Set up a new connection or network. How to connect an Internet connection on a computer via a cable? Alternative Internet for giving

According to statistics, almost every user of modern computer systems at least once in their life faced the question of how to set up the Internet on a computer. It is not surprising, because recently the World Wide Web has gained insane popularity and has become available to absolutely everyone who has a computer, laptop or mobile gadget. Despite the complete automation of the process, not everyone knows how to set up an Internet connection.

Networking and Internet Connectivity Basics

The first rule: you need to clearly understand that in some cases you will have to use not automatic connection, but manual mode. In addition, two main conditions must be met here: the presence of a provider and appropriate equipment (network cards, ADSL modems, routers, routers, etc.)

But now we will talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer with a wired connection, since private virtual networks (VPN) in most cases are automatically detected by computers, laptops or mobile devices and require a maximum login and password to enter (provided, of course, that the router is already configured).

What is the TCP/IP protocol?

In Windows operating systems, connection to networks and the Internet is carried out using the TCP / IP protocol system, which is responsible for the correct transmission and reception of data. In fact, this is not even one, but several protocols. This group includes connections via UDP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP, TELNET, etc.

If we talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer, without going into technical details, it can be noted that the set of TCP / IP protocols is associated with a kind of bridge between computers located on a network with a single system of authentication and transmission of byte data streams separated at the beginning and combined at the end of the route. At the same time, it does not matter what operating systems are installed on the terminals connected to each other. This is what makes the TCP / IP system not only the most popular tool for connecting to networks and the Internet, but simply a universal tool.

Network cards and their properties

One of the main conditions is the presence of a network card in the computer terminal, into which the cable is included. Today, fiber optic lines are the most widely used.

To understand how to set up the Internet on Windows, you first need to determine the characteristics of the network card itself. The connection speed will depend on its main characteristics and parameters. The simplest example: a leased line supports a connection with a data transfer rate of about 100 Mbps, but the card does not. In this case, you will not have to rely on the speed declared from the provider. It is clear that a network card cannot transmit and receive more than its face value.

To view all its characteristics, you need to enter the "Control Panel" and select the "Device Manager" section, find the network card installed in the system and right-click the "Properties" option. On the tab field "General" and all indicators will be visible.

Internet Connection Methods

The most common methods of connecting to the Internet are leased lines, broadband DSL lines, LAN connections, satellite connections, TV network channels, and dial-up access. The latter, however, has already outlived its own.

In any case, the question of how to set up an Internet connection, with each connection option, has two standard solutions.

Automatic internet connection

Provided that an account has already been provided by the provider, you need to connect a network cable to the network card connector, designated LAN (if necessary, to the modem or router connector).

In the "Control Panel" you need to select the item "Network Connections" (for Windows 7 "Network and Sharing Center"), use the command "Create a new connection" ("Set up a new connection or network" for Windows 7), then go to the "Connecting to the Internet" section. Then it remains only to follow the instructions of the "Master". At the end of the process (after restarting the computer terminal), you can work.

Connecting to wired Internet in manual mode

As for how to set up the Internet on a computer in manual mode, you first need to perform the above steps, and then use the data provided by the provider.

In the case of automatic configuration, you do not have to enter data manually. Typically, on the TCP/IP Properties tab, the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Preferred and Alternate DNS Server settings will be greyed out because there are two commands in the settings: "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain a DNS address". server automatically. This, of course, saves the user from writing addresses manually. If you dig deeper, then on the "Advanced" tab you will not have to specify the addresses of WINS servers, proxy servers (if any), and even set up an alternative configuration.

However, it often happens that obtaining automatic addresses is either impossible or does not work. This is where the main problems begin.

As a rule, all values ​​specified in the protocol properties tab are unified. So, for example, the IP address is assigned the value, the subnet mask is, the default gateway and DNS server is In some cases, when creating a connection, the address parameters of the gateway and DNS server match the current IP address ( By the way, in most cases it is not necessary to prescribe WINS addresses or proxy servers.

How to set up the Internet? Windows XP

To configure an Internet connection in Windows XP, you need to use the standard method: in the Control Panel, use the Network Connections command and the Properties tab, find the line "Configuring the TCP / IP protocol", and then give preference to one of the proposed options for automatically obtaining addresses or specifying them manually, after going to the "Properties" tab (for PCP / IP).

