Requirements for an expert appraiser. Job description of an appraiser Requirements for training of appraisers

1. Having a good reputation

2. Level of education (education at the university level)

3. Availability of knowledge in related fields

4. Periodic training, participation in the work of public organizations of appraisers

5. Experience in the field of valuation activities for at least 3 – 5 years.

6. Availability of a generated database on completed real estate transactions and changes in price levels.

7. Punctuality in the execution of the contract

8. Availability of professional liability insurance for the appraiser. (an insurance contract is concluded for each of the appraisal contracts; the object of insurance is an unintentional error by the appraiser when appraising the property, resulting in damage to third parties.

Insurance rate within 0.2 -1.2% of the amount of property

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Business valuation
Ishchenko Svetlana Maksimovna, room 27 2 theories, 2 tasks Exam (tests, seminars, visits, tasks) Teaching materials, DDP form, assessment tasks Maintenance report

Business valuation
(Federal Law on Valuation Activities No. 135 Art. 3) Valuation activities are the activities of the subjects of valuation aimed at establishing a market value in relation to the valuation object

Valuation purposes and types of value
- purchase and sale of shares, bonds on the stock market - assessment is made when making investment decisions - when restructuring an enterprise (liquidation, merger, acquisition, etc.)

Cost for tax purposes (inventory value)
Chapter 30 Tax Code - calculated 7) Liquidation value is the funds received from the sale of the enterprise and its assets in parts. Calculated upon liquidation of a mailbox

Factors influencing the value of a business
1) General economic factors: 1) demand 2) the income it brings (from the nature of operating activities, possible profit) 3) time (how quickly the owner starts

Approaches and methods used in business valuation. general characteristics
1. income approach - DDP, DCF (discounted cash flow method) - income capitalization method 2. market (comparative approach) - industry relations method

Cost as a target management function and the concept of cost management
The results of the cost assessment affect all performance indicators. When making any management decision, managers calculate how its implementation will affect the cost

Basic approaches to managing company value
1) VBM (valuebased management) - Value-based management Originated in the USA in the 60s. The emergence of the concept is caused by the increasing number of cases of unfriendly

Stage. Problem Definition
5 preparatory stages 1. Identification - full and abbreviated name - OPF - place of legal registration - actual place

Market analysis
● constantly operating factors of the market - the influence of monopolies, - government intervention - inflation, - seasonality factor, - B coefficient

Conditions for using the method
1) fluctuations in the amount of income are expected over the years 2) when the object is under construction or has just been built (i.e. it is not yet young, there is nothing to capitalize, you can only forecast income)

Models for estimating the residual value of Inwood, Oscald, Ring
Estimation of the residual value of the business m.b. more accurate if one of the crude assumptions used in capitalizing permanent income according to the Gordan model is eliminated. This assumption includes

Industry coefficient method (industry specific method, industry ratio method)
The essence of the method is that, based on the practice of business sales, a certain relationship is derived between the price of the business and some indicator of its activity. Based on the analysis of sales practice, I would

Multipliers for valuing Russian companies operating on leased premises
Multiplier Lease agreement for up to a year Lease agreement from 1 to 3 years Mul-a value Mul-a weight Value

Multipliers for valuing Russian companies companies operating under long-term lease conditions or on their own premises
Type of business Mul-r (net price) Weight = 0.37 Mul-r (Price Revenue) Weight = 0.26 Mul-r (asset price) Weight = 0.37 R

Value multipliers of Russian banks (on average)
1) bank value/capital = 0.83 2) bank value/bank assets =0.32 3) bank value/bank profit =9.9 Transactions and sales method (SL method

Net Asset Value Method
basic formula for valuation using this method: SC = Assets – Liabilities of the company Stages of valuation using this method: 1) real estate is assessed in the composition

Valuation of land plots
npa: Land transactions are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, - Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the state land cadastre - Regulations on holding competitions and

