Business in agriculture. How to open an agricultural business from scratch Farming in the most private way

Housekeeping is the daily chores of the rural population, but you can turn it into a stable income. This is not as simple a matter as it might seem, therefore, in order to make money on your farm, you need to decide on the direction and draw up a detailed business plan.

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Business Description

Not only rural residents, but also people who have a small plot of land or a utility room are thinking about how to make money on their farm.

Economic business can be called:

  • breeding of domestic animals;
  • growing vegetables, fruits;
  • beekeeping;
  • fodder preparation.

Which one to choose depends on your capabilities and desires. If there is a suitable room for keeping livestock and a place to store feed, take up animal husbandry. If you have a plot of land, grow a garden, garden crops or create a flower garden.

Products and service

From the choice of the range of activities depends on the product received, which will bring money. When considering the idea of ​​​​a home business, pay attention to all possible sources of income from it. It can be the business object itself, products from it or services provided with its help.

Breeding animals will bring the entrepreneur products such as:

  • meat;
  • leather;
  • feathers;
  • eggs;
  • milk.

From the listed raw materials it is possible to produce leather, fur and down products, as well as sour cream, butter and other food products. Both offspring and adult animals bring income. Growing vegetables and fruits, you can sell the crop, planting material and products from them. Beekeeping provides honey, wax, propolis, which are highly valued in the market.


More and more people begin to appreciate the right way of life, in particular, a healthy diet. Therefore, the relevance of housekeeping as a way of earning is increasing more and more.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have a household to eat healthy food. Some do not want to do this, but at the same time appreciate homemade products. Therefore, there is always a demand for farm products, but it is different everywhere.

Activity Options

Choosing the type of activity, rely not only on the existing conditions and opportunities, but also on your knowledge and experience. After all, in every case there are features that you need to know.

The most famous areas that you can do in the village:

  • animal husbandry;
  • agriculture;
  • beekeeping.

Other types of entrepreneurship are less common:

  • growing mushrooms;
  • breeding of fish, crayfish, worms;
  • production of feed or fertilizer.

About different options for activities from personal experience on the video of the channel “We live well. Village life and self-sufficiency.

animal husbandry

The choice of livestock for breeding determines the availability of a sales market, conditions of detention and the cost of the down payment.

The simplest type of animal husbandry is breeding or quail. What you have to spend money on is cages, food, veterinary drugs and the purchase of young animals. Chickens begin to lay eggs in six months, quails - in a month. You can sell broiler meat after 3 months of cultivation.

Even easier is to buy an incubator and sell chickens, ducklings, goslings. But this activity is seasonal.

Larger animals - rabbits, pigs, goats - are already in need of hay for the winter. To do this, you need a hayloft or other room for its storage.

The most expensive and difficult to grow is a cow. But at the same time, milk and dairy products will find their buyer in any city or village.


This is a very popular and promising way to earn money. Many enterprises buy honey from private beekeepers. The net profit of the beekeeper is about 50% of the initial costs for the year.

But here you can not do without an experienced specialist, since the beekeeper's craft is not taught anywhere. Such knowledge comes only with experience.

Growing vegetables and fruits

The main direction of growing a vegetable garden is the use of greenhouses. Since they bring the most profit out of season.

In greenhouses, you can grow seedlings for sale, and then vegetables a couple of times a year. Thus, you can significantly increase your income.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the cultivation of strawberries. This berry is well appreciated by buyers and can be harvested several times a year.

Bird farm Raising cattle Growing strawberries in a greenhouse

Description and analysis of the sales market

The success of business development largely depends on the sales market and consumers. Not everywhere will buy the same chicken meat or milk. In addition, it is necessary to gain the trust of customers and cope with competitors. Therefore, before starting your own business, analyze the market and potential customers.

The target audience

The ideal option for starting a business is to have a regular customer: a store, a food processing plant, etc. In this case, you only need to set up work in such a way that the consumer's needs coincide with the manufacturer's capabilities.

If you plan to independently engage in the marketing of products, but keep in mind that the needs of different segments of the population differ from each other. If chicken eggs are in great demand in the city, then in rural areas there are chickens in almost every yard. Therefore, it is better to do such a thing in the suburbs, not far from large settlements. But chickens are in demand more in the village.

