These words of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan will be remembered for a long time after her death…. About the strong and the weak Life brings strong people to their knees

Never say expensive words to cheap people.

"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question is a fool for his whole life."

Chinese proverb

If you want to do something great one day, remember: one day is today! George Lucas

"If we ever do all we can do. We will surprise ourselves." Thomas Edison

The wise is not the one who knows everything, but the one who knows whom to ask. Anton Rudnev

"Successful people change themselves - life changes the rest." Jim Rohn

If you want to have little time, do nothing. Anton Chekhov

Capital can be obtained, factories can be built, but people will have to be conquered. Hans Christoph von Rohr

Never argue with an idiot, you will sink to his level, and there he will definitely crush you with his experience !!!

If people talk about themselves either well or nothing, then they are already dead?

The lazier a person, the more his work resembles a feat!)

"Live in accordance with your destiny. Only the path on which your heart beats is easy for you. Listen to your heart." Ling Bao

"Life will not teach if there is no desire to grow wiser." Bernard Show

Life breaks the strongest, bringing them to their knees to prove that they can rise! She does not touch weaklings - they have been on their knees all their lives.

"The main thing is not how much you spend by buying a book. The main thing is how much you lose by not reading it." Jim Rohn

The ability to forgive is a property of the strong, the weak do not forgive. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A good yardstick to measure your own success is the number of people you have made happy in your life. Robert Lumsden

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its breadth and depth. Sh.Terani

"Inner strength is the ability to respect other people's music, but dance to your own tune and listen to your own harmony." Doc Childr

With happiness, the situation is the same as with watches: the simpler the mechanism, the less often it deteriorates. Nicola Chamfort

Working on yourself... it's not like climbing the triumphal steps of the red carpet in Cannes. Working on yourself... It's more like how, under the whistle of bullets in the rain, you crawl from trench to trench during the fighting, deep in the mud, cold and hungry... :)

Don't expect a miracle - do it yourself!) Alex Ivanhoe

Many come to trainings just to earn money, but come out as completely different people. Want more - do unusual things. Alex Ivanhoe

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Peter F. Drucker

You must be the change you want to see in the world Mahatma Gandhi

Find simplicity among the confusion; in the midst of discord, find harmony; in difficulty find opportunity. Albert Einstein

Everyone knows it's impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery. Albert Einstein

If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right either way. (c) Henry Ford

We are what we constantly do. Perfection, therefore, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

If you want to have what you never had, start doing what you have never done. Richard Bach

It took me twenty long years to go from loser to lucky overnight. Eddie Cantor

The main law of free enterprise: in order to receive - you must first give. Scott Alexander

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom. James Allen

Passive income is as much an illusion as passive health, passive relationships, or passive happiness!

Great things must be done, and not endlessly pondered Julius Caesar

Give a man a purpose worth living for, and he can survive in any situation. Goethe

If you want to achieve a goal, don't try to be subtle or smart. Use rough tricks. Hit the target right away. Come back and hit again. Then hit again, with the strongest blow from the shoulder. W. Churchill

A person grows as his goals grow. Schiller

Getting closer to the goal does not mean achieving it: before reaching one step, you can meet an abyss that you cannot cross. L.Blanqui

If you want to fly high, you must fly against the wind Chinese wisdom

“My results have been known to me for a long time, I just don’t know yet how I will come to them.” Carl Friedrich Gauss

"Miracles happen when you risk everything for a dream that no one else sees except you. You just have to believe." Clint Eastwood

“The measure of a man’s true character is how he acts, being absolutely certain that no one will ever know about it.” Thomas Macauley

"If I'm not lucky, I carry myself." Sherlock Holmes

"Start doing what you are afraid of, and the fear will disappear." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Successful people see the opportunity in every difficulty, instead of seeing the difficulties on the way to any opportunity. Winston Churchill

Be yourself and say what you feel, for those who are important to you will understand you, and you should not care about everyone else.

"In the life of every person there are two wonderful days: the day when he was born and the day when he understood why." John Maxwell

The person who was able to move a mountain started by dragging small pebbles from place to place.

"There is only one way to do great job love her." Steve Jobs

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move!

“If you don’t want anyone to know about something, then maybe you just shouldn’t do it at all?” Eric Schmidt [ Executive Director Google]

In the 16th century, Kievan Rus was subjected to numerous raids by the Crimean Tatars. Cities were burning, widows and orphans were crying over fresh graves, a sad fate awaited the chained Slavic beauties. But only one of them has firmly entered world history.
Anastasia Lisovskaya, when she was taken into captivity, was 14 years old. The young daughter of a priest had no idea that her life would never be the same again!

