Job responsibilities of a legal assistant. Job description of a legal assistant Responsibilities of a legal assistant in a law firm

On job search sites, many people have repeatedly come across the vacancy “Legal Assistant”. At the same time, most applicants often have only one question in their heads - what kind of position is this? What does a legal assistant do and what are his professional responsibilities? Here it is necessary to immediately say that to apply for this position a person must have completed higher education. But the heads of some firms also consider part-time students studying in their final years of law school. You will learn more about this from this article.

A little about the most important things

What is a paralegal? This is an employee of a company or institution who prepares important information, provides consultations to clients (when necessary) and carries out all official assignments of a lawyer or legal adviser (in all organizations this position is called differently). There is simply nothing particularly difficult about working in such a position. After all, a legal assistant, like the boss’s secretary, knows a lot, but is obliged to do what the boss says. Very often, people who begin their work in this position recall that this is how they learned the basics of jurisprudence. By the way, many graduates of law faculties of universities are trying to get a job in this specialty. After all, by working in this way, you can gain good skills and experience, which are so necessary for a competent lawyer.

What are the responsibilities

This is one of the most important questions of interest to all citizens who want to get a job in a company for this position.

It must immediately be said that there is no such vacancy in state and municipal institutions. Or it occurs very rarely. Usually there is only one lawyer working there, who fills out the paperwork himself and speaks in trials. It's really very difficult. Moreover, it can be quite difficult for one person to cope with a large amount of information. It is for this purpose that the position of legal assistant exists. His responsibilities include:

  • drafting and printing documents as directed by the chief legal adviser (for example, claims, complaints, claims, various statements for submission to courts and other institutions);
  • providing legal assistance to clients (signing contracts, agreements);
  • working with regulatory frameworks, constantly monitoring updates in legislation;
  • receiving and sending letters to the parties to the process, to judicial and law enforcement agencies;
  • Ability to operate office equipment and email.

Thus, after working in this position for several years, a person will become a highly qualified specialist and will be able to find another, better-paid job.


The position of a legal assistant is currently considered to be in high demand, although not highly paid. It is necessary for those young people who want to make a successful career in the field of law and quickly move up the career ladder. It is for this reason that most graduates of law faculties of universities try to get jobs as legal assistants. After all, young professionals do not have the necessary experience and skills to work as a lawyer. But this is especially important.

Information in advertisements

Most law graduates try to find work on their own. The vacancy of a legal assistant is considered more suitable for them than employment in other existing specialties. After all, part-time students studying in their final years of university or university graduates are often hired for this position. If you look at at least one of these advertisements, you can see that employers here do not pursue the goal of finding an experienced and competent lawyer for an open vacancy in the firm.

Therefore, the main requirements for an applicant for the position of assistant legal adviser will be the following:

  • presence of higher or secondary professional legal education;
  • work experience is welcome, but not required;
  • Candidates of university graduates or part-time students are considered;
  • desire to work, be sociable and polite in dealing with clients.

This is exactly the kind of information that can be found in the media for a person who wants to find a job in this specialty. Moreover, some employers do not indicate the salary in the advertisement. Most often, information is provided that remuneration for work will be assigned based on the results of the interview.

Why do they hire people without skills?

Everything is quite simple here. A legal assistant without work experience will not be able to demand a large salary from the head of the company. Moreover, this position is not the main one, but a secondary one. This means that the assistant only prepares for the lawyer all the papers that are necessary for the work, while he himself remains in the shadows. In litigation, assistants act in exceptional situations (for example, the lawyer himself is ill or, due to life circumstances, cannot take part in the trial of the case).

Thus, legal assistants are the same secretaries as those of the heads of organizations. Only they are engaged in collecting all the necessary documentation for the chief lawyer in order to facilitate his work and help in preparing papers for the upcoming meeting.

In the capital

Finding a good and well-paid job is not so easy. This is especially difficult for those graduates of Moscow universities who decided to stay and live here and work, without even having housing. As practice shows, there are quite a lot of them. Nevertheless, in Moscow the vacancy of a legal assistant is considered no less in demand than in other cities. Although the pay cannot be called particularly prestigious.

