Scenario for a reporting concert in an elementary school. Scenario "report concert of children's art school"

Report concert of the School of Arts.

Video about the art school (words in the background)
Presenter 1.

Miracles live in a fairytale house,
The guys' voices don't stop here,
And the joyful laughter does not end.
The doors are open to everyone and everyone!
An unfamiliar fairy tale lives here,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
All you have to do is open the doors for you,
And step over the threshold without looking back.
You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And you’ll sing with a real microphone,
The artist's paints will become friends,
You mold the little animal with your own hands.
Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a wizard, but we, together with you,
We make a miracle with our own hands.

Dance "Medusa"

Leading: We see off our youngest artists with thunderous applause. This is their first time on the big stage.

Music for Alice's entrance:

Alice: Oh, where did I end up. (looks around). How strange. I can hear the laughter of children, the sounds of a piano, I know I’m in kindergarten. But why does the paint smell so strong? No, this is not a kindergarten, maybe this is an artist’s workshop?

Leading: Girl, what are you doing on stage? What department are you studying in?

Alice: I don’t study in any department, I ended up here by accident. Where am I?

Leading: Random, very strange! You got to the creative evening of the Morshansky District School of Arts!

Alice : Art school - the first time I hear about it. What are they doing here? Do they study the same as in a regular school?

Leading : Of course, only the guys study not ordinary subjects, but special ones: solfeggio - in the music department, stage movement in the theater department, learn to draw in the art department, and also learn a lot of new and interesting things. If you want, you can stay and see what the guys have learned this year, and we will tell you everything about them.

Alice: Is it really possible? Of course I really, really want to!

Leading: And we invite piano students from the music department to the stage. The children study in first grade under the guidance of the talented teacher Tatyana Ivanovna Koshechkina and have already become diploma winners and laureates of many competitions and festivals. Meet Alexander Asoskov

"Ragtime for Barbie"

Lesiv Victoria “Forest fairy on a swing”

Duet Asoskov Alexander and Lesiv Victoria “Malvina is dancing”

Leading : Everyone has their own music

The wind, trees and fields sing about happiness.

Sometimes happy, sometimes sad

Sometimes louder, sometimes more tender.

The skillful starling and the small stream sing.

Is the blooming garden making noise,

Does it snow in winter?

The singing world is beautiful

And you and him sing together.

Meet the students of the 2nd and 4th grades of the vocal department, teacher Kira Aleksandrovna Logvina.

Song "Rise and Shine"

Alice: How easily and beautifully the artists perform! It seems like you know how to sing - go on stage and sing!

Leading. Are you Alice, this is a lot of work, many days of rehearsals.

Alice: Yes,and I thoughtput on the suit - and boldly forward!

Ved ushchy: You will never go on stage without difficulty! This is the first step to success, to fame. Now the theater group "Snowdrop" is worried behind the scenes. The guys are studying in the theater department with the talented teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Tsitkilova. They are 3rd degree winners of the competition. Let's meet

Excerpt from the play “Knock Knock, Who’s There?”

hands Tsitkilova N.V.

Leading: At the people's department,

There is a button accordion, an accordion,

You need to spend a lot of effort
So that it sounds beautiful.

And we meet a student in the accordion class, Chermakova Anastasia, leader Grechushnikova Nina Mikhailovna.

Chermakova Anastasia “Russian Dancer”

Tango "I'm Infinitely Sorry"

(composer Alexander Tsfasman)

Leading: The world is beautiful when children laugh

When there is happiness and delight in the eyes.

The world is beautiful when children dance

And there are thousands of roads in front of them!

Dance "Hipsters" dept. RER

Alice: I understood that the first step to fame is talent, the second step is flowers, and what is the third step?

Presenter : And the third stage is applause. Let's try to applaud... No, this applause is for a bad artist. And we have the best artists in the area! Once again!.. And now to the music!.. That’s right! We meet...Maxim Sharov, manager Tsitkilova N.V.

Song "Eagles or Crows"

Leading: And now we meet Vasily Logvin, a student of the music department in piano class - teacher Olga Nikolaevna Popova

Logvin Vasily “Etude” (comp. Stefan Geller)

Alice: Now I understand what an art school is, but tell me why there was such a smell of paint here?

Leading: Well, our school also has a fine arts department, now I’ll tell you about it, look

Video about the Fine Arts Department

Presenter 2: I want to add a word.

To glorify artists.

After all, what masters

This is our baby!

And at ten years old, and at seven, and at five

All children love to draw.

And everyone will boldly draw

Everything that interests him.

Everything is interesting:

Far space, near forest,

Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dancing...

Let's draw everything! If only there were colors

Yes, a sheet of paper is on the table,

Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

And landscapes, still lifes -

Yes, in years like these!

There will be guys ready for graduation

Painters are great!

Undoubtedly, we are talking about the art department of the Children's Art School. Throughout the year, his students have repeatedly delighted and continue to delight with their works at exhibitions, which can often be seen in the district administration building. And now in the foyer there is an exhibition of works by students of our school, which we invite you to see after the concert. And their teachers help our students: Chekalin Alexander Mikhailovich, Solomatin Andrey Anatolyevich, Solomatin Alexey Anatolyevich, Kurkina Marina Aleksandrovna.

Alice : How interesting everything is, and how talented the guys are. I would also like to express myself in something, do you think I can succeed?

Leading: Well, of course, what do you like to do?

Alice : I really love to dance! Can I try it!

Leading: Today you can do anything, go get ready for your performance. And our program continues, and I invite the 1st grade students of the theater department to the stage, the leader is Natalya Mikhailovna Strokova, they will show you a skit


Leading : And we again meet the students of Tatyana Ivanovna Koshechkina

Melody from the movie “The Godfather”

performed by Maria Orlova, class student

Ensemble of Maria Orlova and teacher

"Ice cream"

Leading We know a lot of old songs,

We sing them everywhere, year after year.

