Assignment. How can I cancel an order or make changes to my details? Formula for an executable order: how to give an order correctly

The procedure for non-cash payments is regulated by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 2-P dated October 3, 2002 “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 2-P). And the need to maintain card files is determined by the rules for working with settlement documents provided for by these Regulations. Accounting for settlement documents placed in file cabinets is carried out in accordance with Bank of Russia Regulation No. 302-P dated March 26, 2007 “On the rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

Banks maintain a file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90901 “Settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment” and a file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902 “Settlement documents not paid on time,” that is, file cabinet No. 1 and card index No. 2, respectively.

Card files are a set of payment documents that are stored in the bank at the place where the payer’s account was opened and are under the control of:

Due to the lack of funds in the client's account;

Awaiting the payer's acceptance;

Pending operations in cases established by law.

From the definition of card files it follows that the card files of payment documents reflect not the client’s debt, but the sequence of documents awaiting payment from the client’s bank account. Therefore, accounting of card files in accounting is carried out on off-balance sheet accounts.

Attention! Card files are kept only for the accounts of legal entities. According to clause 1.1.3 of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 222-P dated 04/01/2003 “On the procedure for making non-cash payments by individuals in the Russian Federation”, card indexes for current accounts of individuals are not maintained.

Let's consider the procedure for maintaining these card files.

Procedure for working with card index No. 2

Procedure for maintaining card index No. 2 when making payments by payment orders

As noted above, file cabinet No. 2 is a file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902 “Settlement documents not paid on time.”

According to clause 3.5 of Regulation No. 2-P, payment orders are accepted by the bank regardless of the availability of funds in the payer’s account.

When accepting a payment order, the bank's operational employee checks the correctness of completion and execution of the submitted documents. If the payment order is properly executed, all copies (except the last one) of payment orders accepted for execution are marked with the date of receipt of the payment document by the bank (in the field “Received by the payment bank.”). On the last copy of the payment order, the operational employee puts the bank's stamp, the date of acceptance and his signature and returns it to the payer as confirmation of acceptance of the payment order for execution.

If there are no or insufficient funds in the payer’s account, as well as if the bank account agreement does not define the terms of payment for settlement documents in excess of the funds available in the account, payment orders are placed in file cabinet No. 2.

It should be borne in mind that partial payment of a payment order from the payer’s bank account is unacceptable. Therefore, in case of insufficient funds, payment documents are first placed in card index No. 2 in full and then only paid for the amount of available funds in the account, since clause 3.7 of Regulation No. 2-P allows partial payment of payment orders from card index No. 2.

When placing payment orders in card index No. 2, the bank's operational employee puts a note in free form on the front side in the upper right corner of all copies of the payment order indicating the placement of the document in the card index, indicating the date, for example, “Card index No. 2 with “___”_________ ____year.”

__________________________________________________________________________ name of the credit institution


Tooff-balance sheetaccount№ 90902______________________

___________________________________________________________________ client name

for ________ 20___G.





Balance at the beginning of the month
Balance at the end of the month
Total income, expenses for the month

Unpaid payment orders placed in file cabinet No. 2 are attached to the stack.

Payment of payment orders is made as funds are received into the payer's account in the order established by law. It should be borne in mind that the main thing when paying for documents from card index No. 2 is the order, and not the date the document was placed in the card index. Regardless of the date of receipt of the payment order in the card index, the first to be paid are the payment documents that have priority in accordance with Art. 855 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Payment of payment orders from card index No. 2 is made no later than the day following the day the funds are received in the client’s current account.

As noted above, partial payment of payment orders from the card index is allowed. In this case, the bank's operational employee issues a payment order of form 0401066 (Appendix 17 to Regulation No. 2-P). The procedure for its production and filling out corresponds to the general procedure for producing and filling out settlement document forms. The format of the payment order, the size and numbering of the fields reserved for entering the values ​​of each of the details, and their description are given in Appendices 18-20 to Regulation No. 2-P.

When issuing a payment order for partial payment, the bank’s stamp, date, and signature of the bank’s responsible executive are affixed to all copies in the “Bank Marks” field. The first copy of the payment order for partial payment is also certified by the signature of the bank’s supervisory employee.

On the front side of a partially paid payment order, a “Partial payment” note is made in the upper right corner. The entry on the partial payment (the serial number of the partial payment, the number and date of the payment order, the amount of the partial payment, the amount of the balance, signature) is made by the responsible executive of the bank on the reverse side of the payment order.

When making a partial payment under a payment order, the first copy of the payment order by which the payment was made is placed in the bank's daily documents, the last copy of the payment order serves as an attachment to the extract from the payer's personal account.

When making the last partial payment under a payment order, the first copy of the payment order by which this payment was made, together with the first copy of the paid payment order, is placed in the documents of the day. The remaining copies of the payment order are issued to the client simultaneously with the last copy of the payment order attached to the personal account statement.

When paying a payment order on all copies of the payment document in the field “Written off from the account. payment." the date of debiting the funds from the payer’s account is entered (in case of partial payment - the date of the last payment), the bank’s stamp and the signature of the responsible executor are affixed in the “Bank Marks” field.

No payment allowed payment orders presented for payment on the current day, in the presence of card index No. 2 (in case of insufficient funds to pay for documents from the card index and current payment orders). The presented document should be placed in the card index and then paid according to the legally established order of payments, taking into account the newly placed documents in card index No. 2.

The operational employee must regularly check the correspondence of the data on the statement to the off-balance sheet account with the data reflected in the stack and the unpaid payment orders attached to them. It is also recommended to regularly check the details of the recipient of funds (in case of service in one bank), as well as the details of the recipient bank. This type of control is provided for by the Bank of Russia Directive No. 2410-U dated March 15, 2010 “On working with settlement documents, payment orders when changing the details of banks and their clients” (hereinafter referred to as the Directive).

If the details of the payment document are changed, the bank's operational employee notifies the client and asks him to submit an application for changing the details. An application for changing details in accordance with clause 7 of the Instructions is submitted in any form (if drawn up on paper - in two copies) for each settlement document placed in card file No. 2, and contains: the name, number, date and amount of the settlement document in which details are changed, new and corresponding previous details of the bank serving the recipient and/or the recipient.

The application for changing details is signed on the first copy if there are two signatures (first and second) of persons entitled to sign settlement documents, or one signature (if there is no person on the staff of the organization who may be granted the right to sign the second signature) and the seal imprint requested is affixed in a card with samples of signatures and seal impressions.

Next, the operational employee checks the submitted application for correctness in accordance with the requirements of banking legislation. In case of discrepancy, the application is returned to the client. On the accepted application, an authorized bank employee puts the date of acceptance and a handwritten signature on both copies. The second copy is returned to the client.

The first copy is attached to the payment document subject to payment with the changed details. If a payment order is issued, when paying for a payment document, a copy of the application is made from card file No. 2, which is attached to this payment order.

In case of failure to inform the bank serving the payer about the new details of the bank serving the recipient, settlement documents, payment orders containing the previous details, in accordance with clause 7.2 Instructions on the day of payment are returned by the bank serving the payer in the manner established by Regulation No. 2 -P.

Payers has the right to withdraw their payment orders that were not paid due to insufficient funds in the client’s account and placed in card index No. 2.

