Apparatus for making potato chips on a stick. Spiral Chip Trading Business

To date, there is a fairly wide range of applicants. big hopes business projects for small businesses that promise to bring constant and big profits. It is no secret that the most demanded projects are those that are directly related to the satisfaction of the natural needs of our physiology, namely, food.

In the frantic pace of our active, hurried life and constant lack of time, the popularity of objects fast food is rapidly gaining momentum.

Today, we will discuss with you a product that is an innovation in the fast food market - spiral potato chips on a stick, or as they are also called roll chips.

We will tell you in detail what economic efficiency of this business project, we will analyze the type and quantity of equipment necessary for its implementation, and finally, we will discuss whether it is possible to build a business selling spiral chips.

Spiral chips on a stick as a business project

So, what are spiral potato chips on a stick?

Spiral chips on a stick- this is a completely new serving of everyone's favorite and such a popular potato. Cooking chips takes place right in front of the buyer, only fresh potato tubers are selected for this, they are sprinkled with salt, seasoned and are an excellent snack for beer and soft drinks. Buyers are attracted by the unusual performance of chips, their exceptional aroma and golden crust.

The concept of this business project is nothing more than sale of spiral chips through a point of sale equipped with special equipment. As you understand, the location of the outlet is very important, consumer demand directly depends on it, so its choice must be approached very responsibly. The most suitable places are the places with the greatest concentration of vacationers (city parks, shopping centers, beaches, embankments), as well as places with the highest traffic (the central streets of the city, public transport stops).

As already mentioned, an important factor is the preparation of spiral chips on a stick in front of the buyer, who thereby makes sure that he receives a fresh product for his money. The main and practically the only ingredient in the preparation of the dish is selected, beautiful, large raw potatoes, in other words, potatoes must be of the highest quality.

Production and sale of spiral chips

Potato chips on a stick are prepared quite simply, it does not require additional culinary education. To prepare it, you need to perform several sequential steps:

1) First of all, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients: buy fresh, selected potatoes with a peel, wash them, prepare spices, vegetable oil and wooden sticks. Deliver this entire list to point of sale, where the manufacture and subsequent sale of potato chips will be carried out.

2) Approximate parameters of wooden sticks should be as follows: length is about 35 cm, thickness is about 5 mm. The stick should be pointed at one end. Each potato should be planted on such a stick.

3) Next, the potatoes are placed in a special cutting machine and turned into a spiral ribbon, fixed on a stick, and outwardly resembling a folded garland. As you know, raw potatoes tend to darken, so don't cut them. a large number of potatoes in advance.

4) Next, we unfold our potato garland and deep fry for about 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

5) After that, we take out the potatoes from deep fat, sprinkle with salt and spices (you can also season with sauce), put them in a special storage container finished products- food warmer or, in the absence of such a container, you can use individual containers with paper bags.

6) Our dish is ready and we can put our roll chips up for sale!

Necessary equipment for making chips

In order to implement a business selling spiral chips need to arrange production. What is needed for this?

First of all, you need to choose a trading tent. The size of the tent can be different, it directly depends on the volume of production. The tent is medium in size, with an area of ​​2.5 sq.m. will cost approximately 3000 rubles. The next cost item is itself spiral chips making machine. Its price is directly related to performance. For example, if you order such a device in Russia, it will cost you about 5,000 rubles with a device capacity of 25 pcs. at one o'clock. Keep in mind that the same device can be ordered in China many times cheaper, and even with free shipping.

The next necessary equipment for the production of chips is a deep fryer. She is the most expensive of the entire list. The cost of a deep fryer with a capacity of 25 pieces, identical to a slicing machine, will cost at least 25,000 rubles. Also, we mentioned a container for storing finished products - a food warmer. Here the price will depend on its capacity. So, the LINX series food warmer, with a capacity of 2.3 kg, will cost 11,000 rubles. In order to have a place where all of the above equipment could be placed, a table is needed. Any options are possible here, for greater convenience, we can recommend a collapsible option, it will cost less, within 2800 rubles. The seller will also most likely need a chair, which will cost no more than 400 rubles.

Thus, the cost fund for the implementation of this business project will be on average - 47 200 rubles.

Calculation of efficiency and payback period

So, let's calculate our investments:

Purchase of equipment 47,200 rubles;
Payment for delivery of 5000 rubles;
Purchase of products and consumables 11,000 rubles;
Legal expenses, rent payments 9000 rubles;
So total amount investments is 72,200 rubles.

