Business plan for opening a cheburechka shop. Profitable business: how to open a cheburek shop

Are you thinking about starting your own business and looking for ideas? One of the most profitable businesses is the maintenance of public catering establishments. To live, a person needs to eat. Therefore, such establishments always have regular customers.

In this article we will tell you what is needed in order to organize the opening of a cheburek. After reading the information below, you will learn what you need to take care of so that your business develops quickly and successfully.

Enterprise format

Most often, novice entrepreneurs start with a small closed kiosk. Inside it is divided into two zones. The first is the so-called kitchen, where the baking process takes place. Equipment for the production of chebureks, sinks and taps are installed here. The second part of the kiosk is a small room with a cash register, a counter for finished products and a window through which the pasties are actually sold.

If funds allow, then you can start this type of business with a cafe or restaurant format, decorated in the appropriate style. Here, initially more costs will be spent on interior design, purchasing furniture and household appliances. But all this will pay off over time, since the production of chebureks in such establishments is on a large scale, and the number of visitors is many times higher.

Permitting documentation

Like any other public catering establishment, a cheburek restaurant must have a permit to operate. It is issued by the sanitary-epidemiological station. Both the premises and equipment are certified. If everything complies with the rules, the owner is issued the appropriate document.

Products are also tested by a laboratory service. Based on the results of the research, a veterinary certificate is issued. When all checks are completed, the enterprise will receive a general document - a technological map.

In addition to the SES, permission to operate must also be issued by the fire service. She checks all equipment of the premises: hoods, water supply system, sewage system, serviceability of household appliances (while paying special attention to the machine for making pasties), the condition of the electrical wiring.


To operate a small cheburek shop, it is enough to hire three people: two cooks, one of whom will prepare the products, and the second will bake them, and a salesperson. Employees must undergo a mandatory medical examination and receive the appropriate document - a medical book, which will contain information that the person is healthy and can work in a public catering establishment.

Equipment for the production of chebureks

To start a business producing and selling this type of baked goods, you will need the following equipment:

  • cheburechnitsa;
  • apparatus for kneading dough;
  • dough sheeter;
  • meat grinder;
  • small cutlery (knives, spoons, spatulas, two-fingered forks for turning pasties);
  • furniture;
  • stove;
  • frying utensils, serving dishes, disposable plates for serving baked goods to clients.

In addition, you will need packaging materials for hot pasties in the form of paper bags, as well as napkins.


Making chebureks according to the classic recipe requires the availability of an appropriate food set. It includes the following components:

  • flour;
  • fresh meat;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • various spices and seasonings;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water.

If you use other recipes for cooking, you may need additional products (milk, vegetables, animal fat).

Cooking technology

Unleavened dough is kneaded from water, salt and flour. Minced meat is made from raw fresh meat (through a meat grinder). It can consist of one type of meat (pork, beef, lamb), or several at once. Chopped onions and herbs, salt and seasonings are added to the minced meat. The dough is rolled out into a thin layer (up to 3 mm) and brushed with egg. Approximately 1 tablespoon of minced meat is placed in the middle of the flatbread. The edges of the cheburek are pinched. Fry the product in hot oil.

Cost of chebureks and their profitability

The cost of preparing one cheburek is about 0.5 dollars. This includes the cost of products and energy consumption. They sell cheburek for about 1-1.5 dollars.

A person usually buys two pasties at once. The flow of customers is constant, especially if the kiosk or cafe is located in a crowded place. The benefit is obvious. Entrepreneurs who have already gone through a period of adaptation in this type of business say that all the costs of organizing the enterprise paid off within a year.

Cheburek, very popular in the Soviet Union, is now gaining a second wind. In the 2000s, they were eclipsed by fast foods. But now people have begun to return to delicious meat pies again. One of the main advantages is that this product does not need to be advertised, since everyone knows about it.
Chebureks are a pie made from unleavened dough with meat filling and seasonings. In traditional technology, the meat for filling was cut into small pieces, but in our time, minced meat with the addition of onions and peppers is used for this. Cooking takes place in a large amount of oil at a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius.