Revocation of payment orders is carried out on the basis of a client’s application submitted to the bank, drawn up in two copies in any form, indicating the details necessary for the revocation, including the number, date of preparation, amount of the settlement document, name of the payer or recipient of funds (collector).

Both copies of the application for revocation are signed on behalf of the client by persons authorized to sign settlement documents, certified by a seal and submitted to the bank servicing the payer. One copy of the application for revocation is placed in the bank's daily documents, the second is returned to the client as a receipt for receipt of the application for revocation.

No.____ dated “___”_________20___


Name of the bank


Account number ____________________________ asks you to recall

client name

from the file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902 “Settlement documents not paid on time” payment order(s) No.________________ dated “___”______________20___. for the amount of ______________________ (_____________________________________________)

amount in figures amount in words

to ________________________________________________________________________

name of the recipient of funds

beneficiary's account ___________________________ in _________________________________,

name and location of the receiving bank

BIC __________________________, c/s_________________________________________________

Supervisor /______________/ /_______________________/

signature full name

Chief Accountant /______________/ /_______________________/

signature full name

Bank marks

Recalled payment orders are returned by the bank to the payers.

The return of settlement documents from the file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902 “Settlement documents not paid on time” in the event of closing a client’s account is carried out in the following order.

Payment orders are returned to the payer. Moreover, the return of settlement documents from the card index of settlement documents that have not been paid by the due date is carried out after the corresponding account is excluded from the register of open accounts.

When returning payment documents, the bank draws up an inventory of them, which is to be stored together with the legal file of the client whose account is being closed.


settlement documents returned from the file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902

“Settlement documents not paid on time” due to closure

account No._______________________________________________

client name

Document Number

Document date

Document amount





Checking account

payee's bank

C/s Bic

Operations worker /______________/ /_______________________/

signature full name

Date of compilation "___"__________20___

Received by client /______________/ /_______________________/

signature full name

Number and date of notification

Date “_____” ____________20___

When returning payment documents accepted but not executed for one reason or another, the bank's marks confirming their acceptance for execution are crossed out by the relevant bank.

Features of maintaining card index No. 2 when making payments using payment requests and collection orders

The procedure for working in the executing bank (the payer's bank, which directly maintains file cabinet No. 2).

Payment requests and collection orders received by the executing bank are recorded in a free-form journal indicating the payer's account number, number, date and amount of each settlement document.

Journal of registration of settlement documents accepted for collection

Item no. date of receipt Name

bank and account

Document type Number and date


Acceptance period payee's bank Name

recipient and account

Number and date


Client's painting Execution date


Date and amount

return the document

Reason for return



oper. employee

* The acceptance period is indicated in case of registration of payment requests paid with acceptance; in other cases there is a dash.

** If a document is placed in file cabinet No. 2, the number and date of notification of the document’s placement in the file cabinet are indicated.

*** The reason for returning the documents is indicated: violation of the requirements for drawing up payment documents; receiving a refusal to accept a payment request paid with acceptance; receiving feedback from the claimant.

On the first copy of received payment requests and collection orders, the date of receipt of the settlement document is indicated in the upper left corner.

The executive officer of the executing bank monitors the completeness and correctness of filling in the details of payment requests and collection orders in accordance with the established procedure, with the exception of checking the signatures and seal of the recipient of funds (collector), and also checks the presence of the stamp of the issuing bank and the signature of the responsible person on all copies of payment documents performer.

Payment documents executed in violation are subject to return in compliance with the requirements of clause 2.21 of Regulation No. 2-P. When returning payment requests or collection orders, an entry is made in the registration journal indicating the date and reason for the return.

If there are no or insufficient funds in the payer’s account and if there is no provision in the bank account agreement for payment of settlement documents in excess of the funds available in the account, payment requests accepted by the payer, payment requests for direct debit of funds and collection orders (with attached in cases established by law executive documents) are placed in file cabinet No. 2 indicating the date of placement in the file cabinet.

The executing bank is obliged to notify the issuing bank about the placement of settlement documents in the file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902 “Settlement documents not paid on time” by sending a notice of filing in the file cabinet form 0401075 (Appendix 23 to Regulation No. 2-P). The specified notice is sent by the executing bank to the issuing bank no later than the business day following the day the settlement documents are placed in the card index. In this case, on the reverse side of the first copy of the payment document, a mark is made on the date of sending the notice, the bank’s stamp and the signature of the responsible executor are affixed.

Payment of settlement documents is made as funds are received into the payer's account in the order established by law.

Partial payment of payment requests and collection orders located in card index No. 2 is also allowed.

Partial payment is made by payment order in a manner similar to the procedure for partial payment of a payment order, with the exception of the mark on partial payment.

In case of partial payment of a payment request, collection order from card index No. 2, the responsible executive of the bank puts down on all copies of the payment document in the appropriate columns at the bottom of the form the number of the partial payment, the number and date of the payment order by which the payment was made, the amount of the partial payment, the amount of the balance and certifies made entries with your signature.

When paying a payment request, collection order on all copies of the payment document in the field “Written off from the account. payment." the date of debiting funds from the payer's account is entered (in case of partial payment - the date of the last payment), in the field "Marks of the payer's bank" the stamp of the payer's bank and the signature of the responsible executor are affixed.

Recipients of funds (collectors) also have the right to revoke their settlement documents accepted by the bank in the order of settlements for collection (payment requests, collection orders), not paid due to insufficient funds in the client’s account and placed in card index No. 2.

Unexecuted settlement documents may be withdrawn from the card index in full, and partially executed ones - in the amount of the balance.

Partial withdrawal of amounts from settlement documents is not permitted.

The return of unexecuted settlement documents is carried out by the executing bank on the basis of a written application from the bank serving the recipient of funds, drawn up on the basis of the client’s application.

The bank returns the withdrawn payment orders to the bank serving the recipients.

When returning payment documents accepted but not executed for one reason or another, the bank marks confirming their acceptance for execution are crossed out by the corresponding bank. On the reverse side of the first copy of the payment request and collection order, a note is made about the reason for the return, the date of return, the bank stamp, as well as the signatures of the responsible executor and the supervisory employee are affixed. An entry is made in the journal for registering payment requests and collection orders indicating the date of return.

The procedure for working at the receiving bank.

The bank servicing the recipient of funds does not directly maintain a file of unpaid documents. Its role is to transmit information from the recipient of funds to the payer's bank and vice versa. The procedure for receiving and transmitting documents is discussed in Regulation No. 2-P.

Selected questions on maintaining card index No. 2

Placing cash receipts in file cabinet No. 2.

The procedure for receiving funds for wages in the event of insufficient funds in the organization’s account was explained in the letter of the Bank of Russia dated December 18, 1996 No. 17-12/1210 “Explanations on issues in the field of non-cash payments.”

The Bank of Russia recommends placing in file cabinet No. 2 an application for booking funds to receive funds to pay wages, indicating the period for which wages are paid. As funds are received, the client provides a cash receipt for the payment amount, and a note about the payment amount is made on the letter. Of course, payment of funds for wages is made taking into account the order of other documents placed in file cabinet No. 2.

It should also be noted that the Bank of Russia provides for placing in file cabinet No. 2 only applications for payment of wages. Other applications for payments in cash are not placed in file cabinet No. 2.

