Scenarios of various fairy tales. Scenario Fairy Tale “In the School Kingdom-State”

A fairy tale about school, teachers and students. What could be better for Teacher's Day or any other school event!
Tale for Teacher's Day can also be successfully used at a school graduation, New Year's concert, congratulations to teachers on March 8 and for many other occasions. A short, funny skit about school. Or a miniature play - it’s not a matter of genre, but the fact that skits on a school theme and performances for teachers, staged by students, are always successful and popular.Characters:

- Tsar's Diary;

- Minister of education;

- guard;

- reader;

- 1st Col;

- 2nd Col;

- Two;

- 1st Troyak;

- 2nd Troyak;

- Four;

- 1st Five;

- 2nd Five .

In the center of the stage is a throne for the king, near which stands a guard; There is a geographical map hanging on the wall.

In a certain school state
Tsar Diary sat on the throne.
And one morning early
Visit other countries
The king had an idea. And the decree
He scribbled it right away.
(Unrolls the scroll, reads the decree.)
"To complete the visit
I need a retinue like this
To the far side
I shouldn't embarrass myself.
To have visitors
Not fools, not troublemakers,
Not lazy, not flatterers,
And as it should be - well done!
I order everyone to come to me,
So that everyone can distinguish themselves,
Show your intelligence and stuff.
Everyone to appear before the royal eyes!”

The reader leaves. The king enters and sits on the throne. The Minister of Education appears behind him.

Minister (to the king).
I, the Minister of Education,
I announce with glee:
At your apartment
The first two candidates.
The first two? Well, great!
I'll talk to them personally.
Come in, gentlemen!

Two Colas enter.

1st Col.
We came here
To bow at your feet
And ask to go to the embassy.

They bow to the king.
What should we call you, eagles?
2nd Col.
We are Father Kola.
We are Koly Kolovy.
1st Col.
We are both healthy
Both are not hunchbacks,
Noble and rich.
2nd Col.
And we want, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
Together with Father Tsar
Behind an unknown hill.
Well, are you friendly with literacy?
1st Col.
We don't need science.
Not according to Kolam status
Bend the spine in half,
Study the calculator, the primer.
2nd Col.
Why do we need this, king?
What?! Shame on you,
Uncouth Kolam,
Come to my room
And ask to go abroad?!
Let's go! What a disgrace!
Guard, lead Kolov into the courtyard,
Give me a kick without delay
To give them speed!

The guard takes Kolov by the collar and leads them out.

King, some girl
He also asks to go into the bright room,
So that you appreciate her
And he invited me to the embassy.
Let's see what kind of girl she is.
Maybe it would be good for a retinue.
I will conduct the exam -
If I don't find any flaws,
Then he will go abroad.
Invite the girl here.

The Minister leaves and returns with Deuce.

I bow low to the king
And at the same time I say,
That I’m ready, so to speak,
Our kingdom to represent
On the foreign side -
This mission is for me.
Well, what's your name?
Everyone calls them two, lovingly.
As I walk down the street -
Everyone admires me.
All the handkerchiefs are taken out
And tears flow from happiness.
Are you good with grammar?
Reading, math?
Why does the beautiful maiden
Study mathematics?
After all, the servants are next to me -
They will count if necessary.
I don't even know the letters.
I am a pillar noblewoman,
Not a slave's certificates!
This is just a shame!
You, my dear, are arrogant
And an inveterate lazy girl.
Not being able to read is a shame!
All! Conversation over!
You're good for nothing.
No need for a retinue either!
I tell you, girl,
Leave the chambers.

The king turns away. Deuce shrugs and leaves.

King, to your apartment
Two contenders are competing.
It seems that they are not loafers,
They sharpen their lasses in Spanish:
"Oh, boyfriend, monsieur, bonjour,
Guten morgen, lampshade!”
Invite them to a reception
Let's see what it costs here.

The minister leaves and returns with two Troyaks.

1st Troyak.
Guten morgen, hende hoch!
Every friend of us is not bad!

2nd Troyak.
We wish you a cordon,
Fuck Paris and fuck London.
Well, what is your name, friends?
1st Troyak.
I am a Troyak and he is a Troyak!
We are in terms of languages ​​-
Guten Morgen, be healthy!
2nd Troyak.
In general, a complete fantasy!

The king gets up from the throne and approaches the map.

Where are London and Paris?

The triplets randomly point their fingers at the map.

1st Troyak.
London is here, Paris is over there.
2nd Troyak.
Near Panama City.
In geography - we are gut!
Yes, you are not gutt, but kaput!
I'll ask them both to leave!
Goodbye, sorry!
(To the guard)
Bring them to the gate
Show me where the turn is.
(To the Minister)
You are the Minister of Education!
What kind of talent is this?!
All oak trees,
Unmannered, rude!
Answer me, little cat,
Where are our literate people?
Is it really in the great kingdom,
Our school state
Is there anyone smarter?
King, allow me to answer.
There are the smartest girls
Three good sisters
I sent messengers to them.
Where are they, after all?

Three girls with briefcases enter and bow to the king.

Hello, our wise king,
Our learned sovereign!
Come on, come on, what kind of birds are they?
What smart girls are these?
How beautiful and neat
Pleasant to the royal eye!
I could take everyone to the embassy.
What is your name, beauties?
1st Five.
I am Five.
2nd Five.
I am Five.
And I am the youngest Four.
Are you friendly with science?
1st Five.
All items are important to us!
2nd Five.
There are no secondary sciences!
You definitely need to know them.
What about subject notebooks?
I hope everything is fine with them?

The girls take notebooks out of their briefcases and hand them to the king.

Look for yourself, sir.
And take mine, king.

The king looks at the notebooks with a satisfied look.

No mistakes, no flaw,
I take you all into my retinue!
Tomorrow to distant shores
The brig will rush us along the waves.
The first point is Germany.
(To the hall) Thank you for your attention!

General bow, curtain.

