How to make a million. How to make your first million How to really make a million

  • 1
    • 1.1 Real estate
    • 1.2 Stock market
    • 1.3 Cryptocurrency
  • 4 Examples of how to become a millionaire from scratch

If you have wondered how to quickly earn a million rubles and tried to save money, then you probably already understood that it is not so simple. Throwing coins at a funny ceramic pig or dog will not help, but deliberately saving large sums can be a good decision and the first step towards a million.

What would you do if you had a million? What prevents you from earning that kind of money? Let's look at how this can be done.

We will not consider ways to get money based on luck. Let's ask ourselves how you can earn a million rubles.

One proven way is investing. This requires start-up capital. Investment can be different, for example, in real estate.

Real estate

Types of real estate in which it is profitable to invest:

  • housing stock;
  • commercial real estate;
  • land;
  • permanent garages located within or near the city center.

Purchasing real estate for the purpose of resale is an opportunity to make money on the difference in prices between a property under construction and a finished property. This strategy allows you to make a profit quickly enough, and the specific timing depends on the stage of construction. On average, it takes 1-3 years to build a residential building.

Renting out housing. A decent income comes from daily rent. This type is especially in demand in large cities and tourist centers. The greatest demand is for real estate located near transport facilities, the city center, and popular attractions. Prices are influenced by seasonality, vacations, holidays, student events (sessions, entrance exams, the beginning of the academic year, etc.), as well as ongoing business events.

You can consider purchasing options and ways to earn money on commercial real estate. It can be rented out for business needs: for conducting seminars, trainings, negotiations, meetings, round tables, corporate meetings. In this case, you need to take care of the appropriate equipment:

  • office furniture (tables, chairs, armchairs, cabinets);
  • air conditioner;
  • business equipment (computer, screen, projector, cooler, etc.).

To be effectively used for business needs, the property must be located in a convenient area. This option is acceptable for both residential and non-residential buildings. Non-residential premises can also be rented out for a store, warehouse, or permanent office.

If you do not have the entire amount to purchase real estate, look for a source of financing on the side. For example, attract an investor. It can be either your friend or acquaintance, or a stranger. It is important to fill out all the documents correctly so that you are not “dumped” under any circumstances.

Stock market

Another way to invest is to purchase securities and act on the stock market. Popular for long-term investing passive strategies. You build an investment portfolio by purchasing various assets.

Types of passive investment assets:

  • deposits;
  • Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds);
  • government bonds;
  • corporate bonds;
  • ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) - foreign exchange-traded investment funds;
  • stock.

Passive investing takes advantage of the growth nature of markets. There is an investing axiom: all stock markets always rise over the long term. No matter what fluctuations occur in the short term, there will still be growth in the long term.

Profitability in passive investing is mainly due to fixed payments and partly due to the growth of the market value of assets.

Another way to invest is investing in investment companies. These organizations make collective investments, and you receive a certain percentage of the profits received. A good investment option for those who do not have sufficient knowledge and want to transfer management of their money to professionals.


Recently, interest in ways to make money on cryptocurrency has grown. According to experts, the blockchain technology they use will continue to be implemented not only by companies, but also by entire states. Some countries, such as Japan, have officially recognized cryptocurrency as a means of payment.

How you can make money on cryptocurrency:

  • buy and keep in an electronic wallet with the expectation of an increase in the exchange rate in the future;
  • trade on a cryptocurrency exchange and make money on the difference in cryptocurrency rates;
  • start mining, but this will require expensive equipment, and the profitability of a home farm in 2019 is already in question;
  • participate in ICO.

Whatever investment method you choose, you need to be able to correctly calculate all stages of this process. Cost, investment terms, risk insurance and many other factors, each of which may ultimately be decisive.

The time it takes for you to earn a million depends on many circumstances. One of them is the size of the starting capital. The more money you can invest, the higher the income you can get in a short period of time. But in some niches, especially cryptocurrencies, you can start with a minimum capital of $100.

Read also 6 rules of a successful investor.

If you don't have starting capital To invest or start a business, you need to think about how to get it.