Maintaining a file cabinet for accounts in foreign currency

According to paragraph 5 of Art. 46 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Part I), tax can be collected from ruble settlement (current) accounts, and if there are insufficient funds in ruble accounts, from the foreign currency accounts of the taxpayer (tax agent) - an organization or individual entrepreneur.

If a collection order is received in the client’s foreign currency account and if there are insufficient funds in the account, this document is placed in file cabinet No. 2. To record the amounts of unpaid documents in foreign currency, a separate personal account is opened with the payment currency code. These off-balance sheet accounts are generally subject to revaluation as exchange rates change.

Placing a bank order in file cabinet No. 2

By Directive of the Bank of Russia dated November 11, 2009 No. 2360-U “On the procedure for drawing up and applying a bank order,” a bank order was introduced as a settlement document. Due to the fact that a bank order is equated to payment documents, it can also be placed in file cabinet No. 2 if there are no or insufficient funds in the bank account of the paying client. Partial payment of a bank order with payment orders is also allowed in accordance with Regulation No. 2-P.

Placement in file cabinet No. 2 of settlement documents received in electronic form

In the case of registration of settlement documents in electronic form, the procedure for placing them in file cabinet No. 2 and further work with them is established by the bank independently, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia.

Accounting for maintaining card index No. 2

Accounting for card index No. 2, as noted above, is kept in off-balance sheet account No. 90902 “Settlement documents not paid on time.”

Purpose of the account: recording the amounts of settlement documents not paid on time in the absence or insufficiency of funds in the payer’s account. The account is active.

The debit of the account records the amounts of settlement documents that have not been paid from the payer’s account upon the due date of payment, in correspondence with accounts No. 90901, 99999.

On the account credit, the amounts of paid and recalled settlement documents are written off in correspondence with account No. 99999 or with account No. 90901 upon receipt of a decision to suspend operations on the client’s account.

Analytical accounting maintains card files and personal accounts opened for each payer.

Receipt of payment documents in file cabinet No. 2 in case of insufficient funds in the payer’s account:

Dt 90902

Kt 99999 -

Receipt of payment documents in file cabinet No. 2 upon the due date of payment and in the event of insufficient funds in the payer’s account:

Dt 90902 - according to the payer's personal account

Kt 90901 - for the amount of unpaid settlement documents

Write-off of settlement documents from card index No. 2 in case of payment or withdrawal of settlement documents:

Dt 99999

Kt 90902 - on the payer’s personal account - for the amount of written off payment documents

Procedure for working with card index No. 1

Procedure for maintaining file cabinet No. 1 for payment documents awaiting acceptance

Card file No. 1 is a card file of settlement documents awaiting acceptance or permission to carry out transactions in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (i.e., a card file for off-balance sheet account No. 90901).

Upon receipt of a payment request, paid with the payer’s acceptance, where the recipient of funds puts “with acceptance” in the “Terms of payment” field, the bank’s operational employee checks the correctness of the payment request, registers it in the registration journal (see sample above), and formalizes the payment request in in accordance with the rules listed below and places them in card index No. 1.

The operational employee must check that the deadline for accepting payment requests is indicated correctly. The period is determined by the parties under the main agreement. In this case, the period for acceptance must be at least five working days.

When registering a payment request, the creditor (recipient of funds) under the main agreement in the “Term for acceptance” field indicates the number of days established by the agreement for accepting the payment request. In the absence of such an indication, the period for acceptance is considered to be five working days.

On all copies of payment requests accepted by the executing bank, the responsible executor of the bank in the field “Final. acceptance period" indicates the date upon which the period for acceptance of the payment request expires. When calculating the date, working days are taken into account. The day the bank receives the payment request is not included in the calculation of the specified date.

The operational employee is obliged to notify the client of the receipt of a payment request, paid with acceptance. For this purpose, the latest copy of the payment request is used. The specified copy of the payment document is transferred to the payer for acceptance no later than the next business day from the date of receipt of the payment request by the bank. The transfer of payment requests to the payer is carried out by the executing bank in the manner prescribed by the bank account agreement.

Payment requests are placed by the executing bank in file cabinet No. 1 until the payer’s acceptance is received, the acceptance is refused (full or partial) or the acceptance period expires.

The operational employee keeps stacks according to the terms of acceptance, since analytical accounting is carried out according to the terms of payment.


name of the credit institution


to off-balance sheet account No. 90901_____________________


acceptance period

Attached to the stack are unpaid payment requests placed in file cabinet No. 1. The operational employee must check the acceptance deadlines daily.

The payer, within the period established for acceptance, submits to the bank the appropriate document on the acceptance of the payment request or refusal in whole or in part from its acceptance on the grounds provided for in the main agreement, including in the event of a discrepancy between the applied payment form and the concluded agreement, with a mandatory reference to clause, number, date of the contract and indicating the reasons for refusal. The compliance of the data specified in the application with the contract is not checked. All disagreements arising between the payer and the recipient of funds are resolved in the manner prescribed by law.

The payer may grant the executing bank in the bank account agreement the right to pay payment claims submitted to his account by any creditors (recipients of funds) indicated by the payer if he does not receive from the payer a document on acceptance or refusal to accept (full or partial) the payment claim within the period specified. established for acceptance.

Acceptance of a payment request or refusal of acceptance (full or partial) is formalized by an application for acceptance, refusal of acceptance in form 0401004 (Appendix 24 to Regulation No. 2-P).

When accepting payment requests, the application is drawn up in two copies, the first of which is drawn up with the signatures of officials who have the right to sign settlement documents and the payer’s seal.

In case of complete or partial refusal of acceptance, the application is drawn up in triplicate. The first and second copies of the application are drawn up with the signatures of officials who have the right to sign settlement documents and the payer’s seal.

The responsible executive of the bank servicing the payer's account checks the correctness and completeness of the client's application for acceptance, refusal of acceptance, the presence of grounds for refusal, references to the number, date, clause of the contract in which this basis is provided, as well as the correspondence of the number and date of the contract, specified in the payment request, and affixes his signature and the bank’s stamp indicating the date on all copies of the application. The last copy of the application for acceptance or refusal of acceptance is returned to the payer as a receipt for receipt of the application.

An accepted payment request, no later than the business day following the day the application was received, is written off by a memorial order from the off-balance sheet account for recording the amounts of settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment, and paid from the payer’s account or, if there are insufficient funds in the account, placed in file cabinet No. 2. A copy of the application together with the first copy of the payment request are placed in the documents of the day as a basis for debiting funds from the client’s account.

If acceptance is completely refused, the payment request is written off by a memorial order from the off-balance sheet account for the amounts of settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment, and no later than the business day following the day the application was received, it must be returned to the issuing bank along with a copy of the application for return to the recipient of the funds.

A copy of the application, together with a copy of the payment request and a memorial order, is placed in the documents of the day as a basis for writing off the amount of the payment request from the off-balance sheet account for recording the amounts of settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment, and returning the settlement document without payment.

In case of partial refusal of acceptance, the payment request, no later than the business day following the day of acceptance of the application, is written off in full by a memorial order from the off-balance sheet account for recording the amounts of settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment, and is paid in the amount accepted by the payer. In this case, the amount of the payment request, indicated by numbers, is circled and the new amount to be paid is displayed next to it. The entry made is certified by the signature of the responsible executive of the bank.

