We become an Internet provider. IP for an online store

With the development of Internet communications, most consumers are inclined to purchase goods or order services directly from home. Of course, such demand has caused a rapid growth of all kinds of virtual counters where you can buy anything. Is it necessary to register an individual entrepreneur for an online store, and what will happen for lack of registration? We'll tell you in this article.

To be an individual entrepreneur or not to be

A functioning online store is a business activity whose purpose is to obtain systematic profit (Part 3, Clause 1, Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). When an individual sells a product or service twice or less a year, these transactions are not recognized as commerce, since there is no consistency. Likewise, you will not be considered an entrepreneur if you resell things at a purchase or loss price, since you will not make a profit.

Selling goods through an online store always involves financial benefits, regardless of whether the products are in stock, whether you are repurchasing or running an affiliate program. If such a business is not registered, it is considered illegal. Almost 90% of stores on the Internet operate without notifying the tax service. And this is a colossal branch of the shadow economy.

90% of stores on the Internet operate without notifying the tax service. And this is a colossal branch of the shadow economy.

Reasons why businessmen are in no hurry to legitimize their activities:

  • Tax burden. At least 6% of your income will have to be given to the state.
  • Large amount of insurance premiums. In 2017, an entrepreneur will have to pay 23,400 rubles for himself to social funds. Additionally, 1% over earnings of 300,000 rubles is given to the Pension Fund. For some online store owners, this is a serious amount.
  • Constant reporting to the Federal Tax Service, funds and Rosstat, submission of declarations.
  • Opening a current account, the maintenance of which costs money. Although this point is not mandatory for individual entrepreneurs, for a business on the Internet where payments are made non-cash, a current account would be more appropriate.

Most entrepreneurs prefer to evade registration so as not to give their already meager earnings to the state. A beginner who has just formed an online business needs some time to promote. When the income is noticeable, it is still worth registering an individual entrepreneur for an online store. Otherwise, there is a risk of liability in the form of large fines.

Responsibility for illegal activities

It is in the interests of the state that every entrepreneur registers in good faith and transfers funds from taxes and fees to the treasury. Therefore, the level of responsibility for illegal transactions of shadow businessmen is noted in several regulations:

  1. Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: for lack of registration with the tax office, a fine of 500 to 2000 rubles is provided, and for lack of a license (for example, to sell alcohol) - from 2000 to 2500 rubles. with confiscation of products.
  2. Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: if there is no registration of a business, but there is income in large (from 1.5 million rubles) or especially large (from 6 million rubles) amounts, a penalty of 3,000 rubles is expected. before arrest for 6 months.
  3. Clause 2 Art. 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: if an entrepreneur has not registered, but his income has been recorded, it is possible to recover 10% of their total amount, but not less than 40,000 rubles.

It turns out that commercial activity without registering an individual entrepreneur can bring much greater financial losses than regular contributions to the state. The tax office can find out that a businessman is actually making a profit from the bank, which records constant income to the account. To begin with, a bank employee may ask you personally where the funds come from and ask for supporting documents. Afterwards, by decision of the court (if the case comes to it), a search of the apartment and other property is carried out, and transactions on the accounts are checked in detail.

Commercial activity without registering an individual entrepreneur can bring much greater financial losses than regular contributions to the state.

Each entrepreneur decides for himself whether to work legally or constantly be at risk. The legality of a business is a good incentive for the development of an enterprise, even one located on the Internet. In addition, the official status of an individual entrepreneur will allow, over time, to expand the boundaries of sales, engage in wholesale sales and open retail outlets in the city without any problems.

How to open your online store from scratch and without investment? On which platform is it better to create it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this business?

Hello, dear readers! With you are the founders of the site HeatherBober.ru Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

Today we will consider such a popular topic among many novice entrepreneurs as an online store. This is the most popular and affordable way to make money for beginning online entrepreneurs.

In this article you will find step-by-step technology for launching your online store and answers to frequently asked questions.