One option is to save money. For this:

  1. Analyze your income and expenses. You can do this using apps on your smartphone or computer, or you can use an Excel spreadsheet, a notepad, a pen, and a calculator. Analysis of financial flows will help you correctly distribute expenses.
  2. Think about where you can save money. These can be completely different expense items: food, transportation, utilities, clothing, shoes, entertainment.
  3. Plan your budget. Keep envelopes separately for each type of expense and label them: “For food”, “For transport”, “For utilities”, “For clothing”, “For entertainment”, etc. Distribute the money among the envelopes. Try not to go over budget!
  4. Set aside a certain amount of money every month. It is believed that you can safely save 10-15% of your income. To save quickly, you need to save 30% of your income. If your income does not allow you to save that amount, consider working part-time or changing your job to higher paid.
  5. The money you put aside must work. First, they can be deposited in a reliable bank at a good interest rate.
  6. Think about investing. Investments can be of different nature. You may first need to improve your personal efficiency, such as time management. Then you will be able to invest your free time and small funds in your education and development. This will increase your value and increase your income. An increase in income will allow you to engage in serious investing or open your own business.

If you can't save up, try starting from scratch. Even without starting capital, you can earn big money - but only if you know how to do something at a very high level.

You can start your own business providing services. Hairdresser, tailor, electrician, plumber, event organizer- make money on what you know how to do. You start providing services and earn your first money. Gradually expand your business or open another one with the money you earn.

If you have unique knowledge that can be useful to others, try yourself in the information business. Classes with schoolchildren, assistance to students, courses, trainings, master classes. The Internet provides enormous opportunities. Online classes, distance learning - no need to rent premises, all you need is a computer, access to the network, hard work and a great desire to achieve your goal.

Good income can come from participating in affiliate programs. You promote other people's products or services on the market and receive a percentage of sales. There is no investment because you are not buying anything. Yes, there will be advertising costs involved. But you can start small, and when your first income appears, you can gradually expand your business. True, in order to promote and sell goods or services, you need to be a good specialist in online advertising. It is worth thinking about your development in this direction.

Examples of how to become a millionaire from scratch

Several success stories based on hard work and perseverance in achieving your goal.

Vitaly Gandziy and Arthur Grant.

Both young men received higher education and worked in the police. They didn’t like the job, the salary didn’t suit them, and they started looking for ways to make money remotely. Through trial and error we slowly moved towards our goal. The first orders came, the first money appeared - small at first, but every day the income grew, and after a few months they allowed me to quit my job. The guys continued to develop. One specialized in online advertising, the other in copywriting and marketing. Having reached certain heights, they jointly opened the Profi Internet school of Internet professions. Vitaly Gandziy and Arthur Grant became millionaires from scratch. Many students of the Profi Internet school achieve high earnings during their studies. The guys created a whole team that works completely remotely.

If you are an ambitious and purposeful person, sooner or later you will think about how to earn a million. It’s not a royal thing to work hard for $100-300 until retirement. Perhaps you want to live in a spacious house, vacation abroad 2-3 times a year, visit restaurants and entertainment venues. And the main thing is to feel confident in the future, because there is a tidy sum in the account. In this article you will learn how to earn your first million and fulfill your dream of living beautifully and with dignity.

Highly professional consulting

Consulting is a young business area in Russia. Allows experts in the following areas to earn money:

  • jurisprudence (especially in the field of tax and land law, registration of companies, real estate);
  • accounting and finance;
  • psychology;
  • internet marketing.

One hour consultation may cost up to 30 thousand rubles . A financial consultant can earn several million rubles in a year. A real estate lawyer only charges for filing a claim. from 9 thousand rubles . The cost of consulting a good psychologist is 2-3 thousand rubles .

If you decide to become a highly paid consultant, start a group on a social network, or better yet, create your own website and write expert articles. For the first 2-3 months, do not raise prices so as not to be left without orders. Work for your reputation and ask your first clients to leave reviews and recommend you to their friends. Over time, you will become more famous and respected, which will allow you to make good money.

Real tools for making a million online

Do you want to know how to earn a million rubles online? If you're not in a big hurry, consider the idea of ​​your own website or Youtube channel. From the moment the project is created to the receipt of the first million, it will take about 2-3 years. The most profitable topics are:

  • banks and lending;
  • jurisprudence and accounting;
  • real estate;
  • medical services;
  • computers and IT.

IMPORTANT. But keep in mind that without investments it will no longer be possible to promote a content project. The minimum budget for a month is 1000 rubles.

How to make a million on the Internet quickly? Consider these areas:

  • currency trading– speculative transactions on the Forex exchange;
  • freelancing– programmers, mobile application developers, translators, SEO analysts can earn 1,000,000 rubles within a year;
  • traffic arbitration– purchasing contextual or teaser advertising in order to redirect potential customers to affiliate products (with the right approach, it allows you to recoup your investment by 1.5-2 times);
  • online store– you can earn a million within 6-12 months by reselling cheap Chinese goods with a huge markup.

