Business ideas for internet projects in America. Ideas for starting a business in the USA

Business in the USA can be successfully conducted in almost any area - related to services or production, in the format of an independent business or through a franchise model. Let's look at 10 promising ideological and conceptual approaches of American entrepreneurs to doing business in various segments.


Among the most noteworthy, innovative and worth considering as promising business ideas from the USA, real businesses and franchises in 2017 are:

  1. In the field of consulting:

    consultations on technological upgrades (idea);

    consultations on promotion in social media (idea);

    environmental consulting (idea).

  2. In the “real sector”:

    “healthy” fast food (idea);

    manufacturing cleaning sponges without detergent (the real business of Scrub Daddy);

    production of board games to order (real business The Game Crafter);

    production of personalized tea (real business Design A Tea).

  3. Franchises (real business):

    “talking roses” Speaking Rose;

    Kona Ice cream;

    BeaconEdge mobile beacons and geofences.

Let's study them in more detail.

Technology upgrade consulting

The US market is among the most technologically dynamic: one or another technology may be considered innovative today, but will rapidly begin to become obsolete tomorrow. If an enterprise does not acquire an up-to-date alternative, it may fall behind in its segment. The company’s internal IT competencies may not be enough when determining the order of implementation (before that, selection) of technological updates - and external qualified consulting on relevant updates can come to the rescue. At the same time, the market for this consulting, even in the United States, is still in its infancy - a novice entrepreneur may well have time to become a significant player in it.

Consulting on promotion in social media

According to American experts, the high intensity of technological dynamics can also characterize the online promotion market. Among its most effective tools is social media. Despite the widespread prevalence of social media (social networks, blogs, photo and video hosting), competent consulting in this area is very difficult to obtain. It is within the power of a novice entrepreneur to learn the necessary promotion skills in social media and begin to provide relevant services to interested customers.

Environmental consulting

Environmental regulations in the United States are becoming increasingly stringent, as are corporate standards governing the environmental impact of businesses. Compliance with relevant legal regulations and local requirements requires separate legal and technological competencies, which, according to American experts, many companies lack. It is within the power of an entrepreneur who has studied the necessary provisions of environmental laws and standards to assist interested companies in bringing their activities into compliance with established requirements.

"Healthy" fast food

The average person who hears “fast food” will almost certainly have associations with unhealthy eating. American experts are calling on entrepreneurs to make a revolution in the interpretation of “fast food” - as a type of public catering where you can eat quickly, tasty, inexpensively, but also without harming your health (just the opposite - by properly reinforcing the body with various useful substances).

Dishwashing sponges without detergent: Scrub Daddy

Title: Scrub Daddy

For the average person, the process of washing dishes is strongly associated with the use of a sponge that is sometimes not the most convenient (sometimes too hard, sometimes too soft) and a special product that does not always have a pleasant smell and consistency. The Scrub Daddy company from Pennsylvania produces innovative sponges that, firstly, in many cases can be used without the use of detergent, and secondly, can be used comfortably regardless of the water temperature (in cold water they become harder, in hot water they become softer ).

The Scrub Daddy product is an example of a non-high-tech invention that has become extremely successful in the United States and around the world. From this point of view, this business concept certainly deserves attention from any aspiring entrepreneur, confident that only Hi-Tech is the most competitive today.

Custom board games: The Game Crafter

Manufacturers of board games, as a rule, supply the market with a ready-made original product, to some extent imposing the “rules of the game” on the consumer. The Game Crafter company from Wisconsin, producing such games, invites its customers to personally participate in the development of board game concepts. To do this, use the web interface on the company website.

This business is another successful example of the commercialization of a traditional segment (but, at the same time, not losing popularity even taking into account the ubiquity of online games).

Personalized Tea: Design A Tea

Title: Design A Tea

Visitors to modern tea shops certainly have the opportunity to order a personalized composition of leaves of various varieties. But their total number usually does not exceed ten. New York-based Design A Tea offers tea connoisseurs more than 10,000 possible tea flavor combinations to choose from. For this we use, of course, the best samples of leaves without any additives such as gluten.

