Business in Bulgaria for Russians. What is a profitable business for a Russian to start in Bulgaria?

Sunday, July 28, 2013 12:50 (link)

What business should a Russian do in Bulgaria? There are countless options. Everything that can be in demand is worth doing. You can apply your skills, knowledge and capabilities in any field with success and a good income. The main thing is to find a free niche, calculate the pros and cons and open your own business. Many people can obtain a residence permit, register their own company and start a business. Many people who are purposeful and think about their future and their children can also go to a normal country.

I recently discovered an excellent business option in Sofia. Bicycles for rent. Everything seems simple. Why didn't others notice and do it earlier? By chance I found an office in the city center, looked in, there were bikes hanging on the walls and a little man sitting at the computer. He did not refuse me a conversation and a story. And how can you refuse a journalist? I’ll just barge in and ask for information so I can write to you and tell you about life in Bulgaria.

There are a lot of tourists in Sofia, all the time, not like at sea only during the season. Two guys found a niche, chipped in little by little, bought bicycles and opened their own business. Office costs are 200 euros per month, costs for bicycles are 25 pieces for 250 euros for a total of 6,500 euros. They rent for 15 euros per day each. They’ve only been working for three months, they’ve printed out a bunch of flyers, hand them out at the reception in low-star hotels, and now almost all the bikes are used by them. They serve it directly to the hotel, roll it on wheels, and then leave the client at the hotel, next to the hotel, fastening the bike. The guys come and take it away. In the third month, we have already reached the point that almost all the bicycles are handed over every day and the daily revenue is 200-250 euros. We have already recouped our investment. In three months. Well done.

Why not an option for a Russian in Bulgaria. Option. Demand far exceeds supply. Hurry - do it - earn money. If you wish, we will organize such an event - bicycle rental for you.

Bulgaria is a good country

How to avoid scammers when buying real estate in Bulgaria. Just. You need to know where they can deceive and be prepared for it. Forewarned is forearmed. no-repeat;border:none;width:93px;height:21px;font-size:12px;font-family:Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Arial ; width:100px;" />


What is the cost of living in Bulgaria. How can a Russian emigrant live in Bulgaria?

Thursday, July 25, 2013 07:40 (link)

What is the cost of living in Bulgaria for an expat. Living budget in Bulgaria. Prices in Bulgaria. Cost of products in Bulgaria. Cost of living in Sofia.

I haven’t written about prices in Sofia for a long time. They haven't changed much. On the first day of Ramadan, the Muslims reduced the price of lamb to 4 leva per kilo, it usually cost 11 leva. Well, I stocked up and threw it in the freezer. I saw it by chance, I thought they were dumping rotten meat, but it turned out that’s how they’re supposed to do it. Well, that's how it's supposed to be. I'm better off. I will create lamb saddles.

Vegetables and fruits on Zhopazar move in different directions. Juicy shaggy peaches cost 0.80 levs per kilo (16 rubles), bell peppers - 1.0 levs (20 rubles), green, and you can stuff them and eat them in salads. Potatoes have risen in price to 0.80 levs (16 rubles). Carrots are also worth it. Killed pigs cost depending on the grade - from 9 leva (180 rubles) for the most super meat, to 6 leva for rough meat. Union sausages are inedible - 3.60 leva kilogram (70 rubles), tasty and meat ones are more expensive - 6 leva (120 rubles). Chilled chicken chickens from a normal factory, carcasses - 5 leva kilos (100 rubles), dates - 3 leva kilos (60 rubles). All kinds of greens – 0.20 leva bunch (4 rubles). Watermelons -0.40 leva (8 rubles) kilo, grapes appeared out of nowhere for 2 leva kilos (40 rubles). Milk in packages - 1.80 liter on average (36 rubles), cheese like Dutch, hard, called kashkaval here, has increased in price - 12-17 leva kilogram (240-340 rubles), Parmesan 30 leva kilo (600 rubles), jamon , my favorite and prosciutto crudo cost 28-35 leva per kilo (560-700 rubles), chilled Norwegian salmon, whole and cleaned, without the head, costs 25 leva kilogram (500 rubles), chilled river trout, rainbow - 8 leva kilo (160 rubles).

As you can see, you can live and live well in Bulgaria. Get a residence permit and live. I have already written many times about how and what kind of work a Russian emigrant can find in Bulgaria. If you are lazy to read, you can ask by email. I will answer specific questions. But with work, everything depends on the employer. If you are interested in him, then you will receive a work permit and a work visa.

