Fairy tale "New Year and three little pigs. Fairy tale "New Year and three little pigs Download video and cut mp3 - it's easy with us

primary school teacher GBOU School No. 1400 4ShO (GBOU secondary school No. 589), Moscow.

Description: this fairy tale is a continuation of the fairy tale about the three little pigs, written for educational purposes: to show the importance of using the experience gained earlier, the importance of the rational use of time and a healthy lifestyle, to remember the rules of safety and life.

Used as a script for a 4th grade performance at an extracurricular New Year's Eve event in elementary school.

Costumes: Naff, Niff, Nuff T-shirts (masks), bear MEDVED (ears), fox Sestricka (tail), WOLK (tail and mask), Santa Claus hat and DED MOROZ T-shirt, rabbit Bunny (ears)

ICT tools used: a projector and a laptop, sounds to accompany the performance, music, screensavers, a short cartoon.

How each of them built his own house,

Then the evil wolf broke two of them

And they all began to live in the strong house of Naf-Naf.

And now the winter has come

Frost, cold came,

December is coming to an end

The New Year is coming to everyone.

Although the pigs drove the wolf away, they were afraid of him, they didn’t stop, they behaved carefully, tried not to go anywhere alone and generally be at home if it was dark outside.

The scalded wolf then fled into the rattling forest, where he lived holding a grudge and licking his wounds. Over time, the anger in him only grew, and he made plans to take revenge on the pigs. Feelings from hunger, roofing felts from anger, the wolf dreamed of piglets every night. He read the recipe book every night and got even angrier!

When it got dark, he went to the piglet house in the hope of catching at least one piglet by surprise and finally eating!!!

One evening he heard pigs talking

NAF-NAF (reads a book): Guys, there is 1 week left before the New Year, Santa Claus will come with gifts, and we have neither a Christmas tree nor food for the festive table.

NIF NIF AND NUF NUF (playing PSP and vigorously discussing the game): NAF and a lot of time, we'll have time.

They did not know that the wolf had heard all this.

WOLF (standing under the windows): these two never learned anything, so they remained stupid lazybones, only got better, and this is for the better ... (strokes his stomach, which rumbles). Be patient, there's not much left.

Nothing has changed in a week...

NAF NAF began to scold the brothers: oh, you are ignorant, have you forgotten how, because of your laziness, last time you almost said goodbye to life?

NIF NIF AND NUF NUF: as we said goodbye and said hello, go, look better what body kit we got for the boss (reward for the killed main monster in games).

NAF NAF: “body kit”, “boss” are also slang for me, so ... tired, they thought - I will do everything for you again !?


NAF: no, I'm going to the grocery store and cooking dinner, and you go to the forest for a Christmas tree.

BROTHERS: are you out of your mind! What a Christmas tree there, the wolf is just waiting for us to leave the house!

NAF: it's still light! The wolf does not walk here during the day - he is afraid of other animals, he also ruined their lives. Less talk, more action!

NIF: listen, soon it will start to get dark, but we never went for the Christmas tree

NUF: come on, let's decorate the flower with balloons and that's enough.

NIF: no, that won't do, naf is right, we're completely lazy.

They go and discuss how to defeat the next boss. We went far, far into the forest. They did not know that a bear and a fox were watching them.

NIF: okay, we actually went for the Christmas tree, which one shall we take?

standing, arguing

NUF: Yes, at least this one.

NIF: no, this branch has not enough, and even fewer needles.

NUF: then this one!

NIF: no, we will carry this home until the next New Year ... .. (looks frightened)

Behind Nuf are the Bear and the Fox.

NUF: … ty? What are you? (turns) And here are the bosses, and we are without a body kit ...

BEAR AND FOX: salute, gamers! Are you walking?

NAF: Okay, I'll probably take care of the festive dinner. And started the culinary magic!

FOX: you guys haven't been seen for a long time! Are you glad to see us? I see very happy (grins)

BEAR: yes, they are shaking like washing machines, are they cold or what?

PIGS: yeah, it's so cold it's scary!

FOX: so go home, why are you freezing then?

NUF: what is possible?

NIF: are you letting us go?

THE FOX AND THE BEAR fell from laughter: are we, what are you teachers or something, to let go home from lessons?

NIF NUFU: and I really want to go home and without a Christmas tree we better not go back there!

