Landing page examples are beautiful. Examples of selling landing page

Sales Generator

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Landing is the face of your company on the World Wide Web; if the user doesn’t like it, he will simply close the page and forget about you. To prevent this from happening, we suggest studying the best landing pages. Examples will help you navigate creating your own one-page website.

From this article you will learn:

  1. What is a landing page
  2. Who better to entrust its creation
  3. 13 tips for creating a landing page + successful examples
  4. What should a landing page be like for an online store?
  5. Examples of high-converting landing pages

What is a landing page

You can find a lot of materials and descriptions of practical examples on the topic of creating landing pages. This topic is really vast, so it’s difficult to collect all the methods and tips in one article, but we did it briefly, describing everything in accessible language.

Landing is a one-page site. Its task is to attract the visitor’s attention and encourage him to take the action desired by the customer (purchase a product, subscribe to a newsletter, call, leave a request).

If we turn to the original meaning, landing page translated from English means “target” or “landing page”. Many such resources are widely available on the Internet.

Three reasons to create a landing page:

  • Good motivation. A high-quality landing page stimulates the visitor to take the necessary actions.
  • Creation speed. A landing page can be created quickly enough, and the cost of work in this case is significantly lower than when writing a full-fledged website.
  • Possibility of transformation. If necessary, making changes to the landing page will not be difficult.

Three tasks of a landing page:

  1. Selling a product. For this purpose, stimulating words are used (“buy”, “leave a request”, “call”, “place an order”).
  2. Collection of information. The terms “subscribe” and “learn more” are used for this purpose.
  3. Spreading software through sales.

Algorithm for making sales using a landing page consists of four stages:

  • visitors saw a link to the landing page (for example, 100 people);
  • became interested, clicked and made the transition (for example, 40 people);
  • left a request (for example, 10 people);
  • purchased the product (for example, two people).

A return of 2% is a good result. It cannot, of course, be called winning, but in this case there is room for further improvement.

A landing page is necessary for a company in the following cases:

1. Low conversion of the company’s main Internet resource.

If visitors quickly leave a company's website without making a purchase or other necessary actions, this indicates low conversion. At the same time, the enterprise may not have the resources to relaunch this site or create a new one, the selling capabilities of which will be significantly better.

PP/OP * 100%,

where PP is the number of users who performed the target action, OP is the total number of visitors to the resource per day.

For example, in 24 hours, 360 people visited your site, 18 visitors subscribed. In this case, the conversion will be 5%.

In RuNet, average website conversion rates fluctuate at 0.5%, while landing page conversions range from 5 to 10%. This difference demonstrates the clear advantage of landing pages over full-fledged websites.

2. Launch of a new product.

In this case, it is necessary to place contextual advertising on the landing page, identical to the banners that will appear to search engine visitors when entering the necessary queries.

3. Solving a specific problem.

Many marketing tasks can arise simultaneously, so it is not advisable to change the company’s main website to accommodate them. To solve them, a landing page is created.

However, in order for it to truly “work”, the following actions must be taken:

However, it is a mistake to consider the landing page as the only communication channel. It is an auxiliary tool. The main actions are carried out using a blog, e-mail marketing, etc. Putting everything on a one-page website is extremely ineffective.

If a visitor wants to find your company using search engines, examples of a constantly updated corporate blog and communication on your pages on social networks will help him understand that the company does not exist on paper. Therefore, it will be easier for him to decide to make a call or request by returning to the one-page page.

Simply put, this is an example of a sales landing page that “works” in conjunction with other company marketing resources that enhance the sales effect.

Who to trust to create your landing page

Your landing page should have clear instructions

The image above shows an excellent example of a landing page that does not sell or ask for a download, but it is very effective because it presents the information that visitors are interested in (in particular, the search for original auto parts) in a concise and accessible way.

A laconic design, a clear offer that meets the requirements of a huge number of thematic queries, clear instructions - this is an example of a high-quality landing page.

Make your call to action clear

When a visitor visits the site for the first time, he automatically begins to look for an answer to the question he is interested in, thanks to which he switched to your landing page. The less time spent searching, the higher the chances of getting that client. The statistics are merciless: 80% of the target audience leaves the page in the first 15 seconds. Causes:

  • It is impossible to immediately find the information of interest.

It is not for nothing that this material constantly mentions stimulating words “subscribe”, “order”, “buy”, etc. Such a call immediately attracts the visitor’s attention. This example may seem funny to some, but if your landing page has a big red button labeled “buy now”, this can give excellent results.

  • No specific offer.

Numerous animations, Caps Lock, and unclear page navigation disorientate the visitor, who cannot find the button responsible for purchasing or receiving a newsletter, and wants to quickly leave this chaos.

To add specificity to the call and make it clear, you need to follow the rules:

  • Two rectangular red buttons with a capacious verb in the center, placed at the beginning and end of the page.
  • The text must be made extremely clear. Any visitor should immediately understand what he will get as a result of certain actions.
  • “Garbage” that distracts from the main idea is unacceptable» (incomprehensible graphics, non-thematic images, third-party banners, etc.).
  • The exclusivity of the product is emphasized by the numbers. Leave synonymous praising adjectives to your competitors. The visitor should see mathematically expressed results of using your product, especially if it is compared with analogues. A red button must accompany these examples.
  • Show your client how profitable your offer is. It is also better to use numbers here.

But you should not consider the client a beginner in online sales, using obvious advertising tricks or using them in excess. The visitor will consider such an offer too intrusive and will probably leave your landing page.

Consider relevance

Contextual advertising and landing page must be relevant, that is, their content must correspond to each other and the expectations of a potential client. Otherwise, a visitor who clicks on a thematic banner and goes to your landing page will not be able to immediately find the information they are interested in and will most likely leave the resource.

It is necessary to effectively generate a landing page for each traffic channel (social networks, contextual advertising, etc.).

Above is an example of a high-quality landing page using a large number of keywords.