Competitive advantages

To stand out from the competition, pay great attention to product quality and variety. It is more profitable for people to contact the manufacturer for young animals and immediately purchase good food for growing them. If you grow vegetables, fruits or, freeze or pickle them for the winter.

This will not only help you outperform your competitors, but also increase your customer base and revenue.

Promotion and advertising

Advertising and promotion of your farm should be done even before it opens. Communicate with wholesalers and processors. Ordinary ads in shops, markets and other crowded places will also be useful.

How to open and what is needed for this?

Those who have already decided on the choice of the type of economic activity often do not know how to open a personal business and what needs to be done to make good money. The answer is different for each individual case.

There are several general aspects that all businessmen face:

  • issuance of permits and certificates;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase of equipment and tools;
  • selection of suitable personnel.

In addition, you need to find and purchase planting material or young stock, fertilizers or feed, and much more.

Required documents

To work at a high level, have good clients and make big profits, you need to formalize the farm.

This will require:

  • business registration;
  • obtaining information about the condition of animals and vaccinations;
  • obtaining a certificate from the SES;
  • obtaining permission from the fire safety authorities.

In some cases, this list may be supplemented or reduced.

Room search

The size and type of premises depends on the type and scope of activities. You can grow livestock in a small area, and for greenhouses you will have to allocate a large plot of land.

To save on rent, small animals can be placed in longline cages. The location of the premises also affects the cost of rent: the farther from large settlements and junction stations, the lower the rent.

Requirements for the premises

The main requirement for the premises is the required area. It depends on the amount of work and total earnings.

Keep in mind that some animal species do not develop fully in cramped quarters, while others, on the contrary, must grow in small cages. On average, livestock farming needs an area of ​​​​10 acres, for greenhouses - about 100.

Procurement and installation of equipment

The list and quantity of equipment and tools in each case is different. The cheapest thing will be the purchase of tools for farming. Although in the presence of large areas, one cannot do without vehicles for cultivating the land and harvesting.

In the case of animal husbandry, equipment will be required to facilitate working conditions or to automate it, for example:

  • bulldozer equipment;
  • installations of cable-scraper type;
  • scraper conveyors;
  • milking machines.

Separate refrigerators or freezers are needed to store food.


It is impossible to do economic business alone, for this you need workers with experience in this industry.

Each specialist should be engaged in a certain type of work. One person is responsible for growing, the second is for harvesting and processing products, the third is responsible for marketing finished products and finding customers. Due to this, labor productivity increases.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting a business, a farmer needs to draw up an accurate business plan that will provide for all initial expenses, monthly investments, and calculate possible earnings and the payback period of the event. Such planning will allow you to correctly allocate funds and time for opening a business.

Action Guide:

  1. Analysis of the sales market, your preferences and opportunities.
  2. Choice of direction of activity.
  3. Preparation and execution of documents.
  4. Selection and equipment of the premises.
  5. Land preparation.
  6. Purchase of fertilizers, equipment, feed.
  7. Team set.
  8. Development of advertising and promotion.

Financial plan

  • initial costs, including paperwork, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, raw materials, etc.;
  • monthly expenses;
  • Estimated profit for a period of time based on the calculation of the cost and quantity of goods.

Recurring expenses

In the process of developing the economy, there is always a certain list of costs that must be met monthly:

  • rent;
  • purchase of feed, fertilizers and other consumables;
  • staff salary.

When calculating a business plan, these costs affect the profitability and payback period of the enterprise.

Approximate investments, profits and payback periods

Opening dates

Calculate the opening dates along with the business plan. Consider possible unforeseen situations with the supply of equipment or the arrangement of the premises. The collection of all permits also takes some time.

Risks and payback

The main risks are animal diseases and adverse weather conditions. A businessman practically cannot influence them, but he can try to foresee them and take them into account in the development plan. Many branches of agriculture do not require large expenses, and their payback comes in a year. The prospects of the business also lie in the fact that the demand for high-quality agricultural products is only growing every year.

Contrary to existing stereotypes, small business is actively developing not only in large cities, but also in small rural settlements. This is partly facilitated by the growing demand for agricultural products grown in ecologically clean areas without the use of pesticides. In addition, the government of our country is developing programs to support rural entrepreneurs, which makes it possible to start a business in this field of activity with minimal investment.