If you have questions about how to obtain a residence permit in Bulgaria, ask by letter.

Who can get a residence permit in Bulgaria - read here. Click on the link and read about how to get a residence permit in Bulgaria

Conditions in Bulgaria for starting and developing your own business are improving every year. After the Republic of Belarus joined the European Union, economic indicators continue to grow, attracting more and more foreign investors to the state. A new flow of investment into the Republic was ensured by changes in Bulgarian legislation in 2013, thanks to which it became possible to invest in business.

Are you thinking about opening a European business? Register a company in Bulgaria with us and become a citizen of the European Union.

Advantages of doing business in Bulgaria

Opportunity to engage in commercial activities and work as a manager

Low taxation

State support and incentives for foreign investors

Obtaining the right to purchase land plots

No religious or racial conflicts

Possibility to register a car for a company

Use of banking services, including the right to obtain a loan or mortgage for a company at favorable interest rates

Economic and political stability

Obtaining a business visa to live in Bulgaria

Close language and mentality to citizens of CIS countries

Preserving your native passport

Opportunity to move to Europe for the whole family

Ways to obtain Bulgarian citizenship through business investment

Foreigners can obtain Bulgarian citizenship through permanent residence when investing in a Bulgarian business. To do this, use one of 3 possible options:

Buy shares of one or more companies on the Bulgarian stock exchange for an amount over 1 million leva (approximately 512,000 euros). After obtaining permanent residence in Bulgaria, you need to re-invest the above amount in a Bulgarian company - a “certified investment project”. By fulfilling these conditions, you will receive Bulgarian citizenship.

The investment mechanism is completely the same as option 1, however, the minimum required investment amount is 6 million leva (approximately 3,070,000 euros) and the company's shares cannot be sold on the stock exchange.

Become the owner of at least 50% of the shares of a Bulgarian company or register as a managing director of a certified investment project. After obtaining Bulgarian permanent residence, you need to invest 20 million leva (approximately 10,260,000 euros) or more over 1 year to obtain Bulgarian citizenship.

What business to open in Bulgaria?

Foreign entrepreneurs and investors often ask the question: “what business to open in Bulgaria?” The legislation of the Republic does not limit foreigners in choosing areas for doing business - it all depends on your plans and the size of the investment. It is quite easy for individuals to organize a small or medium-sized business (for example, a hotel, restaurant). In turn, large foreign companies prefer to open their representative offices or buy ready-made Bulgarian businesses (for example, construction, transport, tourism).

Basic list of documents for starting a business in Bulgaria


Original company name

A copy of your foreign passport (or the co-founders of your company)

Founding act/protocol

Legal address of the company

Director's declaration

Certified consent of the director and sample of his signature

Statements on opening an account in a Bulgarian bank and contributing the authorized capital

Receipts for payment of registration fees

How to buy a ready-made business in Bulgaria?

Ready-made business in Bulgaria is very popular among foreign investors from Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. This is due to an affordable pricing policy and a wide selection of existing business properties for sale. To purchase a ready-made business in Bulgaria, you should decide on an object that corresponds to the type of activity you have chosen. You can contact us - we will advise you and select an option on the Bulgarian investment market that is worth the investment.

Having decided on the object, it is necessary to study in as much detail as possible the state of affairs of the company and the process of doing business. Our qualified lawyers can conduct a legal examination of the documentation. Along with a legal analysis, it will be useful to do an economic one: assess assets and business reputation, predict the prospects for the further development of the company.

The final stage of purchasing a ready-made business in Bulgaria is determining the price. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an evaluation conclusion: clearly justify the cost that the business owner is asking for, and assess the validity of the requested price.

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Business in Bulgaria. Things to do or do

What is a promising small business in Bulgaria?, you often ask in letters. The answer to this question is both simple and difficult. Finding a need and satisfying it is the main thing in business. Big or small. You can offer non-standard, but popular options and will be in demand. For example, open a tattoo parlor and offer good prices for work and perfect cleanliness. Or open a Russian pub that doesn’t exist in Sofia yet. This option is simply doomed to success. But, in the case of a tattoo parlor, the cost of opening a business can be only 3000-4000 euros, and in a Russian beer shop you need to invest at least 25,000 euros at the initial stage. And accordingly, the revenue will be different. In a tattoo parlor, 400-500 leva per day, and in a beer bar, the daily income can be, with correct positioning and excellent service, 4000-5000 leva per day. Everything is relative in the question. You need to know and consider any option.

