Border crossings of Belarus. Border crossings Belarus Lithuania

The holiday season will soon begin and many tourists prefer traveling to Europe by private car. Briefly about the pros and cons of border crossings Belarus-Poland.

In the Brest region, there are three international checkpoints through which you can get to Poland by car.

First - Warsaw bridge(Brest-Terespol) . Status - International.

(+) is located on the western outskirts of Brest, any navigator will lead to this border crossing

(+) there is an electronic queue system. Registration is made no later than 3 hours before the expected entry into the territory of the border crossing. More details can be found on the website

(+) after crossing the border you get on a direct route towards Warsaw.

(-) very often there are long queues and you can get to the Polish side at best after 4-5 hours of tedious waiting.

(-) entry by electronic entry only allows you to bypass the line located outside the border crossing, traffic along the channels from the Belarusian and Polish sides occurs on a common basis.

(-) when returning from abroad, there are no electronic queues, and if there is a long queue from the Polish side, you will have to stand in it on a general basis.

The second is Domachevo-Slovatyche. Status - International.

(+) convenient for travelers who go to Polish Lublin, Krakow, as well as to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary

(-) located 50 km south of Brest

(-) Moving to the border crossing on a first-come, first-served basis. The queues at the border are also a constant phenomenon, although smaller than in Brest.

The third is Peschatka-Polovtsy. Status - International.

(+) convenient for travelers who go to the Polish Bialystok, as well as to the Kaliningrad region

(+) an ideal option for travelers who do not want to waste time and nerves in queues. There are no queues on Peschatka.

(+) the border crossing usually takes no more than 1 hour.

(-) located 55 km north of Brest

(-) the road to Warsaw runs through a large number of settlements.

Additional information can be found on the website of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus

Don't forget about customs regulations at the border with Poland. Permitted to import to Poland:

  • Spirits containing more than 22% alcohol - 1 liter
  • Alcoholic beverages not exceeding 22% of turnover, e.g. liqueurs - 2 liters
  • Still wines - 4 liters
  • Beer - 16 liters

From tobacco products you can bring:

  • Cigarettes - 40 pieces (2 packs)
  • Cigarillos - 20 pieces
  • Cigars - 10 pieces
  • Smoking tobacco - 50 grams

Alcoholic and tobacco products can only be imported by persons over the age of 18.

Dairy and meat products are prohibited from being imported into Poland. Therefore, give up sandwiches with meat and cheese "on the road" so that there are no problems at the border.

In this article, we will tell you about the Belarus-Poland checkpoints, their throughput, waiting time, location, provide video control of the queue at the border and other useful information.

Checkpoints Belarus – Poland

Belarus and Poland are separated by 7 checkpoints. Each of them is intended for the passage / transition of citizens of any country and stateless persons.

Berestovitsa — Bobrovniki

The address: pos. Border, Berestovitsky district, Grodno region

Status: international.
Message: passenger-and-freight.
Working mode: around the clock.
Bandwidth per day:

  • 1600 cars
  • 650 trucks
  • 35 buses

Simultaneous control: 2 corridors.

Waiting time (average): up to 2 hours.

Brest — Terespol

The address: Brest, Brest region

Status: international.
Working mode: around the clock.
Message: passenger.

  • 2350 cars
  • 350 buses

Simultaneous control: 4 corridors.

Waiting time (average): 0.5 - 2 hours.

At this checkpoint, there is an electronic queue booking system.

Bruzgi - Forge Bialystotskaya

The address: Bruzgi village, Grodno district, Grodno region

Status: international.
Message: cargo-passenger.
Working mode: around the clock.
Throughput per day:

  • 2100 cars
  • 815 trucks
  • 80 buses

Waiting time (average): 1 - 2 hours.

Domachevo - Slovatics

The address Location: v. Domachevo, Brest district, Brest region

Status: international.
Working mode: around the clock.
Message: passenger
Throughput per day:

  • 2000 passenger cars
  • 50 buses

Waiting time (average): 0.5 - 2 hours.

