Formation and development of the concept of marketing in tourism. Implementation of the marketing concept in a tourism enterprise The concept of marketing concepts in tourism

The entry of international tourism into the number of leading sectors of the world economy is accompanied by profound structural changes in the processes of production and distribution of tourism services. We observe, on the one hand, the constant segmentation and diversification of demand and supply in the field of international tourist travel, on the other hand, the integration and globalization of the production and distribution of tourism products, a sharp increase in competition not only at the level of economic entities, but also between various tourist centers, regions and even countries.

In these conditions, marketing began to be actively used by numerous tourism enterprises: travel agencies, hotels, transport enterprises, catering establishments, excursion bureaus, etc., for which the main thing in marketing policy is the struggle for survival and strengthening their position in the international tourism market.

There are several approaches to defining marketing, which depend on the role played by marketing in the enterprise. For example, marketing can be considered one of the usual management functions along with production, finance and personnel.

Another approach identifies marketing as a more important management function than others. Another approach gives us the definition of marketing as the main management function. There is an approach according to which satisfaction of the needs and demands of the consumer comes first as the main control function of management, and marketing becomes equivalent to production, financial, and personnel functions. The growth of competition forces us to determine the satisfaction of consumer needs and requests as the main control function, and consider marketing as the main integrating function.

Thus, marketing in international tourism can be defined as a set of activities to study the production and sales activities of an enterprise aimed at maximizing market demand for international tourism services based on an analysis of all factors, including studying the needs and desires of potential international travelers, which influences the promotion of services and goods from the manufacturer of international tourism services to consumers and allowing them to receive maximum profits.

At the same time, marketing in international tourism can be considered as a system for managing trade and industrial business activities aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of market demand for tourism services based on studying the needs and desires of potential international travelers in order to obtain maximum profits.

International tourism marketing has a number of significant features that distinguish it from the marketing of many goods and services. First of all, the tourism product itself, as a complex of services created in one country and sold in another, has the following characteristic differences:

heterogeneity, i.e. lack of uniformity in the performance of the same services;

immateriality, i.e. the inability to evaluate any service until it is performed;

non-storability, i.e. services cannot be stored as physical goods in a warehouse. Any unused service cannot be restored;

inseparability, i.e. services are consumed only at the place of their production; they cannot be transferred to another place.

It should also be emphasized that quality is of particular importance in international tourism marketing. Tourists are paying more and more attention to how they were greeted, how the staff treats them, etc.

Finally, it should be pointed out that in international tourism such marketing functions as production planning and development of a new tourism product, pricing, promotion and sale of services are distributed between two or more foreign firms that have established cooperation with each other.

These features leave a certain imprint on the concept of international tourism marketing. His tasks include:

Recognition and identification of the international tourism market and assessment of the potential demand for international travel that a travel agency can offer to potential tourists;

Proving the need to develop and plan the provision of these services in volume, quality and prices corresponding to the identified demand for them;

Ensuring the promotion and sale of services provided in the international tourism market;

Obtaining maximum profit as a result of implementing these measures.

The listed marketing objectives constitute the essence of its concept, which is based on the fact that the presence of accessible markets and consumer demand for international tourism is the starting position of the marketing activities of a travel agency. When developing a marketing program,

A travel agency engaged in international tourism must have a clear understanding of:

Where is the market located (marketing territory);

Who are potential tourists represented by - target segments;

How many tourists - target segments;

What tourism product do potential tourists show demand for?

When this demand manifests itself;

What prices will be acceptable for potential tourists?

In other words, marketing should help a travel company offer and sell its services in that place, in such quantity and of such quality, as well as at such a time and at such prices that would best suit the selected group of international tourists.

With a positive assessment of these initial positions, the travel agency can plan and implement the entire range of marketing activities, namely, use such technological and management means as the development of a new tourism product and planning its production, pricing, promotion, distribution and sale of the tourism product, allowing to achieve the main goal of marketing. Depending on market conditions, the set of these funds may change. However, due to the modern complex and often unstable internal and external environment, it is necessary to use the so-called integrated marketing (marketing mix), which involves the mobilization of all internal and external resources and capabilities available to the travel agency.

The following sections will discuss in detail all the main elements of integrated international tourism marketing, their content, significance and interaction.

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    Tourism is one of the leading and most dynamic sectors of the global service sector. Thanks to its rapid growth rate, tourism was recognized as an economic phenomenon of the 20th century. The Russian tourism market is also developing.

    The volume of the Russian tourism market has been steadily increasing throughout the last decade. In 2012, its volume (compared to 2011) increased by 14% (or by 149 billion rubles), exceeding 1 trillion rubles (about 1.7% of the Russian Federation’s GDP). If current growth rates are maintained, in 2013 the tourism services market will reach 1.35 trillion rubles.


    The prerequisites for the positive dynamics of the tourism market in the Russian Federation are the increase in the solvency of the population and the consistent development of tourism infrastructure, the increase in the level of penetration of remote banking services, the Internet and Internet services in our country.

    The tourism industry is one of the striking examples of the introduction, development and active use of information and communication technologies in the world. Booking tickets, choosing and paying for a hotel room in any city around the world at any time, anywhere using a mobile device, using electronic payment methods is becoming commonplace for tourists of all ages with a wide range of income levels.

    The tourism services market is moving towards greater transparency and accessibility for the end consumer. According to Aviation EXplorer 1, the increase in the share of tourist services issued on the Internet was recognized as the most noticeable trend in the Russian market in 2012. The structure of demand is changing, shifting towards the independent registration of tourist services on the Internet by the population.

    The development of the tourism market in the Russian Federation will inevitably lead to an increase in the level of competition in this sector of the economy, which, in turn, will require companies operating in the tourism industry to reconsider their attitude to the role of marketing in the company. To remain competitive in the new environment, tourism companies need to move from a customer-centric culture to a market-centric culture.

    At present, a unified approach to defining tourism marketing has not yet been developed. Therefore, let's consider different views on the problem.

    • ? forming contacts with consumers of tourism services;
    • ? developing contacts through innovation;
    • ? control over service results.

    Establishing contacts with clients aims to convince them that the proposed holiday destination and the existing services, attractions and expected benefits are fully consistent with what the clients themselves want to receive.

    Developing contacts involves designing innovations that can provide new sales opportunities. Such innovations must meet the needs and preferences of potential customers.

    • 1
    • 2 Adopted at the international WTO conference in Budapest in February 1993.

