How to properly submit work on advego. My review of Advego: instructions for working on the stock exchange for beginners

Hello everyone who is reading this post. A few months ago I participated in the competition “My story of making money on the Internet,” where I mentioned making money by writing articles using the advego exchange. Today I want to tell you in more detail about this exchange and show you how you can make money here. Fasten your seat belts, we're starting!

If you have just come to the Internet with the desire to earn extra money for a living or to create your own website, then advego is what you need. This type of income does not require any super abilities from you, higher education, a cool certificate, talent like Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, etc. The main thing is to at least know the norms of the Russian language, and the rest will come with experience. So, give me your hand, and I will guide you through the world of article earnings.

Roughly speaking, advego is a market, a market where content is traded. Some come to sell, others to buy.

This exchange especially helps webmasters supply their sites with unique texts, because you must admit that if you manually write for 10 projects, you can go crazy.

Other people come here to earn money, i.e. sell their own creations, look for orders, complete small tasks, etc. Those who have been hanging around here for a long time act more cunningly: they buy articles in one place cheaper, sell them on advego at twice the price, businessmen, what can I say (by the way, here is the first idea that can be used). Types of text that are especially valued in this market: copywriting, rewriting and translation. The words may be incomprehensible to many, so I’ll break it down:

Copywriting is for true masters of the pen. The text comes from your head and is invented exclusively by you. Although, if you got an “A” in your essays at school, then you can do it! Copyright is valued at $2 per 1000 characters.

Rewriting is practically a free way to make money. Find an article on the topic you need and rewrite it in your own words. By the way, if you do high-quality rewriting, then you can pass it off as copywriting and earn more. On average, 1000 characters of this text are estimated at 1.30.

Translation is the rarest type of text. Price for 1000 characters – 1.55.

Also in this market you can find small jobs, for beginners, so to speak. These include topics on forums, comments on blogs, joining groups, etc. The price for them is quite different.

Now that we have become acquainted with this world, it’s time to join its ranks and start making money in this field.

Registration in Advego

Registration is quite simple. We go to the website and immediately click on the big blue button called “Registration”. A page will open where we need to fill in the registration information:

If you have ever registered in Internet projects, then you will not see anything new here. Enter your email, password, accept the terms of the exchange and click “register”.

A page will open with several tabs that we need to fill out:

First, you need to indicate your gender (if you are afraid of something, you don’t have to indicate it), date of birth (the same thing), and set the time zone. After all the settings, click “save” and go to the “Avatar” tab:

By clicking on the “review” button, you can select a photo of your loved one on your computer, so that everyone knows the genius of the pen by sight. After choosing a photo, click “upload” and rejoice. If suddenly you want to go back into the shadows, on the same tab click “delete photo” and save the changes. Go to the “payment details” tab:

Here we write the number of our Z wallet. Please note not R, but Z! All monetary transactions are carried out only through webmoney. After entering your wallet, it will be checked for about 2 weeks, so you need to wait 2 weeks for the first payment. Please note that if you change your wallet, the procedure is repeated. You must confirm your wallet with your account password and click “save.”

Congratulations! You are registered on advego and are completely ready to earn money or buy articles. The remaining tabs “access settings” and “social profiles” are needed to change the password and connect an alternative e-mail.

Now the best part is earning money!

How to make money on Advego

The main panel for earning money is located at the very top of the site. Before you start making money, I highly recommend checking out the forum. There you will find a lot of useful things for yourself, including which customers are worth working with and which ones are better to stay away from.

After the forum, go to the “work” tab => “job search”:

You will be taken to a page with a list of available orders. Everything possible was raked into one pile: copywriting, rewriting, comments, topics on forums, etc. Fortunately, the developers have provided a search form, which is located at the very beginning of the list. This is what we will use:

In order to understand the mechanism of work and get comfortable on the stock exchange, we will choose the easiest job - commenting.

