Reposts about business in a network company. The whole truth about network marketing

There is great power in developing your social media presence!

Why? Social networks now occupy first place in terms of activity in the Internet space! Networking is a great tool for reaching new target audiences or maintaining contact with existing audiences. Currently, there are more than 1 billion users on Facebook, more than 300 million users on Twitter, more than 100 million users on VKontakte. If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world! Recently, Facebook traffic has surpassed Google traffic.

What does this mean for network marketing businesses? We live in a world of social networks, in a world of limitless lists of acquaintances. Social networks are a great tool for attracting people to your MLM business.

  1. Create a profile on VKontakte and Facebook, if you haven’t already! If you don’t know anything about Facebook, find the guys of generation Y - these are the smartest people who were born in the age of social networks and are doing wonders on them, ask them for help, or pay them to teach you and tell you about many tricks. If you don’t want to learn from experts, then start with these social networks yourself. In essence, they are easy to use, very interesting and exciting. As they say at random.
  2. When creating profiles on social networks, make sure that you upload a very high-quality photo. If there are none, order a professional photo shoot. Now young talented guys can do a good job for $20. Remember - you are your own BRAND. If you want people to think you are successful, you have to play that role. Positioning is extremely important!
  3. Be sure to fill out all the information about yourself in your profile. Make sure you add referral links to register with your MLM company, or on your landing pages. Check that they work well! Email addresses and contact information so people can reach you in a convenient way.
  4. Clear your profile of debris, if any. View all your profiles, albums. Then answer the question “What impression do you want to leave with the guests of your page?” Delete all photos with unnecessary parties, stupid selfies, ducks, unnecessary feasts. But at the same time - create albums with your family, vacations, travels! It is important that people see you not only from the business side, but also from outside. On your wall you will also have to publish posts not only about business, but also personal ones, about your life, hobbies, family.
  5. Learn the basics of the social networks you plan to be on. Find out how to set up profiles, how to correctly add friends based on your target audience so that you don’t get blocked, learn how to add images and tag your friends in them, and many other simple nuances.

Create posts that will attract and inspire people who will subsequently follow you to watch. It is important to keep useful posts balanced, write not only about business! You need to make the content mixed and sometimes very personal (for example: how your children behave, traveling with your family, experiences, interesting moments that happen during your life or even day). Post inspiring quotes, if you can’t constantly come up with something of your own - that’s normal, you can look at my wall and see how I post interesting quotes against the background of a beautiful picture and people love to visit my wall because of this. Once a week, or once every two weeks, you can write selling posts about your business or product. You can also attach a link to a selling website to a picture with an inspiring quote. Do it beautifully and smartly!

Here are 10 Examples of Powerful Posts for People in the Network Business Sphere:

  1. Welcome your new consultants and partners to your page and tag them in photos, thereby showing your audience who your target audience is (for example: “Welcome my new partner Elena, she works as a kindergarten teacher in Mi...” - this is how you you can inspire other kindergarten teachers in Mi... or Elena's friends) Directly in the post, ask people to greet them, thereby interacting in a great way with your surroundings. On Facebook, it is very important that a huge number of people interact with your posts, then the post will automatically begin to be promoted among friends and friends of friends, making it viral.
  2. Post your phone number every hour with a call to action - you never know who will call, even out of curiosity.
  3. Event Promotion - Promote your business presentations with beautiful banners and calls to action. You can write something like: “...who do you know in Moscow? I am expanding my business here and I am looking for leaders to whom I will leave this business. Write to me if you want to know about your reward." You never know who might write to you... that's the beauty of it - it's important to do. I build value and interest by saying there are a limited number of tickets available...I even offer free product and a shake to those people who make the decisions!
  4. Share your success stories, testimonials, videos and photos - it provides inspiration and social proof. Show the results of your product and the success story of your MLM business.
  5. Congratulations! Do this regularly for those on your team who have received some kind of BONUS, encouragement, earned themselves a trip or a car, are a key player in your business, etc. People will begin to look and be surprised, they will begin to transfer all these stories to their lives and over time they will come to your business. Tag people in photos, if it concerns them, so that everything will be visible not only on your wall, but also on the wall of the tagged person.
  6. Do your promotions from time to time.
  7. Offer discounts at the end of the month, during seasons, when new products are launched, etc.
  8. Develop your own compensation plan for strangers! Involve your friends and acquaintances to repost your business or product posts on their walls, rewarding them with money or your company's product. This way, strong leaders can join your team.
  9. Posts about your product: post before and after photos, customer reviews. Always make sure that at the end of each such post there is a link to the site for purchasing this product.
  10. Always include an image or video in every post. This is immediately noticeable. It doesn't matter whether it's your personal photo or an image from the Internet. The main thing is to attract attention.