    Control involves analyzing the results of activities to promote goods and services to the market and checking to what extent the results reflect the full and successful use of opportunities available in the field of tourism, a comparative analysis of expenses for advertising marketing activities and income received.

    French scientists R. Lancard and R. Ollier give the following definition of tourism marketing: “Tourism marketing is a series of basic methods and techniques developed for research, analysis and solution of assigned problems. The main thing that these methods and techniques should be aimed at is identifying opportunities to most fully meet the needs of people from the point of view of psychological and social factors, as well as determining the most rational ways from a financial point of view for conducting business with tourism organizations (enterprises, bureaus or associations), allowing to take into account identified or hidden needs for tourism services. These kinds of needs can be determined either by leisure motives (entertainment, vacation, health, education, religion and sports), or by other motives that are often found among business groups, families, various missions and unions.”

    Swiss specialist E. Kriendorf puts a more complete content into the concept of tourism marketing: “Tourism marketing is a systematic change and coordination of the activities of tourism enterprises, as well as private and public policies in the field of tourism, carried out according to regional, national or international plans. The purpose of such changes is to best meet the needs of certain groups of consumers, while taking into account the possibility of obtaining appropriate profits.”

    The concept of marketing in the field of tourism is developing in accordance with modern trends in the development of marketing theory and service marketing theory.

    The tourism product has the distinctive characteristics inherent in the service described in the previous paragraph, namely, intangibility, inseparability from the source, non-storability and variability of quality (4 “NOTs”). The four “NOTs” of a tourist service as a product seriously affect the specifics of activities in the field of tourism .

    To the traditional elements of the marketing mix: Product - Price - Place - Promotion, used in traditional marketing as a set of strategies controlled by the company to influence the consumer, in tourism it is recommended to use additional strategies for the marketing mix of services. These include:

    • ? material environment ( Physical evidence),
    • ? service process ( Process) and staff (People).

    Material environment ( physical evidence)(the atmosphere of a hotel, restaurant, travel agency office) involves work on influencing the sensory channels of customer perception: visual (space organization, lighting, color), auditory (volume and tempo of accompanying music), olfactory (room ventilation), tactile (room temperature) 1 .

    Service process (Process) guests, customers can be developed using diagrammatic design techniques, touch points, customer scenario and reengineering 2 .

    Staff (People) contact personnel are company personnel who simultaneously produce and sell tourism services. This is why contact personnel in services marketing are sometimes called “part-time marketers.” (part timemarketers) 3.

    Together with the other marketing mix strategies (product, price, distribution channels, promotion), these additional three elements form the tourism marketing mix.

    The result of activities in tourism is a tourism product, which has its own distinctive features:

    • ? demand for tourism services is elastic in relation to the consumer’s income level and prices, and is subject to seasonal fluctuations;
    • ? dependence of the tourism product on variables such as space and time;
    • ? The tourist services offered are divided geographically: tourists receive a booking of a tour with a travel agency, booking a hotel or air tickets via the Internet at their place of permanent residence, transport services can be received during a tourist trip, hotel accommodation, participation in festivals, excursion services, meals - in place temporary stay;
    • ? The supply of tourism products is characterized by inflexible production. Hotels, airports, museums, theme parks cannot be moved at the end of the tourist season to another region to adapt to changes in demand and seasonality;
    • ? assessment of the quality of a tourism product is highly subjective. Local residents and members of the tourist group can influence the perception of a tourist’s quality of service;
    • 1 Novatorov E. Peculiarities of behavior of service consumers. Journal "Sales Management", 2003.
    • 2 Ibid.
    • 3 Ibid.
    • ? The assessment of the quality of a tourism product can be influenced by factors such as weather and natural conditions, and political events.

    The problem of defining a tourism product remains controversial. Let's consider the most common definitions of a tourism product, presented in Table 1.

    Definitions of tourism product

    Table 1

    Definition of a tourism product

    The policy of a tourism product can be considered and conducted from two positions: a certain territory and a certain enterprise

    Medlik S„ 1995

    Tourism product in the narrow sense ( sensustricto) and broad sense ( sensulargo).

    A tourism product in the narrow sense is everything that tourists buy separately (for example, a transport service, a hotel room reservation) or in the form of a package of services.

    A tourism product in a broad sense covers the totality of impressions received from the moment of leaving home until the moment of return

    Middleton V.T.C., 1996

    A tourism product is a combination of three main components: attractiveness, tourist infrastructure, and accessibility."

    Middleton V.T.C., 1996

    From the perspective of a potential customer considering any form of travel, a product can be defined as a package of tangible and intangible

    Holloway J.Ch., Robinson Ch., 1997

    A tourism product is a complex product covering a place, services and some material products

    Golembski G., 1998

    A tourism product combines all goods and services created and purchased in connection with traveling outside one’s place of permanent residence and before the start of the trip, and during the trip, and during a stay outside one’s home area.

    Mazurkiewicz L., 2002

    Tourist product - an arbitrary combination of services of a place and tourist services

    Nowakowska A., 2002

    A tourism product can be called a package of tangible and intangible components available on the market that allows you to realize the purpose of a tourist trip.

    As can be seen from Table 1, most often in approaches to defining a tourism product, a structural or component approach can be traced, where, along with material objects, various services, images, places, plans, and ideas are considered.

    Less common are definitions of a tourism product that place the main emphasis on meeting the needs and expectations of tourists (Middleton V.T.C.).

    S. Medlik was the first to attempt to combine two points of view on the tourism product, considering it in a narrow and broad sense.

    Thus, the tourism product can be viewed from three perspectives:

    • 1) from the position of a tour operator company (mediation sphere);
    • 2) from the position of territorial authorities (sphere of supply);
    • 3) from the client’s perspective (sphere of demand).

    According to Federal Law No. 132-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, “a tourism product is a set of transportation and accommodation services provided for a total price (regardless of the inclusion in the total price of the cost of excursion services and (or) other services) under a contract on the sale of tourism products."

    According to this definition, the tourism product is identified with the concept of a tour. They must be distinguished. The tour is an integral part of the tourism product. It is a set of primary services that a tour operator provides for a specific route and during a specific period of time. As a rule, the tour includes transportation, accommodation and meals according to the type chosen by the tourist. A tourist product is a much broader definition.

    Let's consider a simplified classification of tourism products according to characteristic elements that determine the essence of a tourism product (Table 2).