Thus, another familiar product, tea, can, with the appropriate approach, be used in an innovative business concept that will be successful.

Franchises: Speaking Roses

Roses are a great gift just like that or for any occasion. Of course, they are good without any additions, however, the Florabella International company, which owns the Speaking Roses brand and sells its product through a franchise model, offers to make flowers “speaking”: of course, not with a voice (for now), but with eloquent inscriptions or drawings , carefully applied to the flower petals. Any girl will be pleased to receive not just a rose, but, for example, a rose with poems from a loved one. An entrepreneur who has registered a franchise for the use of Speaking Rose technology will have a good reason to help this young man impress a girl, and at the same time make money from it.

Franchises: Kona Ice

When buying ice cream, a person usually immediately indicates what filling it should have. The Kona Ice company from Kentucky invites fans of this product to do differently - having bought “empty” ice cream, use very simple devices to fill it with any of the proposed flavorings in a variety of combinations at any time.

The Kona Ice business is expected to be conducted in a mobile format using a branded truck, kiosk or cart with licensed equipment. This makes it possible to sell ice cream in any place where demand for it can be expected - in a park, at a corporate event, on the territory of educational institutions.

Franchises: BeaconEdge

One of the most promising types of marketing, and at the same time unexplored even in the dynamic American market, is the introduction of concepts for interaction between business and consumer using mobile beacons and geo-fences. These technological elements make it possible to extremely localize and personalize the communication between a seller or service provider and a consumer: the company can quite accurately determine the client’s needs, analyze his behavior, and send him the most relevant offers. Wyoming-based BeaconEdge offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to use a ready-made infrastructure in a franchising format to implement this innovative and promising marketing model.

It seems that any business ideas from America can be easily adapted and applied in another country. has compiled a selection of some original and popular American business ideas that can find followers in Russia.

Not all business ideas from the USA will take root in Russia

Before implementing an idea you’ve seen and liked from abroad, it’s worth “testing the waters” to be on the safe side. Tastes, thinking, habits and national characteristics can vary greatly. Therefore, workers’ proposals at first glance may not find support from their compatriots.

As an example, here are two new business ideas born in America. But ask yourself a question: will they pay money for this in Russia and will it generate income?

Disintegrating dishes

Environmental protection is an urgent task for humanity. But so far, effective measures here are mostly being taken by prosperous states with a high standard of living. The popular theme of self-degrading packaging in America was picked up by local businesses, and they soon began producing and selling tableware made from biological raw materials. Disposable forks and plates, when they fall into the soil, do not lie there for years, but become nutritious fertilizer. Some manufacturers even add plant seeds to the composition.

School in a box

A completely new idea from America for small businesses is the production of kits of prefabricated classrooms for remote areas. The school in a box is designed for several students. The kit includes furniture, office equipment, a water container and other equipment that helps you quickly organize a room for conducting lessons.

New business ideas in America based on technology

The USA is home to countless entertainment and even more technology. If you combine both, interesting things appear.

A popular business in America today is high-tech entertainment devices, replacing the slot machines of the past. The devices are placed in crowded places - in shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas; they are also used at parties, weddings and children's birthdays. Below are examples that are also suitable for Russia.

Animated characters

Everyone played computer games. But it's one thing to sit behind a keyboard, and completely different to control yourself as a character.

Anyone interested is photographed and, using computer technology, an animated figurine is made from a real person - the hero of a computer game. Visit a place with this technology as a family. You can have a sword fight with your wife on the screen or hunt a crocodile with your own children.

High-tech business ideas from the USA give a start to profitable business in our country. Moreover, the current state of the IT industry makes such achievements and devices accessible even to small companies.

Virtual drawing

Another new business in America in the field of entertainment is also based on modern technology. These are a kind of touch screens on smartphones, but only gigantic in size. Screens are like mirrors; when approaching them, a person sees himself as if reflected.

But this is not a simple mirror. By touching the screen, you can draw shapes, move objects, or change their size. It’s easy to add interior items, clothes, change colors.

In a word, everything is like in a huge smartphone with sophisticated designer software inside. Just like a smartphone, the magic mirror will save your art in the cloud and send photos to your email or phone.