One copy of the application, together with the first copy of the payment request, is placed in the documents of the day as a basis for debiting funds from the client’s account, another copy of the application, no later than the business day following the day the application is received, is sent to the issuing bank for transfer to the recipient of the funds.

If an application for acceptance or refusal of acceptance is not received within the established period, as well as in the absence of a condition in the bank account agreement providing for payment of payment requests with a preliminary emphasis, the payment request on the next business day after the expiration of the acceptance period is written off by a memorial order from the off-balance sheet account for accounting for settlement amounts. documents awaiting acceptance for payment and is returned to the issuing bank in the manner prescribed by clause 2.21 of Regulation No. 2-P, indicating on the reverse side of the first copy of the payment request the reason for the return: “Consent for acceptance was not received.”

The procedure for maintaining file cabinet No. 1 for settlement documents awaiting permission to conduct transactions

Card file No. 1 is also maintained in cases where settlement documents are awaiting permission to conduct transactions in cases established by law.

The term “permission to conduct transactions in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation” means the permission of the relevant bodies and authorities of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with the law, are granted the right to suspend transactions on bank accounts (letter of the MSTU Bank of Russia dated June 21, 2007 No. 33-02- 37/43957 “On maintaining analytical accounting on VBS 90901”).

Upon receipt of a decision (resolution) of the relevant authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation on the suspension of transactions on the client’s bank accounts or the seizure of the payer’s funds, the bank is obliged to carry out these orders.

If a restriction on the disposal of the corresponding account is received by the bank at the time of the absence of funds in the payer’s current account and the presence of settlement documents in the file cabinet for off-balance sheet account No. 90902, then the settlement documents from card index No. 2 must be transferred to card index No. 1 to a separate personal account. Moreover, on the payment documents the marks placed in accordance with clauses 3.6, 8.9 of Regulation No. 2-P must be preserved, and the calendar order of the initial receipt of payment documents in the file cabinet of documents not paid on time must also be preserved.

When working with payment documents awaiting acceptance by the payer, you should be guided by the following: upon receiving acceptance from the payer, but without permission to carry out transactions, the payment request remains registered in file cabinet No. 1; in other cases, the norms of clauses 10.8-10.10 of Regulation No. 2-P apply.

And when payment documents arrive to the client’s bank account during the period of restriction on the use of the account, documents that are not subject to payment are placed in file cabinet No. 1.

Thus, on off-balance sheet account No. 90901 in the file “For settlement documents awaiting permission to carry out transactions,” there are settlement documents that cannot be paid regardless of the presence or absence of funds in the payer’s bank account.

After receiving permission to conduct transactions, that is, a decision of the authorized body to cancel a previously made decision (resolution) to suspend transactions on bank accounts or to seize the taxpayer’s funds in the bank, card file No. 1 is written off.

Accounting for maintaining card index No. 1

Accounting for card index No. 1 is maintained in off-balance sheet account No. 90901 “Settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment.”

Purpose of the account: accounting for amounts received for payment of settlement documents awaiting acceptance or permission to conduct transactions in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The account is active.

The debit of the account records the amounts of received settlement documents awaiting acceptance or permission to carry out transactions in correspondence with account No. 99999 or 90902, if at the time of suspension of operations on the account there were settlement documents that were not paid on time due to the absence or insufficiency of funds in the client’s account.

The credit of the account reflects: the amounts of settlement documents on the day the payment is due or receipt of permission to conduct transactions - when they are written off from customer accounts in correspondence with account No. 99999, and in the event of a lack of funds in customer accounts to pay for them - in correspondence with account No. 90902, on the day of presentation of the amount of refusal (partial, full) of acceptance for settlement documents awaiting acceptance - in correspondence with account No. 99999.

In analytical accounting, the following files are kept:

According to settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment, with the opening of personal accounts according to payment deadlines;

According to settlement documents awaiting permission to conduct transactions, with the opening of personal accounts for each payer’s account for which there is a decision to suspend operations on the account.

Placing a payment request, paid with the payer’s acceptance, in file cabinet No. 1:

Dt 90901 -

Kt 99999 - for the amount of the payment request

Placing payment documents in file cabinet No. 1 upon receipt by the bank of a decision of the authorized body to restrict the disposal of the payer’s bank account (regardless of the availability of funds in the account):

Dt 90901 -

Kt 99999

Transfer of settlement documents awaiting acceptance from a personal account by payment deadline to the personal account of the payer, for which there is a decision to suspend operations on the account (if at the time of receiving the introduction of a restriction on the disposal of the account, there is a file cabinet No. 1):

Dt 90901- on the personal account of the payer, for which there is a decision to suspend operations on the account

Kt 90901 - by personal account by payment term

Transfer of payment documents from file cabinet No. 2 to file cabinet No. 1 (if at the time of receiving the decision to suspend operations on accounts, the client had payment documents that were not paid on time due to insufficient or lack of funds in the account):

Dt 90901 - on the personal account of the payer, for which there is a decision to suspend operations on the account

Kt 90902- according to the payer’s personal account

Writing off a payment request from card index No. 1 due to payment, partial payment, refusal to accept, or removal by the authorized body of restrictions on the disposal of the account:

Dt 99999

Kt 90901- on a personal account by the due date for the full amount of the document being written off or on the personal account of the payer for which there is a decision to suspend operations on the account

Write-off of a payment request in the event of acceptance or receipt of permission to lift restrictions if there are insufficient funds in the client’s account:

Dt 90902 - according to the client's personal account

Kt 90901 - on a personal account by the due date for the full amount of the document being written off or on the personal account of the payer for which there is a decision to suspend operations on the account

When the payment deadline arrives or the restriction on the use of the account is lifted, a separate personal account corresponding to this acceptance period, or, accordingly, a separate personal account of the payer for which there was a decision to suspend operations on the account, must be reset to zero and subject to closure.

February 26, 2010 3:19 pm

Alexey Afanasyev, Quality Director of InterTrust company

At many enterprises in Russia, especially those that have experienced rapid growth in recent years, the same problem is observed: the inability of the organization's officials to ensure high-quality and proper control over the execution of their orders. Typically, new companies suffer from this problem, while those organizations that still have a Soviet past, as well as the administrations of municipal, regional and federal authorities, quite effectively use the experience of directive management, which was especially popular in our country before perestroika. This article sets as its main goal the transfer of experience in the field of monitoring the execution of instructions from executives to modern companies.

Almost any type of management activity of an organization is associated with the execution of instructions from its management, so it is important to establish control over the execution of instructions. Instructions can:

● affixed in the form of resolutions on internal and incoming documents (for example, on memos and letters);

● be formulated in administrative documents of collegial bodies (in minutes) and individual management bodies (in orders and directives).

Regarding citizens' appeals, we note the following. Formally, the procedure for working with them is identical to the processing of incoming correspondence, however, the deadlines are regulated by current legislation at the federal level, which must be taken into account by both the manager who sets the deadlines and the contractor called upon to comply with these deadlines.