    As we can see, the tourism product is diverse and is created by the efforts of many enterprises and organizations, each of them having its own methods of work, technologies, specific goals and objectives for the creation, promotion and sale of a tourism product, using various marketing policy tools. This objectively creates great organizational difficulties in coordinating actions in the production, offering and sale of a tourism product and ensuring a high level of service for tourists. It should also be taken into account that the final goals and content of the marketing process for enterprises involved in the creation, promotion and sale of a tourism product are also different. There are several levels of tourism marketing organization:

    • ? marketing at the level of tour operators and travel agents;
    • ? marketing at the level of territories and regions - tourist destinations.

    Classification of tourism products

    table 2



    Example of a tourism product


    Material item - guidebook, tourist map, tourist equipment, souvenirs, multimedia products: multimedia city plans, guides to museums and historical sites, presentations of regions on Internet sites, mobile applications

    Virtual travel of the Kizhi nature reserve-museum (; Virtual walks through the Russian Museum (http:// Virtual trips through the streets of London (

    Tourist product - service

    Single service - hotel, gastronomic, transport, excursion, etc.

    Booking a hotel room, lunch at a restaurant, air ticket, etc.

    Tourism product - event

    Thematic focus of the event, specific localization in time and space

    Tourism exhibitions - WorldTravelMarket (London), ITB (Berlin), MITT (Moscow), INTURMARKET (Moscow); Oktoberfest (Wiesn, Munich); Olympic Games Sochi 2014; Cartoon Festival (; music festival “White Nights” in St. Petersburg, etc.


    A tour that includes a certain set of services (transportation, accommodation, meals, excursions

    “All Spain” (; Music Festival




    Characteristics of the tourism product

    Example of a tourism product

    etc.), the total selling price of which is equal to the cost of its elements

    to Sanremo

    (http:// www; “Petersburg every day”, etc.

    Tourist product - object of display

    The presence of one main attraction (service) and several additional services located in one place - a museum, historical monument, natural monument, etc.

    St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Kremlin in Moscow, Madame Tussauds in London

    Tourist product - route

    Several places or objects united by a certain idea and interconnected by a specially designated route (pedestrian, water, automobile), having a developed infrastructure, the elements of which are located along the route

    “Golden Ring” (Russia), Wine and gastronomic tour (Nice - Avignon - Marseille), Die Goldene Strasse (Nuremberg - Pilsen - Prague)

    Tourist product - place

    Region, locality, national park, etc., identified on the basis of a specific spatial localization and having the character of a tourist attraction

    Paris, Disneyland, Carinthia - the land of lakes

    At the same time, marketing at the level of tour operators and travel agents and marketing at the level of producers of tourism services belong to the sphere of commercial marketing, and marketing at the level of the national tourism administration and marketing at the territorial level belong to the sphere of non-commercial marketing.

    The comprehensive nature of the concept of marketing in tourism involves consideration of the marketing process at various levels of management of the creation, formation, promotion and sale of a tourism product. The subjects of the marketing process are not only commercial enterprises, but also government authorities in the field of tourism, as well as territories.

    In Fig. 9 presents an approach to the concept of marketing in tourism, as a system, based on a three-dimensional coordinate system.

    Rice. 9.

    Functionally at all levels of tourism product formation it is necessary to use strategic and tactical (operational) marketing tools.

    Strategic and operational marketing complement each other and find their concrete expression within the framework of marketing policy.

    Operational marketing focuses on variables such as price, distribution, sales, advertising and promotion; strategic marketing focuses on selecting product markets in which the company has a competitive advantage and forecasting overall demand in each target market. Based on this forecast, operations marketing sets goals for capturing market share, as well as the marketing budget required to achieve this.

    No matter how powerful an operations marketing plan is, it cannot create demand where there is no need, and it cannot sustain a business that is doomed to extinction. Therefore, to ensure profitability, operational marketing must be based on strategic marketing, which in turn is based on the needs of the market and its expected evolution.

    Market orientation is the main condition that determines the sustainable economic growth of a company operating in the tourism industry.

    According to structural characteristics In the tourism sector, marketing of goods and marketing of services can be distinguished. The combination of trade in services and trade in goods in tourism, according to experts, is 75% and 25%, respectively.

    When developing marketing strategies for companies operating in the tourism sector - travel agencies, hotels, catering establishments, tourist attractions - it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the “intangible” product. The development of a marketing program should not only be built on the traditional elements of the marketing mix, but also need to involve additional elements - the service delivery process, contact personnel (personnel working in direct contact with guests and customers) and the physical environment.

    Experience of international hotel chains such as Hyatt, FourSeasons, Marriott, Intercontinental and others, large tour operators - TUI, Carlson tourism indicate that the key competence in the field of tourism is the strategy of “preventive and perfect service”.

    Creating a system of perfect service that meets the values ​​of clients of tourism enterprises is a long-term competitive advantage that cannot be copied.

    In this regard, the main task is to establish a connection between the needs and expectations of customers and the internal processes of creating a value model for customers in the tourism industry aimed at meeting these needs.

    The customer value model includes five main elements that determine the customer's perceived value and level of customer satisfaction. This is the quality of the product itself, the quality of service through the technology of its provision, the image of the enterprise, the price and the relationship between the service provider, the client and the contact staff of the tourism company.

    The implementation of the customer value model is facilitated by the internal marketing assets of the tourism company, which include:

    • ? the image of a tourism enterprise, the level of its corporate culture;
    • ? technology for organizing the process of quality customer service, a system of service quality indicators;
    • ? customer base of a tourism company and an information system for data on customer opinions and preferences;
    • ? a system of service quality indicators, a system for tracking customer complaints;
    • ? human resource management system, including the principles of training company personnel in the tourism sector, empowering personnel, studying the degree of personnel satisfaction with their work, i.e. availability of qualified and motivated personnel.

    Each of these elements is a direct result of various processes within a tourism company.

    Providing quality customer service will allow you to:

    • ? stand out from competitors;
    • ? enhance the attractiveness of your image in the eyes of clients;
    • ? minimize sensitivity to price changes;
    • ? increase the profitability of work;
    • ? increase customer satisfaction and retention;
    • ? gain the maximum number of supporters of a tourism company who promote its services;
    • ? improve your reputation;
    • ? increase the degree of staff loyalty.

    Achieving a sustainable competitive advantage for a tourism company is possible through the introduction of the concept of internal marketing.

    The concept of internal marketing is to combine the motivation of employees and the formation of their professional knowledge to identify the brand of a tourism company. The motivation and high level of knowledge of employees is the source of high-quality services.

