Costumed congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "foreign ambassadors with gifts." Scene congratulations on the corporate party Comic birthday greetings from foreigners

On a birthday, you always want to say the kindest words to the birthday man, to surprise, to please him with something. If an original or comic surprise is planned, then the best solution would be a costumed congratulation from various characters. We offer an option Costumed congratulations on the anniversary of a woman from Foreign Ambassadors , which includes a comic visit with congratulations from representatives of three European powers at once - England, France and Germany. Such a number can be carried out in its entirety or only one congratulation can be taken from it, but the most successful option for presenting these will be a cascade of numbers, or rather visits, which will be presented gradually, throughout the evening.


The Host or the Majordomo can announce the visit of a foreign guest. It is advisable to learn the words of congratulations, then they will sound easy and relaxed (or print in large print).


the presented image would be good to distinguish from the general mass. Of course, dressing up in a magnificent camisole and shoes with gold buckles for a minute performance is too tiring, but it is quite possible to single out the “ambassador” with some unusual detail of the costume.

The majordomo, announcing the visit of the guest, can be given an elegant staff with which he will attract attention, and "put an end" after the introduction of the guest;

To give the English guest a lorgnette and, say, a top hat and gloves, which he will take off at the entrance in an emphatically pedantic manner;

The Frenchman is a flight, gallantry, sophistication: a flower in a buttonhole, maybe a cane;

The visitor from Prussia (Germany), on the contrary, is simple and rude. He may be wearing a tank helmet, or a hard hat.

Required props:

Gifts to be given after the welcome;

For the English guest "Order of the New Star". It will need to be done;

Clapperboard for a German guest.


1. Congratulations to the hero of the day "Award from foggy Albion".



English Ambassador


majordomo (thumps the staff on the floor):

Come to us for a festive pickle

The British ambassador has arrived.

The ambassador enters with an interpreter. Text it says

English Ambassador(reads the paper slowly, with pauses, making it possible to translate his words, speaks in broken English): Ladies and gentlemen!

Translator: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, men and women!

English ambassador: I bring news and nice-nice of Albions.

Translator: I brought you news from foggy Albion to express my admiration for the hero of the day. (To the side): It would be better with money!

English ambassador: Ai know long seis..

Translator: I won't take up much of your time. (To the side): And saves me. Here's a bastard!

English ambassador: May present is the star

Translator: Let me give you this star as a gift... (To the side): and where is it? At least three, but on cognac!

English ambassador:…end telegram from british hot fun

Translator: and read a telegram from your English fans. (Aside): not a word in simplicity!

English ambassador: Laconic English

Translator: Subtly and laconic, in English

English ambassador: You are old, know you are a superstar! (holds out the text of the telegram to the translator, he reads it with expression)


Everyone admitted that you are a star,

That despite the years, time,

Stay like this forever

Let a new tribe be born

You will be forever young!

Your merits cannot be counted.

Let for anniversaries* cute

A lit star is burning!

(the Englishman gives the hero of the day a star, clinks glasses with her and leaves)

2. Congratulations to the hero of the day from the French guest

majordomo(thumps the staff on the floor):

For our evening buffet

To us from France poet!

A Frenchman appears, the interpreter stands next to him, but the Frenchman refuses, gallantly pointing to the exit, saying: Silva ple, get out!

Frenchman(passionately, dynamically):

What is there "cherche la femme"

When we have such a charmer!

Such a delight, such a bouquet!

I'll tell you (only tet a tet):

"Sorry, mademoiselle, madam,

I will give her the palm!" (gives the hero of the day his flower from the buttonhole)

She sparkles like champagne

Although he gets up so early!

It has the astringency of the glorious Bordeaux

After midnight and before.

It has the sweetness of thin Tokay

(I haven't seen him for a long time.)

The majordomo brings a glass to the guest.

But "alyager, komalyager",

And France is not RFR,

On all different chains:

Work, money and intrigue.

Anything can happen, alas!

But what to do

She easily bears worries,

She's like seventeen

Live hunting!

Her blood rages relentlessly.

Goddess you! Diana herself!

(clinks glasses with the hero of the day and leaves)

3. Congratulations to the hero of the day from the German general

majordomo(thumps the staff on the floor):

To us for the anniversary ball

The Prussian general has arrived!

The German general was "decommissioned" from Trumpf - the hero of the play by I.A. Krylov "Podshchipa" with his distorted Russian-German speech. The German general speaks very clearly, in chopped phrases, preferably not quickly.

german general (very misleading words):

Old man, my ankel! beautiful my princess!