How to set up the Internet? Windows 7

Creating an Internet connection in Windows 7 has no fundamental differences. The only difference is that some components have a different name, and TCP/IPv4 (fourth version) is used as the protocol.

To configure the connection, use the “Control Panel”, click on the line (or icon) “Network and Sharing Center”, and then apply the option “Set up a new connection or network”. Then it remains only to select the desired type of connection. After the connection is activated, again it will be possible to view all the data, and if necessary, change them using the tabs "Network connection / Properties / Network / Protocol version 4 (PCP / IPv4)", where all addresses will be shown. If these are provided automatically by the provider, the fields to fill will be inactive.

Other ways to connect to the Internet

In principle, there is another option, how to set up a computer via the Internet. True, for an ordinary user, this procedure may seem rather complicated, especially since in this case you need to have a remote connection to a computer terminal on which it is supposed to configure access to the network or the World Wide Web.

To do this, you can use the built-in standard tools of all versions of Windows operating systems located in the Start menu, Programs section. There is a folder "Standard" in which the command "Remote Desktop Connection" (for Windows 7) is located. In other versions of operating systems, the names may change. To create remote access, you can use software packages and applications from other manufacturers and developers, but, as practice shows, the easiest way to create a connection manually is on a local computer with direct access.

Rostelecom is the largest provider of Internet communications services in the Russian Federation, serving the largest number of subscribers in the country. Using the services of this provider or planning a connection to it, it will not be superfluous to be able to independently configure the connection. This will help if it's time to change the router to a more functional one or in case of reinstalling the OS. Of course, you can invite a specialist, but this will require additional financial costs, and you will also have to wait for him. While setting up the Internet on the Rostelecom network, made by hand, will be completed immediately and free of charge.

Setting up the Internet from Rostelecom depends on the technology and equipment that was used to connect the subscriber. Users living in large cities can connect via a dedicated line or via fiber optic cable. In this case, the modem is not needed and most likely you will have to configure the router. For residents of less civilized areas, the service can be provided through a telephone cable, which requires the configuration of an ADSL modem.

In this section of the manual, you can read the instructions for setting up a connection for both types of devices.

Through a router

Within the framework of this article, the sequence of actions required to connect the Internet to Rostelecom on a specific router model will not be considered. The following are general recommendations that can be applied to almost any modern router:

  • To connect the Internet to Rostelecom, you first need to connect the computer and the router with a network cable that comes with the equipment. On the router, we insert the wire into one of the LAN ports, on the PC into the network connector.
  • We turn on both devices in the electrical network and start them.
  • To enter the control panel of the router from a computer, the network settings on the PC must be set to automatically obtain an IP address and addresses of DNS servers. You can check these options by going to the properties page of the protocol version 4. To do this, in the network and sharing center, click on the menu item for changing adapter settings. Then, in the window that opens, select the connection through your network card, right-click on it, select properties. In the next window, double-click on protocol version 4.
  • We launch any Internet browser and write in its address bar. The exact address of the router can be found on its bottom panel or in the instruction manual.
  • In the window that opens, enter the data for user authorization (usually login and password admin), the exact values ​​​​of which are also indicated on the label below or in the user manual.
  • After successful authorization, the device status page will open; you need to find the WAN section on it.

Further configuration depends on the standard by which the provider provides access to the Internet. To connect most subscribers, the PPPoE standard is used, which is configured as follows:

  • On the WAN configuration page, opposite the field in which you need to specify the type of connection, select PPPoE.
  • In the following fields, specify the name of the connection (usually any Latin).
  • Login and password in the operator's network (provided by the provider, should not be confused with the authorization data in the personal account).

After confirming the changes made, the router will reboot and, if the data is entered correctly, an Internet connection will appear.

Rostelecom provides its subscribers with branded equipment, along with which a disk with a program for setting up a router is supplied. This software allows you to configure the router in automatic mode with minimal user intervention.

Via ADSL modem

For subscribers who do not have access to Ethernet technology, Rostelecom provides services via a telephone network cable. To connect a computer to the Internet via telephone communications, you need to use a special converting device - an ADSL modem. We will consider its setting below.