Facebook is a great tool for building a network marketing business, make a huge impact on it!

I know it can be a lot of information for one go, if you feel overwhelmed, don't stress. Do as I do, modeling is the best flattery you can give me!

The number of distribution companies specializing in MLM is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that this business is profitable and quickly generates income. It’s easy to do without even leaving your home. If you study in detail the basics and concept of MLM marketing, you can achieve excellent results in just 2-3 months.

What is network marketing

MLM business is a multifaceted concept that opens up many prospects. It implies the concept of selling services and goods, based on the formation of a network of independent sales agents who not only sell products, but also have the right to attract new partners who will be endowed with similar rights. The income of each networker is formed from commissions from product sales and additional remuneration (bonuses), which directly depends on the volume of personal sales of attracted sales managers.

History of Network Marketing

Karl Rehnborg is considered the founder of the MLM business. He developed ideas that later turned into an entire industry with huge multimillion-dollar turnover. In 1927, in the USA, Rehnborg began working hard on creating nutritional supplements. He distributed the developed drugs for testing purposes free of charge to his friends, who subsequently refused to take them.

After Karl realized that free things were not valued, he began selling dietary supplements: the results were not long in coming. Information about the drugs spread quickly, and the number of people interested in them increased. Karl Rehnborg could not independently satisfy the requests of all clients, so he had to come up with a new scheme. He invited his friends to provide information about dietary supplements, and, subject to successful sales, promised to pay commissions. The history of network marketing began with these events.

In 1934, the first major company, California Vitamins, was founded by Carl Rehnborg. It operated a sales system in which the consumer of a product became its distributor. In 1939, the marketing company was renamed Nature's Sunshine Products, but the principle of drug distribution remained the same. Network agents independently attracted new clients to cooperation, advised them, drew up sales plans, came up with individual sales schemes, and offered to create their own network.

The MLM company fully provided networkers with goods and paid commissions on time. This is how a new definition appeared in MLM - single-level marketing. The business story did not end there: a new round was set by the American Way Corporation (abbreviation Amway), created in 1959 by former Nature’s employees Jay Van Andel and Rich de Vos.

What is the merit of these people in the development of MLM business? They began to sell not just one product, but several. The list of products offered to consumers has been expanded with food additives, household chemicals and household goods. Soon, network marketing companies appeared on the world market. They began to operate successfully in Russia, China, and England. Their importance has become enormous both for people and for the economies of many countries.

Types of Network Marketing

The MLM business is developing rapidly, and its varieties are becoming more diverse every year. The main types of network marketing are as follows:

  • Puff marketing (the most popular, adapted to the Russian market, its striking example is companies selling cosmetics - Avon Products, Faberlic, Mary Kay, Oriflame. The essence of this type of marketing is that the company’s concept is based on the work of certain layers of employees at several levels.
  • Pyramid. This type of marketing involves the following scheme of work: there are founders who find several people selling services and goods, they subsequently find several more people and control their activities, and so on ad infinitum.

How does network marketing work?

The operating principle of Russian MLM companies is the same:

  1. First, a person undergoes an interview, during which he is introduced to further prospects and opportunities.
  2. Then the person is told that he must, using the network, attract new people, the greater their number, the greater his monthly income.
  3. How does network marketing work? New employees, becoming distributors of the company, independently promote it, for which they receive commissions, contributing to their own development and the development of the business.