  • Price – bet up to 20 cents
  • Type of work – from the drop-down list, select “comment on a blog, forum...”
  • Text type – any
  • Category – any, since there can be a lot of topics for commenting
  • Sorting – price descending
  • Like/dislike – do not filter
  • Click “search”

A list of available orders opened in front of us. A couple of tips when choosing: carefully read the terms of the work, if you don’t fulfill them, you won’t receive the money! At first, you don’t see high-paying assignments - the conditions are very strict and there is a high probability that you will not complete everything properly. First we practice on easy tasks, and gradually move on to more difficult ones (you yourself will understand when you need to move on). The order card itself looks like this:

  1. Price for work performed. The number of characters in the text and the time allotted for completion
  2. Discussion of the order. A very necessary thing, it allows you to determine the reputation of the customer and decide whether to take on the order or not.
  3. By clicking on the avatar, we will be taken to the customer’s profile. In the dossier, I recommend paying attention to the number of paid works, the percentage of refusals and revisions. If the percentage of the latter is low, and a lot of work has been paid for, then we boldly take on the task
  4. Order text describing the conditions
  5. Options. Here are the keywords that need to be used in the text, what time of day the order is available, how many times it can be completed by one person, etc.

We carefully read the card, and if everything suits you, click “Get to work.” You will see 2 buttons - execute and refuse, naturally click “execute”:

A page with a form for adding work will open, consider it your workplace. Here you will add the text of your comment, its address and, if required, a title:

After completing the order and complying with its conditions, go to the page with the addition, insert our comment, a link to it and click “done”:

Over the course of some time, the customer will check the work and pay or NOT pay for it.

Some tips for working:

Your task is to get on the customer’s white list. A whitelist is a list of verified people who regularly have high-paying jobs. Basically, on advego, good orders sell like hot cakes, and you have to try hard to grab something for yourself. In the white list, the task is given only to you and the price for completing it will be significantly higher compared to the general list. If you completed the task and were paid for it, you can ask for a white list in the discussion. You can also get into the white list through the forum, where you can often find trial tasks, after which they recruit people for long-term cooperation.

There is also a black list - those who do their work in bad faith get there. If you are added to the blacklist, you will not be able to complete the tasks of the person who added you there. It will also become impossible to participate in discussions of this person's orders.

If you were unreasonably denied payment and added to the emergency situation, then feel free to knock on the door to the administration. You can do this by going to the forum tab and clicking on the “contact administration” button:

Describe the situation and if you are really right, you will receive the money, and the impudent person will be blocked!

You can control your orders on the “Notifications” tab. All your actions on the exchange are indicated there: when the order was taken, when it was handed over, when you received the money, etc.

We've sorted out the orders, now you can try selling articles.

How to sell an article on Advego

If you don’t have marketer skills, don’t despair, you can easily sell an article by following a few tricks. First you need to write the actual article. It should be error-free (praise be to those people who invented Word) and on a topic that is primarily of interest to you.

When the article is written, checked for errors and uniqueness, it’s time to put it up for sale. To do this, go to the “Work” tab => “Sell article”:

A page will open in front of you with an addition form. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you can trade articles only after completing 10 tasks:

  1. Select the category of your creation from the drop-down list
  2. Next, select the text type of your article (copywriting, rewriting or translation)
  3. We write the title. Here I would like to give you one small but very valuable piece of advice: write a catchy title that will literally make a person buy your article. Here you can focus on pity, indignation, anger and other human factors. In general, experiment with this parameter!
  4. You insert the article itself.
  5. Highlight short text. A short text will be visible to a potential buyer, so when writing an article, try to grab the reader from the very beginning!
  6. Keywords
  7. Description. We also make the description as exciting and creative as possible so that the buyer really wants to read your text
  8. Using the “attach file” button, you can add images to the text, which will facilitate quick sales
  9. You set the price for the entire article or for 1000 characters. I advise you not to bet exorbitant sums, because there is a risk that the article will remain collecting dust on store shelves. I recommend starting with 80 cents per 1000 characters
  10. BE SURE to uncheck the “do not put up for sale” checkbox
  11. Check the box next to “I agree with all points” and click “add article”

The article will be sent for review and within three days it will or will NOT appear on the storefront. When the article passes verification and is sold, you will see a mention in notifications.