Residue Technique Method for Land
Initial data needed for assessment: - the number of buildings and structures on the land plot - d.b. the net profit brought by the entire property complex is known - K

Method Weighted average method K capitalization
use the share approach to valuation Stages of valuation: 1) the proportions in which the value of real estate can be divided into the cost of the land plot and the cost are approximately established

Method. Sales comparison method
Based on a comparison of the sale price of similar land plots. The comparison is made based on a number of factors: - conditions of sale of the land plot - time of sale -

Method. Gross rent multiplier method
BPM is the ratio of sales price to potential income. Assessment stages: 1) Rental income from real estate is assessed 2) Gross rental multiplier is calculated

Comparative unit method
used in the revaluation of fixed assets of an enterprise, includes 3 stages. 1st Stage - based on data on the costs of construction of similar facilities, cost standards are developed

Method of element-by-element calculation or breakdown into components
1st Stage - the building is mentally divided into separate elements (foundation, walls, frame, roof, finishing, pipes, etc.) 2nd Stage - the costs of installing each element are calculated

Index method of assessment
V = BV *I = Book value of the object * revaluation index of fixed assets approved by the government The 3 methods considered allow you to calculate the full cost

Method of breakdown into types of wear
1) physical wear and tear - removable - irreparable 2) obsolescence a) functional - removable - irremovable b) external (economically)

Technological wear and tear
depreciation of an asset as a result of the fact that at the time of valuation there were analogues on the market that satisfy the same need but have a better price/quality ratio. By quality we mean

Calculation method based on the price of a homogeneous object
Stages of assessment: 1st stage – a homogeneous object or an object similar to the price for which should be selected. known. Selection parameters – manufacturing technology, materials, design. 2nd e

Element-by-element calculation method
Stage 1 – compiling a list of components of the object being evaluated, collecting price information on components. Stage 2 – the full price of the valuation object is determined = the sum of the prices of all elements

Index method
the cost is calculated by bringing the base cost of the object to the current level of price changes using the price change index for the corresponding group of machinery and equipment V = V0

Comparative approach to the assessment of machinery and equipment
The market comparison method is used primarily in valuation for collateral, rent, and leasing. less often - for sale. When selecting analogues, 3 degrees of similarity of machines and equipment are taken into account:

Valuation of machinery and equipment
Income approach to the valuation of machinery and equipment To implement this approach, it is necessary to predict the expected income from the object being valued. In relation to mung bean

Valuation of intangible assets
All intangible assets can be divided into 4 main groups: 1. Intellectual property - rights to industrial property objects (inventions, trademarks, brands, patents,

DDP method
1. the remaining life of the asset is determined 2. The cash flow generated by the asset is predicted 3. the sum of discounted cash flows is calculated 4. calculating

Determining the value of a trademark
Vt.z= K*Prn Prn=N*Q*Ts, where K is a coefficient taking into account the nature of the product protected by a trademark (up to 0.1 – for individual production, 0.1-0.2 – for small-scale production

TMZ assessment
Raw materials, materials, fuel, spare parts, containers are valued at current prices or actual cost. Inventories of finished products are estimated based on actual production. Goods shipped - according to phatic

Adjustment of credit debt
T-loan term (months) i-discount rate taking into account the risk of non-payment on the loan

The following information characterizes the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on valuation activities.

Basic regulations governing valuation activities in the Russian Federation

Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” No. 135-FZ dated July 29, 1998 (as amended by Federal Law No. 178-FZ dated December 21, 2001, No. 31-FZ dated March 21, 2002, No. 143-FZ dated November 14, 2002) Federal Law, dated January 10, 2003 No. 15-FZ, dated February 27, 2003 No. 29-FZ, dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ, dated January 5, 2006 No. 7-FZ, dated July 27, 2006 No. 157-FZ);

Federal Valuation Standards approved by Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade No. 254, 255, 256 of July 20, 2007.

The concept of appraisal activity

Valuation activity is understood as the professional activity of subjects of valuation activity aimed at establishing market or other value in relation to objects of assessment.