On average, in Moscow, a legal assistant receives a salary of fifteen to thirty thousand rubles per month. For such a big city this is very little money. Nevertheless, even those graduates who cannot find another one in their specialty are ready to take on such a job. Moreover, this is a very good start for starting work in the field of jurisprudence.

In addition to the above

I would like to say that getting a job in a private firm in Moscow as a legal assistant without experience and practical skills is not so difficult. Especially if a person has theoretical knowledge, a desire to work and gain new experience.

After all, when preparing and printing documents, a legal assistant without work experience learns a lot of new things, constantly works with the regulatory framework, and monitors changes in legislation. Moreover, the preparation of claims, complaints and statements to the court also falls on the shoulders of this employee if the lawyer himself does not have time to prepare all the necessary documents.

Therefore, if a graduate of the law faculty of a university constantly works with laws, regulations and other regulations, he will receive a greater amount of theoretical knowledge, which in the future will be able to successfully apply in practice. At the same time, when drawing up complaints and applications to the court, the young employee develops a certain skill in preparing them. This is how you gain work experience, which is so necessary to become a qualified lawyer, and in the future, perhaps even a professional lawyer or judge. Therefore, young people need to take a more serious approach to choosing their profession. After all, a good job should bring pleasure and a stable income. You must definitely remember this.

Required qualities

Being a lawyer means constant communication with people. It is for this reason that this employee must be sociable and always try to help people.

Moreover, if a graduate starts working in a private company, then he must be very polite with clients. After all, the income of the company in which the employee works will directly depend on how many people apply there for qualified legal assistance. Therefore, if you start communicating with clients very rudely and go beyond the bounds of decent behavior, you can find yourself without a job. This rule also applies to employees who work in government agencies.

Additionally, a person working as a legal assistant must be able to manage their time. This is necessary in order to have time to finish the work started and have time to complete the remaining documents. This skill will be useful to a lawyer in the future. After all, you simply have to do much more than all the other employees. In addition, at the very beginning of his career, a legal assistant should try to be responsible and never let his boss down. Moreover, it is necessary to say about such a quality of a young specialist as diligence. You must try to carry out all the instructions of the chief lawyer quickly and accurately.

Working as an assistant legal adviser, a young employee has the opportunity to consolidate his theoretical knowledge acquired while studying at the university. Despite the fact that this position does not require the employee to defend the interests of clients in court, he is the right hand of his supervisor (chief lawyer) and must prepare all documents for the latter to speak in the trial.

However, in private firms, the day-to-day work of an assistant general counsel involves operating office equipment, managing email, and scheduling clients to see their supervisor.

I would also like to add that in order to become a truly good specialist in his field and help people, a lawyer needs to work hard not only in the office, but also in his free time to monitor changes in legislation. Moreover, you need to constantly improve your knowledge and practical skills.

Preference for candidates with higher education

Despite the fact that the vacancy of a legal assistant without work experience is considered acceptable not only for university graduates, but also for law colleges, heads of organizations still prefer to hire people with higher education for this position. This is primarily due to the fact that universities train specialists for six years. Here, special attention is paid to the future work of young specialists, and specialization is chosen.

In college, students receive only a very short set of basic knowledge. This is clearly not enough to become a professional in your field.

Helping people

The main task of a good lawyer is to solve the problems of people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Indeed, in most cases, citizens who have violated the law or those who are trying to protect their loved ones from illegal accusations and convictions turn to such specialists for help.

In addition, there are now very few truly competent lawyers, despite the fact that every year young people with a legal education graduate from universities. Therefore, the choice of a lawyer or notary must be approached very consciously.

Bottom line

At all times it was considered very promising and very profitable. This is the reason why so many people want to go to law school. However, obtaining a higher education is not considered a guarantee that the graduate will later become a good or first-class lawyer, investigator, or even a judge. This requires good and long-term practice. It is for this reason that working as a legal assistant can help young professionals realize their potential in their chosen profession. After all, this is the only way to gain the necessary work skills in a short time and apply the knowledge acquired during training in practice.

What is it like to be a “paralegal”? Why and why is this necessary? September 11th, 2008

Every law student sooner or later begins to think about the practical application of their knowledge and skills. Some people forget about their specialty and continue to study at the “law school” out of inertia, while others decide to seriously and permanently connect their lives with jurisprudence.