📌Now let’s calculate: 1 million rubles is 15442.82 dollars. You can earn it if the course is purchased by 5 people for $900, 10 people for $500, and 30 people for $200. And this is quite possible, the first stream has already started.

Example 2. Nastya Lebedeva is a blogger who teaches blogging🙂. A very interesting girl. The screenshot shows part of its history.

Creation of an asset for the purpose of its subsequent sale for 1,000,000 rubles

How can you make a million by selling an asset? The following objects have high prices on the Internet:

  • sites that bring stable income to the owner;
  • promoted accounts on freelance exchanges, network marketing companies and other sites.

Typically, the price of an asset is calculated as follows: monthly income * 24 months. It turns out that if you want to sell your website for a million rubles, it should bring you: 1,000,000/24 ​​= 41,667 rubles monthly. It is possible to reach such an indicator after 1.5-2 years of work in financial (or other profitable) topics.

Personal example. I have another website on educational topics, from which I earn almost the same amount per month through affiliate programs, here is the income for February 2019. I plan to sell it in the near future. The cost will be less than a million, but not by much.

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Real stories of people who were able to earn a million

There are hundreds of stories on the Internet of people who managed to get rich from scratch without having large starting capital or connections. Perhaps someday you will say: “I earned my first million with brains and perseverance.”

Sheri Schmeltzer

She was an ordinary 40-year-old housewife with three children. One day she came up with an interesting hobby - creating unique designs of rubber slippers with rhinestones. My husband gave me the idea to create a website and sell products.

At first, Sheri worked almost 24 hours a day. She made all the slippers by hand, went around different stores, offering her goods, and called people. The business was founded in 2005, and in 2006 sales reached $2.2 million. After 1.5 years, the Crocs company bought it from the owner for $10 million.

Dani Johnson

Born into a family of drug addicts, in her youth she worked as a waitress in a Hawaiian bar. One day, in the back seat of a taxi, Dani found a weight loss course and called the manufacturer, offering her sales services.

At first, the girl promoted the course using regular flyers, hanging them at the post office. In the first year she was able to earn a quarter of a million dollars, and a year later - a million. At 27 years old, Dani Johnson already owned 18 weight loss centers.

Sergey Galitsky

From 1991 to 1994 he worked in a commercial bank, then founded his own business. His first company, Transasia, was engaged in small-scale wholesale trade in cosmetics. Investments in the business amounted to $30 thousand. Gradually, Sergei Galitsky developed an entire chain of Magnit grocery stores. In 2017, the Russian businessman’s fortune amounted to $6.8 billion.

Do you want to earn your first million without investment? Find 7 tips on how to do this in a short time

The chances of making a lot of money without investment in a short period of time will increase dramatically if you listen to the tips listed below.

  1. Invest 10-20% of your earnings every month, even if it's pennies.
  2. Never take out loans to buy things that don't make a profit(for example, car, household appliances).
  3. Experiment. If after 6-8 months of hard work you do not see any progress, most likely you have chosen the wrong direction. Don't be afraid to try something different.
  4. Be bolder. As a rule, financial success is achieved by those who are accustomed to leaving their comfort zone and taking risks.
  5. Develop your communication skills. Other people give us money to earn. And if you hide from them, like a snail in a house, your labor efforts will be of little use. When looking for large clients, try to contact the head of the company directly.
  6. Read financial literature. Not pop collections of motivation like “The Millionaire Mind,” but sensible textbooks on economics, investments, technical and fundamental analysis.
  7. Create multiple sources of passive income. For example, buy securities, make your own website, write an e-book. Then you will retire rich.

And one more bonus recommendation that you can listen to or not: w It is advisable not to recycle. There is a high risk of emotional burnout and loss of health. Although there are many stories of fierce workaholics achieving success.

And another video worth watching from a man who currently earns more than one million and teaches everyone how to earn money.


Of course, you can’t earn a million in a day or a week. But a well-known name allows you to do this in a month, and professional knowledge and in-demand skills - in 6-12 months. The hardest thing is to start from scratch. Believe that a person with a small salary or no money at all can become a millionaire. But examples of successful individuals confirm that everyone has a chance. We hope that the ideas and tips given in the article will help you break out of the middle class and earn your first million.

