Freelancing assignments. Free freelance exchange, freelancing for everyone


Hello. In this article we will talk about what freelancing is and who freelancers are.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is freelancing and who are freelancers?
  2. Why is this direction so popular in recent years;
  3. How to find work as a freelancer;
  4. How much can you earn;
  5. Which direction should you choose?

What is freelancing in simple words

Recently you can often hear the words freelance and freelancers. If for some citizens this is a mysterious word, then for others it is a way of life. So, what is freelancing?

– this is remote “free” work. A special type of employment in which there is no need to officially get a job and carry out instructions from your superiors during working hours, since in this area everyone decides independently with whom to cooperate and what services to offer to customers. For some, this is a simple income, while for other citizens it is a stable, good income.

Who are freelancers

Some people still don’t even know who a freelancer is. Translated from English, “freelancer” is a free specialist who works for himself via the Internet.

He himself looks for the customer, and also decides what work to do and sets the work schedule. Freelancers can work with one or several customers at once.

In most cases, among freelancers you can find representatives of creative professions. Although recently engineers, consultants, teachers and many others are engaged in remote work.

Finding a job today is very easy. All you need to do is visit a special exchange, register and start actively doing the work.

In practice, freelancers earn 1.5-2 times more than regular office employees. The income of successful freelance workers ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles per month. There are, of course, stars who have and receive more than 100,000 rubles a month. Everything is real - the main thing is to work hard and go towards your dream.

You already understand who freelancers are. Let's look at what they can do.

Areas of remote work activity:

  1. . This is purely based on my own knowledge. If you are an expert in some field, you can write your own useful tips. Everyone needs texts today, so you definitely won’t be left without work. For convenient search of orders there are.
  2. Rewriting. If you lack your own experience and knowledge, this direction will help you. In this case, you will need to carefully read the finished article on the Internet and simply rewrite it in your own words. The main thing is that the output you get is completely unique material.
  3. Translation of material. It’s worth noting right away that this is a very popular type of activity and well paid. All you need to do is translate small articles and get paid. Just don’t hope that you can translate an article with basic knowledge using an online translator. Customers only need high-quality work.
  4. . This unknown word is well known to those who study them. This is a very good profession with high pay, which requires special care and experience.
  5. Administration. Today, among the vacancies you can find such a position as project administrator. But who is this? This is a person who leads groups or projects on social networks. You will need to always be online and control all actions: delete swear words, spam and other intrusive messages.
  6. Programming, layout and website creation. It’s worth noting right away that this requires special knowledge. For some, this is a direction from the realm of science fiction. Thanks to this type of activity it is possible.
  7. . Today there is no place without design. To choose this type of activity, you must be able to use all graphic editors. As they say, the main goal is to do it beautifully and stylishly. A designer can earn good money.

As you can see, there are many directions, so anyone can become a freelancer and start.

Why freelancing is becoming more and more popular

Why do more and more people today choose remote freelancing, call it a trend and claim that it is the future? If you look closely, today retirees and office employees are becoming freelancers.

Probably, the whole demand lies in freedom of action and self-realization. Thanks to this direction, you no longer need to get up at 6 am, quickly run to work and ride on a crowded bus.

If at work you were always told what to do and how to do it, then there are only the wishes of the customers and complete freedom. What could be better? No bosses or envious employees, no fines for being late or not fulfilling the plan.

But we shouldn’t forget that remote work is, in turn, an interesting job with which you can combine several areas at once and constantly develop. Working as a so-called “office plankton” you can hardly get good skills and do things that bring positive emotions.

Every person has hobbies. They can bring not only positive emotions, but also good money. There are a great many areas of freelancing.

Pros and cons of freelancing

As in any direction, this area has its positive and negative aspects. Before you start working remotely, you should study them carefully. Let's start with the positives.

Pros of freelancing:

  1. Free work schedule.

This is perhaps the most basic thing that people who choose this direction as their main job appreciate. You can decide for yourself how many days a week you will do work, which days you will take days off and when you will go on vacation.

The main thing is to complete the order within the established time frame. You can wake up and go to bed at a time convenient for you and not worry at all about getting up by the clock.

  1. Work from home.

What could be better than doing work in cozy pajamas with a cup of aromatic tea? You no longer need to waste time traveling and communicating with unpleasant colleagues. Working at home, you are in a comfortable environment, close to your loved ones and you decide with whom to communicate.

  1. It doesn't matter where you live.

If you look at the level of wages, in large cities it is much higher than in small cities. Moreover, the specialists are the same everywhere. This is the biggest disadvantage of regular work, since the salary depends on where geographically you are employed.

As for freelancing, it doesn’t matter where you live. You get paid solely based on your abilities.

This is the best thing about being a freelancer. It’s worth noting right away that the level of income here is unlimited. Your earnings will depend on the type of work you do. In some areas, payment depends on the quantity of work performed, while in others, on quality.

