Who is Trump biography. Biography of Donald Trump: a tough path to the presidency

The US presidential election on November 8, 2016, which shocked not only America but the whole world, focused attention on the new head of America, his wife and children. His biography causes a lot of gossip, as a result of which more and more people want to study the facts from the businessman’s personal life.

Everyone is interested in the details of Trump’s family life, because now he is the main person of his country, its official representative, which means that attention to his person is completely justified.

Who is Donald Trump?

Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. In 2016, he celebrated his 70th anniversary. Today he owns a large construction, restaurant, jewelry and mortgage business, and besides this, the world-famous Miss Universe beauty contest. According to the popular Forbes magazine, Donald Trump's net worth is 4 billion.

Being a real careerist and workaholic, he always gets what he wants, this makes him a successful person. Trump's friends and all those who know him well describe this man as responsible and purposeful, ready to go straight to his goal.

Donald Trump's wives

Friends of Donald Trump and his family speak only positively about them. In total, the billionaire had 3 wives. Currently, the wife of the new president is the famous fashion model Melania Trump.

Melania was born on April 26, 1970 in Slovenia, where she spent her childhood. She tried herself at the age of 16 in the modeling business, then received an education and became a designer.

Donald proposed to his beloved back in 2005. It was then that they had a wedding, which was attended by a huge number of famous guests, including the Clinton family. In 2017, his wife turned 47 years old, and the 24-year difference does not at all interfere with family happiness. At the moment, the main values ​​in Melania’s life, according to her, are family, children and her adored husband.

As for the billionaire's previous wives, they were Ivana Zelnichkova and Marla Maples. Ivana, Trump's first wife, was born on February 20, 1949 in Europe (Czechoslovakia). She married Donald in 1977 at the age of 28. This marriage lasted 15 long years - until 1992, and two boys and one girl were born.

As soon as his first marriage broke up, Donald in 1993 chose 29-year-old actress Marla Maples as his wife, with whom they lived for 6 years. They had a daughter together named Tiffany.

Trump considers the main reason for the separation from his first two wives to be the fact that they were strong personalities who competed with him and his business.

Children of a billionaire

The businessman has three children from his first marriage, a daughter from his second, and a son from his third. All of his older children hold leadership positions in the Trump Organization.

The billionaire's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., who was born on December 31, 1977, holds the vice-presidential position in his father's company. His wife is Vanessa Haydon, a famous model and designer.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter, born October 30, 1981, received a degree from the University of Pennsylvania, as did her brother Donald. She not only develops her modeling business, but also develops designs for jewelry. Together with her husband, Jared Kushner, who owns a construction business, she has three children.

Another executive at Donald's company is his son Eric Trump, who was born on January 6, 1984. He graduated from Georgetown University. Today he owns his own wine factory and is a well-known philanthropist.

Donald and Marla's joint daughter, Tiffany, born in 1993, turned 23 on October 13, 2016. She is studying at the University of Pennsylvania and plans to continue her singing career in the future.

On March 20, 2006, Donald’s youngest son, Barron Trump, was born, who is the only common child of the billionaire with his current wife Melania.

The 45th American president not only has many children, but also already has 8 grandchildren: 5 from Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Vanessa, 3 from his eldest daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared.

In the Queens borough of New York. His father, Frederick Trump, was a builder and developer who specialized in the design and implementation of middle-class housing projects in the boroughs of Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn.

At the age of 13, Donald's parents sent him to the New York Military Academy. Trump achieved great success at the academy: by the time he graduated in 1964, he had become a brilliant athlete and leader among his students. After this, Donald entered Fordham University, but soon transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968.

After graduating from university, Donald began working for his father's company; in 1975, he became its president and changed the company's name to the Trump Organization.

In 1971, Trump moved the company's offices to Manhattan. One of Trump's first independent projects was the construction of a business center on a plot of land from the bankrupt Central Railroad in the western part of Manhattan.

In 1974, Trump purchased one of the Penn Central hotels, the Commodore, which was unprofitable but had a good location in close proximity to New York's Grand Central Station. In 1975, Trump signed a partnership agreement with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation. When the new hotel, renamed The Grand Hyatt, opened in 1980, it immediately gained widespread popularity. Donald Trump's next project made him famous throughout New York - it was the 58-story Trump Tower skyscraper on 5th Avenue, opened in 1982.