Now that we have reached the minimum withdrawal amount ($5), we can withdraw money to webmoney. To do this, go to the “withdrawal” tab, indicate the amount to withdraw, and click “withdraw”:

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The Advego text exchange offers anyone the opportunity to work from home, without any initial investment. Anyone who loves and knows how to work with texts can make great money from it. This exchange is an intermediary between customers and performers. Let's look at how a beginner can make money on Advego.

Getting started on Advego: detailed instructions

Where to start: registering for the service

To register on the article exchange, there are two options:

Removing restrictions

After registration, beginners are faced with a number of exchange restrictions:

  1. inability to have several orders in progress at once;
  2. It is prohibited to use the article store;
  3. You cannot take work more than once every 10 minutes.

To remove these limits, you need to complete 10 tasks, regardless of their category, complexity and payment. For this reason, beginners are advised to focus on orders related to work on social networks, despite their extremely low payment (a few rubles). Such orders include tasks:

  • become a community member;
  • like or repost a post;
  • write reviews.

You can limit yourself to tasks with likes only if you do not want to “clog” your only account on the social network.

To find suitable tasks, click on the “Job” tab in the top left and in the menu that appears below, click on the “Job Search” link. Next you will see all the tasks that are currently available to you. Study the price tags, look through several dozen tasks.

Next, you will need to configure the filter so that you can see quick and simple tasks. On the right side of the screen there is an orange “Job Search” form. At this moment, you will need an item in the form in question called “Search by title.” In the item field, write “like” and click on the “Search” button at the bottom of the form (or press the Enter key).

After this, the page will be updated and you will see a list of all tasks that have the word “like” in their title. Tasks may be related to a particular social network or website. It only takes a few seconds to complete the task.

How to complete a task on Advego

When you have selected any suitable task, click on the “Perform work” entry. When you close the task page, you can find it by clicking on the Backlog link at the top of the web page.

In order for the customer to have the opportunity to accept your work, insert into the task form what is required in the description. As for the considered tasks with likes, most often you need to provide your name and a link to your social network account. Then submit your completed assignment for review.

Thus, you will need to complete 10 simple jobs, waiting until customers check and approve them. If they do not check such tasks, then the automatic verification period can reach 2-4 days. After this, you will receive not only the money you earned, but also the opportunity to perform more serious and highly paid tasks.

If the task requires you to confirm the work done in the form of a screenshot, you need to screenshot the page and send a link to the screenshot (you cannot upload images). There are many free screenshot programs available, such as Lightshot, which is lightweight and easy to use. The program plugins are designed for many browsers.

Further work on the stock exchange

After the restrictions are lifted by completing 10 easy tasks, you will need to move on to more complex work.

Performers on Advego are divided into two parts:

  1. some prefer to write articles and put them up in the store for free sale;
  2. others collaborate with customers and fulfill orders, receiving money for work performed on time.

Features of working for yourself

The advantages of working for yourself are as follows.

  • You independently choose the time of writing the article, the topic, and the daily volume of characters. No one tells you what technical parameters the text must meet.
  • Before posting an article, it is checked by a moderator. As a result, the risk that the buyer will not be satisfied with your text is extremely small.
  • If working on text exchanges is just a hobby for you, then you can stretch out writing an article for at least a week until you have the desire and inspiration.
  • You can sell an article for any amount of money, setting its price yourself.

There are also some disadvantages.