  1. Quiet work.

Peace of mind is what many citizens value. No more nervous clients who will bother you and ask you various questions. The same goes for nervous bosses, who often swear and load you with useless work.

  1. Possibility to combine work and travel.

Some may think that you can't work and travel at the same time. Everything is real if you work as a freelancer. All you need to work is a computer or laptop with Internet access and some free time.

As mentioned earlier, every job has its drawbacks. Let's look at what they are like in remote work.

Cons of freelancing:

  1. There is no fixed salary.

Many citizens have been accustomed for years to doing the same type of work and receiving a fixed payment. As for remote work, it is difficult to find an employer who will agree to pay a fixed salary for the work performed.

  1. Search for customers.

You shouldn’t hope that you will simply register on a freelance exchange and orders will pour in. You must look for customers yourself, submit applications and actively develop.

Freelancing services:

Work-zilla- the best exchange!

If you want to find an order that you can quickly complete and receive funds, then this is a great exchange. A simple and intuitive interface will allow everyone to instantly get involved and start earning money.

Fl is one of the largest exchanges.

This is one of the largest remote work services. Every day there is a large number of free orders in different directions, good payment and friendly customers.

However, there is a small minus. To start earning good money, you will need to buy a Pro account, and this is an additional investment that is sometimes unacceptable for a freelancer.

Etxt, Advego And - the largest copywriting exchanges

These are proven exchanges that you should trust. But you can only get a job there in one direction. You can make money on the listed exchanges if you know how to write articles. These are the so-called rewriters and copywriters who write articles to order.

You can also find a regular customer today on special forums, on a social network or in groups.

How much do freelancers earn?

How much can a freelancer earn? This is the most popular question that arises among all newcomers who have decided to give up office work and.

You should also take into account that each industry has its own pay range. The more useful information you know, the higher your payment will be. If in one direction the size depends on the number of completed tasks, then in another – on the quality.

If you approach your work responsibly and devote at least 8 hours to remote work, you can earn 30,000 rubles or more. As for a beginner, the first time will be less payment. But you shouldn’t give up and you should always strive to move forward, develop and get more money.

As experienced freelancers advise, you must clearly understand how much you want to earn. The set plan will need to be divided by the number of your working days.

Is this a realistic amount for daily earnings? If yes, then everything is in your hands. The main thing is to strictly follow the assigned task and do your job efficiently.

Today in freelancing you can meet many successful specialists who earn more than 100,000 per month. They share their achievements on the World Wide Web.

The most popular freelance professions

We have already briefly reviewed above what areas there are. Let's consider which areas are the most popular.

How to make money freelancing:

  1. Graphics editor.

To expand your customer base, you need well-designed promotional materials: flyers, business cards, brochures, etc.

To do quality work, you need to be able to use graphic editors. And, of course, you need to be creative and follow the new products that appear in the field of design.

A beginning freelancer can receive 500 rubles for developing a simple logo or flyer.

  1. Website developers.

Almost every company turns to specialists for help to create their own website. This is a well-paid field of activity that requires special knowledge.

It takes several weeks to complete the work, but the payment will pleasantly please you. Creating an “empty” website without information costs on average about 30,000 rubles. The cost of publications is discussed separately.

Example. You have a store selling cosmetics. To increase your client base, you find a freelance developer who . But just creating a website is not enough; you need to correctly place information about each product.

The buyer must visually see what he is purchasing, study the characteristics and understand how much he needs to pay. If new products appear, you will need to again seek help from a specialist and ask to publish the material for a fixed fee.

  1. Developers of mobile applications or games.

Today even a schoolchild knows what a mobile application is. Applications are usually ordered from cafes or online stores.

For development and creation. Some site owners order games that require investment.

  1. Photographer.

This is a great direction that anyone can take up. Just don’t think that it’s enough to buy a good camera and start taking pictures. If you set a goal, you will need to not only learn how to take high-quality photographs, but also process them.

Every day, citizens use the services of photographers: weddings, children's parties, presentations or exhibitions. Some citizens simply ask to take a few good pictures in a special studio or outdoors.

  1. Videographers.

With the advent of YouTube, marketers' attitude towards video content has changed a bit. If they used to shoot long videos about the company’s activities, today they prefer short, well-edited videos.

  1. Accountant.

Not all companies can afford to hire an accountant. But what if you need to prepare reports? In this case, you can use the services of a freelancer for a fixed fee.

A remote accountant can keep records of several companies at the same time. What is most attractive is consistency. You need to do quality work and then companies will contact you constantly. The position of a remote accountant is not only in great demand, but also well paid.

  1. Tutors.

This is a great direction if you can teach others something useful. Today, it is not necessary to meet the client in person, since training can be conducted via Skype, and payment can be accepted by bank card or e-wallet.

English tutors and musicians who can teach you how to play the guitar can make good money.