Kozlovichi — Kukuryki

The address: village Kozlovichi, Brest district, Brest region

Status: international.
Working mode: around the clock.
Message: cargo.
Throughput per day:

  • 2,000 trucks

Waiting time (average): 0.5 - 2 hours.

Peschatka - Polovtsy

The address: village Peschatka, Kamenets district, Brest region

Status: international.
Working mode: around the clock.
Message: cargo-passenger.
Throughput per day:

  • 1,130 cars
  • 50 trucks
  • 20 buses

Waiting time (average): 0.5 - 2 hours.

Pererov - Belovezha

The address: Pererov village, Pruzhany district, Brest region

Status: international.
Working mode: around the clock.
Message: pedestrian.
Throughput per day:

  • 400 people

Waiting time (average): 0.2 - 1 hour.

By car to Poland through the borders of the Republic of Belarus

This article will be useful to those who are going to Europe by car, and the border will pass in Belarus and Poland. This is probably the main thing that can cause some unrest, because crossing the border requires certain knowledge and experience, and the unknown is always scary.

So, now in order and to the point. This information will help you decide how to move between two checkpoints from Belarus to Poland, namely:

1. Border crossing in Brest (Warsaw bridge)

2. Border crossing in Domachevo (it is 38 km from the border in Brest to the south)

The route from Moscow to Belarus - the border of Russia and Belarus

We will describe route from Moscow to Brest and share short videos, they will help you navigate the terrain. The distance from Moscow to Brest is 1,080 km, where the driving is intense.

We are now talking about the likelihood of fines on the territory of Russia. Sometimes it seems to me that everything was done on purpose not for people: the route passes through settlements, some stupid signs and traffic lights, frightening pedestrian crossings and other delights in the form of endless radars. In other words, you will definitely get fines in Russia, sadly, but this is a fact! Further it will be easier: in Belarus the track is amazing - it's easy to drive. The speed limit is 130 km/h.

Our experience shows that it is better to cross the border between Belarus and Poland early in the morning: at 4–6 am. Travel time to Brest is about 12-14 hours. It is better to leave Moscow at lunchtime: this will help you quickly get through Moscow (if you are moving from the Moscow region). Estimated time of arrival in Brest will be just hours at 4 am.

Yes, border Russia - Belarus is passed without passport controls and seals. You may be stopped to check your documents or if you break the speed limit.

The border between these countries is easy to cross, and if you have travel experience in Europe, then you understand that some countries share only signs. So it is here: Russia ends and Belarus begins - everything is simple! The Russia-Belarus border should not bother you at all.

What to choose or where to pass the border: Brest or Domachevo?

Well, here's the whole quest. If you are heading to the south of Poland, to Slovakia, Hungary or further through these countries, then it is better to do it right away border crossing in Domachevo, since it is located 38 km south of the border of Brest and is simply closer.

If you are moving to Warsaw, Germany, the Netherlands or further on these routes, then it is better cross the border in Brest. But if the queue in Brest is really long, then feel free to go to Domachevo and then return to the track through the territory of Poland.

Checkpoint in Domachevo smaller Checkpoint in Brest , and there are also fewer transition control points. And it turns out that even if there are a lot of cars and long queues in Brest, then the full passage of the border can be faster than in Domachevo. It's up to you to decide, and this time we arrived at the border in Brest at 10 am. The queue was very long (about 7 hours). Used the services of fast border crossing and let's go to Domachevo.

Customs point in Domachevo, Belarus - features of the border crossing to Poland by car

AT Domachevo We used the "Quick border crossing" service. Yes, there are guys who help you quickly cross the border for 5,000 rubles. We did not understand what their help was, because upon arrival at the border in Domachevo, we saw the absence of a queue. If in Brest at 10 am there were about 100 cars, and maybe more, then in Domachevo there were about 10 of them. Of course, we gave the money, although it was possible to safely go to Checkpoint in Domachevo.