The essence of network marketing

What is MLM (multilevel marketing), what is its essence? This is one of the most popular and effective ways to legally promote services and goods. MLM companies offer unique products that are becoming in demand both in individual cities, regions, countries, and throughout the world. MLM business is not only about direct sales. To be successful in this field, you don't have to sell anything.

The main components of multilevel marketing are well-organized intellectual distribution and the effective use of all its capabilities and advantages. In other words, the main essence of network marketing is that consumers, being at the same time partners of a company, develop its network and make a profit from turnover.

Network Marketing Principles

MLM business is based on the following rules:

  • equality for all;
  • helping others;
  • minimum entry costs;
  • availability of residual income;
  • pyramid structure (this principle of network marketing ensures the constant development of the business and its stability).

Network Marketing Structure

Running through the MLM business and not noticing the main thing, many never achieve the desired results. Why? Because they don’t know how to properly build a network marketing structure. What is structure? These are people who take part in organizing trade turnover, and the final income directly depends on their number. It may include acquaintances, friends, complete strangers. The main task is to skillfully unite them and constantly motivate them for successful advancement.

Network companies

There are many companies that specialize in MLM business. They sell cosmetics, chemicals, household appliances, household goods, and other products. A detailed list of network companies operating successfully in Russia is given on the Mlmbaza website, the most popular:

  • Life;
  • Oriflame,
  • "Siberian Health";
  • Faberlic;
  • Avon;
  • primerica;
  • Shaklee;
  • Talk Fusion;
  • Nevers;
  • Vitamax;
  • Zepter International;
  • Kirby;
  • Atistek;
  • Lurk;
  • Pravda.

Working in network marketing

Anyone can try their hand at multi-level marketing business. Companies provide training in network marketing, but not everyone can master this profession. A distributor of an MLM company must be able to organize the sale of products and draw up schemes for the effective distribution of services and goods. The profession obliges you to attract new partners, expand your client base (network), apply intellectual resources, use the network, and set up a system that will generate income directly for the company and the networker.

Network business on the Internet

The World Wide Web opens up incredible opportunities for networkers. Using her gifts, you can make a fortune without leaving your home. On the Internet, products are promoted through their own websites, information groups, blogs, and communities. The main task of the distributor is to find the target audience, create an effective information distribution network, and constantly improve and develop it. Network business on the Internet has the following advantages:

  • the ability to conduct business from anywhere in the world;
  • the ability to attract potential partners from any region, city and country;
  • a variety of information programs that provide prompt assistance in solving organizational issues, conducting education and training;
  • the ability to sell through online stores with an integrated order basket;
  • possibility of learning online.

How to make money in network marketing

To achieve success in this business, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • be a sociable person who is not afraid to approach strangers with an offer;
  • be able to interest, present products in a bright and unusual way;
  • actively involve your relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues in the matter;
  • constantly improve yourself, increase your intellectual level;
  • skillfully build a pyramid by attracting new people in order to not only earn commissions from sales in network marketing, but also provide residual income.

Cons of Network Marketing

Before starting a career as a distributor, you need to familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages of the MLM business. This is the only way to understand how correctly the direction of activity has been chosen. List of disadvantages of network marketing:

  • unstable income;
  • great moral stress, constant pressure from clients;
  • the need for material investments;
  • high level of responsibility for the people involved.

Benefits of Network Marketing

MLM marketing has both its pros and cons. He teaches how to receive unlimited income, which depends on the aspirations and character of a person. Another advantage of network marketing is financial independence. Network agents have a free work schedule, plan their day independently, make decisions, gain new skills, the opportunity to develop socially, and improve their status. These advantages cover all the disadvantages of this type of activity.

Video: how online business works

The site of the social network “VKontakte” is the most visited in RuNet. With the help of the most popular platform among Russian-speaking users, people solve various problems: from personal communication and finding friends to building a network of business contacts and finding employees, from self-expression and entertainment to business promotion and online trading.