After all, it lives in them without fading,

The immortal soul of the people.

Song "On Ivan, on Kupala"

Leading: And we meet again our magnificent accordionists

Mazepa Andrey romance “Only once”

I. Bobyuk “From the Diary of a Girl” by A.P. Chekhov

Leading: Our school already has its own stars and one of them is Irina Bobyuk, winner of the 1st degree of the Regional Reading Competition “Poems and Me” and many other competitions, we see off Irina with thunderous applause.

Leading: This march did not stop on the platforms,
When the enemy obscured the horizon.
With him are our fathers in smoky carriages
Trains were taken to the front.

Kireev Denis “March Farewell of the Slavyanka”

Leading: White birds flew and screamed in the heights
Over fields, cities. People, let's say no to war!
This grief and misfortune will forever be in the memory of those living.
It will never happen again, NEVER!

"White Birds" dance

Leading: And we meet I. Devyatov, a student in the theater department of hands. Tsitkilova Natalya Vladimirovna

Sergey Silin “Lucky”.

Alice: We are grateful to our fathers and mothers,

It’s not easy for them with us!

And the most beloved, the best most-

We want to dedicate the dance now.

Dance “Varis kashka”

Alice: I realized that in order to achieve high results, you need to work hard and work hard. But I saw one injustice.

Presenter : Which Alice?

Alice: Our artists receive applause, flowers... In general, they bask in glory. But some people almost never go on stage and don’t receive applause. But they are the ones who prepare the guys for their finest hour.

Leading : Yes Alice, you're right. Leaders, masters of their craft. Today they are the ones who deserve the loudest applause: Grechushnikova Nina Mikhailovna, Koshechkina Tatyana Ivanovna, Popova Olga Nikolaevna, Tsitkilova Natalya Vladimirovna, Strokova Natalya Mikhailovna, Lykova Taisiya Vladimirovna these applause are for you!

Leading: May the new day bring you only good luck and success in your studies! This academic year is ending, but next year we are waiting for you at our departments at the art school!

“A New Day is Born” (exit of all participants)

Schools organize holidays and concerts on a variety of occasions: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, March 8, graduation, Last Bell and others. Traditionally, animators are not invited to such events; there is plenty of talent among schoolchildren.

We offer a scenario concert program for any holiday “One day in the life of Petka Rogov”, which consists of the most popular children's amateur performances: skits and songs - adaptations on a school theme. The entire concert or individual skits will fit into any one, you just need to add appropriate congratulatory moments to the conference and slightly change the presenters’ lines to suit the specific occasion.


Student Petka Rogov

His classmates are boys and girls participating in different scenes


Extras - singing, dancing children. They change the scenery

The introductory part of the school concert program.

1st girl: Adults often see us only from one side, but thousands of “I” live in each of us.

1st boy: In everyone you can find a student, a researcher, a slob, and a tidy person.

2nd girl: Every child is sometimes lazy, sometimes hard-working, sometimes a tomboy, sometimes quiet.

2nd boy: Every day a child is cheerful and thoughtful, an imp and a future genius.

3rd girl: It’s not always possible to see all these images at once - three or four in one - but you can try.

3rd boy: Today, in honor of the holiday, we are ready to show such a surge of our incarnations.

1st girl: Meet big...

1st boy: festive,

2nd girl: cheerful,

2nd boy: musical,

3rd girl: educational

Guys (in unison): ABRACADABRA!

3rd boy: Or “One day in the life of Petka Rogov.”

(One girl remains on stage, the rest go to change clothes)

1st girl: Who among us didn't want to meet a superhero as a child? And maybe you will become like this! And if you think carefully, why are these supermen, catwomen and spider-men so attractive?

They find some non-existent villains, and then fight them, in short, they look for adventures for themselves. But I would like to see how they would cope with the school load? What if there are still five clubs and two dogs that need to be walked three times a day?

There won't be enough cobwebs here. And in our weather you can’t fly much!

Did you know that superheroes really exist? True, they don’t write books about them or make movies, but they are nearby, you just have to look closely. There is one of these students at our school. You look at him and you will never guess that this is a real hero. Even a Superhero!

Judge for yourself: dad is writing a dissertation, mom is looking after him so that he is not distracted by everyday life. Grandfather and grandmother are busy with their health, and the entire household is on the shoulders of Petka Rogov, that’s the name of our hero...

However, what am I saying anyway? See for yourself!

Musical sketch "Petka Rogov - a superhero"


Petka Rogov,

Dad, mom, grandpa, grandma

(All characters sing, accompanying the words of the song with actions)

Lyrics of the song scene

Choir(everyone except Petka sings):

The incorruptible alarm clock rang,

It's exactly 5:25 on the clock,

And turning on the lamp at the head,

Petka Rogov decided to get up.

Petka(sings alone, “Atas!” everyone sings together):

Atas! Turn on the gas in the kitchen quickly!

Atas! remove the bedding,

Cook the sausages!

Atas, my right eye closed again,

Life is not theater, right here.

Choir(everyone except Petka sings):

Dad took science seriously

He still wants to get a degree,

Only mother's strong hands

They can feed dad now.

Grandma and grandpa run away for half a day

Around the yard from a heart attack in shorts,

After the cross-country, the pills are swallowed,

The entire economy rests on these shoulders.

Climb! And we will kill those who are sleeping!

Climb! Get up boys

Get up, girls!

Climb! Now we'll pour everyone some tea.

And where are you going barefoot? Climb!

Petka(addressing grandfather):

Don't forget to pick up the cabinet at the store

And put it in the hallway in the corner.

But there is no sign of a postcard.


No, I will probably die with you.

Wait, perhaps, six months for postcards!

