How to get a subsidy for the development of agriculture - the procedure for registering private household plots. How to apply for a peasant farm: features of registration What subsidies are paid to agriculture

Financial support for farmers today is one of the priority tasks of the state, especially in the current crisis. It is for this purpose that agricultural producers are offered various targeted subsidies that can be spent both on starting their own business in the field of agriculture, and on modernizing or expanding an existing farm. Subsidies to farmers in 2015 are allocated at the federal and regional levels.

Support for farmers under sanctions

Anti-Russian sanctions have affected agricultural producers, perhaps in the first place. Farmers suffer losses, lose their well-established marketing channels. There is no need to talk about the development of business in such conditions. But still, in order to support producers, the Government allocated a subsidy for farmers in the amount of 3.375 billion rubles.

What subsidies can be received today from the state for a novice farmer or a small agricultural enterprise? The distribution of aid is as follows:

  • family livestock farms will receive a total of 1.425 billion rubles of state aid;
  • farms, registering the land as property, will receive about 50 million rubles;
  • the state will allocate 1.9 billion rubles for household arrangements for novice farmers-entrepreneurs.

In 2015, 83 regions will receive funding (in 2014 - 77), including Crimea. Farmers have the right to spend all received subsidies for the following purposes:

  • increase in livestock;
  • purchase of equipment, materials;
  • purchase of planting material, fertilizer, feed;
  • purchase of land for agricultural business and more.

Subsidies will be distributed unevenly across regions. First of all, the amounts will be allocated to those regions that have suffered the most from the sanctions, the most underdeveloped and in need of support. Thus, the largest subsidies will be in Dagestan (260 million per region) and the Stavropol Territory (over 300 million).

The subsidy for beginning farmers in 2015 is allocated as part of the federal state assistance program. However, in order to receive such funds, certain conditions must be met:

  • register as an LLC, IP;
  • have a starting capital (own funds) in the amount of not less than 100 thousand rubles;
  • draw up a competent, thoughtful business plan that will suit the commission for the issuance of subsidies.

Allocated funds have a strictly designated purpose. Control over their consumption will be carried out at all stages. So, if a subsidy for the development of agriculture is allocated to a novice farmer, then he has the right to spend state aid money only in accordance with the business plan, which he himself developed. At the end of a certain time - a quarter, a year - the commission will check where the funds "left". If there are violations, the subsidy will have to be returned to the state.

During the time of using the subsidy, it is imperative to keep checks, supply contracts, invoices and receipts for the purchase of equipment, materials and other things. In addition to spending, the commission considers the effectiveness of the use of government assistance: have the goals and objectives set in the business plan been achieved, has the profitability and profitability of the enterprise increased?

How to get a subsidy?

An applicant enterprise must meet certain criteria before receiving subsidies to farmers:

  • Start-up farmers or an established enterprise in need of development can receive business support subsidies.
  • Beginning farmers include Russians with secondary or higher education, registered as individual entrepreneurs and / or being the head of a peasant farm, who has experience in the agricultural sector. For peasant farms, additional requirements apply: living in an area where agriculture is carried out for at least one year, submitting an application once during the operation of the farm.
  • If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur, then he must be registered three years or more before submitting an application and already sell agricultural products for at least 30 thousand rubles.
  • In addition to CHF and IP, agricultural cooperatives, micro-enterprises, personal subsidiary farms can participate in the subprogram for the allocation of subsidies.

Signs of a start-up economy (small enterprise) can be considered:

  • the number of employees for small enterprises - no more than 100 people, for micro-enterprises - a maximum of 15 people;
  • the participation of legal entities in the enterprise does not exceed 25% of the total capital;
  • revenue excluding VAT is not higher than the values ​​that are set for small enterprises by the state at the beginning of each year.

If the business has been afloat for more than three years, a subsidy can be allocated for the development (expansion) of the economy. In this case, the subsidy is allocated for the following purposes:

  • reimbursement of expenses on previously taken loans;
  • interest payment.

Loans are allocated for various purposes. The maximum loan amount for farmers is 40 million rubles. The term is a maximum of 8 years. The longer the company exists, the larger the loan amount it can count on. To obtain a loan, you must also meet the conditions: registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, Russian citizenship, number of employees, and so on.