Many documents can be subject to control during their life cycle. We can see both the imprint of a stamp with the letter “K” and the word “Control” written in red pen or made in the form of an imprint (see Example 1). The purpose of such notes is one - to draw attention to the need to control the instructions given in the text of the document or in the resolution on it (in our example, the incoming letter contains a resolution with instructions from Ignatova Yu.S., what needs to be done and when). Until completion of execution, such documents are stored in a separate folder. Upon completion of execution, a note about this is made on the document (in Example 1, in the lower right corner on 10/07/2009, a note was made about the conclusion of the agreement and the placement of the document in file No. 08-24).

Setting the task for performers

Who formulates the order? This is done by managers at all levels. It’s just that usually control is placed on the execution of instructions from the first person or the entire top management of the organization, and the preschool educational institution service deals with this. And the instructions of lower-ranking managers - heads of departments, as a rule, are handled by employees of the same departments, responsible for office work in them.

It would seem that the text of the resolution or administrative document should already clearly and unambiguously formulate:

● the order itself,

● deadline,

● specific performer.

If at least one of these conditions is not met (which happens), a separate employee is needed who can clearly reformulate the requirements of managers, and, if necessary, break them down into smaller ones, but with clearly defined performers.

When formulating instructions, it is advisable to adhere to the following simple rules: the wording should be brief, succinct, maximally eliminating ambiguity of interpretation, and have a clearly defined and measurable result. All this will allow you not to waste time on additional clarifications of the order. On the other hand, this gives the executor a goal, and the author of the assignment the confidence that the result from the executor’s actions will be expected.

Here are examples of vague formulations and the corresponding correct text structures:

When an organization establishes control over the execution of instructions, fairly soon the documents begin to change: instead of general requirements, short and complete instructions appear with a specific executor, deadline and expected result. This significantly increases the efficiency of company management, which is almost immediately noted by both its management and owners.

Order execution deadline

The deadlines for the execution of orders in an organization are usually set by the author-manager who created the order. In some cases, the deadline for the execution of orders may be established by a local act of the organization or an external regulatory document.

Let us quote here the Model Regulations for the Interaction of Federal Executive Bodies:

Document fragment

Model regulations for interaction between federal executive authorities, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2005 No. 30, as amended on February 21, 2008

The order is subject to execution within the time period specified therein. If a period of time is set as the execution deadline, its beginning is considered to be the date of signing the order. An order containing the instruction “urgent” is subject to execution within 3 days. The instruction “promptly” provides for a 10-day period for execution of the order. If the execution period is not specified in the order, it is subject to execution within 1 month from the date of its signing (until the corresponding date of the next month, and if there is no such date in the next month, then until the last day of the month). If the last day of the order execution period falls on a non-working day, it is subject to execution on the previous working day.

In order to improve the organization's management system, it makes sense for orders that are put under control to unify the deadlines for execution - to bring them to a single basis established in the organization. Initially, such a decision must be documented in a local act, for example, in the Office Management Instructions. Changing the deadline should also be possible only in cases documented in the organization’s local acts. And of course, the introduced system for calculating deadlines should correspond to common sense. After all, it is difficult to find a more demotivating factor for the performer than an impossible task.

We will give examples of several wordings of instructions and explain which date for each of them will be considered the last date for the timely execution of the instruction. This is very important because... There is often confusion on this issue.

A fairly common situation is when one manager entrusts the completion of a task to another manager at a lower level, and he, at his own discretion, lowers the assignment to another “floor below”. Thus, the order passes through the hands of several managers before reaching the final executor. True, going down this ladder, the assignment can “branch” into several “subtasks” performed by different people at different times. This system is called creating a “nested order”.

When formulating For “nested” orders, it is important to provide a temporary reserve. In relation to the “parental” order, it must be at least 1 to 3 working days. It is advisable to avoid too much “nesting” of instructions, excluding from the chain those managers who are only “passing the baton further.” If there is a executor who is responsible for the execution of the entire order as a whole, he is called a “responsible executor”.

As an example, when the deadline for executing an order is regulated by an external regulatory document, let us cite Federal Law No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens in the Russian Federation.” According to this document, the maximum period for consideration of a written application from a citizen of the Russian Federation is 30 days, and it begins to be considered from the moment of registration of such a document (the Law allocates 3 days for this procedure from the moment the application is received).

If a citizen, for example, requires assistance from a local government body in exercising his rights, then the time period required for this often greatly exceeds 1 month. In such a situation, the applicant is sent a written response within a month, which does not resolve his issue on the merits, but clearly describes the procedure for further assistance from the body. In the authority itself, the order formed on the basis of consideration of such a complaint must be put under working control with regular submission of a report on the development of the situation to the manager - the author of the order.

It often happens that citizens address their appeals incorrectly. And then the addressee does not consider them, but forwards them to the body or official whose competence the issue falls within. The Law allocates 7 days for this from the date of registration of the application. In this case, the citizen is notified of such redirection. And, by the way, the Law clearly prohibits sending complaints for consideration to the body or official whose decision or action (inaction) is being appealed.

Procedure for monitoring the execution of orders

Now, having basic information on preparing instructions, it is necessary to consider in detail the procedure for monitoring the execution of instructions.

Note that at a specific enterprise work to control the execution of orders can be carried out:

● manually using a file of registration and control cards (RCC);

● in an electronic document management system, where the composition of the information recorded in “electronic cards” remains the same, but many operations to notify performers and generate reports on performance discipline are carried out automatically;

● there is also an intermediate option, when the capabilities of MS Excel are used to facilitate work - orders put under control are described in tabular form, in which you can then filter information by executors, deadlines, etc. See.

At the “Placement for control” stage, the office employee registers the order. If it is contained on a document, then a “K” or “Control” stamp is placed on it, or the same is written with a bright pen; it is also possible to simply move the document to the folder of controlled orders.

The executor, receiving the order, must familiarize himself with it and, before the expiration of the deadline specified on the order, complete the tasks set in it. If the contractor needs to transfer work to be performed by other employees subordinate to him, then he creates orders of a lower level, as we discussed earlier.

If the contractor realizes that the deadline does not correspond to the ability to complete the specified tasks on time, he petitions the manager who issued the order to postpone the execution date. In another case, if the executor realizes that the execution of the order is beyond his competence and area of ​​responsibility, he may apply for complete or partial cancellation of the order.

If the manager decides to postpone deadlines or cancel an order, he informs the person responsible for deadline control about this. In any case, requests from the executor to reschedule or cancel the assignment must be submitted to the manager before the expiration date of the assignment's control period.

« Control over the execution of instructions on the merits» is usually carried out by an employee competent enough to assess the relevance of the achieved result of execution to the task set in the assignment. Such control can be started by a competent employee upon receipt of a performance report and can be completed either by removal from control or return for revision.

The procedure for “Removing control” of an order is carried out by an employee who has verified the execution of the order on its merits, as well as if the manager satisfies the request to remove the order completely.

As part of the stage " Control of execution on time» a dedicated employee controls the deadlines for the execution of all active, that is, currently being executed, orders at the same time (if such work in an organization is carried out manually or using MS Excel, then this is usually done by the secretary of the author of the order or employees of the preschool educational institution service). Currently, most of this work can be performed by electronic document management systems, informing performers about the deadlines for completing the execution of orders. The notification is a cross-sectional warning for all orders that have not been removed from control (see Example 4).