I left them money that time.

What kind of grandmothers? Isn't it ours, from the factory?


Money means it's gone, it's not up to you!

(grabs his jacket and briefcase and “runs away” from the house. Maybe this can be indicated by the fact that the others fall asleep again)

(sings alone, “Atas!” - everyone sings together):

Atas! Just don't be late for class.

Atas! Pick up more underwear, order printed heels...

Atas! There's still a whole hour left.

I'll have time to learn about the eye.

(Takes a textbook out of his briefcase, sits down and reads)

(Already falling asleep, alone) Atas...

Rogov is sleeping.

Rings 2. School bell .

(Extras walk across the stage with a “Biology” sign)

Comic school skit "Deserved grade"

Rogov wakes up, listens to what is happening in the classroom, after the words “In the pet store!” enters the class.

Rings 2. School bell .

Comic skit "How to learn English"

The guys collect their briefcases and leave.

Rogov: What will happen now? My head doesn't work at all!

Fedya: English.

Rogov: Well, here I am blowing. And you?

Fedya: What are you talking about?

Rogov: Are you blowing speak English?

Fedya: If only I had enough lungs, I would finally blow him away! I don’t sleep at night, studying, but to no avail. Today, again, in honor of the holiday, the Englishwoman will be making noise.

Rogov: And you try it like me.

Fedya: Not. I don't have the nerve. You're so cool!

Rogov: Ha! Toy company.

Fedya: What other toy?

Rogov: If you translate two words into English and combine them, you get: Crew-toy

Fedya: You're the COOL one! And I'm a fool!

Rogov: The ball is a van and it turns out ball-van

And here’s another: Cow-sell or Cow-sell

Fedya: You yourself are a “Kosel”! Played out! Would you rather tell me what to do?

Rogov: And you sing her a song, some kind of soulful one...

(Humming): “Is there anybody going to listen to my story...”

Fedya: (offended): Yah you! I can handle it myself!

Rogov: No offense!

(Rogov tries to pat Fedya on the shoulder)

Rings 2. School bell .

(Extras walk across the stage with a sign saying “English”)

Fedya throws off his friend's hand and sulks. Rogov shrugs and leaves. Fedya sings.

School adaptation of "Almost an English song"

To the tune of V. Obodzinsky “Oriental Song”

Sounds 3. Backing track. Obodzinsky. Eastern song


Is the warm rain pouring?

Is the snow falling?

I'm English, detached

I teach every day.

I'm waiting for you to understand,

Or maybe no

All I have to do is understand a word

ABOUT! How happy I am!

And at night in silence

English and myself,

In the lesson there is only a bad grade,

Even though I puffed all night,

I forget within a word what I wanted to say,

That is to say, I wanted to, but I couldn’t.

I only know

What to come that moment,

And in English of course

I will song and sing.

I will understand,

I will to say.

I believe he will come one day

This wonderful day

Wonderful day.

I will receive the desired five,

And it will be a very very high!

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and text of the words of the “Eastern Song”

Rings 2. School bell

(Rogov comes out)

Rogov: What, brother, let's talk about Pushkin and relax?

Fedya: Let's relax, okay! Today is a repeat. They will race all Russian classics.

Rogov: Don't drift! The guys and I agreed. We'll give the teacher a surprise.

Rings 2. School bell

(Extras walk across the stage with a “Literature” sign)

School skit "Literary jokes"

(The point is that the guys read out literary jokes)

Organizers: Select 5-6 jokes from the application. Have students read selected jokes. It is better to read "from sight". The most important thing in this recitation is absolute SERIOUSNESS. See the last joke below; for greater interest, you can add details of a specific school to its text.

The application “Anecdotes from the life of Pushkin” can be downloaded by clicking on the document

Anecdote "Pushkin, where are you?"

Girl: In conclusion, we would like to bring to your attention a new (unknown) chapter of the book from the legacy of Daniil Kharms (Is reading).

Joke text

“Leo Tolstoy loved children very much. One day he invited writers to... school (school number), to the 7th grade. His immortal work “Philippok” was just performed there. Turgenev, of course, immediately left for Baden-Baden.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, may he rest in heaven, thinks: “There’s no point in going there. I’m a nervous person; well, as soon as they start screaming, the next moment your skull will crack again. Come on!” And he didn’t go.

Lermontov to school Elizaveta Petrovna (name of the head teacher or director) didn't let me in. “What are you talking about,” he says, “Mikhail Yuryevich! Is it really possible to go to school with dogs. It’s a pity! Either the first-graders will squeeze them in, or the high school students will kill them.” And she didn’t let me in. Never!

Herzen had to go alone with Tolstoy. And with the crutch, it's over.

As soon as Tolstoy arrived in class, he immediately began patting everyone on the head.

Herzen, of course, got Rogov and......., of course, and not Tikhonya... (insert last names)

Pushkin, without waiting for the beer, went outside (name of the street or area where the school is located).

And at this time Gogol dressed up as Pushkin and also drove up to the school.

Rogov and Elka completely silenced Herzen, and pushed the author of “The Thieving Magpie” under his desk. He wanted to shout like Turgenev: “Mom!”, but in time he remembered about the crutch. And so the future writer of “The Bell” fell silent.

And Tolstoy had already smoothed over all the children and went around the second circle.

Then a disguised Gogol and a dressed Pushkin fly into the classroom. What happened here!

The essay “Philippok, as a mirror of Russian enlightenment” remained unwritten.

Rings 2. School bell

(Extras walk across the stage with a “Russian language” sign)

School adaptation "Song about the Russian language"

To the tune of V. Berkovsky’s song “About the Dog Tyaba”.

An adaptation of a bard's song is best performed with a guitar


1. On days of defeats and victories,

On the days of our holidays and troubles

The ringing of the bell was heard everywhere.

