Innovative management - Morozov Yu. Innovative management

Yu.P. Morozov

as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Management""

Moscow. 2000

UDC 658. BBK 65.290-55ya73


Department of Management, Nizhny Novgorod State University (Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences F.L. Udaloye);

Department of Organization and Management of the Nizhny Novgorod Commercial Institute (Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences LI Panov)

Editor-in-chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili

Morozov Yu.P.

M80 Innovation management: Proc. allowance for universities. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2000. - 446 p.

ISBN 5-238-00197-5

The issues of innovative activities of organizations, the theoretical foundations of innovations (product, technological, economic, social, etc.) are considered. The features of the diffusion of innovations and state regulation of innovation processes in a market economy are shown.

Particular attention is paid to the organization of financing of innovative programs, forecasting and planning of innovative activities in organizations; approaches to the organization of innovation management in organizations and the choice of effective innovative programs are given.

For university students, students of business schools, heads of enterprises and organizations, as well as professionals involved in innovation issues.

BBK 65.290-55ya73


At the present stage of formation of a market economy in Russia,

in conditions of large-scale conversion of the military-industrial complex and the restructuring of the country's economy as a whole, the creation and effective use of the innovation management system at various levels of management and in organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership is of paramount importance.

AT In the conditions of non-market relations in the Russian economy, innovation processes were centrally controlled by administrative command methods by state authorities (ministries, state committees, main departments, administrations of all levels), as well as their representatives at state enterprises represented by directors.

AT Currently, there is a need to create scientific and practical foundations for the management system of innovative activities of organizations. For this, it is possible to use the available scientific and practical developments of foreign scientists, and the first positive successes

in this area is the Russian entrepreneurs.

Despite the difficult economic situation of many commercial organizations, in modern conditions there is a tendency to increase their innovative activity, especially in the field of product and technological innovations. This requires appropriate financial, human and material and technical resources, as well as special training, retraining and advanced training of managers in the field of economics, organization and management of innovation processes.

Innovation management should create the necessary conditions for expanding, accelerating and improving the efficiency of creating and implementing various innovations: product, technological, economic, social, etc., aimed at developing and implementing competitive products and technologies at the level of world standards. This will make it possible in the near future to create highly profitable industrial production, including export-oriented ones, and numerous commercial organizations in the service sector (trading firms, mass catering enterprises, transport organizations, communications enterprises, banks, insurance companies, etc.) .

Chapter 1. Innovation processes

in economics

1.1. Innovation as an object of management

Innovation management - one of the areas of strategic management carried out at the highest level of the organization. The purpose of management is to determine the main directions of scientific, technical and production activities of the organization: development and implementation of new products and technologies (innovative activity); modernization and improvement of products and technology, further development of the production of traditional types of products; removal from production of obsolete products.

The main attention in innovation management is paid to the development of an innovation strategy and measures aimed at its implementation. The development and release of new types of products becomes a priority direction of the organization's strategy, as it determines the other directions of its development.

Innovation management is a special organizational and management activity aimed at obtaining high economic, social and environmental results through the use of innovations in production and commercial activities.

Innovation management is designed to ensure that innovation is used most effectively to ensure the development and sustainability of organizations in a dynamic market environment. Innovative management is mainly aimed at improving the efficiency of the functioning and development of the organization, it is the management of an organization - a leader or an organization striving to become a leader in a certain area, types of activity in the markets of specific goods and services.

Innovation management includes the following main functions:

1) organization;

2) planning (strategic, current and operational);

3) control;

4) motivation.

The specific content of these functions varies depending on the level of management: state, region, specific organization.

The implementation of innovation management in general involves:

O development of plans and programs for innovative activities;

O monitoring the development of new products and the technology of their implementation;

O consideration of programs for the creation of new products and technologies;

O implementation of a unified innovation policy (coordination of the activities of production units in this area);

O providing finance and material resources for innovation programs;

O provision of qualified personnel;

O creation of temporary target groups for a comprehensive solution of innovative problems - from an idea to mass production.

A feature of the modern stage of innovation activity is the formation in the largest organizations of scientific and technical complexes that combine theoretical developments and the production process. This implies a close connection of all stages of the cycle "science - production - market". The creation of integral scientific-production-sales systems is objectively natural, due to scientific and technological progress and the needs of the organization's market orientation.