Prepare responses to customer objections

Only one in 10 customers purchases a product without thinking twice. Most landing page visitors carefully weigh their choice, fearing fraud or dissatisfaction with the product. Fears may also be based on the client’s desire to keep the fact of the purchase secret.

Such fears are natural and cannot be avoided. Therefore, the landing page text should predict them in advance and reassure the client. Add convincing arguments to your content that can completely dispel all doubts:

  • Money back guarantee. The client must be sure that he will be able to return the product he does not like within a certain time.
  • Free testing, which gives the customer the opportunity to try the product without paying in advance.

Such a selling example of a landing page is the landing page of a vocal studio offering online singing lessons.

What should a landing page be like for an online store (examples)

Any purchase on the Internet is necessarily accompanied by filling out a large number of registration forms and many iterations related to account confirmation, etc. Such actions take a lot of time and cannot be avoided. This approach forces some visitors to abandon the purchase.

Landing page does not require registration or account confirmation. After filling out several lines, the visitor’s data is automatically entered into the client database, and he has the opportunity to order a “call back”.

Don’t forget that the conversion rate of a landing page is often 10 times higher than that of a full-fledged website. The multi-page format of a web resource can confuse the visitor, who sometimes forgets about the original purpose of his “visit”.

A one-page website does not allow this, because the information on it is presented extremely clearly and concisely, and the offer itself is concise and encourages a person to take the necessary actions. When converted to mobile devices, a landing page leads to an increase in sales (growth rates reach up to 30%).

When a one-page website is equipped with a catalog and full-fledged online store capabilities, it is able to increase sales of one product category. The product is placed on the landing page and sold from there. Or from a one-page site the visitor is directed to the catalog to the product page.

If a shopping cart is placed on the landing page, it automatically becomes a store. The client will find out all the information of interest in the shortest possible time and make a purchase in one click.

Landing page for selling watches

Watches were, are and will be one of the most popular products. Depending on the functionality, they can be a sign of a certain status and perform specific tasks. Such a wide range of opportunities gives rise to enormous competition in this niche, and it is extremely difficult to gain a leading position here.

A selling landing page is perfect for this purpose. For example, to go to a one-page site, you can use teaser, targeted and contextual advertising, and social networks.

For a landing page to make your watch stand out from your competitors, it must have an original structure, attractive design, and meaningful content. To do this, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. For placement on the landing page, it is better to use images taken in your watch store. As a rule, stock photos are too hackneyed and therefore will not inspire confidence among visitors. With the help of a picture, you can create a certain mood in the client, so you should think through the idea of ​​​​the photo in advance.
  2. If a visitor is not completely sure of his choice, he will add several options to the cart. Most likely, none of them will meet absolutely all the wishes, and the purchase will not be completed. Make a choice for the buyer, stylistically highlighting the best option.
  3. You can post photos of employees or managers. This “humanization” of the landing page will help increase customer loyalty.
  4. Any purchase is emotionally charged. Show visitors how buying a watch makes people feel and subsequent possession.
  5. They “work” to increase the loyalty of new customers

I have put together a collection of 14 excellent landing pages. I collected more than one day, but on March 17, 2017, they could all be visited by clicking on an advertisement in the search results of Yandex or Google. As a rule, in special accommodation.

That is, just a couple of days ago they were alive. Unfortunately, most of the previous examples of landing pages are already dead. I tried to explain why they die. I hope that most of the landing pages in this collection will live longer than a year.

As always, I remind you that you can click on every picture on the first screen of the landing page. This will download the full version of the landing page. If you are reading this post from a smartphone, then keep in mind that some of the landing page screenshots exceed 10MB.

1. Science children's show

Landing page for a children's party

When I first saw this landing page, I thought that this was an excellent example of a business that could not be ruined by any errors on the landing page. The show is hosted by TV presenters, and among the customers there is a whole Hollywood star - Steven Seagal. Well, the idea itself is very bright. So the conversion rate of this landing page is probably very high. But. A quick search brought up this delightful specimen:

2 Educational holiday

Alternative landing page for the holiday

This is essentially the same business. Maybe even the same owner. Or one of the businesses operates as a franchise. Personally, I would open my wallet to get a bank plastic card on the second landing page. Why? And then they showed more details on the video, worked on objections (calmed the reptilian part of the brain, if we use neuromarketing terminology) and showed prices. And there are celebrities among the clients too. Let others too.

3 Landing for well drilling - glamorous

Glamorous landing page for well drilling

I will not comment on this landing page. It should only be considered in conjunction with the following. He was included in the list for contrast.

4 Landing for drilling wells - brutal

Brutal landing page for drilling

Tricky question. Who will you take your money to: a virtual girl with a glass of water or a bunch of real men with at least five drilling rigs in the Urals and a Kamaz truck to boot?

Now it’s clear why it’s harmful to get carried away with stock photography? There is also a drilling rig on the landing page with the girl. One. And at night. Somewhere deep at the bottom of the landing page. But not every bird will reach this screen.

5 Landing page for custom kitchens

Landing page of custom kitchens

The designer gets a solid B for the landing page. Rate the marketer yourself. I will only note the lack of ideas of the 20% discount on the first screen. A kitchen can cost 10,000 rubles, or it can cost more than a million. Different price segments. Therefore, a 20% discount is either 2,000 rubles or more than 200,000 rubles. I'm not even talking about the fact that this is usually a discount on yesterday's markup.

There are a couple of suitable marketing solutions, but we still need to get to the bottom of them. On the website, not on the landing page. In general, the furniture business is extremely difficult. High competition with little variety of facades.

6 Tailoring suits to order St. Petersburg

Landing page of custom suits

My favorite landing page in today's collection. You can call it a landing page in St. Petersburg. There is nothing superfluous. Asian screaming. Window to Europe 🙂 The only drawback is the formatting of reviews. But the Instagram account saves me.

Yes, they won the battle for my wallet.