For us it was a paid experience, but for you it was a lesson. Wind on your mustache! You don’t have to pay money, and in case of a long queue in Brest, set your navigator to Domachevo and boldly drive to this border. From Brest to Domachevo only 38 km .

Yes, there is a queue at the Brest border, and you can find it on the Internet

Find website - booking a place in line at the Belarusian border . Keep in mind that the seat reservation applies only to the territory of Belarus and you will have to stand in Poland. Time, of course, you will reduce. We did not order this service, so there will be no comments.

Summing up: several times we crossed the border in Brest at 4 am, and it took less than an hour (a full passage through Belarus and Poland).

In Domachevo we crossed the border in an hour and a half but it was almost lunch time. So it is better to do as we wrote: to carry out any border crossing early in the morning.

What you need to pass the border Belarus - Poland: useful tips

Here we will tell you about some secrets that will be useful to you at the beginning of a road trip around Europe and, most importantly, when passing borders between Belarus and Poland.


Let's start with tinted windows, which are best tinted (we are talking about front windows). Theoretically, you can be let through in Poland, but it is not at all known how the police from European countries will behave. We saw tinted cars there, but we didn't want to risk it. The tinting was removed at a gas station in Brest, because the fines in Europe are very large. Or they can take a fine at the border in Poland and force them to remove the tint. Polish border guards are capable of much.


Fill a full tank in Brest, as the difference in fuel prices is very large. When entering European countries, it is better to have a full tank, but you need to leave with an almost empty tank, and refuel already in Brest. We talked about some points in the video, but, of course, we could not cover everything.


If you are a smoker and are going to Europe for a couple of weeks, then you will not be able to stock up on cigarettes in Russia. For transportation through Poland, you can take two packs per person . Yes, exactly two packs, it’s possible to import a block on an airplane, but the automobile border is harsh - just two packs of cigarettes, and then buy cigarettes in Europe for 4-5 euros per pack. For there is no place for smokers in Europe!

If the border guards find extra cigarettes in your possession, they do not just seize them, but
bill you for smuggling. Our friends gave about 300 euros at the border in Poland for extra cigarettes, which in the end were also taken away.

Remember the border in Poland is 2 packs of cigarettes, that's all . Let's add information on food products here: meat and milk cannot be transported either.


We had experience in removing spikes, but we did it in winter period, as we went in December to the south of Spain. The spikes were taken out in Russia, but several times we observed how they do it at the border in Poland. If you do not want to take out the spikes, then use Velcro or take chains.


At the border in Poland, you will be required to have a green card - this is insurance for Europe . Be sure to make it longer than you plan for the train, because if it ends in Europe and you leave through Poland, where it will be checked for sure and if it is overdue, then the fine will be as much as 1,000 US dollars.

Insurance can be done on the way from Moscow, but we do it in ordinary insurance companies. Two weeks in all European countries - only 2,500 rubles.

Border Belarus - Poland and back


When crossing the border, be very careful and look at all the signs. The Poles are very demanding about the STOP signs, where the movement must be started at the command of the border guard. A similar story is in Belarus: you also have to wait for the team there. We were even once fined in Poland: we drove up to the passport collection point without a border guard command. In one of the videos, you can see how a Polish border guard flashes a flashlight at us, which means that we can go. Any movement is performed strictly on a signal. We observe the speed limit and look at the stop lines.


When you enter European countries, you are examined in Poland with passion so that you do not bring in too much.

Belarus is loyal in this direction, as they say, take out what you want, and Poland will decide what is possible and what is not.

And if you leave Europe, then everything is vice versa. At the border in Poland, you will be released with anything, because it was bought in Europe, but Belarus will already decide what can be imported and what not.

If you are heading from Europe, please note that:

    The permitted weight of goods per person is 25 kg.