A new business that has arisen in America will eventually start in other countries, including Russia. Success often accompanies those who were the first to spot an original idea and quickly implement it in their homeland. Moreover, now you don’t even need to go to another country to “spy.”

Read publications and stay up to date with cutting-edge small business ideas from America, Europe and the rest of the world.

American business ideas for beauty and health

Many innovations in the business world are based on very simple ideas. When you see them brought to reality, the question arises: what prevented you from coming up with this before? Or is this a well-forgotten old thing? The following three examples are from this series.


The wall, covered with ivy, served as a decoration for buildings for thousands of years. And only very recently a new idea for business came from America - a wall covered with a green cover, but already indoors. The hobby was called phytowall and was often used to give an original look to office spaces both outside and inside. And entrepreneurs who have picked up the trend are already receiving a decent income by establishing the technology for growing and installing phytowalls.

Salad designers

Many people have tried the sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers on the hotel buffet. But 20-30 types of ingredients from which you can “assemble” your own salad in a restaurant are something that is now very popular in America and can be found in many catering establishments. Thought and implementation couldn’t be simpler. Why don’t our entrepreneurs take this foreign thing into their piggy bank?

Shoes with interchangeable designs

Another simple business idea from the USA is shoes with replaceable uppers. Any man who carried a suitcase with seven pairs of shoes belonging to his other half to the resort could have come up with this.

But the idea was proposed and implemented by an American woman, Dominique McClain Bartit, and now such shoes are sold in 80 countries around the world.

The essence of the idea is one sole, to which different uppers are attached with reliable fasteners. Indeed, why carry a ton of heels in your suitcase? You can take just one, and then a variety of top parts that don’t take up much space. Buyers of such shoes can choose from three thousand options.

Fresh small business ideas from America

The next two know-hows differ from each other in the amount of resources required to start. To organize your first business, at first you will need almost nothing - only moderate advertising, or even better, word of mouth. The implementation of the second idea will require serious investments.

Random Gift Shop

Like millions of other people, you have encountered difficulty in choosing a gift for friends or loved ones. A new business idea implemented in America suggests outsourcing the headache associated with finding a gift.

Shops with unusual gifts, such as a certificate for a parachute jump, have already taken root in Russia. But what is popular in America now is completely unexpected.

Unexpected even for the giver himself: you come to the store, tell the employees about the person for whom the gift is intended, and a couple of days later you pick it up in tight packaging, without even suspecting what’s inside. A surprise is guaranteed for both you and the recipient.

Urban farms

New business ideas in America are often related to the production of organic food. Organic farms are no longer uncommon even in Russia. But an urban organic farm is something new.

If you grow vegetables and herbs within the city, you can save on delivery and better maintain their presentation. But free space in the metropolis is difficult to find. Small businesses in America have managed to use empty rooftops for this purpose. Now such farms generate income and clean the city air.

Business with America: buy there - sell here

Not all business ideas from the USA, especially new ones of 2018, are easy to take and implement to launch a new enterprise. Often innovations involve technology or production that is difficult to replicate in another country. In this case, you need to look for emerging new products and use the idea at the product level. To do this, organize their purchase there, delivery and sale in Russia.

Two original business ideas from America will complement the store’s assortment well.

Smart sticker

How often have you lost your car or apartment keys? And not just anywhere, but right in the apartment. The situation is even worse if a child gets lost at an exhibition or in a shopping center. In America they found an interesting solution, which has already turned into a profitable business.

A smart sticker is a small label that can easily be applied to any surface. The label has a microchip built into it that can send signals to a smartphone via Bluetooth. Attach a smart sticker to any item, and your phone will show its location.

Hiking water purifier

An excellent business idea from America for travel equipment stores is a water purifier made in the form of a staff that looks like a ski pole. It is convenient to lean on it when walking, and at a rest near a natural reservoir the staff turns into a telescopic pump. The water pumped through it is completely purified and becomes suitable for drinking. One replaceable filter will help tourists, fishermen and other wildlife lovers obtain 500 liters of clean water.

