How to start living your own life. How to start living your life

General weakness is the most common morbid condition and is even more common than headache. Its essence - we do not have enough strength for a normal life. Nutrients are continuously burned in our cells with the help of oxygen, and the resulting energy is spent on living and working, feeling and loving, maintaining body heat and restoring health. When we lack energy, we quickly get tired, at first we are nervous and irritated (“what happened?”), And then we fall into an apathetic state, somewhat similar to the Buddhist “no feelings and no desires.” Want nothing. It is difficult to concentrate, gather and act. At times such weakness attacks that the legs give way. She wants to lie down and not move. Sometimes the head is a little dizzy and there is no appetite. You feel unimportant, and what is wrong is difficult to formulate. And you say: "I'm somehow not myself." There are many reasons for energy deficiency. And we will look at the most typical ones and tell you when you need to urgently run ... no, running will not work very well, rather - crawl or trudge to the doctor.

Severe weakness, causes

Chronic sleep deprivation

If you sleep less than seven hours several nights a week, substances that cause fatigue gradually accumulate in your blood. Energy reserves are not replenished. And you miss her. What to do British doctors have found that one night of long sleep, to eliminate weekly or monthly lack of sleep, is not enough. It is required to compensate for the entire deficit, according to the number of hours. I missed five hours - I need to sleep exactly five, otherwise weakness will remain. Day sleep can replace night sleep only when you sleep in a dark room: in the dark, melatonin is produced in the brain, which is responsible for restoring the body's energy reserves. And for its renewal and improvement.

I was exhausted physically, because I worked hard, long and hard

Avrals gobble up all reserves and disturb the hormonal balance, which is responsible for energy production at the cellular level.

What to do

Rest for a long time. Return the balance back to normal: take a course of spa treatments, massage or acupuncture, take drugs that increase the body's energy - coenzyme Q, vitamins of group B. Some are helped by complexes with gotukola or ginkgo biloba, small doses of eleutherococcus. As for them, you should consult with your family doctor, since these drugs are really active.

Emotional overstrain

Are you worried about someone, caring for a sick relative, getting a divorce? Emotional overstrain is unpleasant because after a period of prolonged weakness, apathy and despondency, it sometimes leads to a serious illness. And we never know which place in our body will be weak and which system will fail first - either the joints will fail, or an ulcer will form in the stomach. What to do The conflict must be abruptly and irrevocably stopped in any way: even if it leads to new problems, they will cause a different reaction and will not "hit the sick."

Tired of the usual monotonous activities

It immerses us with its monotony in an oppressed state. We are not so much weak as half-asleep, lethargic and inhibited. This condition is typical for those who work without vacation.

What to do

We think we need to rest and sleep. In fact, we need an influx of energy from outside: we gain strength in movement and in new impressions. Weekends are spent on a walk around the city or in nature, on foot, on a bicycle, on roller skates, we leave for a couple of days somewhere in a country guest house.


Weakness and dizziness appear before nausea in the morning. Sometimes pregnant women don’t have any nausea at all, only terrible weakness torments them - they can’t get out of bed in the morning.

What to do

Look at your calendar, if your period is late, buy an express test at the pharmacy and check. You never know what ... Both the use of a condom, and the use of hormonal contraceptives, and the age of "over 39" do not provide one hundred percent protection against unwanted pregnancy.


With lethargy, melancholy and lack of desires, we think about it most often. We dump all our feminine weakness on her. Sometimes it is convenient for us, and even for individual doctors, to call an incomprehensible ailment depression and prescribe pills that level the mood. But in fact, depression is not so common.

What to do

Smart doctors diagnose depression by exclusion, as a last resort when everything else has been ruled out. So do not rush to announce to everyone that you have "weakened from depression." Read the article further.

What to do if you are worried about general weakness

Within 14 days, it is permissible to deal with your weakness on your own. If it doesn't get better in 14 days, go to the family doctor. If, in addition to weakness, some other symptoms appear - severe dizziness, nausea, headache, skin rashes, fever, cough - go to the doctor. Referral for a detailed blood test, including sugar. Referral for lung x-ray. Referral for ultrasound - all that is possible and that the doctor deems appropriate. Specialist consultations - neurologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, hematologist (blood doctor), immunologist (deals with immune problems), psychiatrist (treats depression).

Any medicine - from analgin to an antibiotic - can cause weakness during administration, as they write in the annotations to the drugs. When we live a life we ​​don't like, we may feel tired and often weak, as all the forces of the body are directed to make us live the way we don't want to.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Birth control pills

They interfere with our hormonal balance and can cause a depressed and depressed state, as before menstruation.

Go to the gynecologist

And tell me about your feelings. Your doctor will choose another method of contraception for you. It is desirable - not connected with hormones.

Incipient viral infection

The body does not know whether to get sick, or to protect itself from the virus. It behaves like a computer with too many programs open: it runs slowly and crashes. At the same time, it can slightly ache in the throat and break the joints and back. Options are possible: eat ice cream or go to the bath - then, from a shake, you will either get sick or recover, and an incomprehensible weakness will either turn into an acute respiratory disease, or stop pestering you. You can take vitamin C: data on its usefulness are contradictory, but it undoubtedly gives a surge of energy - all scientists are united in this. Dose - from 0.5 to 1 g per day for a week. It is not known why such a “pre-infectious” weakness is relieved by ordinary aspirin - just take it after meals so as not to irritate the stomach. It is likely that it will not only give strength, but also prevent the development of a cold or flu.