In 2005, Donald Trump launched his own clothing line, Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, and later the businessman began producing household goods under the Trump Home brand. In 2012, Trump partnered with PARLUX to release his own fragrance, Success by Trump. In 2015, the second Empire fragrance was released under the Trump brand.

In December 2016, Trump according to the American Time magazine.

Donald Trump is married for the third time to Melania Knauss. The businessman has five children.

At the beginning of 2017, Forbes estimates Donald Trump's wealth at $3.7 billion. In 2016, his fortune was estimated at $4.5 billion, he was ranked 113th richest person in the United States, and ranked 324th richest person on the planet.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

After winning the elections in 2016, the already famous personality attracted even more attention. Many people are interested in how old Donald Trump is, his political and financial career, and personal life. The billionaire was born on June 14, 1946.

In 2017, Donald Trump is 71 years old.

The results of the US presidential election shocked not only America, but the whole world. Donald Trump became the forty-fifth president. This outstanding person achieved enormous success in various fields of activity. He has always been famous for his business acumen, strong character and determination. He considers himself a workaholic and a careerist.

Childhood and youth of the future president

The boy was born into the family of a millionaire. His father, Fred, earned a decent fortune (about $20 million) throughout his life, working primarily in construction. The couple had three children. But only Donald followed in his father’s footsteps, preserving and increasing the family fortune significantly.

From early childhood, he stood out for his expressive character, assertiveness, and, at times, even aggression. During adolescence, these qualities only took root. Due to problems with peers at school, the boy's parents sent him to a military academy.

According to Trump, there he found use for his unbridled energy and difficult character. He channeled his strong leadership and management skills in the right direction and learned to win in a highly competitive environment.

Trump doesn't drink alcohol at all. This fact is associated with the death of his younger brother from alcoholism. He is also indifferent to tea and coffee, but loves sweets very much.

After graduating from the New York Academy, Donald continued his education at Fordham College, but without graduating, he decided to change direction in life and entered the University of Commerce. He was attracted to two paths - a career in cinema and running a business. But Trump realized in time that building houses is a more profitable occupation and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Starting a career in business

Translated from English, “trump” is a trump card or trump card. Donald considers his last name a talisman, is not afraid to take risks and confidently lives up to his reputation as a lucky man.

He adopted many business qualities from his father. I learned how to manage personnel, conduct business and negotiations, acquired the necessary contacts and lucrative government orders for the construction of large facilities. He gained his first work experience in his family's company.

Over time, views on the conduct of affairs of Trump Jr. and Sr. began to diverge. While my father spent his whole life focused on construction for the middle class of the population, the younger one wanted to work only with the powers that be. Donald has always been attracted to everything chic and expensive.

The first ambitious project in my father’s company was the construction of the luxurious Grand Hyatt hotel, the second was the Trump Tower skyscraper. This approach to business quickly bore fruit; over time, the name “Trump” became a brand. Not only large objects were built under it, but also perfumes and alcoholic beverages were produced, casinos and golf clubs were opened, and television programs were created. The Trump brand was associated with success, luxury and beauty. Many businessmen bought from Trump the right to sell their products under his name, which, with the assignment of the famous brand, became more expensive at times.

During the entire time he was doing business, Trump reached bankruptcy several times, but managed to take out huge sums of money on credit, and always paid off. He not only renewed his well-being, but also increased it significantly.

Trump's achievements in the political sphere

Throughout his life, the businessman often changed his political position. But after 2000 he began to support republican views.

Over the years, he actively and boldly criticized the policies of George W. Bush, then Barack Obama. In 2007, he made a statement on television that he would support Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary Clinton in the next elections if they ran.

It is not known in detail whether the harsh statements came from personal hostility towards the heads of state, in order to attract attention to his person, or indeed, the billionaire had his own vision of the strategy for governing the country.