This guide is dedicated to promoting the VKontakte business. In it you will find a step-by-step plan: from creating a community or page to life hacks and tools for advanced users.

1. Start with planning

Determine the goal and objectives of the project’s activity on the VKontakte social network. Remember, a goal is a planned result. Tasks are steps that help achieve a goal.

Decide how you will interact with the audience, what information to offer potential and existing customers, what user problems you can solve. Ilya Rabchenok calls this the concept of community.

Be sure to record the planning results in a form convenient for you.

2. Determine the type of community you need

To promote your business on the VKontakte network, you can create a group or public page. Use a group if you plan to encourage participants to publish posts on their own and start discussions. The group is an informal discussion platform with which you can find out the mood of the audience and manage the brand’s reputation.

Choose a public page if you plan to publish official information, branded content, and manage discussions yourself. In most cases, a public page is more suitable for promoting a business.

To promote conferences, trainings, and webinars, use the “Event” community type.

3. Select the appropriate page type

Select the appropriate type and click “Create Page”.

4. Create a page description

Public pages are indexed by search engines. Therefore, publish an informative description that will help potential clients find the public site.

If necessary, select the Snapster room and set up export to Twitter.

5. Choose the best settings

In the “Partitions” settings menu, check the boxes next to the options you want. In the Comments menu, enable or disable the commenting feature and, if necessary, turn on the obscenity and keyword filter. In the “Links” block, refer to resources useful for the audience, and in the “Working with API” block, connect the API if necessary.

6. Form a group

We have an incredibly useful and detailed guide on our blog “Designing a VKontakte group”. Use it to select and implement a suitable community look and feel. After registration, you can continue promoting the group.

If at the moment you cannot devote time to the appearance of the public, return to it later. Don't forget that a visually appealing design helps the user form a positive first impression of a group or page. So don't put off working on your community design.

In the meantime, at a minimum, select and upload a suitable page avatar. Try to find or create a unique image. It must meet the following requirements:

  • The avatar size is 200 by 500 pixels.
  • The thumbnail size is 200 by 200 pixels.
  • Jpeg format, maximum quality, baseline (standard).
  • The image should attract the attention of users and encourage them to go to the page.
  • The semantic content of the avatar should correspond to the theme of the page.
  • The image must be of high quality.

Please note that when uploaded to the VKontakte website, the quality of images decreases. To avoid this, use this life hack from the VKontakte support team:

  • Open the image in Photoshop.
  • Increase the size to 2560 by 2048.
  • Press the key combination Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S. In the window that opens, set the maximum quality and convert the image to sRGB format.
  • Drag the image to the upload area rather than using the Upload button.

7. Tell your friends about the page

Use the Tell Friends feature to invite your followers to follow your page. Follow this recommendation when you publish several posts in a group or page.

8. Invite your friends to follow the page

Invite your friends to subscribe to the page using private messages (this tactic really works, it has been proven in practice). Also ask your followers to tell their friends about the page.

9. Specify the page URL in the contact information on your personal page

This will help attract followers who are interested in your personal profile.

10. Indicate your place of work in your personal profile

When you hover over the company name in the “Place of Work” section of your personal profile, a preview of the group or page pops up. And in the “Career” section, a clickable public avatar is displayed.

To have a link to the company group appear in the “Place of Work” section, select the “Career” section in the settings of your personal page. In the “Place of work” item, use the drop-down menu to select the desired page.

11. Post interesting and useful content

Publishing useful and interesting content is a key factor in successful business promotion on the VKontakte network. Therefore it needs to be decrypted.

You will have to compete for views and subscriptions in the face of an abundance of content. For VKontakte users to pay attention to your publications, the information must be truly valuable.