7 Tailoring suits to order Switzerland

Landing page for tailoring suits from Switzerland

This is the losing landing page in the battle for my wallet. However, I am adding it to this review to show you two features. The first is how to do reviews correctly.

The second feature is called emotional involvement of the client. It has a dramatic effect on both conversion and positions in search results. In this case, it is a costume designer.

Don't burn the chips too much! 🙂

8 Repair and decoration of apartments

Landing page for apartment renovation and decoration

If you came here to look at beautiful pictures, then you can say wow, what nonsense. But this is an excellent example of an entrepreneur working with his head in a very, very competitive market. Okay, not great, but definitely good. In 99.9% of cases, repairs are much more neglected.

And this is the (not very frequent) case when investing in landing page design will be justified. Repairs are still chosen with the eyes. But handling objections is worthy of respect.

9 excursions around Moscow

Landing page for Moscow excursions

The longest landing page. I liked the business idea. It’s difficult to comment on the landing page itself. Unless you ask Blok:

Millions of you. We are darkness, and darkness, and darkness.
Try it and fight us!
Yes, we are Scythians! Yes, we are Asians
With slanted and greedy eyes!

The difficult legacy of the Byzantine Empire.

10 Cookies

Loyalty cookies

Business idea - five. Execution...

One day I received these cookies. The whole box. Reading messages is fun. The problem is that the cookies themselves suck. Probably because they waited too long in the wings. Or maybe they were just so nasty to begin with.

By the way, in Italy, the manufacturer of chocolate candies, in which notes with predictions are inserted, makes sure that during the warm season, candies under his brand are removed from sale in all stores. Cares about his reputation.

What I liked about the landing page was that almost every screen featured the main character, a cookie. As a result, even reviews seem reliable at first glance. And at second glance, no one reads them. So that's it.

11 Delivery service

Delivery service landing

The entire landing page, just like the business, looks well thought out. But with the first screen there is complete... fulfillment. Never, I emphasize again, NEVER do not use words on the landing page that are terms known only to a narrow circle of people.

Moreover, full is complete. The oil has come out. The content of this service (is it a service?) is not clear. And among potential clients there are definitely a lot of people who will see this word at the boarding gate for the first time in their lives. So this is a direct loss in conversion.

Well, right under the call to action button there is a serious design mistake. From the contents of the landing page it follows that refunds are made without commission. But from the first screen we can assume that the return costs 0.5%. The designer simply placed two unrelated sentences side by side. Is the word Return written with a capital letter? Written. And the fact that it reads as one sentence - who cares?

And did you notice the video play button? I saw it only when I looked at the screenshot for the 3rd or 4th time.

In general, if you throw out almost all the inscriptions from the first screen, replacing them with the most important one from the 4th screen (about exclusive delivery conditions), you will get a landing page that is close to ideal.

12 Alignment of mustaches and beards


This is a service whose meaning I will never understand. On the advice of Dmitry Puchkov (aka Goblin), I have been cutting my hair to zero with a clipper for many years. And I won’t make Heisenberg from Breaking Bad. Except Jesse. Therefore, I will not undertake to evaluate the selling qualities of the landing page.

I took it into my collection out of respect for my entrepreneurial spirit. The owner of this barber shop understands that the service is essentially glamorous, and bearded people do not want any associations with Conchita Wurst. Hence the attempt to add a slight touch of brutality to the image of the business.

13 Sandwich

Landing page of the sandwich.

The business idea is great. Design too. Marketing efforts on the first page are worse than in the case of full fulfillment.

Selling cakes by the kilo, like fattening pigs, is worse than ever. I understand that the teachers at the culinary college taught it this way, because they themselves worked or studied back in Soviet times. But you have to use your head!

Cakes are eaten in portions. A serving is approximately 200 grams, which means there are 5 servings per kilogram, the cost of a serving is 220 rubles. So why not write: from 220 rubles per serving, minimum cake size for 10 servings?


Without a strong design, an online business will not “take off” - or, at least, will not open up 100%. Our blog category is dedicated to the appearance of landing pages - . But today we will look at successful examples of product landing page design.

Pay attention to the role of the “main image” or “hero image” in each example - it lays down the selling potential of the landing page.

We hope these cases inspire you to test your own.


The website of the designer clothing and accessories store Hebe Boutique is an example of harmonious, thoughtful design. The main image immediately attracts attention, and the product photographs are of high quality. The typography is also pleasing: the font thickness is larger than standard, which, together with high-quality photos, gives a good visual image.


This eCommerce site has a nice design theme. The developers abandoned the traditional white background, which made the resource stand out from similar ones. Like the example above, Ticklers use great photos. Large, rotating images show how clothing fits and looks on real people in real conditions.

An interesting format for social proof - test it on yours.


After the transition, it’s immediately clear that this is a women’s clothing store. The combination of high-quality women’s photos with information blocks about discounts, promotions, delivery conditions, etc. is noteworthy.


The Ada Blackjack online store sells bags and backpacks. The design is simple and is based on good product photos. This layout does not distract from the main thing - the products.


AMBSN is an eCommerce site for selling clothing. Given the high competition, the owners decided to stand out with a bright design - fortunately, the style of clothing allows this.


Another way to stand out is through custom design. An example is the clothing and home goods store RYDER, with a very creative layout (see menu in the screenshot). It’s worth testing how this affects landing page conversion.


It is believed that on the main page it is worth indicating benefits (free shipping, promotions, sales, etc.) and posting photos of popular products. Or just a product display, as a last resort. But looking at Morepork's website, it seems like the company is selling itself rather than its products.

Perhaps the tactic is justified - it’s worth testing it to find out and make sure.


Dick Moby sells glasses, and the brand’s landing page has a lot of strong design moves:

  • abstract symbols on the title banner create a relaxed atmosphere, inviting you to explore the assortment;
  • high-quality photographs of goods;
  • There is no background in the photo with glasses - nothing distracts from the product.