The girl had to go a long and difficult path, leaving millions of legends in the memory of her descendants, as well as the building of the Hurrem Sultan Mosque, one of the main decorations of Istanbul. No wonder today the series “The Magnificent Century”, based on those historical events, enjoys unprecedented popularity. The story of a Slavic girl who became a legendary sovereign fell in love with the viewer. The film has long been dismantled for quotes.

“Life breaks the strongest, bringing them to their knees to prove that they can rise. She does not touch the weak. They've been on their knees all their lives."

“I will fall and fall and fall. But when I get up, everyone will fall.

"I'm Hurrem! Let my enemies fear me! Let them fear my wrath! I, like an arrow, will pierce into their hearts so that they burn endlessly!

"My love is like a candle flame: if you forget about me, I will burn your house and everything you love."

“You can’t undo what’s been done. Well, then come what may."

“Now there will be an end to all the enemies who have caused me so much torment and suffering. Let them tremble before me! I will turn their every breath into torture! I myself will become a flame to devour them in my tongues! What is a harem to me? I will rule the world!"

“A woman will always understand everything, just looking into her eyes. No words are needed."

Each of us has had such moments in life when it seemed that everything was not going the way we would like, and the whole world was against us.

A person is a patient creature, and can endure severe pain, stress, grief and despair, but exactly until the inner limit comes, the limit beyond which it is difficult to learn to control one's emotions. Then we begin to feel completely overwhelmed and devastated.

If you feel broken, then know that this is not the end. In fact, this may just be the beginning of something new in your life that you have never experienced before.

9 reasons to stop feeling overwhelmed and start living again.

1. Remember that pain allows you to grow.

You cannot go through life without encountering a number of troubles and difficulties along the way. In order for us to live a full life, to fully experience it, we will have to take a sip of dashing. And this means that we should learn to overcome the problems that fate throws at us.

This is a difficult life experience that allows you to grow and become the best version of yourself. Overcoming difficulties and working on oneself make a person wiser and stronger.

2. Learn to accept and respect your feelings.

First, never be afraid of your emotions. Don't fight them, don't run away from them, and don't block them. Welcome them, accept them whether they are pleasant or not.

We were born with a whole range of emotions. They are neither good nor bad. You need to learn to "release" any emotions that appear in your soul. Negative emotions such as anger, aggression, sadness, jealousy, despair should be released as easily and quickly as possible. Cry or scream to make room for the most important thing, for happiness, joy and love.

At the same time, hiding emotions is not healthy or natural, they will torment your soul until one day a huge scandal, fight or quarrel with loved ones breaks out.

Be kind to yourself and accept your feelings. Most of life is what you feel, not what you think. The manifestation of emotions is an integral part of a healthy, full of joy and sadness of life, which must be lived with a sense of complete satisfaction.

3. Remember your purpose.

When we are hurt or frustrated and there is an internal struggle, we often ask ourselves a bunch of questions: Why is all this happening to me? Why did I even come into this world?

The answer is always very simple: we are all here to have happy, joyful years based on love for life and for others. Our goal is to leave a piece of ourselves in this world and make it as much better as possible than it was when we first entered it.

Your life experiences, both negative and positive, allow you to expand the perspective of the world. The pain you have endured allows you to empathize and identify with the pain of others and appreciate happiness sincerely.

Remember your “why” and reflect on how the negative situations that you have faced in life allow you to see a clearer purpose, help you better understand your purpose on this planet.

4. Focus on the positive aspects of life.

When we feel morally broken, we look at everything around us pessimistically. We see only darkness, and for some reason we allow ourselves to plunge into it.

One of the first steps to healing and enlightenment is to surround yourself with positivity. Think about how wonderful it is that you can still go outside and enjoy a sunny day, smell flowers, or just smile at strangers. Remember that the world is not working against you. New days are coming, they will certainly be better, and we always have tomorrow. You just need to believe in the best, and it will certainly happen to you.

5. Remember that you have friends and family.

To feel happy, we need friends and family who love and care for us, especially when we are hurt, hurt, and lonely. They know us best and help us feel better. Do not be afraid to pour out your emotional experiences to them. Feel their care and love. What we all need is a person who loves us, who is always ready to listen and come to the rescue at any moment.

6. Focus on what you love.

Often, when we feel overwhelmed, we tend to neglect the things that bring us happiness. Focus on what you love, let yourself relax and feel like yourself again. happy man. How to do it?

Start with breathing. Go outside, get some fresh air, bask in the sun, take a walk. Find the strength in yourself to go through the tunnel of the bad and the unpleasant with a ray of hope, goodness and expectation of the pleasant.