In my case, I can be classified as the second type of student. Although... From the first to the third year I really studied by inertia, and only then did I realize the beauty of jurisprudence. But we've gone too far off topic. We'll be back.

What could be the best training? Of course, work, so more than 2 years ago I decided to look for a job as a legal assistant.

I believe it makes no sense to describe the employment process within the framework of this article, since this article examines the position itself (taking into account personal experience and with a claim to generalization).

So... You have successfully applied for a job, and your first day has arrived. Congratulations! Over the next year or two, you will appear to yourself in five forms.

1. Clerk (aka regular secretary)

The point of the work is to compile various types of inventories, lists, sort documents, photocopy them, and so on and so forth. The work is insanely monotonous and mind-numbingly exhausting, with all this, most often colleagues are scurrying around the office around you with conversations and the unconscious self is drawn to them, and not to monotonous and uninteresting work, and besides, no one noted the “deadline” to which everyone need to do.

These were the disadvantages. Now about what skills you can get from this work:

  • the first time being late;
  • a feeling of responsibility for your work and the realization that no one will pat you on the head for your “jamb.”

Often in large law firms, such work is also at least bilingual, so you can safely add training in a written foreign language to the skills acquired.

2. The main one where they will send (aka supersonic courier)

As the name implies, in this case you will have to work mainly with your feet. Moreover, you need to move them quickly enough, because, like the well-known monkey, you need to be both smart and beautiful at the same time. As a result, a crazy gallop in public transport is guaranteed.

Gained skills:

  • knowledge of the city;
  • the ability, at the same time, to carve out a certain number of minutes to resolve personal issues and problems “along the way.”

All these skills will come in handy more than once, since after the next trip to some government agency, its location, address, opening hours and office telephone number are stored in long-term memory and quite often help when there is neither the Internet nor a banal city map at hand.

3. Highly specialized translator

Knowledge of at least one foreign language has now become a standard requirement for applicants in the field of jurisprudence.

The possibility of receiving any letter for translation is quite large and you need to be prepared for this. A large number of translations will greatly increase your vocabulary and professional vocabulary.

Gained skills:

  • improving language skills;
4. Regular queue

Work during which the legs work again. Standing in queues of a bureaucratic machine is not a joyride, but partly a harsh war for a place in the office. Overnight stay under the district administration is guaranteed in 90% of cases. But while standing in lines, the brain is not idle; it acquires the following skills that are so important in a future career:

· the ability to squeeze into almost any office without a queue.

Most often, the positions of the Regular Alternator and the Chief Where They Send are combined and form a kind of Molotov cocktail in terms of temper and a caterpillar tractor in terms of pressure.

5. Documentary sniffer

This, as they say, is for “advanced” assistants. The point of the work is to prepare, on the instructions of a lawyer, excerpts from regulations and judicial practice, which will then be used by the lawyer to draw up any document. Oddly enough, there are no downsides to this position, and the skills acquired are very, very useful:

· thoughtful reading diagonally

· work with regulatory frameworks

· reading the lawyer’s thoughts in order to still understand the task at hand

So... Having worked in all the above positions, the skills acquired are:

  • the ability to concentrate and not be distracted;
  • self-motivation and “self-stimulation” (the banal “Is it weak?”);
  • first experience of working overtime;
  • the first time being late;
  • a feeling of responsibility for your work and the realization that no one will pat you on the head for a “joint”;
  • knowledge of the city;
  • feeling of time passing;
  • trained muscles of the legs and arms (you have to push in transport);
  • the ability, at the same time, to carve out a certain number of minutes to resolve personal issues and problems “along the way”;
  • improving language skills;
  • a large amount of highly specialized vocabulary that will probably be used throughout your life;

· early rise or days without sleep;

· professional rudeness, cynicism, impudence and further in the text;

· the ability to squeeze into almost any office without a queue;

· thoughtful reading diagonally;

· work with regulatory frameworks;

· reading the lawyer’s thoughts in order to still understand the task at hand;

To this list it is also worth adding chronic lack of sleep and an understanding of the rules of life and work in the office. In addition, the salary level of a legal assistant can contribute, if not to losing weight, then to keeping oneself in good athletic shape without excess fat deposits.