The following ideas will help you offer customers truly valuable information:

  • Be sure to start with planning. Create a content plan in a form convenient for you. Plan for the long term. Our articles “SMM plan in 30 minutes” and “How to create an editorial plan for publications on social networks” will help.
  • When planning content, take into account the features of VKontakte and the preferences of the audience of this network. Look for information in our article “Working with content in different social networks”.
  • Even if you make and sell very solid and ultra-serious products, learn to get an emotional response from your audience. This is a condition for survival in a content environment filled with memes. Read insanely helpful articles about emotional content and intellectualizing sexual desire.
  • Write specifically for the VKontakte audience. Publish unique information, not reposts of materials from the blog. To format your publication, use the article editor.
  • Post videos with subtitles. They typically receive much more coverage than regular posts. We talked about how to make such a video for free in the following video:

12. Design your posts using wiki markup

This is a convenient tool with which you can beautifully arrange notes in groups and public pages. If you manage a group, to create a wiki page, just open materials in the section settings. After this, an “Edit” button will appear on the “Latest News” tab, which activates the note editor.

To create a publication on a public page, copy the following link into your browser:***&p=page_name. Replace the symbols *** with the public id, and instead of page_name, enter the name of the publication. On the page that opens, follow the “Fill with content” link.

The community ID can be found in the URL. If you've changed the page URL to something more user-friendly, go to the Community Posts section. Find the numbers in the link. This is the identifier.

13. Design your publications using the article editor

In 2018, VKontakte presented a full-fledged articles editor. To go to the editor, click the “T” icon on the post creation panel.

The editor is intuitive. He himself places indents between elements and aligns the content. Clicking on the “+” sign allows you to add visual content or an audio track.

14. Share stories with subscribers

16. Use the scheduled posts feature

Use the Timer feature to prepare content in advance and publish it at the chosen time. To do this, in the publication field, select the options “Attach - other - timer”. Select a publication time and click the “Add to Queue” button.

25. Post ads in communities

26. Use retargeting

Using this tool, you can show ads to users who have visited your site. Create a retargeting pixel in your advertising account. Paste it into the site page code. The system will add site visitors or individual sections to audiences.

Life hack: add a retargeting pixel to your website right now, even if you don’t yet plan to advertise your business on the VKontakte network. This does not affect resource efficiency or page loading speed. The system will add potential clients to the audience. You can show them ads in a month or a year.

27. Improve your targeting accuracy with Pepper

29. Post relevant videos

Please note that this paragraph describes a prohibited technique. A couple of years ago, with his help, my colleague and I increased the number of group members from several hundred to 5 thousand in a few weeks. You may use it at your own risk. Think about what kind of videos your target audience is interested in. For example, subscribers to cooking groups watch television shows on related topics.

Users often search for the latest episodes of their favorite TV programs on social networks. You can download pirated recordings from file sharing services or video hosting services and publish them on the VKontakte page. Audience members will find the video they are interested in, watch it and subscribe to your page. This tactic brings in several dozen subscribers on the day the video is published.

Be sure to delete the video a few hours after publication. Firstly, it will protect you from problems associated with publishing other people's content. Secondly, within a few hours your competitors will also publish a popular video, so the flow of visitors and subscribers will stop.

30. Analyze statistical data

In the “Page Statistics” section, the public administrator has access to the “Attendance”, “Reach” and “Activity” tabs. In the Traffic tab, pay attention to viewership and unique visitor data.

Monitor the age characteristics of the audience and the geography of visits. Consider the types of devices your audience prefers.

You also need data on referral sources and subscribed/unsubscribed users. Data on the number of users who joined and left the group is available in the standard statistical report (see illustration below). And you will receive a list of names of people who joined and unsubscribed using "Deserter" applications.

Screencast where we show how to use the Deserter application:

The Reach tab will help you estimate how many users are viewing your posts. The “Activity” tab will help you analyze user behavior.

If you are not satisfied with standard statistical reports, use the free service SocialStats. It provides access to advanced audience data as well as user behavior analysis. Service "Group Comparison" will help compare community audiences. And the Repost Tree app will help you identify users who share your posts.

Additional useful services for collecting statistics and solving other problems are described in our article “Review of 45 services and applications for VKontakte administrators.”