The workload on an individual performer is constantly increasing and, as a result, the performance discipline of workers begins to fall due to elementary forgetfulness. Periodic informing of employees, for example, weekly, allows you to clearly understand the scope of tasks to be carried out and navigate the deadlines for reporting.

Information sheet can be either brief (see), or more complete, with the composition of information presented in the table from. By the way, if in such a MS Excel table we filter orders for a specific executor with an empty execution mark, then by printing the result we will get another version of the information sheet for the executor.

If such sheets are generated by the EDMS, then it is convenient to include in the tabular form a column with the number of days remaining until the end of the execution period. Ranking orders by expiration date is also very convenient - this allows the contractor to quickly navigate and manage his own working time more effectively.

Reporting on performance discipline

Some organizations practice interim reporting of performers. If it is necessary to regularly monitor the progress of execution of particularly important orders, their authors add to the text of the order information about the need for periodic, for example, weekly reporting, which must be provided throughout the entire execution period. An interim performance report is usually prepared in any written form or in the form of a memorandum. The preparation of such reports can be carried out by:

● the performer himself

● secretary subordinate to him,

● an employee responsible for performance discipline in the company.

To monitor the level of performance discipline in an organization periodically or at the request of management, several types of reports are prepared that may relate to performance discipline:

● a separate executive officer;

● specific division

● the organization as a whole;

● instructions issued by a certain manager, etc.

Information is summarized in the form of a statistical summary for management about orders delivered, executed, and transferred to another reporting period. To enable more effective management of performance discipline, different reporting models are used. Options for reporting forms are presented in and in the opinion of E. Kameneva.

Since such reports are prepared both for the organization as a whole and for its divisions in particular, only those officials to whom the manager directly gives instructions are included in the executors section. For example, for the general director these will be his deputies and heads of areas of activity, while for the head of a department these will be the heads of departments and, possibly, sectors.

Even if the organization does not have full automation of document flow through an EDMS, such a document is quite convenient to prepare and maintain in a Microsoft Excel or Calc spreadsheet system. These systems have a largely similar interface and functionality; they can assist in automating accounting and reporting in a small and medium-sized company. The main thing is to clearly know what exactly you need to get as a result.


We examined the issues of placing and removing orders from control, as well as the methodology for executing orders and reporting on monitoring their execution. The models of directive management proposed in the article will help make the management of the organization clearer and more transparent.

February 12, 2019, On the distribution of subsidies to leading universities in order to increase their international competitiveness Order No. 179-r dated February 9, 2019. Funds in the amount of 9.9 billion rubles are distributed to 21 Russian universities in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers within the framework of the priority federal project “Young Professionals” of the national project “Education”. Funds for these purposes are provided in the federal budget for 2019.

August 27, 2018, State program “Social support of citizens” On approval of the list of subjects of the Federation in which in 2019 expenditure obligations to support families in connection with the birth of a third child or subsequent children will be co-financed Order of August 24, 2018 No. 1747-r. In 2019, it will allow regions with an unfavorable demographic situation to continue supporting families at the birth of a third child or subsequent children, aimed at creating conditions for increasing the birth rate.

August 21, 2018, Quality of regional and municipal governance On improving the system for assessing the effectiveness of state and municipal government Resolution of August 16, 2018 No. 953. In order to form a unified approach to conducting population surveys in the constituent entities of the Federation using IT technologies, these surveys must be conducted throughout the reporting (calendar) year. To obtain reliable information, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation are recommended to identify respondents.

May 7, 2018 In total, the May decrees contain 218 instructions to the Government. Of these, by now the Government should have fulfilled 202 instructions. 190 orders were completed and removed from control - 94.1% of the number of orders that should have been completed by now.

January 24, 2018, On the allocation in 2018 of allocations to increase wages for certain categories of employees of budgetary institutions Order No. 62-r dated January 22, 2018. Funds in the amount of 14.5 billion rubles are allocated to the main managers of federal budget funds to finance in 2018 an increase in wages for certain categories of employees of budgetary institutions, who are subject to the provisions of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 597 “On measures for the implementation of state social policy", dated June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012–2017" and dated December 28, 2012 No. 1688 "On some measures to implement state policy in the field of protection of orphans and children left behind without parental care." This will make it possible to achieve in 2018 the salary indicators for employees of budgetary institutions planned by decrees of the President of Russia.

December 29, 2017, State program “Development of Education” On the distribution of subsidies to leading Russian universities in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading scientific and educational centers Order of December 27, 2017 No. 2967-r. Funds in the amount of 9.908 billion rubles are distributed to 21 Russian universities in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers within the framework of the priority project “Universities as centers of space for creating innovation” of the state program “Development of Education”. Funds for these purposes are provided in the federal budget for 2018.

December 11, 2017, Remuneration. Income of the population On increasing wages for public sector workers Order No. 2716-r dated December 6, 2017. From January 1, 2018, wages will be increased by 4% for employees of the public sector of the economy employed in federal institutions. In total, the increase will affect more than 2 million people. Funds for these purposes are provided in the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.

December 5, 2017, Organization of the healthcare system. Health insurance The President of Russia signed the Federal Law developed by the Government on the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 Federal Law of December 5, 2017 No. 368-FZ. The draft federal law was submitted to the State Duma by Government Order No. 2080-r dated September 29, 2017. The federal law approves the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, determines the total amount of its income, which will be provided, including the receipt of insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance of the working and non-working population, as well as the total amount of expenses. The Fund's budget indicators are calculated in accordance with legal requirements based on the number of citizens insured in the compulsory health insurance system.

December 3, 2017, About investment volume indicators Government work: facts and figures. At the end of 2016, the share of investment in fixed capital in the gross domestic product was 20.4% (an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared to 2015). According to the Bank of Russia, the influx of foreign direct investment in 2016 amounted to $32.5 billion, which is 5 times higher than the value in 2015, equal to $6.9 billion. In the first half of 2017, the volume of direct investment received in Russia amounted to $17.4 billion compared to $7.5 billion for the same period in 2016.

December 3, 2017, Business environment. Development of competition On the position of the Russian Federation in the World Bank Doing Business ranking Government work: facts and figures. In October 2017, the World Bank published its latest report, “Doing Business 2018: Reforming to Create Jobs,” in which the Russian Federation took 35th place, having improved by 5 positions since 2016 and advanced by 85 positions over 6 years.

December 3, 2017, Technological development. Innovation On measures to increase the share of high-tech and knowledge-intensive products in the gross domestic product Government work: facts and figures. The value of the indicator “The share of products of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the gross domestic product” from 2011 to 2016 was 19.6%, 20.1%, 21%, 21.6%, 21.3% and 22.4% of GDP, respectively. Thus, as of the end of 2016, the growth rate of the indicator was 1.14 compared to 2011.

December 3, 2017, Supervision and care of young children. Kindergartens On indicators of accessibility of preschool education Government work: facts and figures. As of November 1, 2017, the level of availability of preschool education for children aged 3 to 7 years was 98.96% (as of November 1, 2016 – 98.91%).