Loans for agricultural producers at 25-30%, which are now offered by banks, are practically unaffordable for a novice farmer or a small peasant farm. It is the subsidizing system that is designed to provide loans to Russian farmers at a rate of 10-15%. Only such a rate on loans will be within the power of farmers, and even then not all.

The imposition of sanctions by Western countries forced the government to start actively supporting the agricultural industry. The state leadership is serious about filling grocery shelves with domestically produced products. For this, it was decided to allocate subsidies for the development of agriculture. Under these conditions, it is necessary to find out what the essence of such benefits is and how to get a subsidy for agricultural business.

Modern economic realities dictate that without state subsidies to agricultural producers, farming will quickly decline in an aggressive external environment. It is for this reason that the Russian government decided to allocate a special subsidy to farmers and launch a program to support the agricultural sector.

In order to find out how to get subsidies for the development of your own farm, it is important to study the conditions for issuing it to the farmer. Agricultural incentives and measures include:

  1. Preferential lending programs for the agricultural sector of the domestic economy through state subsidies and a reduction in interest rates on loans. Some specific areas have also been developed in this monetary area: preferential insurance for cultivated agricultural crops on risky soils, as well as preferential insurance for livestock of elite farm breeds.
  2. Grants from the state budget, which are earmarked for the unprofitable sale of finished agricultural products during an unsuccessful harvest. Another variant of this type of state subsidy is the reimbursement from the budget of lost profits as a result of curbing the growth rates of prices for social food products.
  3. State budget policy aimed at additional financing of various branches of agriculture. This type of subsidies is distinguished by the priority of additional financing of various branches of agriculture. Subsidizing the interest rate on credit programs for the development of farming, and also reimburses lease payments for production equipment.
  4. For a more competent redistribution of financial resources aimed at state support for the agricultural sector, support programs are being developed, as well as an analysis of further prospects for the development of this sector of the Russian economy.

Legislative basis of state support for the agro-industrial complex

The main legal act that regulates the activities of various structures in the agro-industrial sector of the Russian Federation is the Federal Law “On the Development of Agriculture”.

As for the general state strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex, it is fully described in the framework of the current program for the development of this sector. In this program, you can find all existing government initiatives aimed at accelerating the development of the agro-industrial complex. In addition, this document describes a subsidy to agricultural producers, which should make it easier for them to pay off loans taken to expand their business.

Within the framework of such a program, there are various subprograms, which together accelerate the process of economic growth of agribusiness entities. All adjustments and innovations to the existing legislative and regulatory framework are made using separate government decrees and explanatory sheets.

The main directions of action of subsidizing the agro-industrial complex

The procedure and rules for granting subsidies within the framework of the agricultural stimulation policy operate in the main priority areas:

  1. A subsidy for the development of agricultural land reclamation, as well as the rational use of available farm land.
  2. Material support for livestock farms and livestock farmers.
  3. Creation of processing enterprises, as well as marketing channels for finished agricultural products.
  4. State support for enterprises and individuals that work in the field of crop production.
  5. Support for the development and creation of small farming business associations.
  6. Financial benefits for the creation of innovative technologies and their further implementation in the production process.

In fact, the plans of the state regarding the financial support of the agro-industrial complex are more far-sighted than simply increasing the share of domestic products on commodity store shelves.

The country's leadership expects that the agricultural development program will bring the following results:

  • expansion of the existing raw material market;
  • growth of wages in this segment of the economy;
  • creation of new jobs;
  • development of previously abandoned agricultural lands.

It is planned that the provision of assistance undertaken by the state will allow by 2020 to form a new structure of the agro-industrial complex, which will give it the opportunity to actively develop independently. But these are all just perspectives. But while this industry is going through far from the best times for itself.

According to the latest analytical reports, domestic producers will need from 5 to 7 years to replace imported products. At the same time, the industry will be forced to make huge material investments; without support from the state, it will not be able to cope on its own.

General procedure and conditions for participation in the agro-industrial complex subsidy program

Subsidies for agriculture, which were applied by the state last year, are also valid this year. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that individual members of the Russian government began to raise the issue of the possibility of introducing certain rights into the scheme of financial incentives for the agricultural complex.