Sketch “Mama's Boy” (mother, son, narrator) _-Mom, I won’t go to school today, I have a headache, and the weather is not good. Cold!.- What are you talking about, son, you have a test today, you can’t miss it!- And you write a note that I felt bad, I’ll give it to the head teacher Irina Viktorovna.- It’s not good to lie, son. Get ready, get ready quickly.- Well... I don’t want to do that.- You took all the notebooks, and the books? Check it in your briefcase. Faster, faster, Otherwise you'll be late, Glebushka. Well, why don’t you want to go, because the lessons are so interesting...- Yes, it’s good for you to talk. And these lessons always give me a headache. You know how they shout in class, you can’t hear anything!- Don’t pay attention, work for yourself, that’s all!-Yes, don't worry. Koltsov teases, calls him a pancake, and Petrenko and Ivanenko recently put buttons on the chair and hid the notebooks. And Buyanov...! Oh, I don’t want to talk!- Tell them to your class teacher.- Yes, I said so. Even parents are afraid of this Koltsov!- Well, okay, I’ll go to school myself, I’ll talk to the director, the head teacher. And you, Glebushka, get ready quickly. It's almost the end of the quarter, and your salary is due today. Go to work, my friend.Gleb Egorovich Zinoviev, a young foreign language teacher, sighed, took a briefcase with notebooks and plans, put on glasses and a hat and sadly trudged to work. The only thing that consoled him was the close end of the school year and today's salary.
Poems about mom .
    The eighth of March is a special day,
Our mothers' favorite holiday. He is the most gentle, the kindest And that is why he is dear to us.
    No one like a mother will regret
In sadness like her, no one will understand us Everywhere and everywhere - both in joy and sorrow - We always miss mommy.
    And in our mothers there is gravity
The hearth is family and birthplace. In them our lives are in eternal motion Dear mother, you are the basis of all foundations.
    This word is wonderful - mother.
Everything on earth is from mother's hands. She makes us disobedient and stubborn, She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.Mom answered me: “Be in harmony with the truth, Don't let the young and old get into trouble. Be the first to lead by example in every case, Use an accurate eye when attacking a target.
    I asked my mother: “What is happiness?”
Mom answered me: “Build every day, To remain long in human memory. Live peacefully with your neighbor, despise scandal, He will feed lunch to those who are tired on the road.
    I asked my mother: “What is happiness?”
Mom answered me: “With a young mind Comprehend science on your way. Believe in humanity when trouble comes. Always show sensitivity and cordiality.
    I love you, mom, why I don’t know
Probably because I live and dream, And I rejoice in the sun, and every day. This is why I love you, dear. For the sky, for the wind, for the air around I love you, mom You're the best friend!


    We are funny friends
We dance and sing And now we will tell you How my mothers and I live.
    Olya washed the floors, Katya helped
It's just a pity - mom again I washed everything.
    Dad solved the problem for me,
Helped with math We then decided with my mother Something he couldn't decide.
    Smoky pan
Lena cleaned with sand, Two hours in Lenu's trough Mommy washed it later.
    To mom in the morning, our Mila
Gave me two candies I barely had time to give it, She immediately ate them herself.
    We sang to you as best we could,
We're just children, But we know that our mothers - The best in the world.
    Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers, We are for everything, for everything, dear ones, We say: “Thank you!”

Poems about grandmother.

    Me with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time. She is at the same time with me in all my undertakings. I don't know boredom with her, I like everything about her And grandma's hands I love everything more than anything.
    Our grandmothers are funny
They can sing, read poetry, Well, if necessary, And dance “Gypsy Girl”.
    Cakes, bagels, cheesecakes
We all love from the heart. If you like pies, Ask your grandmother to cook.
    Who came to me this morning?
Who said: “It’s time to get up”? Who managed to cook the porridge? Who managed to water the flowers? Who set the table for dinner? Who poured tea into the cup?
    Who braided my hair?
Sweeped the whole house alone? Who told me a fairy tale? Who kissed me? Which grandchildren love laughter? Who is the best in the world? GRANDMOTHER!
    On your holiday so welcome
What else can we say? Allow grandmas I wish you good health. Do not be ill! Don't get old! Never grumble! Stay this young forever. Sketch “Scholarly Grandma” ».
Two old women meet.
    Hello, my dear! Let's sit and chat! What are you talking about, I haven’t done my homework yet... Which lessons? Have you relapsed into childhood? It’s been a hundred years since you graduated from school! Yes? What about the grandchildren? Nowadays it’s very fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren! Who will help them besides us? Is it true? You're the one spoiling them! I?! I'm not spoiling! I'm very strict with them. Once I do my homework, they always copy it out for me. Yes! It's really strict. So if anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience! Check it out - I have a poem... “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree; golden chain on that oak tree..." So good! “...Both day and night the learned wolf...” Stop! What wolf? Well, I don’t know, either steppe, or forest, or something else…. Yes, not a wolf, but a learned cat! Are you crazy, how can a wolf be smart? As far as I remember, Pushkin had a CAT!! Ahh, I get it, I get it. Then I’ll start all over again: “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree, and day and night a learned cat howls at the stars with a rooster! What, what? With what rooster? To which stars? Where did you read that? Oh, what a bore you are! Well, I got it a little mixed up! After all, I have so many lessons! My head is spinning! Mathematics, Russian, geography, history... You won’t remember it right away! Listen, assistant! What are the grandchildren doing? What are they doing? They are learning smart games! Computer! I don't understand computers yet! What do you think, if I continue to study so hard, maybe they will erect a monument in my honor? It's already installed! How? Where? When? Look in your granddaughter's diary. A wonderful monument... It's called KOL. Monument to grandmothers who do homework for their grandchildren.

Extracurricular event for primary school students on fairy tales

Scenario for primary schoolchildren “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales”

The event script is written for primary school students. It is entertaining in nature and is intended for organizing children's leisure time.
1. Develop reading interest, instill a love of reading and books; promote the development of speech and memory.
2. Organize children’s leisure time, help strengthen the children’s team, and instill the ability to listen and hear each other.
3. Cultivate intolerance towards human vices - greed, lies, cowardice.
4. Show children the wonderful world of fairy tales, their wisdom and beauty; develop interest, creative thinking, attention, memory; cultivate a love of fairy tales
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, projector, screen, presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales,” presentation “Guess it!”, exhibition of student drawings.
The fairy tale has a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
The native people are its creator,
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.

Children perform the song “Little Country”, author I. Nikolaev.

Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
Read fairy tales, children!
Learn to love them.
Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.
Presentation "Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
Slide No. 1 of the presentation “Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales” is shown.
(Title slide of the presentation)

Guys, I propose to go on a journey on a flying ship through the pages of your favorite fairy tales. We will not only meet our friends there, the heroes of fairy tales, but also check how well you remember these fairy tales. And so, let's go!

Slide No. 2 (flying ship)(A flying ship is projected on the screen)
Not in reality and not in a dream,
Without fear and without timidity
We're flying around the country again
Which is not on the globe.