The Horse captivates with its originality. The home page design is built on square blocks. The first one contains delivery information, the rest contains an Instagram photo of the product. It's interesting because it's unusual.


The brand sells false eyelashes. They are in the center of the composition, and thanks to enlarged photos of the product (and its packaging), the product attracts attention from the first seconds.


The design of Mahabis reflects an important aspect of the offer - high quality. The user can appreciate the smallest details - this inspires confidence and encourages purchase.


Poketo is an example of competent placement of color accents. Although there is a lot of bright colors on the main page, in general, the design is not oversaturated with them. The site is rather light, pastel, and bright spots of color only attract attention.


Jackie Smith is another “bright” eCommerce site. As in the example above, the visual balance is well maintained. Important elements are highlighted in rich colors - photos of products and blocks with promotions. Everything else is black and white.


Grovemade's design bridges the gap between the home page and the storefront—the site sells wooden coasters, stationery, and accessories. Much of the screenshot below is brand products. The placement of the product in the photo is carefully thought out, and the non-standard - somewhat rounded - font complements the artistic concept.


In the Muroexe online shoe store, products are well arranged and presented in a neat grid. The design has a lot of empty space, which creates a light effect and improves the user experience.


The first screen of the Greyrock online store contains only photos. It shows furniture that can be assembled easily and without tools (a real USP). A girl with a book and the inscription in the title complement the composition, as if saying: “Take it easy, order furniture, quickly assemble it and relax.”

By the way, this landing page is made on a very simple layout. In the LPgenerator template gallery you can find many similar ready-made pages, and the extensive one will allow you to adjust the selected layouts without special knowledge:


The simplicity and beauty of Helbak ceramics are successfully reflected on the brand’s website. The simple outlines of the products are complemented by the empty space around the images.


Another online store in the “Nothing extra” style. Although the design does not have any special features, it does not leave an impression of incompleteness. Everything is in place, nothing distracts from the list of goods.


A site with a simple design, without numerous product photos. At the same time, the layout is built on “pure” black and white shades, creating an advantageous contrast with the photo of jewelry.


Online store THING IND. offers custom products for the home. The concept is reflected in the design of the landing pages. The site uses a dark blue font instead of black (including for navigation). The designers created a relaxed atmosphere, which is not typical for the eCommerce industry.


Soap Co. they present the product in such a way that it “sells itself.” There are no advertising elements - only photos and text. A great example of minimalism in design.

22. RSVP

Rich, stylish design. There are many elements, but attention does not wander. Even the corners are occupied - they contain the brand abbreviation.

23. Ratio

The design conveys the essence of the offer: high-quality coffee equipment. Each product has its own landing page, with a list of functions and benefits. The design pleases with high-quality photographs, thoughtful colors, and competent play with typography.


The Frank Body online store offers modern skin care products. Since the target audience is young people, the site design is appropriate. The effect is achieved with a monotype font and pastel colors.

By the way, from now on you no longer need to open the Google Fonts service to get third-party fonts, because now fonts are connected directly from .

We have added all the fonts from the Google Fonts collection to a visual gallery, and all you need to do is select the appropriate font, click on the connect button and use it for new or existing texts on the landing page.

25. Rest.

Rest. sells handmade stationery. The design concept conveys the solidity and orderly life of wealthy people - this is achieved with good product photos and short selling texts.

Last update: 08/05/2019

Hello, readers of the financial magazine “”! Today we’ll talk about landing, what it is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, etc.

Landing(“landing page” or landing page ) is a fairly well-known term that refers to a web page with a specific specification. However, not everyone knows the essence of such pages.

So, what is a landing page? A brief definition of “landing page” can be stated as follows - this is an Internet page on a domain, subdomain in the format html/css(or a friend).

Landing page interested in people who sell various goods on the Internet.

This “landing page” will not contain annoying ads, useless text, flashing banners or pop-up menus.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a landing page and how to use it;
  • What are the advantages of a landing page compared to a regular website;
  • How to create a landing page yourself for free and promote it online;
  • Which landing page designers are the best and where to download ready-made templates;
  • How to make money on landing pages and what taxes you need to pay.

We wish you a productive study of materials!

What is Landing (landing page), what types it comes in, how to create it yourself and other information, read further in the article

1. What is a landing page (or landing page) - its features and advantages 📌

Landing page is a one-page website on the network that can have several names:

  • landing page or landing page;
  • "lendos";
  • customer capture page.

The main task of the landing page is to encourage website visitors to take some active action - call, leave a request, purchase a product, subscribe to the newsletter etc.

That is, landing page is an Internet marketing tool designed to increase sales of various goods or services on the Internet.

1.1. Landing page development history

Landing page was invented in the USA about 10 years ago by Internet marketers.

At a certain point, they began to realize that competition in the market was constantly increasing. Websites and online stores are improving and visitors cannot always understand what is the advantage of one company over another.

Serious competition in the industry was the primary reason for the creation of a landing page.

An example of an ideal selling landing page

1.2. Goals and objectives of the landing page

The purpose of the landing page is to obtain contacts of possible buyers who have visited this one-page site.

Note! The sale of a product/service is carried out at the next stage, after the visitor’s targeted action, that is, submitting an application for consultation.

Internet marketing experts say that a high-quality landing page can increase website conversion several times. When used correctly, landing pages can increase sales conversion by 8-35%.

1.3. Sales funnel and conversion

Any website owner is constantly looking for ways to increase its popularity and maximize sales.

The main criteria by which it is determined Internet resource efficiency, are "sales funnel" And "site conversion". By understanding the essence of these concepts, you can find out the level of your sales. Let's take a closer look at these definitions.

Conversion and sales funnel are the main indicators of landing page effectiveness

1) Website conversion

Website conversion is considered the most significant indicator of the effectiveness of an Internet resource.

The conversion value displays the number of page visitors who became buyers of your products/services.