Make yourself comfortable, let's go!

1. What you need to know before opening your own online store

If you are thinking about opening an online store, then first you will need to find out general information on this topic.

Online store- a virtual trading platform on the network offering certain goods (services). Most often, an online store sells several products (tens and hundreds), structured in the form of a trade catalog with a description and price.

Many beginning entrepreneurs naively believe that opening such a business is very simple: create a website, fill it with goods and make a good profit.

But how do things really stand?

Is it true is that an online store is a complex business like any other and creating it is not so easy.

Selling online through a website is not without its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening an online store compared to an offline store

Below is a comparison table between a regular grocery store that we see every day when we leave home and an online store:

Business assessment criteria Regular store Online store
Initial investment in the projectfrom 500,000 rublesfrom 50,000 rubles
Number of stafffrom 1 personfrom 1 person
Monthly costsfrom 50,000 rublesfrom 20,000 rubles
Paying taxesYesYes
Opportunity to comprehensively evaluate a productYesNo
Ease of orderingComfortableComfortable
Payment in different waysYesYes
Buyer ConfidenceGoodWeak
Product cost in %100% 50-95%
Difficulty in establishing business processesDifficultDifficult

As you can see, both types of stores have both advantages and disadvantages.

Regular store:

Online store:

Promoted online stores are practically free of the problem of low customer trust.

For example, the largest online store in RuNet, ozon.ru, has gained a good reputation and millions of satisfied customers over many years of existence.

The online shoe store zappos.com is successfully operating in the American market. When the company first entered the market, many said that the project would fail, because shoes needed to be tried on before buying.

However, today this company is worth a BILLION dollars!

All the founders of such large-scale businesses have gone through a difficult path, but to become so, their creators needed years of hard work. If these difficulties do not frighten you, then continue.

The main question is what to sell?

Below we will take a closer look at the issue of choosing a niche for your online store. Now let's give some basic tips:

  1. First, try to find a niche with high and constant demand. Creating demand from scratch with small investments (typical for beginners) is more expensive.
  2. Secondly, limit the range of products. Hundreds of items with dozens of suppliers will come later - at the start it is better to start with a maximum of 10-30 positions in the catalog. And 1-2 suppliers.
  3. Finally, what is more important is not the product itself, but how you will differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Let's give an example. Cell phones are an old, very competitive niche. It would seem that only such market monsters as Svyaznoy and Euroset can make money here. But in fact, there are a large number of online stores on the market that successfully sell mobile phones.

For example, Video-shoper.ru is a well-known online store. Built from scratch, without large initial investments. Now the average site traffic (per day) is 12,000-15,000 people. There are more than 100 employees on staff. The founder’s first purchases were made literally “from his salary,” and today shipments come directly from China. This is a good example of how, with the right approach, you can work in almost any niche.

The owner of Video-shoper, Nikolai Fedotkin, says that the main thing in the successful start of his store was precisely the successful construction from competitors - an unusual description of goods, a focus on video reviews, as well as a large number of bonuses and gifts upon purchase. Already in the first year, the site sold more than 100 pipes per day.

In fact, there are thousands of ready-made ideas around you. In order to find them, we advise you to communicate more often with successful owners of existing online stores (this is logical).

Moreover, now nothing is simpler. For example, the same Fedotkin created a large club of online store owners Imsider. Among its participants are the owners of a wide variety of websites selling almost any product: cosmetics, shoes, fur coats, small electronics, furniture, children's products, and so on. Some come to the club with already existing projects, others start from scratch. The club constantly organizes online and offline gatherings, shares interesting developments and ideas for new products.

Enter the phrase you are interested in for analysis in the search bar. For example: "!baby!strollers"

Write the words the same way as in the example - in quotation marks and with exclamation marks! So the search robot will give you the exact number of requests per month in exactly this wording.

If you see that people request this phrase several thousand times a month, it means the niche is in demand.

Here in the settings you can analyze this request by region and look at its history in order to find out whether this request has seasonality.