For plapalushna shas, ​​your dust is born,

My whole load does not sleep, and the heart is full;

Beautiful tfay fikur on my carcass is sewn.

Whether my corpse smokes, you feast from the corpse.

Or my cafe drank - you're sitting in a checkerboard;

Fezte my fidit tfoy - in the barracks, at home, in the bank

(I could not stand it at all, profit here on a tank).

Saprosif fse affairs, burning with impatience,

I was in a hurry to tepe, min hertz, to congratulate you on your birthday!

The majordomo brings a glass to the guest.

Not a little tfoy putet neither a house nor a health,

No plowed dress, no friendship, no stupidity!

Der Teufel! (*) Today is a ball! And Frau is a queen.

(Damn! (German).)

How about a gross lunch? Well, ankel, not a virgin!

Is the crusher from otna, we drank by pif,

Is a corpse otna tapah with tapa smoked.

Karosh! Please! Pretty girl, darling!

Wait, now it's like - vivat is this gun!

(Blows up the cracker, clinks glasses with the hero of the day and leaves)

On our website you will find more man's anniversary script, he definitely is.


In the morning today our mood
Raised and want to dance!
We are celebrating a wonderful birthday
Employees that looks like "five"!
Tanya! We congratulate you all
May your anniversary be remembered!
We wish you great health and love,
And only white stripes, so that, in fate!

Dear friends! Let's raise the first toast to our birthday girl by shouting “Congratulations” 3 times!
(raises first toast)

(with humor)

Our boss is torn
Congratulate Tatyana,
Word will have to
Give him!


Dear Tatyana Alexandrovna!
Always admire you, honestly!
Your skill is simply surprised!
You are ready to help your friends from the bottom of your heart,
Noticing that suddenly someone is depressed!
For diligence and indifference
We hand over the anniversary medal!
We wish you bright days, prosperity
And happy birthday to all of you!

(2 employees come out to present the medal)


Tanya! We all adore you
And we present this award with love!

(puts on a medal for the birthday girl)


Hear what we say about this medal,
Why and why did we give it to you!

For a good soul, hard work,
Yes, what is there to hide - for your professional suitability!
For being beautiful and very sweet
And you came to work in our team!

We read your virtues here,
Now listen to the instructions for the medal!

1 EMPLOYEE (reads instructions)


Wear it all day without taking it off
Just wiping with alcohol at night!

Let the medal proudly lie on your chest
And you, accordingly, walk proudly!

Kohl with a ribbon will be once strained,
Let's give another - it's nothing!

Show it to your neighbors more often
The whole house, to be proud of your apartment!

And so that our wishes come true,
The medal must be sprinkled with vodka, it seems!

(drink a toast to the medal)

Friends! We need a birthday
Sing a song - no doubt about it!

(the team sings an anniversary song to the birthday girl, the text of which is pre-printed for everyone)

(to the motive of the song "I'm standing at the half-station ...")

You are sitting all dressed up,
Beautiful and fine
And please don't count the years!
We admire you
Let's kiss
You are incredibly young! (last line repeated 2 times)

For your clear eyes
For all the features are beautiful
We'll drink and you pour us some more!
Let there be happy days
The slow years
Let's raise a toast to the Anniversary! (2 times)

(drink a toast to the Jubilee)

Dear guests! Festive telegrams-riddles have come to the address of our birthday girl!
I will now read them, and you try to guess.


Don't drink wine without me!
Who am I? Be able to guess!

The table will be empty
If not ... (OLIVIER)!

On the anniversary, do not give oak,
I need a coat!

Expects from guests on their birthday

So, dear guests, the birthday girl is waiting for further congratulations from us! Therefore, I propose to compose a collective congratulation now. I have already started writing it, only adjectives are missing. Let's each take turns saying some adjective, I'll write it in our congratulations, and then I'll read it to the birthday girl!

(make a collective congratulations)

(adjectives omitted)

Dear friends! Today is … and … the day! We congratulate our ... birthday girl on ... Anniversary! What is she today ... and ...! She has ... a dress, ... a hairstyle! And what her ... eyes! They speak frankly about her ... and ... character! So let's wish our ... Tanya ... health, ... mood, ... success in everything, ... happiness and ... love! We are proud of you, our ... and ... birthday girl! May your ... Anniversary be remembered by you ... by the atmosphere and ... by the attitude of your friends!
Sincerely yours ... employees!

HOST (after reading the collective congratulations):

Yes, for such congratulations
Nice drink on your birthday!
So let's not delay
I ask you to lay out a snack
And drink a toast again
A strong bridge for our friendship!