If you have thought carefully, clearly weighed all the advantages and disadvantages of remote work and decided to set sail freely, then you should adhere to a few basic tips.

Tips to help a beginner at the beginning of his career growth:

  1. Education.

It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s never too late to learn. It is always necessary to learn new material and develop, no matter what field you work in. Today you can easily find training videos, thanks to which you can immediately understand how to work in the required program.

Don’t forget that there are also many freelancers on the Internet who are willing to teach you for a fee. If you understand that paid courses will benefit you, then you should not save and should purchase them.

Remember, money invested in knowledge will help you earn much more.

  1. You should not immediately look for expensive orders.

If you have just registered on the freelance exchange, then you should not immediately look for expensive orders. Customers are willing to pay well only to trusted freelancers who already have a good portfolio, rating and positive reviews.

  1. Forums.

To get as much useful information as possible, you should visit a special freelance forum. Today, every exchange has a forum where system participants share their acquired knowledge.

  1. Portfolio.

If you want customers to offer you work themselves, you will need to create a good portfolio. If you are a beginner, it's okay. Start doing the work and gradually filling out this section.

  1. Constantly improve.

It must be remembered that there is no limit to perfection. Try to constantly monitor the latest trends in the area in which you provide services. Constantly read professional books and communicate with more experienced colleagues.

Even if you are sure that you know everything, attend special courses. All this will help you become better and achieve greater success.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that freelancing is a very interesting area that is actively developing in Russia. More and more citizens prefer to do the work they love, manage their time independently and earn good money. Only with a great desire can you achieve good results.

Many Moscow residents want to become freelancers (remote workers) so as not to depend on one employer and work for their own pleasure, receiving decent remuneration for it. Freelance work is ideal for people in creative professions:

  • writers;
  • copywriters;
  • journalists;
  • designers;
  • photographers;
  • translators.

To become a freelancer in Moscow, you must:

1. Provide high-speed Internet at home. Having round-the-clock access to the network, you can always be in touch with employers and will quickly complete the tasks assigned to you.

2. Decide what services you will provide. Freelancing is multifaceted, and therefore there is no need to choose a profession based on its demand in Moscow. Choose something you love and are good at.

3. Find out your value on the Moscow labor market. Since freelancing work involves fighting with numerous competitors in a particular field, you must clearly determine your price in the labor market. You don’t need to price your services incredibly expensive, but you shouldn’t work for pennies either.

4. Prepare a portfolio. There are many freelancers working in Moscow, and therefore you will have to make a lot of effort to attract the attention of employers. To do this, be sure to prepare a portfolio of your work and post it on the Internet, for example, on a page on a social network.

5. Find customers. You can do this, again, using the network by posting your resume there. Also, be sure to register on freelance exchanges to make finding orders easier.

Qualities of a remote employee

Freelancing work is not for everyone. Here, a lot depends on the person - his ability to complete tasks on time, self-organization. A freelancer must be active and responsible, and do quality work. If he earns a negative reputation, he will not be able to find clients in the future. It is important for a remote worker to monitor his rating, constantly improve his skills and correct previously made mistakes.

It was said above that a freelancer must be active, but this does not mean that he needs to work around the clock, without knowing any rest. With such a schedule, you will quickly “burn out” and will not be able to cope with assigned tasks and devote time to your loved ones.

To work as efficiently as possible, a person working remotely needs to determine the most productive period of the day. At this time, he needs to pay full attention to work, leaving social networks, closing news sites, browser games, etc. You can entertain yourself by doing the necessary amount of work.

Briefly about the benefits of freelancing

Any freelancer in Moscow will tell you that remote work means absolute freedom of action. Having become a freelancer, you can independently organize your work process, choose your rest time and the volume of orders. In addition, remote work can be successfully combined with the main one.

Freelancing for free. On the My FreeLance website you can submit an ad for free in the categories: website development, rewriting/copywriting, translations, management, web programming, turnkey websites, SEO optimization and others, and find a freelancer for your orders. You can also participate in forums, communicate with freelancers and customers.
If you encounter fraud, write to the administrator indicating the advertisement, this advertisement will be deleted. Also write to our forum - fraudulent customers, and before taking on a project, read to see if your customer is there.

Website creation, promotion and support

Turnkey website creation: Design, layout, integration into the required cms, modification of existing sites, promotion, placement in the top search engines.

Development mobile version of the site from 5000r.
Registration of sites in Yandex and Google, SEO optimization and subsequent site maintenance.
My site: My Support
About Me:
Knowledge of cms: Bitrix, OpenCart, Webasist, Netcat, Modx, DLE, WordPress, etc.

Programming languages: Microsoft Visual C++, Delphi, HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, JS.