Now let's calculate the potential profit:

Daily sales volume -110 portions;
The number of working days for 1 month - 30 days;
Sales volume per month - 3300 portions;
Price for 1 serving - 35 rubles;
The income for 1 month will be 115500.

Thus, the payback period will be two months, and this allows us to believe that spiral chips on a stick as a business are quite a profitable project. All in your hands!

P.S. Due to the crisis, prices may change, unfortunately, upwards.

Today on the street you can meet street sellers who, realizing their business, directly in front of the buyers make and immediately sell chips of an unusual shape. Unlike traditional chips, they are spiral-shaped, often cooked without peeling, while the potato, of course, must be very well washed.

Look at the video of a business selling chips on the street.

Machines for the production of such chips can be manual and semi-automatic. As you could see in the previous video, there is room for the imagination of DIYers in this case. You can buy equipment according to your preferences in this Chinese store - in the search, write: spiral chips.

We present to your attention a highly profitable seasonal business based on fast food. A very simple and interesting solution in the preparation of natural chips. The essence of the idea is to sell one potato at the price of 4 kilograms, thus obtaining a profitability of 300-400 percent. Washed unpeeled potatoes are strung on a wooden skewer, inserted into the machine and passed through a special knife. As a result, the potato is obtained in the form of a spiral. Distribute it along the entire length of the skewer and fry at a temperature of 180 degrees. The process of making spiral chips takes only 3-4 minutes. Potatoes are ready as soon as a golden crust appears. Agree, such an original way of cooking and serving chips from natural potatoes will not leave customers indifferent, and the taste of this product will create a well-deserved good reputation for the entire season of your business.

Description of one of the devices

We present you a device for cutting potatoes with a spiral. We dress a potato on a stick. We insert into the device, which is very easy to operate. After cutting, remove the finished spiral and give the command back. The movement to the starting position is much faster than when slicing potatoes. This saves time.

Potatoes do not need to be peeled, just wash them thoroughly. The potatoes should be approximately 9 cm long and 7 cm in diameter. This is the most convenient for cutting and, at the same time, cost-effective potatoes. It turns out 5-6 pieces per 1 kg.

After cutting, you can lower the workpiece into deep fat, sprinkle with salt and seasonings.

The device has a counter to control the implementer. It cannot be rewinded or stopped. Power supply 220 volts or 24 volts from batteries.

Here is such, for example, a street tray. Used manual machine

There is also a very useful one that is easy to make and will help you create spiral potatoes.

Great appetizer for all occasions. Just imagine: crispy, sprinkled with salt, spices and garlic, and even on a skewer. How delicious! The kids will gobble up such a treat for both cheeks! Give it a try, it's easy to prepare.


  • sticks, they are skewers;
  • paprika;
  • garlic, you can take ground or cut a couple of cloves with a knife;
  • potato;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Potato on a stick. Step by step recipe

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a metal scraper and cut into very thin circles. I have a shredder, so I use it, if you don't have it, you can just use a knife.
  2. Thread potatoes onto a skewer.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a large and deep frying pan or container (so that the skewers with potatoes are completely immersed there).
  4. Dip the skewer with potatoes in hot oil. Using a slotted spoon or tongs, turn the potatoes over so that they are browned on all sides.
  5. Sprinkle a layer of paprika, a layer of salt and a layer of garlic in a thin path on a paper towel. Who loves what. And roll each skewer with potatoes along these paths.

All! Our chips on sticks are ready. Serve them mayonnaise, ketchup and call your friends!

Sometimes it seems that it is impossible to invent anything new in fast food. “Hot dogs, various cheeses and fishes, poppies, shawarma, pancakes, french fries, and so on and so forth are well known to every city dweller living in a dynamic city,” says Mark Katz, an analyst at the agency. - On the one hand, it is convenient, as the equipment and recipes are brought to perfection. On the other hand, customers want taste premieres just as they want new movies and devices. That is why the search for new original fast food products haunts neither street chefs nor the hungry public.

It is enough to look at public Internet sites dedicated to "fast food" to understand the demand for original products.

“I like souvlaki most of all from fast foods! Such little skewers on sticks. I ate chicken and pork souvlaki. I can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, ”the user KellyAn confesses on the forum on this topic.
“The most delicious fast food is gyros and coffee frappe,” user meryer25 argues with her. - But in recent times they are considered chic: they are more democratic in price than souvlaki, but they are not inferior in taste and also resemble a small barbecue, which is convenient for a feast on the street.