Business ideas in the field of agriculture

Today, there are a huge number of promising ideas for organizing your own business in the field of agriculture. Consider those of them that can be implemented in almost any region.

  1. Growing greens and vegetables in greenhouse complexes. This type of business will require significant investments from the entrepreneur. A businessman will need to build a heated polycarbonate greenhouse. To minimize costs, you can build such a structure yourself. The size of the greenhouse complex depends on the planned scope of work and the amount of start-up capital. It is desirable to equip the erected structure with an automatic irrigation system. This will minimize the time spent on caring for cultivated plants.
  2. As practice shows, the highest profit (up to 100 thousand rubles per month) can be brought by the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants. A good profit (about 30-50 thousand rubles) can be obtained by growing parsley, dill and lettuce. Such types of business can generate income all year round if the entrepreneur is able to find stable distribution channels for the grown products.

  3. Cultivation of chickens of meat breeds. The demand for poultry meat is consistently high, so you can safely organize your agricultural business for the production of such products. This business will also require some investments (about 200-300 thousand rubles). The entrepreneur will need to purchase incubators, cages, as well as special feed for bred chickens. In addition, he will need to learn the features of bird care or hire an assistant who will deal with such issues.
  4. Freezing vegetables and fruits. Such a business idea is suitable for those entrepreneurs who have their own land on which apples, pears, and other fruits or vegetables are grown. As you know, there is a demand for such products at any time of the year, even in winter. If you competently organize your business on freezing fresh vegetables and fruits, you can get a good income.

How to combine the science of agriculture with business

The role of science in modern agricultural business is great. In almost every region, new technologies are being developed and introduced that can significantly increase the productivity of private farms and agro-industrial complexes.

To combine the science of agriculture with business, scientists have to engage in active research activities, to study the principles of operation of modern equipment, which is designed to make technological processes more efficient.

New directions of scientific activity in the field of agriculture are developing. Domestic scientists master the development of new management systems for agricultural enterprises, which can be actively used in small businesses.

Support and development of small business in agriculture

The state allocates a lot of funds for the development of entrepreneurial activity in agriculture. The development of small businesses in this area is considered a priority and is strongly encouraged.

A novice farmer can receive material support from the local municipality to organize his business in the field of agriculture. To do this, he must either become the head of a peasant farm, or register as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, he can take part in grants for the modernization and development of the material and technical base of his micro-enterprise. The state is also developing and putting into practice programs to subsidize part of the down payment for the purchase of agricultural machinery on lease. Thus, you can open your own business in the agricultural sector at almost no cost.

Can a business in agriculture be profitable and profitable

Micro-business in the field of agriculture can become a profitable undertaking if the farmer responsibly chooses specialization, hires workers and finds channels for marketing his products. A novice entrepreneur needs to carefully monitor the market, find out which products are in the highest demand. This will allow him to find that niche in the agricultural sector, the development of which will allow him to receive the greatest profit.

The profitability of a business in agriculture is determined by various factors, including the climatic conditions of the region in which it is launched. It is noted that the greatest profit is brought by farms located in the south of our Motherland or in the middle lane. In such areas, there is a high yield of vegetables, fruits, sunflowers and other crops. Great profit can also be obtained from the breeding of cattle and poultry.

The most profitable business projects in agriculture

Entrepreneurial activity in the field of agriculture is quite a promising direction.

The following business projects have the highest percentage of profitability:

  1. Breeding pigs. Starting in this area is not easy, because in order to receive a tangible income, the livestock must consist of at least 70-100 animals. However, the ease of care for pigs and the high selling price of meat allow you to quickly return on investment and reach a decent level of income.
  2. Opening of a dairy plant. The implementation of this project will also require impressive investments. However, a novice entrepreneur will be able to receive funds to open an enterprise from the state. Dairies sell manufactured products at a price 2 times higher than its cost. If there are stable distribution channels for products, such a business will pay off in the second year of its existence.
  3. Breeding rabbits. This project can be implemented with low investments at the start (about 200-300 thousand rubles). Rabbit meat is considered a dietary product; its market average retail price for 2017 is 500 rubles per kilogram. In this business, you can earn up to 70 thousand rubles a month.