I gathered everyone in alarm,

He raised the people to revolt,

The rebellion was suppressed, he himself was left without a language.

The kings at that time were very strict,

Why should they, really, because they are like Gods,

The bells and the people were all silent,

The rebels had their tongues torn out.

2. There is such silence all around,

Although the war is not over,

We are behind enemy lines

And my nerves are on edge.

We desperately need language

He and I must return to the forest,

This is what our commander ordered,

Comrade First.

We've been here in the rear for two days now,

Eh, how to take a drag from a rolled-up cigarette,

Attention, duck down! We are approaching the highway.

Two lines... there is a language. Let's leave!

3. An old doctor once told me:

"Oh, come on, stick out your tongue"

I got sick, everything was as usual.

Here's a naughty boy

Sticked his tongue out at the neighbor

So this, brothers, is simply indecent!

The dog will show his tongue in the heat,

No one will say anything to this,

But if you are a neat child,

Hurry up and put it back in your mouth.

4. And there is one more language,

We need it from childhood,

And without him we can’t sing even a verse.

He walks through life with us,

If you want, it will bring you to Kyiv,

And an evil tongue is sometimes worse than a gun.

It comes in newspaper and cloth,

There is business and conversational

Sometimes he is handsome, witty,

Sublime, lyrical, subtle, smart.

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and lyrics of the song “About the Dog Tyaba”

Rings 2. School bell

Funny school scene "Proof"

Based on the story by Ilya Butman

Rogov: Well, finally, the last lesson! Now let’s multiply and add what we need and go home!

Fedya: No, for me it’s better to take it away and divide it!

Rogov(With looks at his friend in surprise): And that's true! Listen, what do we have now, algebra or geometry?

Fedya: Geometry.

Rogov: Ugh, you! Twenty-five again! I don't love her. It's algebra! Much easier.

Fedya: Don't lie, algebra is harder!

Rogov: No, geometry is harder!

Fedya: Algebra! And a lot!

Rogov: Me too, I found a heavy object!

Fedya: Do you want me to prove it?

Rogov: Try!

Fedya hits Rogov on the head with an algebra textbook

Rogov: Did you fall from the oak tree?

Fedya: I conducted a scientific experiment. For proof. Now compare!

Fedya hits Rogov on the head with a geometry textbook.

What do you say now? What's heavier?

Rogov (stroking his head): Yours took: algebra!

Fedya: What did I say?

The teacher comes up.

Teacher: What kind of fights without rules is this?

Rogov: Everything is according to the rules, Tatyana Petrovna! We found out that algebra is the hardest subject ( Sighs)

Teacher: Which one is easier?

Fedya (happily reports): Geometry!

Teacher: Okay, "Archimedes", let's go to class. Let's check it in practice.

Rings 2. School bell

(All concert participants are on stage).

The final song is a reworking of "Twice Two"

To the tune of the song “Twice two is four”

The backing track of A. Pakhmutova’s song “Twice Two” sounds


Twice two, twice two

Two by two is four,

Do you remember, friend, how you and I

Is this what everyone taught?

Like secretly under a desk

We played mobile games?

And the multiplication table

So we supposedly knew.

Five five is twenty five,

This is certainly

Above the Earth at night

The Milky Way sparkles,

After winter comes spring,

And after summer there is autumn,

Still live on Earth

Very interesting.

Ten times ten times

It will be a hundred.

What a beautiful day it is today,

It's a holiday today!

You live a hundred years

We wish together

And to be angry and sick

Never necessary!

(The song is performed only to the melody of the chorus)

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and lyrics of the song “Twice two is four”

Scenario of the reporting concert of the Center for Additional Education of Children “Journey along the Rainbow”

Gorbunova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher - organizer of the MBUDO CDOD in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region
Description. The scenario is aimed at children aged from 6 to 17 years old and will be of interest to teachers of schools, art schools, teachers - organizers of additional education and parents.
Target: Report of creative teams. Showing the level of creative and performing growth of creative association teams over the academic year.
- demonstrate the creative abilities of students;
- develop artistry and stage presence;
- develop students’ ability to work in a team

Equipment: Sound design, lighting, scenery, costumes.
Progress of the concert program:

Fanfare sounds. Exit of presenters (Ekaterina - teacher, Eva - student)

Eve: Good evening!

Catherine: Kind, because we are surrounded by kind people and happy smiles!

Eve: Good, because summer is coming, and that means vacation! Sunny days and warm summer rains.

Catherine: And if there is a rainbow in the sky...

Eve: It's just a miracle!
Life in the world is more interesting.
If the rainbow shines
If a joyful song
It flies along the rainbow.

Catherine: Our journey through the rainbow opens with Ekaterina Bulycheva, a student of the creative association “Domisolka”, leader Elena Bushueva.
1. Song “Good morning, people”

Catherine: Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to the reporting concert of the Center for Additional Education for Children entitled “Journey along the Rainbow”. Today a rainbow of talents will shine before you.
They say talent is a valuable gift. And every child is a whole world. Some people like to sing and dance, others like to craft, draw, and design. And every child is talented in his own way. There are no untalented children! You just need to find in every child that very zest, that very spark that someday will grow into a star and over the years a talented person will appear, maybe even a big star. And wonderful teachers help our children open up and express themselves. Some of them are wise with experience, others are just embarking on the teaching path. But they are all united by a love for children and a desire to sow a spark of goodness. To make the world brighter, kinder and more beautiful.

Eve: Today in this hall there is a holiday
This holiday is a holiday of childhood,
He will leave a mark on every heart

Catherine: And the director of the Center for Additional Education for Children, Svetlana Valerievna Kurova, will open the door to the fairy tale.
Director's speech

Catherine: Meet a variety of colors, genres, songs, dances, beautiful costumes - in general, meet a real rainbow of talents.