In this article we will look at how to open a cheburek shop in your city, we will focus on the choice of location, equipment and the technology for producing this dish.

Business format

Before drawing up a detailed business plan for Cheburechka, you need to decide on the format of the establishment, and often it depends on your starting capital, or the ability to find good rental space. There may be several of them.

1.) The cheapest solution with minimal investment would be to sell pasties from a cart. Surely you have seen such entrepreneurs at vegetable markets. The investment is minimal - purchasing a thermal container in which the temperature will be maintained (approximate cost $100 - $250), the pies themselves can be baked right at home. It’s clear that you won’t earn a lot of money in this mode, but it may well work as additional income. One of the disadvantages is the low level of trust in such products from buyers.

2.) A kiosk or trailer (converted car) for selling pasties. This format is more reliable and allows you to earn a little more money by selling additional products, drinks, chips and other things. As a rule, the costs are not that big, but to start such a business you will need at least $10,000 - $12,000. If you rent a ready-made retail space, your costs will be significantly reduced due to the absence of the need to buy equipment.

3.) A full-fledged cheburek restaurant in a cafe format. Here you can provide a wide range of dishes and drinks, create a hall for clients and decorate everything in the desired style. The main dish can be chebureks with various fillings.

In this article we will look at the last option for starting such a business.

We prepare documents

To conduct official activities, you will need to prepare all the relevant documents for trade or for working in a cafe format. It is important to understand that a cheburek shop is a catering business, and there will be many difficulties and requirements from inspection authorities. In addition, be prepared for constant checks, so work through all the documentation in great detail.

  • you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia it is 55.30. For Ukraine – 56.10.
  • Permits from SES and fire supervision are required.
  • lease or purchase and sale agreement for premises.
  • to register personnel for work, employees must have medical records.
  • visitor's corner with a book of complaints.
  • waste removal agreement.
  • certificates for products and equipment.


It is important to first understand the target buyer and adapt to them. The production and sale of chebureks is a business that is built in the format of a fast food establishment. The visitor came in, made an order, quickly ate, and went on to work on his details. We have highlighted a list of the most necessary requirements for the premises.

1.) The area of ​​the room should preferably be from 150 sq.m. It should be divided into a hall for visitors, a kitchen, restrooms, and utility rooms.

2.) It is necessary to connect all types of communications - water, gas, electricity, ventilation.

3.) Location is very important. Look for a building in passable places. You need to target a constant flow of people. An excellent solution would be premises near office centers and universities.

4.) The presence of a transport interchange will at least not be superfluous.

5.) Before making repairs and installing communications, find out all the requirements at your local SES.

Of course, places near the metro or train stations will be the most optimal, but everything is usually busy there, and you better look for something similar and start working.


Below we provide a list of what you need to open a cheburek shop:

  • professional cheburek maker – from $350;
  • dough mixer – from $1000;
  • dough sheeter – from $1100;
  • professional meat grinder – from $320.

All prices and the catalog of the equipment itself can be found in stores on the Internet. Also, do not forget about additional equipment: sinks, refrigeration equipment, kitchen utensils, dishes, etc.

Cooking process and assortment

The technology for making such a dish is not complicated. First, make a dough from flour, water and salt. After which it is rolled out into a flat cake several millimeters thick. Next, the filling is laid out on one half of it, usually minced meat (pork, lamb), and the second part is rolled up, after which the dish takes the shape of a crescent. And at the end, the product is fried in oil or fat until completely cooked.

In addition to pasties, you can sell soft and hot drinks, baked goods, chewing gum, chocolate bars and other additional products that may be of interest to cafe visitors. An excellent move would be to develop a menu of salads that go well with the same pasties.


The most important role will be played by the cook, as in any cafe, restaurant or catering establishment.