THE FOX WITH THE BEAR pretend that they accidentally heard: do you need a Christmas tree? The wolf has the coolest Christmas tree! We saw through the window, he took it from some tourists.

PIGS: yeah, of course, you offer us to take it from the wolf? Decided to lure us? You are friends! He is sitting at home now and waiting for you to bring us to him “behind the Christmas tree”.

BEAR: What are you doing?! He is no longer our friend, he started celebrating the New Year without us. So we want to take revenge on him.

LISA: and he is not at home now: we saw how he went out with a bag, went, probably, to look for food for the New Year ...

NIF AND NUF thought: what is this idea - and you don’t need to cut anything, and decorate, we’ll bring the finished Christmas tree right away, now Naf will be delighted.

NUF: look, the wolf does not save electricity at all!

NIF: What if there's a fire - that's a stupid animal!

PIGS: well, beauty of course! Come on, he'll be back soon.

BEAR AND FOX: come on, we'll guard the wolf here, if anything we'll knock on you!

... The hare immediately suspected a trick when he saw in the clearing how Nif and Nuf were talking to a bear and a fox. He rushed with all his might to Naf: NAF! Trouble! Your brothers in the forest are talking with wolf friends, I smell something wrong!

NAF setting the table: well, what kind of stupid patches!? Okay, guess where they are!

Meanwhile, the WOLF turned on the light, smiles and sings maliciously:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

PIGS: I wonder if this is a game over?

WOLF: what a meeting!!! Welcome uninvited! I should call the police for breaking into my home

WOLF: but I will pity you anyway...

The piglets took a deep breath and shook the sweat from their foreheads.

WOLF: ... I'll just eat you!!!

NAF: "Hey wolf! Eat apples for dinner, they have a lot of vitamins, but let my brothers go!”

I had to act quickly, well Naf has been doing a lot of sports lately, he ran into the house and untied the brothers: RUN!!!

Nuf stopped at the door and remembered the Christmas tree, quickly grabbed it and ran, jumping over the wolf, which was trying to free its paws.

Santa Claus: Hello guys! I came to you with gifts! Tell me a poem or sing a song!

And they sang their favorite song:

Even if you go around half the world,

You'll get around, you'll get around

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it!

No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Won't open this door

This door, this door!

The wolf from the forest never

Never ever

Won't come back to us here

To us here, to us here!

As soon as the song ended, they heard the WOLF crying in the street: Forgive me! I just really want to eat, but apples give me indigestion, can I celebrate the holiday with you?

They took pity on the wolf and celebrated all together!

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Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale

"New Year's Adventure of the Three Little Pigs"

Duration: 30-40 minutes

Characters: Piglet Nif-nif(boastful, careless and carefree),

Piglet Nuf-nuf(naive piglet.),

Piglet Naf-naf(the smartest smart pig), Wolf, Santa Claus, Shishechka.


Snow-covered glade in the forest. (Dance of snowflakes.

Three little pigs frolic in the clearing. They sing and dance.
We are three perky little pigs.
Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.
Who likes to sing and somersault?
Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.
Who is the best at having fun?
Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.
Who is not even afraid of a wolf?
Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf.
We are three funny pigs.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Oink-oink!

The pigs heard someone crying and stopped singing.

Naf-naf: Listen, I think someone is crying.
Nif-Nif: Nonsense! Let's sing and have fun.
Naf-naf: No, this is probably auditory hallucinations according to the theory of probability, but based on objective reality, it is, in fact, someone is crying!
Nif-Nif: Like someone is roaring, yes Nuf-Nuf?
Nuf-nuf: Yes.
Nuf-nuf: There (points to the Christmas tree. Shishechka is crying on the Christmas tree).
Nif-Nif: What are you crying for, preventing you from having fun?
bump: You rejoice here, but the Snow Maiden disappeared, she disappeared for 3 days. She had to hand over a bag of gifts to Santa Claus. And disappeared. No gifts, no Snow Maiden.
Nif-Nif: How did you get lost?
bump: And so it disappeared! they say in the forest that the wolf hid it in order to disrupt the holiday.
piglets(in chorus): Gee!
Naf-naf: From the point of view of logic, what is the New Year without the Snow Maiden? Yes, nuf-nuf?
Nuf-nuf: Yes.
Nif-Nif: What does this mean, we will be left without gifts ?! I will teach him! I'll show him where the crayfish hibernate!..
Nuf-nuf: Where?
Naf-naf: Nif-Nif you forget that the wolf is a dangerous predator!
Nif-Nif(sings a song): I'm not afraid of a gray wolf.
Gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf.
Where do you go stupid wolf,
Silly wolf old wolf