(drink a toast to friendship)

Dear Tanya!
And now your girlfriends
They will sing ditties to you!

(the “girlfriends” come out - these are male colleagues of the birthday girl dressed in headscarves, they sing ditties)


Everyone would sing, everyone would sing,
Everyone would have fun!
We are in Tanyusha really
Head over heels in love!

We look at her furtively -
How good is that!
And with the figure everything is in order
And a beautiful soul!

And she sings no worse
What are we eating today!
Don't get through because of your husband
From no side of her!

Where can we be patient?
Don't kiss her!
And that will be on your birthday
Her Kolya is jealous! (replace with the name of the birthday girl's husband)

We are a great distance
Let's keep dancing
So that the husband could not
Needless to say!

Dear hero of the day
Congratulations on the Anniversary!
Let her be older
The more cute it will be!

I offer us a drink
For the talents of these ladies! (points to ditties)

(drink toast)

To let your feet dance
We've already had a few drinks!
I announce a break
Invite everyone to the dance!

(after dancing)

And now I'm for a warm-up
I offer without hesitation
wishes again
Tell the birthday girl!
But on one condition: a number must be present in your wish!

(Everyone takes turns saying wishes with a number, and then they drink a toast to them)

Dear birthday girl! The long-awaited guests arrived at our holiday - this is a delegation from Japan, Mr. Pyanomoto I and his personal translator Chayunet Vodkupyu! They want to wish you a Happy Anniversary. Meet them with applause!

Scene "Guests from Japan"
(two men enter, dressed in Japanese in kimono robes and screwing up their eyes, like the Japanese)


Goodbye anniversaries and freebie guests!


Hello, dear birthday girl and dear guests!


Nafigashi surrendered to me Rosiyasi see!

I have long dreamed of visiting Russia!


Yasyudasi priletai on rubber mattresses!


I flew here in a hot air balloon!

Yasharasi hatch wide open spaces. Japanese mother!


From above, I marveled at your Russian expanses!


Yaponashi malepusi - Rosiyashi Velikasi! Japanese mother!


Japan is a very small country compared to Russia!


Japonashi regulate alcohol and consume!


We, like you, are opponents of the anti-alcohol campaign!


Hard worker nevolkaka ivlesaka nebegaka


But this does not interfere with our work!


Nahrenasi congratulations to Rosiyaka's anniversary!


But let's not get carried away! We want to congratulate your birthday girl and give her a gift!


Kama Sutra in the morning and bone rough!


In order for the birthday girl not to have problems with the musculoskeletal system and in the sexual sphere,...


We give nonsense to us, it is unnecessary!

We give her a very necessary thing!


Vodkupyu Samblyuyu!


This is a miracle balm!

(they give the birthday girl a pharmacy balm)


Anniversary tummy twitches sick


We wish the birthday girl good health


Send all the enemies, far away, go home!


And also many, many friends!


With my legs rest on the vodkas, don't drink!


We will not mind drinking a glass for your birthday girl!

(drink a glass with everyone together)


Go back, pawn-draco Yaponako!


And now we have to leave, we have a long way to go home!


Oh, what pleasant and polite guests visited us! Friends, we are also very polite guests and therefore I propose to sing together our favorite songs of our birthday girl!

(singing songs)

Friends! And now I propose to spend a minute of wishes! Let each of you wish the birthday girl something good with the condition that each time you need to start the first word in alphabetical order. So let's get started! The first one speaks with the letter “a”, etc.

(everyone says wishes)

And now I invite the birthday girl to say the answer!

(the birthday girl thanks the guests)

Friends! Look what a beautiful table the birthday girl has put together for us! She did it with all her heart! And what do we have behind the soul, you want to know? Then let's play a joke lottery game "What's in your pants?" And then we will find out who came with what to the birthday girl for the Anniversary!

(they are playing a game, for this they prepare cards with funny clippings from newspapers, magazines, postcards pasted on them. Guests take turns pulling out cards and reading aloud what they have hidden in their pants. It will turn out to be very fun!)

To vodka and salad
Relax friend,
We are on this wonderful holiday
Let's dance more fun!
Musical pause!

(dances, contests, games. You can play the game “Stream”, it's simple and fun! Be sure to sing “Loaf” to the birthday girl by inviting her to the center of the circle! Also a simple but fun contest is to pass an empty plastic bottle with your knees or pass an apple to a friend to a friend with the help of the chin.Two teams participate - who is faster!
Competition for the most persistent: couples first dance on an unfolded newspaper, then the newspaper is gradually folded - whoever holds on to the smallest piece wins, you can give a small prize “for perseverance”.)