Break your day into small chunks of time and be sure to convince yourself that something good will happen to you in each of those chunks and look forward to it.

7. Learn to live with your emotions.

Remember that you cannot change your set of emotions. You can learn how to get along with them, how to guide them, but don't try to subdue them. You cannot choose the emotions you feel and you cannot decide when they will arise or disappear. Don't be held hostage to your emotions and never let them take over your life.

8. Remember that everything in this world is temporary.

Sometimes it seems that bad events that provoke us to negative emotions will last forever, but they will not, believe me. Sometimes you really need to hit rock bottom before you can get back on your feet and find the strength to keep going.

You have a great future ahead of you, and these are just fleeting troubles. So get up off your knees, go where life is in full swing. Live like it's your last day.

Start with the fact that you, and only you, can decide whether you live happily or not. No one else can force or push you to do this. You are responsible for your own life and no one can help you until you decide to help yourself. Whoever you are, know that you can be better. You can do what you want as long as you want. Positive thoughts are the key to happiness. Everything in life is temporary. Don't complicate.

9. Accept what you cannot change and change what you can.

There are and will always be circumstances and situations in our lives that are beyond our control, but one thing we can control is our reaction to these things. We can let pain and suffering drive us into a corner, or we can, on the contrary, benefit from any negativity. You cannot change your past, but you are in charge of your future and your happiness. You will succeed! Believe and strive for the best!

Especially for our readers, we have made a selection of the most beautiful and wise quotes. These thoughts and sayings are truly worth remembering.

The main thing is not to break, to be stronger, no matter what. Hard times will pass, and sooner or later everything will be fine.

Deceived once, doubts everyone.

We learn the best lessons when we make mistakes, the mistake of the past is the wisdom of the future.

Is it possible to love the cold?
- Necessary. Cold teaches you to appreciate warmth.

I still don't regret anything, if only because it's pointless.
Max Fry

Life breaks the strongest, bringing them to their knees to prove that they can rise, but it does not touch the weak. They've been on their knees all their lives

I don't chase anyone anymore.
Do you want to get out of my life?
Go away.

Relying only on yourself is a great way to stop being disappointed in people and live with a great mood.

You can't change your life overnight. But in one night you can change the thoughts that will change your life forever!

Don't be afraid of your enemies, be afraid of your friends. Friends betray, not enemies.
© Johnny Depp

And you will meet when you do not expect.
And you won't find where you're looking.

If cats scratch your soul, don't hang your nose... The time will come, and they will purr loudly with happiness...

Less anger, more irony
And more and more dots over the "and" ...
Outsiders leave us
They stay with us.

Calmness is self-control's best friend.

Know how to forgive, because this is the property of the strong. The weak never forgive.

Stronger than cheating, I'm just afraid not to find out about cheating. It is terrible to love a person who no longer deserves it.
Vladimir Vysotsky

You live and think that nothing in your life changes. But looking back at the past, you realize that this is far from the case.

Fate is not a matter of chance, but the result of choice. Fate is not expected, it is created!

Everyone can see how you look on the outside, but there are very few who know what you have in your soul.

Happiness is near.
Do not invent ideals for yourself.
Apperciate things which you have.

Only loneliness teaches us to love... And only loss teaches us to appreciate.

If I endure it does not mean that I am not hurt.

Don't hurt someone who can't hurt you.

Be grateful for problems, they show you what you're worth.

One rose can become a garden. One person is the whole world.

Life breaks the strongest, putting them on their knees to prove that they can rise, but it does not touch the weak.
They've been on their knees all their lives.

Puts life on the knees of the strongest, breaks,
Turns their values ​​into ashes and decay.
They don't need pity. Anyone familiar with them knows:
The strong rise again from their knees.

Weaklings do not touch life, there is no reason for that.
Weaklings - whipped cream, sweet dreams ...
In the fetters of lies and betrayal, within the template
They spend their lives on their knees...


I read your poem many times .. but I understood one thing ... In life, in real life everything is different. I do not know? Am I strong or weak??? I don’t know .... but I lived my life, I lost everything my mother, brother, sister, and finally, not long ago, my husband and after 2 years and 2 months of my only son .. I live .. I write a little ... a little poetry ... I sometimes think I am very weak woman .. I’m crying for 5 years and I won’t get out of stress .. then I feel strong again, I live in a remote village, I found something to do writing poetry and prose and I get on my knees when I need to pray .. I seem to have become hardened for the whole world, but I feed the poor and sorry for the sick ... Sorry it happened .. touched the verse so I don’t know .. I still don’t understand .. who is strong and who is weak ..??? this is my personal opinion. And the verse touched .. it means worth it!

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