Seems to be, successful business in this field is possible if the novelty will have an inexpensive price tag, and the original ingredients will also be available and natural, prepared with a minimum of standard equipment. And in this regard, roll chips will surely become a hit in the coming summer season in resort towns.

Chips were invented by American chef George Crum back in 1853. Since then, 161 years have passed, but this product is in constant demand, and the recipe has not become more complicated. “Unless they experiment with seasonings, and with the most exotic ones,” explains chef Irina Korovina from Moscow. - For example, I love crab flavored chips. In general, people prefer the standard product, salted and fried.

Meanwhile, it is not the chips themselves that are criticized, but the fact of consumption. On the Our Children forum, the user marusenka wrote:

“Today I saw an oil painting. I was walking with my daughter - towards the stroller, in it a girl with a little more than a year. In the hands of a bag of chips - eats.

Similar posts can be found on other sites. Often the outrage comes down to hygiene. “Hands are all covered in oil, dirty, it’s just scary to imagine how many microbes,” doctor Katerina Ivanova from St. Petersburg does not hide her irritation.

Therefore, the appearance of roll chips, sometimes called spiral chips on a wooden skewer, aroused genuine interest among the consumer. “Such potatoes are cut into a thin spiral and strung on a wooden or bamboo stick 25-30 cm long,” explains businessman Karen Satditov from Kazan. - Served after deep-frying. Doesn't stain hands or burn fingers. Children feel a little grown up. It seems to them that they are eating barbecue. And adults are sure that they observe the necessary hygiene measures.

Inexpensive and understandable business

The user said on the Spiral Chips forum that this does not require a difficult start:

“The idea with spiral chips appeared relatively recently on the net. We are just starting, launched the machines in a cafe near the road and in a couple of beer places - they take the goods without problems. I sell for 30 rubles / piece. The cost price in this case is 5-7 rubles ... all the necessary information can be quickly found in any search engine.

Indeed, “by asking Yandex”, you can easily find machines for cutting spiral chips, as well as flavorings and skewers.

For example, you can buy for 14,500 rubles. The manufacturer said that the machine is made of stainless steel, with particular emphasis on knives, with a strength of 60 units. The passport says that with the help of adjustment it is possible to set the thickness of the chopped potato spiral: from one to five millimeters. As a convenience for remote use, in particular on the beach, information is provided that, in addition to power supply at 220V, "SPRING" also works from a 12V battery.

According to many businessmen who open fast food outlets, accounting is the most important problem. “The fact is that it is difficult to find a responsible employee for such work,” complains Karen Satditov. - Everyone I know strives to make money by selling products left. Calling for conscience is useless, it’s easier to install a portion counter. ”

Expert opinion

Startup Community Expert, Ph.D. D., Associate Professor Igor Malyugin believes that the ratio of the cost of entry into this business and the potential benefits have a good chance of success. “It is clear that focusing only on roll chips it’s not worth it, but having their production in your assortment is undoubtedly profitable, - Malyugin is convinced. “And, importantly, this fast food will be in demand by both children and uncles who love beer.”

Karen Satditov is also convinced of the high profitability of this business. According to his experience, the equipment pays off within two months, and, most importantly, the resulting product does not cause claims from the sanitary services. And the consumers themselves understand that it is impossible to get poisoned with such food. What can not be said, for example, about hot dogs and shawarma. So from the point of view of hygiene and safety, roll chips can claim to be in high demand.

Chips on a stick are a great snack for all occasions. Just imagine fragrant potatoes, crispy, sprinkled with salt, spices and garlic, and even on a skewer. How delicious! The kids will gobble up such a treat for both cheeks! Give it a try, it's easy to prepare. Super Chef recommends!


  • Sticks, they are skewers;
  • paprika;
  • garlic, you can take ground, or cut a couple of cloves with a knife;
  • potato;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Potato chips on a stick. Step by step recipe

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a metal scraper, and cut into very thin circles. I have a shredder, so I use it, if you don't have it, you can just use a knife.
  2. Thread potatoes onto a skewer.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a large and deep frying pan or container (so that the skewers with potatoes are completely immersed there).
  4. Dip the skewer with potatoes in hot oil. Using a slotted spoon or tongs, turn the potatoes over so that they are fried on all sides.
  5. On a paper towel, spread a layer of paprika, a layer of salt and a layer of garlic in a thin path. Who loves what. And Roll each skewers with potatoes along these paths.

All! Our chips on sticks are ready. Serve them mayonnaise, ketchup, and call your friends!

Bon appetit! Cook with Super Chef
we are all delicious!