After all these actions, you have a fairly complete picture of the niche itself and the main players with whom you will compete.

So, you have decided on a niche, but if you have a question about where to get the product itself for your online store, watch the video from the training center “Your Start”

Today we are in the center of an information revolution, the likes of which have never been known to mankind: the number of network users is 3.7 billion people and is constantly growing. At the same time, the scale of online trading is growing. For example, 90% of villagers in southern China are involved, presenting their products on various online platforms. Online trading is also of interest to Russian entrepreneurs, who often ask whether it is necessary to open an individual entrepreneur for an online store. Let's try to understand this issue.

Is it possible to open an online store without registration?

Selling goods through an online store implies financial benefits, regardless of whether the citizen is engaged in repurchasing goods or running an affiliate program.

According to current legislation, to conduct activities in the field of online trading, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity.

That is, an individual entrepreneur can open an online store, but activities without appropriate registration will be illegal.

Let us note that, according to experts in the field of online sales, about 90% of chain stores engage in trade without notifying the tax authorities. However, if the authorities discover such an illegal store - and it is not at all difficult to find it - the person who opened it will be held accountable before the law.

Newcomers to the business world are also interested in whether it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur for the VKontakte online store, and the answer to this question is clear: if a group on the site created with a social network account begins to consistently generate profits and performs the functions of an online store, then registration is simply necessary.

Selling online without registration

You should know that there are situations where formal registration of network sales is not necessary. For example, if a person sells goods or services on the Internet a couple of times a year, but these actions are not systematic: say, they put on the site an unnecessary piece of furniture, an old TV, or a boring coat.

Another example would be the sale of goods at prices below cost or purchase prices in cases where the purchased goods were not suitable for some reason. In such a situation, the seller does not actually make a profit.

Both situations described do not fall under the definition of entrepreneurial activity, and therefore do not require official registration. However, an online store is a completely different case; it is just systematic sales at a price favorable to the seller.

Reasons entrepreneurs do not want to register

There are a number of reasons why entrepreneurs do not want to formalize their business and prefer to operate in the shadows.

The main reason, as at any time, is taxes and fees, which may well make up a significant part of the profit of a new businessman. In 2019, a businessman will have to give at least 6% of profits to the state treasury, and sometimes more, depending on the tax regime.

A good reason is also the reluctance to keep records, prepare and submit reports to various funds, tax and supervisory authorities.

Consequences of doing business without registration

Since the state is interested in the official registration of any case in order to receive funds into the treasury, penalties for shadow entrepreneurs are noted in several regulations (articles of the Criminal Code, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Code of Administrative Offences).

According to the law, an online store without an individual entrepreneur, LLC or other method of organizing a business will entail the following sanctions:

  • a fine of 500-2,000 rubles for lack of registration with the tax authorities;
  • a fine of 2,000-2,500 rubles and confiscation of goods for lack of a license to sell (for example, tobacco products);
  • punishment from 3,000 rubles fine to 6 months of arrest if there is income in large and especially large amounts (from 1.5 to 6 million rubles);
  • a fine of up to 10% of total income (but not more than 40 thousand rubles) if the entrepreneur’s profit was recorded in the absence of registration.

It follows from this that losses in the event of illegal activities may exceed the income from its conduct. It is much more profitable for an entrepreneur to officially register his business than to hide from the consequences later.

Choosing a form of ownership

It can be difficult for a novice entrepreneur to choose what is better for an online store – an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. It is definitely difficult to answer this, since both forms of management have their advantages and disadvantages.

An individual entrepreneur is an individual who can work without employees and independently manage revenue. Special tax regimes simplify reporting and reduce the tax burden.

A limited liability company is an organization - a legal entity - to open which you need authorized capital and at least 1 officially registered employee. As a founder, the owner of the business will receive income in the form of dividends no more often than once a quarter.