    The implementation of the internal marketing concept will allow us to build the relationship “loyal staff - loyal client - company profitability”. The output of this process will be a developed technology for high-quality customer service and control over it, a system of indicators for evaluating staff performance depending on customer satisfaction, a marketing information system for a tourism company that gives staff the opportunity to provide quality customer service, as well as the development of loyal employees who provide excellent service.

    This approach differs from traditional product promotion in the tourism sector, since it is aimed not at solving current issues of attracting and retaining customers, but at building a system of relationships with customers on a long-term basis.

    The implementation of external marketing strategies implies organizational changes within a tourism company, primarily related to issues of resource allocation, organizational structure and building relationships with clients. Thus, the most careful attention must be paid to working on the organizational environment through internal marketing in order to achieve the goals of the company as a whole.

    In the service marketing models discussed in paragraph 1.2, Western marketers recognize the need to use internal marketing as an additional strategy. A characteristic feature of these models is the attitude towards the personnel of a service enterprise as an internal client. Motivating staff and meeting their needs contribute to the growth of the company’s customer service quality.

    Internal marketing has the same theoretical basis as traditional marketing. The peculiarity is the object and subject of studying the concept of internal marketing.

    The object of internal marketing is the employees of a tourism company and its internal environment, considered from the point of view of the expectations and perceptions of the client.

    The task of internal marketing is to create an environment within the company that is as customer-oriented as possible.

    By subject can be distinguished:

    • ? marketing at the level of public tourism organizations - national tourism administrations (NTA); tourist information centers, public associations in the field of tourism;
    • ? marketing at the level of territories and regions - tourist destinations;
    • ? marketing at the level of producers of tourist services - accommodation facilities, catering establishments, transport enterprises, excursion service enterprises, etc.;
    • ? marketing of tour operators and travel agents.

    The presence of a marketing strategy is a necessary element not only in the activities of individual companies in the tourism industry, but also in the activities of coordinating and regulatory bodies and organizations in this area.

    The tourism marketing strategy within the state consists in its implementation of tourism policy. State tourism policy is a set of government measures and activities that determine the conditions for the development of the tourism industry, rational use of tourism resources, increasing the contribution of the tourism industry to the country's GDP.

    The tourism marketing strategy at the state level is reflected in the adoption of relevant legislation, state long-term programs and plans. The state, entering the international tourism market, enters into a system of competitive relations with other states and regions of the world. The role and place of the state in the global tourism market depends on how correctly and effectively the tourism marketing strategy is constructed and implemented. The state's tourism marketing strategy is aimed at creating, promoting and selling a national tourism product on the global tourism market and within the country, i.e. aims to develop international and domestic tourism. A state entering the international tourism market enters into a system of competitive relations with other states and entire world regions. The tourism marketing strategy is reflected in the adoption of relevant legislation, government long-term programs and plans. The role and place of a particular state in the global tourism market depends on how correctly and effectively the tourism marketing strategy is constructed and implemented.

    1 Karpova G.A.,Khoreva L.V. Economics and management of tourism activities: a textbook in 2 parts. Part 1. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2011.

    The national tourism product is a set of available natural, climatic, natural, historical, architectural and cultural resources attracted and used in tourism activities, tourism and related infrastructure, as well as the activities of tourism companies, expressed in the creation, promotion and sale of specific tourism products aimed at to attract tourists from other states and regions of the world.

    In government activities, the concept of marketing in tourism is based on the analysis of market opportunities, selection of target markets, and development of a marketing mix. The implementation of these components makes it possible to correctly develop the state’s tourism policy, i.e. state tourism marketing strategy. The main link in the implementation of tourism marketing in the state is the state body responsible for the state and development of tourism as a whole - the national tourism administration (NTA). In the Russian Federation, this role is played by the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

    The state's tourism policy is based on strategy and tactics.

    Tourism strategy is the development of a general concept for the development of tourism in the international and domestic markets, targeted programs, the implementation of which requires time and large financial resources. For example, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 28, 2011, the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)” was adopted. The implementation of the Program will increase the competitiveness of the domestic tourism market, create conditions for the development of tourism infrastructure, and attract investment into the industry. The Program’s activities are also aimed at increasing the efficiency of promoting the national tourism product in the domestic and international markets. This program is an example of Russia's strategy in the field of tourism.

    To implement this strategy, a number of measures (tourism tactics) are proposed, including:

    • ? zoning of tourism territory in the state;
    • ? creation of a regulatory framework for tourism development that corresponds to international practice;
    • ? formation of economic mechanisms to stimulate the development of foreign and domestic tourism;
    • ? attracting investments in this area, etc.

    The main objective of the state’s tourism marketing concept is the creation of a national tourism product and its promotion in the global and domestic tourism markets. The implementation of the marketing tourism concept begins with an analysis of market opportunities, where by the producer we understand the state, the product - the national tourism product, competitors - other states or world regions, consumers - tourists from other countries.

    At the territorial level, the national strategy for promoting the tourism product is being clarified, and the details of projects, territories and tourist destinations are being determined. The main focus is on developing a general policy and strategy for development and marketing programs, for example:

    • ? the creation of large transport systems for transporting tourists to and from the country, as well as throughout its territory;
    • ? protection of landmarks such as state reserves and national parks;
    • ? creation of an information and advertising system promoting destinations and countries as tourist centers.

    The tourism essence of each region can be revealed more deeply and its tourism product promoted more effectively by identifying different types of tourism products by destination within the region.

    The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) identifies tourist destinations as the main elements in the tourism system that attracts tourists to travel and where they spend some time 1. A tourist destination includes tourist attractions, tourist infrastructure, and related services.

    In conditions of global competition, when tourist destinations become substitute products, destination management bodies are involved in the competition for the attention of tourists and investment resources for the development of the destination.

    Marketing of tourist destinations can be defined as a management process in which destination management bodies and businesses identify target groups of tourists, establish communications with them in order to find out the preferences of tourists, their expectations, motivation for choosing a travel destination in order to adapt the tourism product in accordance with the expectations of tourists for achieving their maximum satisfaction.

    UNWTO data show that to additionally attract one foreign tourist, providing an average of 1,000 euros into the country's economy, the state spends from 3 to 10 euros on non-commercial advertising of a tourism product. In accordance with this, the average amount of budget funds allocated in European countries for the promotion of a tourism product is 31.7 million euros 2 .