Start a business from scratch in agriculture

There are a number of business projects that can be implemented from scratch or with a symbolic start-up capital. For example, an aspiring entrepreneur can start growing strawberries in bags or use the technology of growing greens using hydroponics. Such a business can be organized in the conditions of a personal subsidiary plot or a summer cottage. Over time, the entrepreneur will be able to expand the scope of work and register a peasant farm.

In addition, you can start in a similar business area as an intermediary. For example, you can engage in the resale of large consignments of grain. It will also allow you to make tangible profits.

Buy a ready-made business in agriculture

If for some reason a novice farmer does not want to organize his business from scratch, he should pay attention to such an alternative as buying a ready-made business. Many entrepreneurs are forced to sell their farms, factories, agricultural or greenhouse complexes due to moving to another area. In this case, the cost of the enterprise is usually quite affordable, especially if the business needs to be sold urgently. If desired, the buyer can always start a reasonable bargain.

Where can I find offers to sell a ready-made business in the field of agriculture? An entrepreneur can see ads of this kind on specialized web resources (for example, on agricultural forums), on electronic boards, as well as in local newspapers.

Leading companies producing equipment for agriculture at the Agroprodmash exhibition

The latest developments in agricultural equipment are presented at the Agroprodmash exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. As part of the event, in the Poultry Tech Moscow themed salon, novice businessmen can personally evaluate the efficiency of processing equipment:

  • meat;
  • birds:
  • fish and seafood.

Familiarize yourself with the plants for the production of dairy products, cheeses, drinks, vegetable oils and sauces. Conclude agreements with manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for storage (Refrigerating & HVAC Equipment Moscow), packaging and transportation equipment (PackTech Moscow).

Business in rural areas is characterized by low competition. The industry is replete with unclaimed land resources, and you can start an entrepreneurial business with the arrangement of a farm for growing vegetables or raising livestock. In the future, it is possible to develop the agricultural business through the expansion and industrial processing of manufactured products. But it should be borne in mind that such activities require serious financial investments.

Feature of business in agriculture

Agricultural business cannot act as a passive income, if we talk about the first stages of its development. It will take a lot of time and work for the business to begin to bear fruit. First of all, you need to determine the direction. Depending on whether it will be bird breeding or beekeeping, growing flowers or fruits, it will be necessary to calculate profitability, purchase equipment, etc.

To open an agricultural business you will need:

  • draw up a business plan, where there will be a detailed analysis of the market, the advantages and disadvantages of the direction, development prospects and risks;
  • register an individual entrepreneur and obtain permits.

It is especially important to identify all the weaknesses of the project, to calculate possible hidden threats. It is necessary to take into account such nuances as seasonality and weather conditions, assess the competitive environment that dictates certain development trends. The ideal option would be if you manage to find an unfilled niche and form your offer within it. This will significantly reduce the budget, including advertising, and quickly recoup the business.

Creating a plan for agricultural business will be especially relevant if you need to attract contributions from outside. Neither the bank nor the investor will issue funds if they do not familiarize themselves with the detailed organizational, financial and production part. Keep in mind that the use of money from a third party will affect both profitability and payback, and therefore the agricultural business plan will need to be adjusted, taking into account the new inputs.

After completion of this stage, it is necessary to resolve land issues in local authorities. If relatives, neighbors, business partners are involved in starting an agricultural business, it is imperative to conclude a farm agreement and notarize it. This is necessary to protect yourself and your property, profit from possible litigation, to establish clear boundaries.

Only after the settlement of all legal and financial issues, it is possible to start building the premises that will be needed for doing business: workshops, barns, sheds and warehouses, greenhouses, office buildings. At the construction stage, it is important to check the compliance of communications with production needs: electricity, heat and water must be supplied uninterruptedly.

One of the important final stages is the search for personnel. Considering that the production is located in a rural area, you will have little choice. Since the success of production depends on the efficiency and specialization of each employee, it would be correct to draw up a list of requirements for candidates and select applicants according to it.

Top 10 Farming Ideas

Idea 1: greenhouse farming:

To implement such an agricultural business, a small plot of land is required. It needs to install and equip one or more greenhouses, depending on the scale of the proposed production. It is better to purchase seeds from reliable suppliers.