Not shown on the map
But you and I know
What is she, what is the country
The country is magical!

Gloomy centuries float by,
Floating like clouds in the sky.
They hurry, they run after year after year,
And the fairy tale is on you! - lives!

When and who folded it
In my hut somewhere -
And the oldest old-timer
Won't give you an answer.

And about animals
And about kings,
And what in the world happened -
Everything is a fairy tale in my memory
Saved it for you and me.

She lives in any house
And travels across countries.
And why?
Yes because
That we can’t live without her.

Now let’s turn over the pages of your favorite fairy tales and check how you remember them.
Teacher: In what fairy tale did the king-father address his sons with the words:
“Before all honest people I give my royal word,
That today, in passing, I, sons, will marry you!
Here are your bows, here are your arrows - get to work!
You shoot an arrow without looking,
Wherever your arrow lands, there your bride is waiting for you!” (Princess Frog)

Slide No. 3(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”)

Who was awarded by Moroz Ivanovich in the fairy tale “Morozko”? (Needlewoman)
Slide No. 4(Slide with the image of Moroz Ivanovich)

Why did Ivanushka turn into a little goat? (I drank water from the goat's footprint
Who saved him? (Merchant)
Slide No. 5 (The slide for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” is projected)

Slide No. 6 (Illustration for the fairy tale “At the behest of the pike”)
What is the name of the hero of this fairy tale? (Emelya)
What magic words did the pike tell him?
(At the behest of the pike, at my desire...

The geese quietly flew up,
We circled around and looked,
The boy was quickly grabbed
And they put me on wings,
Gone beyond the clouds
Without leaving a trace.
Slide No. 7(slide with illustration for the fairy tale "Geese and Swans")
Who helped Mashenka save brother Ivanushka? (Mouse)
What did Masha’s parents promise to buy? (handkerchief)

Many interesting tales
Accumulated over centuries
But especially famous
About Ivan the Fool.

Frank, kind guy
And naive, like a child.
He never lost heart
I did difficult things jokingly.

He didn't have to study
Learn book wisdom
But the magical Firebird
Only he managed to catch it.

On his hunchbacked horse
He galloped halfway around the world.
Famous and rich
He conceded nothing.

There was a simpleton Ivan,
But cabbage soup
Laptem still didn’t take a sip.
He is the immortal Kashchei
Found and punished.

Russian guy from the village
Wasn't afraid of anything
And the beautiful princess
She married him.

Vanya threw a noisy feast,
But without quarrel and without fights,
Because he was smart
He was a very smart fool!

What fairy tales do you know in which Ivan was the hero? (“Ivan the Peasant Son”, “Ivan and the Miracle Yudo”, “Sivka the Burka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “The Frog Princess”)

Slide No. 8(On the slide is an illustration for the fairy tale “Sivka-Burka”)
What magic words did Ivan the Fool say in this fairy tale so that Sivka the Burka would appear?
(Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass)

Slide No. 9(Slide with the image of Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")
Who brought dead and living water for Ivan the Tsarevich? (Crow)

Slide No. 10(Image of King Berendey)
What was the name of the king whose Firebird stole apples from his garden? (Berendey)
What fairy tale is he from? ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf")

Slide No. 11(Illustration for the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen")
Who broke the egg? (Mouse)

Slide No. 12(Slide with an illustration of the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”)
What fairy tale characters are depicted? (“Tops and Roots”)
Why was the bear offended by the man?
(Because the man deceived him)

Slide No. 13(Slide showing an illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok")
Which kolobok song was the last? Why?
(Fourth, the fox ate the bun)

Slide No. 14 (On the slide there is a picture for the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”)
What did the cockerel do? (bean seed)
Who helped the hen save the cockerel? (Mistress, master, cow)
What is the name of this fairy tale? ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
What does this fairy tale teach?
(Comradely mutual assistance, the ability to be friends and help each other)
Teacher: You're right, guys. A.S. Pushkin also said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” What lessons does the fairy tale teach us? What does it teach?

You can learn from a fairy tale
She's full of wisdom
Her heroes teach life,
Kindness adorns them.
Cinderella comes to the rescue
The mermaid of speech says,
Puss in Boots reads a story
Koschey the immortal is sleeping at home.
Are there no fairy tales in life?
Heroes here, heroes there, -
The good wizard is sunbathing,
And even goes to Amsterdam.
Everyone in the world needs magic,
All people believe in miracles
And Snow White on a dark night,
Draws cities online.
And I want to believe so much
That in a fairy tale we are once again magical,
Let there be storms and blizzards in life,
We wish you kindness.

Now let's turn to the exhibition of your drawings. For today's event, you illustrated your favorite fairy tales. I give the floor to the authors of these drawings. Present your work, guys.
(Children describe their work and express their attitude towards fairy tales.)

Children's drawings.

Many thanks to the authors of wonderful works for their love of fairy tales, creativity, and ability to express their feelings in drawings. I suggest everyone draw a picture together for a well-known fairy tale. But our drawing will be unusual. We will make it out of puzzles. They themselves form a picture if you answer the riddles correctly. So…
Presentation “Guess it!

Slide No. 1, No. 2(Title slide of the “Guess” presentation, slide with an address to the guys)

“The fox tried all winter,
Rebuilt the house.
Decorated, tidied up,
She felt good in it.
But spring has come, away from home
There was no trace left.
All the foxes' mansions
Melt water washed away.” (Zaykina's hut")

Slide No. 3(Slide with image of 1 puzzle)

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. ("Ugly duck")

Slide No. 4(Slide showing two puzzles)

In this book there are name days,
There were many guests there.
And on these name days
Suddenly a villain appeared.
He wanted to kill the owner
Almost killed her.
But to the insidious villain
Someone cut off the head. ("Fly Tsokotukha").

Slide No. 5(slide showing 3 puzzles)

Who didn't want to work
Did you play and sing songs?
To the third brother later
We ran to a new house.
We escaped from the cunning wolf,
But they shook their tails for a long time.
The fairy tale is known to every child
And it’s called... (“The Three Little Pigs”).

Slide No. 6(Slide showing 4 puzzles)

And now about someone's house
We'll start a conversation...
It contains a rich mistress
Lived happily
But trouble came unexpectedly:
This house burned down! ("Cat house").

Slide No. 7(Slide showing 5 slides)

Pounded and pummeled
On the plate with your nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose.