Remote work on a PC. No investment


Remote work on PC


Mystery shopper

Job openings for "mystery shopper"

The best part-time job after the New Year

Mystery shoppers over 18 years old are required to order and check payment instruments from different branches of Russian banks

It is necessary to check the work and service of banks in relation to customers

25.01.2020 2

A program is required to register at

You need a program (script, bot) that checks the availability of free places for registering clients on the website If free places are found, he fills out a form from the data stored in the database and saves the resulting file.

The program should check for available dates on the website, enter the captcha and select the necessary data from the drop-down list (the operation of the system can be viewed on the website), if there is a free date, open the registration page and enter fields previously entered into the database and then download the resulting pdf file. It is necessary to register people - citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan through the specified website on the date for applying for a national work visa D at the Consulate.

Primary requirements:
-a simple and clear administrative panel with the ability to add, edit and delete customer data
-a system for minute-by-minute monitoring of the availability of free places for client registration
-multi-threading when entering data and registering profiles
-the ability to maintain a stable connection to the consulate website during heavy loads
Main difficulties:
-high load on the consulate server at the time of issuing free places for registration of applications. It is necessary to optimize the requests sent in order to create the most stable connection.
- a huge number of people willing to register a profile in a limited period of time. It is necessary to create a large number of simultaneously working copies of the script, which will penetrate the site and register profiles.

Payment after testing the program in practice.
Performance test - 40 users must be registered.
Only in this case the project is considered completed.

25.01.2020 7

Online marketer

Not hired work. Without bosses and alarm clocks.
I invite everyone to a successful Internet project.

Don't miss the opportunity.

-Carrying out employee registrations.
-Processing and sending emails.

-You are your own boss.
-High and official income.
-Free schedule.
-There are no investments.

-Good internet and a computer.


Online store administrator

Work on a successful Internet project via a computer at home.

- Close support until the result.
-Work from 3-4 hours a day.
-Free online training.

-Install a special free program on your computer.
-Follow the ready-made, step-by-step system of work.

-Desire to earn money.
-Stable Internet.


Brand manager

A successful online project invites you to develop an online store.
Work exclusively on the Internet.

Recruitment according to ready-made instructions.

- Vacation abroad at the expense of the company.
-Big bonuses.
-Passive income.

Computer and Internet.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673


Project manager

We invite everyone who wants to build a legal business at home to cooperate.
All work is done online through your computer.

-Work on a ready-made system.
-Respond to employee messages in a timely manner.

-Active life position.
-Computer and stable internet.

-Own turnkey business.
-Freedom of time.
-Financial stability.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673


Senior Manager

The online store recruits managers to work without financial risk.

-Learn for free.
-Create a client base.

Good internet and computer.

-Legal and official income.
-24-hour assistance.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673


HR manager

Work of an informational nature, from home. With the possibility of passive income. But at the initial stage, income depends entirely on your actions. Therefore, active and purposeful employees are needed.

-Respond to customer questions via correspondence in a timely manner.
-Invite people to the team via the Internet using ready-made instructions.

-Competent written language.
-Skill to work in team.
-Computer available and stable internet.

-Flexible schedule.
-No web wallets.
-Only an official agreement, payments to your current account in any bank.
-Mutual assistance.
-Reliable company.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673



Women and girls who want to make money on the Internet, write. We have a great offer for you.

-Processing emails.
-Communication with clients in the form of correspondence.


-Career growth.
-Free training and assistance.
-Income every three weeks.
-No personal meetings.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673



We invite everyone who wants to earn decent money on the Internet.
You plan your work schedule yourself. It can be in the morning, afternoon or evening.

-Post information on the Internet.
-Answer questions from employees.

-Skill to work in team.
-Good internet.

-Official employment.
-Possibility of combining with main job.
-No investment.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673


Online store operator

A large company gives you the opportunity to build your own business without leaving home without investments or risks.
Just 3-4 hours a day of simple work at the computer at a time convenient for you and within a short period you will have passive income.

-Unlimited possibilities.
-Friendly team, always ready to help.
-Travel at the expense of the company.
-Free education.
-Passive income.

-Installation of special programs.
- Systematic action.

No requirements, just stable internet, a PC or laptop near you.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673


Online store manager

We are looking for active and purposeful employees who want to earn a decent salary.
The work takes place at home via your computer using ready-made templates and instructions.

- Get training for free.
- Conduct interviews via correspondence.

-Work 3-4 hours.
-Auto program.
-High salary.

None, just the Internet and a computer.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673



The work is suitable for mothers on maternity leave, housewives and all active, purposeful, ambitious people who want to earn money without sales and investments.

-Respond to clients in the form of correspondence on WhatsApp and Viber.
-Register people at their request on the site.

-Stable Internet and a computer.

-Free schedule.
-No management.
-Constantly growing income.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 89509210673


Marketing Specialist


PC operator


Site administrator

Real work with real income, without sales and financial investments. We need responsible and reliable employees.
The number of jobs is not limited.