Regardless of what you will grow (vegetables, berries, herbs, flowers, etc.), plants must be provided with light, heat, watering and fertilizers. Determining the format of production in your region, you need to establish distribution channels for products, analyze competitors in the industry. What you need to analyze when opening a greenhouse business in agriculture:

  1. What kind of vegetables, fruits, berries is in demand in the region. This figure will depend on the climate and competitive environment.
  2. Seasonality of products. You can grow different crops at different times of the year to expand your market.

A properly equipped greenhouse brings about 5-6 crops per year. But for the success of the agricultural business, special attention must be paid to marketing and advertising. One of the optimal solutions is to conclude a supply contract with a supermarket chain.

Idea 2: sunflower cultivation

Such activities do not require huge investments, and the business model can be implemented even by a novice entrepreneur. The key advantage of sunflower cultivation is the low level of competition with high demand for the product.

To start such an agricultural business, you will need to rent a plot of land, special sowing equipment, hire workers, and equip a warehouse for storing seeds. You can register this type of activity as a simple IP.

Such activity has certain specifics from a technical point of view. The culture itself is unpretentious, not affected by weather conditions and little susceptible to pest attacks. Harvesting can be carried out 5-6 months after sowing. But one important factor should be taken into account before choosing this line of activity: sunflower literally draws nutrients from the soil, and in 5-7 years planting crops on the site will be impossible.

Therefore, you should not take the land on a long-term lease, it would be more correct to change the site annually. Some entrepreneurs choose a combined agricultural business scheme: in the first year, the field is sown with sunflower, and in subsequent years, a greenhouse is equipped.

With the correct organization of activities and expenses, the income from growing sunflower exaggerates the expense by 2-3 times.

Idea 3: growing hazelnuts

Such a business, like the cultivation of sunflower, is characterized by high profitability, because the demand for nuts is very high. Hazelnut grows in Russia, in the foothills, and is not very common as a home crop, which explains the lack of competitors in this niche. At the same time, hazelnuts are not demanding in storage and care, they tolerate changes in humidity and weather well.

The sales market for products is not limited to the average consumer: it is widely used in the confectionery industry and for the manufacture of cosmetic products.

You can sell hazelnuts in several forms: raw, peeled, fried. The kernels occupy about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

A high yield of hazel is possible only under certain conditions: the soil must be rich in sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, and the pH cannot exceed 7.2 units. Otherwise, there will be no high harvest of hazelnuts. Therefore, be sure to conduct a soil analysis before purchasing seedlings for planting. Only seedlings obtained by vegetative propagation should be purchased.

The first 5 years, hazel will not produce enough hazel, so experienced entrepreneurs recommend planting the space between the beds with other crops that ripen early and are popular in the region. Attention should be paid to greens, early vegetables.

Idea 4: breeding meat breeds of chickens

This line of business is considered very profitable. To implement such an agricultural business, it is necessary to rent or build a room, purchase cages, feed and poultry. The best breed for breeding is the broiler. It is also required to provide heating of the room in the cold period.

Grain, plant foods are often used as feed. Experienced businessmen recommend providing a plot nearby and using it for growing potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and herbs. This will reduce costs and minimize some risks.

The main threat to such an agricultural business is diseases. To avoid trouble with sick birds, you need to carefully choose chickens, properly care for them.

Idea 5: breeding dwarf cows

This kind of breed is considered exotic, and the competition in the niche is minimal. Therefore, you can quickly develop an agricultural business in this direction and take a leading position in a short time.

One cow gives up to 8 liters of milk per day, but this depends not only on the breed, but also on the quality of the feed and animal care. For the construction of a barn, you should choose a place near a good pasture so that the cows have the opportunity to receive proper nutrition. The advantage is that for dwarf grazing, the pasture can be 2-3 times smaller.

Another distinguishing feature of the breed is the taste and quality of milk. It has a much richer composition and can be stored without a refrigerator for up to a day.

Idea 6: Freezing fruits and vegetables

Competition in this industry is quite high, but the business is characterized by profitability and is considered very promising. The significant demand for freezing is explained by the fact that such products retain a certain percentage of vitamins and minerals that we cannot get in the off-season. The only condition is that the freezing process must be carried out correctly, using special technology. To start such a business in the field of agriculture, you will need a fairly large room and equipment: installations for cleaning, drying, chopping fruits and vegetables, a shock freezing chamber, and a packaging machine. It will also be necessary to purchase freezers in which the products will be stored until they are sold. In practice, such a business pays off in 3-4 months.