    The purchased goods should be no more than 1,500 euros, and from the new (2019) year - no more than 500 euros.

How to get out of the situation? If you are carrying for yourself, then remove the price tags. Do it like this
to show: these are your things, and you did not buy them in Europe. Otherwise, you will have to pay.

Well, like, that's all! Read us and watch, and even better - join the journey.

You can even arrange a real quest with a trip from Moscow to any country in Europe. Happy travels in Europe and fast border crossing in Poland!

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Traveling in Europe for most Belarusians begins with Poland. However, this is not surprising, because it is the Poles who are most loyal to Belarusian citizens in the issue of issuing Schengen visas, and Belarus has a large border with Poland.

Many travelers use Poland as an intermediate point on a long European tour, because you can buy cheap air tickets from Poland and get to any European country almost for free.

Today, Belarus has seven checkpoints on the border with Poland. All border crossings have an international status, but not all of them accept passenger transport. Be careful when planning your trip.

International border crossings

As noted earlier, at the moment there are seven international checkpoints on the Belarusian-Polish border. By type of message, i.e. according to the type of vehicles that can cross this border point, border crossings are divided into road, rail, sea, air, pedestrian and mixed. And by the nature of the message - passenger, cargo and cargo-passenger. This is very important to take into account when planning a trip, because if the checkpoint is not provided for the acceptance of passenger transport, or if only a pedestrian crossing is provided in this place, then travelers by car customs control they simply cannot.

In fact, the official name of the border crossing is "Brest, road". But it just so happened that most often this checkpoint is called the Varshavsky Bridge, because. it is located along the Warsaw highway. The Warsaw Bridge checkpoint accepts only passenger transport and is by far the largest in terms of its capacity - up to 2350 cars and up to 350 passenger buses per day in both directions. It is forbidden to cross the border on a bicycle through the Warsaw bridge checkpoint!

The second most important checkpoint on the Polish border is the Bruzgi checkpoint. The point works round the clock without breaks and days off. Bruzgi can cross the state border through the border crossing as a passenger vehicles, as well as trucks. The capacity of Bruzga per day is 2100 cars, 815 trucks, 80 passenger buses. If you wish, you can cross the border on a bicycle.

The third most important border crossing on the Belarusian-Polish border is the Domachevo checkpoint. This is an automobile cargo-passenger checkpoint. Domachevo operates around the clock without breaks and weekends. Crossing the border through the Domachevo checkpoint is possible by bike.

The fourth place in terms of its capacity belongs to the Berestovitsa checkpoint. This international cargo-passenger border crossing operates around the clock without days off and breaks. It is capable of passing up to 1500 cars, 650 trucks and 35 international passenger buses. Avid cyclists have the opportunity to cross the state border on a bicycle.

Next in terms of throughput is the Peschatka border crossing. The checkpoint accepts both passenger and cargo modes of transport. The facility can accommodate up to 1,130 cars, 50 trucks and 20 passenger buses per day. Please note that it is not allowed to cross the state border at this checkpoint on a bicycle!

The Kozlovichi checkpoint is intended exclusively for freight transport, so if you are not a truck driver, there is no point in watching the queues at this checkpoint. The Kozlovichi border crossing is capable of receiving up to 2,000 trucks per day.

Simplified checkpoint

There is also a simplified checkpoint on the border with Poland -. This border crossing also has the status of an international one, only you can cross it only on foot. Please note that the Pererov checkpoint operates according to the schedule: summer time(from April 1 to September 30) from 8.00 to 20.00 Polish time, and in winter (from October 1 to March 31) the opening hours are reduced by 2 hours from 8.00 to 18.00 Polish time.

You can also cross the border through the Pererov checkpoint by bike.

Checkpoints on the map

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Foreign citizens cannot enter Russia through the border of Belarus - there are simply no international checkpoints between the countries that are necessary for residents of third countries to legally enter the Russian Federation. For many, information about this has become news, although this is also provided for by the 1995 treaties, as well.