You will also need: waiters, bartender, cleaner, accountant. You can take on some of these responsibilities yourself.

Also take care of the safety of your establishment by installing fire and burglar alarms connected to the remote control of a security company.

How much does it cost to open a cheburek shop?

The financial issue always plays an important role when starting a business. In your business plan, you will need to carry out all the calculations and roughly predict the profit from the sale of pasties in order to estimate the payback period.

Starting investments:

  • architectural work with design of the establishment - $500.
  • renovation of the premises – $190 per 1 sq.m.
  • equipment for the kitchen and additional rooms, as well as refrigeration units - $7,500 - $10,000.
  • decoration of a place for the bartender, as well as furniture for the client room - $3,500.
  • purchase of dishes and other equipment - $700.
  • paperwork – $300
  • corporate identity (sign, menu stand) – $180
  • starting purchase of products – $2000

Monthly costs:

  • premises rental – $12 – $15 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $250
  • taxes – $200
  • salary – from $200 per employee
  • transportation costs – $60
  • replenishment of product range – $1800
  • advertising – $40

Total average for opening a cheburechka shop is 100 sq.m. (hall area) will cost you $30,500.

Profitability calculation

The cost of one cheburek is on average $0.25. Market selling price is about $1. Also, the cost should include a napkin and a bag; their cost can be considered $0.06.

A normally promoted point in a large city is capable of selling 250 - 350 pieces of products per day. Total total revenue will be about $300. We subtract the cost of the dish and get the amount of $205. You can earn about $6,200 per month. Taking away fixed expenses (about 65%), we get a net profit of $2,100. Such a point will pay off within 1.5 years.

Conclusions. In this article, we showed you where you can start making money on chebureks and how to develop your business in the future. The main thing is to monitor the quality of products and taste characteristics and keep the service at its best, then your establishment will be popular.

Do you have experience in this market segment? We look forward to your feedback and recommendations in the comments below.

Businesses that are somehow related to food are very popular here in Russia. As soon as a law appeared that allowed entrepreneurial activity, many points immediately opened, one way or another connected with the trade in products. Entrepreneurs are people with business acumen, and they quickly realized that resale is not a very profitable business; it is better to produce something. So many of them had a thought, and how to open a cheburechka ?

About the opening of a cheburechka

Very simple answer: chebureks delicious, one might say that there is always a demand for these products. In winter it is larger, in summer it is a little smaller, but if customers understand that your pasties are always fresh, always tasty, if you can organize everything as it should be and interest your customers, success in this business is guaranteed to you.

Pasties made from semi-finished products or your own products?

The worst thing to do is rely on semi-finished products when starting your own business. This is a road to nowhere and your cheburechka will never become a thriving business with other people's semi-finished products. What is most important for the consumer? Quality, of course, but what quality can you guarantee to your customers if you have no idea about the origin, preparation, storage, etc. of the semi-finished products that you purchased from someone? None.

The only option for working with semi-finished products is mobile cheburek. Drive it to institutes, to factory entrances, and hungry fellow citizens will probably be pleased with such service and will not be too picky about quality.

Otherwise, buy a cheaper semi-finished product, feed your customers only once, and they won’t come back to you again. Buy semi-finished products of good quality, you will have to pay such a sum for them that it will be unclear at what price chebureks sell? The buyer will not agree to pay an exorbitant amount for a cheburek, even if it is three times delicious.

So you can’t do without marketing research. Then it will become clear to you whether there will be a business and whether there will be demand for your products.

Is it better to buy ready-made minced meat or cook it from meat yourself?

This issue is resolved differently depending on your place of residence. If there are many enterprises in the city and there is a large selection of contacts, then you should just find one of the successful entrepreneurs and cooperate with him.

And in a small town it is better to prepare minced meat yourself, without asking anyone. But then you must resolve all issues regarding obtaining documents from veterinarian for meat. Before opening a cheburek shop, all documentary issues must be resolved, otherwise the cheburek shop will only work until the first inspection.