Subjects of valuation activities are recognized as individuals who are members of one of the self-regulatory organizations of appraisers and who have insured their liability (the insurance amount is not less than three hundred thousand rubles). The appraiser can carry out his activities independently, engaged in private practice, as well as on the basis of an employment contract between the appraiser and a legal entity.

Basic requirements for the Appraiser

The appraiser is obliged:

Be a member of one of the self-regulatory organizations of appraisers;
- when carrying out appraisal activities, comply with the requirements of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, federal appraisal standards, as well as standards and rules for appraisal activities approved by the self-regulatory organization of appraisers, of which he is a member;
- comply with the rules of business and professional ethics established by the self-regulatory organization of appraisers, of which he is a member, and also pay the fees established by such a self-regulatory organization of appraisers;
- inform the customer or legal entity with whom he has entered into an employment contract about the impossibility of his participation in the assessment due to the occurrence of circumstances that impede an objective assessment;

- provide the customer with information about membership in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers;
- provide the self-regulatory organization of appraisers with information about the legal entity with which he has entered into an employment contract;
- present, at the customer’s request, an insurance policy and an education document confirming receipt of professional knowledge in the field of valuation activities;

- in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, provide copies of stored reports or the information contained therein to law enforcement, judicial, and other authorized government bodies upon their request;
- at the request of the customer, provide an extract from the register of members of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers, of which he is a member, certified by a self-regulatory organization of appraisers.

Responsibilities of a legal entity with which the appraiser has entered into an employment contract: a legal entity that intends to enter into an assessment agreement with the customer is obliged to:

Have at least two persons on staff who meet the requirements for an Appraiser;
- ensure the safety of documents received from the customer and third parties during the assessment;
- inform the customer about the impossibility of participating in the assessment due to the occurrence of circumstances that impede an objective assessment;
- provide, at the request of the customer, a contract of compulsory insurance of the appraiser’s liability, concluded in accordance with Article 24.7 of the Federal Law on Valuation Activities;
- not to disclose confidential information received from the customer during the assessment, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- provide the self-regulatory organization of appraisers, of which the appraiser is a member, for monitoring the implementation of appraisal activities by him, access to documents and materials on the basis of which the appraisal was carried out, with the exception of information constituting a trade secret of a legal entity or customer, or other confidential information;
- in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, provide copies of stored reports or the information contained therein to law enforcement, judicial, and other authorized government bodies upon their request.

Rights of the Appraiser

The appraiser has the right:

Apply independently methods for assessing the subject of assessment in accordance with assessment standards;
- require the customer, when conducting a mandatory assessment of the assessment object, to provide full access to the documentation necessary to carry out this assessment;
- receive clarifications and additional information necessary to carry out this assessment;
- request in writing or orally from third parties the information necessary to conduct an assessment of the object being assessed, with the exception of information that is a state or commercial secret; if the refusal to provide the specified information significantly affects the reliability of the assessment of the object being assessed, the appraiser indicates this in the report;
- involve, as necessary, on a contractual basis, other appraisers or other specialists in the assessment of the object being assessed;
- refuse to carry out an assessment of the assessment object in cases where the customer violated the terms of the contract, did not provide the necessary information about the assessment object, or did not provide working conditions consistent with the contract;
- demand reimbursement of expenses associated with the assessment of the subject of assessment, and monetary remuneration for carrying out the assessment of the subject of assessment as determined by a court, arbitration court or arbitration tribunal.

Independence of the Appraiser

An appraisal of an appraised object cannot be carried out by an appraiser if he is a founder, owner, shareholder, officer or employee of a legal entity - a customer, a person who has a property interest in the appraised object, or is closely related or related to these persons. Conducting an assessment of the assessment object is not allowed if:

In relation to the object of assessment, the appraiser has property or liability rights outside the contract;
- the appraiser is a participant (member) or creditor of a legal entity - the customer, or such legal entity is a creditor or insurer of the appraiser.