(after dancing)

Friends! I propose a toast to our team!


Life has connected us for a reason -
After all, there were many options!
Everyone had a dream
Your own path in life!
We still found each other
And I need to say:
We all came to the anniversary
All because we are one!

For our friendly team!

(drink toast)

I invite everyone to once again say kind words to our dear birthday girl!

(distributes to each a small congratulatory card prepared in advance, they contain the signatures of employees. Everyone takes turns reading congratulations)

At the end of our evening, I want to say the following to the dear birthday girl:

Be always the way you are!
We do not count your dignity!
May wishes come true ahead of schedule
Joy to you and prosperity!

Search also on our website man's anniversary script, think you will find it.

We hope you enjoyed our post. Big scenario for celebrating the anniversary of an employee. Stay tuned and watch more

The script is designed to hold the anniversary of 55 years for a woman. Or rather, this is a congratulation from eminent and famous guests - a wealthy Italian and his respected translator in the district. The Italian national costume should be prepared in advance - knee-length black pants, a white shirt, a red belt, and a wide-brimmed hat. The interpreter must be dressed in a modern style - a black tuxedo or a formal business suit.

(The presenter introduces distinguished guests.)

Today on this anniversary
Among distinguished guests,
There are those we respect
Whom we always warmly welcome.
To us from distant Italy,
Someone very nice has arrived
Rich, noble, he is a lord,
And he has a translator.
Well, meet, Italian,
Our unforgettable foreigner!

Italian: Gold, bloom, diamond, anniversary!
Translator: Our dear Svetlana (name of the birthday girl)!

Italian: Still sieve for free, dormodedo, drunken tuto!
Translator: And also our dear guests!

Italian: Roll with figo, quickly out of here!
Translator: Greetings to everyone who came to this glorious holiday today!

Italian: Particularly hard labor, hard workers, not received a dollar is not a horseradish!
Translator: I especially welcome representatives of commercial structures and the working class!

Italian: In addition, uchito, counted, musical and papery!
Translator: In addition, I welcome workers in the educational sector, the media and culture!

Italian: And bandito, catchy, shot, sajatto!
Translator: And of course, I welcome the employees of the police and security agencies!

Italian: Special thanks to the other seniors and lodirents!
Translator: I especially welcome other guests!

Italian: I am a senior, they flew in on anything ...
Translator: I flew here on a special flight...

Italian: Italian, tired of shining in the eyes ...
Translator: From sunny and hospitable Italy...

Italian: Congratulations to the hero of the day Svetlana
Translator: And I want to congratulate the hero of the day Svetlana on her wonderful and wonderful holiday!

Italian: On this holiday, the 55th summer, if you are the hero of the day, energy!
Translator: On your 55th birthday, stay beautiful and energetic, Svetlana!

Italian: It is desirable that the back is not bolentto, and the nose is not chihantto, the legs are shagantto, but the teeth are cusantto.
Translator: I wish you more health!

Italian: Continued tascanto bags, copanto garden, tidy house, brought up children, succeeded everywhere.
Translator: I wish you more longevity and youthful optimism!

Italian: Desirably respect friends and colleagues, always love, not matyukato!
Translator: And of course, I wish to be respected among friends and colleagues!

Italian: I'm skinny from Italiano almost different nonsense!
Translator: I brought a lot of gifts for your 55th anniversary!

Italian: This is all sorts of unnecessary borochlyanto!
Translator: These are very necessary things in everyday life!

Italian: To begin with, I’ll give you the fact that the belly of an Italian is growing, fat is capable of accumulating energy richly!
Translator: To begin with, I want to give the famous Italian Spaghetti noodles, which are rich in vitamins and nutrients!

Italian: For Italian it is delicious when sousento is poured into spaghetti! It's handed to you!
Translator: I also hand over the sauce, which will give spaghetti a rich color and noble taste.

Italian: For a mile of volanto, that from the mafia structure saved, you were given!
Translator: I also give you the famous Sicilian onion!

Italian: Still handed what is drained, ak underfilled!
Translator: Take a bottle of the famous Amaretto liqueur from the bottom of your heart!

Italian: Eat and drink, do not forget me!
Translator: Eat all the presents with pleasure!

Italian: And the mulberry will say toast!
Translator: And now I'll make a toast!

Italian: May you become another prelento in 55 lento! Let everyone give you a luxurious gift for free! May the sun always shine in the window! May this anniversary be unforgettable! Nalivanto and drunk!
Translator: Let's drink to our dear birthday girl!

(The birthday girl is given the above gifts and a luxurious bouquet of flowers. Other guests begin to congratulate the hero of the day!)