How to earn a million in a month without investments, ways to earn money.

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Everyone dreams of having a high income. But only a few know what needs to be done to make this dream come true. Most often, people remain idle, continuing to go to work that brings neither joy nor money.

And someone earns millions every month and lives for their own pleasure. Let's figure out how to earn your first million in a month.

How to earn a million in a month without investments, idea

You can earn a million by inventing something new and original. Think about what can be improved, what equipment needs changes and improvements.

You need to develop innovations in an area in which you are well versed and a professional. So that you not only submit an idea, but also be able to bring it to life.

Your development should be useful to people - then it will become in demand and will lead you to high incomes. I have repeatedly written examples of the success of ordinary people who became millionaires thanks to their knowledge and perseverance.

There are hundreds of examples, among them are my mentor, friend and partner, such famous people as the founder of VKontakte and Telegram, my partner and many other guys.

You can learn from these stories, follow their example and achieve success yourself. Of course, you won’t earn it by lying on the couch and dreaming of a million; you will have to work hard.

Here are some more examples of millionaires from scratch:

Experience of foreign countries

If you can’t come up with something new on your own, then interesting ideas and innovations can be found abroad. After all, there are many technologies abroad that have not yet appeared in Russia.

All you have to do is implement them in our country. But, first, it is better to analyze whether these innovations are needed and whether they will be in demand on the RuNet.

Website creation

Creating your own website is the right step on the path to a million. But one creation is not enough. For a site to make a profit, it needs to be promoted and then regularly filled with fresh content.

An already promoted site can be sold at a high price and put this business on stream. But you can make good money on the site yourself, which I constantly write about in my reports and articles.

Choose a topic, create a website, fill it with interesting material, monetize it, or sell it. If the monthly profit from the site is high, then it is better to keep it and continue promotion.

If you have no experience in creating and promoting websites, it is better to seek help from specialists, for example, go to study at our Earning Academy.


Helping people is very valuable. Consultations are becoming increasingly popular every year. But in order to advise someone, you need to have an excellent understanding of any field of activity.

Think, maybe you are well versed in some important issues and have enough experience and knowledge to help people.

Questions of debts, loans, earnings, etc. are popular now. Often, people have to turn to specialists to solve problems. And one consultation is very expensive.

You can consult in the office or online on the Internet. The work is very responsible and serious, but the result is worth it.


The income of businessmen is significantly higher than the income of ordinary workers. Business provides unlimited opportunities for development and earnings.

To make your business profitable, you need to choose the right field of activity. The more unique and original your idea is, the greater your chances of achieving success.


If you have any talents, skills, or knowledge, you can make good money freelancing.

In addition, freelancing has many advantages:

  • Free schedule;
  • Interesting tasks;
  • Absence of a boss;
  • High salary;
  • Work from home.

But freelancing also has a significant drawback - instability. One month you can earn a large sum, and the next you can be left without a salary due to lack of work.

It is also worth considering that a freelancer is a fulfiller of orders and performs work for money. Working as a freelancer, earning a million in one month is not realistic, you need to face the truth.

Unless you are a freelancer of the level, and even then, he makes money mainly from the information business than from copywriting.

Once you decide to become a freelancer, do not rush to quit your job. Do this when the job becomes stable.

Network marketing

Despite the fact that people are skeptical about such income, in fact, you can make good money in network marketing. You need to find a reliable company, assemble your team and make a profit.

A few examples of online millionaires:

Abroad, people begin to engage in network marketing from a young age. This allows you to have financial independence from an early age. In Russia, this type of income is not particularly popular.


This is a risky way of making money. But here, with a small starting capital, you can get a high income. The Forex exchange is the most popular these days.

If you do not have knowledge in this area, then there is a high risk of being at a loss. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals who, for a small percentage, will help you increase your capital.

How to earn a million in a month without investments, summary

Earning a million in a month without investments is quite possible. But for this you need to try hard and make every effort (a million).

The article lists only the most popular and effective methods. It’s impossible to talk about all the options for making money – there are a limitless number of them. It all depends on each individual person, his goals, knowledge, experience and desires.

Strive for your goal and everything will definitely work out.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that anyone can earn money this way, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

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There are no instructions that describe and lay out how to make a million. Even Robert Kiyosaki, who is accessible to everyone, will not write them together with Donald Trump.