  1. If you set the price too high, your article may sit in the store for many months. Nobody will buy it. Beginners are not recommended to set high prices. Sales of expensive articles go well only with experienced users who have excellent statistics on their work in their profile. If you underestimate the cost of articles, sales will increase sharply. However, the motivation to work in this mode will quickly decrease.
  2. Only those users who perform custom work can take part in the rating. Performers who post articles for free sale have only work statistics.
  3. Advego moderators strictly check each text. The article should not contain any errors, be it punctuation, grammar or spelling. When an article is written in 1st person, this point is indicated in the description of the text. Read all the rules and requirements, otherwise your article will be constantly sent for revision.

Features of working with orders

Performers who prefer cooperation with customers have the following advantages.

  • You can find a suitable task, complete the order, send it for verification and receive the money earned within 1-3 days.
  • If you are conscientious about completing tasks, customers will often add you to their white lists. If such a customer has an expensive order that needs to be completed at a high level, he can set the task with the mark “For the white list” in order to count on quality.
  • Performers can take part in user ratings. There are several levels - from specialist to guru. You can become a specialist in just a few weeks of hard work. In order to increase your rating, you need to take expensive orders. Completing cheap tasks will not move you forward, and this option is not suitable for those who intend to earn money seriously.

However, there are also disadvantages.

  1. In this case, the contractor is significantly dependent on the customer. When the latter is not satisfied with the work performed, he refuses it, which negatively affects the user's rating.
  2. It is necessary to adapt to current order topics. For example, a performer may be well versed in psychology and tourism, but for the current month the most popular topics for orders are childbirth and pregnancy, fishing and computers.
  3. It is required to complete the work and send it for inspection within a strictly established time frame. Therefore, you need to be able to independently build your work schedule and in some cases give up any personal plans (for example, meeting with friends, going to a cafe with your child) in order to submit your work in time and not lose your rating.

If you have not yet decided what is best for you - writing articles for free sale or fulfilling orders with a clearly established deadline and other requirements - work in both.

What are the tasks on the service?

In addition to the simple and cheap orders discussed above, there are tasks of medium and high complexity on the exchange.

Orders of medium complexity include:

  • Rewriting. Rewriting the text in your own words. Reducing or increasing the volume of the article. Creating an article from multiple sources. Writing text with independent source search.
  • Transcription of video and audio recordings. Retype speech into writing verbatim.
  • Advertising publication on the artist’s own website (social network account, blog, etc.) with a link or mention of the customer’s website.

High complexity tasks can be:

  1. copywriting– writing an original article, the structure and content of which is not repeated in any text available on the Internet;
  2. SEO copywriting– introduction of key phrases into the unique author’s text;
  3. SEO rewriting– introduction of key phrases into the unique text;
  4. translation(literary/literal) from one language to another;
  5. proofreading activities– correction of various types of errors in the text (the content of the article and its structure do not change);
  6. posting reviews, reviews, notes about the company or website on third-party web resources;
  7. SEO data search and their subsequent processing.

There are several requirements that are put forward for each text work performed to order.

  • The uniqueness of the article must be 90% or exceed this figure. However, if the contractor takes orders such as transcribing video and audio recordings, proofreading articles and the like, then the requirement to comply with the uniqueness threshold is not set.
  • Rewriting differs from copywriting in originality, and not in the percentage of uniqueness. If the uniqueness of a particular text shows 100%, but a text whose content and structure is similar was discovered on the Internet, then the article written by the performer will be a rewriting.

A high-quality article is a text that meets several parameters:

  1. the content and structure of the article are original;
  2. there are no any types of errors related to spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.;
  3. the text is stylistically literate and has semantic coherence;
  4. the written article meets the requirements set by the customer in the task description.


Advego is one of the first and most popular text exchanges on the Internet. Today there are many users working on it, and their number is only increasing, which also affects the toughness of competition.

In order to declare yourself as a good performer and start making a decent profit, you will need to take a responsible approach to completing each task, have excellent style, literacy, and be able to analyze and process large volumes of information.

How it all began?

I’ve been on advego for more than 6 months, the maximum earnings are $45, but I haven’t sold a single article to order and lately I’ve been working more and more without advego, but I can say that thanks to advego I have become who I am! Yes, my kilogram does not cost 10-75 dollars, but I no longer look at works cheaper than a dollar, I have learned everything. Thank you very much to customers, colleagues and my husband for your patience!