Eve: Rainbow is great!
Rainbow is a good mood
Rainbow is harmony!
Rainbow is all of us!
And we are childhood!
On stage, a children's dance group is led by a wonderful, talented teacher, Marina Golubenko.
2. Dance “Clock”

Catherine: The rainbow journey continues. The first color of the rainbow is red. The word "red" in ancient times meant "beautiful." A beautiful number - the dance “Rossinochka - Russia” will be performed for you by a dance group, the director Oksana Zhuikova is a talented teacher, known not only in our city, but also beyond its borders. Meet me.
3. Dance “Rossinochka – Russia”.

Catherine: In our beautiful, rainbow country of the Center for Additional Education of Children, all fairy-tale dreams come true.

Eve: And I so dream of a fluffy white kitten. Do you like little kittens? Yes, well then, meet the dance group of Marina Golubenko. Dance “I am a fluffy white kitten”
4. Dance “I am a fluffy white kitten”

Rainbow beauty
She told you to bow.
invites you to visit,
To a colorful land!
Where the next path awaits us is orange. And on this wonderful path you are greeted by the dance group “Vivat”. The team is led by an excellent teacher - director of modern ballroom dances - Elena Kirasirova. "Spring Waltz".
5.Dance “Spring Waltz”

Catherine: Walking along the orange path, you immediately imagine the orange sun, the sea, and dolphins swimming on the waves. By the way, the song about dolphins is perfectly sung by Elizaveta Feoktistova, a student of Elena Bushueva from the Domisolka creative association.
Our “Domisolka” celebrated its fifteenth anniversary in April of this year. More than forty Domisolka graduates continued their education at the music school, five of them entered the music school. And one of the very first students of “Domisolka” is a teacher and head teacher of the Dimitrovgrad Music College. We are proud of our graduates. And the credit for this goes to the wonderful teachers Elena Viktorovna Bushueva and Natalya Sergeevna Ustinova, who today put their soul and knowledge into the new generation of students. Meet Elizaveta Feoktistova with the song “Dolphins”
6. Song "Dolphins"

Catherine: Traveling along the orange path of the rainbow, we bring to your attention another dance number, the “Apple” dance performed by students of Marina Golubenko.
7. Dance “Apple”

Catherine: Orange is the friendliest and most cheerful color of the rainbow. Yes, you can see this for yourself. The friendliest team on stage. This team can be called a family. Here the elders take care of the younger ones. Kids take great pleasure in helping their elders. And this family is headed by a kind, sympathetic, and most importantly talented teacher, Marina Devzheeva. On stage are the choreographic studio "Suite", the dance "Cheerful Rain".
8. Dance “Cheerful Rain”

Catherine: Thank you very much to everyone involved in the orange episode. And we move on. What color is next in the rainbow? (answers from the audience) Name something yellow... (answers from the audience)
Eve: And also - sunbeams.

Catherine: “Sunny Bunnies” is the name of the dance performed by the group, led by a young, talented teacher - director of interesting, memorable dances Yulia Beschetnova. Meet the sunbeams.
9. Dance “Sunny Bunnies”.

Catherine: (behind the scenes) We meet the “Smile” choir, director Valery Vatyukov. Accompanist Elena Neugodnikova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region. Music by Kabalevsky, words by the Alien. "Our land"
10. Song “Our Land”

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Music by Yuri Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky “Horn and Pipe.”
11. Song “Horn and Pipe”.

Eve: If smiles shine on faces,
If children sing and dance,
So joy is knocking on the door,
And life on the planet continues
And in the creative association “Akuna - Matata”, led by Anastasia Tribunskaya, life is just beginning. This team is less than a year old. But they were already able to win our love.
We meet, watch and applaud.
12. Hakuna matata number.

Catherine: We've already gone through three colors of the rainbow. Next color is black! No? Oh, sorry, green! Hands up, who loves green?
I invite you to the green path of the rainbow. Ilya Kuyanov from the creative association “Domisolka” travels along the green path with us with the song “Computer”.
13. Song “Computer”

Eve: The color green is the color of spring,
the color of nature's revival!
We bring to your attention a very lively and fiery dance “Latin Mix”. On stage is the dance group “Vivat”, director Elena Kirasirova.
14. Dance “Latin Mix”

Catherine: They say that there are no miracles in the world... Believe me, they exist and are even next to us! And we bring to your attention a wonderful number - the dance “Box of Pencils”, the leader of the group is Yulia Beschetnova.
15. Dance “Box of Pencils”

Catherine: (behind the scenes) Oksana Zhuikova’s team completes the tour along the green carpet with the dance “Letka - Enka”.
16. Dance “Letka - Enka”

Catherine: Traveling along the rainbow, we move on to the next blue path. And this kingdom also has its own artists. We meet the choreographic studio “Suite” with the dance “Voyage”.
17. Dance “Voyage”

Catherine: Our path is illuminated with a deep, noble, blue color. Blue color. Clean, calm as the surface of a lake, and vast as the sky, as varied as a song in all its manifestations. Meet Samira Gumerova with the song “And I would like to sing and dance.”
18. Song “I wish I could sing and dance.”

Eve: I also love to dance and dream of a big stage.

Catherine: Yes, probably, catching a blue dream, which is always somewhere nearby, but elusive, is as difficult as catching moments of creative flight and inspiration. But the Sunrise dance ensemble always succeeds.
A creative team led by Elena Troshina is dancing for you.
Dance with the intriguing name “Mad World”
19. Dance “Mad World”

Catherine: Eva, it seems to me that you are flying in the clouds the whole concert. Let's
Let's take a short break in the vocal and dance numbers.

Eve: Let's do it, especially since the friendly, active, very creative creative association “Scout” and the cheerful, positive “School of Counselors” are waiting behind the stage to perform. The head is a young teacher - a leader. Knowing how to lead Ekaterina Timofeeva.
20. Performance by scouts and counselors.