Creating and applying such instructions is by no means a guarantee of a million-dollar monthly income. After all, the biscuit recipe is also the same. But the biscuit turns out differently for everyone. Some people like to add cinnamon, others bake it longer. Extracting a million from the world's cash reserves into your own wallet is a complex technological process, and new items will always appear in it. Therefore, you need to look for or create a system that will work in any conditions, under any circumstances and where you need it.

Do you want to earn a million a month from scratch and without preparation? You are doomed to abandon your idea. The reason will be the usual disappointment. If a woman earns millions from floral design, this speaks of enormous experience, deep theoretical knowledge and an endless flow of creative ideas. This takes about three years in total. There is such a concept - “fortune”. But only a few of the cohort of millionaires felt its meaning in their lives. To become a famous actor, you need not only to study at a university with a high level of accreditation, but also to look for ways to promote your talent. A million is not the smile of a Cheshire cat; it won’t appear out of thin air.

How long does it take to earn a million rubles, say, a month? Without additional effort, but purely theoretically. The issue concerns not only us.

The Economist magazine, after performing a series of simple calculations, was able to predict the situation in some countries. The basis was the average income of the breadwinner before taxes. The USA comes first. You can become a millionaire here faster than anywhere else on the globe. Which is not surprising - according to IMF forecasts for 2014-2019. The USA will remain in first place in terms of living standards. A million dollars in America is 20-25 years without savings and restrictions. A hopeless future awaits fathers in Romania. There it would take them 350 years to make a million! This is 3.5 times the average life expectancy. What kind of million per month can we talk about?

There are obvious flaws in the statistics. It takes into account only the income of a working man; nothing is said about women’s material contributions to the development of families and third-party sources of income that everyone is trying to acquire.

This information should not drive you astray, but lift the veil of reality before you.

A million just like that

You have no idea what creating a business is, a business plan for you is a dark forest with wolves, and you want to receive millions in royalties without leaving the stove or the computer. I wonder where to make a million. The following list of ideas may help you. But, honestly, these classes will not bring you more than 100,000 rubles a month.

  • Create a travel agency.
  • Go into network marketing (related to products that have gained a foothold in the market, but have not yet become boring to domestic users).
  • Insurance (you will cooperate with the bank and offer its services).
  • Game on the currency exchange.
  • Tutoring.
  • Sale of own hand-made products.
  • Rewriting and copywriting.

Or Ivan Tavrin, who collaborates with Alisher Usmanov (a lot depends on the environment!). When he was 34, he became director of the Megafon company, which belongs to Usmanov. Do you know why? At the end of 2012, he successfully bought back the company's shares in the amount of $155,000,000.

Vyacheslav Mirilashvili will soon become a billionaire. Of course, if you manage several profitable companies, earning a million dollars a month is easy (he is the head of the PetroMir development holding and the Conti gaming center).

How to become millionaires

A person who is ready to take responsibility for his life and his world will never plunge into making abstract plans like “one day I will become cool.” For a strong person, inspiration and motivation will not be replaced by thinking “how to make a million without doing anything.”

The personalities of Russian millionaires are multifaceted, but some qualities are found in almost everyone. These include higher education, knowledge of the foreign exchange market, developed management skills and conscious actions.

Earn a million: 7 components of success

  • Niche. What did you want? By the time you reach your first million-dollar milestone, you'll have to make repeated choices. The advice may seem banal, but take on what you love with all your heart. Build a business where your eyes shine. Then your employees will also glow with enthusiasm.
  • Talent. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning to open an umbrella business, sell sky lanterns, or open a computer programming school, note that even random niches require skills and abilities.
  • Capital. The universe is abundant. floating your bread on the waters, be sure that someday it will return to you with oil. To make a million, be prepared to lose a little less.
  • Patience. When starting to make your first million in your business from scratch, be prepared to wait. Be patient.
  • The ability to appreciate people. The coolest insight can be captured by having a team of advanced experts in their field. Each of them will bring their knowledge to your business. No matter what abilities you have, you are not able to know and control everything.
  • Internet. Customers who are interested in your service or product are waiting on the Internet, where your website is created and effective advertising is built. The Internet is your driving force, so you will also need
  • Time. Free from work. You are going to earn a million rubles competently, and not by curbing three work schedules at the same time. You can work several jobs, but even a highly paid part-time job will not turn into a million-dollar earnings at the end of the month. Big money will require ascension to a new level. You remember the famous phrase of R. Kiosaki: “You earn money in your free time from work”? This axiom excludes non-stop work 24 hours a day.
  • Franchise. Current franchises are hidden not only in fast food stalls. You can look for a profitable option in the fashion clothing market. The amount of the initial investment contribution will be 70,000 rubles - 105,000 $.
  • Slowness. Do not wait until you decide to take action, do not hope that the best moment for this will come - it will not come. But there will be a persistent feeling that they want to poison your life. Leave your doubts for another time.
  • Fear. Any result is the result of your specific actions. If you don’t like the result, change your actions and behavior until you achieve what you want.
  • Typical behavior of a “rich” person. Namely: uncontrollably spending money where you could save a lot. Let's reveal a little secret: a millionaire also does not live large, because he knows the true price of earnings.
  • What you definitely won't need