Idea 7: selling chicken eggs

The launch of such a business project is in many ways similar to the breeding of meat breeds of chickens. Here it will also be necessary to equip the premises - to purchase incubators, cages, laying hens themselves, food, organize proper lighting. At the start, up to 20 chickens will be enough. The principle of business is very simple - to establish sales of goods through markets or retail chains. But since the competition in the industry is quite high, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the market. For a successful start, you need to focus on marketing strategy and advertising.

Idea 8: growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to receive a stable income, since the demand for such products is very high. Oyster mushrooms, unlike other mushrooms, are unpretentious, and therefore it is possible to gain a foothold in the market quite quickly, despite high competition.

Growing mushrooms on stumps is considered the least expensive option, but the waiting period will be quite long, and the yield will be quite low. In addition, there are additional financial risks due to weather conditions.

The stumps must meet certain criteria: be clean, with a smooth surface and without mold. According to the technology, they need to be prepared by pre-soaking in water for 3 days to create the required level of humidity. Then mycelium is laid - seed.

Since May, the stumps are taken out into the garden or in the garden, left in the shade, and the humidity level is monitored. It is also necessary to provide a greenhouse or basement so that they can be removed there during bad weather.

Idea 9: harvesting and packaging of black soil

Given the low competition in this niche, such an agricultural business can bring a good income. What is needed to start a business? First of all, determine the distribution channels in your area. The essence of the idea is to work out and harvest black soil enriched with useful substances. Growing different crops requires soil with different chemical composition.

By determining who is more in your region, gardeners or farmers, you can understand what kind of black soil you need to harvest. The relevance of this direction is quite high, because. There are not very many fertile regions in Russia.

Idea 10: breeding rabbits

This type of farming business is ideal for beginners. This direction is very popular: doing business is very simple, caring for animals does not require a lot of effort and resources, profitability is high (with proper planning, the business pays off in 9-10 months).

Rabbit meat is in demand among expectant and young mothers, people who are on a diet. In addition to the direct supply of meat, a farmer can breed rabbits for the purpose of selling them to other farms. Activities simultaneously in two directions will minimize risks, excluding the seasonality factor.

Depending on the chosen area of ​​activity, the correct breed of animals is also purchased, as well as equipment and everything necessary for their maintenance.

Your business in the flower industry

Very often, the idea to open a business in this direction arises during the holidays. However, the demand for flowers is relatively high all year round. You can organize such an agricultural business even in the attic of your house. But in this case, its glazing will be required, and the roof slope itself is equipped with special blinds, dormer windows are provided, and a heating system is mounted. All this is necessary to create and maintain a special temperature regime.

On 1 square meter of a greenhouse it is really possible to grow:

  • 27 hyacinths;
  • 25 daffodils;
  • 30 tulips;
  • 100 daisies.

About 150 thousand rubles will be required to equip an attic with an area of ​​​​80 square meters. And it will be possible to grow about 2,000 tulips on such an area. It will take about 2 years to pay back the business.

Crop production using hydroponics

Soilless growing of plants is a very popular direction in business. As a soil, specialized water granules are used here, allowing you to get a good harvest.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of the technology is some loss of taste in fruits. However, at the moment, plants grown using this technology are in high demand among consumers.

If we talk about the classic greenhouse economy, then it would be appropriate to use a drip irrigation system. It allows you to grow any plants all year round for the purpose of subsequent sale. A device designed for drip irrigation can be made by you yourself at home.

Harvest conservation

In this case, you will need to create a small workshop. With the right approach, such a business can bring you a good income. Another plus of conservation is the possibility of selling substandard goods. In addition, not every enterprise manages to sell the harvest in full.

If carrots, potatoes and beets can be stored in warehouses for a long time, then tomatoes and cucumbers are perishable vegetables. They quickly become unusable, and therefore it is advisable to sell them immediately after collection. And a small cannery will help you realize the surplus, bringing in a significant profit.

Consider the main advantages of this direction in business:

  • low cost of raw materials;
  • production does not require large time costs;
  • the ability to work at full capacity, since products can be stored in a warehouse for a long time.