31. Monitor activity in the community using the Moderator application

32. Advertise a page on your corporate website

33. Advertise the page in your newsletter

Mention the VKontakte page in your mailing list. Also include a link to the public page in the email template.

34. Publish links to your pages and groups on social networks in the website header

The illustration shows what this looks like in practice.

35. Post a link to the page in your email signature

To change your signature in Gmail, use the Settings - Signature menu. In your mailbox, use the “Settings - name and signature” menu. In the Yandex mail service, use the menu “Settings - Personal data, name and signature - Add signature”.

36. Conduct surveys

Polls increase audience engagement. To create a poll, in the publish field, select the “Add - Poll” menu. Use anonymous surveys to encourage users to participate.

In 2018, VKontakte introduced Polls 2.0. Now you can add a background to surveys, limit the duration of the survey, and allow you to select multiple answers.

37. Add useful links to your page

38. Invite the audience to participate in discussions

Create several discussions whose topics interest your audience. Keep discussions going.

39. Publish a link to your VKontakte page on the cover of your YouTube channel

40. Give away prizes among subscribers

You will attract new subscribers if you give away prizes and gifts. Question price? From a cup with a logo to infinity. Use the application "Competition Manager" to effectively manage draws. Our guide “VKontakte competitions: how to get the desired results and not get banned” will help you organize and conduct a competition.

41. Offer discounts to subscribers

You won't believe what people are willing to do for discounts. And everyone will agree to subscribe to the page for the sake of a discount.

Life hack: in the “Classics of Shaving” group, sellers and manufacturers of themed products can advertise for free. To do this, just provide a discount to community members. This is one of the incentives for users to join the group.

42. Allow subscribers to upload photos, publish their photos

45. Ask your audience to share posts

You can limit yourself to a simple “repost is welcome,” justify the need to share the publication from a scientific point of view, or use other tactics.

46. ​​Pay attention to the visual appeal of posts

Hundreds of materials appear in your subscribers’ feeds every day. For people to read your post, it must attract attention. Bright, interesting photos solve this problem. Cats, light erotica, photoshopped images - all means are good in SMM.

47. Use provocative headlines

The headline should sell the subscriber on viewing the article. So create killer headlines.

48. Advertise your page offline

Publish the page name and URL on printed products, business cards, and souvenirs.

49. Steal content ideas from competitors

61. Write an article “50 reasons to join our VKontakte group”

List all the reasons why users should join your VKontakte page. Promote it on all possible platforms.

62. Live stream

Broadcast training events, conference speeches, screencasts. Use the app or broadcast from your desktop. To do this, go to the “Videos” community section and use the corresponding function.

63. Explore the TOP 30 applications for VKontakte

Test each of the 30 apps listed here


Before starting an online business, you need to choose a company wisely so as not to fall into a pyramid. The basic rule of network business is the presence of a product or service offered; in pyramids, as a rule, there is no such product, and people pay for “air” without any confirmation.

At the moment, a significant part of network companies offer dietary supplements, cosmetics or household chemicals, or all these products together. There are companies that offer services instead of goods. The bulk of such organizations develop due to internal consumption, which is ensured not only by the right motivation but also by psychological pressure.

To choose a company, you need a unique product or service, a transparent marketing plan (this is a system for rewarding distributors), a training system, leaders, and the opportunity to receive passive income. It would also be nice to know the company’s growth dynamics and sales volumes.

In order to start making good money in a network business, you need to work a lot, and at first there may be little return, but in the future it will pay off. You should also remember that this is not a job for hire, this is working for yourself, here you are your own boss, you don’t owe anything to anyone except yourself. You will need a lot of self-discipline.

When you first join a company, you need to invest a lot of time, effort and money in training. This system of doing business is unfamiliar to most people; it needs to be learned. Just like in institutes, people study to obtain a profession.

In any network company, sales of goods or services are necessary; this creates the company’s turnover, due to which distributors receive large rewards. This skill also needs to be developed. At first, sales will help you earn quick income.