IP is easier to register and requires less costs. An LLC sounds more reputable; clients, banks and suppliers are more willing to cooperate with a legal entity. However, economists advise beginners in business to start with an individual entrepreneur, and then, if desired, change the form of business.

How to register an individual entrepreneur for an online store

To register an individual entrepreneurship, you need to go through the appropriate registration procedure with the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration or place of residence. There are several ways to open an individual business:

  1. Self-registration. From the point of view of experts, this is the preferred method, since it allows the future businessman to understand the essence of the work of government agencies.
  2. Registration through intermediaries. Often they are law firms or multifunctional centers.
  3. Online registration. This method is especially suitable for confident PC users who value their time.

Procedure for submitting documents

In order to register an individual entrepreneur for an online store with the Federal Tax Service, you will have to go through the necessary procedures and submit certain documents.

In particular, to register an individual entrepreneur you need:

The official website of the Federal Tax Service will help you see examples of document preparation, as well as learn more about the procedure for opening a business.

Choosing a tax system for an online store

  • An important problem that beginning businessmen face is the choice of taxation regime, and therefore they are often interested in which taxation is better for an individual entrepreneur in an online store in retail and wholesale. The following options are possible for entrepreneurship in this area:
  • general taxation system (OSNO);
  • simplified system (STS);
  • patent system.

Another convenient option is to obtain a patent for an individual entrepreneur’s online store for a period of up to 12 months.

Document flow for individual entrepreneurs in an online store

  • Opening a current account is the first problem that an individual entrepreneur will face when he has just opened his online store and started receiving orders. Covering the issue briefly, we note that the main securities in this case are:
  • USRIP record sheet;
  • copy of the passport;
  • if necessary, a license to operate.

The next thing that the future owner of an online store needs to pay attention to is tax reporting, the volume of which depends on the chosen taxation regime.

Any individual entrepreneur is required to register with the Pension Fund and pay contributions there, which means mandatory submission of documents to the Pension Fund. Contributions to this fund are not tied to the tax system.

However, there are also certain benefits, for example, for people who have opened an online store, but are also caring for a child under 1.5 years old or a disabled person.

The owner of an online store is required to pay fees and report to insurance funds, such as the mandatory medical insurance funds (FFOMS) and social insurance funds (FSS).

Costs for registering an individual entrepreneur

Today, the cost of opening an individual entrepreneur varies from 800 to 5,000 rubles. It all depends on what additional services the entrepreneur is going to use.

Only the state duty is a mandatory payment. Everything else, be it money to open an account, a notarized power of attorney, or funds to make a seal, is optional.

What are the advantages of IP

Having figured out how to open an individual entrepreneur for an online store, let’s look at the advantages of this form of business. First of all, individual entrepreneurship does not require large financial costs at the initial stage of doing business.

Individual entrepreneurs are allowed simplified accounting. And most importantly, the entrepreneur can freely manage the funds in his bank account. This way of doing business is indeed preferable for new entrepreneurs who are planning to open their own online store.

How to open an online store: Video

Here we will look at information on how to become an Internet provider, what equipment is needed for this and what is needed in general.

To a large number of different people, and even some businessmen, the scheme for organizing the activities of an Internet provider may seem very complex and confusing from a technical point of view. Therefore, the number of entrepreneurs entering the telecommunications market is not so large. But everything is not as difficult as it seems at first. If you do not look at the organization of an Internet provider as a complex technical system, but as a business, then everything comes down to three simple points.

Necessary equipment

We present to you the minimum list of equipment that you will need to organize provisioning:

  • Web servers;
  • Mail servers (can be combined with web servers on small systems);
  • FTP servers (usually combined with web servers);
  • Identification and terminal servers;
  • Master server;
  • Secondary servers;
  • News servers (optional);
  • Servers for development and control;
  • Registration server (for online registration, option);
  • Calculation server (optional);
  • Typical server (on large systems);
  • Router;
  • Protection against unauthorized hacking of the system;
  • Network switches;
  • Equipment racks;
  • Cables, tools and control equipment;
  • Remote access server;
  • Administrative panel and printer;
  • Uninterruptible power supplies (at least 1 hour of supply);
  • Cabinets, racks, etc.;
  • Spare parts.