  • You can connect a Rostelecom modem to a computer in the same way as a router - via a LAN cable.
  • After connecting both devices to the power grid, we go to the modem control panel from a PC by typing in the address bar of the browser (we will find out the exact address in the user manual).
  • In the admin panel that opens, enter the authorization data (usually admin / admin, or see the manual).
  • We select the connection parameters, specify the type of PPPoE, prescribe the username and password of the user, which should be in the copy of the contract.
  • Next, you need to specify the values ​​\u200b\u200bof VPI and VCI, which differ depending on the region of residence of the subscriber. We will find out this data in technical support.
  • If everything is entered correctly, it remains to restart the modem and wait for the connection.

There is another way to configure - running the application from a disk provided by the provider.

Attention! You can connect Rostelecom home Internet directly to your computer, without using a router or modem.

How to connect to the Rostelecom Internet on a computer

When connecting the Internet through a router, in most cases it is unnecessary to configure anything in the computer's operating system. We simply connect one of the LAN ports of the router to the PC network card with an Ethernet cable. If the connection is made without a router, then you may need to set some parameters.

As a rule, the configuration of the connection by Rostelecom occurs through the hardware setup wizard. Following the prompts of the wizard, you need to specify the authorization data on the Rostelecom network to connect using the PPPoE standard. If all the data is correct, the connection to the Internet by Rostelecom will be established after the changes are confirmed.

Consider the procedure for setting parameters for different operating systems.

How to set up Internet from Rostelecom in a Windows 10 environment

To set up the Internet from Rostelecom, you need to perform the following steps:

Now access to the network will be possible after the procedure for starting the connection, which will have to be done manually. On windows 10, this process can be automated somewhat by setting up a shortcut. First, you need to create it by selecting Create Shortcut from the context menu of the connection. Then place this shortcut in the OS startup or activate the appropriate option in the shortcut properties.

How to set up Internet Rostelecom on a computer running Windows 7

Rostelecom's Internet connection settings for computers running Windows 7 are no different from those described above for the tenth version of this operating system. In addition, network configuration will be the same for all versions older than seven. There are minor differences in the Windows XP interface, which are not difficult to figure out on your own, focusing on the recommendations given in this guide.

A computer or laptop running Windows 7, of course, can work without Internet access, but its functionality in this case will not be used to its full potential. In addition, the World Wide Web in its current state is the main provider of information, software, entertainment content, etc. Therefore, the question of how to set up the Internet on Windows 7 requires a comprehensive analysis and successful resolution.

Preparatory stage

Before you start creating an Internet connection, make sure your computer has all the necessary software and hardware.

Connection setup

The instructions below will cover a wired connection. If you want to create a wireless network at home, learn how to connect a router and configure its settings correctly.

Be careful! The system will offer you several connection types, and you will have to choose the right one depending on the type of equipment you are using.

When using a 3G modem, you usually do not need to create a new connection, since all the necessary software is installed automatically when you connect a network device to the USB port.

If you are using wired Internet, which is delivered via a cable thrown by the provider to your apartment, select the first type - "Internet Connection".

In the next window, the wizard will prompt you to choose which technology will be used to connect. Click on the "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)" button. At the bottom it says that for identification you will need a login and password provided to you by the provider. These data must be entered in the next window.

It also specifies the name of the new connection, which can be anything.

If you have entered everything correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

Network card settings

In some cases, providers require users to specify the IP address and DNS server address in the connection properties. To meet these requirements:

If you see error message #651 when you try to connect to the Internet, check that the network card drivers are installed correctly.

Create a connection shortcut

The connection has been created and now you can use it to access the Internet or, for example, connect to a remote desktop. Now, for convenience, let's bring the shortcut of the created connection to the desktop so that you can immediately connect to the Internet when you log in without launching the Control Panel.

Your connection shortcut is available on your desktop - you can use it to access the World Wide Web.

Over the past 10 years, the Internet has rapidly entered our lives and into every home where there is a computer.
Now, not a single user working at a computer can imagine it without an Internet connection. After all, you can find almost everything on the Internet. Watch movies, sports broadcasts, listen to music, play online games. Find the information you need on any topic and download it.

Order tickets for a train, plane, concert, sporting event, pay for communication services, utility bills, buy an item you like in an online store.
In a word, the Internet is a very good and useful thing. That's why he's so popular.