It is not necessary to bring such products from America. There is a high probability of their appearance on Asian markets almost immediately after the start of the first sales in the United States. It is easier to supply from Asia, and the price of the product will be lower.

What is popular in America now, but not available in Russia

In Western countries and the United States, they are actively fighting various types of addictions: alcohol, drugs, substance abuse. If in Russia they continue to solve these problems with the help of medical methods and the use of harsh articles of the Criminal Code, then the Americans have understood the psychological essence of the problem. For someone suffering from addiction, it is important to have a person nearby who can understand their experiences, talk to them, and support them. But not everyone has such relatives or friends.

This situation has led to the emergence of a popular business in America - online addiction counseling. Naturally, such an activity is suitable only for those who know how to listen, give advice and guide people towards changing habits and behavior.

The increased interest in online counseling is due to the fact that people suffering from addiction try to maintain anonymity.

Small business ideas from America require testing

If you like the idea, it will not necessarily “take off” in your city or with the opportunities you have. American business ideas, just like new ones from other countries, must be tested for suitability in local conditions.

  1. Find out if there is something similar in your city.
  2. Study the demand and target audience. Try to understand how people get around the problem you're starting a business to solve. Perhaps the planned method will not be in demand.
  3. Try to contact those who have already launched a similar new business in America or in another country. People are willing to share the problems and nuances they have encountered.
  4. Draw up a business plan, calculate costs and expected profits.
  5. Do not invest funds that you have saved for life into a startup.
  6. Try to test a new idea without investing significant amounts. Only if you are successful, scale your business.

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Many small business ideas implemented in our country originate in America. The United States is considered an innovator in many areas of business. In this publication, we have collected the best working business ideas in 2019 in the USA, which have great development potential.

Trade in goods without packaging

So, let's discuss the best new business ideas in the USA or what is currently relevant in entrepreneurial activity. Recently, companies that pay special attention to environmental protection have begun to appear in America. There are many green business ideas in the USA in 2019, such as producing various products from recycled materials or restoring old things. Another popular eco-business project is a store that sells goods without packaging. At such retail outlets you can only buy environmentally friendly, unpackaged goods:

  • Bread;
  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Nuts and stuff.

All products are released into customer containers. The client can choose any product he needs and buy it in the required quantity. As a rule, all the products sold in such stores are produced by local farmers. Refusal of packaging and significant savings on delivery allows entrepreneurs to reduce product prices. According to experts, such small businesses in the United States have broad development prospects, since in the future such small shops with organic products, unlike large supermarkets, will be very popular.

Mobile applications

Do you want to know what is profitable to sell in the USA? Everything related to the Internet and mobile devices. Entrepreneurs who noticed this trend in time managed to open their business in the USA without large start-up capital and earn good money.

According to statistics, approximately 60% of users access the Internet from mobile devices. In this regard, the mobile application market began to actively grow. If you want to have your own profitable business, use this opportunity to open a successful business.

The easiest way to implement this idea is to buy a franchise. To create a mobile application using the designer, you do not need any special knowledge or special education. Such a ready-made business costs 60 thousand rubles. You will have to pay a monthly subscription fee, approximately 10 thousand rubles. All initial investments will pay off in just one month. Once you have built up a base of regular customers, offer them maintenance services, such as making changes to the application several times a year.

Mobile applications are extremely popular in the business world. Many business owners are trying to establish communication with clients through various gadgets, so the development of mobile offers can easily be called the most promising and fastest-paying business.

Sale of solar panels for gadgets

Nowadays, almost every person has various gadgets that need recharging. The simplest solution to this problem is the use of universal solar panels. Such products are included in the list of the most popular products in the United States. Solar panels can be charged anywhere. The most important thing is that the weather allows it. In addition, the solar battery can be charged from a regular network. These compact, cost-effective devices eliminate the need for users to carry chargers.

Trading solar panels is... Such a profitable business can be done in our country. Solar batteries can be purchased from Chinese suppliers for 700–800 rubles. Such products can be sold with a markup of more than 200%, for 1600–1800 rubles. The most convenient way to sell solar panels is in an online store or on social networks. You can also open a retail outlet in the market.