    • 1 Pike S. Destination branding. An integrated marketing communication approach. - Oxford: Elsevier, 2008.
    • 2 Page S.J., Connell J. Tourism: a Modern Synthesis. - London: Cengage Learning EMEL, 2009.

    Tourist destination marketing is part of a broader concept of territory management - territorial marketing. Territorial marketing is marketing in the interests of the territory, its internal entities, as well as external entities in whose attention and actions the territory is interested. Territorial marketing is carried out with the aim of creating, maintaining or changing the opinions, intentions and behavior of residents and non-residents represented by individuals and companies regarding a given territory. The founder of the concept of territorial marketing is Philip Kotler. In his work Marketingplaces, he notes that area marketing is successful when the primary target audiences - residents and businesses - are satisfied with their region, and when the region meets the expectations and needs of visitors and investors. This is the philosophy of managing a territory, which contributes to its socio-economic development by meeting the needs of individuals and economic entities for resources for the purpose of living and (or) conducting activities in the territory without reference to a specific level of territorial entity - region, country, city.

    Before the emergence of the concept of territorial marketing and destination marketing as its component, “selling territories” was the dominant form of regional promotion. However, destination marketing is part of the overall concept of territory development and works for comprehensive sustainable socio-economic development.

    The basis of the marketing approach to destination management is to consider the tourist destination as a complex tourism product consisting of:

    • ? attractions of a destination - what directly attracts tourists (natural, cultural, historical attractions);
    • ? tourist infrastructure (accommodation facilities, catering establishments, excursion bureaus, museums, souvenir shops, etc.);
    • ? accessibility (transport, visa, etc.);
    • ? events calendar;
    • ? support services (banks, telecommunications, security system, healthcare system);
    • ? the presence of marketing intermediaries - tour operators, travel agents, etc.

    The marketing approach to a destination involves the development of a comprehensive destination product. And here it is important to understand that a tourist does not travel to visit a hotel, beach, or restaurant. He travels to get new experiences, the opportunity for intercultural enrichment, to improve his health, etc. Tourists are attracted not by the characteristics of a destination, but by its functional ability to satisfy certain needs.

    The marketing strategy of a destination must determine what tourism resources the destination has, what tourism product can be developed based on them, who this tourism product is aimed at, how it will be promoted and what resources are needed for this.

    The marketing strategy of a destination is an integral part of the region’s marketing strategy for tourism development, which includes infrastructure development, optimization of local legislation regarding tourism in the region, distribution of financial flows, attraction of investments, and development of public-private partnerships in the field of tourism.

    Tourism enterprises producing various services - hotel business, catering, excursion activities - are an integral part of the complex tourist product of the destination, as well as an area of ​​​​joint interests of business and local authorities in the implementation of projects on the basis of public-private partnership for the construction of hotels, theme parks, development of the food system, etc.

    Control questions

    • 1. Give a description of the market for tourism services.
    • 2. Describe the concept of “tourist product”.
    • 3. Types of tourism products.
    • 4. What are the features of the formation of the concept of marketing in tourism?
    • 5. Describe the levels of formation of the tourism product.
    • 6. Why is a tourist destination the basis of the tourism system?
    • Kiryanova L.G. Destination marketing as a modern approach to tourism region management. - News of Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2010.

    There are four different marketing objectives to be identified:

    1) maximizing consumption;

    2) maximizing the degree of customer satisfaction;

    3) maximizing consumer choice;

    4) maximizing quality of life.

    There is no doubt that it is impossible to achieve all these goals to the same extent. At different stages of social development, different goals may prevail. Recently, in developed countries, there has been a tendency to increase the importance of addressing issues of increasing the quality of life; they are receiving great attention from the state and various organizations. Thus, on the starting points of the concept of social and ethical marketing, guided by which the organization tries not only to most fully and effectively satisfy the certain requirements of some consumers, but also of the entire society, the concept of environmental marketing appeared. This concept focuses on solving issues related to environmental protection, resource scarcity, and rapid population growth.

    Macromarketing is very active, helping to shape public policy in certain areas of society. Macromarketing basically contains an analysis and understanding of the needs of society, establishing the degree of influence of these needs on government decisions.

    Recently, interesting experience has begun to accumulate in the use of marketing ideas at the level of regions and cities in various countries. Here we can talk about territorial marketing, aimed at increasing the business and tourist attractiveness of regions. Territorial marketing is aimed at creating and maintaining attractiveness, increasing the prestige of the territory as a whole, increasing the attractiveness of natural, material and technical, financial, labor, organizational, social and other resources, as well as increasing the potential for the sale and reproduction of such resources.

    The tendency to apply the marketing concept in cooperation between countries is becoming more and more clear. In this case, the term megamarketing is used, which involves the strategic coordination of economic, political and psychological methods to enter a specific market, often closed to goods from other countries.

    Organizations operating in many foreign markets and carrying out large-scale business, for example multinational companies, are increasingly using global marketing in their activities. In this case, the world is presented as one integral global market, in which its regional and national differences do not matter. Market production facilities are located in different countries, worldwide logistics systems and financial flows are formed. At the heart of global marketing are decisions about the level of adaptation of the marketing mix to local conditions.

    We can also talk about the expanded use of personality marketing, which characterizes activities undertaken to form, maintain or transform the view (behavior) of the public in relation to specific people. A large number of people and organizations use personality marketing to increase their fame and expand their business: politicians, artists, doctors, athletes, lawyers, businessmen, etc. Implementing personality marketing is similar to the process of marketing products and services.

    2.2. Levels and coordination of marketing in tourism

    The following levels of tourism marketing can be distinguished:

    1) marketing of tourism enterprises (tour operators and travel agents) is the process of coordinating the capabilities of enterprises and the requirements of consumers, as a result of which tourists are provided with services that satisfy their needs, and enterprises receive the income necessary for development and best meeting customer requirements in the future;

    2) marketing of producers of tourism services is a system of comprehensive research of consumer needs and demand for organizing the provision of services that are maximally aimed at meeting the needs of specific clients, and providing the most effective forms and methods of service;

    3) marketing of public tourism organizations - activities aimed at organizing, maintaining or transforming favorable public opinion;

    4) marketing of territories and regions - activities carried out with the aim of forming, maintaining or transforming the behavior of consumers of tourism products in relation to specific cities, localities or even countries as a whole. Similar activities are carried out by regulatory and coordinating organizations in tourism at the municipal, regional and national levels.