What kind of work can an emigrant find in Bulgaria?. This is also a frequently asked question. It’s easy to get a residence permit in Bulgaria. Here's what to do next and where to work. Any job can be found for both emigrants and non-emigrants. The main thing is to have a desire to work if a person is looking for a job. The specialty is important and the attitude towards work is important. This does not apply to those who create a business for themselves. You can always open your own business in Bulgaria for Russians. Just register a company and get started.

We are currently launching a mini-cheese factory in Bulgaria, which will open within 3-4 months with a monthly output of 2000 kg of finished products. Hard cheese will mainly be produced. Export-oriented products. Deliveries to Europe. Normal Europe. Preliminary negotiations with product buyers have been carried out and the packaging design will be tailored specifically to the buyer. Target market defined. Various packaging, from 0.100 kg to 1.0 kg. excellent packaging. Our production will open in one of the rural areas of Bulgaria, where cows also live and milk purchase prices are 0.40 stotinki per liter, which will allow us to use European funding under the program for the development of rural areas in Bulgaria. So maybe work in Bulgaria for Russian pensioners can also be provided. In a cheese making factory. With accommodation in a beautiful rural area.

Total cost of the mini cheese factory project(equipment, premises, purchase of raw materials, salaries, taxes, etc.) is 35,000 euros. Reaching design production capacity from the second month of the project (2000 kg). The payback period for the project is 10 months.

Can a project such as cheese production be considered small and in demand? Yes, of course, this project will live as long as the cows live, and soon excellent hard cheeses with holes will be available in pubs in Bulgaria, Germany, Austria and other countries.

This is much better, more profitable and more interesting than pouring money into real estate in Bulgaria, freezing it and sitting on it.

Participation in a similar production project is being considered. We can also develop a similar project for him personally for those interested.


A fairly large number of Ukrainians are successfully developing entrepreneurial activities in European countries. Good business conditions are found in Bulgaria. This country is close in language and mentality to the population of Ukraine, so starting a new business here is much easier than in other European countries.

Benefits of doing business in Bulgaria

If you want to create a business, you need to inquire about the current opportunities of the local economy. For example, purchase a tour to Bulgaria from Kyiv from the company “Bulgar Tourism” and go on an unforgettable trip. Today, it is possible to organize a business in Bulgaria without much difficulty. Registering a business is an opportunity to obtain a residence permit. This is a huge advantage, since it will be possible not only to work, but also to live in the vastness of the European Union.

Opening an organization in Bulgaria provides the following advantages:

  • commercial employment and management employment;
  • acquisition of land plots (foreign citizens do not have such a right);
  • registration of the vehicle for the organization (cars purchased by foreigners must be re-registered every year after registration);
  • issuing loans with more favorable rates than for foreigners;
  • purchasing a business visa;
  • purchase of real estate, equipment and transport on lease.

Popular business options

To decide which type of business to give preference to in Bulgaria, you need to identify the field of activity, look at the financial realities and expected income. The country's many resorts are of particular interest to businessmen. On the Black Sea coast, the number of jobs increases significantly in the summer season. The winter season is attractive due to the unique conditions of the areas located near ski resorts. Small businesses have become the most popular in Bulgaria. This could be a private cafe, pastry shop or beauty salon. However, we should not forget about other popular activities.

Tourism. The country has popular holiday destinations on the Black Sea coast. The tourist movement is developing purposefully - old hotels are being reconstructed, new ski resorts are being created, and excursion programs are being developed.

Real estate. Land plots and real estate are characterized by corresponding values Bulgaria, but the costs of purchasing them pay off in a short period of time.

Transport. Due to the constant influx of tourists seeking a warm sea and decent recreational conditions, the services of a transport company will always be appropriate.

How to do business in Bulgaria

The preference for which type of business activity to choose depends on the possible investment and business. Individuals more often choose small or medium-sized businesses (hotels, etc.), and foreign organizations transfer their own businesses or acquire existing businesses (transport, tourism, construction).

To do business in Bulgaria you will need to open it and register it. The event is quick and not particularly expensive, but, as in any business, some subtleties and difficulties are discovered, ignoring which can cause serious problems some time after registering a company, at a time when the business is already developing well.

In order to carry out large-scale business activities in Bulgaria, it is possible to acquire a ready-made business, and then just optimize it and expand it, or, if necessary, stabilize it.