Conditions, work schedule:
-You need to work 2-3 hours a day.
-You choose your own working hours.
-Free education.
-Official income.
-Pension contributions.

-Working with advertisements.
-Work in messengers (telegram, whatsapp, viber)

-Internet and computer access.


General manager

We offer work from home for women and girls.
The work is only online and takes several hours a day.
No experience required. We'll teach you everything from scratch.
You want to work and earn money from home. We provide full support and support.

The job is also suitable as a part-time job. You must have a computer or laptop with Internet access.

- email processing.
-conducting correspondence with candidates.
- placement of finished materials on the Internet.
- reporting.

-employment from 3-4 hours daily in your free time.
-free training on the job, career growth, bonuses and vouchers from the company.
- official payments.

- computer knowledge at the user level is sufficient, we will teach you the rest.
-stable Internet connection.

Write to WhatsApp or Viber 79509210673




24.01.2020 48

Administrator remotely


PC operator remotely

We offer work on the Internet that does not require special skills.

Suitable for anyone who has 3-4 hours of free time and wants to earn money. You can learn on the job.


Availability of a PC and free Internet access.

Confident use of a PC.

Learning ability, desire to earn money, determination, communication skills.


Recruitment of employees for remote work, namely:

Posting information about vacancies,

Providing information to candidates,

Conducting interviews remotely and further support.

training (in parallel with work),

part-time, with active work

- bonuses.

You choose your own work schedule. The training is free, assistance and consultations are available around the clock during the training. Payment by piece-rate bonus on a card or account in a bank.

For more information please contact by email [email protected]

Viber, telegram – 89212352172 (do not call)


Banner/website design. Long-term cooperation

Order example
1. 300x400
1) Do it without animation
2) Light pink background
3) Coffee Laika logo (
4) The inscription “12 franchise cafes”
35 people
4 million rubles"
We need a designer for constant cooperation and fulfillment of orders. With confident skills in designing banners, landing pages and websites.

Very popular. After all, it’s convenient to work in a cozy, homely environment with a flexible schedule.

Hundreds of online resources offer services for supervising business relationships between customers and performers. Among them there are large freelance portals, general thematic exchanges, small little-known projects, and services specializing in certain areas.

Among all this diversity, it is sometimes difficult for a beginner to decide on the choice of exchange, and he rushes from one resource to another.

Below is a list of ten freelance exchanges that are most suitable for green freelance beginners, according to the site magazine.

TOP 10 best freelance exchanges for beginners

Exchange No. 1. Work-zilla

It is no coincidence that Workzilla opens the TOP. After all, it is the best option for beginners in remote work. And all because a large number of simple tasks are published here, which require a minimum set of knowledge and skills from the performer.


  • a lot of easy tasks;
  • there is an affiliate program;
  • guarantees the security of transactions;
  • many options for withdrawing money;
  • paid (subscription cost for three months is 490 rubles). After the subscription expires, it must be renewed: 1 month – 100 rubles, 3 months – 250 rubles, 6 months – 400 rubles.

Conclusion! Workzilla is a great place to start making money online.

Exchange No. 2. Kwork

Kwork is a popular hypermarket of freelance services. The site began operating in 2015 and within a few years has grown into a well-known service for remote workers.


  • fixed payment for any service (500 rubles);
  • affiliate program (up to 6% from each transaction);
  • fair arbitration;
  • many customers;
  • high system commission (the site retains 20% of the transaction amount).

Conclusion! An excellent service for training your professional skills and gaining the necessary experience. The main disadvantage of the project is the large commission fee from service sellers.

So if you sell a service for 500 rubles, then you will receive 400 rubles, and give 100 rubles to the service administration.

Exchange No. 3.

Moguza is a freelance services store at affordable prices. The service is very similar to the previous project. Here, freelancers offer their services for sale at a fixed rate of 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 3000 or 5000 rubles. Interested buyers purchase services and pay for them in accordance with the established tariff.


  • the minimum amount for withdrawal is only 50 rubles;
  • a wide range of freelance directions: social. networks, graphics, audio and video, texts, programming, websites, etc.;
  • profitable partnership (for attracted users, the site shares profits from 10 to 40%).
  • the service commission for mediation is 20%; (for example, if the cost of a service is 1000 rubles, the seller will be charged 200 rubles);
  • transfer of funds only to WebMoney wallet.

Conclusion! The service as a whole is not bad, but not all freelancers will like the high developer commission.

Exchange No. 4.

– a young freelance exchange. The site is still in its infancy and development. The main ideas and features were copied from the Kwork project.


  • one price for all services ($5);
  • low competition among performers;
  • there is a referral program (5%);
  • the system withholds 10% from the authors of works (30 rubles from 300 rubles per service);
  • there are a lot of negative reviews about the project on the Internet.