In the 1980s, the innovation policy of large organizations clearly showed a tendency to reorient the direction of scientific, technical and production and marketing activities. It was expressed primarily in the desire to increase the share of new science-intensive products in the assortment of manufactured products, the sale of which leads to the expansion of related technical services: engineering,

zing, consulting, etc. On the other hand, there was a desire to reduce the costs of production of traditional products.

Innowatoin (English) means "the introduction of innovations", innovations. From the moment of acceptance for distribution, an innovation has acquired

there is a new quality - it becomes an innovation. The process of introducing an innovation to the market is called commercialization. The period of time between the appearance of an innovation and its implementation is called innovative lag.

In everyday practice, as a rule, the concepts of innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation are identified, which is quite understandable. Any inventions, new phenomena, types of services or methods will only be recognized when they are accepted for distribution (commercialization), and already in a new quality they will act as innovations.

The transition from one quality to another requires the expenditure of resources (energy, time, finance, etc.). The innovation-innovation translation process also requires the expenditure of various resources, the main of which are investments and time. In the conditions of the market as a system of economic relations for the sale of goods, within which demand, supply and price are formed, the main components of innovation activity are innovations, investments and innovations.

Innovation in a broad sense refers to the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature.

The period of time from the birth of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is usually called life cycle of innovation. Taking into account the sequence of work, the life cycle of innovations is considered as

innovation process.

The variety of forms of innovation does not allow formulating a unified approach to the composition and content of the stages of the life cycle of innovation, but it seems possible to determine the main stages of the innovation process by considering its main components.

Main product of the innovation market is a scientific and scientific and technical result - product of intellectual activity

Innovation processes in the economy

property, which is subject to copyright, formalized in accordance with the current international, federal and other legislative and regulatory acts.

It is customary to distinguish between scientific (research), scientific and technical activities, as well as experimental (experimental design) developments.

Scientific (research) activities are aimed at obtaining, disseminating and applying new knowledge,


O fundamental scientific research - experimental and theoretical activities focused on obtaining new knowledge about the main patterns of development of nature and society;

O applied scientific research - scientific activity aimed at achieving practical results and solving specific problems.

Scientific and technical activity aims to obtain, disseminate and apply new knowledge in the field of solving technological, engineering, economic, social and humanitarian problems, to ensure the functioning of science, technology and production as a single system.

Market competition is a set of sellers and buyers who make transactions with innovations in a situation where no single buyer or seller has a great influence on the price level.

Earlier it was noted that on the way from innovation as a result of scientific and scientific and technical activities to innovation as the recognition of new technologies, goods, types of services, new methods, etc. costs time and resources.

Commercial organizations and other business entities in the competitive struggle are forced to raise the technical level of production; improve the technical level of products or service systems; to develop the organization of production and management; improve the quality of products and services; reduce production costs; improve the maintenance system; reduce operating costs for consumers; increase the beneficial effect of their products, types of services; maintain the required level of the selling price and price

Innovation processes in the economy

O all other types of centralized investments can only be made on a returnable and competitive basis;

O The main form of representation of state resources on a repayable basis is investment through the purchase of securities or the issuance of state guarantees for issued securities.

In the most general form, investments are long-term investments in various sectors of the economy with the aim of making a profit. According to the economic essence and purposes, investments are divided into real and financial ones.

Real investment are carried out by organizations and other business entities, acquiring land, means of production, intangible and other assets. financial investments is the purchase by business entities and individuals of securities of various issuers.

Having considered the innovation market, the competition market and the investment market as the main components of the innovation sphere, we formulate the content of the concept of "innovation sphere", define the area of ​​innovation activity as a form of social division of labor and characterize the main stages of the innovation process.

Innovation sphere is an area of ​​interaction between innovators, investors, producers of competitive products (services) and developed infrastructure.

Innovative activity is aimed at the practical use of scientific, scientific and technical results and intellectual potential in order to obtain new or radically improved products, production technology and meet the effective demand of consumers in high quality goods and services, improve social services.

Innovation process can be considered from different perspectives and with varying degrees of detail:

О as a parallel-sequential implementation of research, innovation, production activities and marketing;

O in the form of time stages of the innovation life cycle from the emergence of an idea to its development and dissemination;

0 as a process of financing and investing in the development and distribution of a new kind of product or service. In this case, it acts as an innovative project, as a special case of an investment project widely used in economic practice.