May 10, 2011 - I’ve been working as a copywriter for a year, including for advego. There are already sold articles, but I am working more and more on order.

Where can newbies look for information on working for adveg?

Video instructions for working on advego are on the site itself in the section Forum, authors forum, Training video for beginners on working in Advego. I found out about it after almost a year of work, many points will become clearer. Some videos are not of great quality, but for the most part you can understand everything. Posted here video instructions for working on advego on letitbit, you can download it directly now for free, volume 43 MB. These are only technical aspects of the work, and in order to write your first article, I suggest you download the webinar recordings and Yulia Volkodav’s book for free.

Pros on advego: a great start, this is a tiny step to show yourself and start developing. I came to advego from clicks and was happy with 10 dollars, then my ceiling became 30 dollars, and then I also won 20 dollars in a competition.

Not long ago an IPOD arrived (cost $75), I took part in a competition on the website, made collages from advego, won a prize for this, and the payment for working in advego came naturally. Total $95 in prize money.

Therefore, it’s hard to believe that they are deceiving there; the administration is always responsive and writes answers to all questions. My opinion is that for their titanic work, 10% is not money, and if you compare it with Texale, there is exactly the same commission, but the number of characters is counted without spaces.

There were no financial misunderstandings.

About the cons, you can make good money exclusively from selling articles, like everywhere else, posting, etc. They won't give you good pay.

Yes, more about pros, the exchange guarantees payment for your work if you have followed all the details.

If you work directly with the customer, no one guarantees you anything, remember this!

What does adveg take money for?

There are many different gadgets that beginners don’t use because they don’t know. Advego plagiarism free, check for spelling errors, SEO text analysis. You will know all this, but, as in any other business, you need experience and time. Remember that for attracting other people who want to work for advego, you are paid a % of their paid orders.

For beginners who do not know about all this, the services provided by advego are of no value, hence the negative emotions and lack of understanding of the exchange commission, but in vain!

First, study and understand what to do and how, and then the path to real money!

I recommend starting by searching Yulia Volkodav’s blog, then watching video instructions on how to work on advego and in free swimming. There is a lot of money on the Internet, your task is to be able to take it! Or globally start a career as a copywriter with advego+ self-education from books and courses to receiving advice from customers and write, every day and a lot!

How to overcome fear as a beginner?

If you are afraid to write articles, then I recommend webinars and the book of the famous copywriter Yulia Volkodav, for me it became a real discovery, literally revolutionizing my work as a copywriter, and remember more articles - more money!

How to win any tender or receive an order?

A mixture of experience of a copywriter and a customer in one person + trainings and courses.

1. Greetings to the customer and write his name, if it is in the profile.

2. We write why we need to give you an order. Just no abstract data about this and that. Like: I’ll do it quickly and cheaply. Smart customers don’t need this, and you and I are looking for permanent work and BS, right?

Motivate as if you were being hired. For example, if you are applying for an order about children, it might look like this:

I am the mother of a 5 year old child. The child does not go to kindergarten; I conduct all developmental activities independently, teaching using different methods. I do it as much as possible in a playful way. I have a pedagogical education (the whole truth and nothing but the truth).

If the topic is known, then indicate: I see your topic like this...

3. Add a few words about yourself. I am responsible, I approach my work with special zeal and desire, this is evidenced by my rating (if it is high). For beginners, it is better to focus on the plan and topic.

Your words should convince that you are a professional.

Never Not write quality guaranteed! How can you guarantee it? What if there is a typo?

4. Ask relevant questions. Customers love interest in their resource and tasks. If you have done some work and have already provided a ready-made outline for the article, you already have 10 points compared to other applications.

5. Write correctly. Even when making an application, check what you write. Errors in applications are a lost order, even with a 100% great plan.