Interference by the customer or other interested parties in the activities of the appraiser is not allowed if this may negatively affect the reliability of the result of the assessment of the property being assessed, including limiting the range of issues to be clarified or determined during the assessment of the property being assessed.
The amount of payment to the appraiser for conducting an assessment of the property being assessed cannot depend on the final value of the property being assessed.

Objects of assessment

The objects of assessment include:

Individual material objects (things);
- a set of things that constitute a person’s property, including property of a certain type (movable or immovable, including enterprises);
- ownership and other proprietary rights to property or individual items from the property;
- rights of claim, obligations (debts);
- works, services, information;
- other objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation.

Basis for the assessment. Basic requirements for the Agreement between the Customer and the Appraiser

The basis for the assessment is an agreement concluded by the customer with the appraiser or with a legal entity with which the appraiser has entered into an employment contract. The agreement for the assessment is concluded in simple written form. The assessment agreement must contain:

Object of assessment;
- type of property value (method of valuation);
- the amount of monetary remuneration for conducting the assessment;
- information on compulsory civil liability insurance of the appraiser in accordance with this Federal Law;
- the name of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers, of which the appraiser is a member, and the location of this organization;
- an indication of the standards of assessment activities that will be applied during the assessment;
- an indication of the amount, procedure and grounds for the occurrence of additional liability in relation to the liability of the appraiser or legal entity with which the appraiser has entered into an employment contract.

The agreement for the assessment concluded by the customer with a legal entity must indicate information about the appraiser or appraisers who will conduct the assessment, including the last name, first name, and patronymic of the appraiser or appraisers. An agreement for the assessment of both a single object and a number of objects must contain an exact indication of this object or these objects, as well as a description of this object or these objects.

Basic requirements for the Assessment Report

The basis for the appraiser’s assessment of the property being assessed;
- goals and objectives of assessing the subject of assessment;
- date of assessment of the subject of assessment;
- date of determination of the value of the valuation object;
- date of preparation and serial number of the report;
- an accurate description of the valuation object, and in relation to the valuation object owned by a legal entity - details of the legal entity and the book value of this valuation object;
- valuation standards for determining the appropriate type of value of the valuation object, justification for their use when assessing this valuation object;
- a list of data used in the assessment of the assessment object, indicating the sources of their receipt;
- a list of documents used by the appraiser and establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the appraisal object;
- if during the assessment of the assessed object it is not the market value that is determined, but other types of value, the report must indicate the criteria for establishing the valuation of the assessed object and the reasons for deviation from the possibility of determining the market value of the assessed object;
- assumptions adopted when assessing the assessment object;
- the sequence of determining the value of the valuation object;
- total cost;
- restrictions and limits of application of the obtained result;
- location of the appraiser;
- other information that is necessary for a complete and unambiguous interpretation of the results of the assessment of the assessment object reflected in the report.

The report must contain information about the membership of appraisers in a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. The report must be numbered page by page, bound, signed by the appraiser or appraisers who conducted the appraisal, and also affixed with the personal seal of the appraiser or the seal of the legal entity with which the appraiser or appraisers entered into an employment contract.

Validity period of the assessment result

The final value of the valuation object indicated in the valuation report can be considered recommended for the purposes of concluding a transaction with the valuation object if no more than 6 months have passed from the date of drawing up the valuation report to the date of the transaction with the valuation object or the date of submission of the public offer.