All your main costs will be related to equipment. To purchase it at minimum prices and quantities (for a small Internet provider) it will cost from 2-3 million rubles. Here it will be very important for you to seek advice from specialists, because... They will help you avoid making incorrect and unnecessary purchases.

How to become an Internet provider - organizational and legal part

So, let's look at the information on how to become a provider from the point of view of organizing this business.


Internet providing, just like every other type of business activity, must be headed only by a legal entity. Therefore, the first step is to register a “Limited Liability Company” and obtain all the necessary documents for the Internet provider. The process of registering a “Limited Liability Company” can take from five to thirty calendar days, and the time for registering a legal entity is about five calendar days. Upon receipt of all registration documents for an Internet provider, it is mandatory to obtain a stamp and open an account at a bank institution. The time it takes to open an account depends primarily on the bank you choose and ranges from two days to several weeks. Don’t forget - for bank account servicing operations, you will need copies of constituent documents, copies of state registration documents, and a certificate of tax registration.

The approximate cost is about 15,800 rubles. This amount includes:

  • The state fee for registering a Limited Liability Company is 4,000 rubles;
  • The minimum amount of authorized capital is 10,000 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the certificate – 100 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the Internet provider’s charter – 500 rubles;
  • Notarized copy of the constituent agreement – ​​1,200 rubles.


After completing all the work of the first stage, you should begin to fine-tune your business. To legalize the activities of our Internet provider, mandatory communications licenses are required, since it is a communications operator.

List of licenses:

  1. License for telematic services;
  2. License for data transmission, with the exception of data transmission for the purposes of voice information.

An Internet provider may also need additional licenses, but this is only when you intend to provide services not only for client access to the Internet, but also others, such as IP telephony, hosting, data backup, cable television and others. You can arrange licenses for an Internet provider yourself, but if you do not have enough experience in this area, you should seek help from a consulting company - this will give you the opportunity to save unnecessary costs and valuable time. The time that will be spent at this stage can vary from ten to forty-five days. It will take two to three days to check and submit all necessary papers to Roskomnadzor, and for up to forty-five days, according to the law, your application will be considered.

The approximate cost will be about 28,000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • The state fee for obtaining two licenses is 12,000 rubles;
  • Provision of services by a consulting company - from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles;

After receiving all the necessary licenses and documents, the Internet provider must begin to provide communication services, this is our final point.

Final part

After the time for reviewing licenses has expired, and having received a positive response, we will proceed to the final stage. To finally secure the status of an Internet provider, you need to create a project for a communication center and submit it to Roskomnadzor for examination. For a project to successfully pass the examination, it must meet a large number of criteria. These criteria concern both the project itself and the designers, as well as the technical equipment of the site. The Internet provider's software must be exclusively licensed and have all certificates of compliance in the Communications Certification System, with special attention paid to TM and PD servers, Billing and channel-forming equipment. After successfully passing the expert assessment at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIR IT., commissioning is carried out. The stage of technical preparation of equipment is the longest. Depending on the amount of work, designing a node can take from two weeks to three months, and an expert assessment of the project in MIR IT., from a month to a year.

Stages of putting a communication center into operation:

  • Notification from Roskomnadzor about the start of construction of a communication facility;
  • Collection of all necessary documents, in accordance with Order 113;
  • Notification from Rossvyaznadzor about the completion of construction, with a petition to appoint a RSN representative to the selection committee;
  • Review of documents by the RSN inspector, and inspection of PD and TM components;
  • Obtaining permission to operate.

Approximate cost: 70,000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • Unit design – 35,000 rubles;
  • Expert assessment at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Center MIR IT. – amounts to 30% of the design cost.
  • Commissioning – 30,000 rubles.