As for the current state of affairs, the following subsidies are currently in effect:

  1. State grants for the development of peasant farms. Such subventions can be provided as part of a competition for the intended purpose for the purchase of farm land, as well as for the construction of communication systems and the construction of various outbuildings. Receiving a grant involves keeping strict accountability regarding the intended use of the funds received.
  2. A loan to cover interest costs. Such benefits can only be granted to improve production.
  3. Subsidizing leasing programs for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment.
  4. Material compensation of expenses for the construction of various objects of a peasant family economy.
  5. A one-time subsidy that can be taken to equip a farm, purchase personal vehicles, and carry out the necessary communications.

A farmer can potentially receive all types of state assistance, but only if he meets the competitive selection criteria. All applications from farmers are considered by the competitive board.

You can receive a subsidy for the development of the economy if the following conditions are met:

  1. Compliance of the professional qualities of the farmer with the requirements of the commission. The farmer must have worked in the agro-industrial complex for at least 10 years. In addition, a certain advantage is given to candidates with a specialized higher education.
  2. The applicant for 10 years must independently engage in the conduct of a personal household.
  3. It is necessary to provide letters of recommendation from representatives of the leadership of the municipality.
  4. Subsidizing will be issued only subject to the development of a business plan.
  5. When applying for a grant, the candidate must provide up to a third of its amount with its own financial resources or existing property in the form of equipment or livestock.
  6. Development of a scheme for the sale of finished products. The advantage extends to those citizens who already have an established way of marketing their products. This will need to be documented by providing relevant contracts and agreements with purchasers.

By taking state assistance, the farmer will prove the intended use of funds. This should be confirmed with the help of documents signed with suppliers and customers. It is also worth considering the fact that the commission, after issuing a subsidy, will inspect the farmer's activities to prevent misuse of financial resources.

Document collection process

A subsidy to a novice farmer is provided subject to the collection of the following documents:

  • a statement of the appropriate form;
  • copies of the passport;
  • copies of the certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service as a taxpayer;
  • documents relating to the establishment of a peasant farm;
  • contracts with partners and buyers of finished products;
  • letters of recommendation from representatives of the leadership of the municipality.

In addition, the commission will only allow those farmers who prove the social significance of their project, thanks to which the region will receive new jobs, to receive gratuitous state aid.

Disadvantages of subsidies

The main problem of the state program is the transfer of powers to distribute funds to regional authorities. Such a move will certainly not bring anything good to the agro-industrial complex.

In addition, the insufficient funding of the program as a whole should be noted, which leaves a certain imprint on the pace of development of the entire agricultural industry. Without stable funding, all attempts by the government to stimulate development in agriculture will be meaningless.

The development of agriculture, especially in the context of an acute need for import substitution of a number of products previously supplied from foreign countries, is one of the priority tasks of the state policy of Russia. Farmers are supported in various ways, including the issuance of subsidies for the development of personal subsidiary plots.

Who is entitled to such a subsidy, what is its size, and what should the owner of private household plots do in order to receive financial assistance from the state?

What is a private household?

The concept of personal subsidiary farming is established by the provisions of Federal Law No. 112 of July 7, 2003. According to Art. 2 of the said normative act, private household plots are understood as a special form of non-entrepreneurial activity aimed at the production and processing of agricultural products.

The sale of products obtained as a result of management by a citizen and members of his family does not require appropriate registration with the tax authority. A citizen has the right to conduct a personal subsidiary plot from the moment of registration of rights to a land plot intended for the implementation of this activity.

Types of subsidies provided to the owner of a personal subsidiary plot

The areas in which state support is provided are established by Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 112 of July 7, 2003.

According to the provisions of the article, state support for private household plots is carried out in the following areas:

  • formation of all the necessary infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of private household plots (in particular, communication facilities, transport links, provision of electricity, gas and water, etc.), as well as the formation of agricultural cooperatives to facilitate the processing and marketing of manufactured products;
  • creation of organizational, legal, environmental and social conditions to ensure the normal functioning of private household plots, as well as providing the owners of such farms with access to scientific developments and technologies.

Funds under the program of subsidizing personal subsidiary plots are allocated for:

  • maintenance of cows (subject to a certain number of livestock at the time of applying for a subsidy);
  • reimbursement of part of the costs for the modernization or purchase of new equipment, as well as the development of technologies used in the management of private household plots;
  • reimbursement of part of the cost of slaughtering livestock;
  • artificial insemination of cows:
  • purchase of fuels and lubricants, spare parts for agricultural activities, mineral fertilizers and veterinary drugs, etc.