Summarizing what has been written, it is worth noting that without completing such a Young Fighter Course, it is quite difficult to immediately start working as a lawyer, and in my subjective opinion, every self-respecting law student should take such a course.

Download job description
(.doc, 90KB)

I. General provisions

  1. A legal assistant falls into the category of technical performers.
  2. A legal assistant should know:
    1. 2.1. Fundamentals of substantive and procedural law.
    2. 2.2. Methodological and regulatory materials on legal activities.
    3. 2.3. Ethics of communication with government agencies, local governments, legal entities and individuals.
    4. 2.4. Office standards.
    5. 2.5. The procedure for systematizing, recording and maintaining legal documentation using modern information technologies.
    6. 2.6. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.
    7. 2.7. Text editors and special legal software.
    8. 2.8. Internal labor regulations.
  3. The legal assistant reports directly to the lawyer.

II. Job responsibilities

Legal Assistant:

  1. Using legal databases, archives, and other sources, searches for legal information on the topics specified by the lawyer.
  2. Analyzes the information found and prepares a list of regulations most relevant to the given topic.
  3. Every day he gets acquainted with the list of normative legal acts adopted and entered into force through databases, analysis of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, specialized legal publications and prepares for the lawyer an overview of the most important normative legal documents.
  4. Develops draft legal documents (contracts, requests, claims, suits, complaints) of small volume and complexity and submits them to a lawyer for correction and approval.
  5. On behalf of a lawyer, he travels to state and judicial authorities, local governments, and third-party organizations to resolve simple legal issues (submitting and receiving documents, receiving clarifications, performing other legal actions).
  6. Keeps track of legal documentation.
  7. Responsible for correspondence sent by the lawyer and received for the lawyer.
  8. Reports to the lawyer for the results of his work.

III. Rights

A legal assistant has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
  2. Submit proposals for the lawyer’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.
  3. Require the lawyer to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The legal assistant is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Lawyers of enterprises or law firms can hire a legal assistant to perform simple work. The main requirement for such an employee is to have at least 3 courses in the law department of an institute (academy, university) or completed secondary legal education.

I. General provisions

1. A legal assistant belongs to the category of technical performers.

3. A legal assistant must know:

3.1. Fundamentals of substantive and procedural law.

3.2. Methodological and regulatory materials on legal activities.

3.3. Ethics of communication with government agencies, local governments, legal entities and individuals.

3.4. Office standards.

3.5. The procedure for systematizing, recording and maintaining legal documentation using modern information technologies.

3.6. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.

3.7. Text editors and special legal software.

3.8. Internal labor regulations.

4. The legal assistant reports directly to the lawyer.

II. Job responsibilities

Legal Assistant:

1. Using legal databases, archives, and other sources, searches for legal information on the topics specified by the lawyer.

2. Analyzes the information found and prepares a list of regulations that are most relevant to the given topic.

3. Every day he gets acquainted with the list of normative legal acts adopted and entered into force through databases, analysis of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, specialized legal publications and prepares for the lawyer an overview of the most important normative legal documents.

4. Develops draft legal documents (contracts, requests, claims, lawsuits, complaints) of small volume and complexity and submits them to a lawyer for correction and approval.

5. On behalf of a lawyer, he travels to state and judicial authorities, local government bodies, and third-party organizations to resolve simple legal issues (submitting and receiving documents, receiving clarifications, performing other legal actions).

6. Keeps track of legal documentation.

7. Responsible for correspondence sent by the lawyer and received for the lawyer.

8. Reports to the lawyer for the results of his work.

III. Rights

A legal assistant has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

2. Submit proposals for the lawyer’s consideration to improve work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3. Require the lawyer to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The legal assistant is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Lawyers of enterprises or law firms can hire a legal assistant to perform simple work. The main requirement for such an employee is to have at least 3 courses in the law department of an institute (academy, university) or completed secondary legal education.

A lawyer's assistant is the most interesting job

A lawyer may resort to the work of assistants in his activities. His assistant must be a person who has a higher, incomplete higher or secondary legal education, has no previous convictions and is fully capable. A lawyer's assistant cannot practice law. He must only carry out the instructions given to him by his boss.

What is the job of a legal assistant?