    In any case, 1 million – rubles or dollars, it doesn’t matter – is the result of consistent actions, supported by knowledge. Famous actors, TV presenters, and politicians also won’t earn that amount in a month. They can get so much for the project as a whole, and it would take a lot of hard work for it. But when there is an established system and the habit of looking for the most rational way, millions will come to you steadily, regardless of the amount of time spent on work.

    Many people may think that making their first million is very difficult, if not impossible. In fact, this is far from the case. Anyone can earn this amount and for this now there is no need to take all the courses at the institute. In practice, it is enough to form the right money mindset and work hard in the right direction. The Internet provides a wealth of information and opportunities for self-learning.

    The key point that you shouldn’t forget is that the Internet is full of scammers, so you don’t need to look for easy ways to make money. Success requires systematic work and self-improvement. It is more important to form the right habits, which will result in a high income.

    If you read the article to the end, you will know for sure:

    • Is it possible to earn a million rubles;
    • how quickly and in what ways this can be done;
    • and what skills are needed for financial development;
    • Let's give examples of successful people who were able to create their own business empire from scratch.

    Proven options: 10 real ways to get your first million rubles in a month.

    In this section we list the main ways in which many have managed to generate a permanent income.

    Real estate

    One of the simplest and most popular methods. It is considered simple in the sense that it allows you to receive. But you need to learn how to correctly evaluate real estate: how high is the demand for it in a particular area, are there more profitable options in the nearby area, etc. For this, online courses that can be found on the Internet are enough. There are several ways to generate income from real estate:

    • Rent daily or monthly.
    • Making a profit from the resale of real estate purchased at the development stage or purchased from another owner.
    • Sublease. Not the “cleanest” method, but it is often practiced and allows you to earn income with small investments.

    Buying real estate requires a large investment. You can get a mortgage, but in this case you need to understand what risks you bear and prepare a financial “safety cushion”. The situation is similar with the purchase of commercial real estate, only higher investments are required.

    You can make money in real estate without investments, for example, by acting as an agent and selling other people's apartments/houses to clients.

    Online investments

    Where to look for customers:

    Youtube channel

    Another proven option for making money is starting your own. For a successful start, you need to decide on the theme of the channel, carefully think through the content and shoot high-quality videos that will not be much inferior to top channels. Instructions for starting your channel, by the way, can be found on Youtube.


    One of the most popular areas of online business. You can launch your own information business without investment. This method allows you to monetize your knowledge. If you are well versed in any field, you can create and promote proprietary courses or train people through webinars.

    Become an author or get a patent

    You can write your own book, a musical composition, create a video game, or develop a unique technology that will pay dividends throughout your life.

    Become an intermediary

    If you have experience in sales or want to learn, then try yourself in the field of mediation. Find clients for freelancers or companies and earn income from every sale of a product or service. You can find one client who will generate income for a very long time. This practice is popular in network marketing.

    Sell ​​unnecessary things

    People often store extra things that they rarely use. Or these things require additional costs. It is unlikely that you will be able to raise a million in this way, but you can get an amount that you can then invest in your own business or any assets.

    Earning a million from scratch: 5 steps that will increase your income

    Before you begin the journey to your first million, you need to identify a specific goal. This is how our brain works. When we see our goal, for which we are ready to work, dopamine is released - the neurotransmitter responsible for our motivation. If there is no goal, there will be no motivation. We will describe the main points that will help you achieve your goal more effectively.

    Where to begin

    First of all, you need to draw up an action plan that will lead to achieving your goal. How to achieve results if you don’t know how to act? Each case must have an accurate and structured algorithm of actions. Determine the type of activity, set deadlines.