Slide No. 8, No. 9(Slide showing the entire picture: illustration for the fairy tale “Teremok”)

I am sure that you enjoyed today’s journey and you will learn good lessons from it, become more attentive to others, rush to help those who need it, show courage and determination, ingenuity and resourcefulness. And I hope that we will have more encounters with fairy tales. Thank you for your activity.
We will grow up, we will become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will meet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale to our children
We will tell you again in good time!

"In the world of fairy tales"

Teacher. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will remember your favorite fairy-tale characters and take part in fun competitions. Many fairy tales are filled with all sorts of miracles. Either an evil sorcerer turns a beautiful princess into a frog, then geese-swans steal her sister's brother, then naughty Ivanushka, after drinking water from his hoof, turns into a baby goat, then an apple tree rewards a girl with silver and golden apples, then a brown cow helps the girl... (Music sounds)

We will grow up and become different,
And maybe among the worries
We will stop believing fairy tales,
But the fairy tale will come to us again!
And we will greet her with a smile:
Let him live with us again!
And this fairy tale for our children.
We will tell you again in good time.

(The storyteller comes out)
I hasten to greet you,
My funny friends!
We are gathered in the hall today!
Or rather, not in the hall, but in the forest.
Did you happen to see a wolf?
Or maybe you met a fox?
All this is a saying, not a fairy tale,
After all, the fairy tale will be ahead.
But there is little time left.
Are you ready to come with me? (Children answer “yes”)

Teacher Let's open the curtain - veil
And before us for a moment
The wonderful forest spread its branches
We, holding back the excitement slightly,
Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles. (The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” is performed)

Storyteller Miracles await us in this hall today.
Do you hear? Here the voices of good fairy tales come to life.

(The Storyteller comes out, holding a casket in his hands.)

Good afternoon and good evening!
I am a cheerful storyteller.
I came to you from fairy tales
I found the way myself!
And about what will happen next,
I don't even know myself.
I only know every forest
Full of fabulous wonders.
In classrooms, in your school
There will be more miracles!

Storyteller. What do you have in your hands, Storyteller?

Storyteller. The casket is magical, but I just can’t open it. Wait, wait, what is this letter? (Opens and reads)
“... You will open the casket when everyone has arrived,
Who are they? Call them here
Your friends will help us."

Storyteller. There are many wonderful fairy tales in the world, but among them there are the most beloved and dear ones. I will read riddles - couplets, and you will tell me the answer to each question.

1. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,
He heals sick animals,
And one day a hippopotamus
He pulled him out of the swamp.
He's famous, famous
This is the doctor... (Aibolit, slide).
2. Unknown to many for a long time,
He became everyone's friend.
An interesting fairy tale for everyone
The boy is an onion sign.
Very simple and short
It's called... (Cipollino, slide).
3. Grandmother loved the girl very much
Gave her a red cap
The girl forgot her name.
Well, guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood.)

(Little Red Riding Hood comes out, dance)

Little Red Riding Hood
Hello, I came here
I’m coming to you for the holiday, friends!
But tell me first
Am I too late yet?
Little Red Riding Hood
Calls the kids.
I was walking through the forest
I was almost eaten by a wolf.

4. Calm down, calm down, evil witch,
Don't get your hopes up,
I met seven dwarfs in the forest -
Ours will be saved... (Snow White).

(Snow White comes out, dance)

Snow White. Oh hi my friend
How is your old lady doing?
That you are not yourself?
Did someone scare you?

Little Red Riding Hood
Yes, while I was walking through the forest,
The gray wolf caught up with me
He crept close to me
Haven't you met him?

Snow White
No, gnomes are friends
They led me through the forest
But I, Snow White,
Let's meet, friends!

5. He always loves everyone,
Who wouldn't come to him?
Did you guess it? This is Gena, This is Gena... (Crocodile, slide).

6. And I did laundry for my stepmother,
And sorted out the peas
At night, by candlelight.
And she slept by the stove.
As beautiful as the sun.
Who is this? (Cinderella.)

(Cinderella comes out, dance)

Oh, girls, trouble.
Hide me quickly!

Little Red Riding Hood
What happened, what is it,
Was the wolf following you?

Was there a wolf walking? Nonsense!
My stepmother scolds me.
Trouble speaks to me
He hits me with a big broom.
Everything is not enough for her, everything is not enough for her,
And she didn’t let me in for the holiday,
I cleaned everything in the house
And I too many peas.

7. She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,
She showed skill in any matter.
She danced like a white swan,
Who was this craftswoman? (Vasilisa the Wise, slide)

8. He is both cheerful and not angry
This cute weirdo.
The owner is with him, the boy Robin,
And a friend - Piglet.
For him, a walk is a holiday,
And he has a special nose for honey.
This plush prankster
Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh, slide)

9. I’ll tell you what, friends!
I was a frog.
If not for Ivan - a fool,
I wish I were a frog like that. (Frog Princess, slide)

10. She is as easy as walking on a tightrope
He will walk along a thin rope.
She once lived in a flower.
Well, her name is... (Thumbelina).

(Thumbelina comes out, dance)

Thumbelina And my destiny was
Marry a mole.
Live underground forever
And be friends with snails.
How good is it?
It's so bright in our hall.
To you, my friends
Thank you all for coming.

11. He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living being
But there are no such people in this world
There is no one else.
Because he's not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a tit,
Not a kitten, not a puppy,
Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.
But filmed for film
And everyone has known for a long time
This cute little face
And it's called... (Cheburashka, slide).
(The storyteller opens the casket. She takes out the message and reads it.)

"Let's have fun together,
We will sing and dance, -
To find yourself in a fairy tale
You need to call me!” Guys, have you guessed who this is about?

The guys answer:"Yes, about the fairy"

Of course, it's a fairy. Let's call her.

Performing the dance “Little Fairy”

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom (slide)

Baba Yaga. Beware! Disperse! All over the place, stop!
What kind of gathering are you having?
At an inopportune winter time?
Where have you seen me
Is there any fun here?
That's enough, it's over, friends.
Hey, unclean one, come here!

Storyteller. Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our children want to have fun!

Baba Yaga. What do I care? I do what I want!

Storyteller. The guys and I called the fairy. Where are you taking her? There is no way for us to travel through fairy tales without her.

Baba Yaga. And you answer my questions, then I’ll tell you where your fairy is. Determine which fairy tales the excerpts are taken from.