In general, the innovation process consists in obtaining the commercialization of inventions, new technologies, types of products and services, decisions of an organizational, technical, economic, social or other nature, and other results of intellectual activity and is carried out in 4 stages.

At the first stage, fundamental research is carried out in academic institutions, higher educational institutions and from branch specialized institutes, laboratories. Financing is carried out mainly from the state budget on a non-refundable basis.

At the second stage, applied studies are carried out. They are carried out in all scientific institutions and are financed both from the budget (state scientific programs or on a competitive basis) and from customers. Since the result of applied research is by no means always predictable and is associated with a high degree of uncertainty, at this stage and further there is a high probability of obtaining a "negative (dead end) result. It is from this stage that the possibility of losing invested funds arises and investments in innovation are risky and are called risk investments, and commercial organizations (funds) engaged in risk investments are risk firms (venture firms).

At the third stage, experimental design and experimental developments are carried out. They are carried out both in specialized laboratories, design bureaus, pilot plants, and in research and production divisions of large industrial organizations. The sources of funding are the same as in the second stage, as well as the own funds of organizations.

At the fourth stage, the commercialization process is carried out, starting from launching into production and entering the market and further through the main stages of the product life cycle.

At the turn of the third stage and entering the market, as a rule, large investments in production are required to create

Currently, there is a large amount of literature on innovation management. This article provides a description of three sources that will be useful to university students studying this discipline.

R.A. Fatkhutdinov Innovative management. Textbook for high schools. 6th edition

Definition 1

Rais Akhmetovich Fatkhutdinov is the author of more than 310 scientific papers on economic disciplines, including 10 textbooks. Leader among authors in terms of circulation, total number of textbooks written and citation index. He has the title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of state prizes and orders. He is a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation for Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship as an expert. Acting Academician of the Academy of Quality Problems and member of the Quality Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

The sixth revised edition of the textbook "Innovation Management" contains the key idea that the activation of innovation is the only way to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy at this stage of its development.

In order to activate innovative activity, first of all, competent specialists are needed. And for this, the textbook proposes a new system for training METUK specialists (methodology → economics + technology + management → competitiveness), which combines economics, technology, management and is focused on competitiveness.

As in any serious publication, the book discusses in detail the scientific foundations of innovation management, economic laws, and the tools of the new economy.

Yu.P. Morozov, Innovation management. Tutorial

Definition 2

This manual analyzes in detail the issues related to the innovative activities of organizations, including what are the theoretical foundations of innovation, lists the main types of innovation - economic, technological, product, social and others.

The concept of diffusion in innovations is analyzed in detail, as well as aspects of state regulation of innovation processes operating in the conditions of the Russian market economy.

The manual especially carefully covers issues related to the organization of financing of innovative programs, methods of planning and forecasting innovative activities in enterprises; the approaches to the introduction of innovative management methods at enterprises and the choice of effective and optimal innovative programs are listed.

Yu.A. Shirobokov Innovation management - focus on future consumers. Article

In his article Yu.A. Shirobokov raises the topic of the practical application of innovative management in enterprises, taking as a basis the fact that the main evaluators of products and services of innovative industries will be end users and it is necessary to focus on them when organizing innovative activities.

In the final part of the article, the system of balance between the strategies of regular and innovative management is considered as the only way to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise in modern conditions.

M.: Unity-Dana, 2000. - 446 p.

The issues of innovative activity of organizations, the theoretical foundations of innovations (product, technological, economic, social, etc.) are considered. The features of diffusion of innovations and state regulation of innovation processes in a market economy are shown.

Particular attention is paid to the organization of financing of innovative programs, forecasting and planning of innovative activities in organizations; approaches to the organization of innovation management in organizations and the choice of effective innovative programs are given.

For university students, students of business schools, heads of enterprises and organizations, as well as professionals involved in innovation issues.