Delivery of goods by drones

New business ideas in the USA are characterized by unexpected and sometimes quite bold ideas. For example, Amazon has patented a new method of delivering goods to customers using drones - unmanned aerial vehicles. Some skeptics believe that this delivery method will not become widespread due to the limited weight of the parcel. But the company's vice president claims that 86% of all purchases are no heavier than 2 kg, which means they can be easily delivered to customers using drones.

Despite the high cost of transporting goods by helicopter, the difficulties associated with obtaining permission to fly, and the great responsibility for the cargo, this idea of ​​​​business with the United States attracts many entrepreneurs. Perhaps in a couple of decades, drones will completely displace services that provide delivery services through couriers from the market.

Hourly office rental

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to save on office rent are forced to meet with clients at home. This is associated with certain inconveniences, both for the businessman himself and for customers. Some solve this problem by renting a room in the office of another tenant, but this is too expensive, since the meeting usually takes no more than 1 hour. How to solve this problem?

One of the best business ideas of 2019 in the USA is renting out offices by the hour. How to organize such a thing correctly? First of all, you need to rent an office and stipulate in the contract the right to sublease it. After this, you can start looking for clients. To do this, you need to advertise in local media or create your own business card website. The average cost of such a service is 50 rubles per hour. For example, if you pay 5 thousand rubles a month for office rent, you can make a net profit after subletting the office for 10 hours.

Entrepreneurs who implemented such a business idea in the United States several years ago earned good money, purchased their own commercial real estate and continue to rent it out, since the demand for such a service remains consistently high.

Luggage storage

During the 2008 crisis, residents of many Western countries had to leave houses bought on credit because they were unable to pay the mortgage. The acquired property had to be placed somewhere for storage, and therefore this one of the new business ideas in the USA that does not exist in Russia appeared. At the moment, there are about 50 thousand companies providing such services in America.

Luggage storage can be located in residential areas and on the central streets of large cities, as well as along roads leading to megacities. This service is actively used by people who change their place of residence, go on a long business trip, or divide property after a divorce. According to experts, the volume of this market in the United States reaches 90 billion rubles, and 90% of it comes from small businesses.

Salad designer

This is one of the newest business ideas in the USA 2019, which can be implemented on the basis of any catering establishment. It lies in the fact that visitors can make their own salads from different ingredients. You need to install a special rack, at the beginning of which there will be disposable tableware. Next, ready-made chopped ingredients for various salads are placed in special containers. The client himself will put greens, vegetables, meat or fish on the plate and season the salad with the sauce he likes. This dish costs about 300 rubles.

Salad constructors are very popular among people leading a healthy lifestyle. In order not to eat something extra, they prefer to assemble the salad themselves from foods that are suitable in terms of calorie content. This is a great idea from the USA that has not yet been implemented in Russia, so budding entrepreneurs can easily take their place in this market segment.

Making pizza according to an individual sketch

Many Americans cannot imagine their life without fast food, and in particular, without pizza. This dish has become a part of the diet of many residents of this country, so it is not surprising that many business ideas from the USA are related to pizza.

Everyone knows that cooking is a kind of art. If a chef has artistic ability, he is capable of creating unique creations. Recently, a well-known chain of American pizzerias began selling unusual pizzas, which were made according to the sketches of the customers themselves. That is, you can draw a picture yourself, and a talented chef, using various ingredients, will transfer it to the pizza.

To implement such an interesting idea for a business from the USA, you need to create your own website on which customers can leave orders and a picture of the future pizza. Using the same principle, many entrepreneurs build a business in the United States to design cars, design T-shirts or children's toys. If you are looking for new ideas in the USA 2019, feel free to start implementing this unique project.

Repair in one day

Another good business idea in 2019 USA for a small city is apartment renovation in one day. It is perfect for people who have experience in the construction industry - plasterers, painters, etc. In order to do this kind of work, you will need a tool and a team of universal craftsmen.