The procedure for obtaining subsidies for the development of personal subsidiary plots

In order to obtain the right to use budgetary funds for the development of personal subsidiary plots, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • application for a grant;
  • an extract from the household book used in the management of household plots;
  • copies of payment documents confirming the fact of incurring costs for the development of private household plots;
  • copies of technical passports of vehicles used in household plots;
  • copies of agreements for obtaining a loan or loan aimed at the development of private household plots;
  • livestock register;
  • acts of performed work on slaughter, etc.

According to the current legislation, the amount of subsidies allocated for the development of household plots is established by the authorities at the regional level.

Taxation of subsidies received for the development of personal subsidiary plots

According to paragraph 13.1 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, received for the development of personal subsidiary plots and used for their intended purpose, are not subject to personal income tax. At the same time, the legislator notes that in order to be exempted from the tax burden, the following conditions must be met:

  • the total area of ​​land used for private household plots should not exceed 0.5 hectares (this standard can be increased by regional authorities, but not more than 5 times);
  • hired workers are not involved in work in private household plots.

So, the current legislation gives the owners of personal subsidiary plots the right to receive subsidies for the development of agriculture in the country. The exact amount and procedure for obtaining budget funds is established at the regional level: that is why the most complete information on the rules for granting subsidies can be obtained from local governments. It is worth remembering that almost all subjects of the federation allocate funds for the development of LFH, so you should not neglect your rights to receive them.

In connection with the sanctions imposed on our country and the accelerated course for import substitution, the state pays more and more attention to the support of rural producers. In 2017, 240 billion rubles were allocated for grants to farmers.

We asked farmers: is it a lot or a little?

Farmers say that the size of the grant for a novice farmer can be different:

  1. Grants can be given to farmers for the development of their farm, or, more specifically, for the purchase of land. An entrepreneur can build outbuildings or conduct engineering communications to them. The selection of applicants for such a grant is very strict, experts say. In addition, the farmer will have to account for how exactly he spent the funds;
  2. You can get help from the state to farmers for loan payments. The funds taken on credit can be spent exclusively on the development of the economy - and this must also be proved;
  3. If an entrepreneur leased agricultural machinery, he can apply for leasing subsidies that allow him to partially offset the costs. Farmers say they, too, are paid neatly;
  4. Support measures also include compensation for the funds that the farmer spent on improving housing conditions. We are talking about buying or building a new home.

How do we decide on the form of KFH

According to the current legislation, any organization and individual entrepreneurs can produce and sell agricultural products and goods. Which of them are more likely to receive a novice farmer grant in 2017?

Factors that should be taken into account when choosing a form of a peasant farm, according to farmers, are:

  • Ways of its organization;
  • The volume of taxes and social payments for a particular form of management;
  • State support programs that the entrepreneur considers the most beneficial for himself.

Officially, today there are three types of farms:

  • with the formation of a legal entity;
  • without it;
  • as well as a voluntary, family-based enterprise - KFH-LE (legal entity).

In order to organize any of them, you must fulfill the prerequisites:

  • Firstly, to engage in the production, further processing, sales of agricultural products and goods;
  • Secondly, to take direct - personal participation in the activities of the farm.

The first type of KFH. The enterprise is organized by one person, while becoming its leader and acting independently. At the same time, he continues to work, but acquires some advantages due to his status. An entrepreneur can work himself or hire workers.

The second type - KFH do not form a legal entity, but act by agreement. At the same time, relatives, no more than 5 people, take part in the activities of the KFH. The elected head of such an enterprise receives the status of an individual entrepreneur. This form differs from a sole proprietorship by more complex property relations. An insurance premium is paid for any participant in such a peasant farm.

The third type - KFH as a corporate entity. Members of the household may not be relatives, but they must personally take part in the work, make their property contribution. Currently, you first need to register a peasant farm under an agreement, and then such a farm can receive the status of a legal entity.

Criteria assessed by the qualification commission

After the legal form of the KFH is fully understood, it is necessary to check it for compliance with the criteria for receiving assistance to farmers from the state. In 2017, the qualification criteria are as follows:

  • Professionalism. The total work experience of the farmer must be at least 10 years, with preference given to the profile of work related to agriculture;
  • The presence of an auxiliary personal farm in which the entrepreneur has been working for at least 10 years;
  • You must have recommendations from local municipal authorities or be a member of a cooperative;
  • The applicant for a grant must also have his own material resources, at least a third of the cost of the entire project. Resources include not only money, but also farm animals. It is also desirable to have some ready-made objects for agricultural work - for example, a warehouse, an aviary for animals;
  • The entrepreneur must provide a well-thought-out business plan detailing the entire agricultural project.
  • The marketing issue must be resolved. The advantage in obtaining state support from those farmers who already have an established sales force, for example, who own their own store or have entered into an agreement with a retail chain or catering company.