Conclusion! The 5bucks exchange is not as popular as similar services, and, therefore, there is little competition here. Therefore, it is much easier for a novice freelancer to find a customer on this site than on other resources.

It’s disappointing that there is a commission, although it is half as much as on the Kwork website. It is also alarming that users on the network mostly speak negatively about the 5bucks exchange. Most negative feedback comes from clients, not freelancers. In any case, whether you try to work for 5bucks or not is up to you.

Exchange No. 5. FL

– one of the largest Russian freelance exchanges. Founded in 2005. Previously the project was called free-lance.

The high popularity of the service attracts many customers.


  • large selection of specializations;
  • a lot of “fat orders”;
  • 100 percent payment for work;
  • paid. To be able to respond to requests from employers, a freelancer must purchase a Pro account and renew it every month. At the time of writing, the cost of a basic monthly subscription is 1,549 rubles;
  • high competition.

Conclusion! The FL exchange is a brand and customers willingly cooperate with it, but due to high competition, it is difficult for new freelancers to find a suitable order.

Only experienced remote workers can afford a monthly subscription, but for beginners, the amount of one and a half thousand rubles may be unaffordable.

Exchange No. 6.

Weblancer is one of the oldest popular Russian-language freelance exchanges.

The project was launched in 2003.


Conclusion! Large and reliable freelance portal.

Exchange No. 7. Advego

– a well-known portal for specialists in writing and proofreading texts. Now this site can be regarded as a full-fledged exchange for finding remote work from home.

Advego was literally created for beginning freelancers as there is a large selection of earning opportunities. Even performers who don’t really know how to do anything will pick up tasks here.


  • many simple tasks;
  • availability of assistant tools for performers;
  • the minimum payment amount is 500 rubles;
  • partner reward (up to 25%).

Conclusion! A good resource for earning extra money online.

Exchange No. 8. Etxt

Etxt is a popular copywriting exchange. With this service you can earn money by writing articles, translations, proofreading services and selling your photographs. The site was founded in 2008.


  • small commission (10%). Divide into two equal parts of 5% between the buyer of the article and its seller;
  • many customers;
  • there is a referral program;
  • career growth;
  • built-in messenger for communicating with customers.

Conclusion! Etxt is the best place to work for aspiring copywriters.

Exchange No. 9.

positions itself as the number one freelance exchange for students and teachers. This is partly true because the service is really good.

Available tasks for execution are divided into many types: from coursework and translations to problem solving.


  • authoritative portal;
  • the presence of a rating system;
  • ensures the protection of payments and personal data through the use of SSL and PCI DSS technologies;
  • commission from 12 to 22%.

Conclusion! Author24 provides a chance to make money on your skills in writing academic papers. If you know how to competently write essays, term papers and dissertations, then feel free to choose this platform as your main working tool.

Exchange No. 10.

Copilancer is a service recognized by many authors of articles. Here the “master of the pen” will find a stable income for himself.

The exchange monitors its reputation and carefully selects performers.


  • The system includes a messenger for communication between authors and employers;
  • high average price for articles;
  • top performers earn more;
  • the commission is deducted only from the customer (20%).

Conclusion! At the initial stage of your career, there are not very many orders on this service. But, as your rating and experience increase, the number of applications increases, and your earnings also increase.

Free freelance exchanges for beginners in 2020

In this section you will get acquainted with freelance exchanges where performers work for free. That is, they do not have to pay monthly fees for access to employer applications.

I would like to note right away that there are very few such exchanges. This is understandable, because for developers of freelance platforms, the financial issue always comes first. For the services of providing work, they require comparable remuneration from freelancers.

Service No. 1. Freelancehunt is one of the largest Ukrainian remote work platforms. Not only Ukrainians, but also citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries make money from it.


  • free for both customers and performers;
  • There are paid services that improve the comfort of working on the stock exchange;
  • referral fees (3%);
  • safety;
  • high competition for “fat” orders.

Conclusion! Freeness and security are the main advantages of the freelancehunt exchange. Beginners should definitely try their hand at such a large freelance service resource.

Service No. 2. Freelancejob– another free remote work service.


  • little competition;
  • without investments;
  • site age. The project has been online since 2006;
  • few available orders;
  • Payment for work performed is made directly from the customer.

Conclusion! The good thing is that you don’t need to pay any additional subscriptions to use the site. But you will have to resolve financial issues with the employer yourself, because the exchange is free and it does not provide guarantor services.

Service No. 3. Myfreelancing– a young and free Russian freelance exchange. Myfreelancing is essentially a remote work job board.


  • communication forum;
  • does not act as a guarantor of the relationship between the employer and the applicant;
  • few customers.

Conclusion! There is a high risk of stumbling upon scammers, since the exchange does not undertake financial obligations to support transactions.