Friends, we are traveling along the rainbow and moving onto the blue path of the rainbow. And Elizaveta Feoktistova meets us with the song “I would like to draw a dream.” Creative association “Domisolka”, director Natalya Ustinova.
21. Song “I would like to draw a dream.”
Catherine: (behind the scenes)
Oksana Zhuikova's dance group is on stage. Dance "Cha-cha-cha". We are greeted with applause.
22. Dance “Cha – cha – cha.”

Eve: Mom is the dearest person in the world. It’s impossible to count how much is put into the word “MOM”. But the most important thing is that we owe our lives to her, my mother. Do you often dedicate poems and songs to your mother? Just like that, without holidays and memorable dates? And today we dedicate the next issue of our program to my mother. Song "Mom". Performed by Daria Vishneva.
23. Song “Mom”.

Catherine: Thanks to everyone on the blue carpet. We continue to travel across the rainbow.

Eve: Rainbow. The beauty of the earth is immediately imagined in the brightest colors of the rainbow, green, orange, yellow, blue, purple. And all these colors are in creativity, which is so unique and diverse. Now I imagine everything in the purple color of the rainbow

Catherine: Why, Eva?

Eve: Because purple color is very calm, lyrical and the most
Unusual, from all the colors of the rainbow.

Catherine: But purple is quite rare, not an everyday color in nature.

Eve: Therefore, people often associate it with wizards and fantasy.
Remember the fairy tales: purple capes are the favorite clothing of magicians.

Ekaterina: We meet a magical, bewitching dance with a fan. Performed by Marina Golubenok Dance Studio.
24. "Fan Dance"

Catherine: The world of creativity is amazing because it has no boundaries, just as there are no boundaries for our universe, dotted with many stars. How many are there? Millions! Many millions. And in our city today new lights came on from the performances of our guys. The choreographic studio “Suite” closes the journey through the rainbow of talents with the dance “On the Wings of the Wind”
25. Dance “On the Wings of the Wind”

Eve: Today is a holiday - the day of talents,
Singers, dancers, musicians.
And on this bright day for you
The song “Childhood” will be performed for you.

Catherine: Vocal group “Cover”, leader Alexander Petrov. "Childhood".
26. Song “Childhood”.

Catherine: Purple color, it turns out, is a color close to energetic, active and cheerful people. They look for new adventures, discover new worlds within themselves, and even perceive failures with inexhaustible optimism and a bright smile.

Eve: We greet with optimism and a smile the perky dance called “Chernomorochka”. On stage at Sunrise, director Elena Troshina.
27. Dance “Mad World”

Catherine: Our journey is coming to an end. And Eva Kurova introduced you to the creativity of teachers and students of the Center for Additional Education for Children.

Eva and Ekaterina Kurova.
It's great that there is a country like this
Where we sing and play songs.
And it is full of all sorts of miracles,
And we call it a fairy tale.
And believe me, only in this country,
We become three times stronger.
In this kind magical land
You can become the most important hero.


reporting concert of MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Ved.1.-Good afternoon!
Ved.2. -Hello! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy room!
Ved.1. -Prepare the most reverent feelings and the most friendly applause.
Ved.2. -Feel free to express your kind attitude towards each other and the speakers!
Ved.1. -Leaving this stage exactly a year ago, we did not say goodbye to you, we said “goodbye”!
Ved.2. -And now the spring drops are ringing outside the window again, which means that the time has come for the creative team of Krasnoslobodsk secondary school No. 1 to meet their dear viewers: teachers and parents, grandparents, friends and friends of friends!
Ved.1. -Life is like a melody, and just as a melody is made from notes, so life is made up of family, friends, dreams, aspirations, hobbies, good, worthwhile deeds, and even if everything doesn’t always work out the first time, but if you firmly believe, you really, really want , and try very, very hard, then we will definitely succeed. Because we are together! Together with you! Together with the whole country!

Readers come out, 3 people on each side with balls.
1) -I, you, he, she- Together - a whole country!
2) -Together – a friendly family! There are one hundred thousand “I”s in the word “we”
3) -The sun is shining above you, School country, (My homeland!)

4) -You are the most beautiful in the world, School country, (My homeland!)
5) -The sun is shining above you, It pours from above.

6) Everything in the world, everything in the world You and I can do it!

1. “Together with your country” Exec. Klokova Elena, Kudasheva Alla, Pchelintseva Ulyana,
2. Vladimir Firsov “Sense of Motherland” read by Egor Levkin
3.Song “With Friends” Spanish. Trio Balkin Victor, Gumenskaya Alexandra, Danilin Igor

(kids read poetry before the dance)

I'm going on stageI don’t look into the hall out of fear,It's easy for you to watch from the audience,I'm shaking on stage!
The pen goes in the wrong directionThe leg goes in the wrong directionOur aunt is a choreographerHe says it's no problem.
Our ensemble, although small,But it's almost a star!Let's grow up a little moreAnd then we will become famous!

4. “Flowers-flowers”, Spanish. pupils of the kindergarten "Smile" and the junior dance group "Victoria"
5.Karen Khachaturyan “Gallop” Spanish. Shvechkova Maria and Mulyanova Anastasia

Ved.2. Like at the old balls in the buildings

A sea of ​​music, laughter and light.

And the delight in the girls' eyes

From the gallantry of the young cadets.

5. “Polonaise” Spanish. cadet class students 6. “Boy Cadets” Spanish. Klokova Elena

Ved.1. Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me.

Childhood is me and you.