1 Lecture 1. Evaluation activity. Profession of appraiser. Requirements for appraisers 1.1. Concept of valuation Valuation activity as an object of legal regulation Regulation of valuation activity at the level of regulations Valuation process Profession of an appraiser Requirements for appraisers in developed countries Features of the work of an appraiser Knowledge required by an appraiser in his work Qualification and educational requirements for an appraiser Requirements for an appraiser in Russia Concept Valuation Valuation is the determination of the value of a property under specific market conditions at a certain point in time. It is necessary to resolve controversial issues of division of property (appraisal of an apartment, land plot, car), restructuring of an enterprise (evaluation of equipment), and determination of the cost of investments (evaluation of contributions to the authorized capital). Both citizens and enterprises often need to assess the value of various property for the purpose of selling, buying, leasing, collateralizing a loan, making a contribution to the authorized capital, writing off, revaluing fixed assets. In this regard, society needs an independent professional assessment. Valuation activity as an object of legal regulation. Valuation activity as an object of legal regulation is an activity aimed at establishing

2 18 Chapter 1. Organizational, managerial and legal aspects of valuation activities in relation to objects of assessment of market or other value. An assessment carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation may entail certain legal consequences, since the assessment report compiled by an appraiser has evidentiary value. In order to streamline the interaction between appraisers and consumers of appraisal services, Federal Law 135-FZ “On appraisal activities in the Russian Federation” was adopted, which is the main document defining the legal basis for regulating appraisal activities in relation to property owned by the Russian Federation, its constituent entities or municipalities, to individuals, for the purposes of transactions with this property and other purposes. Based on the law, activities aimed at establishing market value carried out by an unlicensed appraiser are not subject to regulation by legislation on appraisal activities, cannot have evidentiary value and are not recommended for transactions with property. Thus, one of the essential conditions for recognizing the evidentiary value of a judgment about the value of objects of assessment (appraisal report) is the implementation of appraisal activities by its full-fledged subject, a licensed appraiser. The law on appraisal activities provides a list of situations when assessing the value of an object is mandatory, lists the rights and obligations of the appraiser and the appraisal customer, specifies the requirements for the appraisal agreement and for the appraisal report, and formulates the conditions for carrying out appraisal activities, the observance of which for appraisers mandatory Regulation of appraisal activities at the level of regulations Appraisal activities are regulated by two resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation: dated July 7, 2002 No. 395 “On licensing of appraisal activities” (establishes the procedure for appraisers to obtain licenses to conduct appraisal activities and the revocation of such licenses); dated July 6, 2001 519 “On approval of assessment standards mandatory for use by subjects of assessment activities

3 Lecture 1. Evaluation activity. Requirements for appraisers of the 19th century" (a list of appraisal standards intended for appraisers operating in Russia is provided). The standards provide definitions of the main types of value during valuation, instructions on the use of various approaches and methods of valuation, and also establish a period during which the value of the value of the valuation object, determined by the appraiser in the report, can be recommended for conducting a transaction with the valuation object, six months from date of the report. Thus, appraisal activities in Russia are regulated by the state at the level of both federal legislation and executive power. The presence of a license for an appraisal company to conduct appraisal activities is a prerequisite for the provision of this service. The appraisal process The appraisal process is the activity of assessing the objects of appraisal by its subjects. The subjects of the assessment are professional appraisers with special knowledge and practical skills. The object of assessment is any piece of property together with the rights vested in its owner. This could be a business, a company, a bank, or certain types of assets, both tangible and intangible. The profession of appraiser As a profession, real estate valuation appeared in various countries in the 1930s. The training of professional appraisers in Russia began with the Institute for Economic Development of the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 1993. During the training process, the Institute used training materials developed by the American Society of Appraisers. Based on these programs, seminars conducted by Russian public organizations, in particular the Institute of Independent Appraisers, have developed. A disadvantage of the first steps towards the establishment and development of valuation activities in Russia can be considered the focus on foreign developments in the field of valuation, which, due to the specifics of Russian business, require serious adaptation.