The future 45th president has repeatedly stated that he wants to live his life in such a way as to leave a bright mark on the history of the United States, and perhaps the world. He claims that he began to think seriously about a political career when he decided to take part in the elections. Considering Trump’s eccentricity, incredible temperament and character, he surprised even his closest circle with this statement. Until recently, the billionaire claimed that he was more attracted to business.

The candidate's statement, “I will be the greatest president God has ever created,” seemed so ambitious and unrealistic that not only his competitors, but also his colleagues did not take him seriously.

According to all opinion polls and forecasts of political scientists, Hillary Clinton's chances of winning were much greater than those of the eccentric billionaire. Despite how old Donald Trump is, on November 19, 2016, according to the vote count, he won a landslide victory.

Trump has been named the oldest US president. Before this, Reagan had the “title.”

Regardless of how old Donald Trump is, he leads an active lifestyle. His main hobbies are construction, yachts and golf.

The achievements of this personality in a wide variety of areas are simply amazing:

  • His company built the largest hotel-casino in the world;
  • He owns jewelry, restaurant, and mortgage businesses;
  • Owns an organization that organizes the Miss Universe beauty contest;
  • At the time of its completion, the Trump Tower skyscraper was the tallest building in New York;
  • Acts in films and videos. Most often he plays himself or small episodic roles;
  • He acted as a presenter in two television shows; his project “The Candidate” on television was a huge success;
  • A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is named after Trump;
  • Created a large network marketing company that sells vitamins, sports nutrition and nutritional supplements;
  • Since 1990, he has written 17 books. The main idea of ​​most of his works is self-development, financial education, guidance on how to succeed in business;
  • According to the Forbes list, his fortune was $4 billion, according to unofficial sources 9;
  • Received the title of Person of the Year according to Time magazine.

According to relatives, he sleeps no more than 4 hours a day. This time is enough for him to feel good and recharge his batteries.

Personal life of a tycoon

People close to Donald describe him as a charismatic and attractive person. He was always surrounded by stunning and young beauties and never denied that he loved female attention.

Officially, the president was married 3 times. His wives:

  1. Ivana Zelnicek - worked in the modeling business. Originally from Czechoslovakia. The marriage lasted from 1977 to 1993. Donald's wife gave birth to 3 children. During the divorce, the woman sued her rich husband for $25 million, accusing him of numerous infidelities.
  2. Marla Mapes is an actress. The marriage lasted from 1993 to 1999. Before formalizing the relationship, Donald insisted on signing a prenuptial agreement. Marla gave birth to her husband's daughter.
  3. Melania Knavs is a model from Slovenia. The couple has been married from 2004 to the present day. Their wedding was included in the most expensive ratings and cost the newlyweds 45 million. The age difference between the spouses is 24 years. In this marriage, Donald had a son. This is his fifth child.

Two adult sons work in their father’s company, the eldest daughter owns a modeling business, the youngest daughter studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the youngest son from 3 marriages is currently 10 years old.

The age difference between the eldest and youngest sons is almost 30 years.

Donald Trump is credited with a large number of novels. During his election campaign, several allegations from women of sexual harassment and abuse were made public.

At the moment, the president has 5 children and 8 grandchildren.

Considering how old Donald Trump is, I would like to wish him good health and success not only in business, but also in political activities. The whole world is watching his work as president with interest.

Melania Trump is a simple girl from a provincial town in Eastern Europe who achieved career heights, becoming the wife of first a billionaire and then the president of the most powerful state in the world. A star of the modeling business, a jewelry designer, a polyglot, in 2017 she began her duties as hostess of the White House.

Childhood. Modeling career

Melania Knavs was born in the small town of Sevnica (Yugoslavia) with a population of 5 thousand people. The girl's father made a living by selling used cars, and her mother worked in a garment factory. The family lived in an ordinary panel high-rise building on the outskirts of the city. Now Melania’s parents live in the USA, but former neighbors still remember them with warmth and kindness.

As a child, the thin, lanky girl was embarrassed by her appearance, but by the age of sixteen she blossomed and became a real beauty. At school she was an exemplary, polite and disciplined student, and was fond of photography.

After graduating from high school, Melania decided to continue her education at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the University of Ljubljana. A fateful meeting for her was with photographer Stane Erko, who immediately appreciated the girl’s external characteristics and persuaded her to work as a fashion model.