7. “Dance with skipping ropes” Spanish. dance group "Victoria" 8. …. “Cleaning” read by Gruzintseva Polina

9. Song “My Family” Spanish. Vershinina Valeria 10. “Good mood” Spanish. Stenyushkin family quartet 11. Dance "Kalinka" Spanish. dance team "Serpentine"

Ved.2. The darkness was basking around my fires,

I’m not going to blame anyone.

But rising from the darkness of centuries

Rus' held on to Russian strength.

12. “Rozhon” Spanish. Sergei Kalashnikov, accompanied by Igor Shakhin Ved. 1. To the left the songs flow loudlyThere the lips will sing loudly.If you go to the right, they’re laughing there.And straight away - the plays will come to life.Alexander Andreich Chatsky is here to see you!..
13. Chatsky’s monologue from A. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” is read by Alena Volkova.
14. “Cossack dance.” Spanish secondary dance group "Victoria".
15. A. Barto Verse. “Klutz” read by Dmitry Runkov
Ved. 2. Somewhere in the world of distant starsThere is a land of magical dreams.There, at the edge of the water,Traces of our childhood.
16. "The Little Prince". Spanish Pchelintseva Ulyana.
Ved. 1. And again there is a miracle in front of you, a miracle that lives next to youThis miracle cannot be touched, but can be seen and heard.It can make us cry and laugh. It hassoul and heart. This miracle is born on stage, and its name is dance.
17. Dance “Game of Feelings” Sp. dance group "Expression".
18. “The dispute between Masha and Vitya” Spanish. duet Gumenskaya Alexandra and Kolyadin Ilya.
19. “Rain Everywhere” Spanish. Senkina Alina.
Ved.1.Beautiful dance! This is magic.Attracts you quickly and tenaciously.Movement, rhythm and music are relatedIntertwining with bright backlight.Here beauty gives birth to beauty.Which one? The one in which there is no peace.And the heart again strives for heights,Subject to dance, music and structure.
20. “Chinese motives” Spanish. secondary dance group "Victoria" 21. “Once upon a time” Spanish. Pechatkina Irina and Kulikova Daria 22. “Angels of Good” Spanish. Velmiskina Arina and Dudnikova Irina. 23. E. Yevtushenko “Talk about Happiness” is read by Tatyana Belikova.
Ved.1. There is strength in unity! In valor and glory!And in the Russian spirit that lives for centuries!Though the new wind guides their sail,The helm of the country is in confident hands!Ved.2. Conquering sports peaks,A country! The students go forward.And Happiness lights their way!And all new victories are easy!
24. Sports composition sports group (All participants, director and deputy director come on stage to the soundtrack of the song “Together with our country”)

Yu.N. We are responsible to the futureOur joy, pain and sadness,Our future is children!..It's difficult with them. Well, let!..
T.V. Our children are our strength,Extraterrestrial lights.If only there was a futureAs bright as they are!..
Yu.N. Dear friends! Our concert has come to an end. And again we say to you: “Goodbye! See you again! May spring live forever in your hearts!

Elena Litovchenko
Scenario of the reporting concert “A Scattering of Rainbow Talents”!

Scenario of the reporting concert« A scattering of rainbow talents» !

Child1: It's a good evening

Opened forever

The circle of worries in this room too

Children's laughter will ring,

Children will sing songs,

Dance and joke

And spin around with the music.


We're starting our concert,begin,

We wish you all health, happiness and joy.

Kind viewer, don’t be timid,

Applaud us boldly.

Have fun with us,

Together: And of course smile!

Presenter 1. The hall is brightly decorated with lights,

Today you are visiting us.

For us, believe me, meeting you,

Like a bright holiday at a good hour.

Presenter 2. Each holiday is beautiful in its own way;

But the most beautiful, it seems, of all

Festival of dances and songs: such a feature

Dooms him to success.

1 presenter. Everyone - Good afternoon everyone!

2 presenter. To everyone - radiant smiles and good mood!

1 presenter. Today you are greeted by the young talents from our kindergarten and we start our reporting concert.


Child 1:

There is a magical planet, there is a wonderful country,

And fortunately for the children, it was given only to children.

Children steer ships, build marvelous palaces,

All the children make their own crafts, because they are great!

Child 2.

Let the clusters of joyful lights bloom and not go out.

We invite all our friends to the country of children to celebrate.

If children are strong friends, what else do we need?

That means there will be peace in the world, that means it will be good!

2 presenter. Our kindergarten is an extraordinary, amazing children's planet.

1 presenter. We invite you to take a journey with us to this colorful planet of creativity.

The presenter is interrupted by shouts: Wait! Wait!

Dunno and Button run out

Dunno: I told you, Button, we won’t make it in time!

Button: But in my opinion, nothing has started yet...

2. Presenter: How about saying hello?


Hi all! Here I am!

Hello, dear friends!

Did not recognize? I am Dunno!

Hat! Bow! Under the jacket is a T-shirt!

Button: Hello! We heard that today in kindergarten there will be concert and hurried here as best they could.

Dunno: Do you know how far from a fairy tale to stomp!

1. Presenter: Do you want to take part in our concert?

Button: Very!

Dunno: And I want to be a presenter, because I know how to beautifully announce a number, (very pretentious) stands out….

2. Presenter: Oh, I see, I see! And also, what you have talents?

Dunno: I love to dance!

Button: And I – to sing...

1. Presenter: Well, in that case, go get ready for the performance. And we begin our concert« A scattering of rainbow talents» !

2. Presenter: Where do we start?

1. Presenter: From the most magical! From the most wonderful, from a story about the magical land of childhood!

2. Presenter: Once the kids pick up paints or pencils, magical transformations begin!

To the melody of the song " Rainbow"Children run out into the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

1. Presenter: Children painted in the meadow in summer rainbow. (raise tassels)

2. Presenter: Drawing, drawing (shaking hands overhead)

And then suddenly they started arguing. (spread your arms in front of you)

What flowers is it made of so beautifully?