It's not easy with the test either.

Chebureks are, first of all, meat and dough. Naturally, you should be aware of all the basic requirements for these products. Dough, for example, cannot be yeast-based, and its moisture content cannot be more than 40% .

High-quality dough will be obtained only from high-quality flour and this will be the guarantee that the product will be tasty, as well as that specialized equipment will work without failures.

What should the meat be like?

  1. The meat must be selected, veins longer than 15 mm should not be present in it.
  2. The meat must be pork or beef. Any other type of meat is unacceptable for filling cheburek.

A bad owner is the one who decides to deceive on the varieties or types of meat, because a business related to food products will be subject to inspections quite often, so it is easier to comply with all the rules provided for in such a business than to fly out of it as soon as it starts working.

So what kind of meat should be purchased for making chebureks? If beef, then no lower than 2nd grade. The meat must be trimmed. If pork, then only the 1st grade and low-fat or semi-fat.

What additional components may be present in minced pasties?

The filling of chebureks may contain semolina, and this is normal and tasty. Soy can also be introduced in small quantities, but not much, otherwise the taste will suffer cheburek.

The use of a table egg or egg mixture is allowed. You can use not only fresh meat, but also frozen pork or beef.

All raw materials must be certified, and they must only be fresh. If the meat does not look or smell like it meets these conditions, then it cannot be used.

Equipment for cheburechnaya

First of all, it is directly cheburechnitsa, that is, a huge frying pan. Its price is approximately 10,000 rub. There should also be one, which determines how homogeneous and elastic the dough will be. The cost of this equipment is not less than 30,000 rub..

Naturally there should be professional meat grinder. This is another 10,000 rubles. You should not buy household models, because they will very soon become unusable from excessive loads, and you will have to spend money and buy this equipment again.

Another necessary device is . Savings here are also not appropriate, because cheap models will roll out the dough unevenly, which means there will be excess consumption of flour. It is better to buy this equipment made abroad and pay at least 35,000 rubles for it.

It is also necessary to purchase a refrigerator, work tables, shelving, kitchen utensils and overalls for workers.

What will be the total costs?

Consider the business plan for an average cheburechka:

  • development and all issues by agreement not less than 50,000 rubles;
  • money that may be needed to put the premises in order for the cheburek shop - 300,000 rubles;
  • purchase of all necessary equipment approximately 250,000 rubles;
  • to purchase furniture and bar counters you need at least 100,000 rubles;
  • dishes for cheburechka about 50,000 rubles;
  • setting up communications in the premises (without them the premises will not be suitable for opening a cheburek shop) approximately 100,000 rubles;
  • renting a premises is usually an open deposit of at least 50,000 rubles;
  • advertising, which you cannot do without, will “bite off” 30 thousand;
  • they probably forgot about something (most likely they will) let another 100,000 rubles be set aside for this case;
  • There should be at least 200 thousand funds in reserve.

So, if you have an amount of 1,230,000 rubles, which means you can dream of opening a cheburek shop. But it is better that you have an amount of at least 2,000,000 rubles, because, among other things, you will still have to pay wages to the staff, and no one is immune from such troubles as a sewer break or broken shop windows.


What form will your organization take? It could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. First, it is recommended to register an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur, for which taxation will follow a simplified scheme, and the profit remaining after paying taxes will be yours alone.

If you decide only to prepare and sell products, then use the OKVED code 52.24.21, which denotes retail trade in flour confectionery products. It's another matter if you want to open a cheburek cafe. Then this will be called the activity of restaurants and cafes and the OKVED code will be 55.30.

As for taxation, you will have a simplified scheme, which was discussed above under the simplified tax system, and you can also use the imputed income regime of UTII.

Any public catering facility must have the following documentation:

  • certificates for all equipment used;
  • all technological documentation for production of chebureks;
  • certificates for all raw materials used for making chebureks;
  • conclusions of SES and MSCh;
  • there must also be permission to trade at this point.