In other words, website conversion is a kind of “marker” that marks the fulfillment of your requirements, namely:

  • purchase of goods;
  • subscription to the newsletter;
  • downloading specific files;
  • registration;
  • other actions.

For example for tourism it is considered quite a normal level 8-13% . But for a website that sells luxury fur coats, the conversion rate is to 10%, and this is considered an excellent indicator. (The fact is that clients here have higher purchasing power).

Important! Typically, conversion rates fluctuate from 2-3% to 20-40%. If the conversion is, for example, 20%, it means that out of one hundred target visitors who visited the site, twenty completed the target action.

Website conversion needs to be constantly improved. To do this, you need to gain the trust of site users. Your website should be user-friendly with easily accessible information.

It is worth noting that the conversion rate of a landing page is always higher than that of a regular website.

2) Sales funnel

A sales funnel can show the number of visitors to your site who did not complete the actions you require. It is a graph in the form of an inverted pyramid. Such a funnel has the following representation:

  • number of unique visitors;
  • the number of unique visitors who performed the actions you require;
  • the number of customers who paid for the product or service.

When used correctly, A sales funnel can become an effective assistant in planning the optimal amount of advertising material and the number of contacts at each sales stage etc.

Based on the sales funnel indicators, we can draw conclusions regarding management quality and the need to adjust work at a certain stage of sales.

This analytical tool provides an understanding of how a potential client makes a decision to purchase the product or service you offer. What pushes him to such an action.

By analyzing these steps, you will be able to exert control over customer behavior through a properly designed landing page.

The value of a sales funnel lies in segmenting a huge mass of buyers by behavior and interests.

Example— there are two people who want to purchase a vehicle.

One has not yet decided what exactly he wants to buy - an airplane or a car. The second one, on the contrary, already clearly knows that he needs a car. These people are completely different- the first, after much thought, will buy a bicycle for himself, but the second is ready to go buy a car even tomorrow.

As a rule, the entire path from interest in your product to the anxious moment of purchasing it is divided into four stages:

  • Stage 1. Awareness;
  • Stage 2. Interest;
  • Stage 3. Decision;
  • Stage 4. Action.

By superimposing these stages on the number of people who are at each stage, the result will actually be a funnel that tapers towards the bottom.

1) At the top there are people who realized that they were interested in a certain product. At this stage, a person tries to find general information about the product he likes, perhaps its analogues, minimum characteristics.

3) In case of making a decision to purchase a product, the client moves to the next stage, in which the key role is given to the clarity and precision of the content. It is he who can motivate a person to make a purchase or become an obstacle to such a decision.

4) At the very bottom of the funnel are people who have moved from the status of site visitors to the status of buyers. If the sales funnel is organized correctly, the client will definitely buy the product on the same site.

The goal of any quality landing page is invisible promotion of the visitor through all stages of the sales funnel from awareness to action. The best tools would be educational articles, step-by-step guides, and infographics.

Important! Product information must be specialized. Its goal is to increase the potential client’s motivation to make a purchase.

Online sales are growing regularly. Along with this, the sales funnel will also change. Perhaps over time it will become more complex. Therefore, it is very important to understand it now.

1.4. Capture Page Performance

The greatest efficiency of landing can be achieved only with participation in the development full team of professionals.

To create a high-quality landing page (before launching it on the Internet), you will need the help of the following specialists.

  1. Project manager. Indicates the ultimate goal when developing a landing page, monitors all stages of the implementation of the technical plan, calculates the return on investment in advertising, and makes all important decisions.
  2. Marketer. His job is to develop a general strategy, create a prototype of the future website, effective affiliate programs and USP (unique selling proposition). It also determines the prospects of the concepts being created and analyzes the results obtained.
  3. Web Designer. Using the approved site prototype as a basis, he develops a landing page layout and is responsible for special effects for the site.
  4. Front-end developer. Engaged in programming and subsequent layout of the landing page, testing the display of the page on different devices, adjusting the operation of forms intended for sending applications and calling from the website.
  5. Copywriter. Writes “selling” content, creates headlines using the 4U method. Also participates in prototyping the landing page and optimizing its semantic blocks.
  6. SEM Contextual specialist. Conducts an analysis of the semantic core, selects target queries for search engines, sets up contextual advertising, analyzes it and, if necessary, refines it (we wrote about how to collect it in a special article).

Only the coordinated work of all specialists can create a truly high-quality landing page.

1.5. Why create a one-page website - 3 main advantages of landing page

Let's look at the main advantages of a landing page compared to other sites and online stores. (Read also our article - where you will find step-by-step instructions on creating and launching a successful IM).

So, let's start in order:

  1. A one-page website will help increase the number of visitors who subscribe to news notifications and e-mail newsletters by approximately 20-30% , compared to a regular site!
  2. Raises by 50% probability of purchasing the product you offer!
  3. Convinces website visitors to download and install a new program or application!

Rules and tips for creating a landing page

2. 13 basic rules for creating your own Landing Page 📎

There are landing pages with conversion 40-60% . Such indicators mean that every second visitor to the site left their data or filled out an application to purchase a product. Two factors contributed to this success:

  1. The bulk of page visitors are this is the target audience. The site was visited by people who were interested in the product offered.
  2. The landing page was created according to traditional rules ensuring high site efficiency.

Rule #1. The landing page must contain one product

Couldn't get your visitor to click on the “buy” button?

To get more clients, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • the user's attention should be focused on one product;
  • tell the client about the benefits of only this specific program;
  • set a discount price for one product;
  • interest the visitor with a newsletter on one topic.

When several products are placed on one screen, the customer’s attention will be scattered. He glances at the entire page. Perhaps he will show interest in some funny picture or flashing discount. However, in the end the tab will still be closed. Not even a minute will pass before a visitor will forget about your site.

If a visitor comes to a website and sees one product that he can focus his attention on, his level of interest will increase. And the likelihood that he will take the action you need will also become very high.