To meet deadlines, you need to properly plan the repair process. Carefully study all the customer’s requirements and the layout of the premises, and only after that start developing an estimate. You should calculate the full cost of the repair before you start work to avoid any disagreements with the customer. If the repair takes more than one day, offer a discount of 10% of the total cost of the work. This US business idea can be implemented both in a large metropolis and in a small provincial town.

Internet access in old telephone booths

Many business ideas in 2016 in the USA arose on the basis of old projects. For example, pay attention to telephone booths. Previously, there were huge queues for them, but now that everyone has started using mobile phones, they stand on the streets with nothing to do. To make phone booths useful, find a new use for them - convert them into a portal for accessing the Internet.

This year, five boroughs of New York installed information displays in old telephone booths that display a city map, public transportation schedules, the latest news and information about the location of various government agencies. Why not implement such a business idea from the USA 2019 in our country?

Despite the popular assertion that business ideas are in the air, for most of our compatriots the practice of borrowing fresh and atypical approaches to entrepreneurship from the West is much more common. This is not surprising, because most often they are distinguished by their freshness, creativity, originality of implementation, profitability and innovation. This phenomenon can be explained by the presence of many factors - this is the mentality and obsession of Americans to make money from absolutely everything that surrounds them, monetizing any activity and benefiting from unexpected areas of life.

However, the biggest role in the emergence of America as an “advanced” country for small and medium-sized businesses was played by a relatively prosperous period for its development and prosperity.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should always remember that business is not only their personal well-being, but also an opportunity to influence the whole world, bringing something new from themselves to it. However, we should not forget that progress in modern society moves so quickly that every day it becomes more and more difficult to surprise and satisfy the needs of your target audience. Therefore, in order to succeed in business you need to be able to offer something new. But when thinking about where to get this new thing, you should turn your attention to the question of what business ideas there might be from America.

First you need to understand that a good business idea must have several undeniable qualities:

  1. It must be relevant;
  2. suitable for adaptation to domestic consumers.

Current ideas

Another important component of success in business is understanding the trends and interests of modern people. Without a doubt, 2019 will be a new page in the development of technology, so new business projects related to this industry are already being actively developed in the United States. The following areas have great potential for development:

  • Delivering products and customer service using drones and other robotics.
  • development and production of smart devices for life and everyday life;
  • vending machines operating autonomously;
  • the sphere of services and entertainment provided through virtual reality.

All these areas are already beginning to actively develop in the States and it is quite possible that daredevils and innovators of domestic entrepreneurship are already trying to catch the rapidly arriving wave.

Business ideas

But for those who are not ready to plunge headlong into developments and nanotechnologies, there are other equally interesting areas of business that have not yet received widespread development in our country, but have already managed to conquer the American consumer.

  • Order food through the app. A very convenient solution for those who are ready to hire a smart developer and establish partnerships with various catering establishments. The principle of operation can be any; in America, such services are quite popular in big cities. If you get hungry without leaving home, you can use the app to get information about the establishment, menu and price list of all cafes or restaurants that are nearby or that are interesting for the specialties of the cuisine offered. All you need to do is choose a suitable establishment, place an order, arrange delivery or pick it up in person.

Order food through the app

  • Devices for charging phones directly on the street. Many of us have encountered the problem when we need to make an urgent call, but the battery in the phone is completely dead. It is for such people in the States that special street stands with sockets have been developed and are gradually being introduced. Perhaps the issue will not be pressing for a local resident, but such a useful idea will be a real salvation for some city guests.
  • Selling snacks, hot dogs or drinks to those stuck in traffic for a long time. Everything ingenious is simple, of course, such an idea is not suitable for small cities, where traffic jams can only form due to repair work and other force majeure. But residents of megacities know firsthand how painful and unpleasant it is to while away entire hours with an empty stomach, without moving, on the way from work. In such situations, a seller of light snacks or water, deftly scurrying between cars stuck in traffic jams, will be a real salvation. So the demand for such an enterprise is certainly ensured, and large start-up investments will not be required.