6. Monitor the correspondence, don’t abandon it. Often you write to the author, but he answers and disappears for a couple of days, or even a week.

7. At the end of your application there should be call to action, but not in the style:

Choose me... For example, when will it be more convenient for you to give me a PO (personal assignment)? By making a choice in my favor, you get: an interesting, well-developed text with new facts and details, exclusive additions (if it is not a rewrite).

After such an application, they will tear you off with your hands! But you must write as you promise! Otherwise, an emergency cannot be avoided!

Glossary of terms for a copywriter

Review for those who want to learn how to write high-quality reviews for readers, a service for you.

Good luck and good earnings to everyone and remember that advego is not the only exchange, there are texales and forums, as well as direct customers, where there is a much larger amount of money, but you must be a professional!

The Internet is filled with thousands of offers to earn “easy” money.

They are often associated with the sale of dubious goods, “magic” wallets, taking surveys, financial pyramids, etc.

As a rule, such methods bring nothing but disappointment.

To add an article for sale you need:

  • specify the content type;
  • designate a category;
  • select language;
  • create a title;
  • copy the text of the finished publication;
  • provide a brief summary with key phrases.

What articles to sell?

What price should I set?

It is better to create 4-5 short materials than one long one (this will increase the chances of finding a buyer).

It is important that the article contains a bright and catchy title.

At the same time, it should be short, succinct and meaningful.

You can use numbers to attract attention.

In the “Short text” section, it is better to describe the essence of the article in the form of thesis questions, rather than inserting an arbitrary passage of text.

This way the buyer can make sure that there is no “water” in the article.

What price should I deliver?

Currently, there are quite a lot of offers on the exchange, so it makes no sense for beginners to set exorbitant prices for materials.

To begin with, you can limit yourself to a cost of 0.3-0.6 USD. for 1000 characters without spaces.

And after writing 5-10 materials, gradually increase the price.

The cost of working on the stock exchange is often discussed on the forum.

If necessary, you can create a new topic.

How to improve your status?

Each user on the portal has a certain status, on which customer trust directly depends.

So, for beginners, for example, there is no point in participating in tenders, since there is an extremely strict selection among authors with a higher reputation.

The competition is quite strong now.

According to statistics, over the past decade the number of freelancers in the world has grown by about 14%.

It is logical that a higher status allows you to take higher paying orders.

At the initial stage, the newcomer is assigned the title of “amateur”; gradually, one can move higher up the Advego career ladder, subject to the successful completion of projects.

  • amateur (immediately after registration);
  • a specialist (after some time);
  • a professional (when you have a portfolio);
  • an expert (when there are enough reviews and regular customers);
  • guru (highest rating on the portal).

One of the most important profile indicators is the portfolio.

It is in this section that the number of works completed on the exchange is displayed, and the parameters of the author’s efficiency are also indicated (efficiency for 90 days, place in the ranking, number of payment refusals, etc.).

The more successfully completed projects and the fewer failures, the better.

If you wish, you can create a separate portfolio regardless of the exchange, for example, make a business card website and indicate examples of work on it.

This will allow you to develop a portfolio and get as many positive customer reviews as possible.

Over time, it will be possible to move on to more complex and expensive projects.

  1. Take on a lot of simple projects to build up your portfolio.
  2. After completing 1 task, immediately proceed to the next one. There is no point in standing around waiting for payment, since the customer can make it within 3 days (after approval of the project).
  3. Be responsible when designing your profile and upload a bright and eye-catching avatar.
  4. Refuse to participate in tenders - at first it is pointless due to the lack of rating and portfolio.
  5. Look for answers to questions using the Advego forum. Most of the controversial issues have already been discussed.
  6. Take care of the safety of your personal data (otherwise, attackers will be able to withdraw funds from your account).
  7. Beware of unscrupulous customers. Under the guise of holding a tender, they can receive a text from you for free and declare that you did not pass the selection.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much you can earn on Advego.

This depends on the experience and portfolio, the desire of the author, as well as his overall performance and the amount of free time.