There is a lot of interesting things in Bulgaria for Russians who have or are planning to obtain a residence permit in Bulgaria, move or leave their countries and open a business in Bulgaria in order to live with dignity.

Many have already taken their first steps, they know how to move to Bulgaria and live calmly and with dignity. Minding their own business. They earn serious money in a European country.

One left, another came, the rooster replaced the orangutan. In Bulgaria everything is good, calm, clean and pleasant. It’s wonderful to live in a country where the air is permeated with centuries of history. You don't notice anything bad. A lot has been said about how to obtain a residence permit in Bulgaria. What kind of business in Bulgaria is interesting and profitable is also where you can read. You can open your own store or bakery in Bulgaria. You can organize a family hotel and receive money from the European Union for the project. Where it is profitable to invest small amounts in Bulgaria and get a good income - here you need to analyze and search. There are always options. He who seeks always finds. Sometimes we provide consultations on issues like this.

Life goes on. Work has also begun. Creativity, of course, did not stop. The new book is being formed and supplemented. This will be my first piece of fiction. The rest are all published non-fiction. For anyone interested, I’ll send you links to books that can be ordered on Amazon and Ozone in paper form for money, or downloaded in PDF format, free of charge, I think already free. There are also options in Russian and Bulgarian, choose which one for you.

Gentlemen and ladies who are planning to come to Bulgaria in January, consult and see the country, and maybe take a ride on the “House Tour”, please inform us in advance so that you can dock in the land of the evergreens.

Interesting things for you in Bulgaria for 2017.

Search for budget houses near the Black Sea. There are enough of them in the villages of Varna. You won’t find them on the Internet, we’ll put them in order and offer those who want to retire to Bulgaria to retire or who want to escape from the bustle of the city to the land and others. We will issue documents for obtaining a residence permit for our clients free of charge. Only government taxes will need to be paid.

In the center of Varna, reconstruction of penthouse-tavans, in the areas of Odessos (Gratska Mahala), Ideal Center. Reconstruction involves converting premises into housing with the preparation of all documents. The first object is three apartments in a historical building on Tsaribrod street 5. two are 55-60 m2 each and one is 120 m2 with an individual elevator, excellent design, which we coordinate with the customer and the building. An excellent investment and the right investment in real estate. High quality, timeless, not cheap, but reasonable. You can now see the place and the housing itself. There are other options - premises on Petar Karavelov and Prince Batenberg streets. I think that within a year we will finish everything and deliver it.

Monthly three-day business seminars for visitors to Bulgaria. They were in Sofia, now they will move to Varna. There is a room for holding events, as well as equipment. The program of the three-day business seminar is interesting, practical and useful. We have what to say about opening a business and startups in Bulgaria. Quite a lot and interesting. With minimal investment in a new business.

Travels through sacred and unknown Bulgaria. There is a minivan for 7 people. There are a dozen unique and unexplored places and routes, with or without overnight stays. Including old treasures. We will visit scary and terrible places of power in Bulgaria. There are many interesting things in Bulgaria that not only you, but also the Bulgarians themselves sometimes don’t know about. We will visit energetically strong places, not polluted by tourists, with pristine purity.

Organization of treatment of asthma, psoriasis, weight loss, rejuvenation and other troubles of the body. A hot topic nowadays. Courses of treatment and prevention are 21-24 days. There are clinics, we will do transfers, there are smart specialists in clinics in Bulgaria. Asthma and hay fever are treated radically and effectively in Bulgaria. That’s why asthmatics from all over Europe come to Bulgaria for prevention. The cost of treatment and accommodation and food is ridiculous compared to Russian or Ukrainian prices. Write to anyone who has a desire and need. We'll organize everything.

The opening of startups in Bulgaria, hotels, hostels, bakeries, shops, fish, cheese, cape and other mini-productions continues. All over Bulgaria. Not only in Varna now. Investments from 5000 euros per project. You can create these too. The profitability of projects and management depends on marketing, but on average it is 30-50%. You need to count. Projects are individual. Each project is unique and a business plan and feasibility study must be drawn up and developed.

Consultations on:

How to create your own business in Bulgaria
- How to develop a business plan and get a loan
- How to get European financing for a business project
- How to invest a small amount in Bulgaria
- How to get a loan for a Russian in Bulgaria.
- How to check a business when purchasing.
- How to successfully get a job in Bulgaria.

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