SES requirement: to open a cheburechka, you need:

There will be no comments from this organization if the premises are equipped with normal sewerage and if there are showers for workers. Naturally, each employee must have a formalized medical record.

Staff must be hired long before how to open a cheburechka, otherwise workers may not have time to issue a medical record: this is a troublesome task and takes quite a lot of time. But allowing people to work without a medical certificate means running into trouble and a hefty fine.

The area of ​​the cheburechka room must be at least 100 square meters. m. For each batch of prepared pasties there must be an appropriate sanitary certificate. For each batch of meat - all veterinary documentation.

As required by the rules for the location of all food-related buildings, your cheburek shop should not be located closer than 50 m from residential buildings. And do not forget, after you start your work on the production of chebureks, to report this to Rospotrebnadzor.

That's all the advice on the question: how to open a cheburek shop. Good luck!

Beginners in this field are wondering what cheburekka is like as a business, how to draw up a business plan and whether it is worth doing. Definitely, this is an activity that does not require special knowledge and large investments. But it can also become a starting point in building a full-fledged restaurant or fast food chain. Don't forget that you can always sell related products, which will significantly affect your profits.

Enterprises of this type are quite common; their main essence is the sale of fried pasties. It is worth noting that this is an area where the product is sold hot. If you decide to cook and then sell, the product will lose its taste. And visitors mainly pay for the fresh and unique taste of fried pasties. This Cheburechka business plan superficially shows the essence of this activity.

The target audience:

  • office employees;
  • students;
  • passers-by

Products that can be sold:

  • pasties;
  • hot dogs;
  • donuts;
  • puff pastries;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • milkshakes.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

First, you need to decide on the size of the establishment. The number of employees required and the set of equipment for cooking and frying will depend on this. Don’t forget to take feedback from customers, this will help you develop and accumulate a base of regular guests.

Stages of preparation for opening:

  1. Market and competitor analysis.
  2. Finding a suitable room in a walkable location.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Obtaining permits.
  5. Hiring employees.
  6. Purchase of equipment.
  7. Purchasing ingredients and products for sale.

Places near which it is better to open:

  • offices;
  • universities;
  • train stations;
  • bazaars.

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

The availability of permits depends on the size of your establishment.

A set of minimum required documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • product quality certificate;
  • SES certificate;
  • fire service certificate.

Stage 2 – search for premises

The premises depend on the format of the establishment. This could be a stall or a cafe. If you are planning to open a cafe, be prepared to obtain a license to sell alcohol, as in most cases, the demand for it will be huge. If you are opening a small kiosk, be sure to set up high tables without chairs near it. It will be convenient for your client to consume hot pasties and tea at the table.

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

In this business plan, we will take into account an ordinary cheburek shop, opened in a kiosk, in a walk-through place. Of course, if you are planning to open a mini cafe in this area, the list will increase several times.

Necessary equipment:

  • kitchen oven for frying (from 45,000 rubles);
  • microwave oven (from 5,000 rubles);
  • coffee machine (from 10,000 rubles);
  • electric kettle (from 3,000 rubles);
  • modeling table (from 5,000 rubles);
  • refrigerator (from 10,000 rubles).

Stage 4 – selection of employees

For the type of cheburechka we are considering, a minimum number of employees will be sufficient. The main rule is to give the cook the opportunity to do only cooking, and to hire a separate person to handle settlements with clients. Cleaning should be daily, and complete disinfection preferably weekly.


  • seller (30,000 rubles);
  • cook (35,000 rubles);
  • cleaning lady (15,000 rubles).

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

The main advertisement of this type of establishment is delicious pasties. Your clients will be mostly the same people, unless you are located near a train station. And all you have to do is attract people with delicious products.

Ways to increase customer flow:

  • stock;
  • distribution of leaflets.

