degree of protection of the shell of the apparatus and create mechanical effects that deform them.

3.229. When installing several devices in the block, access for servicing each of them must be provided.

Electrical equipment of cranes

3.230. When preparing and performing work on the installation of cranes at the construction site, the degree of factory electrical installation readiness of crane equipment, which is regulated by GOST 24378-80E, should be taken into account.

The manufacturer, in accordance with the specified GOST, must perform the following work on general purpose cranes:

electrical installation of crane cabins and cargo trolleys;

production of current leads for a cargo trolley;

production of knots (bundles) of electric wires with tips and marking of the ends for bridges;

installation on the crane bridge of supports and brackets for electrical equipment, pull boxes, boxes or pipes for laying electrical wires;

assembly of electrical equipment installed on the bridge (resistors, magnetic stations) into blocks with installation of internal electrical circuits.

3.231. Work on the installation of the electrical part of overhead cranes should be carried out at the zero mark until the bridge, the crane operator's cab and the trolley are raised to the design position.

3.232. Prior to the commencement of electrical installation work, the acceptance of the crane for installation from the mechanical installation organization, drawn up by the act, must be carried out. The act must stipulate a permit for electrical work on the crane, including at the zero mark.

3.233. At the zero mark, it is necessary to carry out the maximum possible amount of electrical installation work, which should be started after the reliable installation of the bridge on the calculations and the issuance of a permit by a mechanical installation organization.

The remaining volume of electrical work must be performed after lifting the crane to the design position and installing it in the immediate vicinity of the transition gallery, stairs or repair site, from which a reliable and safe transition to the crane must be ensured.

In addition, before performing electrical work on the crane installed in the design position, there must be:

the assembly and installation of the bridge, trolley, cabin, fences and railings are fully completed;

the main trolleys are fenced or located at a distance that excludes access to them from any place on the crane where people can be.

Condenser units

3.234. When mounting capacitor units, horizontal installation of frames and vertical installation of capacitors must be ensured;

the distance between the bottom of the condensers of the lower tier and the floor of the room or the bottom of the oil receiver must be at least 100 mm;

passports of capacitors (plates with technical data) should be turned towards the passage from which they are serviced;

the inventory (sequential) number of the condenser must be written with oil-resistant paint on the wall of the tank of each condenser, facing the service aisle;

the location of the current-carrying tires and the methods of their connection to the capacitors should ensure the convenience of changing the capacitors during operation;

the busbar should not create bending forces in the lead insulators of the capacitors;

ground wiring must be located so that it does not interfere with the replacement of capacitors during operation.


3.235. Luminaires with fluorescent lamps must be handed over by the customer for installation in good condition and checked for light effect.

3.236. Fixing the luminaire to the supporting surface (structure) must be collapsible.

3.237. Luminaires used in installations subject to vibration and shock must be installed using shock-absorbing devices.

3.238. Hooks and studs for hanging luminaires in residential buildings must have devices that isolate them from the luminaire.

3.239. Connection of luminaires to a group network must be carried out using terminal blocks that provide connection of both copper and aluminum (aluminum-copper) wires with a cross section of up to 4 mm2.

3.240. In residential buildings, single sockets (for example, in kitchens and anterooms) must be connected to the group network wires using terminal blocks.

3.241. The ends of the wires connected to lamps, meters, machines, shields and electrical installation devices must have a margin in length sufficient for reconnection in case of a break.

3.242. When connecting circuit breakers and screw-in fuses, the protective (neutral) wire must be connected to the base screw sleeve.

3.243. The inputs of wires and cables into lamps and electrical installation devices when installed outdoors must be sealed to protect against the ingress of dust and moisture.

3.244. Electrical installation devices for open installation in industrial premises must be enclosed in special casings or boxes.


3.245. Installation of electrical installations in explosive and fire hazardous areas should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these rules and departmental building codes agreed by the USSR State Construction Committee in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.


