Registration divisions of traffic police in the Novosibirsk region.

It's just some kind of horror! I’m driving a minibus, a jeep flies in the back of me, well, what can I say, it happens to everyone, it’s slippery. We draw up the European protocol, go to the Ingosstrakh website, look where to submit the package of documents, let me remind you that, according to the OSAGO law, I have 5 days to submit documents to the insurance company. On the site I see the nearest office on Stantsionnaya st. 30a (office...

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It's just some kind of horror! I’m driving a minibus, a jeep flies in the back of me, well, what can I say, it happens to everyone, it’s slippery. We draw up the European protocol, go to the Ingosstrakh website, look where to submit the package of documents, let me remind you that, according to the OSAGO law, I have 5 days to submit documents to the insurance company. On the site I see the nearest office at Stantsionnaya st. According to the OSAGO law, I have to provide documents to your insurance company. "They say:" There is a mistake on the site, we only sell here, but no one taught us to accept it "))) Well, where to give the question? They say to an independent examination in Bolshevik I mean, they verbally send it to the company with which they cooperate. I say give a written referral there? After all, this is not Ingosstrakh, but I have to give the documents to the insurance Ingosstrakh, and you send it to the "Nissan Center" which does not relate to Ingosstrakh in any way. give, I write a claim and a statement in free written form. I call the head of this office at Stationnaya, he says the practice is such that everyone goes there, but he is not in business and does not do this. I call Nissan Cent and ask how to give documents, they say registration, free registration only in a week))) I say that in general, according to the law on OSAGO, I have only 5 days to submit documents, to which they say "well, something like that", "no way"))) I signed up, I come on the agreed day setting late time, the guy manager is sitting, he says I was late for 30 minutes, I explain that as far as I understand they told me from 12:30 to 13:30, and I arrived at 13:00, and I’m smiling for a minute)) The manager says everything collapses, you need to re-record, and he himself does not record, but you need to call. Being at the Nissan Center, I call the Nissan Center and ask them to sign me up, despite the fact that I am booked and my time is running out, and they tell me everything is busy for a week ahead, come back in a week))) Can you imagine?) They say shove your law to yourself do you know where?) I freaked out, I call a lawyer, he dictates a claim to me, a statement in free written form, on the fact that the insurance company refused to accept my package of documents about the occurrence of an insured event, on the fact that the manager prevented fixing the fact in the insurance company, the lawyer himself calls to the prosecutor's office and appoints me a time; This shirt-guy manager just goes somewhere, leaving his job, he’s not there for an hour, I write a review in the complaint book, I call consumer protection, I write a statement to the director of the Nissan center and notify him and his employee of the invitation as a defendant if the insurance company tells me will refuse to pay due to the delay in the submission of documents by me! And only after all this scribbling, complaints, calls, swearing, I was told to give me the documents))) Objectively, I'm right, but I'm shocked and this is the first time I've come across this) This is insurance fraud, lack of company standards and inconsistency of personnel with the positions held. That is, they understand that they are violating the law, my rights, and dropping the reputation of the UK, but they can’t do anything, since these are the norms and internal regulations of the UK. Then they accepted the package, they say you will show the car? An independent examination costs 2tr. I refuse because I know that according to the law I should not pay, I provide the car if you want, see it or not, I won’t give money. Well said, drive for free. In general, it is worth going there to insure if you are a good lawyer and know your rights, at every step they want to deceive and delay payments, or even refuse it. Immediately from them I went to another independent examination, I don’t trust their “avtodozor”, I think it’s a fake one. A third-party independent in words totals 120-140tr, documents everything, wait for the sheet for 3 days, we will see how many of their independent "avtodozor" counts, I won't be surprised if they mess up too .... In general, I do not advise adequate people to contact Ingosstrakh, save your nerves, any other, but not this insurance, because what difference does it make which insurance to pay if the corridor and the rate are the same everywhere, but other things being equal, there are too many movements and just quiet horror ....

Let me explain everything in order. For me, this is the first experience. My old X-Trail came to us from the country of the rising...