The social significance of the project is of particular importance. So, for example, in 2017, peasant farms that can offer jobs for local residents enjoy a clear advantage in receiving assistance to novice farmers (this also needs to be documented).

How to write a business plan

Farmers say that the following issues should be covered in the business plan without fail:

  • a description of the agricultural enterprise, indicating what and how will be produced;
  • legal part - a description of how the company will work;
  • a clause that describes all investments involved, or presumably attracted to the project;
  • a financial plan with answers to questions about payback (the company must pay off!), possible and planned profits, and the necessary investments in the enterprise;
  • an analytical part that explores possible risks and ways out of force majeure or crisis situations;
  • farm efficiency calculations.

The summary of the business plan should answer the question of how the development of the peasant farm is expected and what indicators are planned to be achieved in the coming years.

The application must contain all documents confirming the efficiency calculations and the financial part of the business plan.

Future entrepreneurs are provided with free assistance in drawing up a business plan. This is done at the Employment Centers or at special points opened at qualification commissions. They say that no additional money is required there.

Required documents

The list of documents may vary depending on the territory and on the scale of the economy. It should be clarified at the consultation point or directly at the qualification commission. In addition to applications and questionnaires of selection participants, copies of diplomas and certificates, as well as other documents confirming the points of the business plan, in 2017 it is also necessary to submit an agreement that allows the processing of personal data (this is a standard procedure, you should not be afraid of it).

If the qualification commission asks for additional documents, they must be provided as soon as possible. Refusing to provide documents will not work: you simply will not be given money.

If the entrepreneur has already had problems with the business in the past (loan default, etc.), most likely, he will be refused.

The state support limit in 2017 is 1.5 million rubles, and the lump sum payment to start-up entrepreneurs is no more than 250 thousand rubles. It is not necessary to indicate the maximum amount of the subsidy in the business plan. Moderate your appetites and indicate less: officials love the modest.

How to get a grant for a novice farmer

It is assumed that subsidies and grants will be issued in tranches (separate transfers), and not at a time. A contract is concluded, which indicates the amount of funds allocated by the state and the purpose of receiving them;

  • The obligation of the entrepreneur to work at the enterprise for at least 5 years;
  • The procedure for the return of funds not disbursed during 2017.

This year, grants are subject to income tax, which the entrepreneur will have to pay after each tranche (money transfer).

Documents on the current performance and effectiveness of the project may also be requested from the farmer: you need to think about how to prove that you are a successful farmer.

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State support for agriculture in the form of subsidies for the development of this industry should have a positive impact on its development, as well as entry into the domestic and foreign markets. How to get a subsidy for agricultural development? This question is of interest to many novice farmers in 2020. The answer in this case is quite simple - to enlist the support of the state by performing some actions regarding the appeal to the municipal authorities. In this way, the government plans to reduce the regular increase in food prices, which are rising due to high inflation and tough policies towards the Russian Federation, introduced by some European states.

The settlement of issues related to agriculture and its sponsorship is based on the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law No. 264 of December 29, 2006 “On the Development of Agriculture”;
  • state program for the development of this industry for 2013-2020.

Also, each region has its own regulations and laws regarding subsidizing this area of ​​the food industry.

What types of programs exist?

With the support of the state, several programs for the development of agriculture have been developed, in which citizens have the right to apply for subsidies:

  1. Novice farmer.
  2. Family livestock farm.
  3. The best farmer.
  4. Old help with new principles.
  5. Lending to this industry is supported by the state.

Starting a business in the agricultural industry, an entrepreneur should be visually familiar with each of the support programs. This will allow him to receive free subsidies from the authorities.

The influence of regional authorities on the allocation of subsidies

In accordance with the current bills of the Federal level, regional authorities should assist in the development and development of agricultural enterprises. Such a policy should bring agricultural enterprises to the Russian market, gradually ousting foreign representatives. After that, a smooth transition to the markets of foreign countries is planned.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for entrepreneurs to achieve such success without support. It is for these purposes that measures have been developed to influence the regional authorities to provide subsidies to businessmen to start and maintain their agricultural production.