Production of feed mixtures for livestock and poultry

Feed making is a great idea for a rural business. Initially, you can produce compound feed intended for most types of poultry and livestock. Over time, you can expand your production with products used only for certain breeds.

By producing complete mixtures from grain crops, you can do without specialized equipment. It is enough just to mix the plants, dry, package, and you can start selling the finished product. In the case of the production of compound feed, considerable investments in the business will be required. However, they quickly pay off due to high demand.

Modern farmers have excellent opportunities for rural business. To successfully gain a foothold in the market and become a leader in your industry, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of consumers and their needs, competitive offers, as well as pay attention to factors such as seasonality, the influence of weather conditions and the susceptibility of crops to pests and animal diseases.

With plans it is even more difficult: so far only THOUGHTS OUT LOUD: to rent a hectare of 200-300 agricultural land for 3 years.
prepare the land - at the expense of the future harvest
fertilizers - at the expense of grain
no equipment - rent for grain
there are no warehouses - rent for grain or sell from the field.
there are no people - but how many do you need? I don’t know at least an agronomist and a technician-engineer + a couple of workers.
up to 20 hectares are allocated for growing vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.),
up to 20 hectares for animals (cows, chickens, quails, pigs, lambs, etc.)
there are still thoughts about a mini slaughterhouse, a greenhouse, a refrigerator, processing of grain and sunflower oil and much more ... even produce biofuel) and pallets

Oh, a lot of writing, but I'll try to be brief:

1. Renting for 3 years is not enough, the risks are huge, the weather, force majeure, the ruble exchange rate, grain prices, etc. You won’t get anything back in 3 years;
2. The future harvest must be insured - this is also money;
3. Fuel and lubricants - they will fly a pretty penny, rent of equipment - too;
4. Selling from the field is not an option for large volumes, a warehouse is needed. In the case of grain, there is also a current, there is no option to trade from the field at all;
5. You need a couple of dozen people for 20 hectares of vegetables, not four, as you wrote;
6. 20 hectares of vegetables - it is necessary to establish sales in order to immediately deliver them to retail outlets from the collection;
7. 20 hectares for animals - except for sheep, it is cheaper to build a corral for them there. For the rest - utility buildings, winter maintenance rooms, etc. - for a pretty penny;
8. Provision of animal feed - with 20 hectares you will feed a very small livestock on an industrial scale, plus the feed must be stored somewhere, therefore - again premises;
9. A mini-slaughterhouse is a good thing, but it makes sense in conjunction with the production of meat products on the spot. Now the reality is that in many places small businesses are simply not allowed to organize slaughterhouses, instead they are sent to a slaughterhouse;
10. Greenhouses are a good thing, on a scale of at least 20 acres of covered surface. But the costs are high here, plus mechanization is needed - once every few years to renew the earth inside, at least;
11. Biofuel - I can't say anything here;
12. Pallets or pellets? If pellets are a source of suitable raw materials nearby, it’s quite a small business. If pallets, that is, euro pallets, are also normal, but there it will be necessary to purchase equipment for one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand: a good compressor, drum nailers, nails, hoses. Again - the premises and the sales market.

You can do anything, the question is in the exhaust. You were absolutely rightly advised - start with a dozen chickens. Just keep accurate estimates of the cost of feed, bedding, top dressing, etc. I think you will be very surprised when you understand what's what. Now, in order to compete with agricultural holdings, you need to have similar volumes and also be able to hide your conscience in your pocket. Well, or go in the direction of "eco" products.

Breeding African catfish at home. The African Clarii catfish (Nile) is simply created by nature for breeding on RAS at home. He can breathe with gills and lungs. Thanks to this feature, it can do without water up to 40 hours! This indicates its high survival rate in RAS. Catfish gain weight faster than other fish.

Pros and cons of breeding snails for meat at home as a business. Growing an exotic and healthy delicacy that is in high demand in restaurants. How much can you earn on growing snails, what is the profitability, payback period and entry threshold for investments?

Belgian blue cow is the most beef breed of cattle (cattle). It has been bred through selective breeding over the years. It has a two-layer structure of muscles. It has its indisputable advantages and some disadvantages, which we will consider in more detail.

Mini cows are just starting to gain popularity in home and small farms. They are attractive for their unpretentious care and inexpensive maintenance. They give less milk than ordinary cows. But in terms of the efficiency of the use of feed for the production of 1 l. milk - surpass them.