1. And her owner had three daughters. The eldest was called One-Eyed, the middle one was called Two-Eyed, and the smaller one was called Three-Eyed. (“Khavroshechka”)
2. The girl lay down on the largest bed, but it was hard and uncomfortable. ("Three Bears")
3. An old man and an old woman lived near the blue sea. They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
4. The needlewoman began to whip up the snow so that the old man could sleep more softly, and meanwhile, her, poor thing, her hands were numb and her fingers turned white. (“Moroz Ivanovich”)

Baba Yaga
I saw your fairy
At Koshchei's palace.
I can replace it for you
I'll change my face now. (Takes out powder and powders herself.)
I am a fairytale element,
I have a document
I fly on my broom
And I scare the kids.

What are you, Babushka Yaga,
Scary things are not allowed for children
We need to help out the fairy.
Should we send you?
(Addresses Baba Yaga.)

Baba Yaga
I won't even think about it.
Give me my broom. Although... I’m glad to help you in trouble,
But I expect a reward from you.

Grandma, don't waste time
And you fly after the fairy.

Baba Yaga
What a shameless man, what an impudent man!
Where did you see grandma?
I'm younger than all of you together.
I'll be two hundred by lunchtime.
Gore you, deprive you,
Move away and don't disturb. (Sits on a broom and runs away after the fairy.)

You can't kill evil, but you have to fight it,
Evil is laziness of the soul.
Let everyone in the morning
As soon as he wakes up
He will hurry to do good.

Storyteller. While Baba Yaga is doing a good deed and looking for the fairy, I suggest you remember the fairy tales you have read. I will show you the things I found, and you think and answer whose thing it is and who it belongs to, who is the author of the fairy tale. Whoever raises their hand first and answers correctly will receive a prize.

a) Toy telephone. (K. Chukovsky “Telephone”)
b) Puss and Boots. (C. Perrault “Puss in Boots.”)
c) Basket with pies. (Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".)
d) Mirror and apple. (A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”)

Baba Yaga and Fairy enter.

Baba Yaga
For the heat, for the snowstorm,
Everyone scolds me, the hag,
And there is no more harm in me,
Than daisies in a meadow.
What, are the kids tired of waiting?
Take it. Here she is.

Oh, so many kids -
Both girls and boys!
Evil Koschey took me away -
I was scared to tears.
I wanted to throw a ball like
But now I'm free!
Alone and at peace
All our heroes are dozing
On the pages of your books.
Let's call them soon!
Why should they suffer from boredom!
All heroes love work!
Friends, and cards in your hands,
Let the heroes come to life!

(Fairy-tale characters come out and sing ditties.)

1.I am a toothy gray wolf,
I click and click with my fangs,
In winter I am completely hungry.
Don't be afraid, I won't eat anyone.

2. I'm crazy about sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
Round side, ruddy side,
The bun rolled.

3. A cunning cheat,
red head,
The fluffy tail is a beauty,
And my name is Lisa.

4. Long-eared mischief maker
I'm used to going to the garden,
And he began to jump around the beds,
I trampled all the cabbage.

5. Like Baba, Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one

6. I am a cheerful Pinocchio,
My nose is sharp
My nose is long
And today at this hour
I sing songs for you.

7. A very harmful old woman,
Everything is bad for her, everything is wrong.
Annoying as a fly...
Who is she?

Children: Shapoklyak!
(Old woman Shapoklyak appears, dance)

Shapoklyak I'm an old woman no matter what:
Both smart and young.
My rat is with me
Named Lariska!

Questions: 1. A villain waiting for children in Africa? (Barmaley)
2. A house that couldn’t support its residents? (Teremok)
3. Favorite dish of Enikov-Benikov? (Dumplings)
4. Fabulous washing machine? (Trough)
5. A boy who specializes in growing trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio)
6.An ungrateful listener of songs? (Fox from the fairy tale "Kolobok")
7.Cave master key spell? (Sim-sim)
8.The material from which Papa Carlo created his son? (Log)
9. The hero of a fairy tale, bursting with laughter? (Bubble)
10.The symbol of the family that Pinocchio pierced with his nose? (Hearth)
11.Seven wishes on one leg? (Seven-flowered flower)
12.Fairytale veterinarian? (Aibolit)

(Children who answer correctly receive prizes)

There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
My young friend!
Take it with you on the road
Your favorite fairy tale friends.
They will help you at the right time
Find your dream and make your life brighter.

Fairy. Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth.
May good triumph over evil forever.

Teacher. Now the moment has come to say goodbye,
My speech will be short;
I tell you: “Goodbye!
See you happy next time!”

All heroes bow.

Wolf song

Scenario for staging a Ukrainian folk tale in a home puppet theater








In the foreground on the left is the grandfather’s hut with the woman, on the right are several snow-covered trees. In the background is the winter steppe.


You can’t find a path in the steppe -

Everything around is white and white,

And right up to the windows

There is snow today.

Until the morning the snowstorm swirled,

Until morning all over the earth

The snow witch was running around

On a magic broom.

And in the ravine there is a hungry wolf

Howled sadly at the moon.

It’s unlikely that even a rootless dog

I envied him.

A Wolf comes out from behind the trees on the right.


Woohoo! Oh, how chilly I am!

My stomach is rumbling.

A Fox appears from behind the trees on the right.


Yeah, godfather! And grandparents

It's sweet to sleep on the stove.

They have a laying hen, Ryaba,

A cockerel is a songbird

Yes sheep...

Wolf (with a sigh)

At least for me

Eat a pie with cabbage.


So let's go and sing carols.

Singing a song is not hard work!


Okay, I'll sing them a song

Maybe they'll give you something!

The Fox and the Wolf slowly walk towards the hut.

Wolf and Fox (singing)

White fluff falls from the sky.

Grandfather and woman have a cockerel!


Oh, my little dove,

It's great how they sing!

Give them a piece of pie

Otherwise they won't leave.


But no, everything was given away

Until the last blink.

Wolf (disappointed)

Was it in vain that we sang?


We can take the rooster too!

Grandfather brings out the cockerel to the Fox and the Wolf. Grandma and Grandfather are hiding in the hut, Wolf and Fox are going to the forest. The wolf begins to take the cockerel from the Fox.


Give it to me! My poor belly

Stuck to the spine.

It's high time for me to have lunch.

I sang so hard that I was hoarse!

The fox hides the cockerel behind the trees.


Wait, we'll still have time

You and I will feast.

If we're lucky, we'll be able to

Carry the chicken!

The Fox and the Wolf go to the hut again.

Fox and Wolf (singing)

From hill to hill there is a path to the porch.

Grandfather and woman have a sheep in their house!

The pillow is stuffed with swan down.