    During the period of saturation of the tourist market, specialized tourism based on interests acquires special meaning. Tourism enterprises do not offer their product to all tourists, but strive to satisfy specific target consumer groups. Abroad, personal and exotic vacations are becoming increasingly popular. Collective tours to well-known resorts no longer satisfy many. Tourists are increasingly opting for individual trips chosen according to their taste. Instead of the blissful island of Fiji or the golden beaches of Spain, preference is given to Alaska, where the tourism industry is rapidly becoming the main income for the local population.

    The frequency and duration of tourist trips is changing. Frequency tends to increase, duration tends to decrease. The reason lies, first of all, in the desire of consumers to “split” their main vacation. Instead of one long vacation per year, preference is given to 2-3 short trips (for example, summer vacations, winter vacations and trips on weekends or holidays).

    Consequently, structural changes in the tourism services market, competitive conditions, and consumer behavior force tourism enterprises to look for new marketing techniques.

    The modern consumer in the tourism market wants to get as many new impressions from the trip as possible, which makes the tourist holiday intense, full of excursions, walks, meetings, etc.

    Marketing in tourism is a complex for managing and organizing the activities of tourism enterprises for the development of new, more effective types of tourist and excursion services, their production and sales for the acquisition of profit based on the growth of the quality of the tourism product and taking into account the processes that occur in the global tourism market.

    The tourism product has its own distinctive features.

    1. This is a set of services and goods, characterized by a complex system of connections between various components.

    2. The demand for tourism services is very flexible in relation to income levels and prices, but at the same time depends on political and social conditions.

    3. The consumer, as a rule, cannot try a tourism product before consuming it, and consumption itself occurs right at the place of production of the tourism service.

    4. The consumer overcomes the distance that separates him from the tourism product and the place of consumption, and not vice versa.

    5. The tourism product depends on variables such as space and time; it is characterized by fluctuations in demand.

    6. The tourism product is formed by the efforts of many enterprises, each of which has its own methods of work, special needs and unequal commercial goals.

    7. It is impossible to achieve high quality tourist services if there are even minor shortcomings, since good tourist service includes small details and subtleties.

    8. The quality of tourism services is influenced by external factors that are of a force majeure nature (natural conditions, weather, tourism policy, international events, etc.).

    Marketing is expanding its functions, focusing on relationships with consumers. Long-term relationships with consumers cost much less than the marketing costs needed to attract consumer interest in the organization’s services and find a new client.

    A tourism product must be a good purchase. Therefore, tourism marketing represents the consistent actions of tourism enterprises focused on achieving such a goal.

    2.3. The tourism enterprise is the main link in the implementation of the marketing concept

    Tourist enterprises are an important component that forms the tourism offer in the “tourism object” subsystem. There are a variety of tourism enterprises operating in the tourism area. Some of them offer only tourism services, while for others tourism is one of their areas of commercial activity. Enterprises that live only from tourism are called tourism enterprises in the sphere of primary services, and enterprises that acquire profits not only from tourism activities are called tourism enterprises in the sphere of secondary services. Consequently, the services of the first group are the basis of its existence, and the services of the second satisfy only a separate part of tourist demand, since tourism for this group is one of several ways to generate income and their services can be used not only by tourists.

    But we must remember that individual tourism enterprises, depending on the functions they perform, may belong to two of these categories at once. For example, hotels and travel agencies invariably provide exclusively primary tourist services, and public catering establishments in a sanatorium or hotel are primary service enterprises, but the same public catering establishments in the city are no longer tourist organizations, since they implement a secondary tourist function.

    Tourism primary service enterprises

    A tour operator is a tourism enterprise that synthesizes its personal services and the services of third-party organizations into a new independent tourism product. This new product is called a one-time (all-inclusive) tour. The tour operator offers the consumer a comprehensive tour on its own behalf, at its own peril and risk and at its own expense.

    All tour operators operating in the tourism market can be grouped by their size, place of work, depth of the tourism program and economic goals.

    There are large, medium and small tour operators. Enterprises that serve more than 100 thousand clients a year, and their turnover reaches 35 million dollars, are classified as large tour operators. Enterprises serving from 30 to 100 thousand clients per year are classified as medium-sized tour operators. In most cases, they are highly specialized: they occupy exclusively one of the market niches (they can specialize in a certain tour - for example, medical tours; in a specific region - for example, the Caucasus). To the group small tour operators include all kinds of enterprises whose specialization is hiking or youth tourism, they can organize cruises; these can also be bus companies, one of whose activities is the transportation of tourist groups.

    Based on the geography of activity, there are international, interregional, regional and local tour operators. International tour operators A little. Only a few large tour operators offer their services in several countries. The most common option is when they open branches in different countries or interact with local enterprises.

    Go to category interregional tour operators This includes enterprises operating over a large area (several regions). Regional tour operators They carry out their business activities only in a certain geographical region, but in terms of turnover and the number of tourists served they can easily be included in the group of large tour operators. Local tour operators operate within a small radius.

    The offers of tour operators also have their differences. Wide offer includes many different types of travel - for example, relaxing on the lake, excursion and medical trips, exploring the sights of cities. The tour operator's offer can be considered more deep, if for any type of trip a sufficiently large selection of all kinds of products is offered.

    Tour operators differ among themselves and in their economic goals. Not every company, when organizing a trip, strives to obtain the greatest income first. In this sense, it should be noted commercial tour operators, generally useful (non-profit) tour operators and "black tourism" enterprises. The primary task of commercial tour operators is to acquire a constant and large income. Non-profit tour operators also strive to make a profit, but their interests in increasing income are not the main ones. They pay much more attention to organizational and educational goals. The category of “black tourism” tour operators includes enterprises that are engaged in tourism activities not all the time, but for certain reasons. For example, the director of a production holding decided to organize a trip to a certain city for his colleagues. To do this, he books hotel rooms and buys tickets for travel to this city and back, orders a city tour and books theater tickets.

    Tour intermediaries are, one might say, a collective image. It includes all enterprises and organizations that are intermediaries in their main and secondary activities.