Rule #2. The call to action must be clear

When visiting a page, the first thing a user does is ask himself where he ended up and why.

Important! If in the first seconds of his stay on the page he cannot find answers, the potential client is guaranteed to be lost. It is necessary to provide the visitor clear and understandable information about your product.

Statistics show that about 80% potential buyers leave the site in the first fifteen seconds. The main reasons for this fact are:

  • Lack of motivation to action. That is, the visitor did not find (did not understand) what to do on the site. The person is not offered to order, subscribe, learn more, etc. A high-quality landing page should contain specific calls to someone to take action. If the page does not have a “big red button” with the word “buy” written on it, such a landing page will not bring the desired result;
  • The page is very busy, which confuses the visitor. A person cannot understand what exactly is being offered to him. A lot of scribbled details, a lot of unnecessary animation, etc., only cause irritation for users. Each such element tries to attract a person’s attention. As a result, the main call to purchase or subscribe loses its significance.

These tips will help increase sales of your product.

  1. Red button rectangular in shape with a capacious verb placed in the center to help you. This button should be present at both the beginning and the end of the landing page.
  2. Express yourself clearly and clearly. A clear and concise explanation of what the visitor must do and what he will receive for it is necessary.
  3. Remove anything that might distract from the main idea., namely, unclear headlines, graphics, large advertising banners with other people’s products, neutral pictures, etc.
  4. Convince the client of the exclusivity of the product you offer. When describing the benefits of a product, you should use a lot of comparisons and numbers. Next to this information you need to place red button. Sometimes the decision to purchase a product can be spontaneous. To instantly satisfy the buyer’s desire, this treasured “buy” button is needed.
  5. Outline specific benefits from the visitor's use of your offer.

However, you shouldn’t be too zealous in your desire to get a buyer. The presence of many advertising gimmicks and an intrusive offer to buy a product will only cause negativity in the visitor.

Rule #3. Make selling and catchy headlines

A good landing page has one promotional offer that fits easily into the headline.

Examples of selling headlines: If your product is fluorescent lamps? Here's the title - “Save energy 4 times more efficiently” . Need to invite fatties to the fitness center? Write their dream in the title - “Who wants a TV star figure?” .

Typeface headers are a must use tags h1 and h2. If possible, put key phrases in the headings- these are words or phrases by which customers will find your site through a search engine.

Rule #4. Use intelligently written sales text

The text is the first priority.

Important! You should order a landing page design only after a final, high-quality text has been compiled.

To write a first-class text you need:

  1. create a portrait of the “ideal buyer”, that is, a person who needs your product;
  2. read books about sales psychology and marketing;
  3. learn to engage the visitor in conversation. In this case it will be a monologue. Try to start a virtual dialogue with the client, identify questions that he may have. Write the answers to them in the text. Product Information must be comprehensive. You shouldn't be limited to a certain number of characters.

Nowadays, Internet marketing gurus can hear critical statements about large landing pages. However, if you carefully understand this situation, it becomes clear that the bulk of criticism falls on boring and uninformative texts. But those who like to criticize somehow forget about good, long landing pages.

There is no need to be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is unknown and complex. The client will need to describe each benefit in detail. Give many examples that will prove the benefits of the product.
  2. The product is expensive. To interest a person, you will have to take on board all the superpowers of the landing page - discounts, gifts, warranty and post-warranty service, cases, reviews.

Rule #5. Form your texts correctly

This rule is one of the most significant for the promotion and sale of services or goods.

When formatting the text, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Readable font - 16 point. ( Open Sans, Garamond, Georgia, PT Serif, Arial).
  2. The line should not contain more than 80 characters.
  3. Every 3-5 lines should be formatted as a paragraph.
  4. A subheading is needed for every 2-4 paragraphs. Subheadings must be written in such a way that the user, after reading it, can easily understand what will be discussed in the next paragraph.
  5. Mandatory presence of tables, quotes, lists (numbered or marked).

Rule #6. Less aggressive advertising!!!

Three exclamation points at the end are one of the signs of aggressive advertising. In addition to this, there is also “CAPS LOCK”.

Note! For most people, words or phrases with all capital letters and exclamation marks are suspicious. They develop a strong belief that they want to deceive them.

If a copywriter, content manager or editor uses such things, then this indicates their low qualifications.

It is also not recommended to include in the text hackneyed phrases such as “the lowest prices in the region”, “flexible system of discounts”, “individual approach”, etc. Information that is not supported by facts, figures, comparisons is simply useless. Therefore, it must be removed from the text without any regret.

Rule #7. Competent landing structure

It is necessary to understand how the user's gaze will move.

If all the elements of the page are placed in their place, a person will be able to easily perceive the information. And if the visitor understands the product you offer, the likelihood that he will purchase it will increase significantly.

Also needed visual navigation- these are thematic pictures, icons and arrows. You can attract a person's attention with contrasting colors - highlight headings , make the button red , orange or yellow.

Rule #8. The landing page must be relevant - this is very important!

The concept of relevance means correspondence.

A relevant landing page is a web page that meets the visitor’s expectations.

Landing should be developed not only for each marketing company, but for each traffic source. For example, if visitors come to your page from any social network, this information should be displayed on the site.

Rule #9. You need to be prepared for objections

Approximately 9 out of 10 clients before making a purchase, think about their decision. People are afraid of scammers and fear for their own safety.

There are many customers who want to hide their purchase from others. Some people have fears of losing their money or disbelief in such a low cost of the goods.

Since you do not have the opportunity to personally communicate and dispel all the user’s fears, you need to take care in advance of reasoned answers to all sorts of objections. They should be inserted into the text.

  • guarantee return on investment, for example, within 1-2 weeks;
  • provide the opportunity to try the product for free, also, within a 2-week period. Emphasize that such a proposal will help a person make up his mind.

These marketing moves have always been and will be relevant when developing landing pages.

Rule #10. Use the principle of scarcity and the urgency effect

You have to be with a deficit very neat, because not everyone falls for such a trick.