The main mistakes of beginning freelancers

Freelancing is fashionable and popular. Newbies in this field often make mistakes that lead to the loss of clients and orders and hinder the career advancement of a freelancer. What kind of mistakes do employees make when they start working remotely? Let's start looking at these factors.

Mistake #1. Violation of labor discipline

A remote employee is given freedom and works when it is convenient for him. A freelancer manages himself. He does not have a boss who would motivate him and force him to work at critical moments.

Therefore, in freelancing, the main human quality is the ability to maintain discipline. It is important to be able to mobilize your strength even when little is happening.

Mistake #2. Lack of a competent portfolio

When choosing a contractor for his task, the customer compares the accounts of different users. He needs a professional writer at an affordable price.

What does the employer pay attention to? He reviews and evaluates the profiles of potential performers. The following characteristics are important for it:

  • overall rating among all freelancers;
  • rating by specialization;
  • reviews;
  • work examples;
  • other statistics.

It can be argued that a beautiful profile design is the key to success on any freelance exchange.

Mistake #3. Poor quality of work

When fulfilling orders from employers, you need to comply with deadlines, but also not forget about the quality of work. Haste is the enemy of the freelancer. Therefore, always take into account your capabilities and take on as many orders at the same time as you can complete.

It is better and more profitable to make one order as well as possible so that the client is satisfied than several works of average quality. Customers love and appreciate efficient and responsible freelancers who do their work at a high professional level. Such personnel will always be in demand in the remote services market.

Mistake #4. No clear work planning

Planning is an essential attribute of any successful freelancer. It is important to be able to build a plan for your work on an order and strictly follow it. The process of drawing up a plan, although it takes a freelancer’s time, will subsequently save time when working according to the developed scheme.

In addition to saving time, the plan also disciplines a person, and for a freelancer, self-discipline is very important.

Mistake #5. Reassessment of your capabilities

A new freelancer needs to objectively assess his abilities before starting to search for remote assignments. You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • what can I do;
  • how well can I do this;
  • how much can I ask for my services.

A beginner should not immediately jump into complex and expensive orders. This way you may not complete the work on time or not complete the task at all. This will lead to negative consequences: lower rating, bad review.

It is best to start with simple and cheap orders. Light assignments are a great test of a freelancer's skill level. Over time, you can smoothly move on to more complex and expensive tasks.


Well-known professional freelancers were once also “green” newcomers. They did not have high rank, experience or positive reviews. They became master freelancers through perseverance, hard work, self-improvement and determination.

I wish that everything works out for you and that you achieve professional excellence in your business. The main thing is don’t give up and don’t deviate from your intended path.

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Remote work exchanges (general)

Leaders in popularity:

Remote work exchanges for copywriters

Here are the main exchanges for copywriters, allowing you to sell or buy articles and texts for websites.

  • is a popular exchange for copywriters and translators. There is a lot of work on copywriting and rewriting; you can sell finished articles. Good technical support.
  • is an exchange for copywriters and rewriters. There are expensive orders with high tariffs, as well as with a negotiated price.
  • is a content exchange with average prices from 25 to 100 rubles. for 1000 characters of text.
  • The Glavred Exchange is a service of Maxim Ilyakhov, where you can find a professional copywriter, editor, proofreader, and editor-in-chief. There are no projects on the exchange, only portfolios of specialists!
  • is an exchange for copywriters with a high payment for exchanges up to 150 rubles. for 1000 characters. To work on this exchange, you must pass a test to confirm your qualifications.
  • - the exchange offers to make money by writing comments, reviews, and filling forums.
  • is a new exchange of texts and articles. On the site you can find orders for texts for websites, as well as sell ready-made articles.
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. There is a store for selling finished articles.
  • is one of the most popular exchanges for copywriters, text authors, and posters. You can buy or sell articles on the site, but competition among performers is high.
  • is one of the most popular copywriting exchanges. On the site you can sell texts and articles at competitive prices. The exchange has a rating of popular articles - look at it and write articles on popular topics, this will increase the chances of quickly selling texts!
  • is a new exchange for copywriters. Lots of tasks. To get started, you need to pass a Russian language test.
  • is an exchange for experienced copywriters. They pay 35 rubles. for 1000 characters. There are quite a lot of tasks. Disadvantages for beginners: high quality requirements, payments not every day.
  • is a content exchange; there are usually many orders for texts for websites.
  • is a popular exchange for copywriters that allows you to sell texts for 2-6 dollars per 1000 characters.
  • is a professional community of copywriters, remote work. Vacancies, projects, portfolios, blogs.
  • is an exchange for copywriters, an interesting project.
  • is an exchange for namers. Since 2008 he has been working in Russia. The essence of the work is to come up with names for companies, domain names, slogans. Project budgets are usually 500-2000 rubles.
  • is a young text exchange. Beginners can try their hand at it.

Exchanges for programmers

Exchanges for programmers in the web development, startups and 1C segments.