Each of us at least once in our lives thought about our own business. Of course, there are always a lot of ideas in your head, but the question arises, how to open your own business?

In our modern age of advanced technology, an increasing number of purchases and orders are made via the Internet. We love, sitting comfortably in our chair, flipping through the pages, selecting the right product, carefully studying its properties. Therefore, the opportunity to open an online store becomes most relevant. In addition, this option has a number of undeniable advantages.

Business on the Internet is now very promising, and online stores are a relatively simple way to earn money and sell your goods online.

After reading the article to the end, you will learn:

  • How to open an online store from scratch?
  • Which engine (CMS platform) is better to choose to create it?
  • What to sell in an online store?
  • How much does it cost to create an online store?
  • Is it possible to create an online store without investing your own funds?
  • What do step-by-step instructions for starting an online store look like?

We tried to sort out all the valuable information on the shelves. Below you will also find a step-by-step strategy for quickly launching an online store and answers to key questions about online trading.

Figure 1. Step-by-step instructions on how to open a profitable online store from scratch

1. How to open an online store - 7 steps before launching it

Online trading is gaining momentum every year, and sales volumes are increasing accordingly. If you decide to open an online store, then you first need to think about what you will sell.

What product is in demand these days?

Many people immediately start developing a website, but this requires a basis, that is, you need to decide what you will sell and how the store will operate.

Come up with a beautiful and attractive domain name for your website. It is advisable that the name of the site reflects the product component of the store. Once you've chosen your title and domain name, you'll want to consider a content management system (CMS).

Content Management System (CMS platform) is the engine (engine) for creating a website.

These systems are either paid or free.

Currently, there are Internet networks large selection of free CMS. Considered one of the best "OpenCart", and "PrastaShop".

The popularity of these systems is associated with a large selection of additional modules that allow you to increase the capabilities of the store.

To work with these systems, download the archive file from the official website (selected CMS). Next, look for instructions on the Internet and install the system on your hosting.

When you start working on the website design, focus mainly on intuitiveness and clarity for the future user. These are the two main components of site traffic.

Figure 3. Choosing a CMS for your online store

Stage No. 3. Organization of an online store

After choosing a product for the store and finding suppliers, you can proceed to registering a company. At this stage, you will have a choice: register as a private person (individual entrepreneur - IP) or as a legal entity.

2.2. The existence of options to open an online store for free - from scratch yourself (almost without investments) and with an investment of money

Now that all the preliminary issues are behind us and decisions have already been made, you need to understand what amount of money is needed for this business.

Figure 6. Ways to create an online store

Based on the volume of invested funds, two main areas can be distinguished:

  1. Opening from scratch (minimum amount);
  2. Opening with attachments.

Let's look at how these methods behave in reality.

Option #1. Opening an online store from scratch (with minimal cash investment)

This method will be acceptable for those who open a store with a single product. At the same time, you will need to create a selling website yourself (it will be free if you develop it from scratch on your own) and place advertising.

As practice shows, the amount of initial costs can be from 100-200 dollars.

Currently, there are special services on the Internet that help you open your own trading platform. Depending on which ones you decide to use, paid or free, you will also receive the corresponding functionality.

Working with landing page, you can create your own online store in a few days.

Option #2. Opening an online store with attachments

Of course, if you rely on scale, the amount of starting capital will be large.

By creating a huge assortment, hiring a team of specialists, working on volumes, the amount of costs can begin from hundreds of thousands of rubles.

If you don’t have that kind of money, you can try to meet in 1000 dollars. With the right approach, site efficiency, sales and even profit are ensured.

Costs can be distributed as follows:

  • Working with the site, its creation, programming, layout, design ( from 0 * to 100,000-300,000 rubles);
  • Accounting system "1C" ( from 0* to 10,000-15,000 rubles);
  • Purchase of goods ( from 0 * to 100,000 rubles and more);
  • Advertising ( from 3000 rubles or more monthly).