And the most important thing is building a network of distributors. The main income depends on the growth of the network, which will grow in direct proportion to the increase in the number of invited people. Invitations alone are not enough; you need to teach your people the same things you learned yourself, so that they begin to duplicate your actions. Success largely depends on this.

An important feature of network marketing is the fact that, depending on the marketing plan, upon reaching a certain level, the distributor receives the opportunity for passive income. At this stage, you can retire and just enjoy life, since you have worked hard enough in your time.

Starting from the very first steps in the network business and throughout your entire journey in it, you will grow personally. This is a completely different form of work, or rather business, and in order to cope with all the assigned tasks and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to change, submitting to the ideology of the network structure.


Still, working in a network business means not just working for yourself, but also for the person whose referral you are, plus those people who are higher in the pyramidal hierarchy.

Network sales or, in other words, network marketing is the sale of goods with the help of distributors - people who directly offer to purchase products. In this business, only a few achieve real success; the rest try to find a buyer, spending a lot of effort and time and receiving very little reward.

You will need

  • - small initial capital for the first payment
  • - a lot of free time
  • - sociable, cheerful character
  • - patience and perseverance


Many people have heard about network marketing: some have tried themselves in this business, some have friends who have done this. Some people confuse it with a financial pyramid and are very afraid of just the word. But it is worth understanding the difference between network marketing and a financial pyramid, because... the latter is illegal and, in principle, cannot exist for long. After all, its essence lies only in this: pay money for entry, bring your friends and get money for it, they will bring their own and you will also get your % from this. There is no product at the core, there is simply a money cycle, and at one moment that’s it. The first comers may actually make money, but in the end it will all end quickly.

Network marketing implies the presence of any products that need to be sold. This implementation is carried out directly by people-distributors, but in addition to direct income, you can earn income by also bringing people, creating a network, and from their sales you also receive% - the more people are under you, the less effort is needed on your part to earn , because Ultimately, all your referred people will provide your income.

To make money in online sales, you must have certain character traits: sociability, obsession, perseverance and patience. After all, during your work you will have to constantly communicate with people and sometimes listen to a lot of unpleasant things about yourself and your products.

If you still want to try yourself in this business, then you should carefully choose a network company, because... The level of your income strongly depends on both the products presented - how interesting they are to the consumer, as well as their price-quality ratio, and on the company’s marketing plan, i.e. how remunerations are paid and for what.

5 most important steps on the path to success in MLM business (network marketing)

Today, one of the most modern and progressive forms of business is network marketing. With the help of MLM, any person can earn a lot of money and, thus, ensure their independence with their own hands. However, MLM business employees often make many mistakes without noticing it themselves. After all, to succeed in a network business you also need to follow certain rules, although not as strict as in any other job.

So, 5 steps that not only beginners, but also experienced distributors in the network business should take on the path to success.

The first step on the path to success in the MLM business: “Twice two is four”

Working in an MLM company, you constantly invite new people. Some are interested in products, others in business. You need to explain to your newcomers what the advantage of building a structure is from simply selling products. Having figured this out, they will be able to quickly get involved in their work and understand that consulting in a network company can bring huge income.

The essence of the “First Step” comes down to understanding: the more partners you sign into your personal structure, the more you earn. For example, if you sign two people at each level, then there will be 16 of them in the third level. If you sponsor five people, then there will be 625 of them in the third level. The difference is noticeable. Although in the second case, only three more people were subscribed to the first line.

It is especially recommended to work closely with your first line in a network business. You shouldn’t be “sprayed” into an entire army. You need to duplicate your work up to the third level. The strong group of leaders you have created will in the future be able to independently train newcomers and become good sponsors for people who are part of your MLM structure at different levels.

The second step on the path to success in the MLM business: the bankrupt businessman syndrome

In network marketing, it also happens that even experienced businessmen become bankrupt. The people they invited leave them. As a result, they receive a small income, which, of course, is not very satisfying.