    The concept of a travel agency relates exclusively to those enterprises whose main activity is intermediation. In no other field of activity is mediation of such great importance as in tourism. Sometimes this can be explained by a fairly large geographical distance between producers and consumers of services (for example, between a tourist base and a vacationer), sometimes by ignorance of the market (a vacationer is rarely familiar with the offers of a country he has never been to), the need for advance booking with limited capabilities of the manufacturer services. A trip abroad to unfamiliar places is booked in most cases with the help of several intermediate organizations. The inbound tourism operator also oversees the organization of travel on site (booking, collection, sales, etc.), i.e. the intermediary performs significant management tasks for producers and consumers. In most cases, travel intermediaries are contacted when wanting to implement a comprehensive trip, since they are the link between the consumer and the producer of tourism services. Tour intermediaries can be characterized by such parameters as assortment, legal and economic status, and size of the enterprise.

    Range of travel intermediary services. The assortment is the main criterion that makes it possible to recognize travel intermediaries. It is determined by the quality and quantity of tour operators and service providers with whom the intermediary company interacts. There are eight types of enterprises.

    1. A travel agency offering a full range of travel services on the market. This type of travel agency operates with a license. The company must have a license from the International Air Transport Association to sell air tickets and, quite often, a license to sell railway tickets. Participates in representing the interests of not only large, but also numerous medium and small tour operators.

    2. Travel and excursion agency. These bureaus specialize in selling lump-sum (complex) tours, and sometimes sell air and train tickets.

    3. Specialized travel agencies. They are engaged in the sale of a certain type of tour, and at the same time have high professional competence in their field (for example, medical tours, pilgrimage tours, etc.).

    4. Travel agency for selling last-minute travel packages and cheap plane tickets (they do not have a license to sell air tickets).

    5. Travel agency branch. The branch has a narrow specialization of activities and may be located outside the country.

    6. Reservation department. It implements tours of one tour operator, can function as one of the structures of the tour operator, or can be one of any types of enterprises.

    7. The travel agency for receiving guests (inbound tourism) sells tourism services that a certain region can offer to tour operators from other regions or visiting tourists.

    8. Tourist department, which cannot be called a tourist organization. This is a department of an organization whose main activities lie outside the tourism sector.

    Legal and economic status of travel agents. Reservation departments and travel agencies belonging to tour operators do not have legal and economic status. Licensed travel agencies have complete economic and legal independence, which operate on the basis of contractual obligations with numerous tour operators and have the right to open their own representative offices and branches; associations of tourist offices that, with common aspirations, coordinate their activities; travel agencies formed on the basis of a concluded franchising agreement.

    The scale of work of travel intermediaries. Depending on the size of the enterprise, large, medium and small intermediaries are distinguished. In the tourism area, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises operate.

    Transport enterprises for special purposes. The travel services market also includes transport companies that specialize in transporting tourists. Since the central direction of their activities is related to tourism, they are classified as primary service tourism enterprises. In this case, the distance of transportation of tourists and the duration of the move are completely unimportant. This category includes both a charter airline transporting tourists from America to Australia, and an organization operating elevators and ski lifts. This category also includes railways, ferry crossings, excursion and cruise ships, and cable cars.

    Hotel enterprises. The next group, which belongs to tourism enterprises of primary services, is hotels. Hotel complexes make profit only from the accommodation of guests. Hotel enterprises include large hotel complexes (hotels, boarding houses, holiday homes) and small hotel-type enterprises (campsites, youth camp sites, apartments).

    The rest of the tourism enterprises are primary services. In addition to transport enterprises, tour operators, hotels and travel agents, there are a number of organizations that can also be classified as tourism. The main ones are sports equipment and boat rental stations, insurance companies, credit institutions, manufacturers of goods for tourism and recreation, sports schools, advertising agencies, etc.

    Organizations of primary tourism services include organizations that issue and monitor the movement of funds. Tourists are usually happy to use credit cards when traveling abroad. You can pay for services and purchase goods using a credit card. With this method of payment there is no need to carry cash with you.

    Insurance companies, if they specialize in tourist insurance, can also be classified as tourism enterprises. One of the main special products of insurance companies is insurance in case of withdrawal from contractual obligations, insurance of tourists' belongings and insurance in case of illness while traveling outside the country.

    Related to tourism enterprises of primary services are rental organization sports equipment, boats, and specific sports schools. It doesn’t matter what is offered for rent - surfboards, boats or sailing yachts, skis, bicycles, diving equipment, sleds. The majority of rental users are tourists.

    Sports schools can be considered tourism enterprises if their services are used not by the local population, but by visiting tourists. Very often this happens when a person can engage in some kind of sport exclusively during vacation.

    When listing tourist enterprises of the first group, you need to remember manufacturers of goods for tourism and advertising. Traveling tourists always need goods such as guidebooks and maps, suitcases, and travel bags. Of no small economic importance is the sale of souvenirs that tourists purchase in order to preserve the memory of the places they visit.

    Advertising is undoubtedly a significant tool that promotes the sale of tourism services. If an organization specializes in the production of advertising for tourism, this is the basis for classifying it as a tourist-type enterprise.

    Tourism secondary service enterprises

    If a tourism organization offers a product that is consumed by both tourists and non-tourists, then in this case it can be considered as a tourism enterprise of secondary services. These include public catering organizations, some transport organizations, as well as production, trade organizations and organizations in the field of consumer services.

    The group of catering organizations includes restaurants, cafes and bars, the services of which can be used by both tourists and the local population. Transport organizations of secondary services differ from tourist transport organizations in that among their consumers it is not tourists who dominate, but the local population (on regular routes of ski resorts in winter there are additional bus services to transport skiers). Additional income from tourism is received by individual industrial and commercial enterprises (a confectionery shop that supplies a hotel restaurant with confectionery products, etc.), as well as service organizations (insurance companies with various areas of activity, consumer service enterprises, etc.) .

    A common feature of all tourism enterprises of secondary services is the impossibility of determining the true volume of goods and services used by tourists. The division of demand between tourists and local residents can fluctuate greatly depending on the season. In addition, in determining the degree to which an enterprise belongs to the tourism sector, the location of the enterprise plays a significant role (for example, in a cafe or bar located near a railway station, the bulk of visitors are travelers).

    2.4. Classification of types of tourism

    Tourism is diverse in form and content: these are walks, trips, excursions, trips, gatherings, etc.

    Traveling to resorts, to holiday destinations, to relatives, friends, to exhibitions, forums can also be called tourist. A tourist, as a rule, when traveling has several goals (for example, a trip to rest and sightseeing), the prevailing of which is determined by the tourist route, time of year, duration of the trip, method of travel to the destination, type of temporary residence (hotel, recreation center, tent ) etc. The goals and circumstances of the trip, in turn, are determined by the financial capabilities of the traveler, age, physical condition, cultural level, etc., as well as the material and technical basis of tourism and social assistance (cash payments from public and private funds , all kinds of benefits for tourists and tourism organizations).