*0 - this means that you will do everything yourself with your own hands

The cost of each listed item is decided individually. It all depends on capabilities and skills.

3. Launching an online store - step-by-step instructions

Opening your own trading platform on the Internet is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In this case, you just need to follow certain steps described below.

Step #1. Checking the market: quick niche analysis and product selection

Starting with this step, it is important to understand that it is basic and predetermining. Depending on what you decide to work with, the final result will be obtained.

By her own niche – this is the product line that we will subsequently stock up on.

There are a number of basic criteria for choosing a niche. You should pay special attention to them.

Criterion 1. Demand. Assess the demand for each product you have in mind. See how often people are interested in it, read reviews on various sites.

Criterion 2. Competition. Conduct an analysis of the presence of companies selling similar products on the Internet, count how many there are. The result will be considered positive when your sales are active, having low competition.

Criterion 3. Seasonality.(Or rather, its absence). As a rule, there are products that sell well during the corresponding season. The bulk of the profit occurs for a short period, then a decline occurs. To begin with, try to organize the product so that it is neutral. Don't bet on the sale sleds, summer umbrellas, sunglasses, hats, fur coats, gloves, etc. (This applies more to beginners who are just starting their journey in online sales).

How to choose the right niche for an online store (IM)?

In order to determine the correctness of your choice, there is one sure way:

  1. Find the service in the search bar "Yandex.Wordstat";
  2. go there and in the active window type a search phrase, for example: "!men's!" watch" . Please note that both quotation marks and exclamation marks are important here. Only then will the results be more accurate.
  3. Evaluate the numbers generated by the computer.

Now it becomes clear how many purchase requests were made by consumers that month.

By expanding the search, you can request information by region, clarify the history, and this data will add up to a complete picture for you.

Now the assumptions are confirmed by clear data.

Step #2. We draw up a business plan for an online store

Now we take paper and pen in our hands and begin to make calculations, drawing up a business plan.

It is impossible to skip this step, as it gives a complete picture of the upcoming costs and the time of sales profitability.

Such a document mainly contains the following sections:

  1. Summary(project justification);
  2. Legal section(definition of the form of ownership, procedure for its registration);
  3. Description of goods and services(more detailed characteristics);
  4. Market analysis(data on the main sales of competitors, marketing directions, methods of work of other sellers);
  5. Production plan(calculation of basic capacities, the amount for the purchase of necessary equipment and consumables, the basis of delivery and its cost, the stages of the production process);
  6. Organizational plan(description of the actions of a business organization, determination of their time frame);
  7. Financial plan(calculation of all necessary costs, both one-time and periodic. Determination of the profitability of the project and its break-even point);
  8. Description of risks(options for the development of events, expected results, payback analysis);
  9. Conclusion.

You can also look more clearly at the finished one using the example of a web studio.

Step #3. We create a design, develop functionality, fill the online store with goods

Figure 7. We create an online store for free on our own from scratch or through a designer

When starting these developments, you can choose 2 main directions:

1) Use the services of a ready-made website.

The action algorithm is simple:

  1. We find the page “ www.umi-cms.ru»;
  2. select a section - ready-made sites;
  3. open the tab - online stores.

Here you can study all the necessary conditions and try to create the desired website yourself.

2) Order the development of an online store.

This is the simplest, but most expensive method. Here you need to find the right specialists who can fulfill your order according to the required conditions.

As a result, you will receive not only a professional-quality design, but also layout, correctly connected payment systems, with various payment methods.

Now you can either fill your online store with goods yourself, using an established template, or entrust this work to the same specialists.

In order to avoid problems with the law, it is important to correctly register your own enterprise (you need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC) and receive all the documents confirming your status.

Currently, there are a huge number of companies that are ready to do this service for you, eliminating queues and additional visits. But such actions cost money. Although, there is nothing complicated here, just study the information and visit the main authorities.