Grandfather and woman have a laying hen in their house.

Cracklings are fried in a frying pan.

We sang a song, give us gifts!

Grandma looks out of the window, Grandfather comes out of the hut.


Grandma, look, back

It's not easy to carry them!


But they sing so nicely!


These are unscrupulous people!

(To the Wolf and the Fox)

There is nothing to treat you with, brothers,

Stop standing under the window!

Wolf (disappointed)

Yes, but I tried so hard!


We can also take a laying hen!

Grandfather brings the chicken to the Fox and the Wolf. Grandma and Grandfather are hiding in the hut, Wolf and Fox are going to the forest. The wolf begins to take the chicken away from the Fox.


We'll finally get our fill

To the full... from the heart...


No, we'll go back to the farm.

Kumanek, don't rush!

Wait, we'll still have time

You and I will feast.

If we're lucky, we'll be able to

And carol the sheep!

The Fox hides the chicken behind the trees and, together with the Wolf, goes to the hut again.

Fox and Wolf (singing)

From hill to hill there is a path to the porch.

Grandfather and woman have a sheep in their house!

Cracklings are fried in a frying pan.

We sang a song, give us gifts!

Grandfather looks out of the window, Grandma comes out of the hut.


Do you hear, grandfather, they are singing again,

Nice caroling!

We need to give them gifts!


I'll kill them now!


That's enough, Grandfather. You can't do that!


We want a sheep!


Grandfather, bring her here

Get off the stove quickly!

Grandfather brings the sheep to the Fox and the Wolf. Grandma and Grandfather are hiding in the hut, Wolf and Fox are going to the forest. The wolf begins to take the lamb from the Fox.

Wolf (joyfully)

I'm hungry, I can't save you!

Well, let's share!


Maybe my grandfather hid something

It's too early to have fun!

The Fox hides the sheep behind the trees and, together with the Wolf, returns to the hut.

Fox and Wolf (singing)

From hill to hill there is a path to the porch

Grandfather and grandmother have a kind heart!

Cracklings are fried in a frying pan.

We sang a song, give us gifts!

Grandma looks out of the window.


Fathers, they are coming again!

Grandfather comes out of the hut with a bag.


The stick is crying for them!

About the sides of such and the rod

It’s not a shame to break it off!

(To the Wolf and the Fox)

Here, take everything you have

Everything we are rich in!


Maybe the calf is here?

The fox grabs the bag and starts running.


Stop, Lisa! Where are you going?

The wolf catches up with the Fox and begins to take the bag. Grandfather and Grandmother are hiding in the house.


Move away! Everything here is mine!

I don't want to share!


The two of us sang the song!

Give it here, fox!

The Wolf and the Fox snatch the bag from each other, it unties, and the Dog jumps out of it and begins to chase the Fox and the Wolf.


Woof! Woof! Woof! Here you go now

I'll give out gifts!


Unhook! Don't touch us!


It's all a fox!


Take it all, take it all!

Cockerel, laying hen...


And give me the sheep

Red-haired thief!

The Wolf and the Fox are hiding behind the trees, the Dog behind them. After a while, the Dog appears with a cockerel, a chicken and a lamb and carries them into the hut.


The blizzard has blown again

Stitches and tracks.

Walk on your own

The cats don't come out.

And about the wolf and the fox

They forgot in that house,

After all, they are caroling

We didn't go again!



Cat and Fox

Script for staging a Russian folk tale in a home puppet theater








Forest. There are several trees in the left foreground. In the middle in the foreground there is a large tree with bushes under it. On the right is the Fox's hut. A man comes out from behind the trees on the left. He hardly pulls the bag behind him, in which the cat is moving and meowing pitifully.


Have pity on me, master!

Oh, where are they taking me?

Man (with a sigh)

Everyone chooses their own destiny!

Cat (desperately)

Don't leave me in the forest!

I'm fluffy, I'm good,

I can sing songs!


Did you eat sour cream?


No, horse!


Stop lying!


Then bear!


Well, who doesn’t catch mice?

They destroyed my whole house.

We ate bread, a bag of carrots -

Everything earned by hard work!


You, master, don't worry,

I will make an agreement with them.

A man lets the cat out of the bag.


Don't come into my yard,

I'll deal with them myself.

I'll get another cat

What doesn't sleep on the stove.

The cat throws itself at the man's feet.


No, master!


That's it, not a word!

The man turns and leaves the forest.

Cat (indignantly)

Murderers! Executioners!

I served him for three years -

Every year for ten years.

It's because of the sandwich

Sends to the next world!

I guarded the stove properly,

Day and night, in rain and snow.

I am a full member of the family,

I'm the best in the village!

It's okay, he'll understand

What can't be found.

Eh, I'm out of work!

And where to go now?

A cat with his head down slowly walks towards a large tree. A Fox appears from behind the bushes to meet him. The cat immediately lifts his nose up.


Good fellow, tell me,

Who is he, where is he from?

Make friends with me

I will be a faithful friend.


I am the rarest animal in the world,

English breed.

To you, distant lands

Sent by the governor!

Kotofey Ivanovich,

Please, love!

Fox (ingratiatingly)

Oh, forgive me

Don't judge strictly!

My house is the best in the forest,

I live in it alone.

The Fox hugs the Cat.


Kitty, respect Lisa,

I'll be like my own!

Are you ever single?




Well, fine!


Yes, I need a wife.

C'mon, I'm the boss of the house!

The Cat and the Fox go to the Fox's house and go inside. After a while, the Fox comes out of the house with a basket, and the Cat looks out the window.


Dear Kitty, I'll go,

I'll get the duck.


Okay, Foxy, I'm waiting.


I'll be there in an hour!

The cat hides in the house, and the Fox goes to a large tree.

Fox (singing)

Beautiful girls, don't wait

Get married yourself

After all, behind my husband's back

Like behind a stone wall!

The fox comes out from behind a large tree. A Wolf comes out from behind the trees on the left to meet her.

Wolf (hoarsely)

Hey Lisa! Where are you going?

What are you carrying in the basket?

Give it to me!

The wolf is trying to look into the basket. The fox jumps to the side.


Well, don't touch it!

Get out of the way!

The Fox backs away, the Wolf advances.


Don't expect a treat!

Wolf (menacing)

I stronger then you!


I'll complain, look

To my husband Kotofey.

He'll give you a paw in the forehead!

Wolf (perplexed)

And where did it come from?!

And who is he to

Was I afraid of him?

Fox (proudly)

He is the rarest animal in the world,

English breed.