Trading in a traffic jam

  • Home slippers store. It seems like, where has it been seen before to open an entire store for slippers - that’s the beauty of this idea. The assortment of this type of footwear is huge, but there is nowhere to inspect it in its entirety, so it would be useful for any novice businessman to think about opening such an online store, even just to start with. Another undeniable advantage of this business is its relevance throughout the year.
  • Hotel for plants or animals. Many housewives are accustomed to abundantly decorating their own window sills with a variety of flowers that need care and watering, and there is no need to talk about pets, they need constant care. What to do when you urgently need to leave for several days or weeks? Persuade neighbors or relatives to look after you, and then spend the entire vacation worrying about whether everything is okay. In this case, a special hotel where atypical guests can be provided with proper care and attention would be very useful.
  • A gadget case with a compartment for a bank card. In America, such an accessory is currently very popular, a practical and convenient solution for those who, when leaving home for the store, do not want to take their entire wallet or bag with them. And there is nothing complicated in organizing such an enterprise; you can order supplies of the same covers directly from the USA or China, and you can sell them yourself via the Internet or sell them to stores or retail outlets.
  • Making pizza according to the client's sketch. Americans' love for pizza is known throughout the world; for them this dish is both fast food and a full dinner; they eat pizza for breakfast and snack on it during working hours. Therefore, it is not surprising that some creative entrepreneurs decided to take a step further and refresh their business with a pleasant bonus for the client. The essence of this idea is to create a pizza according to the customer’s own drawing. The demand for such a dish is enormous, because for the client it is both a feeling of personal involvement in the cooking process and an opportunity to surprise guests. If we correlate this idea with our realities, then, of course, we should not stop only at this dish; involving your consumer in creating something original will give a 100% guaranteed positive result.
  • Car rental instead of parking at the airport. This business idea is striking in its simplicity, because it lies in the fact that a person who arrives at the airport in his own car, instead of leaving it in a paid parking lot, can also earn extra money by renting out a car to arriving tourists. It is very simple to organize such a business with zero investments, and each party involved in the transaction benefits.
  • Mobile beauty salon. The sphere of services for women is always in demand, but it is never too late to introduce something new. This is how US business ideas related to the provision of salon services on wheels are gaining popularity. An ordinary van, at first glance, houses all the accessories needed for a hairdresser, makeup artist or manicurist, and the vehicle runs throughout the city, attracting more and more new clients and promptly satisfying the needs of the customer in any part of the city. The advantage of this solution is that there are no costs for renting premises.
  • Coffee subscription. This drink has more than enough fans and connoisseurs, but not everyone regularly manages to get hold of certain varieties and try something new. That is why a person who can provide a monthly set of several types of coffee will be very useful for every coffee lover. To organize such a business, it is enough to find coffee producers and order a tasting set, finding clients will not be difficult, and as a particular drink is in demand, you can create your own coffee menu, beautifully design the sets and become a supplier not only for individuals, but also for small establishments , coffee shops and restaurants.

American business ideas appear every day, all of them aimed at making life as simple as possible for themselves and their clients. The main feature of an American entrepreneur is decisive action and a willingness to turn a hobby into income.

The US is an innovator in many areas of business. This country sets the rhythm for the whole world. Silicon Valley has long been a center of new startups and technologies that are exploding around the world. Today I would like to talk about new startups and business ideas from the USA in 2016-2017. There is an opinion that what is in demand today in America, after some time begins to develop in Russia and other countries of the world. New business directions from America in 2017 do not appear by chance. Startups are not only about innovative services and products, but also about improving old ideas. With careful scanning and analysis, you can find many flaws in any business. Consumers are increasingly demanding the quality of goods and services. In this publication, I have collected the most promising and working ideas that have great potential for development.

No. 1. Store with goods without packaging

Small businesses in the United States are actively developing. Many unique startups are emerging that find their own circle of clients and consumers. For example, like in any other country in the world, in America there is a class of poor people who prefer to save on almost everything. As you know, beautiful and stylish packaging makes up about 15-30% of the cost of the product. People with limited financial resources are not always willing to overpay for packaging that will end up in the trash anyway. Especially for such people there are stores with goods without packaging. There are such stores in Canada and the USA. The buyer can purchase various goods without packaging (from essential food products to sweets) so as not to overpay extra money.