Beginners need some time to get the hang of it, so it's more difficult for them.

For the first month, provided there is no experience, earning $100 on a copywriting exchange can be called a quite decent result.

But this is still far from the limit. The earnings of some authors on the portal reach $1000-2000 per month or even more.

Agree, not bad for freelancing.

Of course, it is unlikely to achieve such results in 1 year.

Here you need to get comfortable, build a portfolio and improve your rating.

In addition, luck plays a role.

You should not chase quick results, so as not to burn out emotionally and lose interest in work.

To begin with, set yourself a small goal to earn the first $100 on the stock exchange, and then climb to new and new heights.

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw money from this service if you reach a minimum amount of $5.

Withdrawal of funds for the first time is carried out within 14-16 days, and starting from the second withdrawal - within 1-3 days.

To withdraw funds, you need to go to the “Service” → “Withdrawal” section, indicate the desired amount and payment method.

This way, it will be possible to remove the long threshold for withdrawing money from the account.

In addition, you can make sure that the system works, this will inspire you to complete new orders.


The Advego copywriting exchange provides the opportunity to earn money remotely without any special skills or abilities.

Registration here is free, and you can start completing tasks from the first day.

For beginners, simple tasks are suitable, for example, like, join a group, or create a new topic on the forum.

There are no restrictions on earnings.

A beginner can easily go from scratch to an income of $100 per month by following the recommendations from our article.

Have you tried your hand at

Share your impressions in the comments!

Advego is a great service that can help you become independent from regular office work. In this article we will talk about how to make money on Advego and what difficulties beginners face.

What is Advego?

We don't know how well you know about this exchange, so we'll start our story from the very beginning. Advego is an article exchange where there are two parties:

  • Article customers are mainly owners of websites or communities on social networks who need articles
  • Performers (that is, we) - write and sell articles for customers

That is, customers place their orders, you look through and choose which one you like and fulfill it.

The most important criterion in this type of activity is the uniqueness of the text. This criterion is the most important for the customer and uniqueness must be at least 90%.

So the question is, is it possible to copy an article and sell it? Naturally it disappears. You won't be able to cheat in this matter. Uniqueness is checked by one of the services of this exchange and no one will accept stolen articles from you.

All orders can be divided into four types:

Rewriting- they give you a finished article (or you find it yourself on the Internet, this is discussed with the customer) and rewrite it in your own words.

Copywriting- is more valuable than rewriting, because in this case you are writing an article from scratch, and for this you need to understand at least a little about the topic you are writing about or gain new information for yourself before writing the article. At the same time, “understanding the topic” does not mean that you have to be some kind of super expert. It is enough to at least roughly understand what you are writing about and that will be enough.

Translations- even more expensive than copywriting. If you know two languages ​​well, you can search the exchange for orders for text translations.

Simple tasks- for example, leave a review on the site. Not very highly rated, but great for beginners.

Customer requirements

Customers are very demanding people. The success of their business depends on the articles you write, so they can be quite strict.

Typically, the more demands the customer makes, the more he pays you. These may be some standard requirements from this service (be sure to read it), for example:

  • Number of characters without spaces
  • Number of unique words
  • Number of stop words
  • Classic document nausea
  • Academic document nausea

All the requirements mentioned above are quantifiable, that is, all of these are considered algorithms. But there are other requirements:

  • Article structure
  • Presentation style
  • From what person should I write?
  • Are jokes necessary or not?
  • Etc.

After a successful year of working with one customer, many people think that they have already earned enough and have become professionals. But that's not true. Having taken work from another customer, you may not understand at all what he wants from you and why he doesn’t like your articles. This is due to the fact that different employers may have completely different requirements for finished articles.

Some people wonder whether it’s really possible to make money on Advego. We answer, absolutely real. I have been working on this exchange for many years and I can say that I have seen thousands of requirements that needed to be met. With experience you get used to them and they begin to seem approximately the same without causing any problems.