And blue!

Presenter 1.

Children rainbow again

Together they began to draw (draw in the air, swing with arms)

Painted, painted,

Then they started arguing again.

What does which color mean?

Let the one who knows answer!


Yellow color - warmed with warmth.

He gives affection and light.

And blue -

Symbol of peace and tranquility. (together)


This is the color of hello!

Green color -

Spring color

May their dreams be full!

The brightest and most beautiful

This color is of course red.

Orange color


Orange -



Seven flowers

Standing next to me

Form rainbow.

Children in a sunny circle

Drawing rainbow.

They drew as best they could,

And they sang songs about happiness!


(after the song the children run away with scenes)

Presenter1. The sun ran along the path,

The sun scattered bright peas.

The kids saw our peas,

And they promised to show us a dance.

Presenter 2. They will dance for us now,

Collect peas in a basket.

And you look and admire,

Try to applaud louder!


There is joy in every color.

A miracle pencil draws.

There are so many colors on the planet!

Take a look at our drawing!


Blue sky, yellow sun,

Slopes of high brown mountains,

Green trees, red poppies

And the blue expanses of lakes!


Dunno: Button. Remember how I drew portraits of all our friends? You were all still very happy then.

Button: Yes, I remember your scribbles well. And our short friends came with us to concert and want to give our viewers a dance.


Dunno: Button, do you know what a gift is?

Button: Of course I know.

Dunno: And what is it? Well, tell me, tell me!

Button: But the guys from the group ___ will tell us about this


All people are busy working, only the sun is rising T:

Who grows bread, who builds a house, who creates books.

In the meantime, I go to kindergarten, draw and sing there.

Mom and Dad tell me: I’m giving hope.


Button: “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine and no nails!”

Dunno: What are you talking about?

Button: Well, about the stars!

Dunno: What about nails?

Button: Moreover, the next highlight of our program will be the performance of our girls. They will shine on our stage with dance"Candy"


There is no sweeter caramel in the world -

Filled, covered in chocolate, wrapped in foil.


We are delicious candies, try us, kids!

But there is no need to be greedy. Take care of your teeth!



Once upon a time there were 100 children, all of whom went to kindergarten.

One child is the noisiest, two the child is the smartest,

The three child is the bravest, he managed to do everything, said and did.


5, 17, 36 – here there are countless talented people. Why? Yes because!

No need to explain!

Together: These are just children from our kindergarten!


We know a lot of ditties, all kinds of wonderful ones

But today we will sing you songs about our kindergarten.

We are young artists, we behave modestly.

Don't judge us harshly, oh! We eat as much as we can.

There are many kindergartens in the world, but there is only one like ours.

His children love him very much, and we are proud of him.

The teachers in our kindergarten are also super, top class.

There is no need for proof here, look at us.

Even a small child is very, very happy from childhood,

That he came almost from the cradle to our wonderful kindergarten.

We live very friendly in our kindergarten,

We are here for the rest of our lives, believe me, we will find friends for ourselves!

The sun is beautiful in the sky, we sing to you happily.

We wish you all a lot of happiness, and we will send you greetings!


There are many different dolls in the world,

Their eyes are full of surprise.

And we believe that dolls are children too,

But only children of a fairyland.

Dolls can be sad and laugh,

And even say the word mom,

You can switch roles with them,

To give joy to everyone in the same way.


Presenter:(addresses Dunno): Dunno, when was your first time on came out on stage, were you very worried?

Dunno: Oh, how! My knees were shaking, my hands were shaking (shows).

Leading: Our children, the smallest ones from the nursery group, are also very worried and shy. This is their debut - let's support them with thunderous applause!



Dunno: Guess button riddle: “Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, and from toe to heel”. Who are we talking about?

Button: Of course, about the children of the preparatory group. They hurry to perform their dance,


Leading (montage about mom)


Child 1:

I want everyone to laugh

May your dreams always come true.

So that children have joyful dreams.

May it be a good morning,

So that mom doesn't be sad.


Fairy tales give us miracles, but without miracles we cannot

They live everywhere and they are our friends.

There are sunny colors and scary Karabas.

We can’t live without a fairy tale, and she can’t live without us!

The world of childhood is so beautiful

It is colorful and clear

Will never tire of surprising us,

Let him will become a rainbow!

Colored country, colorful.

There is only one like this in the world.

Invented, created by us.

The teachers live in it with us.

We weren't tired at all, we tried, we drew.

Bright colors were chosen for you,

The rainbow came out beautiful, it's like a fairytale.

All colorful - what a beauty!

You'll admire it: what colors! (together)

(Other children run in with balls in their hands and stand behind rainbow)

Song « Rainbow» (everyone sings)

It's time to leave, the holiday is over.

But there is no need for sadness, there is no need for tears.

Let's smile, because life is so beautiful.

It consists of dreams and dreams!



No. 1. Solar circle. Prep. gr. +

No. 2. tDance "colorful game" Wed gr. +

No. 3. Song "clap your hands" ml. gr. +

№4. re-enactment"Present" +

No. 5. Song "3 wishes" preparation gr. +

No. 6. Dance "Shorties" ml. gr. 2,3,4. +

No. 7. Ditties prepared gr. +

No. 8. Dance "Papuans" preparation gr+

No. 9. Song « Rainbow» (everyone sings)

No. 10. Song "Mommy" ml. gr +

№11 Dance "Colored peas" 5ml. gr. + avg. gr. +

No. 12 Dance "Sandbox" nursery +

No. 14 Dance "Dolls" prepared gr. +

№15 Dance "Candy" ml. gr +

No. 16 Song “One palm, two palms” Wed gr. Lisa + Bazhena +

No. 17 Dance "Barbariki" preparation gr.

№18 Dance "Charger" preparation gr.