To connect a computer to the Internet, you must have:

- installed network card and driver for it.
- Adsl Modem, router, hotspot, etc.
- Ethernet cable
- Cable for connection to RJ-45 telephone line.
- Splitter

And most importantly, the Internet access service must be provided by a provider.

Connect all cables to the computer and modem in accordance with the instructions.

Let's start setting up a network card Andinternet connection on windows 7. To do this, follow these steps step by step. Step 1 . Click Start and go to Control Panel. Click the link.

Step 2 . Next click on.

Step 3 In the left menu of the window, click.

Step 4 . Right click on the iconLAN connectionand from the menu that appears select Properties left mouse button.

Step 5 . In the window that appears, left-click on the itemInternet protocol version TCP/IPv4and click on the button Properties .

Step 6 Select an item Use the following IP address, and fill in the fields as shown in the picture. Addresses forPreferredand Alternative DNS servers you must take from the contract for the provision of Internet services. After that press the button OK.

The network card setup is complete. Next, we proceed to create a new connection.

Complete Step 1 And Step 2 again.

Step 3 In the block Changing network settingsclick on the link.

Step 4 In a new window select connection optionInternet connections. This is a wireless, high-speed or telephone connection to the Internet. Click to continue Further .

Step 5 In the window Internet connection select High speed (with PPPoe). Connection via DSL or cable, requiring a username and password.

Step 6 . In the next window, you need to enterinformation received from the Internet service provider:

- Password.
- Connection name.

All this data should have been given to you at the conclusion of the contract.

Check the boxRemember this password.

You can allow other users to use this connectionby ticking the appropriate box.

After entering all the data correctly, click the button To plug .

Step 7 . The connection should be established after verifying the username and password. After that, a window will appear in which the system will notify you thatinternet connection ready to use. To exit, press the button Close .

In order to connect to the internet, in the window on the right side of the window, click on the link. Then double click on the iconHigh speed connection.

In order not to constantly go to the control panel to connect to the Internet, you can create a shortcut on the desktop. To do this, right-click on the connection icon and from the context menu select Create label.

Good day.

When you install a new Windows, as a rule, the system automatically configures many settings (will install universal drivers, set the optimal firewall configuration, etc.) .

But it just so happened that some moments when reinstalling Windows are not automatically configured. And, many who reinstalled the OS for the first time are faced with one unpleasant thing - the Internet is not working.

In this article I want to analyze the main reasons why this happens, and what to do about it. (especially since there are always a lot of questions regarding this topic)

The most common reason for no internet (note after installing a new Windows OS) - this is the absence of a network card driver in the system. Those. the reason is that the network card just doesn't work...

In this case, a vicious circle is obtained: there is no internet, because there is no driver, but you can’t download the driver - because no Internet ! If you do not have a phone with Internet access (or another PC), then most likely you cannot do without the help of a good neighbor (friend) ...

Usually, if the problem is with the driver- then you will see something like the following picture: a red cross will light up above the network icon, and an inscription something similar to this: "Not Connected: No connections available"

In this case, I also recommend going to windows control panel, then open the section Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center.

In the control center - on the right there will be a tab " Change adapter settings"- it must be opened.

In network connections, you will see your adapters that have drivers installed. As you can see in the screenshot below, my laptop does not have a driver for the Wi-Fi adapter. (there is only an Ethernet adapter, and even that is disabled).

By the way, check if you have the driver installed, but the adapter itself is simply turned off (as in the screenshot below - it will just be gray and it will say: “Disabled”). In this case, just turn it on by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate one from the pop-up context menu.

Network connections

I also recommend taking a look at device Manager: there you can see in detail which equipment has drivers, and which ones do not. Also, if there is a problem with the driver (for example, it does not work correctly), then the device manager marks such equipment with yellow exclamation marks ...

To open it, do the following:

  • Windows 7 - in the run line (in the START menu), paste devmgmt.msc and press ENTER.
  • Windows 8, 10 - press the WIN + R key combination, paste devmgmt.msc and press ENTER (screenshot below).

In Device Manager, open the " Network adapters". If your equipment is not in the list, then there are no drivers in the Windows system, which means that the equipment will not work ...

How to solve the problem with the driver?