4 20 Chapter 1. Organizational, managerial and legal aspects of appraisal activities A noticeable impetus for expanding the training of specialists was given by the Federal Office of Insolvency (Bankruptcy) (FUDN). According to the regulations approved by the Government, this department was obliged to provide training for specialists in crisis management. In 1994, the General Director of the FUDN approved an all-Russian program for training such specialists. Training programs for the blocks “Real Estate Valuation” and “Business Valuation” were developed on the basis of a similar document from the Institute of Economic Development. The greatest need for real estate appraisers arose in connection with the revaluations of fixed assets in the years, during which it was allowed to attract independent expert organizations to determine the market value of the enterprise. Recently, interest in the problems of property valuation on the part of both authorities and entrepreneurs themselves has been steadily increasing. Requirements for appraisers in developed countries In different countries, the formation of the appraiser profession had differences. Each country has developed its own criteria for this specialty, but there are also general requirements, without meeting which an appraiser will not be able to operate in the real estate valuation market. These include: having certain knowledge; continuous improvement of knowledge (which also includes the formation of market data bases); experience; independence and objectivity; certain personal qualities (for example, punctuality in meeting contract deadlines); active participation in the work of public organizations of appraisers. The appraiser must have a high level of general education and extensive knowledge in many fields (construction, economics, law, banking and accounting, etc.). There are various requirements for the basic education of appraisers. For example, in the USA, for the Institute of Professional Assessment to establish

5 Lecture 1. Evaluation activity. Requirements for assessors 21 National suitability requires education at the university college level. In some states, there is no requirement for a higher education; the appraiser's work experience is of paramount importance. Features of the appraiser's work. To function effectively in the real estate market, the appraiser must constantly collect and create market data bases on ongoing real estate transactions and price trends. An appraiser is first and foremost an analyst, and the success of his work largely depends on his awareness and ability to predict changes in the value of real estate. The work of an appraiser cannot be reduced to mechanical calculations using known methods. When it comes to calculating the amount of amendments, taking into account local conditions, and coordinating assessment results, the appraiser relies on his own opinion based on personal experience. In developed countries, it is generally accepted that an appraiser becomes a professional after three to five years of practical activity. Valuation of business and real estate must be independent, and therefore the appraiser can only be in a contractual relationship with one of the parties to the transaction with the object being valued. In accordance with valuation standards, the specialist certifies in the report that he does not have and will not have in the future an interest in the property being valued. The appraiser's fee should not depend on the value of the property. If pressure is exerted on the appraiser in terms of underestimating or overstating the value of property, the specialist must make it clear to the customer that such actions are inadmissible and, if possible, refuse to perform the service. Knowledge required by the appraiser in his work Having a basic education, the appraiser must regularly attend courses and seminars conducted by public valuation organizations and government agencies to have a good understanding of current valuation practices. Market conditions for valuation are constantly changing, so the appraiser needs to monitor them and improve his knowledge. At the initial stage of the development of the real estate market, when the main method of valuation is costly, the appraiser needs knowledge

6 22 Chapter 1. Organizational, managerial and legal aspects of appraisal activities of the theory and practice of construction and estimating, as well as accounting rules. As the real estate market develops, the appraiser must master the method of comparative sales analysis. Stabilization of the economy is closely related to investments and involves widespread use in the practice of assessing the income method and deep knowledge in the areas of mortgage and investment analysis, capitalization of income, discounting, etc. Qualification and educational requirements for an appraiser by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on November 27, 1996 11, the qualification characteristics for the position “Appraiser (property valuation expert)” were approved. The appendix to this document sets out general requirements for the scope of knowledge of a property valuation expert. In particular, he must possess methodological techniques for determining the value of individual objects of civil rights, including on the basis of such approaches as cost-based, profitable, comparative. Educational requirements for appraisers are constantly increasing. In 2000, State requirements for professional retraining programs for appraisers in the Russian Federation were adopted (dated April 19, 2000, SM-14/6174). The need for replenishment, qualitative improvement and updating of knowledge is growing. However, in Russia there are still few educational institutions that produce real appraisal professionals. Today, the best personnel in this field are trained by the Institute of Professional Valuation at the Financial Academy, the International Academy of Valuation and Consulting, the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, the Higher Economic School MIPC SPbGUEF, the Institute of Real Estate and some other universities. Requirements for an appraiser in Russia Requirements, requirements for an appraiser in the Russian Federation are presented in Fig. 1.1.