After finishing her first year, Melania changed her last name to the more euphonious “Knaus” and went to Milan, where a string of filming for magazines and fashion designer shows began. The beauty never returned to university.

To achieve success faster, the young model had rhinoplasty and adjusted the shape and size of her breasts. After that, she began to be invited for erotic photo shoots by the famous “men’s” publications “GQ” and “Max”.

When the name of Melania Knaus became known outside Europe, she decided to move to the USA. In 1996, the girl went to New York, where she continued her successful modeling career.

Meet Donald Trump

The meeting between the billionaire and the Slovenian beauty took place at one of the high-society parties in the New York club KitKat. It was 1998, Melania was 28 years old at that time, Donald was almost twice that age, and in addition, he was married to actress Marla Maples. The model was aware of the businessman’s marital status and love of love (especially since he came to the party with his companion), so at first she rejected his attentions. But Trump became seriously interested in her and eventually won her favor.

From that moment on, Melania's career took off sharply. Her photographs began to be printed on the covers of the most popular glossies: Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In StyleWeddings, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vogue. It was then that she starred in the ill-fated nude photo shoot, which many years later Trump's enemies used against him in election race

In 2001, she tried her hand at filmmaking, appearing opposite Donald in Ben Stiller's Zoolander. However, the attempt was unsuccessful - Melania’s name was not even included in the credits.

Melania and Donald Trump in Zoolander

Family life of Melania and Donald Trump

It was the sixth year of Melania and Donald Trump's romance when the woman decided for herself: “Either he will marry me now, or I will leave him forever.” The billionaire realized that he did not want to lose his life partner, and proposed to her.

The wedding of Donald Trump and Melania Knaus, which took place in January 2005, amazed both the press and high-ranking guests. The businessman spent about $45 million on the ceremony, making it one of the most expensive weddings in history. Trump decorated his lady's finger with a 12-carat diamond ring worth one and a half million dollars. Melania's wedding dress from the fashion house Dior cost 200 thousand dollars and took its rightful place on the cover of Vogue. Among the distinguished guests was Trump's future rival in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill.

A year later, the couple had a son, Barron, Donald's fifth child and Melania's first child. The woman had to part with the modeling business. She devoted herself to family and community work, and in 2010 she founded her own business making and selling jewelry.

Melania Trump now. First Lady of the USA

During Trump's election campaign, the future mistress of the White House provided every possible support to her husband, courageously fighting off the endless stream of dirty accusations pouring on his head.

In our article today we will talk about the current President of the United States of America - Donald Trump. He became the forty-fifth president in the history of this country. He has held this post since January 2017. Before becoming the ruler of the country, he was engaged in private business, mainly in real estate, and also often appeared on television as a TV presenter. He also holds the title of Person of the Year, which was awarded to him by the popular Time magazine in 2016. Next, you will learn about the life and political path of this political leader. It is worth mentioning in advance that he did not limit himself to one type of activity, but participated in many types of activities.

Height, weight, age. How old is Donald Trump

Many of those who follow the life of the elected president are interested in external indicators, such as height, weight, age. How old is Donald Trump is a common question that can be heard from people who follow or have just entered political life. So, having some data, we can answer that the height of the 45th president is about 190 centimeters, and his weight is approximately 100 kilograms. Donald was born in 1946, and now he is exactly 70 years old. You can often meet people who are interested in what Donald Trump looked like in his youth. Of course, on the Internet you can find a large number of photographs that show how he looked in a given year. The nationality of the current US President is American, although he has German-Scottish roots.

Biography of Donald Trump

The biography of Donald Trump begins in June 1946, in New York City. His family had five children, two of whom were brothers, two sisters and the hero of our article himself. From childhood, his parents observed in him manifestations of a tough and assertive person. To properly channel all this energy, he was sent to study at the Military Academy. While there, he established himself as a disciplined and successful student. It is impossible not to note his sporting successes. Such data touched his parents, and they began to be proud of him and set him as an example to other children.

Donald graduated from this academy in 1964, and began studying at Fordham University. After some time, he begins his studies at Wharton Business School. He graduates from this educational institution in 1968, and the father decides to take his son into the family business. Trump liked this development and wanted to increase his father's fortune.