  1. Option number 1- try updating the hardware configuration (in device manager: just right click on the title network adapters and in the pop-up context menu, select the desired option. screenshot below).
  2. Option number 2- if the previous option did not help, you can use the special utility 3DP Net (It weighs about 30-50 MB, which means it can be downloaded even using a phone. In addition, it works without an Internet connection. I talked about it in more detail here :);
  3. Option number 3 - download on the computer of a friend, neighbor, friend, etc. a special driver package - an ISO image of ~ 10-14 GB, and then run it on your PC. There are a lot of such packages on the net, I personally recommend Driver Pack Solutions (link to it here: );
  4. Option number 4 - if nothing from the previous one worked out and did not give results, I recommend looking for a driver by VID and PID. In order not to paint everything in detail here, I will give a link to my article:

And this is how the tab will look like when the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter is found (screenshot below).

If you can't connect to the network after updating the driver...

In my case, for example, Windows refused to search for available networks, and after installing and updating the drivers, the error and the icon with a red cross were still given.

The Troubleshooter will then automatically begin troubleshooting network unavailability issues and advise you every step of the way. After the button has been pressed "Show list of available networks" - the troubleshooting wizard configured the network accordingly and all available Wi-Fi networks became visible.

Actually, the last touch remains - select your network (or the network from which you have a password to access :)), and connect to it. Which is what was done...

Entering data to connect to the network ... (clickable)

2. Network adapter disconnected / Network cable not connected

Another common reason for the lack of Internet is a disabled network adapter (with a driver installed). To check this, you need to open the tab (which will show all network adapters that are installed in the PC and which have drivers in the OS) .

The easiest way to open is to press the buttons together WIN+R and enter ncpa.cpl (then press ENTER. In Windows 7 - the run line is located in START) .

Opening the Network Connections tab in Windows 10

In the opened tab network connections- pay attention to the adapters that are displayed in gray (i.e. colorless). Next to them will also show off the inscription: "Disabled".

Important ! If there is nothing at all in the list of adapters (or there is no adapter that you are looking for) - most likely you simply do not have the necessary driver in your system (the first part of this article is devoted to this).

To enable such an adapter - just right-click on it and select " Enable" in the context menu (screenshot below).

After the adapter is turned on, pay attention if there are any red crosses on it. As a rule, the reason will even be indicated next to the cross, for example, in the screenshot below “Network cable is not connected”.

3. Wrong settings: IP, default gateway, DNS, etc.

Some ISPs require you to manually set certain TCP/IP settings (this applies to those who do not have, in which they brought these settings once, and then you can reinstall Windows at least 100 times :)) .

You can find out if this is so in the documents that the Internet provider gave you when concluding the contract. Usually, they always indicate all the settings for accessing the Internet. (In extreme cases, you can call and clarify in support).

Everything is set up quite simply. IN network connections (how to enter this tab is described above, in the previous step of the article) , select your adapter and go to its properties.

Ethernet network adapter properties

In the properties, you need to specify the data that the Internet provider provides you, for example:

  • IP address;
  • Subnet mask;
  • main gateway;
  • DNS server.

If the provider does not specify these data, and you have some unfamiliar IP addresses set in your properties and the Internet does not work, then I recommend that you simply set the receipt of the IP address and DNS automatically (screenshot above).

4. PPPOE connection not created (as an example)

Most ISPs organize Internet access using the PPPOE protocol. And, say, if you do not have a router, then after reinstalling Windows, your old configured connection to connect to the PPPOE network will be deleted. Those. need to recreate it...

To do this, go to windows control panel at the following address: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center

Then select the first masonry " Connecting to the Internet (Setting Up a Broadband or Dial-Up Internet Connection)” and click next.

Then choose " High speed (with PPPOE) (Connection via DSL or cable requiring username and password)"(screenshot below).

Then you need to enter your login and password to access the Internet (this data must be in the contract with the Internet provider) . By the way, please note that in this step you can immediately allow other users to use the Internet by ticking just one checkbox.

Actually, you just have to wait until Windows establishes a connection and use the Internet.


Let me give you one last piece of advice. If you reinstall Windows (especially not yourself) - make a backup copy of files and drivers -. At the very least, you will be insured against cases when there is not even an Internet connection to download or look for other drivers (you must admit that the situation is not pleasant).

For additions on the topic - a separate merci. That's all for now, good luck to everyone!