7 Lecture 1. Evaluation activity. Requirements for appraisers 23 Fig. Requirements for appraisers

Job responsibilities. Carry out valuation activities on the basis of a license aimed at establishing an assessment of market or other value in relation to objects. Identifies the need for services for the assessment of objects of assessment, carries out business contacts, negotiates with clients, concludes and draws up agreements with customers on the assessment of the object of assessment in accordance with the established form, monitors compliance with the conditions stipulated by the concluded contracts. Analyzes information about the object of assessment to conduct a legal examination and establish the parameters of its competitiveness that affect its value. Draws up an accurate description of the valuation object, determines valuation methods in accordance with valuation standards, establishes the main pricing factors influencing the value of the valuation object, studies the market and the cost of similar objects. Justifies the use of assessment standards, methods of its implementation, assumptions adopted during the assessment, and carries out the necessary calculations. Determines the final value of the value of the valuation object, as well as the restrictions and limits of application of the obtained result. If, during an assessment, the valuation object is determined not to have a market value, but other types of value, it establishes evaluation criteria and reasons that make it difficult to determine the market value of the valuation object. Timely draws up and submits to the customer a report on the assessment of the subject of assessment in accordance with the established requirements for its form and content. Conducts a mandatory assessment of valuation objects in the event that a transaction involves valuation objects belonging in whole or in part to the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities. Conducts an assessment of the object of assessment, including repeated assessments, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of a court ruling, as well as by decision of an authorized body. Provides, at the request of the customer, regulatory and other documents on valuation activities, educational documents confirming that the appraiser has acquired professional knowledge in the field of valuation activities, as well as in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, copies of stored reports or information from them to law enforcement, judicial, and other authorized state bodies or local governments at their legal request. Provides civil liability insurance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, ensuring the protection of the rights of consumers of appraiser services. Advises clients on current legislation governing appraisal activities, as well as regulatory requirements that must be followed when determining the value of appraisal objects. Involves other appraisers or other specialists on a contractual basis to participate in the work being carried out. Ensures the safety of documents received from the customer and third parties during the assessment, maintains the confidentiality of information received from the customer, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating valuation activities in the Russian Federation; guidelines and methodological materials regulating the procedure for assessing the object of assessment; valuation standards for determining the appropriate type of value of the valuation object; methods for assessing the objects of assessment and establishing the transaction price; the procedure for concluding an agreement between the appraiser and the customer; legislative and regulatory acts on taxation; customs regulations; ethics of business communication; rules for conducting negotiations with clients; fundamentals of statistics; organization of accounting and analysis of economic activities; rules for the use of computer technology, communications and communications; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of valuation activities; the procedure for drawing up established reporting; labor legislation.

Qualification requirements.
Category I appraiser: higher professional education and additional training in the field of appraisal activities, work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years.
Category II appraiser: higher professional education and additional training in the field of appraisal activities, work experience in the specialty of at least 2-3 years.
Appraiser: higher professional education and additional training in the field of appraisal activities, without requirements for work experience in the specialty.

Property valuation expert is a specialist who determines the real cost of various objects: The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and law (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

  • real estate;
  • business (organizations);
  • investment projects;
  • assets - financial and intangible;
  • Vehicle;
  • intellectual property;
  • securities, etc.

An appraiser's diploma gives the right to evaluate all types of property. But basically, practicing appraisers specialize in one type, depending on their place of work.

An assessment expert is a generalist: a mathematician who uses formulas, a marketer who studies the market, an economist who analyzes indicators, a lawyer who draws up an opinion.

Expert services are in demand when:

  • purchase and sale and rental of residential and non-residential premises;
  • registration of mortgage loans;
  • assessment of collateral;
  • allocation of shares in the business;
  • tax calculation;
  • entering into inheritance;
  • identifying different types of damage;
  • registration of property rights.