Checkpoint "Krasnoe - Radish"

Sputnik correspondents went to the border of Belarus and Russia to see with their own eyes how the border area lives today and talk with local residents about whether guest workers are scurrying about in the forests.

Route one. Checkpoint "Krasnoye — Radish"

The busiest checkpoint between Belarus and Russia is located between the villages of Krasnaya Gorka and Radish. The route Brest - Moscow passes through it, so the popularity of the route is easily explained.

We drove across the border calmly: no one stopped us to check our passports, but we were driving in a car with Belarusian numbers.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

Smolensk residents who heard about the situation at the border said that the majority of those entering by car still have their passports checked. Passport control has also been introduced for bus routes, and sometimes the border service also sets up posts near the railway.

“I heard about the story: the Poles were deployed on Krasnaya Gorka, they decided to cheat and cross the border by train. But they were still detained on the Russian side, because they entered the country illegally,” a local resident shared his memories.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

The interlocutor of Sputnik expressed the opinion that some foreigners, especially among those who travel in search of work, are trying to enter Russia by detours.

Route two. GP Krasny — Lyady village

Residents of the Smolensk region know that the most popular route to bypass the checkpoint on Krasnaya Gorka is to drive through the urban-type settlement of Krasny, past the village of B. Dobraya, and enter the Belarusian village of Lyady.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

“There were always smugglers running around before,” said a middle-aged man.

In the village of Krasny, neither local smugglers nor guest workers from Eastern European countries were heard of. The salesperson at the local shop simply shrugged her shoulders: she said that foreigners didn’t come to her, and they don’t come, so she can’t tell anything.

A few kilometers from the village towards the border are small villages, in which cattle breeders mainly live.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

"Belarusians are freely allowed in, but foreigners are not. There is no official crossing here, but border guards sometimes set up their posts here too. Citizens of other countries are turned around - Armenians, Georgians, Ukrainians ... If Georgians are detained, they are arrested for several days. This has been like this for about a year , as I remember, at least for Ukrainians and Georgians. About the fact that Europeans can’t travel, I recently heard completely, "the woman shared.

The innovations did not affect the business: mainly citizens of Belarus were insured here.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

“When border guards are posted, they sometimes stand for days, all the passports are checked. But this happened a long time ago: two years ago, when Ukrainians poured into a detour to work in Russia, they were turned around. What happened last year... 15-20 buses stood and waited to be checked. And then they had to leave," Sputnik's interlocutor concluded.

Route three. There are no detours

In Lyady, on the Belarusian side, they did not want to talk about changing the procedure for crossing the border - they justified it by saying that all questions should be asked to the Russians, and "we did not see anything here." The residents of the Russian village of B. Dobraya turned out to be more talkative.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

“The border guards usually stay a little further away, behind the trees. I often see that the buses are standing — they are checking. And they turn around often. They stop both cars and buses — everyone,” said a local resident who went out to watch the grazing herd.

According to the woman, border service officers set up posts on all roads along the border, from time to time they ply through the villages and the nearest settlements. “It would be difficult to go around without them,” the agency’s interlocutor concluded.

Route four. Law

It is not known when international checkpoints will appear in Belarus. So far, a foreigner who has arrived along the Brest-Moscow highway can only make a detour of a hundred kilometers in order to get to Russia through the border with Latvia or Ukraine.

© Sputnik / Viktor Tolochko

Sputnik spoke with the scientific director of the conference on cross-border cooperation, which took place in Smolensk last week. Vice-Rector for scientific work SSU Alexander Katrovsky is a Doctor of Geography who pays special attention to the development of border areas.

"Many people want to come to Katyn - this is a sacred place for Poles. But they cannot directly, unfortunately, they are forced to go around. I think the issue could be resolved by introducing a unified visa policy - we have been talking about this for a long time and are in favor of such steps," — shared with Sputnik Katrovsky.