November 29, 2017, General issues of cultural policy On the allocation of additional funds to increase wages for employees of federal state cultural institutions Order of November 27, 2017 No. 2629-r. In order to achieve the indicators established by Decree of the President of Russia of May 7, 2012 No. 597, signed by order of the Ministry of Culture, budgetary allocations in the amount of 208.4 million rubles are allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian Government. Additional funds will be used to increase wages for employees of federal state cultural institutions.

November 28, 2017 On the allocation of additional funds to increase wages for employees of federal government institutions in the field of education and science Order of November 25, 2017 No. 2621-r. In order to achieve the indicators established by Decree of the President of Russia of May 7, 2012 No. 597, signed by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, budgetary allocations in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles are allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian Government. Additional funds will be used to increase wages for employees of federal government institutions in the field of education and science.

November 27, 2017 On approval of the list of subjects of the Federation in which in 2018 expenditure obligations to support families in connection with the birth of a third child or subsequent children will be co-financed Order of November 18, 2017 No. 2565-r. In 2018, it will allow regions with an unfavorable demographic situation to continue supporting families at the birth of a third child or subsequent children, aimed at creating conditions for increasing the birth rate.

November 25, 2017, Higher, postgraduate and continuing education On amendments to the development program of St. Petersburg State University Order of November 22, 2017 No. 2583-r. Aimed at increasing the position of St. Petersburg State University in world university rankings, research and academic reputation, and the competitiveness of the university among the world's leading research and educational centers.

October 24, 2017, Remuneration. Income of the population On the progress of the implementation of the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012–2018 Government work: facts and figures. The average monthly nominal accrued wages for January - June 2017 by economic sector amounted to 38,675 rubles and increased by 7.3% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, including in the field of education - by 6.7% (31,195 rubles, or 80.7% of the average salary in the country), in the healthcare sector - by 6.1% (32,047 rubles, or 82.9%), in the provision of social services - by 10.1% (24,937 rubles, or 64.5%), in the field of scientific research and development - by 12.6% (63,642 rubles, or 164.6%), in the field of art - by 8.7% (32,254 rubles, or 83.4% ).

October 9, 2017, Social support for families with children On additional subsidies for monthly cash payments to families in need of support in connection with the birth of a third child or subsequent children Order of October 6, 2017 No. 2184-r. Additional subsidies were distributed to 25 constituent entities of the Federation in the amount of 526.3 million rubles to co-finance expenditure obligations arising when families in need of support are provided with a monthly cash payment in the event of the birth of a third child or subsequent children.

September 29, 2017, State program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation” About the housing construction market Government work: facts and figures. Based on the results of 7 months of 2017, 507,873 mortgage housing loans were issued, which is 55.1% of the annual target for 2017 established by the state program of the Russian Federation “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation.” In 2017, the indicator that citizens can improve their living conditions at least once every 15 years was achieved.

September 29, 2017, Additional education for children About additional education for children Government work: facts and figures. The coverage of children aged 5 to 18 years with additional education services in 2016 was 69% (in 2015 – 68%). 25 children's technology parks have been created and are operating. By the end of 2017, it is planned to open at least 40 children's technology parks.


For example, to ensure stability, achieve a worthy result, raise the level of comfort, defeat a common enemy, take on a professional challenge, make the world a better place in a specific aspect. 6. Any business must be named, at least for your own understanding. Make short names for large assignments; it’s easier to say them out loud when discussing them so as not to get confused. An assignment is only valuable if the employee understands it. Evaluate this, offer to briefly retell the essence in your own words and name the next step. 7. The assignment should not cause confusion in the performer, even if the task is very difficult. From the wording or description itself, a simple next step should follow - where you can start right now. 8. The assignment will be carried out much more willingly if the employee understands its significance, it is clear why it is needed now, what purpose it serves, and how the result will be used. 9.

Sample response letter

Sample order, decision, instruction or instruction. Detailed comments, explanations about the order and rules of compilation.


Rules for the preparation of such documents. (10+) Order, decision, instruction, instruction. Sample, example. Correct composition. Rules for formatting Contents:: Search The most important thing: Can orders on technological issues be formatted like this? Yes, the format is universal.

It can be filled with any content. Is the format suitable for investment committee decisions? Certainly. The format is universal. Order of dismissal, how to draw it up? The general recommendations remain in force, but the structure of the dismissal order is regulated by labor legislation, please read it.

The transaction order looks completely different. If you look closely, the order table contains all the listed sections. They're just designed a little differently.

How to write a response letter

  • Themes:
  • Business correspondence

A number of correspondence received by the organization require the sending of answers on certain issues. In this article we will look in detail at how to correctly compose a letter in response to a request.
From the article you will learn:

  • in what cases is a response letter required;
  • what the response letter might be;
  • details of the response letter.

In what cases is a response letter required? Incoming correspondence of each organization consists of various documents, certain types of which require the sending of response messages. At the same time, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the types of incoming documentation and the letters that require a response.

We invite you to familiarize yourself in detail with the types of incoming letters to which you need to send a reply message.

Response to carry out instructions from the manager

In this case, each subsequent paragraph containing a request should begin with the words “We also ask you to take measures...”, “At the same time, we ask you to pay attention...”, “At the same time, we ask you to consider...”, etc. Letter of request Perhaps the letter of request is the only document to which a response must be sent. Despite the fact that letters of request and letters of request are very similar in style and content, the request has one distinctive feature that cannot be ignored. It's about justifying the document. Request letters refer to official letters sent to the addressee in order to obtain certain information, documents and business papers. Such a document in correspondence is distinguished by the presence of a justification, which is indicated by the author of the request.

Formula for an executable order: how to give an order correctly


Your appeal has been forwarded to local government and law enforcement agencies for study and decision-making on the merits. The response will be sent to you by these institutions.” In the examples, we do not indicate dates, keeping in mind that the reader has learned: violation of the deadlines for responding to citizens’ appeals is unacceptable.

This is written above. Analysis of examples If you carefully read the texts, you saw in them the difference in the person from whom it was written. Documents are generated depending on how the applications were considered.

If the question does not require elaboration, then the boss puts a resolution on the letter, guided by which the specialist writes an answer. It can be very simple, monosyllabic. The manager signs this document, sometimes on his own behalf, more often on behalf of the organization.
This is decided by the boss himself when he thinks over the answer.

Sample response letter

Positive response A response letter containing a positive decision regarding a specific request or request is drawn up in the same style as the request itself. Essentially, it should be written using the same wording and in the same style.

The document should mention that the request was considered, on the basis of which a positive decision was made (the decision to grant the request). In this case, if necessary, you can specify the time frame within which the request will be satisfied. If the response to an official request (a sample is presented below) requires sending certain business papers, they can be attached to the letter. In this case, you should indicate in the main document a list of attached documents, their number and name.
If necessary, indicate the number of copies.

How to write a response to an assignment

Banks often remind clients about outstanding debt or new lending conditions. You can send information about vacancies and job applications to the person you would like to see on your team.

Company employees must receive certain communications in writing. This is information about disciplinary sanctions and a warning about layoffs. Partners are usually written new proposals, complaints and apologies. 4 A business letter must contain certain details, so it is better to immediately develop forms. The completed form can be emailed as an attachment or printed and sent by regular or registered mail. The name of your business should be at the top, or even better, your logo.
You will need

  • — a computer with an Internet connection;
  • - phonebook.