To us, distant lands

Sent by the governor!

Kotofeya himself

I am now a wife!

The wolf respectfully moves away.


Let's take a look at him,

Just a peek, friend!


What are you, what are you! Kotofey

A painfully angry beast -

Will eat a hundred devils for breakfast

And you won't be full!

You won't have to, brother, here you go

He likes you

The hour is not even, it will delay

He has the right!

Wolf (scared)


Bring the lamb.

And don’t even think about entering the house,

Wait for us at the ravine.

You better hide yourself

So as not to offend.

Now get out of the way!


I have never seen in my life

So that someone would be so fierce!

There will be a lamb for you.

Tell me what I wanted

Children for you, twins.

The wolf bows and runs away, hiding behind a large tree. Lisa moves on.

Fox (singing)

If the husband is respected,

They don’t offend the wife -

I'm behind my husband's back

Like behind a stone wall!

The fox is hiding in the forest on the left. A Bear crawls out from behind the bushes under a large tree and slowly walks towards the forest.

Bear (singing)

You will spend a day in the raspberry field,

You won't be full anyway!

Stop talking nonsense

I'll go to the forest for honey!

A Fox with a duck comes out of the forest on the left towards the Bear and tries to pass by him. The bear stops her.


Stop, Lisa. Come here

Duck and basket.

Maybe you should then

I'll give way.


Clubfoot, get out of the way!

Bear (menacing)

I stronger then you!

Fox (sarcastically)

I'll complain, look

To my husband Kotofey.

He won't spare you!

Bear (puzzled)

I haven't met him.

He is a hunter and a bandit,

For me to be afraid?

Fox (proudly)

He is the rarest animal in the world,

English breed.

To us, distant lands

Sent by the governor!

Kotofeya himself

I am now a wife!

The bear backs away.


I'd like to look at him

Just a peek, friend.


What are you, what are you! My husband

A painfully angry beast -

It's scary even for me

I'm afraid of being killed.

You won't have to, brother, here you go

He likes you

The hour is not even, it will delay

He has the right!

Bear (scared)

What to do? What do i do?


Bring the bull to us.

And don't even think about entering the house.


I won't go in!


You better hide yourself

So as not to offend.

I'm in a hurry, move aside!

The bear lets the Fox through, she goes to her house.

Bear (thoughtfully)

Wait and see!

The bear goes into the forest, and the Fox enters the house. After a while, a Wolf with a lamb comes out from behind the trees on the left and heads towards a large tree.

Wolf (shaking)

How scary, just creepy!

Scary, no urine!

The wolf, before reaching the tree, sits down.


I need to rest a little,

Something very scary!

A Bear with a bull appears from behind the trees on the left, approaches the Wolf and stops.


Hey, great brother Levon,

How far is it with your luggage?

Wolf (with a sigh)

Bow to Kotofey.

Bear (also with a sigh)

Yes, I’m there too!

The Bear and the Wolf, each with their own gift, approach the Fox's house. They leave the gifts and return to the big tree.


Listen, go and knock,

Just be quiet.

Wolf (whispers)

You, Mikhalych, don’t shout,

Suddenly they will hear.

Oh, I won't go there

You better try it.

Bear (also in a whisper)

No, I'd rather wait

He's a special animal!

A Hare runs out from behind the trees on the left.


Stop! Come here with a scythe!

We really need you.


Call the cat and the fox

This is where their dinner lies.

The hare runs to the hut.

Bear (to the wolf)

I climbed a tree

We need to hide!

The bear climbs up and settles on the top of the tree. The wolf tries to climb, but he fails. He is hiding in the bushes.


Okay, time is running out.

Yes, that will do!

The hare is knocking on the hut.


Is anyone home? Knock knock!

Hey, welcome your guests!

Come out! Knock knock!

Where are you? Open up!

Fox looks out the window.


What kind of guests? Who's come?

Hare (scared)

The wolf came with the bear.


This is very good.

(into the hut)

Honey, we have neighbors.

There is a loud noise in the house. The hare runs all the way to the forest and hides behind the trees. The wolf is not visible behind the bushes. The bear lowers its head. The Fox disappears into the house and soon leaves it with the Cat. The bear peeks out.

Bear (to the wolf)

Something is not very tall,

Unpretentious in appearance.

In vain they brought gifts!

But how fluffy!

Suddenly the Cat pounces on the gifts.


Mau! Mau!

Bear (to the wolf)

Not great

But he is very gluttonous!

“Not enough, not enough!” - speaks,

He wants to eat us too.

Let me take a look too

Can't see through the foliage.


What a glutton, just terrible!

How is he not ashamed!?

A wolf peeks out from behind the bushes. The bushes are swaying. The cat jumps into the bushes and grabs onto the Wolf.


Meow! There must be a mouse here!

I'll catch her!

Wolf (horrified Bear)

Help, why are you sitting there?

He's breaking me!

The wolf throws the cat off and runs into the forest. The cat climbs a tree.

Bear (panicked)

And he saw me

I need to save myself!

The Bear falls from the tree and runs into the forest after the Wolf.


He wanted to kill me!

Help, brothers!

The bear disappears behind the trees, the Fox approaches the tree.

Fox (following the Bear and the Wolf)

Grandma (with a sigh)

How should we deal with you, Grandfather?

What to cook lunch from?

I scraped the bottom of the barrel,

Only a mouse found it there!

We don't have it in your closet

No cabbage, no carrots,

You know, you have to disappear!


We need to sell something!

I'll take it to the market

Our favorite samovar.

Grandma, you clean it up.

It’s like he’s nothing!

They would give a nickel for it.


We've already sold it!


Really? That's the trouble

How do we drink tea then?

Okay, look in the chest!


A spider has been living there for a long time.

At the market for it

They won't give us anything.

We'd better sell the hat!


Have you forgotten, Grandma?

What did I sell for half a piece?

A hat and bought a laying hen.


The Ryaba Chicken appears from under the table between Grandfather and Grandmother and flaps its wings.

Chicken Ryaba


Here I am, Grandfather, not far away!

I didn't just come

I laid an egg for you.

Chicken Ryaba takes out an egg from under the table, gives it to Grandma and leaves the hut, hiding behind a log wall. The grandmother puts the egg on the table, goes to the stove and takes out a frying pan from behind it.

Grandma (joyfully)

This is wonderful, for lunch,

I'll cook an omelette!

Grandma puts the frying pan on the table and knocks an egg on it. The testicle doesn't beat.