This situation arises due to the fact that many people who come to the MLM business begin to immediately jump into selling goods, or simply invite new people. But this is not enough. After all, newcomers also need to be taught how to work, to make leaders out of them. Then they will transfer the acquired knowledge and experience to other people in their structure. Thus, over time, a chain of competent partners will appear, as strong as the twisted chain from The main thing to understand is that you won’t earn big money from personal sales. We need to build a structure and train people.

The third step towards success in the MLM business: four things that need to be done in the MLM business:

1. Each of us has our own dreams. Typically, achieving them requires time and money. You can easily make money for your dream using network marketing. To begin with, in order to somehow move towards its implementation, you need to choose a good “machine”, that is, a network company in whose success you believe.

2. In order for our car to move towards achieving our dreams, it needs to be filled with gasoline. We can say that a good direct sales company provides gasoline of the highest quality - this is a unique product that is in demand and useful to people.

3. To start moving, you must engage the gears. In network marketing, this means training your affiliates. In general, in the MLM business the dependence of one person on another is very strong. There is no need to fear for your place here. If your partner grows, if he places his hopes on you as a mentor and as a company, then this will only make you better. After all, your own success directly depends on its growth.

4. As you move towards your dream, you will meet many people along the road. A networker should always look around, since a potential partner or client can meet anywhere. On the way to your dream, you should look for those people who not only want to try the products, but also make money. However, in order to offer a person a new way to earn money, it is necessary to choose the right moment. If from the very first minutes of meeting you talk about the possibilities of MLM, you will scare away all your potential partners in a multi-level business.

The fourth step on the path to success in the MLM business: “Dig to solid ground”

When entering the network business, many newcomers are hampered by one quality - timidity. Looking at their superiors, far removed leaders, they often think that they will never be able to reach such a high level again. But the sponsor must explain that the partner should think not about those people who have already achieved heights in network marketing, but about those whom he invites. What can I give to beginners? What can I teach them? And how can I help? These are the questions a partner should ask himself.

It should be understood that the “incubation period” in MLM can also be different for different people. They can “sow seeds” for a very long time, distributing newspapers and business cards, inviting people by phone, etc. But shoots can be sudden: in a month or two or only after a year.

When joining a company, any person starts from scratch. He builds his structure like a house: first the foundation, then everything else. Moreover, at first he begins to dig the foundation alone, one might say, even with a child’s shovel in his hands, since he still knows little about the success of MLM. But over time, he is joined by those partners whom he himself brought to the company. And a company of soldiers begins to dig the foundation. The building appears at lightning speed, as does the structure.

The fifth step on the path to success in the MLM business: “Ships at Sea”

All people are like ships. There are gold, silver and empty. Of course, the “golden ship” can bring the most benefit. He is a leader in his own right. However, partners often make a mistake when they believe that the “golden ships” can handle everything themselves without support. But that's not true. Without serious motivation and your competent advice, the “golden ship” may simply sail away from you, perhaps considering himself an unclaimed person.

1. Such a person constantly asks questions and is interested in work.
2. Asks the MLM sponsor for help. Demands to be taught.
3. He is interested in the product and tries its effects on himself.
4. Has specific goals and does everything to achieve them.
5. Cheerful and positive person.

“Silver ships” are those people who have just gotten involved in the business. They have great potential and good abilities. But you, as a sponsor, must teach them the nuances of the MLM business. Then these “silver ships” will easily become “golden” over time.

What are “empty ships”? “Empty ships” are those who achieve almost nothing. They need to be constantly convinced that the case will be successful. However, they continue to look for negative aspects in the work of a multi-level business and become timid. Nevertheless, it is with this group of people that partners prefer to do business, trying to teach them everything. It doesn't always work out successfully. Of course, some “empty ships”, after seeing the results of “golden ships”, can quickly figure out how to work correctly. But this doesn't happen often.

In addition, “empty ships” constantly distract their sponsor from business and can thus drag him to the bottom. That is, the sponsor himself, seeing that nothing is working out, may despair and give up. This means that as a mushroom picker, look only for good “ships”.