No. 2. Mobile applications

What business can be called the most profitable and promising in 2016-2017? In my opinion, in the field of mobile technology and innovation, mobile applications occupy the first place. To see this, look around, look at the young people who do not let go of their smartphones. The time has already passed when people said that a mobile phone is needed only for calls. Perhaps there are people with such old concepts, but they are greatly mistaken. The smartphone has turned into a real mini-computer with numerous applications, games, and convenient tools for searching information on the Internet. In the USA, this market is actively developing. At the moment, there are a variety of mobile applications there. In Russia, the number of people searching for information using mobile devices is increasing every year. Any entrepreneur who keeps up with the times should use mobile applications to promote their business.

No. 3. Production of solar-powered goods

Many well-known entrepreneurs, scientists and developers pay special attention to the renewable energy market. In 2016, there is a lot of talk that we are approaching the end of the oil and gas era. Solar panels and other renewable energy sources are becoming more powerful and efficient. American manufacturers bring to market a variety of products that operate on solar panels. On the market there are camping stoves that convert fire into electricity, a stove with solar panels, autonomous vending machines using solar panels, and tourist personal panels for hiking and outdoor trips.

No. 4. Solar chameleon panels for houses and cottages

American entrepreneurs have created SolarSkin chameleon solar panels for homes and cottages. To reduce electricity costs, such panels are installed in the sunniest place. Such a place is the roof of the structure. Unfortunately, modern panels have one drawback - they spoil the appearance of the building. New SolarSkin chameleon solar panels can have a wide variety of colors, which match the design of your home or cottage. It may look like a tile roof, a tree, green grass, etc.

No. 5. Virtual reality

Virtual reality glasses have revolutionized the market. They are used not only in video games, but also in other areas of business: viewing real estate through virtual reality, training for complex operations, training for the police and military, advertising business, watching matches, etc.

No. 6. Delivery of goods using drones

Drone delivery services are opening in the United States and other countries around the world. This idea is especially relevant for catering establishments. It is not always possible for the client and buyer to deliver this or that product on time. The main reason is traffic jams. For this reason, today delivery services for pizza, lunch, and goods using drones have appeared, which bypass traffic jams and quickly deliver the goods to the client. The United States is planning to use drones to deliver medicines to hard-to-reach regions.

No. 7. Hotels with per-minute payment

The hotel business does not stand still. Another interesting business from the USA with everything was recently launched in the city of San Francisco. We are talking about hotels and hotels with per-minute payment. The client can rent a hotel for any time, even if he needs a hotel for 5 minutes to take a shower. There are no time restrictions - that’s the main idea of ​​the new service. There is a large category of people who need a room for just a few minutes, for example, to take a shower, have a snack, drink a cup of coffee, relax for a few hours after a long trip, feed a small child at home, etc.

No. 8 Rent of office space for a short period

This service allows you to rent office space for a short period of time – from 30 minutes to a day. For example, you need to give a presentation to clients, sign an important document, have a business meeting, or do a little computer work. To perform these tasks, you can rent an office for a short period of time. The service is a mobile application through which you can find a suitable premises, rent and pay. After booking an office space, the user receives a PIN code with which he can open the office door.

No. 9. Contactless payment for goods using a photo

Previously, we paid for all goods only in cash, but everything changed after the advent of bank cards. Today, most people do not carry cash with them, but make all purchases using bank cards. A few years ago this would have been difficult to imagine. What will payment for goods look like in the foreseeable future? Google is already testing its new contactless payment technology. This will be a special application that is linked to the owner’s bank card. It recognizes the buyer from a photograph. At the checkout when making a payment, the scanner recognizes the buyer’s face and then debits the required amount from his card. The buyer does not have to carry the card with him all the time.

№ 10. 3 D house printers

In Western Europe, Australia, including the USA, 3D printing technology is being developed. In America today, construction printers are actively being tested, which automatically print at home. This technology is going to be used not only in the construction of private houses and cottages, but also in the construction of multi-storey buildings. 3D printers have a whole range of advantages: high efficiency, fast work, labor reduction, absence of human factors and errors during construction.

New business ideas in 2016-2017 from the USA and Europe