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I will tell you the real story. If you believe me, you will be rewarded. If not, then you can check everything yourself, because. both the people and the place really exist in Novosibirsk, and you will not regret the time spent.

Let me explain everything in order. For me, this is the first experience. My old X-Trail came to us from the land of the rising sun. Came to me "inherited" as the second car in the family. Under any weather conditions: snow, ice, slush, off-road - it was reliable and never failed, despite the control of female hands. This was the main reason for my long and stubborn reluctance to change the confidence, reliability, finally, the car to "what if the new car will be no worse."

But, alas, the moment of parting was inexorably approaching, and I began my, as I thought, fascinating journey. There was no certainty with a specific brand of “my” car, but I knew exactly which brands of cars I would not look at.

But that's not all. During the trip to the salons, I felt for myself that, despite the no less number of female motorists, men “dominate” in this area. The intonations of colloquial speech are very multifaceted, they can be used both individually and in any combination: ironic, condescending, dismissive, haughty about the price, with rapture about the brand, and with no less rapture about their own knowledge of the stuffing of cars. From me, the managers only needed confirmation of the availability of a certain amount, in order to certainly foist, vtyuhat, or as "it" is also called, something more expensive.

There is one more detail. The most powerful and frequently asked question is: “What kind of car do you want?”. This is about the filling of the car, not about the model. Gentlemen managers, let me explain to you. I can kill a lot of time to run through all the missing abbreviations in my old car like: AVM, HBA, IPA, BSW, MOD, DAS, LDW, etc., and get the same confusion in my head from them. But! How much I need these systems, that I won’t drive without them - that’s honestly - I don’t know, I can’t say, because. got along just fine without them.

Move on. I went hunting for the car alone. This has its own charm: you can safely inspect various models as much as you want and where you want to sit in the car, enjoy the color, for example. No one pushes, no comments "forget it, like a bad dream."

With me there was only a minimum set of requirements: the car should be smaller, in extreme cases, no more than my previous one, 4WD, high ground clearance, not black. If she also behaves confidently on the road and is obedient, then we will definitely make friends with her. And since there are no girls without whims, then ideally I would like - red or blue!

Further events developed like this. Having visited different salons, I went to Expert-NSK without much desire to have any conversations, just to see, “try” the Nissan Qashqai equipment. The model I wanted was not available. I remember that in response to the proposal to consider other models, I answered the manager that "we will not waste each other's time."

And then everything turned out completely unpredictable. After a couple of phrases, I understand that the manager wants to hear my wishes, my preferences, in a word - to hear what I want from the new car. A comparison sheet of Qashqai configurations has already appeared, and I and Andrey, the sales manager, as old friends, discussed the pros / cons of not abbreviations of technical bells and whistles, but the convenience for the driver if they are available as interior filling. All my hundreds of thousands of questions instantly crashed against the reasoned arguments of the manager Andrey.

Now I will give an example.

Me: - I'm against the panoramic roof! Therefore, I do not consider models with it.

Andrei: - Children love the panoramic roof very much, they have something to distract themselves with, therefore, children are calmer on the road. If they are sitting in gadgets, then more lighting.

From the question “what if the branch falls?” I learned how the roof is repaired.

And an infinite number of useful things, not only in words, but also on a test drive of a car.

As a result, more money was spent. I note that they are very satisfied with the purchase: both in color (not red and not blue), and from the roof to the tires!

I boldly and confidently say that we were provided with highly oriented customer service!

Support "before", "during" and "after the transaction". This is important and necessary for the client. Exhaustive answers to sensitive financial questions, everything is transparent and understandable.

I want to note the professionalism, tact, ability to negotiate, high expertise.

I will repeat myself again. THANK YOU Andrey!

All of the above, I affirm - confidently contact the manager Andrey Putrin, you will not regret the time spent.

There is still a fly in the ointment. The cat was dissatisfied. Now he moves strictly in a carrier, about which he sings plaintive songs. Well, not all leather interiors are scratched by a cat!)

That's all.

I left with pleasure.