    Travel within the borders of one’s own country is united by the concept of “domestic (national) tourism”, and abroad – “foreign tourism”. Most of the total travel in the world (75-80%) comes from domestic tourism.

    There is organized tourism - a trip according to a program developed by a tourist organization (with a full range of services), as well as unorganized, so-called “wild tourism” - a trip according to a program that was developed by the tourist himself (with a more or less significant share of self-service).

    The most common form of tourist recreation is hiking. Hiking is a journey with an energetic method of movement in an area remote from the place of residence, carried out for research, sports, educational or recreational purposes.

    Depending on the goals, hikes can be: educational, recreational and sports.

    Tourism can be classified according to different criteria.

    According to the purpose of the trip. This criterion is of primary importance because the actual purpose of the trip mainly influences the formation of the tour and the organization of tourist services. While traveling, a tourist can determine several goals for himself, but only one of them will be dominant.

    Depending on the purpose of the trip, tourism can be divided into the following areas:

    1) educational or cultural and entertainment;

    2) business;

    3) environmental;

    4) tourism associated with hobbies (hunting, fishing, etc.);

    5) suburban tourism - mass short-term trips of large groups, some groups and individuals to the suburbs, including to special recreation areas;

    6) public – participation in social events;

    7) religious – visiting “holy” places.

    Tourism is classified according to the method of transportation: hiking, cycling, horseback riding, skiing, mountaineering, and motorcycle tourism.

    According to the degree of use of vehicles. Tourism is based on the movement of people from one place to another, both within and outside the country. Travel using standard modes of transport, namely: air transport (scheduled flights, unscheduled flights); water transport (passenger lines and ferries, cruises); land transport (railway, intercity and city buses, private cars, vehicle rental, etc.); using exotic modes of transport (cable car, funicular, hot air balloon, hang glider, etc.).

    Depending on the methods of accommodation, the following types of tourism are distinguished: hotel tourism; motel tourism; boarding tourism; camping tourism; tourism in a tourist village; at the camp site, etc.

    A separate category is sports and extreme tourism. Sports tourism, which in Russia is usually called active tourism, consists of hikes along routes of an established category of difficulty and competitions in tourism techniques. It aims to increase the skills of tourists, improve routes, practice various belay techniques and master new types of equipment.

    Today, combined tours are gaining popularity - a water, bicycle and horseback riding tour on one route.

    Classification in tourism is the detection of its individual forms and types, depending on the main indicator - the criterion. The classification of types of tourism helps to study in more detail the development of tourism, its transformation and main trends. But tourism is a complex and multifaceted concept. It is very difficult to note the forms and types of tourism in their pure form, so there is no generally accepted classification.



    In the late 1970s, Marriott realized that the city market was filled with hotels. She had a need to develop the concept of a provincial and suburban hotel.

    The concept of the new hotel is called Courtyard Marriott. Marriott selected employees from various departments to develop the concept for the new hotel. The company has done a lot of work to study its competitors and the market, as a result of which it has developed certain conceptual foundations for a new type of hotel project, which should:

    1) be focused primarily on the market of transit tourists, rather than long-term tourists staying at the hotel;

    2) have no more than 150 rooms;

    3) have a homely atmosphere;

    4) do not take away customers from other Marriott hotels;

    5) have at your disposal a restaurant with a small menu;

    6) have premises for collective use and meeting rooms;

    7) have a range of standard services available and have 5-8 branches in one region;

    8) the Marriott brand name will be assigned to new hotels for better recognition.


    1. How effective is the application of this concept?

    2. What advantages and disadvantages can be identified in hotels of this type?

    3. What other concept can Marriott offer?


    1. What type of tourism can you do in central Russia?

    2. According to practitioners, more than a third of proposals that can be called innovations in tourism come from consumers of tourism services. Does this go against the marketing philosophy of “find a human need and satisfy it”?


    How can you market territories and regions? Apply this type of marketing to any region you wish.

    Primary Function of Marketing– organization of comprehensive activities for the production and sale of services, taking into account existing services and promoting new services to the market.

    In principle, all available functions can be reduced to two groups: analytical (information) and managerial. The first involves conducting marketing research. The second covers the planning and practical implementation of marketing activities, including marketing control and audit.

    Marketing functions can be presented as a cyclical process (Fig. 2). The buyer's needs are determined and analyzed through marketing research in order to provide the primary information necessary for planning the activities of the enterprise. The manufacturer makes a specific offer in the form of products, their prices and corresponding distribution.

    Figure 2. – Technology for implementing the concept

    marketing at a tourism enterprise

    At the promotion stage, all information regarding the manufacturer’s offer is transferred to the buyer. In this case, the buyer spends some effort, time, and pays the cost of the goods. Buyer behavior is analyzed by market research, resulting in post-sales information that can be used to refine the offer stage, thereby restarting the cycle.

    Marketing process begins from market opportunity analysis by conducting a complex of marketing research. The result of these studies is an analysis of the initial situation (enterprise environment, potential consumers, assessment of market conditions, level of competition) and specific recommendations for determining the prospects for the activities of a tourism company. A comparison of the identified market opportunities with the goals and resources of the enterprise allows us to highlight the marketing opportunities of a tourism enterprise.

    - Selection of the most promising target markets a tourism company allows you not to scatter marketing efforts, working on the entire market, but to focus them on meeting the needs of selected groups of clients, whom the company is able to serve and it is profitable for it.

    - Development of an optimal marketing strategy allows you to reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk in marketing activities by concentrating resources on selected priority areas.

    - Implementation of marketing strategy is associated with the choice of means to ensure the achievement of set goals and objectives, and involves creation of a marketing mix. The main elements of the marketing mix of a tourism company are: product, price, sales (distribution channels) and communications. For all the main elements of the marketing mix, within the framework of the overall marketing strategy, private strategies are developed: f product strategy; f pricing strategy; f sales strategy; f communication strategy.

    In order to ensure effective marketing management, it is required development his auxiliary systems:

      marketing information;

      marketing planning;

      marketing organizations;

      marketing control.

    The technology for implementing the marketing concept can change both its structure and the place of individual stages depending on the characteristics of the enterprise, the degree of market development, set goals, objectives and market conditions. However, all these elements are closely interrelated, and none of them can be excluded from the system without violating its integrity.