Important! Today no one pays attention to the countdown timer. Moreover, if it is regularly updated after the page is reloaded.

It is necessary to use other methods. Eg, display information about the quantity of remaining goods and regularly update these figures. The visitor should see that the product is quickly sold out.

Example: You need to try to make sure that the buyer’s algorithm of actions or thoughts is as follows: “Yesterday there were 100 bread machines in stock with discount 50% , this morning it’s already 33, and closer to lunch it’s only 5 things. We need to buy it urgently while the goods are still available!”

Rule #11. Convince the visitor of your reliability

Trust elements are best placed near calls to action.

  • Using Social Media Buttons— creating a group (page), a list of subscribers in a VK group, a tweet feed, likes on Facebook. (and we already wrote about promoting it in our last issue")
  • Publication of reviews along with links to companies or people who left them.
  • Display of certificates, awards. If necessary, all documents should be opened at full size and easy to read.

Rule #12. No complicated forms to fill out on the site

As a rule, the form for entering personal data does not cause irritation for most visitors. If necessary, people from the target audience are always ready to write name, occupation, email address.

Difficulties usually arise in the next stages of registration, when the visitor is asked to provide details of his life. It is better to ask such questions after the user has confirmed registration.

An equally common problem is a complex captcha!

Captcha is a pop-up form for entering a set of specific characters (numbers and letters). By filling out the captcha, the visitor confirms that he is not a robot.

It sometimes takes a lot of time to decipher the characters and write them in the correct sequence. This is the reason why approximately 30-40% people simply close the tab and forget about your offer.

No need to use captcha. Let your competitors have it.

Rule #13. Simplicity and accessibility of perception

This rule summarizes the essence of all previous rules.

Important! Should be ordered simple landing page.

She must be:

  • without unnecessary graphics and text;
  • with a proposal to perform only one action - buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, etc.;
  • spacious and not too busy.

Ideal Landing Page is a page that can be obtained through testing, adjustments and performance measurements.

3. Should I create a landing page myself or is it better to order a landing page from professionals?

Developing a landing page yourself is not such a difficult task. With knowledge and patience, anyone can create a landing page. However, in such a case there is how positive (+) moments and negative (-) .

Let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of creating a landing page yourself:

Pros (+)

  1. A landing page created by yourself will cost a person completely free.
  2. There is no need to create a technical specification. You get the opportunity to do it yourself according to your ideas.
  3. Creating a landing page with your own hands provides invaluable experience, which will be very useful in the future when working with the Internet.

Minuses (-)

  1. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, it will take time to study it.
  2. Developing a landing page takes a lot of time, during which you could sell a certain amount of product.
  3. You may end up with a low-quality landing page, and as a result, the market potential of the promoted product will not be fully realized.

Order a landing page from a special studio or work on it yourself - it's up to you to decide.

However, it is worth recalling that creating a page with your own hands does not involve any expenses. Therefore, it’s still worth trying your hand even if at the same time you placed an order for a landing page in the studio.

If you create a high-quality landing page, you can further develop the acquired skills and make the development of landing pages your own. The demand for these services increases every year.

Note! If such work seems overwhelming to you, because it requires perseverance and takes a lot of time, then it is better not to spare money and order the creation of a landing page by professionals. And while they are working on your order, you will have time to solve the main tasks of your business.

Developing a landing page yourself is justified only if it is your first and you want to save money. After all, you cannot be sure that a product or service promoted through this site will be in great demand.

However, if sales have already started, the first orders have appeared and you are confident that your product will become in demand, then it’s time to turn to specialists. They will help make your landing page more high quality and efficient, and will also significantly increase the conversion rate.

Paying for services 5-15 thousand rubles, your sales may increase by 2-3 units per day. Over the course of a year, you will accumulate quite a decent amount of money, which will significantly exceed the amount spent on “upgrading” your site.

Important! Increased conversion just for 0,5% can bring millions in profits in a year.

Of course, you can create a better quality landing page yourself than a single freelancer can do. Read about it in the article at the link.

Ordering from a studio will not be cheap, but you will save your time, and the money spent will subsequently be returned many times over in the form of profit.

4. Modern landing page designers 🛠 - TOP 3 of the best

The great popularity of landing pages has led to the emergence of many designers. Let's look at some of the most popular Russian-language designers.

Landing page builder No. 1."LPgenerator" (

Lpgenerator is an excellent website builder with which you can create a landing page from scratch. The service can offer more 300 templates, a large number of tools - lead management, A/B testing and many other goodies.

Simple tariff price- from 500 rubles per month. This tariff assumes a limit on the number of visitors - 9 thousand per month.

Eat tariff without restrictions. Its cost is 4,000 rubles per month.

The prices are a bit expensive, but many say that Lpgenerator is worth it.

Landing page builder No. 2. Flexbe (

The Flexbe website builder is considered one of the most reliable and simple landing page builders. Eat free version, which acts 14 days. This time is quite enough to evaluate the convenience of the designer and its suitability for your business.

The most affordable tariff— 750 rubles per month. The tariff includes: domain - 1, pages - 10, SMS notifications - 250, technical support, own mailbox, free domain.RU, etc.

Most expensive tariff costs 3,000 rubles per month. It includes unlimited number of domains and pages, 1000 SMS notifications, etc.

From cons (-) One can highlight the limitations in creating a landing page. It is not possible to get something cool because the set of tools of this website builder is not large.

TO pluses (+) It is worth considering the speed of creating a landing page. In ten minutes you get a completely decent one-page website that looks good on mobile phone screens.

Landing page builder No. 3."LPTrend" (

"LPTrend" is a clear landing page designer that suitable for beginners. The service can offer 61 ready-made templates with restrictions on layout.

Keep in mind! Create a landing page from scratch here not provided. There is no integration with other services.

From functionality there is A/B testing, “useful services” tab, which has links to various tools.