An example of what order requirements might look like can be seen below.

Nobody hires me as a performer, what should I do?

After you select the task you like, you submit a request for its completion. The employer studies it and decides whether to hire you or not. Very often, newcomers with zero ratings try to submit requests for large, expensive and complex orders. Of course, they are refused, since the demand for good work is too great and the customer simply chooses guys with work experience.

To gain good statistics in your profile, you need to start with simple orders and gradually move on to more complex ones. This is exactly what we will talk about in the next paragraph.

How can a beginner make money on Advego?

After registering and entering this exchange for the first time, most likely your eyes will run wild and you will understand little. Everything comes with experience, and over time you will become a master at using the service in search of a profitable job.

Instructions for beginners will be as follows. First, take the simplest orders, such as leaving a review or comment. As you complete them, you will begin to have money, experience in writing text, and good statistics in your profile.

After working with simple tasks, you can move on to more complex and more expensive ones. We take on text rewriting tasks and complete them.

Then you can move on to the highest level - copywriting. If you are knowledgeable about a particular topic, that's very good. For example, you understand medicine, construction, cars, law, or maybe something else. Look for orders on your topic and complete them.

If this happens in life and you don’t understand anything, it doesn’t matter. Regardless of whether you understand the topic you are writing about or not, you will still look at encyclopedias, textbooks, Wikipedia and other sites to study information. Few people will write an article from scratch without looking anywhere. Therefore, if you feel unsure of yourself, don’t worry.

What if I want to be a translator?

If you go to Advego with the clear goal of translating texts, then you can skip all the steps described above. There are not so many good translators on the exchanges and employers are constantly fighting for a good performer.

Therefore, if you know a language other than Russian very well, you can safely submit requests for expensive orders.

How much can you earn on Advego?

It all depends on your skill, hard work and rating. This is not an ordinary job and no one will pay you a fixed salary every month. Everything depends on you. You can earn a lot in one week, or you can get sick, not complete a single order and not earn a penny.

At first it will be difficult to earn even 100 rubles. The counter will slowly accumulate kopecks and rubles. This is fine. The most important thing at this stage is not to give up and quit. Having gained a little experience, you will receive about 7,000 rubles, and in the future it is quite possible to reach 35,000 rubles per month.

How to earn 20,000 rubles every month?

A small tactic that some beginners for some reason don’t think of. When you are looking for a job, you should not look for it with the principle of “take an order quickly, complete it quickly, get money quickly and start looking for another order.” This principle is too unstable, how much can you earn on Advego in a month at this rate? You can earn 30,000 rubles in June, but in July you can earn nothing because you won’t be able to find good tasks.

You need to look for permanent employers who will pay you well and regularly provide you with new tasks. You won’t have to rack your brains about where to get new work; the customer himself will constantly burden you with it. After you find your first permanent employer and successfully work together, look for a second, third and fourth. Compare how much someone pays and who has easier orders. When you find more profitable customers, refuse to cooperate with the previous ones if you do not have time to complete all orders.

This way you can create a stable cash flow into your pocket.

You can sell your articles!

Yes, you can also sell your articles on Advego. The price of such articles is usually lower than custom-made articles. You fill out the product card, make a title, description and insert the text of the article itself. The buyer will see it only after payment. Let's give you a couple of tips on this topic:

  • If you decide to sell articles, we recommend writing on current topics. Look at what is most often sold on the stock exchange and write approximately the same articles.
  • Good topics are medicine, legal, construction, gardening, business, cars, women's articles.
  • Make interesting headlines to attract buyers
  • If you love to cook, then this will be good news for you. Very often they buy articles of recipes for dishes with step-by-step preparation. But we need photographs of each stage.
  • Articles that the customer will not accept from you can be put up for sale.

Selling articles can only be an additional source of income, but not the main one. To make a profit of 20,000 rubles per month, you need to write and sell just a huge number of articles. Plus, it’s not a fact that they will buy them from you. Therefore, it is more profitable to work for the customer.