3.246. When installing grounding devices, these rules and requirements of GOST 12.1.030-81 should be observed.

3.247. Each part of the electrical installation to be grounded or grounded must be connected to the grounding or grounding network using a separate branch. Serial connection to the grounding or protective conductor of grounded or grounded parts of the electrical installation is not allowed.

3.248. The connection of grounding and zero protective conductors must be performed: by welding on highways made of building profiles; bolted connections - on highways made by electrical installation structures; bolted connections or welding - when connecting to electrical equipment; soldering or crimping

In terminations and connectors on cables. The joints of the joints after welding must be painted.

3.249. Contact connections in the grounding or grounding circuit must comply with class 2 according to GOST 10434-82.

3.250. The places and methods of connecting grounding and neutral protective conductors to natural grounding conductors must be indicated in the working drawings.

3.251. Grounding and neutral protective conductors must be protected from chemical influences and mechanical damage in accordance with the instructions given in the working drawings.

3.252. Grounding or zeroing mains and branches from them in enclosed spaces and outdoor installations should be available for inspection. This requirement does not apply to neutral conductors and cable sheaths, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, as well as to grounding and zero protective conductors laid in pipes, ducts or embedded in building structures.

3.253. Installation of shunt jumpers on pipelines, apparatuses, crane runways, between air duct flanges and the connection of grounding and grounding networks to them is carried out by organizations that install pipelines, apparatus, crane runways and air ducts.

3.254. Grounding of ropes, wire rod or steel wire used as a supporting cable must be carried out from two opposite ends by welding to the grounding or grounding line. For galvanized ropes, bolted connection is allowed with protection of the connection point from corrosion.

3.255. When using metal and reinforced concrete structures (foundations, columns, trusses, rafters, rafters and crane beams) as grounding devices, all metal elements of these structures must be interconnected, forming a continuous electrical circuit, reinforced concrete elements (columns), in addition, have metal outlets (embedded products) for attaching grounding or zero protective conductors to them by welding.

3.256. Bolted, riveted and welded joints of metal columns, trusses and beams used in the construction of buildings or structures (including flyovers for all purposes) create a continuous electrical circuit. When erecting a building or structure (including flyovers for all purposes) from reinforced concrete elements, a continuous electrical circuit must be created by welding the reinforcement of adjacent structural elements to each other or by welding the corresponding embedded parts to the reinforcement. These welded joints must be made by the construction company in accordance with the instructions given in the working drawings.

3.257. When fastening electric motors with bolts to grounded (grounded) metal bases, a jumper between them should not be made.

3.258. The metal sheaths and armor of power and control cables must be connected to each other with a flexible copper wire, as well as to the metal cases of the couplings and metal support structures. The cross section of grounding conductors for power cables (unless otherwise specified in the working drawings) must be, mm2:

at least 6..

For cables up to 10 mm2

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3.259. The cross section of grounding conductors for control cables must be at least 4 mm2.

3.260. When building or technological structures are used as grounding and zero protective conductors, at least two yellow stripes on a green background must be applied to the jumpers between them, as well as at the points of connection and branching of the conductors.

3.261. In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and above with an insulated neutral, grounding conductors may be laid in a common sheath with phase conductors or separately from them.

3.262. The continuity of the grounding circuit of steel water and gas pipes at the points of their interconnection should be ensured by couplings that are screwed to the end of the thread on the end of the pipe with a short thread and the installation of locknuts on a pipe with a long thread.


4.1. These rules establish requirements for commissioning work on electrical devices.

4.2. Commissioning work must be carried out in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 1 to SNiP 3.05.05-84 and these rules.

4.3. Commissioning is a set of works that includes checking, adjusting and testing electrical equipment in order to ensure the electrical parameters and modes specified by the project.

4.4. When performing commissioning work, one should be guided by the requirements of the Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations, approved in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.02-83, the project, and the operating documentation of manufacturers.

The general conditions of labor safety and industrial sanitation during commissioning are provided by the customer.