Naf-naf: Yes, Nuf-Nuf?
Nuf-nuf: Yes
Naf-naf: It seems to me that it is time to gather in search of the Snow Maiden
Nuf-nuf: It's nothing, why gather there.
Naf-naf: How, you don't want to get together?
Nif-Nif: Not
Naf-naf(nuf-nufu): Is he a coward?
Nuf-nuf: Yes
Nif-Nif: Oh, so, then goodbye, I will find the Snow Maiden, and I will get all the glory!
Nif-Nif ran along the forest path (to the far corner).

Naf-naf: I don’t want to seem the smartest, but he must be stopped, otherwise he will do something, get into trouble and even worse for a New Year’s dinner with a wolf, with mustard and greens. Not a very happy prospect. Let's go, Nufik!
The piglets ran after Nif-Nif.

Meanwhile, Nif-Nif turned onto a forest path and ran forward and sang a song:

Nif-nif: I'm not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf,
Where do you go stupid wolf,
Silly wolf, old wolf.
And nearby, under an old pine tree, an evil hungry wolf was dozing. Suddenly he heard someone rejoice and laugh. He looked at the road, saw a little pig that did not know that he was walking next to the pig's dwelling.
Wolf: Eh, I haven't eaten in a long time.
Nif-Nif(not seeing the Wolf): Get it! Kiya! Jj! By fangs! Gray wolf, gray wolf is a dangerous predator.
The wolf, meanwhile, quietly stands behind the pine tree and watches the piglet.
And the piglet yells at the top of his lungs.

Nif-Nif: Well, just get caught by me, I'll make a meatball out of you.
Wolf: Hmm, a meatball - he came up with a great idea, but I prefer a cutlet - a big, fat, juicy, pork cutlet ... that's luck ... otherwise I couldn't open this bag ...
The wolf slowly comes out from behind its hiding place, takes the piglet by the shoulder.
Wolf: Why are we making noise?
The piglet was taken aback with fear, his knees, tail and ears trembled.
Nif-Nif: I ... I ... walk ... wander through the forest ... this ... I collect mushrooms ... (Fraction of teeth)
Wolf: Yeah...
Nif-Nif: Berries... I... raspberries... I catch fish!!!
Wolf: Yeah...
Nif-Nif: For dinner... to eat... blizzards... meatballs... oh!

Wolf (happily): Aha! Meatballs, you mean? From the wolf Yes, I love you!!..
The wolf looms menacingly over the piglet, but then a snowball falls on the wolf, the wolf falls, and the piglet starts to run away.
Finally, the wolf manages to catch the piglet. The wolf takes the pig in an armful and leaves the forest edge. The pig squeals and wriggles. Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf appear. They try to catch up with the kidnapper, but he hides in the forest thicket.

Naf-naf: Well, at first the Snow Maiden disappeared somewhere, now the wolf dragged Nif-Nif ...
Nuf-nuf: Yes.
Naf-naf: We need a plan here. You can't do without a plan. Yes, nuf-nuf?
Nuf-nuf: Yes!
Naf-Naf sits down on a stump and begins to draw something in the snow with a stick. Nuf-Nuf actively helps him.
Naf-naf: Look... The individual wolf ran over here. There is a spruce forest... There is a birch forest... A big ravine was dug here in the summer... Based on common sense and topography, and also taking into account the specifics of the wolf individual, he must be somewhere here!

Naf-Naf sticks his stick in the snow. Nuf-Nuf takes Naf-Naf by the hand, and they run into the thick of the forest. Meanwhile, the Wolf dragged the victim to his lair.
Wolf: So I will have a New Year's dinner - pork with sauce! I'm going to get sick.
The wolf comes out, locks the door with a key. Nif-Nif cautiously looks around.

Nif-Nif: Strange... But where is the Snow Maiden?.. It looks like I'm alone here. Who will help me now? Here ... I didn’t listen to my friends, I ran alone ... (whines). What am I to do now? (cries).