    It is important : Set deadlines. If you ignore them, procrastination will arise and the opportunity to earn your first million will be postponed indefinitely. It's okay if you don't meet the deadline - there's no one to punish you for it. But deadlines will help you develop the necessary discipline and set the pace, which will subsequently play a key role in the development of your own business.

    Change your lifestyle

    Success will require changing your lifestyle and thinking. Please note that famous people lead active lifestyles and work while others sleep. Get into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time, e.g. at 22:00 and 6:00.

    Health plays an important role. This includes healthy sleep, food and exercise. There's no need to sweat it out in the gym, but moderate physical activity will improve overall tone and increase brain activity, which is an advantage since productive activity requires a lot of energy. Excessive consumption of junk food leads to fatigue. No one is calling for giving up burgers and pizza, but you should increase grains, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, and it is better to reduce the amount of sugar and fatty foods.

    Motivational films charge you with the necessary energy to continue working, especially if you are ready to give up. Failures will often accompany you not only at first, but also in subsequent stages. Watch or read stories of people who were able to overcome difficult moments, at the same time you will gain valuable information.

    Invest in yourself

    This will help you find non-standard solutions even in simple tasks, which will allow you to take your business to the next level. Experiment more and don't just use ready-made solutions. An expanded horizon allows you to look further and see more where others cannot see.

    Connect with like-minded people

    In business there is such a thing as coworking. By communicating with other like-minded people, you exchange experiences that can be useful in achieving your goals. Form the right circle of acquaintances who should motivate and help you move forward. Try to limit communication with those who interfere and try to dissuade you, because they believe that nothing will work out for you.

    Is it possible to get 1 million rubles quickly?

    This is quite real. Luck can smile on a person, and he will quickly get rich here and now. But this will not help him in the future if he does not know how to properly manage funds, save them and increase them. It will be much more effective to learn how to earn income through your knowledge and skills, which will bring more fruitful results in the long run.


    Suddenly a person may become the happy owner of a large inheritance. If you are lucky, then do not miss this opportunity. You can spend money, but it’s better to invest it in something. If you get an apartment, make repairs if necessary and start renting it out to receive passive income.


    There are other types of easy income that come with high risks:

    • Winning in a lottery or casino
    • Winning in sports betting
    • Rapid growth of acquired high-risk assets, such as shares of young companies, cryptocurrencies or ICO tokens
    • For girls, this can be a successful marriage

    Real examples of millionaires

    There are many bright people who were able to create a business from scratch and do not stop there. Each field has its own leaders, such as Elon Musk in the IT industry or Tony Robbins, who is the most successful information businessman in the world, and the cost of his personal coaching is $1 million. Let us give examples of the most famous people who built a business empire without initial popularity or money.

    Bill Gates

    Bill Gates founded Microsoft, which developed Windows and remains the most popular operating system on the market. He saw an opportunity and created a product that would make it easier for people to interact with computers. Thanks to Bill Gates, computers were able to be used by ordinary people, not just qualified programmers.

    Steve Jobs

    Together with Steve Wozniak, Jobs created Apple, and their first office was a garage. They sought to create a complete product, the equivalent of which still does not exist on the market. Apple does not provide operating systems, hardware, software and cases separately - they are provided together in one product.

    Mark Zuckerberg

    Although Mark Zuckerberg was not the first to create a social network, he was able to popularize it by adding innovative features that existing social networks did not have, and at the age of 23 he became the youngest billionaire in the world. Facebook is now one of the five most visited sites on the planet.

    How quickly can you save your first million?

    It’s not difficult to save your first million, but to do this you need to follow certain rules. It's quite simple: turn a liability into an asset. Liabilities are what take money away from you. Adjust expenses, and use free money to form an asset - something that brings in money.


    It is enough to save a small amount every month, cutting down unnecessary expenses. Replace trips to cafes with cooking, and taxi trips with public transport. In addition, given the congestion of roads in large cities, traveling by taxi will not save much time. Saving is a long and inconvenient method, but you can speed it up with a bank deposit.


    By investing in anything you can save a million much faster. But the higher the potential profit of an enterprise, the higher the risks. If you want to speed up the process, be prepared to take risks. You can additionally earn extra money on the freelance market or sell products and invest your free money.


    Earning your first million rubles in Russia is quite possible. Avoid easy ways to make quick money and strive to create a stable source of income by developing the necessary skills and mindset that leads to success!