The appraiser profession in Russia is relatively young: it appeared in the 90s with the development of market relations. Qualification standards for the profession were defined in 1996. The profession received official recognition only in 1997. In the modern age of globalization, this profession, like any other, is subject to international professional standards. Experts who master these methods are the most authoritative and in demand.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a property valuation expert largely depend on the type of activity and the object of valuation. But the general operating procedure contains the following positions:

  • collection and analysis of information on accounting and regulatory documents;
  • marketing analysis of the market with trends in changes in the object of assessment;
  • establishing business contacts and conducting negotiations with the necessary organizations;
  • choosing the correct and most appropriate method for calculating the object of assessment;
  • carrying out appraisal work to establish the market (or other) value of the object;
  • if necessary, searching for new, most effective practical ways to solve problems;
  • coordination of the work of partners or other divisions of the organization;
  • drawing up a detailed report in the prescribed form and a conclusion on the assessment of the object, signed and affixed with a personal seal;
  • advising the client on legislation on valuation activities and other legal and regulatory documents;
  • storage of reports and conclusions on the assessment of the object for three years;
  • systematization and collection of data for each object in order to create its own information base for assessment work.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Demand and prestige of the profession
  • High wages for qualified specialists


  • High level of responsibility for assessment results
  • The risk of inaccurate assessment, which threatens a negative reputation and financial liability

Place of work

  • Property valuation companies
  • Banks
  • Private practice as an individual entrepreneur
  • Own appraisal company (“The Law on Appraisal Activities” allows the creation of a company with a staff of 2 people).

Important qualities

  • Analytical mind
  • broad-minded
  • pedantry
  • discipline and accuracy
  • constant desire to improve professional level
  • Special knowledge in the industry in which the appraiser works
  • communication skills
  • determination
  • ability to work for results

Professional requirements

A property valuation expert must have:

  • appraiser diploma or certificate;
  • professional liability insurance contract to cover losses in the event of a professional error by the appraiser;
  • membership of SRO appraisers (Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers).

Where to study to become a Property Valuation Expert

In this course you can obtain the profession of an appraiser remotely in 6 months and 20,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

On June 2, 2016, amendments were made to Art. 21 of the “Law on Valuation Activities”, according to which training of appraisers is possible only in (at) higher educational institutions.

Specialized university for training appraisers

Universities with a special course “Property Valuation”

You can also obtain the profession of an appraiser at other universities within the framework of the specialization “Finance and Credit”, where they teach a special course “Property Valuation”: in, in. Such education will be the most fundamental on the basis of serious training in the field of economics and management.

For specialization in land and real estate valuation

Generalist appraisers and managers

in the specialty "Organization Management".

Additional professional education programs

Many professional lawyers, bankers, realtors, and insurers also seek to become an appraiser in order to improve their own professional status, career growth and additional income. They can undergo additional professional education programs with

Career steps and prospects

The career of an appraiser usually begins with the position of an appraiser's assistant in consulting and appraisal companies and banks. Vertical career growth is possible to the position of head of department or head of your own company. Horizontal growth involves mastering methods for assessing various properties and types of activities.

What is an SRO of appraisers? SRO of appraisers is Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers, a non-profit enterprise whose functions include monitoring the activities of appraisers and providing methodological assistance in property valuation. Each appraiser must be a member of the SRO.

The SRO is led by an expert council consisting of experienced appraisers (more than 3 years of work experience) who have passed the Unified Qualification Exam. Council members conduct an examination of all reports of appraisers who are members of the SRO. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion of the expert council is issued. This is done to ensure that appraisers do not voluntarily overestimate or underestimate the value of property.

To join the SRO, the appraiser must submit:

  • entrance fee from 5 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • annual membership fees from 8 to 10 thousand rubles;
  • contribution to the compensation fund of 30 thousand rubles, from which money is withdrawn in the event of a professional error by the appraiser.