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People.Disk (Note)



Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Innovation processes in the economy 4
1.1. Innovation as an object of management 4
1.2. Innovation theories 11
1.3. Innovation policy of organizations 20
1.4. Diffusion of innovations in the marketplace 34
1.5. Innovations and investments are the main factors of economic growth in Russia 46
1.6. State Innovation Strategy of Russia 71
1.7. Infrastructure of innovative activity of organizations 81
Chapter 2. Organization of financing of innovative programs 96
2.1. The essence of the system of financing innovative programs 96
2.2. Budget financing system 102
2.3. Attracted funds of business entities 105
2.4. Foreign investment 111
2.5. Forms of financing 114
2.6. Lending 124
2.7. Features of international investment financing 134
Chapter 3. Forecasting, planning and controlling innovation programs 142
3.1. Forecasting innovation and its role in the activities of the organization 142
3.2. The Essence of Innovation Planning 163
3.3. System of internal planning of innovations 169
3.4. Program-targeted management of innovation activities 179
3.5. Organization of the formation of the calendar plan 198
3.6. Development of network models 205
3.7. Organization of innovation program management 226
3.8. Program control and regulation 234
Chapter 4. Organization of innovation management in organizations 254
4.1. Organizational structures of innovative organizations 254
4.2. Features of organizational structures of research organizations 265
4.3. Venture innovation organizations 283
4.4. The basis for the formation of innovative organizations 290
4.5. Management of innovative programs 323
4.6. Efficiency and efficiency of innovations 341
4.7. Methodology for designing the organizational structure of an innovative team 352
4.8. Personnel management of an innovative organization 363
4.9. Leadership in innovative organizations 374
Chapter 5. Choosing Effective Innovation Programs 386
5.1. Rationale for investment in innovative programs 386
5.2. Business plan for the innovation program 397
5.3. Examination of an innovative program at the stage of business planning 412
5.4. Financial modeling of innovative programs based on Project Expert 417
Glossary of basic terms 428
Literature 442

Innovation management. Morozov Yu.P.

M.: 2000. - 446 p.

The issues of innovative activity of organizations, the theoretical foundations of innovations (product, technological, economic, social, etc.) are considered. The features of diffusion of innovations and state regulation of innovation processes in a market economy are shown.

Particular attention is paid to the organization of financing of innovative programs, forecasting and planning of innovative activities in organizations; approaches to the organization of innovation management in organizations and the choice of effective innovative programs are given.

For university students, students of business schools, heads of enterprises and organizations, as well as professionals involved in innovation issues.

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The size: 6.1 MB



Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Innovation processes in the economy 4
1.1. Innovation as an object of management 4
1.2. Innovation theories 11
1.3. Innovation policy of organizations 20
1.4. Diffusion of innovations in the marketplace 34
1.5. Innovations and investments are the main factors of economic growth in Russia 46
1.6. State Innovation Strategy of Russia 71
1.7. Infrastructure of innovative activity of organizations 81
Chapter 2. Organization of financing of innovative programs 96
2.1. The essence of the system of financing innovative programs 96
2.2. Budget financing system 102
2.3. Attracted funds of business entities 105
2.4. Foreign investment 111
2.5. Forms of financing 114
2.6. Lending 124
2.7. Features of international investment financing 134
Chapter 3. Forecasting, planning and controlling innovation programs 142
3.1. Forecasting innovation and its role in the activities of the organization 142
3.2. The Essence of Innovation Planning 163
3.3. System of internal planning of innovations 169
3.4. Program-targeted management of innovation activities 179
3.5. Organization of the formation of the calendar plan 198
3.6. Development of network models 205
3.7. Organization of innovation program management 226
3.8. Program control and regulation 234
Chapter 4. Organization of innovation management in organizations 254
4.1. Organizational structures of innovative organizations 254
4.2. Features of organizational structures of research organizations 265
4.3. Venture innovation organizations 283
4.4. The basis for the formation of innovative organizations 290
4.5. Management of innovative programs 323
4.6. Efficiency and efficiency of innovations 341
4.7. Methodology for designing the organizational structure of an innovative team 352
4.8. Personnel management of an innovative organization 363
4.9. Leadership in innovative organizations 374
Chapter 5. Choosing Effective Innovation Programs 386
5.1. Rationale for investment in innovative programs 386
5.2. Business plan for the innovation program 397
5.3. Examination of an innovative program at the stage of business planning 412
5.4. Financial modeling of innovative programs based on Project Expert 417
Glossary of basic terms 428
Literature 442