Instructions 1 State the purpose of your message. It is not necessary to write it down, but you must clearly understand whether you want to achieve a new contract, get new clients, attract a new employee, make a claim, or simply congratulate your partners on the holiday. 2 Think about who exactly should receive your letter. Its shape largely depends on this. Maybe you don’t need to write anything at all, but just make a phone call, discuss the situation on a specialized forum, or resolve the issue in a personal meeting. 3 Select a letter type. For the consumer, this may be an offer of a product or service, or other advertising information. You can conduct a survey.

How to write a response to an order sample

The state exists to organize the lives of its citizens. This work requires constant feedback. People ask questions, talk about problems, generate proposals. And the answers they often receive are vague and unrelated to the topic. Therefore, it is advisable for a specialist to have a sample of responses to citizens’ requests.

The document must be correctly formatted, filled with meaningful content, and convey to the person the position of the organization or state. Let's look at how to write a response to an appeal, in accordance with 59 Federal Laws.

Concepts and definitions Citizens' requests are proposals, questions, complaints, statements and petitions. They may be submitted in writing, electronically or orally. But appeals will only be considered when they are officially registered.
Who is guilty? “My sword is your head off your shoulders” has been the key principle of management in our area for the last thousand years. But today, simple, monotonous procedures are largely automated, and in order to survive in the market, you need to entrust colleagues with increasingly complex and incomprehensible tasks. It would seem that many works have been written on this topic. But it’s not in our tradition to immerse ourselves in literature when there’s a rush around. Therefore, experts have prepared a simple and succinct formula for an executable order for you.

Step one. Why is this order needed? Answer yourself: why does my department, direction or business need this assignment? Step two.

How to write a response to an instruction from a manager

You have to do routine work. The employee takes a sample of responses to citizens’ requests and repeats the mandatory pattern. It consists of the following stages:

  1. Determine the competence of which department (body) the issue relates to.
  2. If there are several defendants, send them copies.
  3. Inform the applicant where his appeal has been forwarded.
  4. Put the issue under control.
  5. Appoint someone responsible for document preparation.
  6. Collect all responses and formulate a text sent to the applicant.
  7. Analyze the legal compliance of the information provided.
  8. Monitor the timing of response to written requests from citizens.
  9. Send summary information to the applicant.

This plan can be supplemented as necessary with additional items.

How to write a response to an instruction from a manager, sample

For example, the Order is mandatory for execution by all employees of the company. Or The decision regarding the distribution of notifications is carried out by the secretariat, and regarding the preparation of candidates - by members of the board of directors.

Procedure for notifying performers How employees learn about the document. For example, the Executive Officers must be notified of the order at the general meeting.

Or Employees must be familiarized with the decision against signature by the HR department. Or Executors are notified when a decision is made. Control Who, when and how will control implementation. For example, I entrust control over the implementation of a decision, order, instruction, instruction to myself. Report progress to me at the weekly meeting. Or Control over the implementation of the decision is entrusted to the secretary of the board of directors.


Plan of interrogation of the victim Tarasov A.N.

No. Circumstances to be clarified during interrogation Formulation of questions for the interrogated Notes on Interrogation Tactics
Circumstances of the attack.
  1. When did the attack happen?
  2. Where did the attack take place?
  3. How did you end up at the scene of the attack?
  4. How many attackers were there?
  5. Do you know the attacker?
  6. How did the attacker act?
  7. Did you offer resistance, and if so, in what form?
  8. What type of violence did the attacker use?
  9. Did the attacker use weapons or other objects, and if so, what kind?
  10. What condition were you in at the time of the attack?
  11. Did anyone see the attack?
  12. Who found you after the attack?
Build questions based on the state of the victim at the time of the attack.
External signs of the attacker.
  1. How closely do you know the attacker?
  2. Full name of the attacker, where does the attacker live?
  3. Do you and the attacker have mutual acquaintances?
  4. Describe the attacker's appearance?
  5. Did you notice any peculiarities in the attacker’s speech, gestures, gait, or appearance?
  6. Does the attacker have individual characteristics of the attacker's face and other parts of the body?
  7. What was the reason for the attack (in your opinion)?
Pay attention to the specificity of the victim’s perception of the environment after bodily harm.
Stolen property.
  1. What was stolen?
  2. Are there any individual characteristics of the kidnapped person?
  3. Were there any foreign objects in the stolen items?
  4. Are there documents for the stolen property?
  5. Was any money stolen?
  6. How much money was stolen?
  7. What denominations of banknotes did the funds consist of?
Focus on clarifying questions in order to establish the real size of the stolen property.

investigative actions and operational search activities

in criminal case No. 12345

Brief story of the case:

The duty station of OP No. 7 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Omsk Region received a message from City Hospital-1 from the admission department nurse I.M. Kravtsova. that at 10:30 p.m. an unknown citizen, apparently 22-25 years old, came to them with a diagnosis of closed craniocerebral injury, penetrating injury to the abdominal cavity with liver damage, alcohol intoxication. He was operated on, is unconscious, his condition is serious.

1. Robbery committed

1. The crime was committed by persons previously convicted of similar crimes or previously brought to criminal liability and living in Omsk.

2. The crime was committed among the acquaintances or relatives of the victim.

3. The crime was committed by a group of persons systematically engaged in robbery.

4. The crime was committed by persons who allow non-medical use of drugs, lead an antisocial lifestyle and abuse alcoholic beverages and live in the area.

No. Events Term Executor Note
Instruct the ESD to identify persons previously convicted of committing similar crimes Until 02/01/12 Investigator S.V. Petrov
Conduct a door-to-door tour Until 02/01/12 ESD
Create a subjective portrait of the suspect Until 02/01/12 ESD
Walk through the yards with a subjective portrait to identify the suspect Until 02/01/12 ESD
Instruct the ESD to identify the victim’s connections Until 02/01/12 Investigator Petrov.S.V.
Work out the victim's connections Until 02/03/12 ESD
Request details of the victim's calls Until 02/03/12 ESD
Identify and work with the victim’s relatives Until 02.02.12 ESD
Send requests to the Information Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Omsk Region for a selection of criminal cases initiated under Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (having a similar method of committing a crime), the persons for which have not been identified or have been put on the wanted list Until 02/04/12 Investigator S.V. Petrov
Study these criminal cases and work out the materials Until 02/04/12 ESD
Instruct the OD to carry out a sample of persons on the preventive register of the OVD in connection with non-medical use of drugs, leading an antisocial lifestyle and abusing alcoholic beverages Until 02/04/12 Investigator S.V. Petrov
Promptly verify their involvement in the crime committed Until 02/04/12 ESD
Interrogate identified persons Until 02/07/12 Investigator S.V. Petrov
Operational Commissioner of the ESD OP No. 7 Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk Region Art. police lieutenant Alabugin D.A. (signature) (surname, initials) January 27, 2012 Investigator of the Investigation Department for RPTO OP No. 7 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk Region, Lieutenant of Justice Petrov S.V. __________ ____________ (signature) (last name, initials) January 27, 2012


body of inquiry,

rank, surname, initials)

(circumstances established

during the preliminary investigation

and to be clarified)

(indicate what exactly is needed

establish what investigative actions,