Breeding chinchillas at home can be a highly profitable business. We share the secrets of home breeding chinchillas and consider the initial investment. We define business performance in detail.

Breeding these birds at home for the purpose of subsequent sale is a great business idea that will allow you to achieve considerable profit in the short term.

Pork production in a home pigsty is a profitable small business with little investment. It is important to choose the right breed and take into account the peculiarities of the technology of growing this breed. Meat fast-growing breeds of pigs allow you to grow a piglet up to 100 kg in just 6 months. And with this weight, the product is ready for sale. You should also follow simple rules that will allow you to organize a reliable business for raising pigs.

The idea of ​​rearing layers is characterized by high productivity and liquidity. After all, you can sell not only eggs, but also meat, fluff. The main advantages of the business idea: the production of always in demand products with high demand, minimal investment to start a business, high potential for rapid development from a household to an entire farm.

Breeding indoutok at home with minimal investment gives rise to a fast-growing business. This fact is due to the advantage of nutmeg ducks, the main of which is high survival and a good increase in lean meat. The business of breeding and subsequent sale of indoutas, their meat and eggs is one of the most profitable areas of activity in the household. As one farmer said: "This duck made me a wealthy man"!

Idea for small broiler breeding. Broiler business with minimal investment brings maximum results in the shortest possible time. The essence of the business idea of ​​​​breeding broilers at home is the purchase of chickens (eggs), the cultivation and sale of chickens. What equipment do you need for your business? How to properly care for birds. Income expenses in figures and broiler breeding technology.

A new idea for growing crayfish. The path from a small farm for growing crayfish to a large fish farm with minimal investment. The business idea - growing crayfish on your own is quite affordable for home conditions. Consider the ways of organizing activities and the necessary resources. How quickly will the investment pay off? We will choose the best breeds for a successful start of a crayfish farm.

Turkeys attract with their high rates of meat growth. They lead a calm lifestyle, spend little energy, and their weight can reach up to 20 kg. Turkey meat is in high demand in the market. After the age of 1 month, these large birds are not at all whimsical in content. They can be freely kept in aviaries or pens. Some enterprises even use cage technologies to grow light turkey breeds. If you follow simple rules, it is not difficult to create a business for growing turkey meat at home.

Modern beekeeping has become different from traditional honey production in favor of business efficiency and profitability. Today, beekeeping has become much more interesting and profitable. This business idea describes effective technologies for a new apiary. And also some useful tips are given that allow you to get 3 times more honey from one standard hive.

Guinea fowl - ideal for home breeding in all climatic conditions. This bird was brought from Africa and it is not afraid of either heat or frost. This royal bird has strong immunity and a high survival rate. Guinea fowl eggs are slightly smaller than chicken eggs, but they are the most useful, dietary and hypoallergenic. Guinea fowls eat everything and do not require special components for the diet. They love greens, grains, Colorado beetles and worms.

Geese are just beginning to gain popularity while still in small farms. These voracious birds consume a lot of greens and root crops in their diet, which allows them to significantly save on feed. But the main plus is that they gain 4 kg of live weight in 2.5 months and are ready for slaughter if they are grown using intensive feeding technology (without additives and chemicals). In addition, geese have expensive feathers and down valuable for bedding. Learn more about the benefits of raising geese for meat and feathers business idea.

Extruded feed in modern agriculture today plays the role of a natural growth stimulator. From ordinary cereal crops, the feed extruder produces a combined feed with a bready aroma and a sweet aftertaste of a porous structure. This type of feed has high rates of palatability, digestibility (up to 95%), and nutritional value. By its nature, the food resembles sweet cereal sticks, since the production principle is identical. The technology for the production of extruded feed allows you to sterilize grain, break down starch into sugar, and change the structure to a more digestible one. The price of a feed extruder is affordable for everyone. The article describes the additional benefits of extruded feed. As well as ways to control the effectiveness of feed on pigs, weighing them without scales, simply measuring them in accordance with the table.

An interesting concept for organizing a sheep farm is considered. Main conditions: 1 minimum investment. 2 short terms, both for profit and business expansion. The advantages and features in breeding sheep of the Romanov breed are considered. A list of popular products that the farm can give is given.