Chronic viral infection

In our body, many viruses constantly live, mainly belonging to the herpes group. These viruses are found in 90% of the population. A person derives great benefit from cohabitation with them: they provide us with cross-immunity, which protects us from other, much more dangerous infections. Our immune system controls the amount and activity of "their" viruses, and they do not harm us. Sometimes our immune system weakens, and then cohabitant viruses get out of control, become active, multiply violently and cause diseases and painful conditions, for example, the Epstein-Barr virus is the cause of infectious mononucleosis, similar to angina, or prolonged general weakness and " incomprehensible malaise. Due to muscle spasms and altered vertebrae, the blood supply to the brain can be disturbed. In this case, the weakness comes in attacks as soon as the vessels narrow more strongly, and is often associated with a change in the position of the head.

What to do

Don't move your head or lift your chin to look at the starry sky. Carefully take your head to a neurologist for examination of the vertebrae and cerebral vessels. The doctor will prescribe treatment, and everything will pass. Take a blood test and evaluate the amount of antibodies to this type of virus. When it is activated, there will be a lot of antibodies in the blood. It is advisable to conduct immunological examinations and find out which part of the immune system has suffered. The doctor then prescribes a personalized treatment to restore the immune system's control of the virus and reduce the amount of virus in the blood. It is very important to determine why the immune system failed - whether chronic stress is to blame, or a concomitant disease, and eliminate the cause.


This is common name diseases in which the blood carries little oxygen. Anemia is often associated with iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies. If we do not have enough iron, then hemoglobin is produced of poor quality and is not able to retain oxygen. Iron deficiency affects women who follow a very strict diet. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs in strict vegetarians - vitamin B12, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, comes to us with meat, fish, milk and eggs. Refusal of them often causes anemia. Absorption in the digestive tract of vitamin Bi2 and iron is a specific reaction of some people to long-term stress. Not enough iron in the blood, not enough vitamin B12? Eat meat, especially beef and turkey, liver, cheese and eggs. And forget about “iron from an apple”: there is no vitamin B12 in plants, and iron is in a form that is almost not absorbed by the body. Children's cereals and mixtures are good for increasing hemoglobin, since substances useful for blood are specially added to them. If you are a strict vegetarian, buy breakfast cereals and foods fortified with B vitamins and iron. Vitamin B12 is produced by kombucha and kefir fungus. Therefore, drinks from them are very useful for everyone, and especially for those whose blood counts worsen from stress.

Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

The thyroid gland is responsible for the metabolic rate, and a decrease in its activity leads to the fact that all metabolic processes, as well as thinking, digestion, and heartbeat, slow down. Weakness in hypothyroidism is accompanied by unreasonable weight gain and memory impairment.

What to do

Go see an endocrinologist. He will prescribe an examination and tell you what to drink.


Often severe weakness is the first sign of diabetes. In diabetes, glucose, the main source of energy, does not enter the cells and accumulates in the blood. You can think about it as a cause of weakness if one of your parents suffers from this disease.

What to do

If such a thought occurs to you, immediately stop eating sugar, sweets and white bread. And go donate blood for sugar - in the morning, on an empty stomach.


Its probability is small, but, nevertheless, it should not be neglected. It is characterized by a slight, constant and automatic cough, not associated with a sensation of "tickling" in the throat, and a slightly elevated temperature in the evenings. Get a referral from your family doctor for a lung x-ray. Coffee and contrast showers are classics of the genre. A new, effective and completely innocent remedy - green tea brewed in the evening, strong, tart, cool, with fresh mint. Squeeze a slice of lemon into it and drink it without getting out of bed. Caffeine from green tea, mint, and organic acids from lemon tone blood vessels and normalize blood pressure quickly and for a long time.

If you do not have the strength and energy to constantly want to sleep - this is most often the result of stress and overwork. It happens that fatigue is one of the signs of undiagnosed diseases - diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney and liver diseases.
Why you want to sleep all the time and how to deal with it, you will learn in this article.

What is fatigue and when does it most often appear?

Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness - the causes, the treatment of these ailments depend on the factors that caused them.
Fatigue is a disease that may, although it should not, indicate the development of a disease.

Distinguish between physical and mental fatigue, although in many cases both types of fatigue appear simultaneously. It should be noted when this ailment is often repeated, is chronic.

In this case, it affects the reduction of daily physical activity and weakens the ability to perceive, impairs concentration and memory.

Feeling tired is often accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy during the day.
Chronic low energy is a problem that can affect people in all age groups, regardless of gender or position.

Despite the fact that people encounter these symptoms very often, as a rule, they do not pay attention to them, and simply ignore them.

Fatigue in the vast majority of cases is a manifestation of minor conditions, such as, for example, overwork, the need to work for a long period of time without rest, severe mental stress and chronic stress.

In these situations, a decline in strength, as a rule, does not indicate the development of the disease. A chronic illness can threaten health, for example, it can be a risk factor for developing heart disease, neurotic disorders, or insomnia. It happens that forces return after rest.

chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a unit of illness in which the dominant symptom (sometimes the only one) is feeling tired and sleepy.

This syndrome is noted when you experience a physical and mental breakdown that accompanies you without a break for at least 6 months.

This disease affects most often young, professionally active people, much more often women. You can also observe CFS in the elderly, inactive people.

In addition to a constant feeling of fatigue, there are violations of concentration and attention, memory problems, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.

There may be complaints from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea,.
The detection of this syndrome requires a differential diagnosis, in order to recognize CFS, the doctor must exclude all others. possible reasons this state.

Still not in medicine effective methods treatment of this disease.
In alleviating CFS, the most important action is to change the rhythm of life, that is, the allocation of time for rest and physical activity. The benefits of psychotherapy are increasingly being emphasized.

What diseases cause constant loss of strength and drowsiness?

Why you are accompanied by such ailments as constantly wanting to sleep and severe fatigue, the causes of these symptoms are different units of illness.