Step #4. We launch advertising for IM

Depending on the choice of product sold, you can use different types:

  1. Contextual- this is an ad that will be constantly displayed on various scheduled pages of sites. (Read about Yandex.Direct contextual advertising)
  2. Banner is a graphic image with specific links, placed on sites with high traffic.
  3. Teaser– this is part of the necessary information about the product, indicated in the form of a riddle, increasing the desire to go to the advertiser’s website. (Read more in the article - “”)

If you have the required level of professionalism, experience and the ability to present information about your own store, then you can try to do everything yourself. Otherwise, it is always easy to contact specialists who will help you choose the direction of advertising, create its design, and compile media plan(this is a document that regulates outputs in time, coordination with various channels, relative to the proposed budget).

Step #5. If everything is done correctly, we receive the first orders and profit

All the main steps have been completed, now we look at the activity of visiting the site, analyze the purchases made and continue working.

You can also use cold calling to attract leads from people you have never contacted before. Read more about cold calling, what it is and how to achieve success.

When receiving your profit, please consider how relevant the sale of this or that type of product is, what reviews the buyer leaves, ask to write his wishes.

Based on emerging data, improve the performance of your own store. There may be a need to purchase related products, or to register them after purchase.

Divide your own budget, which you manage to form, taking into account the need to continue investing in the purchase of goods and advertising.

Step #6. We develop our business and become an Internet giant

If you do not set goals for your online store to become the largest on the Internet, then it will never achieve great success. Only if you are determined to achieve great success is it possible to achieve a lot, even if not the highest peaks.

4. Frequently asked questions about opening (creating and promoting) your online store

In order to avoid fear in the first stages of creating your own business on the Internet, we will provide answers to the main questions most often asked by beginners.

Figure 8. Popular questions about opening online stores

Question No. 1: I want to open an online store - where to start and what is best to sell in it?

Answer: Determine the type of product you will work with, evaluate its market niche, make sure it is competitive (discussed above), and then start creating your business plan. Next, decide how you will create an online store - yourself (on your own and with minimal investment from scratch) or order it from professionals(you can find performers inexpensively on freelance sites).

Question No. 2: What is the cost of opening an online store?

Answer: In fact, you can count on any budget, but both the volume and scale of the work depend on its size. In general, the minimum amount of starting capital can be from 500-1000 dollars.

Question No. 3: Name the engines (designers) with which you can create an online store for free yourself “from scratch”

Answer: To solve this issue, you can use 3 common engines:

  1. PrestaShop(www.prestashop.com);
  2. OpenCart(www.opencart.com);
  3. joomla + virtuemart(www.joomla.org + virtuemart.net)

Why did we offer these particular CMS platforms? Since they are quite simple, but functional, especially completely free. There are inexpensive and free extensions + ready-made themes in the arsenal - in general, everything to quickly open an online store yourself and, developing it, make a profit.

Currently, there are a large number of offers for free programming of online stores.

It is enough to spend a little of your own time, and you can figure everything out on your own. If this still does not work, contact specialists.

Question No. 4: What to do if you have no money at all? What can you recommend?

Answer: In this case, it is best to earn them first. In any case, there is no such thing as zero investments, and starting a business with borrowed funds without proper experience is very risky.

Question No. 5: How to start such a business with money but no time?

Answer: Everything is simple here. Contact special agencies that deal with such issues. They will study the parameters you want and develop several proposals. All you have to do is make a choice.

5. Conclusion

Starting your own business is very interesting, but troublesome. In any case, such a question requires special study and a lot of time.

Of course, an online store has a number of advantages:

  • it requires less cost to create it,
  • the trading platform is virtual,
  • Replenishment of goods can be done directly from the manufacturer’s warehouse, but this does not relieve responsibility from your shoulders.

There is nothing complicated in its organization; it is enough to follow the simple plan outlined earlier and correctly draw up a list of necessary costs in order to decide on the amount of starting capital at the idea stage.

Online store – this is an ideal solution for those who want to realize their potential, but are afraid to start, citing lack of experience.