Financial plan

These miscalculations are relevant for a small stall located in a passable place.

  • employees (80,000 rubles);
  • equipment (78,000 rubles).

Total: 158,000 rubles.

Possible risks

All risks depend on the quality of the products sold. By ensuring sanitary standards of cleanliness, a high level of service and high taste of pasties, the risks are minimal.

  • customer complaints;
  • low cross-country ability.

Video "Cheburechnaya"

This video shows the mechanism of cheburek operation, types of chebureks and their history.

Beginners in this field are wondering what cheburekka is like as a business, how to draw up a business plan and whether it is worth doing. Definitely, this is an activity that does not require special knowledge and large investments. But it can also become a starting point in building a full-fledged restaurant or fast food chain. Don't forget that you can always sell related products, which will significantly affect your profits.

Enterprises of this type are quite common; their main essence is the sale of fried pasties. It is worth noting that this is an area where the product is sold hot. If you decide to cook and then sell, the product will lose its taste. And visitors mainly pay for the fresh and unique taste of fried pasties. This Cheburechka business plan superficially shows the essence of this activity.

The target audience:

  • office employees;
  • students;
  • passers-by

Products that can be sold:

  • pasties;
  • hot dogs;
  • donuts;
  • puff pastries;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • milkshakes.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

First, you need to decide on the size of the establishment. The number of employees required and the set of equipment for cooking and frying will depend on this. Don’t forget to take feedback from customers, this will help you develop and accumulate a base of regular guests.

Stages of preparation for opening:

  1. Market and competitor analysis.
  2. Finding a suitable room in a walkable location.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Obtaining permits.
  5. Hiring employees.
  6. Purchase of equipment.
  7. Purchasing ingredients and products for sale.

Places near which it is better to open:

  • offices;
  • universities;
  • train stations;
  • bazaars.

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

The availability of permits depends on the size of your establishment.

A set of minimum required documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • product quality certificate;
  • SES certificate;
  • fire service certificate.

Stage 2 – search for premises

The premises depend on the format of the establishment. This could be a stall or a cafe. If you are planning to open a cafe, be prepared to obtain a license to sell alcohol, as in most cases, the demand for it will be huge. If you are opening a small kiosk, be sure to set up high tables without chairs near it. It will be convenient for your client to consume hot pasties and tea at the table.

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

In this business plan, we will take into account an ordinary cheburek shop, opened in a kiosk, in a walk-through place. Of course, if you are planning to open a mini cafe in this area, the list will increase several times.

Necessary equipment:

  • kitchen oven for frying (from 45,000 rubles);
  • microwave oven (from 5,000 rubles);
  • coffee machine (from 10,000 rubles);
  • electric kettle (from 3,000 rubles);
  • modeling table (from 5,000 rubles);
  • refrigerator (from 10,000 rubles).

Stage 4 – selection of employees

For the type of cheburechka we are considering, a minimum number of employees will be sufficient. The main rule is to give the cook the opportunity to do only cooking, and to hire a separate person to handle settlements with clients. Cleaning should be daily, and complete disinfection preferably weekly.


  • seller (30,000 rubles);
  • cook (35,000 rubles);
  • cleaning lady (15,000 rubles).

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

The main advertisement of this type of establishment is delicious pasties. Your clients will be mostly the same people, unless you are located near a train station. And all you have to do is attract people with delicious products.

Ways to increase customer flow:

  • stock;
  • distribution of leaflets.

Financial plan

These miscalculations are relevant for a small stall located in a passable place.

  • employees (80,000 rubles);
  • equipment (78,000 rubles).

Total: 158,000 rubles.

Possible risks

All risks depend on the quality of the products sold. By ensuring sanitary standards of cleanliness, a high level of service and high taste of pasties, the risks are minimal.

  • customer complaints;
  • low cross-country ability.

Video "Cheburechnaya"

This video shows the mechanism of cheburek operation, types of chebureks and their history.