Exchanges for lawyers, accountants and HR

  • is an exchange for lawyers and advocates. Clients ask questions - lawyers get paid for answers. To get started, simply register in the service.
  • - the service allows lawyers to earn money. You can also take advantage of free legal advice on the website.
  • is a remote work exchange for specialists in the field of HR, recruitment, personnel.
  • is a service of the famous company HeadHunter. Created for freelance recruiters. Applications for personnel selection are published on the service. If you fill a vacancy, you receive a reward.
  • - a service that allows recruiters to earn money by recruiting personnel. If you select a suitable candidate, you receive a reward.

Exchanges for designers, illustrators

Exchanges for actors, models, photographers

  • is a directory of wedding photographers and videographers. Performers rating.
  • is a directory of wedding photographers, videographers, florists, presenters and other specialists in the field of organizing and conducting weddings.
  • is an exchange for photographers and videographers.
  • Exchange for actors and models - information about castings for films, TV series, filming.
  • Fotovideozayavka.rf - exchange for photographers.
  • Photo store on - the site has a store where you can sell or buy photographs. The cost of the photo is set by the author.

Exchanges for builders, engineers, architects

  • is a directory of private specialists, uniting more than 200 thousand professionals and 500 types of services, including construction and repair. Registration is free for clients and freelancers.
  • Jobs for interior designers - one-time and ongoing jobs for interior designers and decorators. New projects every day.
  • - orders for construction and repairs are published on the exchange.
  • Exchange is a construction exchange. Many projects from small to large.
  • is a directory of specialists in design, architecture, construction, renovation and decoration.
  • is a directory of experts in interior design, construction and architecture, and home improvement.
  • We are at home - remote work for architects, designers, constructors, technicians, engineering systems specialists, 3D visualizers. Tenders for design work
  • is a remote work service for engineers.
  • Apartment Krasivo is an exchange for builders, searching for orders for renovation of apartments and offices. The exchange charges commissions for its services.
  • The City of Craftsmen is a forum where they are looking for builders, teams, and private craftsmen.

Exchanges for students

  • - help students complete work and get paid for it. Many projects, user-friendly interface.
  • is an online exchange for authors and customers of coursework, tests, and abstracts. Large service with a large list of services.
  • - help solve problems, write essays and make money from it!
  • - complete student assignments and earn money. Also on the service you can order student work from coursework, essays, reports and tests to more complex assignments.
  • - on the site you can order solutions to problems in various subjects. To make money by solving problems, you need to write to the service administration.
  • - the exchange allows you to earn extra money as a courier. The website publishes orders for the delivery of goods, by completing which you can earn money. For one delivery they pay 150-300 rubles, there are orders that are more expensive. Works in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • - on the site you can find part-time work as a nanny, nurse, or tutor.
  • IQ2U – Website for teachers, lecturers and educators. Schoolchildren, applicants and students will find a lot of useful materials on IQ2U.

Exchanges for webmasters and bloggers

Popular exchanges for webmasters that allow you to make money on your own website.

  • Blogun is a marketplace for bloggers. Through the exchange you can sell posting and advertising publications on your blog or website.
  • - on the exchange you can sell links from your website for rent and receive a stable monthly income.
  • - on the exchange you can buy or sell a website, including one that generates income. The cost of websites ranges from several hundred to more than a million rubles.
  • is an exchange for buying/selling eternal links. Webmasters can make money by placing links in news and articles on their website.

Other exchanges for freelancers, new projects

  • is the optimal exchange for beginners. Free registration on the exchange. There are vacancies and a freelance services store.
  • is a new microservice exchange with a fixed cost of $5 or 300 rubles. (at the current rate).
  • - on the service, freelancers post offers on what they can do and for how much (for example, I’ll make a website for 1000 rubles). You can find a performer on a small budget.
  • - the service allows you to sell and buy various services at a fixed price of 500 rubles. This solves the problem of dumping.
  • is positioned as an exchange for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - directory of specialists. You can register on the site and add your portfolio.
  • - vacancies for translators. In the free version, you can view vacancies published 12 hours ago or later. A paid subscription is required to receive the latest vacancies.
  • - on the service you can take orders for small services in the field of IT, courier services, household repairs, etc.
  • is a young but promising telework exchange for freelancers of almost any profession. Great opportunities for creating a portfolio. Freelancer rating.
  • is an exchange for teamwork. Has built-in tools for project management.
  • is a new remote work exchange. Gain popularity.
  • is a small but convenient and friendly freelance exchange.
  • is a remote work exchange for freelancers of all professions.
  • is a promising service for freelancers, great opportunities for setting up an account and portfolio, low prices for paid accounts. There are enough orders in different areas - copywriting, translations, design, programming, website promotion.
  • is an increasingly popular exchange, new projects appear daily. Among the advantages of the service, one can note the presence of direct contacts of employers in the project (mail, ICQ, telephone).