4.5. Commissioning of electrical devices is carried out in four stages (stages).

w Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

«SCIENCE AND MODERNITY - 2014 improvement of construction industry. - Tomsk: Publishing House of TSU, 1981. - S. 63-75.28. Igarashi T. Characteristics of the flow around a square prism / T. Igarashi // Bull. J.S.M.S. - 1984. - P. 27-231, 1858-1865.29. Sparrow E. Heat transfer under conditions of forced convection on a square square ... "

«Baskakova Aleksandra Eduardovna TUNABLE MICROWAVE FILTERS ON ELEMENTS WITH LOCATED PARAMETERS Specialty 05.12.07 – Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies ABSTRACT of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences St. Petersburg - 2016 The work was done at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI. ..”

M.Kh.Dulati.VISITS OF THE VISIT: Kyzylorda State University named after...» .......... 3 Chapter 1. Technical typology...» 688,841 2,573,221 Fixed assets 120 44,888,436 47,002,385 Construction in progress...» ^U^^^^Yu.V. Trofimenko ^ U / 2011 N.A.EVSTIGNEEVA, T.YU.GRIGORYEVA RESEARCH OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING PARAMETERS IN THE ROOM Guidelines ...» 05.17.04 – Technology of organic substances DISSERTATION for the degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences Scientific consul...» University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics St....» Science and higher professional education Directions: agronomy and forestry, zootechnical and veterinary...» Real estate investment: economics, management, expertise UDC 662.998:666.1/28+665.7.032.53 TECHNOLOGY PROJECT OF THE PRODUCTION OF THE HEAT-INSULATING NON-COMBUSTIBLE CHEAP BUILDING MATERIAL OF PORTIC FOAM (PTSB) Manankov Anatoly V...»



SNiP 3.05.06-85



DEVELOPED VNIIproektelektromontazhem Minmontazhspetsstroya USSR (V.K. Dobrynin, I.N. Dolgov - leaders of the theme, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. Antonov, A.L. Blinchikov, V.V. Belotserkovets, V.A. Demyantsev, Cand. N.I. Korotkov, E.G. Panteleev, Yu.A. Roslov, S.N. Starostin, A.K. V. Balanov, N.A. Voinilovich, A.L. Gonchar, N.M. Lerner), Selenergoproekt of the USSR Ministry of Energy (G.F. Sumin, Yu.V. Nepomnyashchiy), UGPI Tyazhpromelektroproekt of the Ministry of Installation and Special Construction of the Ukrainian SSR (E.G. Poddubny , A.A. Koba).

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Mounting Special Construction.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy of the USSR (B.A. Sokolov).

With the entry into force of SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices", SNiP III-33-76*, SN 85-74, SN 102-76* become invalid.

AGREED with the Glavgosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR (letter dated January 31, 1985 No. 17-58), GUPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (letter dated September 16, 1985 No. 7/6/3262), chief sanitary doctor of the USSR Ministry of Health (letter dated January 14, 1985) No. 122-4/336-4).

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes in building codes and rules and state standards published in the Bulletin of Construction Equipment magazine, the Collection of Changes to Building Codes and Rules of the Gosstroy of the USSR and the information index "State Standards of the USSR" Gosstandart.

These rules apply to the performance of work during the construction of new, as well as during the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises for the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, including: electrical substations, distribution points and overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 750 kV, cable lines with a voltage of up to 220 kV, relay protection, power electrical equipment, indoor and outdoor electric lighting, grounding devices.

The rules do not apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation and adjustment of electrical devices of the subway, mines and mines, contact networks of electrified transport, signaling systems of railway transport, as well as high security rooms of nuclear power plants, which must be carried out in accordance with departmental building codes approved in in the manner established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.

The rules must be observed by all organizations and enterprises involved in the design and construction of new, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises.


1.1. When organizing and performing work on the installation and commissioning of electrical devices, the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, SNiP III-4-80, state standards, technical specifications, Rules for the installation of electrical installations approved by the USSR Ministry of Energy, and departmental regulatory documents approved in the order established by SNiP 1.01.01-82.