Thus, he immediately gets a project to build an entire residential complex, which is located in Ohio. It is noteworthy that construction took only a year, and the profit received covered all costs twice. Not a bad start to the career of young Trump.

By acquiring new connections, he gains the right to restore the dilapidated Commodore Hotel. The final amount that the young entrepreneur managed to achieve is about $70 million. The only condition is the complete restoration of the area to its proper form.

It took the corporation six years to restore Manhattan and some surrounding areas, headed by the aforementioned hotel. In 1996, Hyatt bought part of the hotel, adding $140 million to the future president's budget.

Then, in 1979, he took an eye on an uninhabited plot of land located near one of the most popular jewelry stores. The businessman himself notes that this place seemed very tempting to him for the rich. And he was right. Within a few years, a building appeared there that, with its height, blocked all the seemingly tall buildings on Fifth Avenue. This project brought Donald a profit of two hundred million dollars. The important fact is that all the apartments in this building were purchased within a few weeks.

The year 1977 saw the legalization of gambling in the state of New Jersey. Of course, the businessman did not want to miss such a “gold mine” and after 5 years, a hotel and entertainment complex appeared out of nowhere, which was called “Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino”. Its construction cost 251 million US dollars. Another 4 years later, “Trump Castle” opens, worth 300 million. The construction of the Taj Mahal began immediately, which became the largest hotel-casino and opened in 1990.

The beginning of the 1990s was marked by the fact that the businessman's fortune was estimated at $1 billion. In addition to the hotels that he owned, he had a casino, residential skyscrapers, an airline, and a football team. And small enterprises could not be counted at all. As it turns out, Donald is losing control of such an incredible business.

The real estate crisis meant that Donald Trump owed much more than he had in his budget. To avoid bankruptcy, he mortgages his Trump Tower residential complex. Of course, the press did not stand aside, and every step of the future president remained under criticism.

Perseverance helped him, and by 1997 he had paid off all his debts, some of which were covered by casinos and other gambling establishments.

However, already in the 2000s, the crisis repeated itself, and this forced Donald to end his career as Chairman of the Board of Directors in his corporation.

After this, he often began appearing on television - as a TV presenter or cameo, the most famous of which is Home Alone 2. 2007 adds a star to the Walk of Fame in honor of Donald Trump.

Almost 10 years later, he is running for president. Long debates and competition with Hillary Clinton lead to him winning. US President Donald Trump was elected to this post on January 20, 2017. By the way, it belongs to the Republican Party.

Personal life of Donald Trump

It is worth mentioning that Donald Trump’s personal life is full of all sorts of facts that are interesting to the reader. For example, Donald Trump, whose hairstyle has not changed throughout his entire career, categorically refuses to change it. In addition, he does not admit that this is his special symbol of good luck or a style feature. Also, he never tried alcoholic drinks.

Donald Trump was married three times, and all of his wives were several decades younger than him. In addition, he still lives with his third wife. The reason for the divorce, according to the president, was the inability to combine the interests of his wives and his colossal business.

Donald Trump Family

Donald Trump's family was not connected with politics, and the president himself tried not to get involved in it until the very end. The father was a simple builder when in 1930 he met his future wife, Trump’s mother. The year 1936 was marked by their wedding. By the way, the mother was born in Scotland, and she met her future husband at a holiday in New York, where she went in honor of the holidays.

My father’s parents immigrated from Germany to the United States, where after some time they received citizenship and got married. As previously mentioned, the Trump family had five children, including the future president of America.

Donald Trump's children

Donald Trump's children number five, the oldest of whom is already 40 years old, and the youngest son is 11. The current president of America has children from all three marriages. From the first he has three children - 2 boys and a girl, from the second he has a daughter. Donald's third and final marriage brought him a boy, who was named Barron.

By the way, it is worth noting that Donald Trump currently has 8 grandchildren, the eldest of whom is 10 years old, and the youngest was born last year - in 2016.

Donald Trump's son - Donald Jr.

Donald Trump's first son, Donald Jr., was born in 1977, in the future president's marriage to Czech model Ivana Trump. Given his Czech roots, he can easily communicate in Czech.