What are the priorities in state aid?

When granting subsidies for subsidies, the state takes as a priority the following agricultural producer, who seeks:

  1. Significantly expand the commodity market.
  2. Increase wages for your employees of the agricultural producer.
  3. Regularly create new job positions, thereby reducing the unemployment rate in the country.
  4. Explore territories that were once abandoned.

If businessmen have these priorities, the state will most likely provide subsidies for agricultural production.

Requirements for rural enterprises

Before discussing how to get financial assistance for business development, you should consider the basic requirements for such enterprises:

  • farming experience must be at least 10 years;
  • it is desirable to have letters of recommendation from the municipality or members of the cooperative;
  • the subsidy rule requires a progressive business plan;
  • it is necessary to provide sales schemes for finished products;
  • product quality must be at a decent level.

Only if these requirements are met, an entrepreneur can count on state support and subsidies.

List of required documents

In order for the state to be able to allocate subsidies to potential applicants, the following documents are required:

  1. Application, as well as the questionnaire of the applicant for subsidies.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its copies.
  3. A document confirming the receipt of professional education.
  4. Certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity from the tax authority.
  5. Constituent documents of an agricultural enterprise.
  6. Ready-made contracts with partners and other contractors.
  7. Letters of recommendation from municipal authorities.

Also, the application must indicate the amount of subsidies that the entrepreneur needs to develop his production.

Beginning Farmer Program

The condition of this program is to provide the farmer with a grant to receive a subsidy in the amount of 300,000 to 1.5 million rubles. Upon receipt of a sum of money, it must be strictly spent on the purchase of industrial equipment, planting materials, fertilizers and other products necessary to start production.

To apply for a grant, you must submit a business plan to the Ministry of Agriculture of your region. An expert assessment will be carried out here, followed by a decision on the provision of a subsidy or refusal.

Size and conditions of participation

The amount of the subsidy is determined by the Ministry of Agriculture of the region where the application is submitted. Here it is extremely important to provide the most detailed and clear business plan, which will clearly reflect the need for state support for the enterprise.

A novice Farmer can count on an amount from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. However, the final amount of the subsidy for the purchase of everything necessary will be calculated without his direct participation. The term for consideration and granting of a subsidy is 15 calendar days.


If the expert assessment led to a positive decision, then the entrepreneur must, at the end of the consideration of the application, re-submit all the necessary documentation, and then indicate the details for crediting funds. After making all the purchases, you will have to go through a strict reporting procedure to the Ministry of Agriculture, where the subsidy was provided. For this, all receipts for purchases are provided.

Development of family farms

The state also provides for a program for the development of family farms, where it is planned to grow crops and raise livestock. In this case, we are talking about the development of a single village or village. You can count on subsidizing this program only on the condition that all employees of the agricultural enterprise are relatives. You don't have to be closely related to do this.

Size and conditions of participation

To participate in the program, the following conditions must be met:

  • staff of at least 3 people;
  • the farm must work for one year before an application is made;
  • Previously, the family did not receive financial support from the state for the development of small businesses.

The maximum amount of the subsidy is 10 million rubles. At the same time, it cannot be more than 60% of the total cost of acquiring equipment and other necessary products, animals and materials.

best farmer

The state program under which you can count on subsidizing your farm is the Best Farmer. Designed for those who previously received awards and titles of the best in the region, region or region. In this case, it is designed for enterprises that have been providing domestic and foreign markets with their raw materials for many years.

In this case, the amount of subsidies can be significantly increased, if necessary, re-equipment of production. The application is also submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture of your region.

Providing loans

Along with government funding, a farmer can also take out a loan to develop a small business, and then apply to the Ministry of Agriculture for government assistance to pay off part of the debt. To do this, he will need to provide a detailed business plan, as well as documents confirming lending and the purchase of everything necessary for production in the form of checks. Based on an expert assessment, decisions will be made to grant a grant or to refuse it.


How to get a subsidy for agricultural development? Entrepreneurs from remote regions of the Russian Federation often face this issue. As a rule, here it is difficult to make a personal appeal to the Ministry of Agriculture due to its absence. In this case, it is possible to submit an application remotely through the official website of the Ministry.

Also, if you have any difficulties with the provision of subsidies, you can always contact a higher authority.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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