The career of a lawyer directly depends on the personal qualities of a person, on the insight of his mind and the acuity of his thinking. A thorough knowledge of the law also makes you a lawyer. The talent of this profession lies in the art of “reading” a situation through the prism of the law, and not everyone is capable of this. Also, a successful career necessarily requires constant development and self-improvement of professional skills. It’s not possible to simply sit quietly at work for many years in this profession.

Profession lawyer

Often, while still studying, you can get a job as a legal assistant or legal adviser. Such work will not bring a lot of money, but it will give you some experience, understanding of legal activities and lawyer skills. This experience and skills will make it easier to become a full-fledged lawyer.

Legal assistant: job responsibilities and instructions

Not every person is suited to work in the legal field. Any profession requires a certain set of personal qualities. So, if you decide to become a legal assistant, and subsequently a full-fledged lawyer, you must have the following character traits:

Law Club Conference

"Bring it, give it, let's go. Don't disturb." Rude, but true. The work is purely technical: pick up a piece of paper, deliver a piece of paper, copy something, type something. And along the way, you will become familiar with the procedures, remember the addresses and operating hours of government agencies, read the same papers and learn how to compose them.

Profession assistant lawyer

In general, my job is to carry out individual assignments of a lawyer, which can be very diverse. This includes the preparation of documents for the trial, and the implementation of business correspondence, and the generalization of law enforcement practice, and the systematization of regulatory material. I also receive visitors and advise them on simple legal issues, draw up the necessary procedural documents: claims, claims, complaints.

Responsibilities of a legal assistant

The big disadvantage of performing the duties of a legal assistant is that even incredibly high-quality performance does not bring a high income. But there is no need to be upset. After all, this is only the beginning of a career path, and the most interesting things are sure to await the best. And it goes without saying that this is routine and monotonous work. If a young legal assistant does not master it, then it means he has nothing to do in law.

What is it like to be a paralegal? Why and why is this necessary?

All these skills will come in handy more than once, since after the next trip to some government agency, its location, address, opening hours and office telephone number are stored in long-term memory and quite often help when there is neither the Internet nor a banal city map at hand.

Profession: legal assistant

Conduct an analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and summarize judicial practice. Assist the lawyer in drafting statements, complaints, petitions and other legal documents. Provide assistance in preparing statements of claim, including preparation of all necessary documents, certification of copies of documents by a notary. Travel to the lawyer’s clients to transfer or receive documents. Prepare documents for the lawyer’s clients, organize and conduct office work in the legal profession; prepare and execute agreements for the provision of legal assistance, number them and store them in the prescribed manner.

Legal assistant - what are the responsibilities

This is not an idle question. Next year, my second daughter, who is now working as an assistant investigator, will receive her diploma. She wants to change her occupation (five years of investigation have convinced her that she needs to change direction), she says that she will first become an assistant lawyer - is this possible?

What does a paralegal do in a law firm?

Every law student sooner or later begins to think about the practical application of their knowledge and skills. Some people forget about their specialty and continue to study at the law school out of inertia, while others decide to seriously and permanently connect their lives with jurisprudence. In my case, I can be classified as the second type of student.

What are the responsibilities of a legal assistant? ─

Whatever one may say, but paralegal He must always be ready to stand in line at the city administration and other government agencies, since the road there will be familiar to him. Something completely different is important here, ─ paralegal paves his way into the future by making useful contacts, which he can use when he himself achieves career success.

Legal assistant is a wonderful profession

When a trial is scheduled, the lead lawyer takes over the case. At his request, I must prepare the necessary documents for the court. If the lawyer wins the case, then I wait for the allotted period for the defendant to appeal the case - 30 days. Then I send an application to the court by fax for the issuance of a writ of execution. When a sheet arrives from the court, I send it by registered mail to the bailiffs for execution. The client receives money. If the bank does not agree with the decision and appeals it, then I write an appeal. There is nothing complicated in drawing up various documents: as a rule, I have all the templates for claims, complaints and complaints.

Who is a paralegal?

So, paralegal must be able to work with the following questions. Firstly, with the current regulatory framework. Secondly, to select legislative acts that are necessary to resolve issues that, in turn, often arise in the activities of lawyers.