At the moment, Donald Jr. is a successful businessman and works together with his siblings. By the way, he is now the executive vice president of his father's corporation. Married Vanessa Haydon. He has five children, the eldest of whom is now 10 years old, and the youngest is 3 years old.

Donald Trump's son Eric

Donald Trump's son Eric was born in January 1984. Born from his father’s first marriage, he currently works as a businessman and is quite successful. He conducts his activities together with his brother and sister, and holds the position of president for development at the Trump Organization. Graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in finance and management.

In 2014, Lara Yunaske, who is a producer, became his wife. Their relationship, before entering into official marriage, lasted about 6 years. In the spring of 2017, information leaked to the media that they would soon have their first child.

Donald Trump's son Barron

Donald Trump's son Barron was born in March 2006. This is the only child that the head of the White House has from his third marriage. When Donald was elected President of the United States, Barron was by his side as he spoke his words of victory. It is noteworthy that many began to note the boy’s sleepy and passive state during this performance. For some time, this became a kind of “meme” - Internet slang that conveys some information in the form of a picture, video, etc.

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was born in October 1981 in New York state. She was born in the president's first marriage. Now she is busy running her father’s business, and at the same time doing her own office work, acting as a fashion model and writer.

She entered Georgetown University, but after some time she was transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where she graduated with honors with a degree in economics. For some time she starred for the covers of popular magazines, but over time, this “hobby” faded into the background, and she began to engage in business and writing books.

Donald Trump's daughter Tiffany

Donald Trump's daughter, Tiffany, was born in October 1993. At this time, the future president was married to his second wife. It is noteworthy that they chose the name of a jewelry company as their name. She spent her childhood with her mother, who lived in California. She studied at the university until 2016 inclusive. A few years ago, her song came out. At the moment, he is mainly involved in modeling. Tiffany is invited to various fashion shows and fashion magazines.

Donald Trump's ex-wife - Ivana Zelnichkova

Donald Trump's ex-wife, Ivana Zelnichkova, has Czechoslovakian roots. Moving to America allowed her to become a top model, and, of course, the wife of a businessman. For a long time, she was the “right hand” in her husband’s empire, responsible for the interiors of hotels and casinos. Their marriage lasted almost 15 years, and broke up in 1992. In this marriage, the president had three children. During the divorce, Donald Trump left her a fortune of several million in exchange for the fact that she would never discuss it with anyone, so still no one knows how things turned out in the family.

Donald Trump's ex-wife Marla Maples

Donald Trump's ex-wife Marla Maples met the future president in 1989. Their marriage lasted for 6 years. From this marriage, Donald has a daughter. Previously, and even now, she is engaged in acting and producing work. She has about twenty roles in various films, famous and not so well known. She acted as a producer for two films. While at school, she played basketball professionally. She received great success and respect in this sport.

Donald Trump's wife - Melania Trump

Donald Trump's real wife, Melania Trump, is 25 years younger than her husband. She was born in Slovenia, where she received her secondary education. Without even studying for a year at the university, she moves to Italy. There, she has been working as a fashion model since the age of 16. They met Trump in 2000, and over the subsequent years their relationship became closer. Their wedding took place in 2005. A large number of celebrities were invited as witnesses and guests. She has been an American citizen since 2006.

Photos of Donald Trump before and after plastic surgery

As you know, many political leaders try to maintain their youth and use the services of a plastic surgeon. However, the 45th President of America never went under the surgeon's knife. Many may think that he looks younger than his age. This is due to the fact that Trump actively uses the services of a cosmetologist, hiding all the flaws that appear over time. Thus, the popular request “Photos of Donald Trump before and after plastic surgery” remains without an intelligible answer. However, apparently, his wives often resorted to such services.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Donald Trump Wikipedia

The current president of America runs his own Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Donald Trump's Wikipedia contains a comprehensive amount of information regarding the business, buildings and other properties of the head of the White House. It also well describes Trump's life and career path, the ways by which he achieved such wealth. With regards to social networks - they contain many photographs in which the president’s children, wife and possessions are present. Also, pictures often appear during meetings with other world leaders.