The trial period is 15 days. Sufficient time to test the capabilities of the service.

Cheapest tariff500 rubles per month. It is possible to generate one landing page.

Behind the most expensive tariff will have to post it 2000 rubles per month.

Subscribe to premium tariff makes it possible to create an unlimited number of landing pages.

Other online landing page builders

There are a couple more website builders that worth paying attention:

"Bazium"- a pretty good website builder. The service offers almost 400 design variations, 53 blocks and 27 different settings that can fully satisfy all needs. Among the positive aspects, one can especially highlight the possibility of paying for services as you use them. You will have to pay for this service 35 rubles per day.

"Tilda"— offers a modular system. The cheapest tariff costs 500 rubles, subject to payment for the entire year. If payment is made monthly, then the cost of the tariff will be 750 rubles.

5. How to create a landing page for free 💸

Let's look at popular services where you can also create a landing page for free:

  • Creation of landing pages (one-page websites) to order for a small amount on freelance sites (from 1000 rub. and higher).

6. Examples of the best selling landing pages 📰

Let's look at a few examples of selling landing pages. Keep in mind that landing pages are constantly changing their relevance. If “today” certain templates had a high conversion, then it is not a fact that these templates will work with the same conversion “tomorrow”.

Therefore we recommend do not copy, and take it as an example and create your own landing pages with your own unique pictures and texts (content that others do not have), or order them from specialists who know the relevance of landing pages.

7. Landing Page templates - where to download + step-by-step installation instructions 📝

The landing page structure consists of several elements:

  • Logo, phone numbers, data capture form, that is, call back.
  • A proposal or offer that is displayed as a relevant headline.
  • List your benefits.
  • Call to action (placed red button).
  • Photos, drawings and other high-quality graphics.
  • Information that helps increase confidence in the product - certificates, reviews, etc.
  • Contact Information.

Every known platform, e.g. "Wordpress", "Jumla" etc., has its own landing page templates. However, you can find high-quality and free landing pages for WordPress impossible . Relatively good landing page starts from 15-25 dollars.

There are also templates that are not tied to any platform. They number in the hundreds of thousands. You can find many sites where you can download ready-made free landing page templates.

However, we can’t talk about a normal free landing page. Most of these proposals are just garbage. There are very few decent options. You can try to find high-quality Landing Page templates on popular landing platforms (for example, lpgenerator, wix, etc.)

The design of this page is unique, completely imbued with the brand's personality and is not similar to others.

The peculiarity of this design is that all the elements are visible, but at the same time very neatly arranged. The simple but beautiful slideshow also attracts attention.

Simple but cute design. The advantage is that you can log into the site via Facebook without wasting time on registration.

An excellent example of demonstrating the company's products. Every month the company updates the list of products shown on the page.

Understanding what is sold on the site is not a problem thanks to well-structured content, beautiful slides and large font price tags.

The most successful product sales pages always contain clear, easy-to-read product examples.

The key to this design is simplicity. A simple menu and a bright slider go together perfectly.

The page successfully displays different sections. For more detailed information, just click on the image you like.

The design is not overloaded with unnecessary elements; you can immediately see all the characteristics and prices of the product.

Entertainment sites

Simple and tasteful. The purpose of the page is immediately clear: watching a documentary video.

The page design is very well thought out, it fascinates and literally hypnotizes. Great combination of colors and shapes.

This site is above all praise. The brilliantly thought-out design and abundance of interactive elements will not leave anyone indifferent.

This Harry Potter franchise page is designed using colors, phrases, and names familiar to fans.

This page not only looks beautiful, it is also very functional: many interactive elements, integration with Google Maps, use of tabs.

Even after the redesign, Uncrate does not change its tradition of arranging all sections of the site in a convenient top navigation menu.

This site showcases the power of graphic design and web development. It’s better to go to it and see for yourself.

An excellent example of a “tiled” design that allows you to stylishly arrange a large number of content blocks.

The visuals of this site are stunning. Vivid images instantly capture the attention of users.

Jay-Z sure knows how to have fun. On his site, articles, images and other content are presented in the form of interactive tiles.

This design uses natural shades that go well with the main issues raised on the site.

Portfolio landing pages

On this page, the dominant role is again given to images that literally come to life when you hover the mouse.

This example has a very interesting color combination. Moreover, all elements on the page use the same background structure, wood-like.

The “old school” style is used very well here, the design of each element is thought out to the smallest detail and is unique. Thanks to endless scrolling on this site, you can enjoy such beauty for a long time.

A clear and thoughtful design helps the page most effectively convey the main information to visitors. The color scheme matches the brand and shows the designer's style in action.

The page is an excellent presentation. Each banner is dedicated to a separate project.

An example of an unusual tile design.

Typography plays a major role on this page. Using different fonts helps in conveying ideas.

The design is laconic and concise. On the page we can see everything we need: a portfolio and links to other sections.

Icons and nothing more. A good example of minimalist design.

The portfolio page displays the most important thing - examples of work.


The page contains many user photos that you can easily scroll through using scrolling and hovering.

Large, bright photographs of the company's products make you want to drink a can of cold beer.

Nothing distracts the visitor from contemplating the most beautiful watch.

The highlight of this site is the slideshow at the top of the page, which showcases mouth-watering culinary delights.

The font and graphics combine perfectly, creating a unified perception of the site. There are only three menu items, and they are impossible not to notice.

Elegant style, high-quality images, beautiful presentation. Nothing distracts from the main elements.

Toyota has created a Pinterest-style site for Camry lovers. Here you can find many photographs, articles, statistics.

Despite the fact that this page fits into one screen in height, it contains many interesting interactive elements and unusual details.

The page design fully reflects the brand's style: colors, fonts, pictures are immediately associated with this company.

The design is made in calm, light colors; this color scheme is ideal for the product being offered.

This site is like a book that captures your attention with its unusual plot and illustrations.

The floating red button in the middle of the screen does its job: you really want to click on it.