Nif-Nif tries to open the door, but it's useless, he sits in a corner and closes his eyes with his paws.
Meanwhile, the rest of the piglets approach the wolf's lair. Naf-naf reads the sign on the lair.
Naf-naf: WOLF. Look, my friend, this is the wolf's house. Now we need to assess the situation. Let's sneak up on the house. Put on your disguise!
The piglets put on disguise (white sheets) and quietly crept up to the lair.

Naf-naf: Nuf-nuf, throw a snowball at the door.
Nuf-nuf threw a snowball at the door of the lair. From the door came the pitiful squeak of a pig.

Naf-naf: Judging by the sounds coming from behind the door, Nif-Nif is exactly there. But is there a Wolf there, that is the question.
Naf-naf: Nuf, you are small and inconspicuous, sneak up to the keyhole and ask if the Wolf is there.
Nuf crept close to the door and looked into the well.
Naf-naf: What do you see? Is the wolf there?
Nuf-nuf: Not.
Naf ran up to the house and began to call Nif-nif through the keyhole.

Naf-naf: Nif, are you there?
Nif-Nif: Are you friends? How happy I am, I already thought that I was finished! Will you save me? You will save me! Oink-Oink!
Naf-naf: Calm down, Nif! Everything will be fine, try to assess the situation sensibly! You are alone? Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is the wolf?
Nif-Nif: He... He... He... wants to eat me... me... eat me... wants to... eat brushwood... Wolf... terrible... eat... brushwood ... left ... alone ... completely ... alone ... to eat ... the Snow Maiden ... ate ... did not choke ... I was gone ..(crying).
Naf-naf: Nif-Nif, hold on, now I'll think of something. Look around, look for something you can use to defend yourself in an emergency...
Nif-Nif(looked at): I don't see anything... There's nothing here but cobwebs and fat spiders. They look at me so longingly. Oh, I'm afraid!
Nif covered the stigma with his paws and lowered his head! And only then did he notice that he was sitting on a red bag.
Nif-Nif: Brothers! I found this here ... SUCH! Everything will be mine, I'll take everything for myself ...
Naf-naf: Take, of course, for yourself what you found ... maybe in the stomach of a wolf with this you will have more fun.
Nif-Nif: Guys! I was joking! I got it! Without true friends, I'll be lost! Friendship is more valuable than the magic bag of Santa Claus!
Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf (in chorus): Santa Claus bag?!
Nif-Nif: Yes! I was sitting on a bag of Santa Claus!
Naf-naf: Open it, in this magic bag we must find a means of salvation
Neef opened the bag and found a lot of firecrackers in there!
Nif-Nif: I see a lot of firecrackers!
Naf-naf: This is what we need! Let's prepare a warm welcome for the Wolf! (begins to whisper).
Meanwhile, the Wolf was approaching the house with an armful of brushwood.
Wolf: Wow! It smells like pork... my stomach hurts... how hungry I am! (approaching the lair): My juicy little friend, you must have missed me. I'm already on my way! Ha-ha-ha!
The wolf opens the door with a key. Opening the door, he gets hit with a firecracker between the eyes. The wolf howled in pain, brushwood fell out of his hands.
Wolf: Ouch! Wait for it. Now I'll eat you raw!
The wolf breaks into the house, but gets hit with more firecrackers. He falls out of the house. Naf and Nuf jump out from behind cover and start firing snowballs at the Wolf. Meanwhile, Nif runs out of the house with a bag and a cracker in his hands.
piglets: So him! On the! Get it, robber!
The wolf, writhing in pain, rushes into the forest, the pigs with loud cries and squeals follow him.
Winter forest clearing. Fabulous music is heard and the Snow Maiden comes out into the clearing ..

Snow Maiden: Passed through all obstacles. I knew that I would be welcome here. That's just a bag of Santa Claus lost, for a while ... (winks slyly) This bag is not simple, but magical, those who have an evil and cruel heart will not be able to use its gifts, and whoever is friendly, kind, honest and disinterested, will generously bestow the bag!
There is a noise, a din... A Wolf is running through the forest, followed by pigs.