Grandma (surprised)

And the egg is not just

And the egg is so hot,

And it seems to me that it

Bone and tricky!

Grandfather gets up from the table and approaches Grandma.


This grief is not a problem!

Come on, Grandma, give it here.

I'll smash it in no time!

Grandfather takes the egg and tries to break it on the frying pan. Slams his hand on the testicle. Grandma blows on her.


So there was no care!

They tell you it

Bone and tricky!

Grandfather puts an egg in a frying pan. Grandfather and Grandmother sit down at the table.


We should call for help!


Just calm down, for God's sake!

We won't eat the egg

And we won’t give it to others,

After all, the chicken is from him

It will be born - wow!

Go get some chicken.


You, Grandma, look

Behind the unbreakable testicle.

The grandfather leaves the hut, hiding behind the log wall on the right.

Chick-chick! Birdie, birdie!

The grandmother takes out the egg, puts it on the table, takes the frying pan and carries it to the stove. A mouse appears from under the table, climbs onto the table, takes the egg in its paws and sniffs it.


I would like some cheese! I'm a mouse!

The grandmother, seeing the mouse, runs to the table and swings a frying pan at it.


Screw you, villain! Shoo-shoo-shoo!

The mouse throws the egg down and hides under the table. Grandma drops the frying pan behind the screen and grabs her head.


Grandfather, here!

Grandfather immediately runs out from behind the log wall.


So what happened?

Grandma (wailing)

A mouse was running across the table,

Only I said: “Shoo!”

The way she waved her tail

Turned everything upside down

And the egg rolled...

Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather (in hearts)

Wow, villain! Oh, trouble!

I will never forgive her!

What a misfortune has happened!

Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Grandfather and Grandmother sit next to each other at the table and cry. Ryaba Hen appears from behind the log wall and approaches the table.

Chicken Ryaba

What are you, Grandma, what are you, Grandfather?

Was the omelette not a success?


A mouse was running across the table,

Grandma told her: “Shoo!”

And she waved her tail,

Turned the house upside down

And the egg rolled...

Grandfather and Grandmother (in unison)

Oops, it crashed! Oops, it crashed!

Chicken Ryaba stands between Grandmother and Grandfather and hugs them.

Chicken Ryaba

Full of crying and sobbing,

I'll take another one for you -

Not simple, golden!

Buy a bag of eggs

And all will be well!

Holiday for elementary school students “A fairy tale has come to visit us!”

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention an extracurricular event on fairy tales, which is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful to primary school teachers and teachers of after-school groups.
Target: creating a fabulous holiday atmosphere.
- introduce children to fairy tales;
- to educate children in the ability to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate at the holiday.

Progress of the event:

The song “Little Country” performed by Natasha Koroleva is playing.
Children enter the hall in fairy tale costumes.

Student 1:
If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
Hurry up and let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
If you scare it a little, it will fly away.

Student 2:
You follow her to the threshold,
And she’s already jumping and jumping,
Like a round bun
Rolling through the forest...

Student 3:
She has a supply of miracles!
And always ready...
Every time for all of us
Golden word!

Student 4:
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them!

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! I am very glad to see you all at our holiday. I think that everyone is familiar with the words of A. S. Pushkin:

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows!

Presenter: Today we invite you to a lesson dedicated to fairy tales. (Each child chooses a coloring book, so the class is divided into 4 groups).

A girl appeared in a flower cup.
And there was that girl bigger than a marigold.
She always slept in a nutshell,
What a girl she was, she was very small!

Who read the book about this
Will he name our baby?
Group 1 – Thumbelina.(Those guys who painted Thumbelina).

He has a house on the roof.
He is a naughty man, a funny comedian,
Braggart and arrogant,
What should he be called? Guess what!
Group 2 - Carlsons.(Those guys who painted Carloson).

This boy is very strange
Unusual - wooden.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?.. (Pinocchio.)
Group 3 – Pinocchio.(Those guys who painted Pinocchio).

She's beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word “ash”.
Group 4 – Cinderellas.(Those guys who painted Cinderella).

The guys are told
That the train is leaving
Sends immediately
From Moscow station
Up to the first letter - “A”.
The steam is separated by the locomotive,
I lit two lanterns
And rushes with the roar of wheels
According to the lines of the primer.
We drove off
From Moscow station
And finally we arrived
Up to the first letter - "A".

Presenter: Do we remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter “A”?
Presenter: That’s right, there is such a fairy tale - “Aibolit”, the hero is Aladdin...
And also, there is such a word... attribute. An attribute is an object that is an integral part of someone or something.
Exercise 1. Each team needs to put together its own attribute from the mosaic.
(Thumbelina - swallow, Carlson - Baby, Pinocchio - golden key, Cinderella - slipper).

Aladdin's lamp,
Take us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper,
Help along the way!
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth.
May goodness forever
Evil wins!
Presenter: Let's move on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "B"?
(Baba Yaga, Pinocchio, Barmaley, Bremen Town Musicians...)

Presenter: And also, there is such a word... “bye-bye”.
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
Don't lie on the edge.
The little gray top will come
And he grabs the barrel.

Task 2. Each team needs to write a Bedtime Story. A bedtime story is a long wish for good night, usually imbued with tenderness, love and, of course, care. Remember what a bedtime story read by your grandmother or mother sounds like? Probably quiet and even, it also calms and lulls you to sleep.
(Each team composes its own fairy tale. If desired, you can act it out.)

Presenter: Let's move on - the letter "B". We remember fairy-tale characters and the names of fairy tales that begin with the letter "IN"?
(Wolf, “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, Vasilisa the Beautiful...)

Presenter: And also, there is such a word... “seasons”.
Task 3. Each team needs to remember fairy tales that describe one time of year.
(Thumbelina - winter, Carlson - spring, Pinocchio - summer, Cinderella - autumn).
(Teams compete).
Presenter: Our journey is coming to an end, dear guys and distinguished guests! And finally, please continue...
The story behind the fairy tale... (won't get away).
Every joke in a fairy tale... (good).
Every fairy tale happens... (end).
Eat the porridge and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind... (shake).
The fairy tale is beautiful in its complexion, and the song... (in harmony).
Either action or fairy tales... (say).
On fairy tales that on... (sled).
Fairy tale - fold: listen... (sweet).
Listen to the fairy tale, and to the saying... (listen).
Soon the fairy tale will unfold, but not soon enough... (done).
A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but... (saying).
That’s the end of the fairy tale, but who listened...