Snow Maiden: What's the noise, what's the noise?
The wolf sees the Snow Maiden and rushes at her. The piglets, seeing the Snow Maiden, stop.
piglets: Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Hello my dear! What happened?
Wolf (complains): They almost exhausted me, beat me up, crippled me...
Nif-Nif: He wanted to eat me. He was already gathering brushwood... to eat... brushwood... friends... managed to... eat... brushwood...
Nuf-nuf: Yes. Yes Yes. Yes.
Naf-naf: This is an unbridled lie.... This is a blatant lie... a untruthful report, in general, this is nonsense... I demand an explanation!
The Snow Maiden waved her hands, and everyone froze in place.

Snow Maiden: Now I will look in my magic mirror and find out how it was. (looks in the mirror) Dear mirror, show me how it was, tell me the truth. ( looks in the mirror, then shakes his head, then laughs. Then she waved her hand again at the heroes, and they came to life). Well, now I know everything! Everything good and bad... Well, now tell each for himself! Who will start?
Naf-naf: We'll start with Nuf-nuf. Yes, nuff nuff?
Nuf-nuf: Yes!
Naf-naf: It seems to Nuf and me, from the point of view of the simplest erudition ... Ahem ... Friends need to stick together!
Nuf-nuf: Yes!
Nif-Nif: I got it too guys! Without friendship, I would be lost! I would sit in the stomach of a wolf now! Brrrrr!
Wolf: To listen to you, I’m just some kind of flayer! .. Yes, I generally don’t take meat in my mouth! Such disgusting! I am... vego... whiga... taro...
Naf-naf: Vegetarian?
Wolf: Exactly! He is! Ve-ge-tari-anets - it's me!
Nif-Nif: Yes? And who wanted to eat me? Called pig? Who went for brushwood?
Naf-naf: And why did you steal the bag, if you are so positive, virtue itself?

Wolf: And I stole the bag and Nifa because I'm bored ... I have no friends ... I wanted to celebrate the New Year with a piglet - it's sad for one ... And after all, no one loves me, no one is friends, everyone is just afraid me and think the worst of me. Just a little, immediately Wolf, Wolf! .. (shudders offendedly)

. Snow Maiden: I see, friends, everyone has learned a lesson for themselves. Indeed, friendship is the most valuable thing in the world! And that is why people always value friendship so much, they value it so much. After all, it is known - do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends! An old friend is better than two new ones! A friend in trouble will not leave! Here you, pigs, managed to cope with a hardened wolf today (raises his hand in front of the wolf soothingly), but the wolf could not overcome the weak pigs, because he was alone! But ... After all, friendship is very important for the Wolf. Here's what I suggest ... There is very little left before the New Year, you need to hurry up to light the Christmas tree!

The new year must come on time! And if the Christmas tree is not lit, will the New Year really come? And therefore - on the road! We will take the Wolf with us, and let him prove in practice that he is good! After all, a Christmas tree can only be lit with pure hearts and good deeds! And if someone has bad thoughts, the Christmas tree will not light up, which means that the New Year will not come ... Well, friends, are we taking the Wolf with us? I just suggested, but it's up to you!
Nif-Nif: Although he is a predator (looks at Naf-Naf) even though he wanted to eat me (looks at Wolf)... I am for!
Naf-naf: Me too! I hope for the consciousness of the individual Wolf! On his self-education and purposefulness! And you, Nuf-nuf?
Nuf-nuf: Yes!
Father Frost: And you yourself, Wolf, what do you say? Won't you let me down? Don't ruin your holiday?
Wolf A: I promise to be good! Just don't leave me on a day like this! I won't survive this...

Snow Maiden: Well, fine! And now - on the road! To the tree! Meeting with Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: And now, friends, get to work! It is necessary to cheer up our Christmas tree with songs, dances, rhymes and nursery rhymes, light sparks, lanterns, stars and balls, candles and light bulbs on it, to work, dears!
The fun begins, dances, dances, songs. The wolf tries on a par with everyone. Finally, everyone gets tired and, breathing heavily, but happy, stand around the Christmas tree.
Father Frost: And now we say magic words! Only friendly and together! The words are - one, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!
Together: One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!
Bright lanterns light up on the Christmas tree, everyone starts dancing and rejoicing again.
Father Frost: So, friendship won! The Christmas tree is lit, the New Year has come! It's time for the giveaway!